The Victims' Game (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

News Report

The Victims' Game is a work of fiction
that includes scenes
of violence and suicide.
The scenes might cause
uneasiness or discomfort
and can be offensive to some people.
Viewer discretion and
professional assistance are advised.
[birds chirping]
[mellow music plays]
[mellow music continues]
No stars, nor moon ♪
On the lonely road ♪
Listening in the dark ♪
To my strong heartbeat ♪
Serenity is the most beautiful melody ♪
The heart that's warmed
By the others late at night ♪
Has yet lost its warmth ♪
It's still beating ♪
Ms. Su, you're in tip-top condition today.
[Mr. Ko] You did great.
Let's call it a day.
Hold on, I
I think that for B2,
"Has yet lost its warmth,"
I would like to sing it
with a different tone that's gentler.
- Sure, but Ms. Su, I
- [phone rings]
Give me a second.
- [microphone clicks]
- Hello? She's here?
Okay, right away.
Get the door for me.
- [Mr. Ko] Hold on, I'll be right there.
- [Ko-yun] Has yet ♪
- Has yet lost its warmth ♪
- [Mr. Ko] Ms. Su.
You did pretty well today.
I think it's not a problem.
But I think if I make some changes,
- I would like this song to be a bit
- If you don't trust me,
you should trust yourself.
[Mr. Ko] You are Ms. Su.
I'm sorry, but we're way behind schedule.
- The next recording artist is here.
- [door opens]
How about this? Listen to the track
and we'll discuss it later.
All right.
It's okay. I can wait.
- I'll wait till you're done.
- [Mr. Ko] Mr. Lou.
- It has been a while.
- [Mr. Lou] It has been a while.
- Is this your new artist?
- Yes.
- [Mr. Lou] Mr. Ko.
- [Ya-ya] Hello, Mr. Ko.
- [Mr. Lou] This is Ya-ya.
- [Mr. Ko] Yes, I've watched your clip.
You're great. You sing well.
- Have you been to a studio before?
- [Ya-ya] Yes.
- [Mr. Ko] Good, no tutorial needed.
- [Ya-ya] Sure.
[Mr. Lou] She's a rookie.
Don't stress her out.
[Mr. Ko] Think about what you
want to sing and sing that first.
We'll listen to your voice
and then adjust it.
- Okay. Go on, get ready
- [Mr. Lou] Okay, let's go.
- Hey.
- [Mr. Ko] Yes?
[Mr. Lou] Isn't that what's-her-name, Yun?
Su Ko-yun. How can you not know?
She hasn't sung for ages.
She looks weird now, doesn't she?
Her look has changed. She won't make it.
[Mr. Lou] Her song is not bad.
[Mr. Ko] But the negative news
about her
[Mr. Lou] Ah, right.
[Mr. Ko] What should I do?
We're old friends.
I'll help her one last time.
[Mr. Lou chuckles]
- [Mr. Lou] It's hard on you.
- [Mr. Ko] Not at all.
To my strong heartbeat ♪
Serenity is the most beautiful view ♪
Fortunate to have ♪
The right to sing out
My sorrow and joy ♪
Songs of yesterday's wounds ♪
Kissing someone else's heart ♪
The heart that's wounded
In the storm late at night ♪
Has yet lost its warmth ♪
It's still beating ♪
[cashier] Okay.
It's ten dollars.
[mellow music playing]
- [paper rustling]
- [muffled mellow music playing]
[man chuckles]
- [man 1] It won't sell.
- [man 2] It's all outdated.
- Ya-ya is meant to become popular.
- Our Ya-ya is meant to become popular.
No one listens to Su Ko-yun anymore.
- No one wants to listen to Su Ko-yun now.
- She should have been weeded out long ago.
Why waste money on plastic surgery?
[man 3] How dare she show her face?
- Please go home.
- I feel embarrassed for your parents.
- You should scram home.
- Scram home quickly.
Who are you to laugh at me?
[disembodied laughter]
Who are you to laugh at me?
[Ko-yun] Who are you to laugh at me?
Who do you think you are?
[Ko-yun] Who do you think you are?
Who are you
to laugh at me?
[foreboding music]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[low static]
[theme music]
[hard thumping]
Hello, Liao?
Su Ko-yun isn't at the crime scene.
But we found her cell phone.
[Liao] Check Su Ko-yun's cell phone
for any information.
Liao, come on.
[Fatso] I don't have her passcode.
How do I get in?
- [keyboard clacking]
- [Fatso] Do you have any leads?
- [mouse clicking]
- [cop 1] Liao.
Fatso, give me a minute.
[Liao] What is it?
Liao, I've located Su Ko-yun's EasyCard.
Purchases were made with it
two hours ago in a store at Shuidaku.
What's in a convenience store?
You two.
Get me footage of the store's
surrounding areas around 4:00 p.m.
Get all the surveillance cameras.
Convenience stores?
[foreboding music]
[cop 2] Liao, I got it.
[Liao] What is it?
[cop 2] She should be going
towards Linjiang Road, section two.
[Liao] Fatso, Su Ko-yun might be going
to Linjiang Road, section two or three.
Check over there.
Yes, copy that. Let's go!
I got it, Liao.
It's 5:20 p.m.
[cop 2] She was at Linjiang Road,
section 3, number 134.
[Liao] What is she doing
with that big bag?
- [cop 1] Liao.
- Yes?
[cop 1] This was at 5:45 p.m.
Su Ko-yun was spotted
at Linjiang Road, section three.
Judging by this direction,
she should be heading to Zhongzheng Road.
[Liao] Keep looking.
See where she's going.
Hey, Fatso, listen.
Su Ko-yun was at Minquan Road
at about 6:00 p.m.
But we've lost her.
Search over there first.
Excuse me, ma'am. We have a question.
Have you seen this person?
[Fatso] This one.
I have. Isn't this the singer?
- Su Ko-yun.
- [woman] Yes!
Yes, I just saw her going
to the construction site over there.
- Over there?
- Yes.
- Thank you.
- [woman] You're welcome.
[ominous music]
[siren wailing]
[Cheng-kuan] In this surveillance footage,
Su Ko-yun was spotted
near Yu Ping Apartments.
Liao will take the second team.
The others, come with me.
[thrilling music]
[thrilling music continues]
- [radio static]
- [Fatso] Kuan.
The security at Yu Ping Apartments
just reported
that an area near the top floor
suddenly caught fire.
[radio clicks]
[Cheng-kuan] Hurry up!
- Liao.
- Yes?
Search upstairs. The rest, follow me!
[Liao] Yes.
[tense music]
What are you looking at?
Call the fire department quickly.
- [Liao] Yes.
- [Cheng-kuan] Why are you still
standing here? Get something
to put out the fire! Hurry!
[tense music]
[gloomy music]
- [Cheng-kuan] Be careful.
- [Yung-chen] Okay.
- Have you found Su Ko-yun?
- [Cheng-kuan] Not yet.
Fang Yi-jen.
It seems like you're really free.
[Cheng-kuan] Don't you have
enough old cases to investigate?
[Yung-chen] Fang Yi-jen,
do you want to work on-site again?
[Yi-jen] Yes.
- "Yes"?
- Kuan.
You should know the rules.
[Yi-jen] Get your shoe covers.
- [Cheng-kuan] My goodness.
- Hey.
[Cheng-kuan] Mr. Sun,
what do you mean by this?
[Yung-chen] Don't worry.
If he does well,
he can solve this case for us.
If he makes a mistake,
I have an excuse to get rid of him.
What is going on now?
[Cheng-kuan] It's arson.
The fire was ignited on the body.
- Kuan, it's Mr. Chung.
- Okay.
[Mr. Chung] Police officers, you see
We'll do our best to cooperate
with the investigation.
But you'll have to lift the ban
off this place as soon as possible.
The construction is almost done.
[Cheng-kuan] Is your sales more important
than the homicide case?
This is a crime scene.
We can't promise you anything.
[forensics 1] Kuan.
We found evidence.
It seems to belong to the victim.
[Cheng-kuan] "Chang Tsung-chien"?
You knew him?
He used to work at our company.
[Mr. Chung] He has resigned.
Sir, is the victim Tsung-chien?
Here, get his shoe print. Shoe print.
[forensics 1] Mr. Chung, this way, please.
Not yet.
[foreboding music]
[flesh squelches]
[Cheng-kuan] Fang Yi-jen,
what have you found?
[Liao] What is that?
- Implants for plastic surgery.
- Implants?
In the report, it seems
that Su Ko-yun had a nose job.
Fang Yi-jen,
is this really Chang Tsung-chien?
Judging from the bones and physiological
characteristics, it might be female.
Some of the characteristics
match Su Ko-yun.
[Cheng-kuan] Damn it.
We mistook Su Ko-yun
for the victim in the acid bath murder.
Now, this isn't Chang Tsung-chien's body.
[Cheng-kuan] Mr. Sun,
judging by this pattern,
the next victim is likely
to be Chang Tsung-chien.
Report back to the prosecutor.
It's a serial murder case.
[Yung-chen] Third Corps,
put a halt to all your cases.
Come and assist with this case.
You'll command this investigation.
I'll take over
the crime scene investigation.
- [Cheng-kuan] Hey, don't push it.
- Kuan.
[plastic crinkles]
- [Cheng-kuan] Liao.
- [Liao] Yes.
- [Cheng-kuan] Search.
- [Liao] Yes.
[phone ringing]
[Hai-yin] Hello, I'm Hsu Hai-yin.
[Ms. Chiu] Hello, Ms. Hsu. I'm Ms. Chiu
from Wan Long Bank's mortgage division.
- Hello.
- [Ms. Chiu] I would like to inform you
of the approval of the first stage
of the application.
However, $20 million is a huge amount.
Therefore, we'll need you to provide
more financial statements.
Once the documents are ready,
we'll process it instantly.
- Sure, thank you.
- [Ms. Chiu] Please be quick.
I understand.
Have you read the prosecutor's statement?
- What statement?
- The report on Su Ko-yun was wrong.
How is that possible?
It's not just us.
Every agency got it wrong.
[Ta-tse] The victim wasn't Su Ko-yun.
[retreating footsteps]
[car door opens]
[car door closes]
[Liao] Hey, you're really something.
How did you get photos
of the acid bath murder?
Let me make this clear.
Kuan nearly blew his top
when he read that news article.
I think I should not say anything today.
No comment.
If I keep offering you information,
I'll be doomed sooner or later.
The victim wasn't Su Ko-yun.
What's that about?
What? Are you talking to me?
I said, why isn't the victim Su Ko-yun?
- [car horn honks]
- [gasps]
What are you doing?
You're at the police station!
Are you playing with fire
to get yourself burned?
- It's a man.
- [Hai-yin] Who is it?
I don't know.
[sighs deeply]
Where is Su Ko-yun now?
Do you have any leads on the murderer?
I don't know.
If you won't help me,
I won't help you either.
- [car horn honking]
- [Liao] What are you doing?
It's just a photo.
It's just a photo.
What's there to look at?
Even the police couldn't find her,
how could you?
[gloomy music]
[plastic rustles]
[hard drive clicks]
[mouse clicking]
[Hai-yin] Hello, Ching-ching.
[Hsiao-meng] This is anonymous, right?
[Hai-yin] Definitely. Don't worry.
How old are you?
[Hsiao-meng] I'm 16 years old.
[Hai-yin] The tattoo on your wrist
is quite special.
- Did you design it?
- [Hsiao-meng] No.
[Hai-yin] Ching-ching, can you tell me
why you're working here?
[Hsiao-meng] My mom is ill
and I need money for her medical bills.
[Hai-yin] Isn't there anyone
in your family who can help you?
There's no one else.
- [Hai-yin] Where's your dad?
- [Hsiao-meng] No idea.
We parted since I was a kid.
He didn't care about me and my mom.
All he cared about was his job.
[Hai-yin] What does he do?
He's a police officer,
but he collects evidence.
[Hai-yin] A forensic investigator?
He's a police officer,
but he collects evidence.
[Hai-yin] A forensic investigator?
[door creaks open]
[Cheng-hao] Hey, Hsiao-meng.
Why are you still here?
[Hsiao-meng] What interview
does David want?
[car approaching]
[foreboding music]
[engine turns off]
[Hai-yin] So she's really your daughter?
It's okay. You don't have to answer.
I can tell from your reaction.
[lighter clicks]
Who gave you the surveillance footage?
You and your daughter don't get along.
Is she the murderer?
If it weren't to cover up the truth,
why wouldn't you just let
the police investigate it?
Have you found Su Ko-yun?
I would like to know
If your daughter is the murderer,
what would you do?
"The investigator and the murderer in the
acid bath case are father and daughter."
How would you like that?
I just want to work with you.
Tell me about the case
and I'll keep your secret.
I won't write about it
until the case has been investigated.
Do you even have a choice?
[car horn honking]
[Yi-jen panting]
I'll tell you what I know.
You'll tell me what you know.
[Hai-yin] Ching-ching, can you tell me
why you're working here?
My mom is ill and I need money
for her medical bills.
[Hai-yin] Isn't there anyone
in your family who can help you?
[lighter clicks]
There's no one else.
[Hai-yin] Where's your dad?
[Hsiao-meng] No idea.
We parted when I was a kid.
He didn't care about me and my mom.
All he cared about was his job.
[Hai-yin] What does he do?
[Hsiao-meng] He's a police officer,
but he collects evidence.
[Hai-yin] A forensic investigator?
[door opens]
[Cheng-hao] Hey, Hsiao-meng.
Why are you still here?
What interview does David want?
- [Cheng-hao] Kuang-yung called for you.
- [Hsiao-meng] What for?
- [Cheng-hao] How would I know?
- [Hsiao-meng] Hey, Hao. Yu Cheng-hao!
She was seeing a young gentleman here.
- I think she hit a customer for him.
- What is that man's name?
- It's Hao. But I don't know his real name.
- [Yi-jen] Where is he now?
[Liao] There's not much
on Chang Tsung-chien.
- What?
- [Liao] But I called his dad.
He said he hasn't been home for two days.
- [Cheng-kuan] Fatso.
- [Fatso] Yes?
How is your investigation going?
[Fatso] We didn't find any fire starter
at the scene.
- Okay.
- No matching fingerprints or shoe prints.
[Fatso] As for Yu Ping Apartments'
surveillance cameras,
they haven't installed them.
They haven't installed any?
- All right, thanks.
- [Cheng-kuan] You believe that?
[Liao] The police station informed us that
Chang Tsung-chien's place was broken into.
Broken into?
[Cheng-kuan] Mr. Chang, when he left
two nights ago, did he seem odd?
He was very happy.
[Mr. Chang] Before he left,
we had a hot pot together.
Officer, I don't understand why my son
is connected to a murder case.
[Cheng-kuan] We're still looking into it.
But we suspect that
he may be in great danger.
Leave all the collected fingerprints
on my desk.
I'll run the fingerprint recognition.
- [forensics 2] Yes.
- [forensics 3] Yes, Yi-jen.
[Mr. Chang] Did you get it wrong?
Did you ask his company?
Yu Ping Construction.
Did he go on a business trip?
Mr. Chang.
Your son resigned from that company
six months ago.
Didn't you know that?
[Mr. Chang] How is that possible?
He went to work every day.
How could he disappear?
[metal clanks]
[paper rustles]
- Hey.
- Yes?
I always skip such advertisements.
[Hai-yin] What's the point
if I can't afford it?
Just treat it as a reference.
I found it.
This is the information
of the reports on Yu Ping's
overstrained and illegally
dismissed employees.
This is the business card
of the whistleblower.
"Chang Tsung-chien"?
[Yi-jen] I'll tell you what I know.
You'll tell me what you know.
We found Su Ko-yun.
She died in the fire in Yu Ping Apartments
last night and was charred.
- Someone died in that fire?
- Yes.
[Hai-yin] Are these two cases related?
The murderer is trying to mislead us.
Su Ko-yun was mistaken
as the dissolved body
and then, as someone
named Chang Tsung-chien.
[Ye-jin] Therefore,
the key to this case
is why the murderer had Su Ko-yun killed
as Chang Tsung-chien
in a Yu Ping construction case
Chang Tsung-chien worked on.
What is the murderer's motive in doing so
and what is he really trying to express?
[ominous music]
[forensics 3] A shoe print
was collected from this shirt.
- We'll get it analyzed.
- [plastic rustles]
[forensics 3] Let's go.
[wood rasps]
[knocks, rasps]
- [wood creaks]
- [Yi-jen groans]
[bottles clink]
[journalist] Take a look at these.
Chang Tsung-chien collected these reports
to expose wrongdoings.
Among the reporters I know, including me,
there are four
that received his complaints.
All evidence indicates
that Yu Ping is a sweatshop.
Every year, 30 percent of the staff
are forced to resign due to fatigue.
However, Yu Ping is too influential.
No one dares to sue them.
If it were me, I would have quit ages ago.
[plastic rustles]
[Cheng-kuan] When was this picture taken?
[Mr. Chang] Three years ago.
It seems to have been the year
he won the sales championship.
[Cheng-kuan] What about this one?
[Mr. Chang] It was about a year ago.
There's a huge difference.
[Mr. Chang] He seemed
a lot more stressed at work.
Your son has changed so much
because he has cancer.
These bottles aren't filled with vitamins.
It's an oral fluorouracil
for terminal gastric cancer.
[Yi-jen] It has Chang Tsung-chien's name
on the packaging.
Please wear gloves when handling evidence.
- Liao.
- Yes?
- Get his medical records.
- Yes.
Chang Tsung-chien has filed reports
on Yu Ping Construction
for exploiting their employees.
What does that mean?
It means your son
has terminal gastric cancer
and that he started filing reports
against his company a year ago.
Where did you find the medicine?
There's a concealed space
under his drawer.
Have you met her?
- No.
- Have you heard of Chiang Hsiao-meng
- or Ching-ching from your son?
- [Mr. Chang] No.
Are you sure? Look carefully.
- [Mr. Chang] No.
- All right, okay.
[Liao] That's it.
[Mr. Chang] Police officer
Is my son ill?
Was he mistreated by his company?
You could say that.
What are you saying?
Don't talk nonsense.
Mr. Chang, have a seat over here.
This is the truth.
He has the right to know.
You don't have to be so blunt.
- [Liao] Here, have a seat.
- [phone buzzes]
[Hui] Hello? Yi-jen, the analysis
of the charred corpse case is out.
How is the autopsy?
The teeth are a match for Su Ko-yun.
But after the autopsy,
we found no trace
of soot in her alveolar cells.
[Hui] Her histiocytes
are clean and intact.
The color of her blood in her organs
clearly differs from her body surface.
It can be confirmed that
she was set on fire after she died.
The cause of death?
I sent it for a toxicology test
right away.
Like the acid bath murder,
there was also a fatal dose
of anesthetics. Fentanyl.
I found it in the stomach.
[metal clangs]
[metal thuds]
[Hui] This should be
a sustained-release capsule,
so it's not eroded by gastric acid.
This means the murderer
must have calculated the time.
The victim took it two hours
before her death.
It hadn't reached her small intestines,
so we found it.
[Cheng-kuan] What is that?
It's a memory card.
Memory card?
[Liao] Kuan.
The attendance and financial records
of Yu Ping Construction are in the files.
There are also some pictures.
[Liao] Isn't that Mr. Chung?
- The manager of Yu Ping Construction.
- Right.
What is it?
The shoe print
on Chang Tsung-chien's shirt
is a match to a man called
Chung Yi-min at the scene.
Chung Yi-min?
[mouse clicking]
[Liao] There are some chat logs.
[Liao] "Chung Yi-min"?
Could it be the same man?
[Liao] Kuan, should we
bring him in for questioning?
Contact him.
[Liao] Sure.
[Hai-yin] The murderer seems
to mislead us with the victim's identity.
First, we thought it was Su Ko-yun
who died in the acid bath murder.
As for the charred corpse,
the victim was almost mistaken
as sales agent, Chang Tsung-chien.
- Which construction is this?
- Yu Ping Apartments.
It's Yu Ping Construction's case?
I've gone through all the information.
Every news article is like this one.
They only mentioned the fire.
No one knows that Su Ko-yun died in there.
Then there's this.
This is the information I gave
about the sales agent, Chang Tsung-chien.
He resigned only a year ago.
Before and after that,
he has filed reports on fatigue.
Apart from the mistaken identities,
has the police clarified
that the two homicides are related?
Not yet.
But they are indeed investigating it
as a serial murder case.
Bide your time.
[clicks tongue]
Yu Ping is currently
our most important client.
[Ta-tse] You know how much
we're losing in advertising.
Before this case is in a better light,
I don't wish to risk it.
[paper thuds]
[Ta-tse] You've been a reporter for ages.
Shouldn't you get it?
[Liao] Mr. Chung.
After you left Yu Ping Apartments
this morning, where did you go?
I went straight to the office
for a meeting.
You can ask my general manager.
[Cheng-kuan] We found your shoe prints
in Chang Tsung-chien's home.
How do you explain that?
You don't have to answer that.
[Cheng-kuan] You were there to look
for something, am I right?
[sighs heavily]
I'll ask another question.
When was the last time you contacted him?
Let me think
I can't remember.
It must've been when he just resigned.
After that, we haven't been in touch.
I know about the disputes between
your company and Chang Tsung-chien.
[Cheng-kuan] This has to do
with you as well.
We don't have to answer your question.
Mr. Chung.
You should cooperate.
- I'm sorry. I really am.
- [knocks on door]
Kuan, we need you out here.
The legislator, Chien Shu-fei, called.
She asked about Yu Ping Construction
and wanted to speak with you.
[foreboding music]
[tense music]
[door closes]
All right, I hear you.
[phone clanks]
[sighs deeply]
- Liao.
- [Liao] Yes?
Send a copy of the information
from the memory card to the legislator.
[Cheng-kuan] As for that Chung Yi-min,
he can leave now.
Kuan, are you kidding?
- Let him leave?
- She's someone with authority!
If you keep probing,
you'll also be in trouble.
[chair clanks]
[door squeaks]
[door closes]
[retreating footsteps]
[tense music]
[paper crumples]
[rain pattering]
[car door opens]
- [Mrs. Hsu] It's raining.
- [Hai-yin] Why are you here?
- I said I'd come over.
- It's okay.
I've wired this month's money
into your account.
Remember to take your medication
for high blood pressure on time.
You've lost weight again.
[Mrs. Hsu] You're rarely home.
Stay for dinner.
Mom, don't bother. I have things to do.
You have to look after yourself
however busy you are.
- Also, it's your dad's anniversary
- Mom.
All right, I won't say another word.
[Hai-yin] I'll get going.
[car door closes]
[car engine starts]
[broadcaster] This morning,
the prosecutor announced
that the victim in the acid bath murder
in Guidu Hotel three days ago,
isn't the singer, Su Ko-yun.
Once the news was out,
it caused a commotion online.
Sun Yung-chen, the captain of
Third Investigation Corps of Pinglin City,
made a statement
regarding their investigation.
[Yung-chen] Everyone,
within the past few days,
the police has already formed
a task force.
We're also investigating
relevant surveillance footage
to understand what happened
and to expand the search.
[reporter 1] What do you mean by that?
Can you clarify?
Is it related to the charred corpse case
from last night?
[reporter 2] Police are taking this
so seriously. Could this be serial murder?
[Yung-chen] Reporters,
ladies, and gentlemen,
we'll investigate and verify
in a just and practical manner
- to answer to the families.
- Sir, can you elaborate?
- Is there any other evidence?
- What's the progress of the investigation?
Could you explain a bit?
- Captain.
- Sorry, we can't disclose anything.
- Captain.
- Sorry, we can't disclose anything.
[foreboding music]
[phone ringing]
- Hello?
- [Liao] Hello?
Have you found Chang Tsung-chien?
[Liao] Not yet. Why?
Get to the point.
Come down for a bit.
I'm in the parking lot.
[Liao sighs]
[Liao] Ma'am, what is it
that you want again?
This is not the time.
- Every time
- If now is not the time, when is?
[Liao] Kuan was just yelled at
by the supervisors because of Yu Ping.
If I don't stay alert,
I'll be the next one.
Give me a break.
Just answer one question.
Has the dissolved body been identified?
It has. I'll send this
to Captain Chao at the same time.
[Liao] It's out.
The victim is a young man.
His name is Yu Cheng-hao.
[Cheng-hao] Hey, Hsiao-meng.
Kuang-yung asked for you.
- [Hsiao-meng] What for?
- [Cheng-hao] How would I know?
[Hsiao-meng] Hey, Hao! Yu Cheng-hao!
[seat belt clicks]
[engine starts]
[car revs]
[tense music]
[door opens]
- Kuan.
- [Cheng-kuan] Yes?
Yu Cheng-hao's parents are here.
Invite them up here.
[doorbell buzzes]
[low static]
- [Ms. Yu] Hello?
- Hello? Is this Yu Cheng-hao's family?
[Ms. Yu] Excuse me, who are you?
I'm Lin, a volunteer
at the Social Affairs Bureau.
We offer counseling
to the families of homicide victims.
- [Ms. Yu] I don't need it. Thank you.
- Hold on
[door opens, creaks]
[lighter clicks]
[Hai-yin] Hi.
Is that your medicine?
Are you Yu Cheng-hao's little sister?
Are you the volunteer?
[Hai-yin] Yes.
Why are you still here?
Can I sit down?
Can you leave me alone?
Who are you to think you can help me?
[gloomy music]
It's because I've also lost my family.
I understand how you feel.
[paper rustles]
[lighter clicks]
[exhales heavily]
Why are you taking sleeping pills?
I can't sleep.
I thought
if I fall asleep,
I won't have to think about this.
I used to be like you.
I could only sleep by taking pills.
But when you take these pills,
be sure to take them
only when you need them.
When you take them,
don't take them after having a drink.
[Ms. Yu] Why?
No reason.
Trust me.
It will only make it worse.
Your parents must feel terrible.
I think they probably don't care.
[cigarette crackles]
[Cheng-kuan] Mr. Yu.
You said Yu Cheng-hao moved out.
Do you know where he lived?
I don't.
What about his friends?
[Cheng-kuan] Classmates?
You don't know any of them?
How is that possible?
He never contacted us.
[Ms. Yu] My brother tried to kill himself
once because of my parents.
My parents didn't support my brother
in whatever he wanted to do.
Even when he attempted suicide,
they still didn't empathize with him.
After he moved out,
he never came home again.
I had to be very careful
when I contacted him,
so my parents wouldn't know.
What did your brother want to do?
It will be my brother's birthday soon.
[Ms. Yu] I already bought him a gift.
If I had sent it to him sooner
he would have received my birthday gift.
[somber music]
Your brother loved you so much.
He couldn't bear
to be too far away from you.
Did he live close by?
[Ms. Yu] Yes.
[Hai-yin] Go upstairs and get some rest.
[Ms. Yu] Thank you.
[handbrake cranks]
- Take good care of yourself.
- [Ms. Yu] Okay.
[Hai-yin] Go on.
[door opens]
[Cheng-hao] I'm Hao. I'm 21 years old.
[Hai-yin] Hao, why do you work in a club?
To earn money.
I'm good at handling difficult customers.
- [Hai-yin] That's Yu Cheng-hao,
- Refer me to clients.
Hsiao-meng's colleague in the club.
[Hai-yin] He was one of my interviewees.
Can we talk about your family?
- [Cheng-hao] What about?
- Do you get along with your family?
[Cheng-hao] Not really.
[Hsiao-meng] Hao.
Why is this door so heavy?
- What do you want?
- Our keys.
You're going home?
[Hsiao-meng] Give them to me.
- [Cheng-hao] Can you get home alone?
- [Hsiao-meng] Give me the keys.
I already know where they lived.
[Hai-yin] His sister told me everything.
- [lighter clicks]
- Where is it?
[Hsiao-meng] Hao.
Tell me about the police's
latest discovery.
[Hai-yin] Are you dating?
[Cheng-hao] How is that possible?
[Hai-yin] But you're living together.
- Don't you like girls?
- Make a guess.
[tires screech]
[car door closes]
[tense music]
[door opens]
[door creaks]
[shutter clicking]
[wood clatters]
[photos rustling]
This is Yu Cheng-hao.
I see.
What do you mean?
Yu Cheng-hao wanted to be a woman,
but his parents couldn't accept it.
[Hai-yin] That's why the murderer
dressed him as Su Ko-yun,
killed him, and then, dissolved his body
to make everyone think he was female.
Then Su Ko-yun's corpse was charred
as Chang Tsung-chien.
She died in Yu Ping Construction,
which Chang Tsung-chien wanted to sue.
This is
The murderer was helping them
fulfill their last wishes.
[Tsung-chien] Excuse me, take a look,
please. Thank you.
Sir, take a look. Thank you.
Excuse me, take a look.
Please take a look, thank you.
Hello, take a look, please.
Thank you.
Hello, take a look, please.
Miss, take a look, please.
Thank you.
Miss, please take a look. Thank you.
Hello, take a look.
Sir, take a look.
Hello, take a look. Excuse me.
Take a look, please.
Thank you.
[broadcaster] There was a fire
in Yu Ping Construction's latest building.
After the police
and fire department were alerted,
it was deemed as an accident.
But at the scene,
they discovered that the fire was started
by a resigned employee, Chang,
who set himself aflame.
What's even more absurd is that
we only learned of this from a flyer
handed out near Yu Ping Apartments.
Every word portrays the blood
and tears of their complaints.
The flyer accuses Yu Ping Construction
of exploiting employees for years.
This leads to fatigue
among numerous employees.
It also exposes Yu Ping Construction
of bribing legislators and officials.
- The legislator has to be at a meeting.
- Yu Ping Construction.
Your younger sister and her husband
are board directors.
How do you explain it?
Where are you from? Watch your tone.
I'll press charges
against any unfounded accusations.
Sorry, we have to go to the meeting.
[broadcaster] The prosecutor has summoned
Yu Ping Construction's owner, Lai,
and project manager, Chung,
for investigation.
Yu Ping is in such a mess now.
Can I write an article now?
Go ahead.
[keyboard clacking]
[broadcaster] The two
most recent homicides,
the acid bath murder in Guidu
and the charred corpse case in Yu Ping
have seen significant progress.
New Times News has revealed online
that the victim in the charred corpse case
is someone else.
It was not the sales agent, Chang,
but the celebrity, Su, who was mistaken
for the victim in the acid bath murder.
The sales agent, Chang, is still missing.
- [phone rings]
- The coincidental elements in both cases
and the bizarre methods of the murderer
seem to be fulfilling
the victims' last wishes.
Third Investigation Corps of Pinglin City.
[woman] There's another corpse
in the south of the city.
Da'an Warehouses.
[tense music]
[closing theme music]
Afraid to reach out ♪
Pretending not to care ♪
It's okay
I'm persuading myself everyday ♪
Still rooted in place ♪
Waiting for you and for myself ♪
And walk into my heart ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
Afraid to reach out ♪
Pretending not to care ♪
It's okay
I'm persuading myself everyday ♪
Still rooted in place ♪
Waiting for you and for myself ♪
And walk into my heart ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
Do you truly ♪
Accept me for all that I am ♪
I'm willing to bet all my love on it ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
[woman] There's another corpse
in Da'an Warehouses.
[siren wailing]
[Liao] The first two
were totally disfigured,
but this one is intact.
The security said this warehouse belongs
to a man called Chuang Ping-yao.
Your artworks are so delicate and refined.
You're too kind.
[Hai-yin] As a new artist,
you're very eye-catching.
Did you see this girl?
[Liao] Stop running! I'll catch you!
If I find out who leaked the information,
you'll see what I'll do!
- You can't find the evidence?
- Perhaps we should ask Yi-jen.
[forensics 2] He ran the fingerprint
recognition for the acid bath murder.
Where is Chiang Hsiao-meng?
Killing the victims
after fulfilling their last wishes.
[Cheng-kuan] Who'd believe that?
[Yi-jen] Hsu Hai-yin, don't report it.
You hear me? You can't report it.
[Hai-yin] Why? I'll write about
your daughter being a suspect.
Take it back!
[Mr. Ko] We're old friends.
I'll help her one last time.
Who are you to laugh at me?
- Search upstairs. The rest, follow me!
- [Liao] Yes.
[flame crackles]
[flame crackling]
[flesh squelches]
[Kuo-lun] We set out from the perspective
of a forensic investigator.
The details of the entire
forensic investigation,
how to examine the corpse,
how to look for clues on the corpse,
how to painstakingly
figure out the motive,
or reason, or possibility
of solving the case
The arrangement of such details
are what we spent most of our time
trying to improve.
[Yung-chen] Third Corps,
put a halt to all your cases.
[Kuan-chung] Action.
[Chia-yi] When I first received
the script,
I noticed there were scenes with corpses.
There are crime scenes.
The corpses are visible.
We have to make the corpse
look as realistic as possible.
Actually, I saw the picture
of the dissolved body.
When I saw it back then,
I was in the car flipping through
Fang Yi-jen's documents.
[Wei-ning] I really felt nauseous
when I saw it.
I thought, "My goodness.
How did they make it look so real?"
Back then, my expression was real.
It was gross.
I only looked at one picture
and wanted to stop.
It's because I wanted to save
my anxious reaction
to be presented realistically
before the camera.
[crew 1] Can you tug on it slightly?
- Is that easy?
- [crew 2] You mean from the back?
[crew 1] Yes, flip it a bit outwards.
I should have
Honestly, the corpse is a mush.
It looks frightening in every way.
[Chia-yi] But that's from
the perspective of the audience.
From our perspective,
we had to analyze it layer by layer.
The first layer is the bones.
Yes, the bones of the corpse.
We had to make the bones
correspond to the scenarios,
and presented the corpse
to look like remains.
Second, the presentation
of the flesh on the corpse.
We had to make a
There had to be connecting tissues
or some dangling chunks of flesh.
Yes, that made it look more frightening.
Third, the color.
For the colors, we used,
the techniques of painting clouds.
We dabbed spots on it and afterwards,
you'd see on the corpses
some irregular livor mortis
or some dark effects.
As for the bones, it's quite obvious.
We dabbed on them like
we would when painting clouds.
That made them look a bit more real.
[indistinct chatter]
[Chien-an] For the dissolved corpse,
the director wanted some more fat on it,
so we made use of meringue
for that effect.
We also used tissue paper
to imitate the fat.
[indistinct chatter]
[Chien-an] And then
[indistinct chatter]
This is the nail. Unwind it and
[Chien-an] For the charred corpse,
a part of it was made with fire.
The entire corpse we built
involved some burning,
it was not completely man-made.
Then, there's also the special
makeup team who worked on it.
[indistinct chatter]
[Chia-yi] In the scene
of the charred corpse,
according to the scenario,
when the corpse came into picture,
it was sprayed with dry powder.
When we sprayed the corpse,
we had to consider the priority,
which is the overall image.
There were charred marks,
but we had to balance the proportion
with dry powder.
We had to make it look real
during the shoot,
so that it wouldn't look like
white clumps on the screen.
The charred corpse was on its knees.
Yes, it died on its knees.
When we made it,
there was a gravity-related issue.
We had to hold it up
to keep it in that posture.
Dissolving a corpse, burning a corpse
I think this is quite a breakthrough
for Taiwanese television.
[Sheng-jung] There are many victims
and corpses in the series.
Each of them was designed meticulously.
I think this will be
the highlight in this series.
The audience will be immersed in the story
when they see such scenes.
I think this is necessary.
Everything will be convincing
since everyone played their part
in using extreme methods
to portray different forms of death.
Therefore, this is
a very important part of this series.
Through techniques,
we were able to present this.
I believe it will be very convincing.
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