The Village (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Mission: Kattiyal

Feels like we're in a sci-fi movie.
This doesn't look like naturally occurring
I can see that, Dr. Fayaz.
That is why we were sent here.
Come, let's explore it.
It's very slippery. Watch your step.
This looks like a Datura flower.
Never seen anything like this.
It's way bigger than normal.
This phenomenon is
known as cyclopean growth.
When I'd gone to Brazil
for Exogenyx's research work,
I observed something similar
but it wasn't this huge.
This is getting really interesting.
Is anybody checking
the radiation levels?
Already on it.
Radiation levels seem normal.
I think this place is safe.
Dr. Fayaz, did you sneeze on this?
There is some phlegm-like substance here.
Was that a joke? Not funny!
Now, collect a sample of it.
Chill, Dr. Fayaz.
We must inform Prakash sir
about this place immediately.
He's already watching us.
What the hell!
You guys are not going to believe this!
What's so strange over there?
You will have to see it to believe it.
It's messed up! Guys
Do you guys copy?
Even here the readings are crazy!
There is something weird around us.
What's happening? Guys, what's going on?
Please respond!
Reply! Can you guys hear me?
Grown ass men giving excuses
like ghosts and spirits!
Who's that?
Who's there?
Oh, no! Rain!
That's the last thing I needed.
Which route did I take?
Who's there?
Prakash. Prakash!
Do you understand what I'm saying?
There is nothing more I can do.
There is nothing more I can do.
Your nerves are shot!
The spinal cord stimulation that
you asked for is impossible because
Do you understand what I'm saying?
You can never walk again.
If only you had not abused
your body so much
Who is it?
- Prakash, your dad
- What?
Is he dead?
Massive cardiac arrest.
He's struggling to breathe.
So he's not dead yet?
No. He said he wanted to see you at once.
I'm busy now, Jagan.
He said it's something very important.
Oh! Come on! Stop puking, like a kid!
is this it?
Over there.
Okay, team!
Let's move!
Lights on!
Are you scared?
No. Not at all.
Mr. Jagan
do you have any prior
knowledge about this place?
If yes, you better explain it to us now.
It's for your own good.
Mr. Jagan! I am talking to you.
Well, no
it's been ages since
I stepped out in the open.
That's why
I have a phobia of worms and insects.
One minute.
One minute be there.
- Jagan.
- Sir
Have you guys reached?
- We just landed, sir.
- Just landed?
Yes. We are about to set base camp.
There's no time for all that, Jagan!
Just get going.
Well, I think
Come again! I didn't
send you there to "think"!
Okay, wait. Guess what I'm thinking now.
- You know me very well, Jagan.
- Sir
No, sir. Don't do it. Please, sir.
- Jagan
- Please, no.
I've got nothing to lose.
But that's not the case with you.
Just one click of a button
and you'll regret it for life!
Please no, sir.
Get me what I want
or you know what I'll do!
Sure. I will do it, sir.
Stop crying. It's irritating!
Makes me actually wanna do it.
- Just get going!
- Okay, sir.
shall we set up base camp here?
No. Let's go.
Mr. Jagan
it is not advisable to venture
into the forest at night.
You're not being paid to give advice.
Do what I say. Keep moving!
Keep moving, I said!
Do you feel better now?
Looks like you hurt your head real bad.
Here, drink this.
It'll get rid of the pain
and sometimes death too!
You know it, right?
No, I don't.
The rain is getting heavier
and I am finding it hard to see.
This damn torch won't be of any use.
At the bar, I yelled at you guys in haste.
Don't bring that up.
Or else we'll leave you stranded here!
No, I mean even after all that,
you guys still came down to help me.
The rain clouds are moving.
Looks like the rain will stop soon.
If the rain doesn't stop,
then let's tow the car using our tractor
and take it to Navamalai.
We'll take care of the rest later.
What do you say?
Karu, only we three are here to help him.
How about we go to our village
and bring in more men?
- Get lost!
- He just won't listen!
Why did he bring a gun?
Well, it was lying idle at home,
just like him. So he brought it along.
Now, come on!
Come, let's go.
You guys told me that
this village is haunted.
And he brought a gun to kill the ghosts?
I guess this is the only village in the
world where ghosts can be shot down.
It's better to have some weapon
handy while going to a strange place.
It could be robbers, right?
Nobody knows what's in there.
No one has ever returned
alive after going to that village.
In fact, my son and his daughter
went by somewhere here in a van
while going for child birth.
Neither the van nor our heirs returned.
What more do I say?
It was somewhere here
What are you saying?
Get on the tractor, brother.
Come on.
Didn't you inform the cops?
We did. They came here looking for them
but found nothing.
And they warned us not to come here.
Are we headed in the right direction?
Yeah. Towards death!
Lucky! Don't scare them
too much.
Copy that, chief.
If they don't tell us why
and what the hell we are doing here
What will you do?
What else can we do?
Just fire at whatever he says,
collect whatever
he pays for and fuck off.
Isn't that why we are here?
To fuck off?
No, to see how the guy
in charge fucks up!
Sir, with all due respect,
please don't smoke.
You might unnecessarily
alert everything around us.
Also, smoking is injurious to health.
It's not a joke. You will die!
Sir, why do you call her Happy?
She doesn't look happy at all.
Well, I challenge you to make her laugh.
Do it and I'll change my name.
Sir, what exactly happened in Kattiyal?
We toil so hard
We'll be buried someday but
For now we dig to make a living
Our lives are sore just like
Our palms from all this work
We too are made up of blood and flesh
We all co-exist like salt in sea water
All that we earn goes
Into settling our debt
Even if we toil hard forever
Our debts will never be settled
What happened?
- I am in a lot of pain.
- You're in pain?
- Sprained your neck?
- I think, yes.
Then get some rest. I'll take care
of the work.
What happened, dear?
Nothing, brother.
- Nothing to worry.
- Just wait, dear.
Soon I'll marry you off
and make sure that
- you lead a meaningful life.
- Brother!
I am Karunagam's sister!
My life can't get more
meaningful than this.
Yeah, right! Crazy girl.
Here, fill it up.
- Mom!
- Son!
- Sethu!
- Careful.
- Sethu. Get up.
- Oh my God!
Can't you be careful, son?
Get some water!
- Be careful.
- Here. Drink water.
Others, get back to work.
Nothing to see here!
- Here.
- He fell down.
- Told you to stay at home.
- If our boss comes, he'll scold me. Go!
We are putting our lives on line
so that your life will be good.
Please be careful.
You should never work in dirt, like us.
You must become a doctor!
Do you understand?
Yes, Dad. I will,
but I'm very hungry now.
You're hungry?
You! Serve him food!
- Go!
- Please feed him.
- Look, your dad is yelling at me.
- Dust him off first.
Do it well.
- My dear brother, Ponraj.
- Yes, brother?
I am putting you in charge
of this place.
Based on how you handle it,
I will decide if I can trust you
with more responsibilities.
Okay, brother.
Attention, you all!
Ponraj will run this place henceforth.
So, obey his commands
and do your job properly. Got it?
God! They are putting him in charge?
I got this, brother. I'll handle it.
You morons! Good for nothing!
Stop whiling away the time and work!
Aren't you hogging
to your heart's content?
Then why does it hurt to work?
Stop gawking!
This is not some strip show!
- Now, work!
- Get to work.
Useless people, good for nothing!
Bloody old man!
I told you to work and you're sleeping?
Are we paying you to sit
and enjoy the food?
- Come here! Go!
- Dad!
- Move, you bitch!
- Sethu!
- Dad!
- Let go of my son.
Today, I'll
How dare you!
He isn't living off you!
Our food is our right!
You lowlives!
Your right?
The food you eat and the water
you drink are the alms we offer you!
Even if you eat soil, it is from
the land that belongs to us!
You think that gives you
the right to beat my child?
Sir we work for you hoping
that you'll treat us fair.
But your brother is beating us up!
And you want to shoot us down
instead of confronting him?
Hey! You better shut up and do your work.
Brother, don't waste your time
and energy on them.
I'll handle them. You leave it.
I got this.
Just leave it.
Every man and woman
working here will fear us.
You leave, brother.
Please take him home.
You leave, brother.
you wanna talk about rights?
We just raised our voice.
Do you think that is all we got?
What would you do
if we really fight for our rights?
How dare you call her that!
- No, please! Don't.
- Please, leave it.
I will finish you off!
Brother, please don't use
such foul language.
Did my father sleep with your mother?
Call me brother again
and I'll slit your throat!
Lord, she made a mistake. Forgive her.
We shall address you
as "Lord" hereafter.
Why do you want to
call this filth as "Lord"?
Kodi, quiet now!
Why are you afraid of him?
How dare he call me a whore?
I am not a coward. I cannot listen
to this and keep quiet.
- I'll chop it off!
- Hey!
You think I'll stand naked
before you for you to chop it off?
Stand naked? Go and do that in
front of the women in your family!
How dare you talk about
the women in my family?
- Brother
- Oh my dear!
Step back! I said, step back!
- Oh my dear!
- Brother
Shoot anybody who moves!
Brother, please get up.
Come here!
- Kodi!
- Please let her go.
Brother no, please.
Raising your voice! How dare you?
Oh God!
Oh dear!
Oh, no!
Brother, please don't.
God! Somebody please confront him!
Shut up and stay quiet, all of you!
Oh God!
I am going to strip you naked!
Just watch me.
Speak now if you dare!
Hope you know your place now.
Let's go!
Let me go!
If any of you women dare
to talk back like her
I'll strip you too!
Oh, my God! Kodi!
Let go of me!
My dear! Oh my God!
As poverty engulfs us
As poverty engulfs us
You decide to do the unthinkable
You sacrificed yourself
We need to protect our livelihood
O my purest divine
Why did you vanish, my endless light?
- Brother, come on, I don't need this.
- Keep quiet!
You definitely need this.
Show me your hand.
May God bless you, dear.
No bad omen must get to you.
Look, there he is!
Look, over there.
Come here!
Karunagam, don't you dare
come any closer!
You fucker!
Slit his throat!
- Brother
- Come out!
Oh God!
Ponraj! My dear brother!
What happened? Brother.
This is your limit!
Guys, lock the gates!
if there's one real man among you,
I dare you to step forward!
Who the hell do you think you are?
You dare to step in to my compound
after torturing my brother like this?
You call this torture?
What about what he did?
Here, take it.
A man will do as he pleases!
It's the woman who must shut up!
When it comes to fighting for
justice, gender doesn't matter.
It's all the same!
Stop it!
She insulted him and so he stripped her.
What's the big deal?
- You old bastard, I'll kill you!
- Stop. Stop it. Dad, leave it.
Stop gawking and lift him up.
Don't you interfere. Move!
- Karu, listen to me.
- How dare he call you by name?
He might be your worker
but to me, he's a friend.
- We studied together. Please be quiet.
- Sakthi
Just leave me.
- Karu, patience. Please.
- Sakthi, that bastard
is repeatedly calling you by name.
Tell your father not to call me names!
Wait a minute. Dad, put the gun down.
- Sakthi!
- Dad, just put the gun down.
Wait. Wait.
Dad, look what you did!
He is my blood and they have
castrated him!
Do you expect me to keep quiet?
Your are infuriated for your brother,
but he has lost his own sister.
Imagine his pain.
Your gun is no match
for such a huge crowd.
Please leave all this
and take uncle to the hospital.
Now, go. Give the gun to me.
Please listen to me, Karu.
If you want your people to lead
a happy and respectable life
then please take them and leave.
Please, trust me on this.
Karu, just leave now.
Please, leave.
- We shall solve this soon. Trust me.
- Well, for your sake
- Lift him.
- Please leave, all of you.
- Listen Karunagam!
- Not now, mom!
You ungrateful jerk!
Whatever you own now, is given by us.
We can snatch it back
- from you whenever we want.
- Mom!
Karu Karu
- Please leave.
- Come on, guys.
Dad, focus on taking Uncle
to the hospital!
All of you, go!
You suffered all this 30 years ago
but even today, such incidents
are still making the headlines.
Won't we ever be free of this suffering?
I had parked my car near that temple!
Stop! Stop the vehicle!
Brother listen
Hey, listen--
Are you sure?
Shut up!
Well, I don't see any car here.
- That's why I asked him.
- Quiet now.
It was right here!
I had parked it here.
I remember it very well.
The skid marks.
It was near this temple.
I don't know what's going on!
How did the car disappear?
Yes, this piece of glass
definitely belongs to a new car.
The glass used in
old cars are quite strong.
This means
Means what?
What are you implying?
Calm down. We'll find them.
- Maya!
- Brother!
Brother, listen!
Neha! Maya!
Please be sensible!
Shouting will only put
your family in danger.
Sir, this is my daughter's book.
How did it end up here?
I think that the car must have
been dragged this way.
Into Kattiyal!
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