The Walking Dead: Origins (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Maggie's Story

This is our home now,
so you'll learn to start
to call me by my name.
Not Marsha, not dear, not honey.
Maggie. Maggie Rhee.
The apocalypse has taken
a lot from Maggie,
but even as the world was falling apart,
her own world opened up.
We have to keep our faith in each other.
If we can hold on to that
with everything we have,
the future is ours.
Maggie has done the impossible
in the apocalypse.
She found love, she found herself
and she created life
in a world that belongs
otherwise to the dead.
So, how did this farmer's daughter
become a confident
leader with her sights
set on a bright future?
You're about to find out.
This is Maggie's story.

GLENN: Hello, farmer's daughter.
Maggie has strong family ties,
and so it's only fitting that
when we first meet her
she's trying to bring
another family back together.
- Lori Grimes? Whoa.
- I'm Lori.
- Rick sent me. You got to come now.
- What?
There's been an accident.
Carl's been shot.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. We
don't know this girl.
You can't get on that horse.
Rick said you had others on the highway.
- That big traffic snarl?
- Uh-huh.
Two miles down is our farm.
You'll see the mailbox. Name's Greene,
Hey ya!
It all starts when Rick
arrives at their farm
with his injured son.
Is he bit?
- Shot by your man.
- Otis?
He said find Hershel. Is that you?
- Help me.
- Get him inside.
Help my boy.
We need to be setting clear
boundaries with these people.
COHAN: Maggie welcomes the newcomers,
but Hershel is skeptical.
I don't say this easily, Rick.
We don't normally take in strangers.
Once you find this girl and
your boy's fit for travel,
I expect you'll move on.
In spite of Hershel's reluctance,
Maggie finds herself drawn to Glenn.
I hear you're fast on your feet
and know how to get in and out.
Got a pharmacy run. You in?
I'll go saddle your horse then.
I'll have sex with you.
You're asking questions?
I can't I can't help wondering.
It's not like our options
are vast these days.

And you're not the
only one who's lonely.

Yes, there are still "pharmacy runs"
in the apocalypse.
As Maggie and Glenn's
relationship develops,
Hershel is wary.
What's going on with
you and the Asian boy.
Glenn. He's a friend.
I'd rather he wasn't.
Maggie sees something in
Glenn that no one else sees,
and she can't stand the way
that Rick's group treats him.
You're smart, you're
brave, you're a leader,
but you don't know it and your
friends don't want to know it.
They'd rather have you fetching peaches.
Just a dead guy in the well,
send Glenn down.
You walk right.
I can't take you becoming one of them.
But things start to fall apart for them
when Glenn discovers that the barn
is full of walkers.

You weren't supposed to see this.
Maggie's father hasn't
given up on the family
they've lost, and Maggie
is trying to honor that.
If you'd seen Atlanta, you would not
have a barn full of walkers.
I wish you'd stop calling them that.

What do you call them?
Mom, Sean, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher,
Lacey, Duncan.

She begs Glenn not to tell
his group about the walkers,
but he doesn't listen.
- Okay, I had to tell them.
- You did not.
No, I did.
Okay, I wanted to.
I don't care if they're sick
people or dead people,
they're dangerous.
And then I realized something else.
That I don't want you in danger ever.
So I hate to blow your dad's big secret,
but I'm sick of secrets.
Secrets get you killed,
And I'd rather have you
pissed off at me and alive
than liking me and dead.

Hey, walker bait.
Don't call me that.

Okay, Glenn.


And then Maggie watches in horror
as Shane takes matters
into his own hands.
Hershel's at his breaking
point and takes off.
- You ready?
- Yeah.
So Glenn and Rick set
out to bring him home.
Hershel, I promised Maggie
I'd bring you home safe.
But when they run into some
strangers, a fight breaks out.
- Get out of here! Go!

What's going on with you?
Your dad saved my life today,
and Rick saved us both.
I froze.
You don't have anything to prove.
It's all I've done.
And this, okay

it's because of what you said.
That I love you?
A bullet hit the wall behind me,
and I I thought of you.
Losing me, hurting you,
and I couldn't take it
so I hid to stay alive.

No, no.
No, you don't get it.
Rick, your dad, they were
counting on me, and I
I only thought of myself.
HERSHEL: You become a father someday,
you'll understand no man is good enough
for your little girl.
Until one is.

Go on now before I change
my mind about you.

And right as everyone is
finally getting comfortable
on the farm, it's overrun by walkers.
- Oh, my God.
- Get off the farm now.
Maggie's separated from her family
and doesn't know if they've survived.
Hey, hey. Look at me, look at me.
Hey, we're alive.
I'm sure they are. too. Right?

I love you.
Maggie, I love you.

I should've said it a long time ago,
and it's been true for a long time.

It'll be alright.

Oh, thank God. [LAUGHS]

COHAN: They reunite with Maggie's family
and the rest of the group on the highway
to find a new home.

The group finds a prison
overrun by walkers,
and as they clear it,
Maggie's on the front line.


See that?
Rick's group and Maggie's family
truly become one as
they fortify the prison
and begin to make it a home.
I'm so exhausted I don't even care.
Maggie takes on more responsibility,
and as her role in the group evolves,
so does her relationship with Glenn.

What you doing?
Checking for scratches.
Glenn! Maggie!
Hey. What's up, guys?
- You coming?
But the prison is not
without its dangers.

She's about to lose her father,
and it's unbearable.
Hershel is Maggie's North Star.
There's only one way to keep you alive.

Hershel survives, and
Maggie continues to grow
as both a fighter and a survivor.
- Hey, can you keep up?
Something's not right.
During a walker fight,
Lori goes into labor.
- I think the baby's coming.
- And Maggie discovers
what sort of things you
really have to do to survive.
You've got to cut me open.
- Maggie, when this is over, you're going to
- Shh, shh.
you're going have to
do it. It can't be, Rick.

Alright, alright.
It's alright. It's alright.

Goodnight, love.

I'm sorry.
CARL: Stop! Stop it!
Stop it!

COHAN: Maggie's heartbroken
that Lori died.
And with a group now
having a baby to care for,
she wants to help in any way she can.
So she and Glenn go
on a run for formula.
That's when the trouble starts.
Hey, hey! Hold up, buddy. hold up.
- Let go of her.
- Now, we're gonna go for a little drive.
You're not going back to our camp.
No, we're going somewhere else.

Merle takes them to Woodbury,
a town run by a man named The Governor.

Your people are dangerous.

You just tell us where they are,
and we'll bring them here.
you'll be safe, I promise.
But Maggie doesn't buy
The Governor's bullshit
for a second.
Stand up.

Take off your shirt.
Take off your shirt
or I'll bring Glenn's hand in here.

THE GOVERNOR: Now, one of you
is going to give up your camp.
A prison.
The one near Nunez?
That place is overrun.
We took it.

COHAN: Maggie and
Glenn are back together,
but they're not safe yet.


COHAN: And that's when
they think this is the end.

Just keep looking at me.
[SNIFFLES] I love you.
But then, some old friends show up.

After Woodbury, keeping the prison safe
and securing their future
becomes the group's priority.
When The Governor returns to the prison
with Hershel as his hostage,
Maggie is put to the test.
THE GOVERNOR: We need this prison.
We can all live together.
There's enough room for all of us.
It could work.
You know it could.
It could've, but it can't.
Not after Woodbury.
Is this what any of you want?!

We can fix the damn fence.

Put down your weapons,
walk through those gates,
be one of us.

We let go of all of it,
and nobody dies.
I know.
We all can change.


- Daddy!
COHAN: Watching The
Governor kill her father
almost destroys Maggie,
but she knows at this
moment that she still
has to protect the family
that she has left.
Glenn's in there. I have to get him.
- I'm going with you.
- No!
Get these people on the
bus, to be ready to drive.
- I won't go without you.
- You can't, Beth.
Get these people on the bus, okay?
It's your job. We've all got jobs to do.

As the prison falls, Maggie's separated
- from Glenn and Beth.
- Have you seen Beth?
- Is she on the bus?
- No, she's
Stay down. We'll find some place safe.

We'll figure it out.
Maggie is determined to keep searching.
She just lost her father,
and she's not giving up
on Glenn or Beth.
On the road, they see
signs for Terminus,
a community that promises
sanctuary for all.
Maggie's group heads there,
leaving messages for
Glenn along the way.


For once, the apocalypse isn't all bad.
Together, they head to Terminus to look
for the rest of Rick's group.
You're here.
They're our friends.
Not friends of ours.
Turns out the people who
locked them in the train car
are cannibals, so they
get the hell out of there.
RICK: Go! Come on!

They may not have a home,
but they have each other.
And Maggie wants to build on that.
I was at the prison with The Governor.
I didn't know who he was
and what he could do.
I just didn't want it to be
hidden that I was there.

But you're here with us now.

And then Maggie gets the
news she's been praying for.
Beth's alive. She's in
a hospital in Atlanta.
Some people have her, but the
others went to get her back.
- Do we know which one?
- Grady Memorial.

Oh, my God.

Let's blow this joint
and go save your sister.


The loss of Beth is crushing for Maggie.
Her sister was her last piece of home.

I don't know if I want to fight anymore.
You do.
You do, and we have to keep fighting.
And so she does,
because that's how Maggie copes.
She keeps going.
She finds a reason to keep hope alive.
She taps into the rock solid foundation
- that her father gave her
- [WHISPERING] Come on.
and looks forward instead of back.
Why are we here?
For this.
My name is Aaron.
I'd like to talk to
the person in charge.
I have good news.
He wasn't lying.
Aaron brings them to Alexandria,
an actual safe community.
Alexandria is run by a tough,
levelheaded woman named Deanna.
- I'm Deanna Monroe.
- I'm Rick Grimes.
Do you mind if I film our talk?
Go ahead.

Are you already looking
after this place?
Aaron says, I can trust you.
Aaron doesn't know me.
I've killed people. I don't
even know how many.
The dead stole my family.
All those people out there can be alive.
Sounds like I want to
be part of your family.
As they settle into life in Alexandria,
Deanna becomes a mentor for Maggie.
I put another one of your people
in a position of power.
You vouch for them.
It's becoming a pattern.
We know what we're doing.
It's why you wanted us here.
It's why Aaron and
Daryl are are out there
looking for more people
You wanted a future?
You need us for that.
Now that her family has a home,
Maggie can stop planting
seeds for the future.
Maggie started to step up as a leader,
and people are turning
to her for guidance.
You tell me what you want to do.
I'm just going to follow
your lead, okay?
But some things you just can't plan for.
Alexandra is now
running low on supplies,
and that's when they're
introduced to Jesus and Hilltop.
JESUS: I'm from a place
that's a lot like this one.
Part of my job is searching
out other settlements
to trade with.
You're good people, and
this is a good place.
I think our communities
may be in a position
to help each other.
Wait, you're looking
for more settlements?
You mean you're already
trading with other groups?

Your world's about to
get a whole lot bigger.

They meet Gregory, who
runs things at Hilltop
- You're back.
- Everyone, this is Gregory,
JESUS: He keeps the trains
running on time around here.
I'm the boss.
COHAN: and find out
that they are being extorted
by the Saviors and their leader, Negan.
So Maggie tries to broker
a deal of her own.
We've handled people like Negan.
We need food, you have it.
We're willing to work for it.
Done. We'll get supplies
for your people.
- Half.
- Excuse me.
Half of what you have.
Negan's is expecting more
supplies from this place.
Without ammo, without fighters.
you'd be a dead man.

So half of everything
you have right now,
or the deal's off.
You have yourself a deal.
Maggie wants to build a
safer world for her baby,
so she decides to join the
fight against the Savior's.
But she and Carol are captured.

They spread out, but I think
we can make it past them.
- We have to try.
- We can't leave them alive.
- No, we should just go.
- Carol, we have to finish this.
We have to.

But the Saviors aren't
Maggie's only problem.
- Maggie.
The doctor at the Hilltop,
he's going to make things better.
They don't make it to Hilton.
- They get picked up by Negan's crew.
That is when Maggie's world collapses.

Back to it.

All she can do is watch,
frozen and helpless
as rage and heartbreak wash over her.

You need to sit down.
- Maggie.
- No.


I need to do this. Please?
We need to help you.
I got him.
I got him. Come on.
Please let us.

He's our family. He's our family, too.


COHAN: Sasha takes Maggie
to Hilltop to check on the baby.
There it is.

At Hilltop, Maggie begins
to face her grief

and channels her pain into action.
- Get those gates closed!
- On it.

She also starts to have
problems with Gregory.
He cowers to the Saviors,
but Maggie doesn't cower.
We play nice, they play nice.
See, dear, Saviors can actually
be quite reasonable.

This is our home now,
so you'll learn to start
to call me by my name.
Not Marsha, not dear, not honey.
Maggie. Maggie Rhee.
She's not going to take
shit from anyone,
and people start to notice.
What's going on?
Enid says that you want
Gregory to get us
to fight the Saviors
with you. I'm ready.
- Me, too.
- Yeah.
- Let's do it.
- I'm in.
But Maggie is not just planning for war,
she's building a future.
She's showing others how.
Maggie's new home may be Hilltop,
but when the Saviors attack Alexandria,
she's there to help.
Fan out! Two groups now!
Go, go, go! We got your back!
They chase the Saviors
out of Alexandria

but suffer heavy, heavy losses.

The communities come together
to extinguish the Savior threat,
and for the first time,
Maggie takes her place
beside the other leaders.
We've practiced.
We've been through it
over and over again.
We all know the plan
doesn't end this morning,
that we may have to live
in uncertainty for days,
maybe more,
that we have to keep
our faith in each other.
If we can hold on to that
with everything we have,
the future is ours.

Hilltop's lucky to have you.
You showed me how to be
someone worth following.
After this,
I'm following you.
He's running!

WOMAN: Don't shoot.
The war with the
Saviors is finally over,
and it looks like Maggie
may finally get her wish
to see Negan dead.


Save him.
- No!
- Maggie, Maggie.
No, he can't! No!
No! He killed Glenn!
We have to.
We have to end it!

We have to make it right!
It's not over!
It's not over till he's dead!
It's not over till he's dead!
Maggie cannot forgive Rick
for letting Negan live.
Her vision of the future
does not include Negan,
and so her grief transforms
once again into anger,
and her anger into action.
Rick was wrong to do what he did.

Michonne, too.

So we're going to bide our time,
wait for our moment
and then we're going to show him.
Well, Maggie can't forget about Negan.
She is still focused on
creating a better future,
so when an unexpected gift
shows up, she accepts it.
Here is the aforementioned
key to a future.
Inside, there are handwritten
plans for windmills,
watermills, silos,
hand-drawn schematics,
guides to refining grain,
creating lumber, aqueducts,
a book of medieval human achievement
so we may have a future from our past.

Thank you.
Gregory is still a thorn
in Maggie's side,
especially after she's elected leader,
and he is not thrilled with
how she's handling things.
Oh, Maggie, I meant to tell you.
It looked like someone had
defaced Glenn's grave.
Maybe just some sort of accident.
Probably no big deal.
I'll check it out tomorrow.
Anyway, goodnight.

- WOMAN: Oh, my God.

- Margaret?
God, Maggie. What the hell happened?
What happened?
You tried to have me
killed because you're
too chickenshit to do it yourself.
You want to lead this place?
This place? I built this place.
You can't even murder someone right.
[GRUNTS] We all know that you did this.
Otis hates you because
you got his son killed.

COHAN: She decides the
best way to punish Gregory
for trying to have her
killed is to hang him.
I don't want to do this,
but people need to
understand that at Hilltop
the punishment fits the crime.
For the love of God, stop it!
- Please!
- Ha!

Rick may be family,
but his decision to let Negan live
has driven a huge wedge between them.
Hilltop's thriving because of you.
Hilltop's given so much already,
but I'm asking for more.
Sanctuary's barely holding on right now.
We're obliged to help.
Why? They surrendered.
We didn't kill him.
That's it.
I can't solve other problems
when I clearly have things
to take care of here.
Maggie, I'm so sorry this
happened to you and Enid.
I've survived worse.

When we were fighting the Saviors,
you told me that soon you'd
be the one following me.
But you didn't,
because I wasn't someone to follow.
That changes now.
Maggie realizes that she
can't focus on the future
until she makes peace with the past.
Cindy said I showed her the way.
She did same thing for me.
We gave Rick's way a chance.
It's time to see Negan.

So she slips into
Alexandria to kill Negan.

Get out of my way.
You're willing to turn
this into something else
for him?
Not for him.
For me.
You saw what Negan did.
You think Glenn would want this?
For you to go through me to get to him.
I don't know what he'd want.
I don't know because I
never got to say goodbye.
He wouldn't want it, Maggie.
Your father wouldn't
want this. You know this.
The only thing I had,
the one thing I had
was knowing I was going to
see Glenn's murderer die,
and you took it from me.
So taking it back, what the
hell is that going to do?
It's going to start things over.
No, it's going to start something else.
It's something else that
I can do, Michonne

because I can't keep living like this.
And you can live with what comes after?
I have to.
I can't live with it now.


But when she gets there,
she doesn't find the bloodthirsty killer
that she expected.

Please kill me.
You have to, so just do it.
Get back in your cell.
No, no, no.
No. Why?
I came to kill Negan.

And you're already worse than dead.

That settles it.

Negan has brought out
a darker side of Maggie,
and it's one that she doesn't want to be
in front of her child, so
she decides to leave Hilltop.

But when she learns that
her friends are in trouble,
Maggie returns.

He's with me.


Elijah and Cole.

I thought I'd take him to Hilltop.

What is it?

A lot has changed when Maggie was away,
but some things haven't.

Hey, Maggie.

You let him out?
Alpha needed to die.
And Negan was our best chance.
We were going to lose everything.
Negan's the reason we didn't.

It's not decided with Negan. Not yet.

And what Carol did, she
She felt she had to?

God knows what I would
have done if I was there.
And there's a new threat
on the horizon, The Reapers.



Come on.



- Get down!
Maggie knows the threat isn't gone
with this one attacker.

But she does decide
to come home for good.


What the hell happened?
Whisperers left a parting gift.

So, this is home sweet home?
Yeah, it is.

COHAN: The apocalypse has
tried to knock her down,
but it has failed.
She has made the tough choices,
she has persevered, and in doing so,
she has grown into a powerful leader.
No threat, whether it's The Reapers,
or a wolf in sheep's
clothing can stop her.
So while nobody ever
knows what the future
truly holds for them,
Maggie Rhee is ready
for whatever comes next.


Why didn't he make any noise?

Throats slashed so deep
it almost severed his head.

The guys we going after do this?
No. These people were
killed during the fall.

All of them?

We are walking through a mass grave
that could still be in use.
So I am asking you,
are you sure all of them
were killed during the fall?


Take each one out.
Clear the path.
- Maggie, hold up.
- Not stopping.

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