The Walking Dead: World Beyond (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

The Blaze of Gory

Previously on
The Walking Dead: World Beyond.
I live for my mom, who died
that night ten years ago today.
Mom, please!
I'm so I'm sorry.
The CRM is bad
and our dad's in trouble.
He wasn't asking for help,
but we know he might need it
I'm not trying to talk you out of it.
I'm trying to talk you into
letting me go with you.
Me too.
They'll never make it.
They'll die.
Then we have to make sure they don't.
You find yourself face-to-face
with one of the dead.
To eliminate the threat,
you go straight for the brain.
A direct stab through the eye socket
is the easiest way.
Iris? Iris! Let us help!
Right, if you can't get to the brain,
that's okay.
You're going to want to
sweep out its legs.
If none of that works,
the last thing that you want to do
is tire yourself out.
In the end though,
it is all about avoidance.
Keeping a safe distance is the
difference between life and death.
Iris, we're not ready.
You're not ready!
I am!
Now you'll be scared
the first time you face one.
You should be.
You should be scared
every single time
that you are outside those walls.
Oh, shit
Hold on, okay? We're coming.
- It's alright.
- Did she-Are you-
It's okay. I'm I'm okay.
You could have died!
I didn't!
I'm okay.
Its physiology is so different.
It's like you tackled
a bag of ravioli and candy canes.
I got this.
So, uh
That's what you get!
I'm sorry.
Didn't we use to take piano lessons
on this street?
You did. I quit, remember?
I can't believe the Lieutenant
Colonel gave the girls a map.
A map of New York State.
She said
that's where their father is.
If we told the super the truth,
we'd have ten more hands out here.
If you spill
that old professor-doctor
was sending messages
back here from the CR?
That's a basket of deep-fried shit.
I just don't get it.
It's not like him.
That man does not take risks.
Neither do we. Look at us now.
He loves his girls, you love him.
And I love you, idiot.
Which is why I'm here.
That, and Hope's a good kid.
I may have given her reason
to think she could pull this off.
Well, I love you too Huck,
and no you did not.
Way too early to be nimble.
I've seen you limbo, girl.
I think you'll manage.
Nobody gets lower than me.
But that's when the sun's down,
and the music's up.
I mean, he was risking
the whole Alliance by sending those.
The Civic Republic doesn't play.
You really think he may be in
some kind of trouble? That Will is?
None of his messages
said the CR were bad people.
- Yeah, well
- Just saying.
Maybe their facility's in trouble.
Maybe their whole community is.
I don't know.
Say what you will
What, they're
a bunch of black-wearing paranoids,
lightyears ahead of us
in manufacturing, fuel, and chicory?
It's good chicory.
Say what you will about them
not telling anyone where they are.
But also not allowing any sort
of communication in or out.
I mean, that means That means
that they enforce that from inside,
wherever they are.
Say what you will,
but they handle their shit.
You're sure they're headed east?
This road's the straightest shot.
You know what's east.
It's a funnel.
It'll stop them.
We'll catch them.
The second they catch sight of it,
they'll be glad they still have
a home to go back to.
Hey, Dad. I finally got my check
for all that overtime.
I'll deposit it as soon as
I used your computer.
Got on that job website
you wanted me to try.
Found these emails.
Are you a faggot?
You don't say that word to me.
I love you, but don't say that to me.
Because you are?
-This isn't how-
-Are you?
I'm gay, Dad.
Get out of my house.
Dad, things have been hard.
You're not seeing it right,
we can talk about it.
Get out of my house,
right now,
and don't come back.
I don't know you.
Dad, I'm your son.
No, you're not.
- Yeah, I am!
- You're not.
I am your son, goddamn it!
I've been paying your bills,
I've been holding you together,
I've been believing in you
when nobody else would.
I'm going to walk out that door,
and you're going to
have to live with that.
Yeah. I will.
You need that.
We don't need your help.
I didn't know
you could fight empties.
Me either.
What kind of music are you into?
Different kinds?
Well you should play some
for us sometime.
You know, when it's safe to.
That's the game.
You pick the target,
and then you bowl the ball.
Yeah, name's Big Mo.
Found him sitting all alone,
abandoned on the curb.
Aw, damn.
The wind always wins.
Just something my mom said,
about nature deciding
who lives and who dies.
Turns out she was right.
About what?
Us being at the conclusion
of the Holocene extinction.
The sixth extinction event
on the planet.
We were already killing ourselves
directly and indirectly, but
nature made a shortcut.
You know, it took the dinosaurs
possibly 60,000 years to die,
after 240 million of living, so
following that ratio,
given the human race is 600,000
and factoring in
other miscellaneous variables,
I'd say we have about
fifteen years 'til we're gone.
Fifteen years, huh?
I'd have given it way less,
but that's just me.
I'd never have pegged you
for the doomsday type.
You just seem so chill about it.
It's just how it is.
You seem at peace with it.
Most people aren't.
Guess we're not most people.
What is it?
It's The Blaze.
So it's real.
The Blaze of Gory!
Blaze of
The B.O.G.
People have been talking about it
since everything fell apart.
It's this everlasting fire of
totally Old Testament proportions.
The predominant theory
is that it's tires.
A lot of tires.
Left unattended,
they can burn for years,
even decades.
It's just a fire, though
No, no, it's much more than that.
The smoke plume
and the firelight after dark
have been attracting empties to it
for years and years,
like moths to a flame.
And the more that come,
the louder it gets,
which attracts more.
Thus explaining why we haven't seen
too many around here.
So can we get through it?
We don't know that.
Why risk it, let's just go around.
We go around, the river cuts us off,
we go sixty miles out of the way.
We should at least
see if it's doable.
You talk me out of stuff like this,
not the other way around.
- That was a long time ago.
- That was yesterday.
Exactly. So let's keep moving.
Let's see what we see.
I want to see it regardless.
This was them.
At least one of them.
Whichever one
ate chocolate for breakfast.
That's fun.
I swear to God,
Hope is going to be composting mulch
for a year when I find her.
Just Hope? Not Iris or the others?
You think Iris is behind this?
I was in the weeds for a while.
Who you are inside those walls
ain't who you are outside.
You okay?
What's with the spray paint?
I can continue Dr Bavolar's migration
experiments while on our journey.
Track how the empties move, merge,
and break off from each other.
Hey, maybe you can help me?
Is Is that an empty?
What happened to it?
You hear that?
Let's get the hell out of here!
Help, Silas!
Hit it!
Use the wrench!
We lost it.
Bummed you didn't kill it?
Don't be.
Why did you try to kill yours?
I had to.
I'm the reason we're out here.
And we'll all have to kill one
Hey, guys.
Think that's our shelter
for the evening?
Looks like
a whole lot of rooms to clear.
Well, yes, but, not that.
Why be on terra firma
when you can be on summus locus?
Hope, remember how
we begged Dad to build
a tree house in the back yard?
Yeah, I remember.
Big Mo!
Big Mo.
Come on
Give him a helping hand
coming back home.
He's cool.
You got to say it when you do it.
- Big
- Come on, Silas!
Loud and proud!
Big Mo!
He found us?
I'm sorry, guys.
It's okay. We can
drop something on it. Um
Oh! Big Mo.
Okay, okay. I will do it.
We'll get him back.
I just didn't want to crack
his glossy goodness.
Taking the hit for us, papi.
Ah, shit!
There's got to be
something else in here.
I'm sorry.
I should have killed it before.
It's okay. Empties are supposed to
get distracted pretty easy.
If it's still around in the morning,
we'll deal with it then.
Oh, score!
Now it's your turn.
You just went?
Getting doubles.
I was meant to get, like
- Is that eight?
- Right.
I don't have I only have red ones.
I'm not going to let you out.
What was that?
Twelve! That's the highest one.
I'm going to buy that,
the Electric Company.
I'm going to I'm going to do this.
Oh, that was almost doubles again.
Come on. Come on, stud.
Did you
get rid of it?
I didn't do anything.
Th-thank you.
That should have been me.
That was my mistake.
It wasn't.
But fine, say it was.
It doesn't mean it has to
follow you around forever.
Look, can we keep this
our little secret?
What's up, Felix?
Nothing, I
I just used to live around here.
Hope stole this from my apartment.
You'd think they'd do a better job
of covering up their tracks.
You'd think they would, huh?
Come on.
You wanted to take a look, we took
a look, and what I saw was crazy.
It's big.
Quite big.
I think we can do this.
The map says there's an airfield
on the other side.
It's surrounded by a fence,
which means the empties coming
from the east have to go around it.
That leaves us
a clear path to go through.
We just have to go due east,
then we're home free.
What about the ones before the fence?
It's all about evasion.
It's like what Felix taught us
in self-defense class:
The key isn't fighting,
it's avoiding.
We can sneak past them
and use the buses for cover.
Um, did you guys see
the same screwed-up shit that I did?
We've had two close encounters
with empties already
and we barely made it past them.
Two of them.
Come on, guys.
Let's put our brains back in.
If we go around,
we'll probably get caught,
and I can't go back.
I came out here to see
what the world is. Start to finish.
I don't intend to finish
before I start.
Blaze of Glory, right guys?
It'll be dark soon.
If we leave at dawn, shadows will
be long and we'll have more cover.
Holy God. The air
tastes like a skid mark.
That's the tire fire. We're close.
Which means they are too.
They should hit The Blaze tomorrow.
We can afford to rest.
We're going on 48 hours.
- I'm fine.
- You're not.
You're not even thinking right.
We don't rest, we get whupped
by the janitor kid when we find them.
Hey, Huck.
I swear to God.
I get it. You're worried for them.
But if you don't clear your head
and start thinking big picture,
you'll end up with one of these.
Or worse.
So you're not going to sleep,
and you're not going to tell me
what's up.
You know
you were out in the wild for years,
and you barely said two words
about it. You know that, right?
I got my rep
as the strong, silent type
to think about.
And besides,
the past is the past, you know.
I was, uh
I was at the University.
The Night the Sky Fell.
Yeah. You mentioned that.
As soon as it started to get bad,
I just
I just took off.
I I had to.
Just to get back to them. You know?
Get back to my family.
I just wanted to see
if they were okay.
See if I could just be with them
at the end.
It took two days.
Mostly by foot.
I get it.
They might have been shitty parents,
but they're still your parents.
Did you make it back?
Mom! Dad!
Dad! Just let me help you
get somewhere safe.
We don't need your help.
Come on, Mom! I'm home!
It doesn't matter.
The past is the past, right?
Yeah, it is.
Hey. Get some sleep, Huck.
You ain't got to tell me twice.
Got about a half hour until sunup.
Your and Iris's jackets look spiffy.
Silas fixed them so they'd fit us.
His grandma taught him how to sew.
Who knew?
Hey, can I ask you something?
Does it bother you that we're
going to end up like the dinosaurs?
Does it bother you?
I think I always knew
it was going to go that way.
Or at least, since
Wait. Are you dodging?
No! No, I was just curious.
It doesn't bother me.
Just the opposite.
There had to have been
a last generation.
I just wonder if they knew
they were the end,
were therefore special.
We're the last generation?
Or the endlings,
as the last of a species is called.
That makes us special.
I'm lucky to know that.
To know that
I need to make my life count.
It's all I can do.
Really, it's all any of us can do.
We're the endlings.
Endlings, huh?
Actually, I misspoke.
We aren't the endlings.
The last member of a species,
the very last one, that's an endling.
Of this faux species,
that is our quartet
crossing the continent,
the last one alive,
they're the endling.
And it's their life,
their death,
that defines us all.
Does that bother you?
We should get going soon.
The sun will start to rise.
Do you still have the spray paint?
I was out like a light.
You sleep at all?
No. No, I couldn't if I wanted to.
Too bad.
Yeah. We should go.
We need to keep moving east.
That's it. That's our way out.
But we'll have to go around them.
So much for east.
Knowing where you are going
is everything.
Now, if you know what time it is,
you got a compass in the sky.
Now you lose that,
you're flying blind.
Keep moving.
This isn't about
standing your ground.
This is about survival.
Sometimes, you don't
get to choose your direction.
Where's the fence?
I can't see it.
Sometimes, you don't get to know
where you're going.
There it is.
It's this way!
It's okay. We did it.
We made it.
What the hell?
We didn't do it.
Not even close.
"The Endlings"?
They got themselves a nickname.
She wants us to find them.
Iris or Hope?
Ah, I don't know.
Obviously one of them
doesn't want to do this.
One of them wants our help.
So let's get them.
Yo! Keep up.
I'm not letting you sneak off
like last night.
Mom! Dad!
Come on, Mom! I'm home!
Will you tell me
where you went last night?
To kill my parents.
The airfield must be
behind the rest of The Blaze.
I should have known
there'd be a "rest of The Blaze".
It was behind the smoke, alright?
None of us saw it.
I'm going to propose
something unpopular,
but it might be
the only "something" we have.
There's an old tornado siren
on that roof.
If somebody could sound it,
it could create a nice diversion
for the others.
For the others?
The idea is that whoever sounds the
siren will be able to get down too.
You want to send someone in as bait?
No! No, no not as bait, more like
It's bait, yeah.
- But I don't want to, at all, okay?
- It's too dangerous.
We all came in, we all come out.
But how?
You were right to question me.
I thought I was ready for this.
I wanted to be brave.
I wanted to be more like you.
I'm not brave.
I'm a shit person
who does shit things
because I don't give
a single shit about anything.
- That's not true.
- Yes, it is!
You had the guts to do something big.
Something crazy,
something that meant something,
and not just to you but all of us.
You should be proud,
no matter what.
Let's get some rest.
We'll do better with fresh heads.
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