The Watch (2020) s01e02 Episode Script


I want you to marshal
all the resources
at your disposal.
To find a library book?
Let's go get pissed.
CARROT: I know
any of you have done
in a city full of
thieves and killers,
is shoot a bunch of innocent
pigeons and chase a dog.
Welcome to Ankh-Morpork.
VIMES: I thought I saw a man
who did this?
CHEERY: Carcer Dun is dead,
CARROT: You're a werewolf.
That's who Sam Vimes is.
Helps people who have
nowhere else to go.
SYBIL: So, you think
VIMES: Carcer Dun.
who's come back
from the dead,
hasn't aged a day
and is now stockpiling Slab.
It was only later
I realised we'd both saved each other.
Be safe, Goodboy.
VIMES: All this Slab for a little
library book about dead dragons.
CARCER: A book can burn a world.
VIMES: Carcer.
- No!
So, uh
I am dead, right?
It would seem our
meeting is somewhat,
Then, uh
Why are we
Probably, something to do with
that crossbow bolt heading towards you.
The guy who shot it?
Mr Carcer Dun?
Twenty years ago,
did he die?
Sadly not.
I saw him fall.
And the lightning
I saw him burn.
You'd think that
would be enough, wouldn't you?
Imagine how frustrating these things
are for me. (GRUMBLES)
Here I am,
trying to do a job
If he didn't die,
then where is he?
Did you hear what I said?
No, of course, you didn't.
Nobody ever listens to Death.
Nobody ever thinks about Death.
Eh, we're gonna have to finish
this discussion at another time
because someone's about
to save you
and I've got to carry on
not being appreciated elsewhere.
Who's gonna save me?
DEATH: Ah, shut up.
Who's gonna save me?
- No.
- No!
Stand down, Sergeant,
that's an order.
Stand down!
CHEERY: Sarge!
CARROT: Captain, stay down!
- ANGUA: Sarge!
My champion won't
save me again.
You saved me
You saved all of us
VIMES: Sarge.
VIMES: Oh, Sarge.
Good evening, everyone.
Thank you, uh
Thank you for this opportunity
to share my music
with you guys.
Let's have fun tonight, yeah?
How do you know
ANGUA: I can't believe
he's gone.
We're not meant to die
doing this.
Line of duty.
Get that shit from Carrot?
Our line of duty's way off
what we just did.
Sarge wanted to be more than
a prop under some bridge.
Maybe we can be more, too.
Memories, good times
Took a witness statement
from Lady Ramkin, sir.
Checked every iconograph
in the area.
All murdered.
Carcer wanted no trace
of himself
or who he was
getting that book from.
Who told the Sergeant to go
charging through
the door like that?
You knew him.
When you were younger.
- How come he hasn't aged a day?
- Who told him?
Was it possible
the report you made
20 years ago was wrong.
Perhaps, Carcer didn't die,
maybe he got away
Who told him?
I was trying to help.
Carcer didn't get away.
- He should be dead.
- But he's not.
And now he's back.
And he's killed two alchemists,
another officer of the Watch,
17 iconograph imps,
all in pursuit of that book
you tasked me with finding.
- Booze run away.
- A book none of us took seriously,
yet somebody stole
from the Unseen University
- Who scared the booze?
- for Carcer and would only exchange
- for enough Slab to sink a city.
- Come back to save us.
There's more to all this
than you and Carcer.
He didn't come looking for you,
you went looking for him.
Don't you wanna know
what he's planning to do with that book?
This is way above
our pay grade.
Carcer is not a member of any guild,
there's no licence
for the crimes he's committing.
Surely, that means
all of this is in
our jurisdiction.
The Watch hasn't fought
real crime for years.
My Sergeant
The only reason
I'm still breathing
Nothing wrong with love
It's just the four
of us now.
Five, sir.
Lady Ramkin
wants to help.
VIMES: We'll see about that.
The door wasn't locked.
You want people
to get in here.
My father commissioned
these ordnance maps
for his holdings
across the city.
We can use them to coordinate
our search for Carcer.
Help me with this strap,
will you?
I can never get this sodding
holster across my shoulder.
Um Look, don't think
I don't appreciate you
- trying to help, but, uh
- Mmm, I might have to carry it.
But then, that means,
I'll have to either leave
the broad sword or the mace behind,
which I'm loath to do.
If Vetinari finds out
what you've been doing
to guild members up here,
he'll hang me for
not reporting you,
and have half the Assassins Guild
crawling all over this place
before my neck's broken.
Maybe you can carry the mace?
I'm more booze than blood.
And your Your snares
and wires didn't fool me.
My little vanity hatch
did though.
One finger on this switch
It's a long way down
to the basement.
Do you have any idea
how many thieves
rethink their choice
of profession
after ten weeks
of intensive nursing?
Even if you caught
every assassin,
you'd never get them to rethink
their choice of profession.
VIMES: My gods.
That's a noble dragon.
Just like in the book.
SYBIL: These poor souls.
ANNOUNCER: Citizens,
Lord Vetinari wishes it be known
that the recent occurrence
It's just as you described it
from Carcer's book, Lady Ramkin.
not a dragon but a
Did anyone see it up close?
angry, wailing bird.
SYBIL: And you call yourselves
the Watch.
ANNOUNCER: Please remain calm.
How many, um
At least six, sir,
in this street.
CARROT: Whether you
like it or not
this is now a crime scene,
Where'd that bastard go?
Eighty confirmed dead.
Scores of injured.
Four streets, gone!
To say nothing of the damage
to our pockets.
My thieves are afraid
to step into
VETINARI: Yes, but does
the Thieves' Guild have a proposal
for finding this creature?
URDO VAN PEW: Nobody's seen one
in a hundred years.
Folklore speaks
of chaining virgins to rocks, to
DR CRUCES: Plenty of rocks
in the city, My Lord.
Only one virgin I know of.
Well, perhaps
we should contract
our esteemed head of the Assassins Guild
to inhume the creature.
If I can find it,
I can kill it.
As ever, Dr Cruces's,
dedication to her craft is
But it seems to me,
the sudden appearance
of this creature is most likely
to be a magical phenomenon.
this city greatly values
the technology your
Unseen University provides.
But your experiments
have some
alarming side effects.
Like keeping the lights on?
Like the time an entire street
vanished when you wired it up
to the thaumic power grid.
Yeah, it was a coincidence.
- Or the fact that you can't swear?
- Oh, yes.
Firstly, what sort of
- would bring that up.
And secondly,
I was trying to help
a poor mother
who preferred music
to her foul-mouthed teenager's
terrible profanities.
The spell backfired,
and I was left with this
- This
Every stall in the Shade is full of your
malfunctioning inventions.
The typewriter
that explodes
when you press the letter "Y."
VETINARI: Can you be certain that
there's nothing taking place
in your institution
that could've triggered
this event?
A trespasser's foot
so much as touches the floor
of our research library
and I'm immediately alerted.
No, no, no, no.
This had nothing
to do with us.
Our scoreboard?
What is this?
What have you done?
I dragged up
every report I can.
Right back to when the Captain was first
in the Watch.
Did you know he only joined up
to kill John Keel and empty the cells?
And he had a change of heart.
Carcer was in charge of the gang
most of the criminals
in these cells were part of.
Captain Vimes filed a report
saying he chased Carcer
up on to the roof
of Unseen University.
What happened
to the typewriter?
Oh, it blew up.
The Captain said that lightning
disintegrated Carcer.
What if
he let him go?
They were friends.
Weren't they?
Grew up together.
Only explanation I can think
of for why he isn't dead.
I can't do this.
I don't understand.
Who's better than Cheery
with powders and prints?
And you, with that nose.
And look,
yesterday, it was complaints about
litter and peeping toms.
Today, people want to know
if they're gonna be safe.
We should run
towards the danger
- everyone else runs away from.
- I can't.
You don't strike me
as a coward.
If I'm caught outside
when the moon's out
I'm the danger.
It's me they'll be running from.
We don't live
in the same world, Constable.
Angua, I'm sorry, I
VETINARI: The dragon must be
hiding somewhere, Vimes.
VIMES: The Librarian
didn't mention that the, uh,
book could summon
dragons, sir.
Have you met him, Vimes?
Apart from that night I chased Carcer
on to its roof,
I've never been anywhere
near on Unseen University.
Let's just say The Librarian
is a man of few words.
The book
must've been
stolen for Carcer
by someone on the inside.
Sorry, I I didn't mean
to think aloud.
Well, if I find the thief,
they might lead us
straight to him.
I've, uh, already lost
one good officer.
The others barely survived.
"Barely" will suffice, Vimes.
SYBIL: The overalls
are made of scalehide.
Flame retardant.
Pop the gloves on, will you?
Uh, Lady Ramkin,
the trousers are too tight,
they're really riding up
around my crotch
SYBIL: Oh! Vimes.
I've brought these in,
in case of another attack.
They won't do much good
in a full frontal blast
but they should provide
some protection.
Stealing that book
from Unseen University
was an inside job.
It's the only lead
we've got on Carcer,
and sending that thing back.
Us? The Watch?
- VIMES: Mmm-hmm.
- So, this is an official investigation?
Afraid so.
And I am not
losing anybody else.
We do things my way,
Low-key, no stupid risks,
heads down.
The Archchancellor
is the most powerful wizard in the city.
He created everything,
from the street lights
to the iconographs.
He'll make short work of you.
CHEERY: You You know him?
SYBIL: A little.
So he can help us.
I don't think
that's a good idea.
CARROT: We need
all the help we can get.
SYBIL: Good, agreed.
Leave it with me.
Uh, leave what with you?
Lady Ramkin!
Leave what with you?
Find the wizards.
CARROT: The wizard's fallen asleep.
It's been a while
since he called upstairs.
I should wake him.
Sit back down
and let him sleep.
CARROT: Why are they
keeping us waiting?
- 'Cause we're the Watch.
- CARROT: Or are they using
- all this time to hide something.
Lord Vetinari publishes the minutes
of most council meetings.
I've been reading
through some of the paperwork.
Paperwork isn't
police work, Constable.
Besides, if it's a public document,
then nobody's gonna
say anything that's gonna inc
incriminate themselves,
are they?
Why do you keep
shutting me down?
Why don't you shut yourself
down for a while?
ARCHCHANCELLOR: Good afternoon.
Listen and learn, Constable.
We're here to, uh, investigate
a report made
by your librarian
about the theft of a book
from one of his shelves.
We'd like to ask you
a few questions.
I'm not sure how much use
I can be to you.
It's a long time
since I concerned myself
with minor matters like
library books.
in my experience,
it pays to explore
every avenue.
We won't take up
too much of your time.
And while we're speaking,
my officers here would like
to interview your librarian.
That I can arrange.
Javier, will you escort
these two Watch officers
to the library?
Did none of you
notice he'd died?
Is everybody here a
A wizard?
And you are?
Just a cleaner.
Right, here we go.
The Librarian will look after you.
You're not
coming in with us?
Uh, six floors
left more to clean.
Don't worry, the alarms won't trigger
when you tread on this one.
You have
the Archchancellor's permission.
Thank you.
my biggest discovery.
It's where I get my best ideas.
Helps me focus my imagination.
The, um, stolen book?
(SCOFFS) Please.
You honestly think I believe
you came here to talk about a book?
Vetinari's getting desperate,
sending you in here.
They're always spying on us.
We've had them all.
Lowly orphans
with tragic stories.
New caterers,
then the old caterers back
with their tails between their legs.
I gave them those tails.
We didn't come here for tales.
Or trouble.
That's good, because you're sitting on
the last person who did.
Painful process.
That's the face, you know.
- Right by your left
Excuse me.
Terrible affliction.
What you really want to know
is if we're to blame
for that dragon.
- No.
Captain, I'm not a fool.
I've already told the council
that our ex
I believe you used Slab
in some of those
experiments, Archchancellor.
That's right.
just a narcotic
Fuel for making magical reactions.
- What is this?
- Yeah, what is this?
It's called interviewing
a suspect, sir.
- ARCHCHANCELLOR: Am I a suspect?
- No.
- Yes. Yes.
- No.
- No, no, no, no, no.
- Yes.
Get on with it.
You were recently in dispute
with the Alchemists' Guild,
who refused to supply you Slab after you
tried to drive down their prices.
- You would have got that from
- Council meeting minutes, sir.
- Hmm.
- Police work can be paperwork.
You would make
a great couch, Constable.
Are you sure
he's with the Watch?
Oh, yes. Oh, yes.
Hand picked
and trained by me.
And actually,
we were both wondering
how you'd solved your
- Supply.
- supply.
Supply problem
after reading the
- Minutes.
- minutes.
Great. Yeah,
I've read those minutes.
It's obvious, isn't it?
Fewer magical reactions.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have an appointment.
- So, if you could kindly
- off.
- Oh, yes. Yes.
Thank you.
Bit dark for a library.
If these freaky books
turn mean on us,
you fight the encyclopaedias,
I'll fight the periodicals.
And that?
Maybe we can
fight that one together.
With the Sarge?
Why are you carrying him
around like that?
Crossbow is broken.
Hey, did it just jump?
We know the book
was almost certainly stolen
by someone
inside the university.
And they exchanged it
with Carcer for Slab.
Do you really think he's got
an appointment, Captain?
Actually, I do.
This is how
you're helping us?
I've come to discuss
this year's Ramkin Scholarship Awards.
My family have been supporting
underprivileged students for years.
Hmm. Well, at least
you didn't bring Goodboy with you.
I not only learn
from my mistakes, I grow.
So, I brought my axe.
You can't carry
an axe around
Can in a coat like this.
Besides, it's not a weapon.
It's a tool.
- Perfectly legal if you chop firewood.
- Hmm.
Did the Archchancellor
give you anything useful?
Only that
he's running low on Slab
and doesn't wanna
talk about it.
Is he pestering you, Lady Ramkin?
He's just admiring my coat,
I'll get him to talk. Watch.
Archchancellor, tell me about
No, no. It's okay.
Hey, this is The Librarian.
This is Angua.
Say hello.
Welcome to
the reading room.
- Wait, how come I can
- This space helps them
read books written in
ancient languages.
But it also helps them
- read people.
- People
That's incredible.
- Angua.
- Cheery.
You're terrified.
You're not carrying
the Sarge around as a weapon
You're thinking of leaving.
you're carrying him
for comfort.
You're terrified
of the dark.
Shall we just
BOTH: See what our friend here
can tell us about the book?
Yeah, I think we'd better,
don't you?
No more dragon sightings
at least.
Must be nesting somewhere.
Is that what
these things do, nest?
What happened to
the typewriter?
Doesn't matter.
Sir, did you know the library
is right under the dome
where you fought Carcer?
It's all in here.
Your own report.
Checking up on me, Constable?
The Archchancellor sent The Librarian
out of the city on an errand
the night the book
was stolen.
The Archchancellor denied
ever having sent the message,
even though it was in
his own handwriting.
That's when The Librarian noticed
an empty space on his shelves.
The Archchancellor could lead us
to Carcer but he won't come quietly.
The Library is rigged
with an alarm system
that triggers as soon as any trespassers
set foot on the floor.
And what good
does that do us?
There's a room where
you can read people.
We get in there, trigger the alarm,
lure him in.
Find out the truth
All of it.
WONSE: It's Vimes.
He's investigating.
I did as you asked,
stole the Grimoire.
Now, I need to go.
Why didn't it work, Wonse?
Why couldn't I control
the dragon?
I have the book
and it's no use to me.
WONSE: Without magical training,
maintaining the bond
between summoner and summoned
What is this?
I just scrub shit off the walls.
- You're a wizard.
- Don't
Don't call me that.
Not one of their stupid ideas works out
the way it's supposed to.
But I'm taking the Slab you gave me
and I'm leaving this city.
Teaching myself everything
they held back from me.
They don't deserve you anyway.
You left me to rot in a cell.
Get our brothers and sisters
out of there.
Vimes was supposed to
break you all out.
Where'd you go that night?
Why do you still look
the same?
What are you hiding?
You were like a father
to us kids.
But now we're all
older than you.
- How?
- Go back.
Use the Reading Room
to find out what this symbol is.
I can't.
Then, maybe,
I'll tell you my secret.
Library's right below us.
CARROT: Why won't
you talk about that night, sir?
Over here.
As soon as we're on the floor,
the alarm's will go.
We run for the room.
Draw the Archchancellor in
And beat the shit out of him
and find out where Carcer's holed up.
Watch yourselves
with ancient history
and modern languages.
They bite.
ANGUA: That wasn't us.
The Archchancellor
will be here soon.
- What the
are you doing here?
No, it's somebody else.
You're the thief.
- It's my
You've been here
all these years.
I would rather be a cleaner here
than Captain of the City Watch.
CARROT: You know
this woman, sir?
VIMES: A lifetime ago.
They were both in
Carcer's gang.
And Vimes turned on us all.
Where'd Carcer go.
How do we get rid of
that thing out there?
CARROT: She doesn't know.
She does know this isn't just about
revenge against you.
Carcer wants
to burn the whole city down.
Needs to burn it down,
every molecule.
He hasn't told you?
Why come back with a book
you've already stolen?
Carcer can't control
the dragon
What is this?
without a key.
CARROT: But you don't know what it is.
ANGUA: Or where it is.
He's in the Shades.
Rest assured, she will be
severely punished
once she's finished
the urinals.
This room could revolutionise
policing across the Disc.
Spend too much time in here
and you regress into
into this.
An unintended side effect
of a spell
designed to make meaning
as simple as possible.
Everything you touch has an
unintended side effect, Archchancellor.
And if you want to lift
that silly curse,
why don't you try making
the sound of a trombone
when you need to swear?
VIMES: You're no killer, Wonse.
You wouldn't help him
burn the city.
That was always
the difference between
you and the rest of us, Vimes.
We had to kill
or we didn't eat.
didn't eat.
But when it was your turn
to pay us back
- You're coming with me.
- Shit.
ANGUA: Goblins!
CARROT: Goblins, go!
CHEERY: Where are they?
It's a trap!
- WONSE: Kill them all.
CHEERY: Angua, behind you.
They've strengthened their armour.
They're smarter than we thought.
Hold the doors, now!
VIMES: Constable
Lady Ramkin
Archchancellor, I was out
chopping firewood
and I just got lost.
Oh, shit.
VIMES: Was that
really necessary?
The blood boils up and I just throw
before I think, you know?
I know why you're terrified.
- The moon.
- You'd better run then.
You're the danger?
I decide to seize me
and when, understand?
I decide.
- Angua, no.
- Go, it's the only way.
Come on, move.
Move. Come on.
Let's go. Let's go.
CARROT: The door, sir.
VIMES: Step aside, Constable.
- CARROT: Sir, it just slides open.
VIMES: Wonse got here before us.
- We just missed them.
Foot hurting, sir?
This is my kicking foot, Constable.
It's taken down many, many,
many, many doors in its time.
In all manner of
Yes, it does hurt actually.
- Come on, sir.
We raided Carcer's lock-up.
Confiscated weapons, but, uh
they'd already moved on.
It's a technical police term.
It suits you.
And you mentioned a key?
This picture is from
the library book.
We don't know what it is.
Where it is.
Find it before Carcer does.
I mean, after all,
you're the head of the City Watch.
That's nothing special, sir.
Oh, but look at what
you've already achieved
police work can be paperwork.
VIMES: It's time for the truth.
That night, when I had Carcer
hanging off the edge of that roof,
part of me wanted to
push him over.
But another part, that part
wanted to pull him back.
So, in the end,
I did nothing.
I just
And I don't know
if what I did
was out of courage
or cowardice.
But I do know one thing.
I'm done watching.
Sometimes it's hard trying not to do
the wrong thing.
And sometimes it's even harder
Well, it's even harder.
Harder, because
as the saying goes,
"You can lead a fish
to water"
"You can't judge an apple
by its cover."
"but you cannot
make him drink it."
And sometimes it's even harder
CHEERY: They're gonna be cleaning
goblin guts out of those books
for centuries.
ANGUA: I don't want to know.
I wouldn't worry about it.
It's not like
they can actually feel pain.
How'd you find me anyway?
- Are those parts of
- I think it's a cat.
Tracked a whole trail of noses and paws.
- I guess you don't like those bits.
How can I stay
in this job, Cheery?
Picks up the slightest change
in the weather.
Cloudy tonight.
Bad news for people
afraid of dragons.
Good news for werewolves.
Why are you so afraid
of the dark?
It's not the dark.
It's what's in it.
And at the end of the day,
you can't make a pie
So, I'm done.
That was wonderful.
- Shall we get back to business?
- Yeah.
CARROT: The lightning you saw,
all those years ago,
could be another side effect
of an Unseen University experiment.
When you find out
what it was,
I'll be able to figure out
what happened to Carcer.
And what that is.
I snuck into
the Alumni Archives.
Found some papers
of a sorcerer
who had wasted his entire life
trying to prove it was possible
to summon a noble dragon.
Carcer must have been using the Grimoire
the sorcerer made.
Yes. Also,
on the sorcerer's deathbed,
he bequeathed
a magical artefact
to a friend for safekeeping.
- What is it?
- This was his legacy.
"I entrust Gawain's
power to you.
"Place him in Veltrick's hand
and all will be well."
- Gawain?
- Gawain could be the key.
Why do I know that name?
SYBIL: Veltrick was a king.
He was inhumed
by the Assassin's Guild
many centuries ago,
long before they were legalised.
They were so proud of
their accomplishment,
they made a statue of him
in their gallery.
CARROT: And what's so funny?
VIMES: Oh, well,
we're actually quite good at this,
aren't we?
Wait one minute.
I wouldn't be seen dead
wearing that, Vimes.
Well, you have to wear the badge
if you want to help us.
I will consider your offer.
Did I just
do something wrong?
When I saw Lady Ramkin
with that dragon,
I thought I'd check
her records.
Smaller offences
often mask bigger ones
I think you should read this.
Something happened to her
years ago.
CARCER: Don't leave.
Help me to find
the key before Vimes.
WONSE: I am taking my Slab
and I am getting out of here.
You're not gonna find
what you're looking for.
The story of this world's
already been written.
There is no place in it
for you or me.
No. I don't believe that.
I know it.
I've seen it.
Where have you been
all these years?
Found a new gang
Bigger and better
than any guild.
And the Watch,
they see through the whole maze.
Every turn, every route
All the ways it's rigged.
- Who are they?
- Silent partners.
They can give us the power
to write our own story.
They just ask that we burn
this one down.
All of it.
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