The Wedding Coach (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

The Unruly Guest

I'm Jamie Lee, comedian,
actress, author, and former bride.
A few years ago, I got married.
Was it magical? Kinda.
Was planning it a bit of a nightmare?
[dramatic music intensifying]
In fact,
I found wedding planning so ridiculous
that I wrote a book about it!
Here's the thing.
The wedding industry wants you to believe
that everything should be perfect,
but that's some bullshit.
There's no need for a wedding expert.
You just need someone who's lived
through it to do your dirty work.
I'll be there to help couples
get to the finish line,
and I'll be bringing along
some of my friends to help.
Consider me the wedding coach!
Do I have pit stains?
Ooh, la, la, la, la
Do, do, do, do, do, do it ♪
Ooh, la, la, la, la
Do, do, do, do, do, do it ♪
[percussion music playing]
- Make sure it doesn't hit the car.
- [man] That's why I'm standing here.
[woman laughing]
[Lee] These two cuties are Bree and Ben.
Bree and Ben have been planning
their big traditional Nigerian wedding
for two years,
and it's coming up in just five days.
- [Bree] I'll just eat you up. Come here.
- [Ben] Good to know.
[Lee] Bree herself is not Nigerian,
but she wants to please
Ben and his family,
and it has her feeling overwhelmed,
and now she's just shutting down.
This is actually the worst thing ever.
And who better to attend
a celebration of love
- Jamie!
- [Lee screams]
than the most lovable guy I know,
comedian Jon Gabrus.
The champ is here.
[Lee] Jon has given incredible speeches
at more than ten weddings,
and he's from Long Island,
so he's not afraid to tell it like it is.
Always be the second drunkest
person at the party.
[Lee] Jon and I only have a few days
to ease the pressure off of Bree and Ben,
and get them back on track.
[upbeat music playing]
What? That thing about to fall.
I wouldn't do it. Look.
[Bree screams]
When I first met Ben,
I just thought he was kind of different,
'cause I'm used to guys
kind of being like
[Ben] I had met
some mutual friends of hers.
They just kept saying, "Oh, my God.
You have to meet this girl named Bree."
"She's so beautiful."
When she actually walked in,
it was like my chest, like,
about to like pop out my shirt.
Ah! [laughs] Thank you.
- Gotcha, sucker.
- Where'd you get me at?
- One, two That's three!
- [laughs]
I proposed to Bree
at her graduation party.
At the end, I was like, "You probably
don't notice what's in my hand,"
and that's when she looked at me
and I had the box.
[girls cheering]
[Bree] I could cry right now.
I cry every time I think about it.
It was so beautiful.
He just makes me feel
like I could do pretty much anything.
- Girl, you know I love you.
- [both laugh]
I knew you were gonna say that.
I was so excited, I was like,
"I get to plan my own wedding,"
but that quickly changed.
We are having a pretty huge
Nigerian wedding.
All of our clothes and decorations
have to be handmade in Nigeria.
It has to look like
we're a king and a queen.
The bridesmaids and groomsmen,
they also have outfits made from Nigeria.
[Ben] My parents are, like, kind of known
in that Nigerian community,
so there is a lot of stress
on her culturally.
I think if Jamie could come in and help,
like, take some stress off of me
She has definitely been through it
and knows the ins and out of a wedding.
I'm ready to get this stress over with
so we can go on forward in our life.
[upbeat dance music playing]
[knocking on door]
- [Lee] Hi.
- [Bree laughs] Hi.
- Hi, Bree!
- [Bree laughs] Hey.
- How are you?
- [Ben] Hey. How are you?
- Hello!
- Ben. Nice to meet you.
- [Lee] How's it going?
- [Ben] Good.
[Lee] Look at your beautiful home,
you guys.
[both] Thank you.
- What do you guys do for work?
- I'm a therapist.
- [Lee] Wow!
- Yeah!
So, OK, I was gonna come here
and psychoanalyze you,
but you're like,
"I'll throw it right back at you, bitch!"
- Right. Exactly. [laughs] Yeah.
- [Lee] Amazing! OK.
- You're not Nigerian.
- No.
So how has it been
being part of a Nigerian wedding?
- How are you feeling about it?
- I'm over it already.
I know for them, it's really important
to see how things appear,
and they want it to be nice
because of perception and stuff,
especially the decorations, the stage.
Ben's mom wants the stage
to be a certain way.
- Her name's "Queen," which I love.
- [Ben] Mm-hmm.
- [Lee] Did she give herself that name?
- No. No.
- Oh, I love that.
- Yeah, that's her actual name.
Miss Bree over here,
she likes to take control of things.
I'm a little bit of a control freak.
- A little bit.
- [chuckles]
But with a Nigerian wedding,
my mom had to take the lead.
[Bree] Her intentions are really good.
She wants the wedding to be amazing.
However Oh, my gosh.
It's a lot to deal with.
It's almost like it's her wedding, too.
- Absolutely.
- It is.
- And I've heard about Carson.
- [Ben laughs]
Carson is my college friend
slash frat brother,
and, you know,
he's definitely the life of the party.
[Bree] He will get
a little too intoxicated.
Jumping off the table
like it's a frat party.
- Really?
- [Bree] Yeah. He loves the ladies.
So I don't want him
to get too wild, too crazy.
- [Lee] Like, "Carson, no!"
- [Bree] Yeah.
- "Carson down. Bad Carson."
- Yes! Definitely.
Carson I want him to be like Carson.
- But, like, not too much of Carson.
- [laughs]
Just enough where you have a good time,
but not where somebody's
carrying him out of the wedding.
Alright, well, it's been very lovely
talking to both of you.
- But I need one-on-one time with you.
- [Ben] You're kicking me out. Yeah.
- We can get a little cozy on the couch.
- OK.
Are couches triggering for you
'cause you're a therapist?
- [Bree] You know what? No!
- I'll keep asking about it.
People always think
when they come to therapy,
they're gonna lie back on the couch,
but it's not like that at all.
I love how I'm analyzing the therapist.
- [Bree] Yes. Right. [laughs]
- This is fun for me.
So, you seem very relaxed.
- And levelheaded.
- Do I? Yeah.
But I know for a fact,
in having gone through
what you're going through right now,
there's no way you're like actually calm.
No, definitely not.
- So, you have two maids of honor.
- Right.
Cheria's my best friend from college,
Megan's my best friend from childhood.
[Lee] They both want
to give speeches at the wedding.
- [Bree] Right.
- How's that going?
When me and Ben were first talking,
he was just like,
"Only one of them can do a speech,
you just need to choose one of them."
And I was like,
"I obviously can't even choose one of them
to be my maid of honor,
so how could I choose
which one's gonna do a speech?"
I always care about
people's feelings too much,
and I haven't really told either one
of them that we only want one speech.
- I think it could be like
- Contentious.
- Yeah, definitely.
- Yikes.
- We gotta fix that.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Definitely.
Talk to me a little bit about
What are some traditions
we're gonna see at your wedding?
When you come to a Nigerian wedding,
part of it is you dance into the wedding,
and, you know, the majority
of the African wedding is dancing.
But I, obviously, don't know
how to dance, like, African,
and Ben's mom is not easily impressed.
You just don't wanna get on her bad side.
When she's just not happy about something,
you can see it, like, all over her face.
I've let go of the planning aspect of it,
and I'm just like,
"Whatever you guys think is good,"
because I can't control everything
like I want to.
Cultural weddings can be tough,
especially if one partner
is of that culture
and the other one is not.
You feel lost. You feel aimless.
It's natural
to want to appease your family.
But remember,
if you only focus on their well-being,
you'll lose yourself in the process,
and resentment will gnaw away at you.
- Bree, you're clearly dealing with a lot.
- I am. I've got issues.
We've scratched the surface,
but we gotta go deeper.
- Yeah.
- I'm going to help you.
- Together, we will get you over this.
- I see you, you see me.
- I see you, couch to couch.
- Yeah. [laughs]
- Who's the therapist?
- Right.
- Who's healing who here?
- Yeah. [laughs]
I am sitting here with the one, the only,
Long Island's finest
- [laughing] Jon Gabrus!
- Yeah! Thank you, Jamie.
I have enlisted you
to help me with this wedding
because you actually have the longest
wedding résumé of anyone I've ever met.
- In fact, I had to write it down.
- [laughs]
You've been a best man three times,
been a groomsman six times,
and you've been to 20 bachelor parties.
You have all of the tools we need
to help with this wedding.
And first of all, Cheria and Megan,
those are Bree's two best friends,
they both want to give speeches
at the wedding.
What better way to defuse tension
than with a fun little competish?
If only there were some professional
public speakers on staff here.
[whispers] That's us.
- Allow me, please.
- [Bree] Thank you.
[Lee] So, Bree,
we are meeting your gals here.
- [Bree] Your outfit's cute.
- Is it?
I enjoy it.
I really do feel like a boss
when I'm wearing shoulder pads.
There is a very, like,
"Bree, can I see you over here?"
"Hey, Bree. Can we talk over here?"
- Hi! [laughs]
- Hi!
- [Lee] Hi!
- [Gabrus] Hi!
- [Lee] Look who it is!
- [Bree laughs]
- [Bree] Hey!
- [Cheria] Hi!
- Hi, hi, hi!
- [Bree laughing]
How are you guys feeling
about Bree's wedding coming up so soon?
[Megan] Excited.
- This is it. This is finally my moment.
- Yeah. It's finally here.
- "Your moment"?
- I'm pretty sure it's Bree's moment.
- [Lee] It's Bree's.
- [Cheria] It is your moment.
- But, you know
- Alright! Let's do a little fashion show.
- I think Cheria's shorter than me.
- [Cheria] Whatever.
Cheria she's crazy, first off.
[all shouting and cheering]
- You look so cute!
- [Lee gasps]
She's super territorial
about the whole best friend thing.
[Lee] Love it!
Both Cheria and Megan wanna do speeches.
That's like a competition a little bit,
and it's super important
because I don't want the wedding speech
to rock the boat with his mother
or anything like that.
- Megan!
- That looks so good.
[Gabrus] Yes!
So we have two lovely maids of honor.
I'm obviously not good
about making decisions,
that's why you guys are both
my maids of honor, so
Bree is feeling maybe just one speech
at the wedding would be great,
because no one needs to hear
a thousand speeches.
[Bree] Right.
- [Lee] Obviously, you love both of them.
- [Bree] I do.
So we were thinking
- How about a little friendly speech-off?
- [Cheria laughs]
- [Megan] Oh, Lord.
- We're gonna work on speeches.
Then we're gonna come back and just
present to Bree, and then she will decide.
[Cheria] Oh, my God.
Speeches can be painful for your guests.
You gotta choose
the right person for the job.
How do you feel
about giving a speech at a wedding?
- I mean, I feel OK.
- [Lee] Yeah?
I did one at my sister's. It was terrible.
I was like, "This is my sister."
"She used to beat me up when
we were younger. Congratulations."
And that was it.
- I need to redeem that. You know?
- [Lee] Yeah. It's time.
What was your plan for the speech?
- What's your game plan?
- I think
Just recap, like,
how long we've been friends.
Talk about what you know
about Bree and Ben together.
When I first met her,
we had a lot of good times.
Crazy. She had all these
wonderful guys chasing her
- [Lee] No. Back it up.
- No? OK. Alright.
No need to mention other guys.
There were no other guys!
Your job is to compliment the future
they will soon build together,
and then sit down.
I'm gonna have to remember this
and write it down for when I win.
- Yeah.
- [laughs]
[Lee] You're the BFF.
- And I feel like you know the real Bree.
- Yes.
So, letting people in a little bit
to who she really is.
- OK.
- And how Ben works with her.
- [Megan] Woo!
- The champ is here.
- [all laughing]
- [Megan] We're here. Right here.
[Gabrus] The day is nigh. Let's do this.
- Have a seat.
- [Bree] OK. Alright. Alright.
I'm gonna go, "Err!" We're gonna buzz.
Because we're only giving her a taste.
Whoever she chooses,
we want the full thing at the wedding.
We don't want to spoil it for you.
Megan, you're up.
- [Bree] Megan! Woo!
- OK.
OK, I'm one of Bree's maids of honor.
The maid of honor
that will be giving the speech.
- Boo! [laughs]
- [all laugh]
[Megan] I've known Bree forever.
Like literally, from
getting put on punishment
at my house at 13,
to high school, ditching classes,
and, you know, shopping for prom dresses.
And it just makes me so happy
as her best friend
to see her have somebody
that she can laugh with,
that's just as funny as her
- [Lee] Err! That's the buzzer.
- [Bree laughs]
Hey, everybody, raise your cup
and let's drink to that! [laughs]
- [clapping]
- [Gabrus] Yeah! I felt like a dance mom.
When she started, like,
"You're doing great."
[Bree] Alright, Cheria!
Bree, I wanna start off by saying,
you are my best friend.
- Thank you. [laughs]
- [Cheria] You're welcome. Alright, so
The first day that I knew Ben was yours
was when you called me on the phone,
and you said, "Cheria,"
and I said, "What's up, dawg?"
And you were like,
"Yes, girl, I like him."
I never seen her so happy
about a man before.
He treated you like a princess.
He was so kind and loving to you.
I was like, "This is the real thing."
- [Gabrus] OK. Alright.
- That's just a taste.
- Yay!
- [Cheria] Thank you.
[Lee] Tell me what you thought.
Megan's speech was really good.
She had a really good start, you know,
to bring up what we've been through
getting to this point.
- [Lee] Mm-hmm.
- [Bree] Um, I liked Cheria's speech, too.
I like that she was, like,
telling our love story.
Do you have your decision of who you want?
I think I do.
- I'm gonna have to go with
- [Cheria chuckles]
- Cheria!
- [Cheria screams]
- [Gabrus] How rude! How rude!
- [Bree laughing]
[Lee] Oh, my God!
Megan, you crushed it.
Megan, you did kill the game.
I thought you'd win to be honest.
There's no loser in this scenario.
- Come on, let's do a group hug. Aw!
- [Gabrus] Yes, group hug!
[upbeat guitar music playing]
So, Ben has this friend from college
named "Carson."
He was a frat bro.
Now, he's a frat man, which is troubling.
I can relate.
- [laughs] Have you been that?
- [chuckling]
I think people worry that about me,
but I'm a professional party animal.
- So I know what to do.
- You know your limit.
Well, you have to impart that knowledge
onto Carson.
This is what I'm built for.
This and carrying couches.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Love hanging out with you all.
And I'm gonna make sure
that Carson uses his powers for good.
It means just being yourself,
but just knowing when to, like,
"Hey, pump the brakes
on talking to Queen."
Or "Pump the brakes on talking
to one of the aunties."
Like, get out of that situation.
Carson, he needs to work on
his stuff with the ladies.
I don't know
who he's gonna hit on at the wedding,
but I'm sure there will be someone.
But he can't be doing all that.
- I'm Carson. Nice to meet you.
- Hug it out. Nice to meet you.
He's usually at, like, a twenty,
and I want him to be, like, at a seven.
Can I get two shots of Crown
with a side of Sprite?
- [they laugh]
- [Lee] It's already past 10:00 a.m.
- [laughing]
- And you guys were fraternity brothers?
Mm-hmm. He was my DP.
- [Gabrus] What does that mean?
- Not double penetration. Calm down.
- [Bree laughing]
- [Ben] Oh, my gosh.
- [Lee] OK!
- [Gabrus] Excuse us.
No, "DP" means "Dean of Pledges."
Are you wearing Nigerian garb
to the wedding?
Oh, absolutely.
I'm so afraid to show up
and just be, like, record scratch.
There will be more people
wearing Nigerian clothes
than, you know, the cocktail clothes.
Figure I'll be uncomfortable
the first 30 minutes,
but after three shots, you'll be OK.
[Lee] We all have that one friend
who parties hard and can ruin a wedding.
Well, of course,
you're a guest at a wedding,
it's like being a guest
at someone's house.
You can't come in firing off innuendos
and sexual jokes.
Bring a level of respect.
Be your best self,
because it's not about you,
it's about the bride.
OK, I'm gonna let you boys bro out.
Are you ready for this Nigerian wedding?
- I'm excited. I think it'll be fun.
- Yeah.
- They do something called "spray."
- What's that?
So, you take ones, a stack of ones,
and you throw it at the married couple.
I'm like, "Hey, I feel like
I'm at the strip club. Hey." [laughs]
- But it's your friend and his wife.
- [laughing]
[Ben] Oh, my gosh.
[Carson] I like my women easy. [laughing]
You just try to find somebody
that's not talking to somebody,
be like, "Hey, how are you doing?
I'm Carson."
"'Blahzay-woo' is what we gonna do."
[both laughing]
I already think
you need to pull it back one layer.
[both laughing]
I'm gonna be at this wedding,
so I'll wingman you.
Jamie, can we use you as a
an experiment for Carson's game?
Oh, please. I would love to hear
some of your classic pickup lines.
Hey, beautiful. I'm Carson.
You don't have to tell a girl
she's beautiful right away.
[laughs] If you're a shark,
I got swimmers for you to eat. [laughs]
- [Lee] Crazy that you're single.
- What's your number?
- I'm really interested
- Too fast.
- [Gabrus laughing]
- [Carson laughing]
[Lee] Guys,
we're going to the dance floor.
If you see your prospective hookup
on the dance floor, what do you do?
- [dance music playing]
- Oh!
OK! This is fun.
- [Carson] Yeah.
- Oh.
If you like that,
you'll like a whole lot more.
OK, and we're back to Carson.
And we're back to Carson.
- Carson can't help himself. He can't.
- [Bree] He can't.
Or if you did that, I would be like this.
- [Lee] Uh!
- [Ben] See?
- See? The habitual line-crosser.
- [Carson laughing]
If you did that, that would be offensive
just towards the culture.
Do you want it? [laughing]
How did the white boy get such good moves?
[laughing hysterically]
When it comes to unruly guests,
you can assign a friend
to keep tabs on them.
Lucky for me, Gabrus can help make sure
Carson doesn't get too sauced
and act like he's doing a perpetual
Vince Vaughn impression all night.
That's the most mature thing
a party animal can learn,
is to always be the second drunkest
person at the party.
Once I hit about 12, that's when I stop.
- Oh! OK, so
- Twelve double shots, not
- [chuckling]
- [laughs] So, 24.
[both laughing]
- [Lee] There's a lot there.
- Right.
We just have to direct it a little.
- Absolutely.
- Right.
So, I feel like Gabrus and I,
you know, we're on it.
[upbeat music playing]
So, now that we've handled
Bree and Ben's speech issue,
and we have a plan of attack for Carson,
I have to make sure
that Bree's stress levels are way down.
Bree is in a familiar state that
I dealt with when I was getting married,
where you just kind of go inside yourself.
So, my plan is forming a support group
for spouses-to-be,
so they actually have someone to talk to.
Otherwise, they'll go full-on psycho.
- You take that job, please.
- [Lee] I'll take it.
- [laughs]
- Thank you.
[Lee] Come on.
It's the personal touches.
Hi! Come on in!
- Would you like some coffee?
- Yeah.
This is like good grocery store cake.
Don't tell the wedding cake bakers,
but this is tastier.
- Hi, Bree!
- [Bree] How's it going?
- How are you?
- [Bree] Doin' pretty good.
Let's get you settled in.
This is Bree.
- Hi!
- [all] Hi.
So I know you're dealing with some stress,
and I have organized an activity
to show you that you are not alone.
And today we are going to open up
and share and breathe.
People like Bree who suffer
from this extreme level of stress
fall into a category
I like to call "bridopath."
I've always hated the "bridezilla" label
because wedding stress is real,
and we should be sensitive to it
as if it were a medical condition.
I want Bree to know
she is not alone in her bridopathy.
People getting married need to band
together and share in their struggles.
Bree, how are you feeling?
Mm, we're ready for it to be over
more than anything.
I should be more excited
about the wedding,
but I'm more excited about the honeymoon,
so I just, like
When I'm in a bad place,
I just picture, like, a beach.
Does anyone else feel that way,
where they're, like,
more excited for honeymooning?
Oh, yeah. I'm ready for just, like,
vacation and the beach.
- I became a full-time mom 90 days ago.
- [women] Aw!
- Um, to someone that's not my own child.
- OK.
But he's definitely a big part of my life.
He just turned ten.
Planning a wedding
and being a full-time mom,
that's a lot of pressure
but it's also really, like, beautiful.
- I commend you. That's amazing.
- [Lee] I mean
That is very amazing.
I think definitely financial stress.
Starting with what you thought
was a realistic budget
and it ending with,
"Oh, this is a real thing."
"Now we have to pay for it."
My fiancé's parents
are helping pay for a portion of it,
but I feel like it almost gives them,
like, control over something.
Some things that are not important to me
are important to my lovely new family.
- So
- Right.
Has anyone had any tension
with a friend or a family member
brought on
by the wedding planning process?
[woman] Mm, I've had some awkwardness
with my brother-in-law.
I'm already having a gay wedding,
and he doesn't believe in our marriage,
that it's valid.
I actually don't like tradition.
Like, I haven't looked
at one bridal magazine, and
[Lee] God, you're so healthy.
Not every wedding has to look
like the ones in the magazine.
We're all sort of under the influence
of the bridal industry,
or as I call it "Big Bridal."
- Yeah.
- We need to be talking about it.
And destigmatizing
taking control of your wedding,
and stop living
in the pages of the magazine.
- Right.
- And live in real life.
Let me see that.
This is what I'm talking about -
the bridal magazines.
It's too much focusing on perfection.
Here we go.
Oof! It feels good.
[all laughing]
Destroy that sucker. Let it have it!
- Yes! Keep ripping. It feels good.
- [all giggling]
- [man laughs]
- [Lee] Yes!
- [Bree] There we go. [laughs]
- OK. Love that.
That is very amazing.
It definitely helped me
relieve some of my stress,
even if just for a temporary time.
Just being able to vent,
get some good feedback,
and get some empathy from other people
who actually understand.
[upbeat guitar music playing]
[Lee] I'm excited that you were willing
to mask with me.
This is my religion. OK?
- It really is nice.
- Oh, it feels incredible.
Put your hands behind your head
like Ferris Bueller.
It's like the ultimate.
- Oh, yeah.
- Right?
We're going to the wedding.
What's our game plan?
Game plan!
Make sure Bree is not stressed.
She cannot be in a fog of anxiety
on her actual wedding day.
Make sure Carson
doesn't do anything weird,
say anything weird, drink too much.
- Who knows?
- On it.
And we have to make sure
that Cheria actually gives a speech
that she's proud of and Bree likes.
- We're cuc-ing, baby.
- Where are you? Find me.
I just grab your breast.
- Alright, there we go. [laughs]
- [laughs] Oh! OK.
Yeah, I'm high-fiving you, too. Yeah.
[both chuckling]
[smooth hip-hop music plays]
- [Lee] Whoa.
- [chuckling] This rules.
This place looks gorgeous.
- [bridesmaid] Did you see the reception?
- [Bree] Nu-uh.
- It better be poppin'!
- [bridesmaids giggle]
It better look like the pictures.
- Hello! [yells] Hey!
- [overlapping voices yelling] Hey!
- [Gabrus] How's your day going today?
- Great.
- Yeah?
- Great.
Have you had any stress, like,
prepping the venue or anything like that?
Not stress from the stuff,
just wanting to get everything
I mean, I've been out there.
- It looks real nice.
- But everybody's doing
- It's beautiful. Really good.
- It's unbelievable.
- It's beautiful.
- Yay.
[indistinct chatter]
- Hey, girlfriend.
- How are you?
- [Bree] I'm more overwhelmed.
- Yeah? Like last-minute stuff?
No, I guess just like the dancing
- Right.
- [Bree] And Cheria is doing the speech.
There might be a chance that I laugh,
but nobody else does.
- [Lee] Yeah.
- She's crazy.
Well, if you're feeling overwhelmed
at any point tonight,
you can come get old JL.
- You can download any anxiety onto me.
- [Bree] OK.
- I'll see you a little bit later.
- Peace be with you.
- Thank you.
- Fist bump.
- Can't see it, but felt it. Thank you.
- That's my girl.
- [Ben] Appreciate y'all. Cheers.
- [groomsmen] Yeah!
[upbeat music playing]
What's up?
- [Gabrus] What's up? You look amazing!
- How's it going?
Oh, you look great!
I don't want to smoosh your headwrap.
- Hello.
- Thank you. I love your dress.
- Thanks!
- Yeah. Look at you, looking all snazzy.
This is very comfortable.
Very, like, party accessible.
- Yes!
- [Lee laughs]
So, hot topic of the hour,
how are you feeling about the speech?
- Uh, I'm pretty nervous right now.
- [Lee] OK.
I'm thinking about it.
I don't know right now.
You're [chuckles]
I don't have a watch on, but
I know, I know, I know, I know.
Cheria is freaked out
about her speech, which I get.
I just have to ensure
she doesn't go blank with panic
in front of Bree, Ben,
and all of their guests.
We got this. Three-step process.
Joke at the top, story about Bree and Ben,
toast to their future.
- OK.
- Boom, out.
- Yeah.
- Keep it short and simple.
- I like it.
- You got this, girl.
- Alright.
- We got your back.
I'm gonna go do this thing.
- Thank you.
- [Lee] Little nervous.
I don't know.
Maybe Megan should've won the contest.
- That's all I'm saying. [laughs]
- OK!
I am hopeful, but who knows
what happens when the nerves set in?
You took her in,
you bandaged up her wing.
- Yes.
- Now it's time to open it up.
And see if Cheria
is able to soar on her own.
[indistinct chatter]
[Lee] Hey, guys.
- [Gabrus] Hello.
- [Lee] How are you?
[man] Good evening!
So, in Africa,
you cannot just see a young lady
down the street,
eh, you ask her out
or you get married to her just like that.
There are processes you have to follow
because tonight,
everybody here, you are in Nigeria.
- Alright?
- [Gabrus laughs]
So, introducing first tonight,
the family of the bride.
[upbeat music playing]
- I love this wedding!
- Amazing.
[emcee] The family of the groom,
the Ajayi!
- [applause continues]
- [Gabrus] That's Queen in the front.
No, I'm already welling up.
[emcee] Thank you very much.
Applause for the families.
- [Lee] Woo!
- [guests applaud]
Family of the bride,
they want to make sure that
this young man is serious for business.
This takes me to the next step.
- Ladies and gentlemen
- [percussion music plays]
Please, put your hands together
for Mr. Ben Ajayi!
- [Lee] Yay!
- [guests applaud]
- [percussion music continues]
- [guests cheering]
[emcee] In African events,
we make it rain. Spray money.
Let's encourage him. Let's go!
[guests cheering]
[emcee] The young man is ready!
That's good, yeah. Alright.
[Bree] Can someone get me another drink?
I am definitely worried about dancing
because I want his family to accept me,
and I just want to dance well.
- I'm ready.
- [woman] There you go.
I'm nervous,
but every time I've had a moment
where I've been insecure about anything,
I think about Ben's love.
Are you ready to celebrate with Bree?
[guests applaud]
[Bree] I look at him and I think of him
as being like my protective shield
because he always puts me at ease.
- [upbeat music continues]
- [guests applaud]
[Bree] I'm ready to just marry
the love of my life.
- [music continues]
- [guests cheer]
Ben's mom's putting on such a poker face.
[guests cheer and applaud]
I don't know how to dance, like, African,
but I can twerk.
[guests cheering]
[Lee] Woo! Get it, Bree! Let him see it!
- [guests applauding]
- [Gabrus and Lee laughing]
Ladies and gentlemen,
I now present to you
the newest couple
in the whole wide world
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ajayi!
[dance music playing]
Let's give her a round of applause
Mrs. Ajayi.
[guests applaud]
I want to say thank you to everyone
for coming tonight.
It has been a blessing.
And to my dear, wonderful son.
- Bree
- [Bree giggles]
We love you.
Love you, too.
I just want to say
thank you all for coming.
- [Bree] Aw!
- God bless you.
[guests cheer and applaud]
I felt really connected to,
like, Ben's culture,
and his mom was super happy.
I think the wedding actually
has brought us closer together.
I'm very happy about it.
[emcee] Everybody, please,
let's all rise up one more time.
- [Lee] What is that?
- [emcee] Give them a round of applause.
[spits] A double-shot of Maker's Mark.
[emcee] Alright, at this time,
ladies and gentlemen,
I'd like to welcome to the microphone
sister Cheria.
- [Gabrus] Woo!
- [Cheria] Thank you. Thank you.
I am Cheria.
And so, I just want to say, like
Um, what I would like to say is
I'm one of Bree's very good friends,
and, um
I just wanna thank you both
for just showing me, like,
what a healthy relationship looks like.
Bree, you've always been
such a good friend, such a great person.
And, Ben, when I met you, I loved you.
You're honest, you're caring.
Every time I'm around you guys,
you are laughing, communication, trusting.
Ben, I trust you with my best friend.
I'm so thankful that she found you
and that she's happy.
- [Bree] Aw!
- So [laughs] Bye.
- [guests cheering]
- Short! Sweet! Poignant! You got it!
- [emcee] Thank you very much.
- Cheria!
[Cheria] I'm gonna throw up. [laughing]
- That was amazing. Great job.
- Thank you.
Yes! Cheria did great. Oh, my God.
My girl did me proud!
Can we get three double-shots
of Maker's Mark?
Dude, I thought we were trying
to pace ourselves at this wedding!
[indistinct chatter]
- Single.
- Can I get a Sprite?
[upbeat music playing]
[bridesmaid] Carson!
[Lee] Success!
Carson didn't get kneed in the groin,
kept his shit together,
and he didn't embarrass Ben and Bree.
This is my husband.
I don't know if you know him.
This is my husband, Ben.
He belongs to me.
On a scale of one to ten,
the wedding was a 20.
It was amazing.
It was way beyond,
like, my wildest dreams.
Everyone looked beautiful
in their outfits.
Jamie helped a lot.
And if anyone asked me
how my wedding was
- I'd say, "better than yours."
- It was good. [laughs]
- Gorgeous wedding, gorgeous girl.
- [Bree] Thank you.
I can't really lift my arms
to hug you, but
My first Nigerian wedding
was a high-energy, heartfelt, great time.
At the end of the day,
you did your wedding right
if you had a blast.
Bree had a blast. I had a blast.
Gabrus? I think he's still drunk.
I think that Carson
rubbed off on you a little bit.
- Group hug.
- Group hug, fam.
Let's get it.
It was kind of like
when two wolves run into each other,
when two party animals
run into each other.
We were sort of like,
"Are we doing this, party wolf?"
And he's like,
"Yeah! But, hey, let's keep it cool."
Check us out on Off Broadway.
We're the Blue Man Fat Group.
[both laughing]
- I'm cutting your mics.
- Check me on Instagram.
Stop it. Stop it.
No one talks to the camera but me.
[upbeat music playing]
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