The Wedding Planners (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Big Italian Wedding

No. No no no no. This
can't be happening.
- What can't be happening?
- I can't see the shoes.
Those are Choos, my naive
nature-loving sister. Choos!
(FLORA) Hello?
I am, uh, drowning in tulle up here.
I think your expertise is
needed a few feet higher.
I have made Choos!
(HANNAH) Flora, you look gorgeous.
You don't think this
dress is a little much?
Oh, honey, it is way way too much.
It's also exactly what you
ordered eight months ago.
Right, because Nonna wanted it bigger.
And Papa wanted a higher neckline.
And my bridesmaids thought
I should have more bling.
So I guess I just
forgot what I agreed to.
It kind of looks like you
agreed to, well, all of it.
I can negotiate the
lowest delivery costs
for the region's top winery,
and yet, here I am,
'the Executive wearing
pouf by popular vote'.
It is important that your gown
is sensational to stand out
from the crowd of cousins and
cousin's cousin's cousins?
I mean, honestly,
I don't even know half the
people that Papa's invited.
He sounds like a proud Papa.
Proud. Stubborn.
I mean, he's insisting that Aldo and I
roll out all the Italian traditions.
And I mean all of them!
I need two people
just to go to the
bathroom in this thing!
You give us the signal. We're the pros.
Okay. Can you unzip me?
(ALDO) Flora?
(SCREAMS) Ah! Aldo!
You're not supposed to see me
in my dress before the wedding!
I thought you didn't like
silly wedding traditions.
Just wait 'til I tell Pepe.
(FLORA) Don't you dare!
I wouldn't dare.
Some biscotti for you guys.
The almond ones are amazing.
(JAMES) Oh, is this a tradition?
Quanto sei Bella.
(How beautiful you are.)
How's the fitting?
Better now that you are here,
il mio amore (my love).
All for love all for us ♪
We'll get through this ♪
You always knew that
the way would be ♪
All for love and love for all ♪
(JAMES) You didn't actually
see the dress, right?
You didn't see it, did you?
So on Wednesday, be sure to
bring all of your accessories,
so we can see the whole look.
Oh, I won't actually know
what accessories I'm wearing
until Friday night.
It's tradition that the bride
sits with the bridesmaids
the night before the wedding to
pick what jewelry she'll wear.
I would get those cousins
to go easy on the bling.
I'm just so grateful your Mother
was there at the first fitting,
otherwise I don't know how big
that dress would have ended up.
Our condolences.
Marguerite had such a big heart.
She could've been Italian.
We lost Mama a few years ago.
And without her it's taken awhile
for my family to feel
like celebrating again.
Pepe and Nonna are
ready. They're excited.
Yeah. A little too excited.
Mom liked your family a lot.
She even left a note saying
your Father was a fun challenge.
"He's a very passionate man".
Hmm. Yes. That is one way to look at it.
Look, Pepe, he's the best!
Sure, he's the best with
his future son-in-law,
but with me, he's a
crazy Father of the Bride,
he's changing his mind constantly.
I mean, we still haven't
even locked the seating plan.
Yeah, well, we'll get it sorted.
No worries. No worries.
With the wedding five days away,
we'll be sure to finalize everything
tomorrow at the site meeting.
And I've committed to being
our rep at the Bridal Show
so James and Hannah will make
sure everything runs smoothly.
Thank you.
I, ah, I actually have a bunch
of sewing to do tomorrow.
Oh really? That's too bad because
it's at our family's winery.
- I'll be there!
- Yeah he will!
Andiamo. (Let's go.)
I am so glad you are here.
This place would not be the same
without Clarkson Wedding Essentials.
Do you know that I
think I actually met you
for the first time at
this very bridal show.
Well, your booth is looking
a little supersized this year.
- Is it?
- Uh-huh.
Oh, well, you know.
Even though we're growing
I still chose to remain by
the bathrooms because
(TOGETHER) Everybody
has to go, eventually.
(MARGUERITE) Take that.
And remember to sign
up for our newsletter.
Definitely! I love your designs.
Ah. Thank you.
Do you see?
The energy that you give out
is the energy you get back.
Your energy is exhausting Mom.
These shoes are killing me.
I told you.
Comfy shoes are the key to success.
We need to update our website.
Do you know any good computer people?
Mom, I have to study.
My homework's piling up.
I have these exams coming up soon.
Please take a card.
You're welcome.
Okay, you should go home.
Sally's going to be here any minute.
Sally? The hairstylist?
She's going to be our new coordinator.
She has a lot of energy too.
She seems very creative.
I think she'll be perfect.
Sally! Hi! Welcome to our booth!
Yeah By the restrooms?
Yeah, well, it gets
the most foot traffic.
Everyone's got to go, eventually.
What can I do? What can I do?
- This is my eldest, Paige.
- Oh!
Come on. Bring it in, girl!
(PAIGE) Okay.
Look at you!
Oh. T-minus thirty!
Here comes the brides' time. Game on.
(FLORA) Okay.
Nonna, break time.
Break time? Peesh.
Who can take a break when
there's so much to do.
Just, maybe sit, take a rest.
My soaps can wait.
I got eight hundred cookies to bake.
Eight hundred?
There are only four
hundred guests coming.
But my cookies are magic.
They always seem to disappear.
Nonna, you know, we could just
buy Italian Wedding Cookies.
You don't buy Nonna's cookies!
Papa hired a caterer who
specializes in traditional Italian
My Nonna-made cookies
for my Mama's wedding.
My Mama made cookies for my wedding.
I made cookies for
your Mama's wedding
And now I make cookies
for my Flora's wedding.
At least let me help.
You don't make cookies
for your own wedding!
You stay right there!
You can be the taster.
Only for my Flora.
Not bad?
Umm. So good.
- Hi sweetheart.
- (FLORA) There you guys are.
I was just thinking it might
be time we take a little break.
Who has time to take a break?
Mama wants to make the candied almonds.
What? You're going to
make the almonds too?
- Not now, after!
- Nonna
It's not the almonds
you have to worry about.
It's the cannoli that take time.
No! It's too much! It's too much.
You can never have too
much of Nonna's cannoli.
We're off to clean the cellars.
Why are you going to clean the cellars?
The whole winery needs to
sparkle. It's your wedding day!
Pa, you've already planned
so much! It's just
Stop it. Okay.
Let me see, I've already
planned the twelve course dinner
Before the sweet table
and the porchetta that
come at the end of the night.
All the songs for the Tarantella dances.
And allotted time for the garter toss.
No Pa! I'm not doing the garter toss.
(ALDO) What?
I've been practicing
my snap and release.
You and Nonna are
already working so hard.
So stop already. Okay?
We don't need to clean the wine cellars.
First off. Give me this. Second of all.
What do you think? I worked
hard all my life for me?
I did it for my family.
And now I want to give my Flora
everything in the world
on her special day.
I'll cheers to that Papa!
Already calling him Papa?
Yeah. So? He's like my son.
Mama, look how strong
and handsome this guy is.
Well maybe you should marry him then.
I'm just happy you're marrying
a good man. That's all.
Me too. Me too. I just
Pa you don't need to clean the
wine cellars right now. Okay?
The Clarksons are coming over.
Ah. You hired these wedding planners
to help you begin the plan.
But now we're so close,
I'm okay with taking
care of everything else.
But we're definitely going
to need them on the day.
So that you can enjoy yourself.
Please just let them do their jobs.
Okay I'll listen.
You know what people like about me?
I listen to what they say.
(SCOFFS) You hear!
But do you listen to what they say? Huh?
She's right. You should listen to Nonna.
It feels weird driving Mom's car.
She taught me how to drive in this car.
She just picked me up from the airport
a couple of months ago in this car.
Windows down, classic girl rock pumping.
No no no no no!
Thank you!
Fine. I will drive, stick.
But I'm picking the music.
We've gone through so
much of her stuff already.
I can't believe there's
still boxes here.
Well, we got to get
through it eventually.
Maybe we can put some of it online.
James. We can't just sell Mom's
stuff to complete strangers.
She has grandkids that
might want to use it one day.
That is a long term storage plan.
Or Dad.
He doesn't want any of this stuff.
He doesn't want anything
to do with us, Hannah.
It's just stuff.
It's not just stuff.
This is pieces of her.
Sorting through all
of her things properly,
is really helping me right now.
I get it.
You can't be mad at Dad for
not coming up from L.A. yet.
You were out of touch for
months and nobody judged you.
Okay, the difference is,
I knew I was being a
jerk to this family.
And I'm here now, aren't I?
What are you doing?
RealCalling Dad.
No! Don't, please. I do not want to
(JIMMY) Hey there pumpkin!
How are ya?
Hey Dad, I'm good. I'm
just here with James.
Oh, Jimmy Junior!
Wow. I thought you'd be
back in New York by now.
Yeah, well, funny thing.
When a matriarch dies,
sometimes families need
to spend time together.
You know I wanted to
be there for all of you.
The show couldn't change
the shooting schedule.
It's complicated here now.
Your Dad's in a big storyline.
Yeah, Drake Dresher losing
his fake empire while
us real life plebes are trying to
save Clarkson Wedding Essentials.
We understand Dad. It's
just been really hard.
When do you think you'll
be able to get out here?
Well we'll see. You know Jenna.
It's those terrible allergies
anytime she leaves California.
Who's Jenna?
Right. I meant to call.
Ah, so, Roberta and
I have run our course.
And, ah, Jenna is my new fiancée.
It's like a revolving door
of girlfriends! (SCOFFS)
And she would really like to
meet you, she's just so busy
writing, producing, directing
and starring in a one
woman stage production.
Ah yes, theater in Los
Angeles. So important.
(HANNAH) Dad, we could really
use some hugs right now.
You know I'm sending them. Everyday.
Air mail. First class.
- Two minutes, Mr Clarkson.
All right.
Well kids. The camera's calling!
Love ya both.
And, ah, say hi to Paige and her family.
(JAMES SCOFFS) The family?
I doubt he even knows which
granddaughter is which.
Do you?
Yeah! Sophie is the
taller shorter one?
- Hey!
- Hi!
Thank goodness you guys are here.
I really need reinforcements.
I have some great ideas
I want to share with you.
- Great.
- Please come in.
(DRAKE ON TV) I have been
running this family business
with my heart for years.
And I will do anything to protect it
If it isn't our favorite TV Dad.
We see more of him on TV
than we do in the flesh.
You cannot take away
what's most precious to me.
My children!
He's so handsome.
All right. Time for coffee.
- Okay, Pa.
- Yes?
They are here to help us
finalize the last details.
So why don't you go get that list
and we can see how it fits
with the things I've
been thinking about.
Okay, okay. But first, I think we should
take a little tour of the winery.
Actually, I think first
we should do the details,
and then take the tour.
Let's take them on a tour!
They'll need to see where the dinner
and the dance will be set up.
A tour would be smart.
Come on. Let's go. Everybody. This way.
And this is where the
sweet table is going to be.
Right over here.
Here, is where the band's going to play.
I thought we agreed on a DJ.
No. I got a guy. Don't worry about it.
You're going to love his music.
So when are the flowers landing?
- Ah
- Saturday morning.
Fiori d'aranci.
Orange blossoms.
Yeah. And lemons for the centerpieces.
Because we're from the south,
it's all lemons and oranges.
So the tables and the
rentals for four hundred
- are also be arriving Saturday morning.
- Ah, you know what?
Better make it four
hundred thirty eight.
You can't say 'no' if they
want to bring the kids.
No but we did say no.
On the invitations.
I guess I would just
like something that is
a little more me at this wedding.
Bella, you are you.
This whole family is you.
What are you talking about?
Pepe. Pepe.
It's beautiful, what you've done.
I just think maybe we should
incorporate a little more Flora.
- Just for some balance.
- What balance?
I'm me, I'm my Mother,
I'm Flora's Mother, Rosa.
Rest her soul.
And that's three votes
right there. Please.
I promised your Mother
I would take care of you
for the rest of your life.
Let me do this for you
What Pepe's planned,
it sounds pretty good.
Ah, thank you. And that's four votes.
Are you really taking his side?
I'm not taking his side.
But Flora, somehow in this crazy life,
you and I found each other. Okay?
That's reason enough
for a big celebration.
I'd invite everyone
I've ever met if I could.
I'd wear whatever, I'd eat
whatever, I'd do whatever.
Because I get to marry you.
You wouldn't have to
wear my wedding dress.
No. Let's just give him this day.
All these traditions Pepe wants,
they bring our families together
so we can start our own.
That is definitely something
I want us to plan for.
Ohhh! I can't wait for little Pepes!
Okay, Pa, one thing at a time.
Okay. Okay.
(PAIGE) I love this fabric.
Hi! Janet!
It's so nice to see you again.
You too.
How's the show going?
Oh, it's great. And your
booth looks so great too.
Hey, I would love to
get some shots of you.
It could be really good coverage.
Do you want to?
Yes. Yes.
- Yeah, maybe Right here?
- Yeah.
Do we have any social
media coverage planned?
Your booth, I mean, it's
so beautiful and tasteful.
I think your Mother would be very proud.
(SOBS) I'm sorry.
It's just it's been a lot.
Mom looked forward to this all year
and I've been dreading it all week.
We have this huge Italian wedding
and James and Hannah couldn't be here.
Aw, honey. I'm sorry.
We're all here for you.
Anything you need.
- I should get this.
(NONNA) Mangia tutti. (Eat everyone.)
This wine is amazing.
I had no idea you could
just drink from the barrel.
I'm glad you liked it.
You know, I can trace
the history of these vines
all the way back to Italy.
We even bottled a
special vintage for Flora.
Shhh. It's a secret.
Eat! It's going to go bad!
Nonna, sedersi, sit.
No. In a minute.
Mama's the best cook.
And her baking is just beautiful.
(HANNAH) So on the list,
there was the cake and
the dessert table, as well.
And I think we have that all booked.
Yeah, but I got a guy.
My brother-in-law's
nephew. It's all arranged.
Whatever it is, Pa always has a guy.
I'm too lovable to say no to!
Thank you everybody for coming.
Here, let's raise a glass.
(HANNAH) Should we wait for Nonna?
No, she doesn't drink.
(ALL) Saluti. Saluti. Cheers.
(NONA) I'm okay. I just slipped.
(FLORA) She fell! Call 911!
On it!
Mama doesn't need a specialist.
She just fell down.
She's old, it happens.
I know that and I'm not even a doctor.
Will you just let them do their jobs?
Pa, just sit.
And now what? We have to
spend another four hours here
to find out that she just fell down?
We got to go back home. I've got
to finish planning this wedding.
No we don't.
All this wedding prep has
put Nonna in the hospital.
What happened isn't anyone's fault.
It's not worth it.
Flora, you will remember
this wedding day
for the rest of your life.
You know what I'll remember?
If Nonna's not there because
she's exhausted from making
eight hundred cookies
that I don't even want!
I didn't want this wedding
to get so crazy big!
Pepe, maybe we can rethink this.
My family would understand.
Yes. Yes.
We could, we could do something simple.
And small.
We'd still be getting married.
That's all I want.
(PEPE) It's too late.
Everything is booked.
Everyone is coming. It's
happening on Saturday.
Pa. You trust me to be the
Managing Director of the winery.
Why can't you just listen
to me about my own wedding?
I don't like hospitals.
I spent enough time
here with your Mother.
The cellars won't clean themselves.
(PAIGE) Hey! How's Flora and Aldo?
(HANNAH) Not awesome.
Flora's Dad still has a ton to do,
and Flora's Grandmother just
got admitted to the hospital.
Wait. Are those two things related?
Yeah. Kind of. I don't know.
But it sounds like she'll be fine.
They just need to run a few tests.
I'm sorry, I wish I'd been there.
Is her Dad at least being helpful?
No. Paige. That's the thing.
He's literally trying to
take over the entire wedding.
How's the Bridal Show? Any new clients?
Ah, it's good, I think?
(PAIGE) I really don't
know how to Gauge it.
But I'm running out of business cards,
so that's a good sign, right?
(WHISPERS) Honestly, I
don't know what I'm doing.
Listen, I think we're all
feeling a little overwhelmed
with this whole wedding
planning business.
Yeah. It's just weird
being here without Mom.
How did she manage to
do all this by herself?
She was Super Mom.
Don't worry, James and I have everything
under control with Flora and Aldo.
I gotta go. I gotta fire Christopher.
(PAIGE) What? He's our best caterer!
Hey do have a quick second?
For you? Yeah, sure.
Do you want a coffee?
- Yes, please.
- Cookie?
Do I ever turn down food? Come on.
A woman who likes to
eat After my own heart.
So, you're pretty busy today, huh?
It's not just the café.
It's the catering side too.
Weddings over the weekend,
the Bridal Show all week.
Okay. Then I might actually have
some really good news for you.
I have to cancel Saturday's order.
You've hired another
baker to replace me?
No. No. This family is just really big
and they're hiring somebody
through their own connections.
Okay. Well, as long
as it's not personal.
No! It's not personal
between us. And there's
Huh? Yes.
Do they put sugar in espresso in Italy?
A good espresso doesn't need sugar.
Okay, then.
(COUGHS) That's a
really strong espresso.
That is a good espresso.
Okay, well, I came here
to fire you, and I did.
So. I'm going to go.
It's mine.
That! That is exactly how I
want my wedding day to look.
That's perfect. We are
totally on the same page.
We will talk soon. Until
then, have fun out there.
And insider's scoop.
Bride's Bubbles down there is
having a rosé toast at three.
- Don't miss it.
- Thanks.
My my my. Look at you.
Homey and understated.
Marguerite always knew the
trends ahead of the curve.
She did.
So then what's wrong? It's working.
I just, I don't know if I
can handle this on my own.
It's really busy.
You'll be fine.
You'll just continue building
from your Mother's foundation.
You know what? You're right.
I can do this.
Do you know how you can really
tell that you're doing well?
Do your feet hurt?
You know that you're doing a
good job when your feet hurt.
(BRIDE TO BE) Hi! Do you do party limos?
Party limos! Oh girl, I
can get you a party bus.
Nonna. How are you?
Oh, I'm fine.
These silly doctors.
They worry too much.
What? Bella, what?
I was worried about you Nonna!
And Papa's being impossible.
He always is.
Aldo, though. How's he?
He's amazing.
He's a good boy.
But don't lose your voice.
You come from a long
line of strong women.
Speak up!
I love you.
Oh! Me too.
(BRIDESMAID) We'll be right out.
Okay, stop. You're making me dizzy.
I knew we should have
never let Zia Maria
make the bridesmaids' dresses.
You're jumping to conclusions.
We haven't even seen them yet.
How's it going in there?
See? They hate them.
They haven't even said a word!
Silence is way worse.
They can't be that bad.
Hey hey hey. Why don't
you come on out, ladies.
Let's do as fashion show!
Oh Your Aunt Maria
certainly has her taste.
Don't worry Flora. It's fine. Really.
Yeah, with jewelry and
heels. We'll look good.
I mean it.
Well. It would of looked great
on me but it didn't even fit.
Thanks ladies.
But, you can go take those off.
I can't put my girls through this.
They look like they're going to
an eighties prom not my wedding!
I want them to look like themselves.
Strong, sexy, fierce women.
Yeah, well
Not to get in the middle
of family politics but, uh,
I could start from scratch,
give them something a
little more elegant.
- Up to date.
- This is crazy.
We've had months of planning
and yet here we are just
scrambling at the last minute.
I knew I should have
said something sooner.
Now there's just more
stress for everyone.
Here's the thing. I work great
under pressure. It's my thing.
No. It's too much. It's enough.
Hey. So, Pepe just called.
He wants to switch
the prosciutto slicing station to lamb.
Is that okay?
Ah. Silence is worse.
I can't do this.
This is supposed to the
happiest day of my life and
I feel like I'm being suffocated
by my own wedding.
Hey. Hey. Just take a breath.
It's not too late.
Tell me what you want,
we'll make it happen.
I want to elope.
Guys, this better be an emergency.
I've been on my feet all
day and I told Dan that
I wouldn't miss another family dinner.
Paige, we have four hundred
and thirty eight guests
due to arrive at the winery
in forty eight hours,
and we might not have a bride and groom.
Oh. Okay. Yeah. That
is bat signal worthy.
What is going on?
Remember when eloping used to
romantic? Like Romeo and Juliet.
Paige, the whole wedding's a disaster.
Well, so is the end of Romeo and Juliet.
Flora and Aldo want to elope?
- At city hall.
- When did that happen?
It was always supposed to be
a traditional Italian wedding.
And Flora was going to
put her own spin on it.
She was just never given the chance.
I think Mom was going
to help her with that.
You guys, we really dropped
the ball on this one.
I think we just listened
to the loudest voice.
Guys! Aldo and Flora are
the ones who hired Mom.
They're the clients.
We're supposed to be supporting them
and what's best for them.
Except I don't think
Flora wants to elope.
What about the "I want to elope" part?
I thinks she's just mad at her Dad.
Something I know a little bit about.
But I don't think Aldo wants to elope.
I think he's just doing
it to appease Flora.
But, our job is to give them
the wedding they want.
If they want to elope, that's okay.
We'll be there for them.
But, we'll keep planning the wedding.
Just in case there is
another change of heart.
Let's inject some more
Flora back into this wedding.
I'm going to go destroy
those bridesmaids' dresses.
There is nothing salvageable.
And I will call Dan.
Oh, and maybe order some takeout?
- Pizza?
- Yeah.
Hannah. Hannah.
Hannah. Yoo hoo.
That's so good.
Ohh. Final day.
Thank goodness.
Tell me about it.
Listen, Paige.
I know that things can get
a little awkward between us
now that you and I are
vying for the same business.
But I want you to know
that I am really routing
for you, Hannah and James.
Your Mother and I always
found a way to remain
on good terms.
Well that's not entirely true.
We should be giving
them a modern wedding,
not some version of
their parents' wedding.
Clarkson keeps it simple.
The couple comes first.
We work around what they want.
And I get that.
And it may have worked in the past,
but how about we give them
something that works in the future?
I care about this
company too, Marguerite.
I know you care.
Then I should be a partner.
I graduated top of my
class in business school.
I'll consider it.
Marguerite, I love you.
And I respect you.
You gave me my first start.
But I'm being undervalued.
I am not in a position
to do this right now.
Also, I have my kids to think about.
Your kids?
James is in New York, as far
away from here as he can be.
Hannah is in the jungle,
somewhere, taking photographs,
also as far away from
here as she can be.
Paige is here, she's just not here.
My kids are exactly
where they need to be.
Don't you ever undervalue them.
You may not have agreed with my Mother
to keep the business
entirely in the family.
But I am grateful to her right now.
I have something real to hold onto.
Something that I can help
grow and keep her memory alive.
And I get that.
And I respect what you're
doing with your her legacy.
I just want to make sure
that you and I maintain our friendship.
Here. For your sore feet.
Are you kidding? I
love them. Oh my gosh.
I love them! I love them! Thank you!
Go home and rest. Let's
get out of here. I am done!
Ah. Me too.
I am putting these on
the nanosecond I get home.
Hey. We got your text.
Is everything okay?
You two change your minds?
Well, we need two witnesses.
So you're going through with it?
As long as we get married, trust me,
we're happy wherever we are.
Well, we are in the
business of happy couples.
And you two look happy.
We are.
The Justice of the Peace is
just running a little bit behind.
Hey, how's Nonna doing?
Much better. Thank you.
She should be back on her feet soon.
That's wonderful.
Do you think they'll let
us play our own music?
I brought a song.
I don't know if they'll be
able to do personal touches.
There might not be time.
Number twenty six!
Ah. That's us.
Are you sure you're okay with this?
(JAMES) Well, let's
get you two eloped! Huh?
Nothing says happily ever
after like instant soup.
You've got your paperwork?
All right. Everything
seems to be in order.
All right, folks. Please rise.
Will the couple repeat after me?
I don't want to.
This is a mistake.
We need our families and our friends
and a room that doesn't
smell like instant soup.
The best smell in the whole
world is Nonna's cookies.
And that's the smell
that I want to remember
when I think about our wedding day.
We haven't told anyone
yet or canceled anything.
So you want to go back
to the big wedding?
I do.
- Can I come in?
- Of course, Papa.
Listen, I don't want
to keep you up late.
I know tomorrow you got a big day.
What are you still doing up?
It's a big day for you too.
Ah, Na Na Na Na. I'm done.
I should have been done a long time ago.
I had a talk with Aldo today.
He told me what the
two of you almost did.
I'm so sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
Sometimes I'm too
stubborn to listen to you.
Pretty much all the time.
Okay. All the time!
But that's how much I love you.
I just wish your Mother was
here to see what a strong,
beautiful woman you've become.
I miss her.
I can still close my eyes and
I see her on our wedding day.
Rosa was the most
beautiful girl in the world.
That was the happiest day of my life.
And I just wanted the same for you.
This is for you.
Mom's jewelry from Italy.
And it was her Mother's before that.
It's beautiful.
Maybe one day it will
be your daughter's.
You really see a lot of
kids in my future, huh?
La serenata?
That's not me. I had
nothing to do with it.
we'll dance and romance ♪
'Til our days are all through ♪
Flowers and candlelit evenings, ♪
I whisper sweet nothings to you ♪
Honey that's what it feels like ♪
Every time I see you ♪
Amore ♪
Dolce Amore
Is a love song ♪
Just for you ♪
Together forever is all
I can dream of with you ♪
Amore Amore Amore Amore ♪
(JAMES) Worthy of a few posts, huh?
You are a miracle worker!
Yeah. A hundred times better.
Well call me Mr. Miracle.
(ALL) Ah! Flora! Stunning! Ohhh!
- Okay, James it's time to start.
- Oh.
(JAMES) Lining them up.
Okay, now remember.
Smile. Chins up. Poise.
And it's Step, together
pause. Step, together pause.
I, Aldo Gabriele, take
you, Flora Isabella,
to be my wife.
I promise to be true to you.
(ALDO) In good times and in bad.
(FLORA) In sickness and in health.
I will love you and honor you.
All the days of my life.
(PRIEST) You may kiss the bride.
I love you.
I love you.
Whew! We did it.
Wheels of the train roll away ♪
To the class and you
wink and you wave ♪
Now my heart will be looking always ♪
And I'll find you
Maybe I wasn't lucky before ♪
What a day!
It was perfect.
Because I married you.
In the way that was
exactly right for us.
With our friends, and our families.
I want to celebrate being together
every single day for
the rest of our lives.
(LAUGHS) I want that too.
This is great.
(HANNAH) Oh! You're
the caterer Pepe knows.
I'm not fired after all.
All right! Let's slow things down a bit.
I love this song.
Yeah. I like it too.
Do you want to dance?
Right or left?
Get over here lefty!
Wow, Nonna's got some moves.
You might need to work on yours, though.
May I?
Thank you so much.
You gave us the perfect day.
And, somehow, you made
it perfect for everyone.
Thank you for letting us be
a part of your family story.
Okay, Nonna is going
to give you the bomboniera. Okay?
Thank you! Have fun.
Oh, thank you. That's so sweet.
You kids are lucky,
you had a good Mother.
She made you nice, strong people.
- This is for you.
- Oh wow.
It's a little something from my
family to yours. It's nothing.
That's so sweet. Thank you.
I know I drove you
guys a little bit crazy.
I'm sorry.
Oh! Just a little bit.
No, in a fatherly kind of way.
Enjoy that.
- Thank you. Good night.
- Thank you.
Was that a Father showing
some kind of self-awareness?
Quick! We should video track
Dad and tell him all about it.
Come on guys, let's get out of here.
This Mom needs to get home.
You guys got wine?
We did. We did all the work.
(VOICEOVER) Next time
on The Wedding Planners
How did you the two of you get engaged?
- We actually got engaged twelve times.
- What?
I want to spoil Genie
with the most gorgeous day possible.
This is Genie?
- Well, heavens yes.
- Beautiful.
- Agreed.
What is this, the weekly lottery?
Sally's offer, to buy Clarksons.
You may sniff the bride! (LAUGHS)
I stole money from Mom's petty
cash to get back to New York.
You what?
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