The Winchesters (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Teach Your Children Well


I'm telling you, Maya,
my third eye is open
after today's circle.
I'm seeing all of it.
We were like dolls.
You know the Russian ones?
Trapped inside our parents
and our parents' parents.
Circle's over, Barry.
Time to relax. See where the night goes.
I-I should go home tonight.
You know, tell my old man
exactly what's on my mind.
Look. You can see the Milky Way.
What's that?
- Barry?
- Dad?

I knew this stuff was laced.

It's time to go home, son.
It's too late.
I'm letting you go.
I said it's time.


The ties that bind a family
together can be complicated.
Parents raise you, teach you
what's right and wrong,
and in some instances,
how to kill monsters.
But no matter who you are,
there comes a time when
you have to break from them
and make your own way.
And if you're not careful,
things can get pretty ugly.
Another dead-end to your dad's trail.
This all went down recently.
See if the Men of Letters files
about The Akrida are here
and make sure these bodies
are just zombies.
Lata, we're not here
to play with zombies.
It's dead. Twice over, actually.
Look. Its jaw can dislocate.
For bigger bites, I presume.
You are deeply weird
and starting to concern me.
File cabinets are all empty.
If there was information
about The Akrida, it's gone.
Because my dad already has it.
He was here, and he made it out alive.
S.C. It's Samuel Campbell.
He taught me how to make shotgun shells.
Always signed his work.
But why wouldn't he wait for
us or try to contact you, Mary?
This is his way of contacting me.
What are you talking about?

- Ohh the box is not working!
- Come on!
- You okay?
Yup. Yeah, I think some
got in my mouth. [SPITS]
So what about those shells?
My dad always covers his tracks.
There's no way he would
leave these behind
if he wasn't trying to
send me a message.

It's a news story.
A father said his kid Barry Smith
went missing in Topeka, Kansas
due to mysterious circumstances.
My dad must be there,
and he wants us to meet him.
To find some kid who's probably
sleeping off an acid trip?
Come on, Mary.
Your dad came here for
the same reason that we did
to find the Men of Letters files
and talk about our good
friend The Akrida.
Remember them and their little
plan to take over our world?
Yeah and whatever he found
must've made him think
that this is connected to them.
Or he just wants us off his tail.
He needs help, and we're
going to Topeka to find him.
What about fixing the box?
Can you just listen for a second?
My dad is out there alone.
We need to find him
before The Akrida do.
Mary, just stop.
Ada, you set up shop in the clubhouse
and dig into fixing this box.
The rest of us will
talk to this kid's dad
and see what's going on.
So you're just making
decisions for everyone now.
I'm following in my father's footsteps.
Which means you don't listen
like he never listened.
I'm doing whatever it takes to find him,
so who's with me?

Hey, you okay?
In the war, I was a scout
and my job was to find things.
I was good at that, but
Striking out the last couple weeks
looking for your dad, I just
Started to get worried.
"My dad left me that letter
because he wanted me
to follow in his footsteps",
but I don't know how.
Well, in the Marines,
did you learn how to be
a scout overnight?
You have nothing to worry about.
You did good back there.
I guess I'm lucky that I
have such a good teacher.
[CHUCKLES] Real smooth.
That was my bruised arm
from the two zombies that I killed.
Oh, no, no, no.
You technically killed one.
What? No. I mean
All right.
[SIGHS] Just give me sec.
We had a deal.
You promised to come home.
Instead, it's your dad all over again.
Y-you disappear for a week and
when you finally do come back,
- you're covered in blood.
- It's not my blood.
I waited for a call, a single call,
and when the phone finally
rang, you know who it was?
And the only thing that shows up
is some trashed Roadrunner
with your name on it.
First of all, that's my friend's car,
and I'm gonna fix it.
Second, I didn't call because
it wasn't a part of the deal.
I spent the last week
with your father's things.
His whole life reduced to a box.
Is that all I'm gonna have
left of you too?
You don't think I can do this.
That's what this is about. Right.
- John.
- Let's go, guys.
- Nervous?
- No, I'm not nervous.
I think I just prefer
the less talky, more punchy
side of hunting.
Mm. Well, you're gonna
have to learn it all
if you're gonna do it all.
Just remember, we're telling a story.
A story about a missing kid
from college,
which these fake IDs that
Carlos made prove we went to.
You're not serious.
- I'm Mick Fleetwood.
Well, it's nice to meet you, Mick.
I'm Christine McVie.
Come on. How about you show me a smile?
You really want me to lay it all down.
Ah, now you're in character. Let's go.
I'm not saying the name.
Can I help you?
Hi. Um, I'm Mick, um
This is my friend Christine.
We're friends of Barry's from school.
Do you have a minute to talk?
Think you brought enough books?
There's even more in the van.
[SIGHS] Glad we had this talk.
Did you hear John's mum
back at the garage?
She mentioned someone named Betty.
Got to be an ex, right?
You love gossip. What's wrong?
You've been off since Savannah.
Okay, I want to find
Samuel. I do, but
I'm used to being the only
one on stage, you know?
I don't. I haven't been on stage.
Well, 'cause you're
built for a band, Lata.
I'm not.
Especially when Mary's on lead vocals.
She only knows how
to sing Samuel's song.
I know those lyrics.
The ballad of the Campbell
way or the highway.
So, no sign of my dad or The Akrida,
but there is a case here.
Why? What'd you find out about the dad?
Our missing kid, Barry,
got caught up with this girl
named Maya, and she took him
to this commune called Harper's Ranch.
Now, Barry's dad talked to Maya.
She said she saw Barry get
taken by some kind of monster.
His dad just assumed
she was on the drugs.
A monster, you say?
A commune, you say?
Oh, Losy, stop smiling.
- Why are you smiling?
- Oh, you know what's coming!
- Losy.
- Lata.
When the moon ♪
Is in the seventh house ♪
BOTH: And Jupiter aligns with Mars ♪
Because we're going
undercover in a damn commune.
BOTH: Guide the planets ♪
Okay, stop. This is a solo.
BOTH: And love will steer the stars ♪
This is dawning
of the age of Aquarius ♪
The age of Aquarius ♪
Aquarius ♪
Aquarius ♪
Harmony and understanding ♪
Sympathy and trust abounding ♪
No more falsehoods or derisions ♪
Golden living dreams of visions ♪
Mystic crystal revelation ♪
And the mind's true liberation ♪
Aquarius ♪
Aquarius ♪
Aquarius ♪

So far all I see is a lot
of peace, love, and happiness.
Ooh, you know what they say?
"When in Rome"
Okay, tripping the light fantastic
is gonna have to wait.
So you guys find Maya,
and we're gonna figure out
who's in charge here.
It sounded like that Barry saw his dad
come out in the woods.
We had just gotten back from circle
and I know his old man
was fresh on his mind.
Did you see his dad?
No, I saw some creepy, old thing.
I don't know. It was dark.
I'm sure it was just the drugs.
Clyde thinks Barry maybe
ran off to California.
Who's Clyde?
We're always happy
to welcome new members
eager to do the hard work
they need to change.
Yeah? What kind of work is that?
Breaking free from tyranny.
Everyone that's controlling you.
Shedding your past like a skin.
Especially the people who hurt you.
For me, it was Sister Bernadette
at St. Nicholas's orphanage.
But for most people, it's their parents.
Well, make yourselves at home
and when you're ready,
I will be your guide.
He's definitely a suspect.
All right, you saw something.
What did I miss?
It's that necklace.
I've seen that symbol before.
Let's go to the van and see if
we can find it in Lata's books.
[CLEARS THROAT] Excuse me.
I didn't get a chance to
introduce myself earlier.
Right. One of John's new friends.
Ada Monroe.
John just needs time.
He'll go to his corner.
He'll come back when he's ready.
You learn all that after one
week on the road with my son.
I learned all that from his father.
Look, Henry and I just work together.
He had his secrets,
he made his mistakes.
But John John is open
in a way that Henry just never was.
And I suspect that part
of him comes from you.
I won't take up any more of your time.
I wanted to give you this.
What is this?
It's the number and address of the motel
where John and the others are staying.
It's peace of mind.
Thank you, Ada.
There is one more thing.
I saw this vine when we drove in.
Do you mind if I take some of it?
You can take all of it if you want.
Henry planted it years ago
and never learned its name
much less how to take care of it.
Somehow it's still here
after all these years.
It's jasmine.
It's for protection.

It's Celtic. Triskelion.
- A symbol for
- Transformation.
Maya said Barry saw his father,
but Maya saw some creature.
Maybe we're dealing with a shapeshifter.
Or these kids were just high.
If we're dealing with a shapeshifter,
then which kind? There's dozens.
I don't know, but if it's Clyde,
we need to find him before
he shifts into another person.
Or takes another victim.
Come on.
Didn't Barry go missing out here?
I'm sure he just followed
his bliss to California.
You know, it's not easy
to make the break,
even for me.
You heard about how hard it was
when I escaped my mother figure,
but it's part of the journey
we all must take.
Do you see that?
See what?
[WHISPERING] Sister Bernadette.

So Clyde's a shapeshifter.
Any tips on how to hunt something
that can look like anything?
My dad always taught me this trick.
You have to look for their tell.
No shapeshifter is perfect,
so you have to look for
any slipups in behavior.
And if that doesn't work, the part where
they're trying to kill you is
usually a dead giveaway, so
Great. Yeah, no, I'll have to
thank your dad for that one.
Mm, mm. Once we find him.
We make quite the pair, huh?
You can't find one of your parents.
I can't seem to get my mom off my back.
Wow. What she said really
got under your skin, huh?
What got under my skin is
I wonder if she's right.
What if I'm not cut out to be hunter?
John, I already told you.
You just need time.
It's my life, not hers.
Come here. We got something.
We found her wandering in a daze,
and not the fun, drug-induced kind.
Clyde got attacked.
[WHISPERING] He's not the shapeshifter.
Layla said this is where it happened,
but I don't see any signs of
Clyde or where he was taken.
Well, if you wanna know
what kind of shapeshifter
we're dealing with,
there's only one
with green blood: a mimic.
My parents and I went up
against one in Alabama.
Wait. Th-that's good news, right?
That means we know how to kill it.
They're only vulnerable to
weapons made out of copper.
You mean literally the only
metal I don't have in my van.
You're kidding, right? Why not?
Because I pride myself
on carrying quality weaponry,
not cheap garbage
made out of pennies.
I think I might know
where we can get some.
I mean, the plumbing back at the motel
is made out of copper, so
we could use that to make weapons.
Guys, I don't think we're
dealing with a mimic.
This isn't blood.
It looks like sap to me.
And what? You think we're dealing with
- some kind of tree monster?
- I'm not sure,
but that's not the only part
that's strange.
These purple flowers
I've never seen anything like them.
I'd have to check the lore,
but perhaps they're connected.
I appreciate you kicking
the tires on this one, Lata,
but we finally have
an idea on this monster.
John, take the hippie's van,
get back to the motel,
and grab those pipes.
Let's track this thing down.
[WHISPERING] It's okay.

- Ada.
- Lata?
We found this flower.
I don't know, maybe it's stupid, but
Lay it on me.
Purple, eight petals.
Actually kind of pretty if you
How are the leaves?
Sharp, spikey,
and there's a sap.
Dark green, tacky.
Smells like
- Bad honey.
- Bad honey.
It reminds me of a rare flower
found in the remote regions of Columbia.
- I have a book
- Don't bother.
I packed, like, a ton of books.
I'm pretty sure it's in the van.
Thank you.
Ada, good luck.
You too.



[GROANS] Stupid dress.
Okay, will you just come out with it?
I mean, you're clearly mad at me.
You haven't given me
the silent treatment
since I admitted I hated "Cabaret".
Please, please don't open
that wound again.
This is about me and Lata
earlier, isn't it?
It's about you and everyone.
You can't keep treating
people like your dad,
the frontman who ignores
the rest of the band.
You need to listen.
Well, I don't have time
for that, especially when
there's a monster out there
putting people in danger.
Your dad never listened to you, right?
And how did that make you feel?
You keep Samuel up on this pedestal,
but it's time to take him down, Mare.
Take a page from what
everyone in this commune
is talking about and embrace
the kind of leader
you can be without him.
Yeah? What kind of leader is that?
Well, that's up to you.
But if it were up to me,
you'd be David Crosby.
- You know, C, S, N, and Y.
- Well, there's no Y anymore.
That's not the point.
The point is we'd all be
on equal footing singing
four part harmonies
Lata, don't sneak up on us like that.
- We thought you were the mimic.
- What?
Wait. Are you the mimic?
- Prove it.
- How?
When was the last time I gave
Mary the silent treatment?
I thought we agreed
to never to talk about it.
Fine. "Cabaret".
- She's not the mimic.
- Because I was right.
We're not hunting a mimic.
That's why I ran here.
Look, Ada helped me identify
the flower we'd been seeing.
It's from Columbia and incredibly rare.
And the only explanation
for them being here is this.
Her name is La Tunda.
According to lore, she
was a real woman once.
A controlling and abusive
mother who kept her children
trapped in her home deep in the woods,
until one day they tried
to escape by hobbling her.
She caught them and she punished them
for their disobedience by
chopping them up and using their remains
to feed her flower garden.
The children's remains
imbued La Tunda's flowers
with dark magic and
an insatiable thirst for blood,
so they transformed La Tunda
into a monster to keep them fed.
Now, she preys on
other disobedient children
like her own and listens
for them in the woods.
Then she lures them in
with a familiar face
before dragging them into
her lair to feed on them
slowly, painfully, and over months.
What better place to do that
than here, right?
I mean, Barry said he told
his girlfriend that he was
gonna stand up to his dad
before he was taken
and Clyde did the same thing
with Sister Bernadette.
- And so did John.
- He did?
If La Tunda was listening,
John could be in danger.
Let's go.
You're not even listening to me.
Of course I am,
and I know why you're so upset.
A child's job is to rebel.
Look, I'm not a kid, okay?
And I'm not rebelling.
Mom, I
I don't want to fight with you.
Okay, but I just
Look, I wish that you believed in me.
Okay? I
I can do this.
Who are you trying to convince, John?
This isn't about me or your friends.
Deep down you know,
it's your dad that
never believed in you.
That's not true.
We both know that
if he really wanted you
to follow in his footsteps,
he would've stayed,
trained you to be a part
of the Men of Letters
like he was, but he didn't.
- We're done here.
- Not yet.
You have to face this.
I know it's painful,
knowing that you were
the reason he left.
Thinking about what could've been,
especially after hearing
all those stories
about Samuel training
your new friend, Mary.
See, that's funny
'Cause I don't remember
telling you about Samuel.
Or Mary.
But I do remember this
one poker tip they gave me.
[GROANS] Damn it.
- You're not my mom.
- I'm not a mimic either.
We're too late. She has him.
- Where?
- Her lair.
No. He has to be here.
But I'm afraid I don't
know where that is.
This is all my fault.
I should've just
listened to both of you.
I just I just really thought
my dad was gonna be out here
and when I realized he wasn't,
I just wanted to close
the case and move on.
I'm sorry.
You're giving me
the silent treatment again.
I'm just trying not to keel
over from all the shock.
I mean, Mary Campbell apologizing.
I-I just never thought
we'd live to see the day.
What he means is,
of course we forgive you.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
We're gonna find him, Mare.
Okay? We're gonna get him back.
So what do we do now?
Well, you're the one who
told us we're dealing with
Audrey III, so you tell us.
What's the plan, Lata?

[SOFTLY] Hey, Barry!
Don't worry, okay?
I'm gonna get us out of here.
- She'll kill you if you try.
She doesn't like children who disobey.
La Tunda's an abusive parent gone mad.
She's been preying on children
for centuries,
feeding and becoming more powerful.
She's more plant than person now.
Okay, so how do we kill her?
A one-two punch of some DD
and a pair of garden shears?
It says her heart is the only
part of her that's vulnerable.
Legend says it has to be pierced
by a piece of magic as strong as her.
We may be able to use a part
of La Tunda's own magic against her.
Part of her own magic.
Wait. You're kidding, right?
You want us to use her own leg
to stab her in the heart and kill her?
You said it, not me.
I'm a pacifist, remember?
That is sick and twisted
enough, it might just work.
I take it back.
I love that deeply weird side of you.
Okay, okay, let's say
we can make this work.
We still don't even know
where to find her.
I think I might.
- There's a time
When I was proud of you, son.
But now, when I look at you,
all I see is disappointment.
Dad Dad, don't do this.
No no!
Aah! No no!
She's back. Dear God.
No, no, no!
Aah aah!
You shouldn't have disobeyed me, John.
Now, I have to punish you.
Are you sure following
this path of flowers
- will lead us to La Tunda?
- Just go with it.
You trusted Samuel.
Who's following in his footsteps now?
Come on.
- Ah
- Come on, John.
You think you can stand up to me?
You don't have it in you.
That hurt.
Time to teach you a little respect.
Okay, I'll help John.
You guys save Barry. Go!
Hey, poison oak.
Feeding time's over.
Go for the leg.
You can't hurt me.
You're still just
the helpless little boy
whose father left
because he didn't believe in you.
I just need to believe in myself.
Nice shirt.

You gonna introduce me to your friend?
This is Mary.
It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Winchester.
Call me Millie.
It's your car, I assume. You're all set.
- It's on the house.
- Really?
It's the least I could do.
You brought my kid home safe.
Thank you.
- John
- Wait. Before you
before you tear into me,
can I just can I go first?
I thought that I was angry at
you for not believing in me,
but I wasn't.
Okay, I was
I was angry at Dad, and I did
what I always do, which is
I took out on you what
I can't take out on him.
I'm sorry.
I do believe in you, John.
The day that picture was taken,
your dad and I got into a fight
about the Men of Letters and how
it was always taking him away from us.
But your dad and I had this rule.
Whenever we fought,
no matter how bad it got,
we had to find a way
to tell each other after,
"I love you".
And we followed our rule that day and
and you can tell.
The last fight we had,
the day he walked out the door,
you know what neither of us
stopped to tell each other?
We're always gonna have our fights
and I'm always gonna
worry about my baby,
but I am never gonna let you
walk out that door again
without telling you I love you.
I love you, too, Mom.
Mannas for my heroes.
Eat it before it gets cold.
Is that just literal cheese?
Plain and boring, how you like it.
Thanks for calling me out back there.
I hate to admit it, but you're right.
- Mm-hmm.
- But I do have one question.
If I'm Crosby, then what
does that make you?
You really have to ask.
Neil. Neil Young.
I mean, I may be part of this band,
but you better watch out,
because I'm also a renegade.
One sec.
So, did you finally get
your parent off your back?
Not even close.
No, no. She's still worried about me,
but at least she believes in me.
I call that a win.
I'm sorry we didn't find your dad.
We got a monster off the board.
- I call that a win too.
I think I have a lead on the box.
What is this place?
There's more to the Clubhouse
than you may have guessed.
I'll give you a full tour later.
Not the kind you're thinking.
Those will kill you in seconds.
What are these?
Automatic writing.
I brewed a potion to
tap into my subconscious,
so I could access the echo of
any remaining portion of the
demon that possessed me.
That sounds awful.
The demon that possessed me is dead,
but he knew the demon
that attacked you all
and they both knew about the box,
so if we can find that demon
We might be able to get some answers.
And The Akrida.
And my father.
While I am loving this conversation,
I would just like to point out
that we still have some
pizza waiting for us, so

You, who are on the road ♪
Must have a code ♪
That you can live by ♪
- And so ♪
Become yourself ♪
Because the past ♪
Is just a good bye ♪
Teach your children well ♪
Your father's hell ♪
Did slowly go by ♪
And feed ♪
Them on your dreams ♪
The one they fix ♪
The one you'll know by ♪
Don't you ever ask them why ♪
If they told you, you would cry ♪
So just look at them and sigh ♪
And know they love you ♪

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