The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

1 Light green.
Can I help you? Oh, no.
I'm just bringing I'm their neighbor.
Oh my God.
Oh, you must be Anna.
Neil said you guys had such a wonderful time last night.
Are those for Emma? Oh my God.
Aren't you the sweetest? - I can give them to her for you.
- I'm sorry.
Who are you? Oh my God.
I'm so sorry.
I must be jet-lagged from work.
I'm Lisa, Neil's girlfriend.
- Hey, babe.
- Hey, babe.
- We said it at the same time.
- How are you doing? - Hi, Anna.
- Hi.
- Hey, kiddo.
- Oh, hi, Anna.
Oh my God.
There was barely, like, any traffic from the airport.
We didn't think we'd see you before school.
I'm so tired, and they've got me on the 9:20 to Seattle tonight.
- Oof.
- Oh, here you go.
- Thank you.
- Those are actually from me.
Do you have any cash? I need to tip the driver.
Uh, yeah.
Yeah, I think so.
Yeah, yeah.
So, did you guys get to meet? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Oh.
Do you have anything smaller? - Uh, no.
I don't.
- Come on, Dad.
We're gonna be late.
- I'm coming.
I'm coming.
- Anna, do you need anything? - No.
Yes, good.
I just wanted to give her the markers.
- Markers? - Bye, Anna.
Group hug.
Oh my God.
Goddamn it.
I can't believe Anna just shows up at school like that.
I can.
I mean, she is batshit crazy.
I set her up with a client of Scott's, and she flaked.
She totally flaked.
No call, no text, nothing.
Did you know she has a drinking problem? - No.
- Yeah.
A serious drinking problem.
And we have this new neighbor, and she's just throwing herself at him.
Oh God.
I know.
And he has a girlfriend.
It's so embarrassing.
- It's so sad.
- It's tragic.
But you can't be a victim for the rest of your life.
- Bad things happen to everybody.
- Yeah.
That's true.
That definitely doesn't work for me.
I know.
I'm so sorry about that.
What the fuck are you doing? That's not what we discussed.
You know what? Let me call you back.
Is something wrong with the markers? Hi.
Oh my God.
I'm so sorry.
These just have such a weird smell.
I have such a sensitive nose.
Um, I didn't realize they smelled.
I'm just really sensitive to that kind of stuff.
I'm gonna go put my car in the driveway.
It was so good seeing you.
You too, bitch.
What was that? Huh? Oh, did you say something? No.
- Hey.
- Hello, Anna.
How are you feeling? Uh crazy.
Crazy how? Where do you want me to start? Um, I've been hearing noises in the attic.
You live in an old house, right? Old houses creak.
I saw Elizabeth playing in her room again.
What's your explanation for that? We talked about that.
Imagining you see her is part of the trauma.
How's the drinking? Great.
I'm really cutting back.
And the pills I prescribed? You know not to combine them with alcohol.
Right? I'm not.
I'm serious, Anna.
That can contribute to the hallucinations and can even cause a psychotic episode.
I said I'm not.
I'm so sick of talking I could scream.
I mean, I feel like I could kill somebody.
Maybe you could try coming into the office.
I already told you, I can't risk driving all that way and getting caught in the rain.
Let's talk about that.
The ombrophobia.
Let's just call it what it is.
I'm a crazy person who's afraid of the rain.
Anna, you have good reason to fear the rain.
It's linked to the worst day of your life.
I know it's painful, but it might help you to talk about that day.
I don't know.
Tell me about that day, Anna.
It was Take Your Daughter to Work Day.
Have fun.
Come on, sweetie.
Oh! Oh, wait, wait, wait.
Bye, guys.
Bye, Mommy.
- Oh.
- Hold on.
Here you go, baby.
Take this.
Elizabeth was so excited to be going with her dad, a forensic psychiatrist for the FBI specializing in serial killers.
Elizabeth went into a room with a serial killer who had murdered and eaten at least 30 people.
Just before the assessment began, the warden needed to discuss an urgent matter.
The warden shut the door, accidentally locking them out of the room.
Our eight-year-old daughter was left alone with a man who the authorities nicknamed Massacre Mike.
Anna? Uh, I can't do this.
I'm sorry.
You have two phones? What are you, a drug dealer? Who the hell are you? Lisa Maines.
Love yourself much? Okay.
So if you're not gonna answer my calls, I'm gonna have to drop by unannounced, which no one likes.
Who takes a selfie while they're laughing? Either laugh or take a selfie.
You can't do both at the same time.
- What are you looking at? - Neil's shady girlfriend.
- Who's Neil? - He just moved in across the street.
And his wife died.
He's perfect.
He's got this little girl.
She's so sweet.
And we had something something between us at dinner.
We And then I I wasn't imagining it.
It was real.
You had dinner with him? - Yes.
- Didn't you just say he had a girlfriend? You're not understanding me.
Um, he knows what it's like to lose someone.
And we had a connection.
And then out of nowhere, this girl shows up.
And it doesn't make any sense because he never mentioned her.
Not once.
If it were an important relationship, don't you think he'd have said something? - Uh, well, Anna, I mean, I kind of - I read her a bedtime story.
The girlfriend? No.
- Emma.
- Jesus Christ.
- Sloane, she's got a burner phone.
- Emma? No.
The girlfriend.
I mean, who who has a burner phone? I don't even know what a burner phone is.
Oh, it's a second phone that you have when you're like a criminal or a spy.
Hold on.
Who the fuck is Sexy Rexy? Hey, Anna.
I Why don't we just He's liked every single one of her photos.
Look at this.
Fire emoji, fire emoji.
Eggplant emo eggplant emoji? - Do you know what an eggplant emoji means? - Yes.
- It means a dick.
- I was Shit.
Sexy Rexy's private.
Sexy Rexy's private.
- You don't find that suspicious? - No.
Anna, I don't know who any of these people are.
Maybe Sexy Rexy was the one she was talking to on the burner phone.
Anna, you know I love you I'm sending him a follow request.
So, do you just you just sit here all day and watch these people? What are they up to? I mean, I have to tell Neil.
Right? Anna, no.
- I have to tell him.
- Nope.
You gotta stop.
Sloane, you don't you don't get it.
- It's fine.
You don't understand.
- Honey, I do.
I do.
I understand.
They're a family, and you want that back.
Let me ju I'm just gonna Just for a second.
- No.
- Okay.
What about painting? - Sloane - Anna, you are a great artist.
Elizabeth died that day, but you did not have to die with her.
It's like riding a bike.
Fuck riding a bike.
It's just ridiculous.
Every single Are you kidding me? - You're talking shit about me to Buell? - Excuse me? I heard you and Beth Halloran in the grocery store.
Can you get that knife out of my face? Can you stop telling people that I have a drinking problem? - Anna.
- And you think I'm batshit crazy? Talk to me when your kid dies, and we'll see how batshit crazy you are! Seriously, watch it with that thing! Fuck you for buying all the chocolate bars with almonds! Who the fuck does that? Anna, there is a new mailman, and I just was asking Buell if any of our mail had been delivered here by mistake.
Scott is expecting a very important letter.
- Here you go, Miss Carol.
- Thank you.
Carol, I I You know, I used to feel bad for you.
I prayed for you.
But I do not feel bad for you anymore, and I will not pray for you anymore.
- Carol - Seriously, Anna.
You are no longer in my prayers.
Oh my God.
I'm so embarrassed.
Well, everybody makes mistakes, Miss Anna.
I know I have, but that's a story for another day.
Oh, baby girl.
I just feel like I'm falling apart.
Like a house of cards or like a sandcastle when the tide has come in.
I don't know.
Like a rickety chair or an old jalopy.
I don't know.
Like that bridge that collapsed between Riverton and Cobbleport or the one that collapsed between Sagamore and Nipper Island.
I don't know.
Anyway, that's how I feel like I'm falling apart.
Looks like it's gonna rain.
I better go.
Love you.
No, no, no.
Oh God.
Goddamn it.
Of course he didn't accept my request.
Look at these.
You like what you see? Me likey very much.
It's gotta be something sexy.
What's sexy? Damn it.
Holy shit.
This was five days ago.
Who the fuck is this girl? 911.
What's your emergency? There's a murder.
A woman has been murdered.
406 Canterbury Hill.
Hurry! Ma'am, slow down.
Can you repeat the address? 406 Canterbury No, wait.
That's my address.
40 407.
407 Canterbury Hill.
I saw her get murdered.
Oh! Oh, she's bleeding.
Ma'am, I need you to calm down.
Someone's gotta do something!
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