The World of the Married (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

you're in big trouble now.
Why is that?
Because you'll be the only woman
that I'll ever love.
Gosh, how adorable!
I'll love you…
It was all a lie.
Did you find the camera?
Here. Let me take the photos.
All you had to do was peel off the seal.
Talk about being impatient.
The cake is slightly damaged. Oh, dear.
It's only a stupid cake.
Happy birthday!
You look awesome.
-Happy birthday.
There's no need for that.
My birthday
was just an excuse to gather you all here
for a chance to connect and give back.
But of course,
this clever idea
wasn't mine.
Don't I know it.
I started my business three years ago
with only the faith I had in my hometown.
If it weren't for our alumni, it would've
crumbled to the ground long ago.
Do-cheol, the Councilman.
head of the shopping district association.
Where's Je-hyuk?
And Je-hyuk who helped me
with all the accounting work.
I especially thank you three.
Cut the bullshit that you don't even mean
and just sincerely thank the one person
you appreciate the most.
thank you.
Meeting you was the best thing
that happened to me.
Did you hear that?
How cheesy.
No matter how stupid they were,
you encouraged my dreams.
My unstable soul found solace
in your warm embrace.
I love you.
No words can describe how much I love you.
He just said he loves you.
That deserves a response, Seon-u.
-He's right.
Go ahead and say something back.
-Say something back!
-Say something back!
-Guys, that's enough.
-Come on!
-Say something back!
-Say something back!
-Say something back.
-Go ahead.
-Say something.
-Go on.
I can't watch this.
My gosh.
It's your day today,
so enjoy.
Let's get back to it then.
A place
where I must conceal my devastated heart
with hypocrisy and lies.
This must be a living hell.
-You're here.
-I heard you got married.
-That's right.
-I'm sorry that I couldn't make it.
-That's okay.
How can I make him pay
for this excruciating pain…
in the exact
same way
and degree?
Yes, of course.
Why on earth would I lie?
I hope the venue is comfortable enough.
I absolutely love it.
Anyway, it seems like your marriage
is still quite passionate.
Should we look forward to a second child?
And you, Ms. Yeo?
I'm having a blast.
None of the guests here are your peers
or your acquaintances.
I wonder what can be so fun.
Hey, drink up.
-We'll drink to death today.
-Let's drink up.
Jeez, Je-hyuk.
It looks like you came to party.
But I barely took a sip.
Da-kyung teaches Pilates
at the Pilates center I go to.
You should come by when you have time.
As women get older,
they need to exercise and stay fit.
When neglected, you'll gain weight
and develop saggy skin.
I'll put together a program for you
that keeps pressure off the joints.
I should take you up on that.
-Mom, I'll excuse myself.
-Sure thing.
-Let's drink.
-Agitated, are you?
-What was it that he said again?
"My unstable soul found solace
in your warm embrace."
He must be drunk.
Manage him, will you?
As if you know anything about instability.
What's up with you today?
But I'm right.
You never have to worry
about getting fired
or endure your wife nagging you
to earn more money.
You have it good
thanks to your competent wife,
so what can possibly concern you?
As if you know anything.
-Guys, stop.
-Why are you always like this?
-Stop it.
It's about time we all found out
just why the perfect Ji Seon-u
is this deeply devoted to you.
Let us in on the secret.
Aren't you guys curious too?
You're drunk, Je-hyuk. That's enough.
-Don't ruin a good day.
-No, wait.
-You're ruining a good day.
Give us the details.
How exactly does she
soothe your instability?
Does she do her best to serve you
during the day and at night?
-Je-hyuk, please.
-Guys, stop this.
Stop it.
What the…
-Calm down, will you?
Damn it.
You should take this off.
Obnoxious prick.
What did he say?
You don't need to know.
Who were you talking to earlier?
Yeo Da-kyung?
Who's that?
Chairman Yeo Byeong-gyu's daughter.
Don't you know her?
Oh, did he bring his daughter here today?
No wonder I didn't recognize her.
I meant every word I said earlier.
You know that, right?
What you said?
That I love you.
What's wrong?
You must've had too much to drink.
I think I should head home first.
You're leaving?
I'm about to be sick.
Can you make it on your own?
He's having fun with his friends,
so let him be.
I'll watch over him.
Should I walk you to the parking lot?
It's an act. That's how marriage works.
What a joke.
How is it the best thing
in your life then?
No words can describe
how much you love her?
You're too young to understand--
Don't treat me like a kid.
You made it clear
that I was only your plaything.
-For Gosan!
-Here, here!
-For Gosan.
-For Gosan.
Was it some joke that we made it this far?
Look into my eyes and answer me.
Does my love seem like a joke to you?
But it's all a lie.
Do you have any idea
how pathetic I feel right now?
It's only an act.
My true heart lies with you.
If you won't believe me,
I'll go to your father right now
and tell him about us.
Are you insane?
Settle things with your wife.
Of course.
Just give me
a little more time--
You have until tomorrow.
To say marriage in name only
is so old-fashioned.
makes us all put on a show at some point.
How can you sleep with
only one person for the rest of your life?
-Hold on a second.
Isn't that right, Chairman Yeo?
Well, I'm married
to an ever-changing lady.
-Honey, please.
-So I wouldn't know.
There are many couples in love like us
which is why I hope you find
a decent husband soon.
How is it for you two?
Are you in love or is it all a show?
You tell them. How are we as a couple?
Why do you think we're still childless?
The romance is over once you have kids.
That's why we chose to stay passionate
for the remainder of our lives.
And that's why you won't have kids?
Isn't that right, sir?
That's only half-right.
Sometimes, having a child
can add fuel to the romance too.
Where are you off to?
Why? Did you get into
a fight with a friend?
I just want to go home, that's all.
Hold on. Where did your father go?
Why? What is it?
An email was sent from China,
and I'm afraid--
What is it? What did it say?
The bottom line is that
they decided not to invest in our movie.
You should call them
first thing in the morning.
What happened?
Did you come home alone?
I brought him.
Maybe he got into a fight
with his friends.
I kept asking on the way here,
but he wouldn't tell me.
Should I pour you one?
Sure, sounds good.
I thought you left
because you weren't feeling well.
Were you having another round alone?
I figured
that Tae-oh would have more fun
with me out of the way.
But what's with the suitcase?
It's trash.
Even the photo?
Yes, I don't like it.
Seeing it on the wall made me feel silly.
The fun we had while taking it
is what counts.
Why are you acting all nervous?
Do you have something to say?
No, not at all.
-By the way, Tae-oh…
Why did he get into a fight with Je-hyuk?
You know they're always
at each other's throats.
The guys said that Je-hyuk
got on Tae-oh's nerves first though.
Apparently, he went on about
Tae-oh having a perfect wife
who serves him day and night.
It's baffling as to why
he feels so intimidated by Tae-oh.
Truth be told though, he's been that way
ever since you guys moved to Gosan
after having your son.
And Je-hyuk's ideal type
is somebody like you.
Could he…
secretly be in love with you?
What do you mean by that?
While conversing over drinks earlier,
he voiced his disgust regarding
being monogamous for the rest of his life.
You should've seen the look
on Ye-rim's face upon hearing that.
Is this fun for you?
I mean,
what he said was just ridiculous.
I don't understand
how he could've said that
in front of his wife.
You don't give a shit
about others' feelings, do you?
No matter how much misery someone's in,
you have your fun as a spectator.
I find fun in it?
How can you even say that?
I bet you had fun on the day you told me
that I was being oversensitive.
You said it must be hard to live
with a handsome husband, remember?
Do you…
Do you know?
I even know
that you texted Tae-oh
about how I was tailing him.
It's not what you think.
I mean…
My gosh.
He said it was only a fling.
I was asked to keep it a secret
until it ended, so I had no choice.
You should know that I was furious at him.
When was that?
About a month ago,
out of the blue,
he came over for drinks.
Something seemed off,
so I sounded him out
which is when he started spilling.
I'm sorry for not telling you,
but I didn't keep it from you on purpose.
It has tormented me ever since.
You must really be good friends
to even share such a secret like this.
I don't call that bastard a friend.
You're my friend.
Are you sure you're my friend?
Of course.
Then from this moment on, act like one!
What now?
Did you get Jun-yeong home safely?
Goodness, that was quick of you.
And Seon-u. How is she doing?
Jeez, as if I care.
Call your wife directly
if you're that concerned.
And leave me out of it.
Jeez, I'm sorry.
I'm sort of wasted.
I'm really drunk.
was the most perfect birthday ever.
Oh, wait.
I mean, yesterday.
Can I get some honey water?
Can Dad really make it this time?
He said the same thing last year
but suddenly canceled last minute.
What if that happens again?
Gosh, I can't trust him.
He'll be going this year no matter what.
So don't worry.
I must've had too much to drink.
When did I get in last night?
Good morning. Time to cure that hangover.
How are you feeling?
I'm better now.
I'm glad.
Well, eat up and collect yourself.
You have a busy day ahead of you.
Don't tell me you forgot.
What? No, of course, I remember.
Have fun, okay?
Can I get one too?
Did I do anything wrong last night?
You urinated while standing.
Jeez. Sorry about that.
I didn't think I drank much,
but I must've blacked out.
My insides burn as well.
That's the consequence you must endure
for all the fun you had.
Anyway, I'm off.
I contacted the person in China again.
They're withdrawing
their proposal to invest.
What should we do, Mr. Lee?
Let me think about it.
Keep your promise.
Hurry up and get ready, Dad.
My coach said not to be late.
Of course.
The Head Director is furious
that we're not taking action.
I can no longer take his side.
He's been absent from work
for half the month without notice.
Has the board said anything else?
It will follow whatever decision
the disciplinary committee makes.
We're all here, so let's begin.
As per the authority
given to me by the board,
I will preside this disciplinary hearing.
Let's hear what Dr. Ma has to say first.
Why do I have to be sitting here?
During my 25 years as a doctor,
I have never made a single mistake.
Do you even know how many patients
I've treated here in Gosan?
Dr. Ma--
I founded this hospital
with the current chairman.
I'm also the one who vouched for you
when he was against promoting a woman,
but this is how you repay me?
By reprimanding me?
Dr. Ma, why don't you
calm down for a moment?
The board might acknowledge you
for your ability to make a profit,
but I'm the only doctor here
who's worthy of the name.
Dr. Ma, are you under the influence?
-I'm asking if you had a drink beforehand.
What does that have to do with anything?
It's not like I'm here
to practice medicine.
Dr. Ma, as of today,
your contract will be terminated.
For two months, you displayed a lack
of diligence and an addiction to alcohol.
Our hospital will no longer
keep you for your medical services.
Seon-u, you…
We have given you
more than enough opportunities.
There's no hospital that'll be lenient
toward a doctor with a drinking problem.
I lost the only family I had.
Do you think something like that
will never happen to you?
No matter how devastated you were,
you still should've upheld your oath.
Ruthless, aren't you?
Well, you seem
ever so confident in yourself.
But we'll see about that.
Something similar
will happen to you for sure.
Shameless, isn't he?
Will he be all right?
What was that about?
I just informed her
that an abortion wasn't an option.
The baby's father has been unreachable
ever since she told him
about the pregnancy.
What can we do though?
We have rules to uphold.
Did you talk to Tae-oh?
Weren't you going to leave him?
You even packed his things.
I haven't spoken to him yet.
So you'll continue to play dumb?
Until when?
For now,
Jun-yeong having fun at camp
is more important.
How can that be a priority?
He's been looking forward to it
for two months.
He shouldn't be punished
for his father's transgressions.
Maybe you're the one who needs time.
Considering how grave this issue is,
there's no doubt you need to be cautious.
Send in the next patient.
Yes, doctor.
Ms. Yeo Da-kyung?
Please head into Exam Room One.
My mom insisted that I come to you.
Shall we?
What the hell is going on?
What's been bothering you?
The aches I have won't go away.
For how long?
I think it's been about
two to three weeks.
I need to lift up your top.
How about dry coughs or phlegm?
Do you drink or smoke?
I don't smoke,
but I drink sometimes.
Not recently though.
Are you sexually active?
Must I answer that?
It's one of the basic questions,
so please answer truthfully.
Are you in a relationship?
Or is there…
more than one?
Just one.
We don't do it daily,
but about two or three times a week.
He's married, you see.
Does his wife know?
She's completely clueless.
Really? Are you sure?
He says the marriage is an act
and that he's unhappy.
Their relationship is nothing
but an empty shell.
If he's unhappy,
why doesn't he divorce her?
I'm sure it's complicated.
They have a kid
and things to sort out financially.
No wonder people say
that marriage is trouble.
Let me draw some blood.
Don't nurses usually do this?
I do it myself sometimes.
The test result will come back
in two hours.
What are you testing for?
Since you have a slight fever,
I'll be testing for infections,
viruses, hepatitis, allergies,
and sexually transmitted diseases.
Are we done here then?
I need a urine sample.
Don't you use birth control?
What do you mean?
You're pregnant.
You only have one partner,
so he'll be the father.
This must be worrying
since he's a married man.
That's why they say marriage is trouble.
I'll see an obstetrician.
What are you going to do about her?
Did she go to you?
What did she say?
she asked me not to tell anyone.
-Not even Tae-oh?
I'm to keep this a secret.
She wants an abortion.
What should I do?
Tell her you can't.
It's against hospital policy.
And what if she ends up having the kid?
Are you…
really going to end it with Tae-oh?
Will it end in a divorce?
Where are you going with this?
Why did she go to you of all people?
She said she doesn't want Tae-oh to know,
but why did she go and talk to you?
She probably found me comfortable
since I already know about those two.
If she wants an abortion,
does that mean she is going to
end things with him?
They've only been together
for three months.
Why would a 24-year-old
want to have a baby at her age anyway
especially when the father
is a married man?
Let's give her what she wants.
I'll do it myself.
I mean, it's what she wants.
Dr. Seol!
Do you want to lose your license?
Seon-u, this is your life
we're talking about.
The woman your husband is having
an affair with is pregnant!
Still, it can't happen at our hospital.
I'm following the rules.
How can you be considering
your duties as a doctor first
when all this happened?
You really are something.
-It's a hit.
-That's it!
Come on!
Keep going!
All right!
With extra whipped cream.
Yes, Jun-yeong.
Are you having fun?
Mom, I scored a hit.
Also, I was the one
who scored the winning run.
You must be delighted.
I rocked, didn't I?
-How's your dad?
-Why? Should I put him on?
No, I was just asking.
You didn't hurt yourself
or anything, right?
Of course not. I'm not a kid, you know.
All right.
Anyway, have fun with your dad
and make up for what you missed last year.
Keep me posted too.
-Hello, sir.
-I hope I'm not late.
You're not.
I had no idea
that you were sponsoring
a little league baseball team.
It's nothing grand.
From a young age,
I've been a huge fan of baseball.
He sponsors
numerous organizations, you know.
Anyway, the way you love
and support your community
is quite admirable.
I owe it all to Councilman Cha here.
You're too kind, sir.
It takes up a lot of his time.
Excuse me.
Isn't Min Hyeon-seo working today?
She's been absent since yesterday.
Apparently, she's sick.
In what way?
Beats me.
I'm guessing her boyfriend's involved,
but she's never been one
to blabber about herself.
Help. Please.
Please help me!
What's the matter with you?
Come on.
Bitch, get back here!
No, please…
Who the hell are you?
Hyeon-seo, pick yourself up.
Stand up, damn it!
You're a funny one, aren't you, lady?
What is this?
Do you know her?
Pack a bag
with whatever you need.
You're both starting
to annoy the shit out of me.
Min Hyeon-seo.
Have you lost it?
Antisocial personality disorder,
intermittent explosive disorder,
and impulse control disorder.
What bullshit are you going on about?
There is a long list of disorders
I can use to diagnose men like you
who repeatedly assault their girlfriends.
She deserved every beating.
You don't know shit,
so don't stick your nose into
where it doesn't belong, lady.
You clearly don't get what's going on,
so listen and learn.
One suffering from a mental illness
who is a threat to himself or others
can be forcibly institutionalized
when sanctioned by the mayor.
You'll make me out to be a nutjob
and put me in a mental institution?
How dare you threaten me.
I'm not a nutcase.
I'm the Associate Director
of Family Love Hospital.
I have influence over
the district medical association
and I have more than enough connections
to have the local governor on my side.
A report describing Hyeon-seo's injuries
and a diagnosis from a psychiatrist
regarding your state of mind
will be more than enough to destroy you.
I didn't expect to see you today.
I needed to unwind,
so I went by the bar for a drink.
After hearing you called in sick,
I thought I should check up on you.
The other woman…
Did you figure out who she is?
She's pregnant.
Talk about a messed-up situation.
She wants an abortion though.
Then not all is lost.
It means that they're not serious.
Is it really though?
It was just a fling.
He was just instinctively drawn to
a younger woman. Nothing more.
You know how men are.
So where will you go from here?
I left him for now,
but I'll probably stay
at a sauna for a few days
and then go back to him.
You're willing to waste
your precious life
on a bastard like him?
What if his life depends on me?
has no one but me to turn to.
He just lets out his anger sometimes
when life gets difficult.
He's not that bad of a guy.
Soon, I'll have him back on track.
People don't change that easily.
Have you ever thought
that you could die in the process?
But I love him.
Here you go.
Until you remove your stitches,
don't get into situations
that could worsen the injury.
Stay here for a few days,
and I'll find you a place to stay.
Don't even think about
crawling back to him.
What about you?
What will you do
about your situation?
Take care, all right?
-You too.
I'd definitely hit a home-run.
-As if.
-You'd be struck out.
-Are you kidding me?
-Take that. Wait, did that hurt? Sorry.
-It hurts.
-Surrender already.
-Fine, I will.
Judging by the look on your face,
you had a blast.
I did.
How's it been?
I bet you missed us.
Welcome back.
But you're faster.
I am a fast runner, aren't I?
Still… My goodness.
-There it is.
-My steak has finally been served.
I'll definitely enjoy this.
Me too.
To all our health.
So we decided
to throw the ball and catch it
-for practice.
I threw it like this with all my might
and it hit his certain body part.
-Funny, right?
-We shouldn't laugh.
We really shouldn't.
No wonder!
-So that's why he ran awkwardly.
-He was waddling.
-Exactly. And he was…
He says the marriage is an act
and that he's unhappy.
Their relationship is nothing
but an empty shell.
Dad, that game…
-Let's play the baseball game.
Can we,
after dinner,
play video games for two hours?
-No, just one.
-Just one.
Let us play for one hour.
-One hour.
-Just one.
-Let us.
-Come on.
-Yes, all right!
-Quickly finish your dinner then.
I'm sure I'll win.
I practiced a lot.
It's really delicious.
But I love him.
What the…
Where's Jun-yeong?
He left for school early with a friend.
How's the movie coming along?
The investor
requested a revised scenario.
Other than that hassle, things are fine.
Are you…
having an affair?
What did you just say?
I'd appreciate the truth.
Remember what we said when we got married?
We mentioned the possibility
of being attracted to others
and that we'd be honest if that happens.
Remember that?
If you
admit to the affair…
and end your relationship with her,
I might be able to forgive you.
After all, it was nothing but
a physical attraction.
Even a passing affair
can be too harsh to endure,
but I'll learn to live with the pain
since we have a long life ahead of us.
But your lies
aren't something I can forgive.
Because that's the ultimate betrayal.
So be honest with me.
Are you…
having an affair?
You're asking me if I'm having an affair?
Are you accusing me of cheating?
I know it's true.
Again? What's wrong with you?
Why would I be having an affair?
Don't lie to me. Please.
Is this what you think of me?
Is there no trust between us?
Don't lie to me anymore.
Don't disappoint me!
I'm the one who's disappointed!
Your accusation
isn't even worth responding to.
I can't believe you are wasting
my busy morning with this.
Are you all right?
the only woman in my life.
Don't you know that?
You've been working too hard.
I think the stress
is making you emotionally unstable.
I guess you're right.
Are you okay?
You said…
that I'm the only woman in your life.
That's right.
All right.
I guess that's it then.
It's enough of an answer for me.
You son of a bitch.
Finish your breakfast.
I'll head upstairs to get ready for work.
Tell Tae-oh…
that Yeo Da-kyung is pregnant.
You want me to tell Tae-oh?
Are you serious?
What on earth are you thinking?
How will you deal with this?
Call Tae-oh in five minutes.
Why haven't you answered to my text
telling you to keep your promise?
I told you not to
contact me on this number.
I'll call you later.
-I'll call you back later.
-Let's break up.
What are you talking about?
Why would we break up?
I bet you didn't
even mention this to your wife
when you promised you would.
Like I said, I'll get to that.
But not right now.
Once the investor signs the contract
and the movie begins production--
Who was that?
Wrong number.
I see.
If you're done, please put
the cutlery and plates in the dishwasher.
Oh, sure.
Why are you startled?
Aren't you going to answer that?
What did you just say?
Okay, I got it.
something urgent just came up.
I need to go.
What was the call about?
Nothing important.
Everything will be over
the moment Seon-u finds out.
All I want to know
is whether or not you truly love me.
Are you thinking of getting a divorce?
I want to see Tae-oh choose for himself.
I just want him to choose me.
Once you witness your husband
fooling around with another woman,
there's no going back.
Call me whenever you need
a drinking buddy.
He promised he'd never do anything
that would cost him his son.
A person's heart can't just beat
for one person.
Then end it with Yeo Da-kyung
as soon as possible.
What drives me crazy
is the fact that I love them both.
Subtitle translation by Hye-lim Park
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