The World's Most Amazing Vacation Rentals (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Aloha, Hawaii

[upbeat music playing]
[Megan] So the theme
we chose this trip is Hawaii.
Aloha, baby.
We are going to see
essentially every part of Hawaii, almost.
[Jo] There are multiple islands.
We have multiple locations to visit.
Multiple properties.
-Island hopping.
-Island hopping.
Island hopping. I like that.
[Megan] With over 40,000 vacation rentals
across the islands,
Hawaii has a property
for every type of traveler.
So we've narrowed it down
to our top three picks.
We start at a cabin
next to this waterfall.
[Jo] To renting this boat
off the coast of Lanai.
To this luxury oceanfront estate.
[opening theme music playing]
[upbeat music playing]
We're all going to the same place.
He does this every single time.
Stay right there.
Oh, this is great.
[Megan] So as always, I look for a rental
with great design at a great price,
which I was able to find
on the Big Island of Hawaii.
But what really sold me on this place
is something that no other property
could offer.
-[Luis] Megan, where are you taking us?
-We are entering farmland
because we are going
to a self-sustainable 42-acre farm.
I am taking you to a cabin
that is off the grid
to reconnect with nature,
and we're gonna love it.
[Megan] Oh my God,
this is gonna be amazing.
[Jo] Megan, Megan. Wow.
I am really happy with myself.
Look at the goat.
Nice welcome right there.
-[Jo] Do you hear the chickens?
-[Megan] You only hear the chickens.
[Jo] Look at these tiny cabins. Aww!
-[Megan] This is gorgeous.
-[Luis] Damn.
-[Jo] Dang.
-[Luis] This is amazing.
[Megan] Nestled in the hills of Hilo Bay,
the Inn at Kulaniapia Falls
sits on 42 lush natural acres
and includes a farm with three
one-bedroom vacation rental cabins.
Each cabin can sleep two guests
and starts at $119 a night.
There's also this gorgeous barn
where you can prepare your own meals
with locally-sourced food.
But if you really wanna know what sold me
on this vacation rental, it's this
a 120-foot private waterfall.
And I'm saving that as a surprise
for Luis and Jo.
All the way out there is the ocean.
We are ten minutes from Hilo,
but completely remote.
-Let's check it out.
-[Luis] Gonna go see my cabin.
[Megan] Okay, cabin time.
[upbeat music playing]
How do you make a small cabin feel big?
The answer, good views and great design.
[Luis] This is beautiful.
Welcome to the "farm-ily."
[chuckles] I love that.
You know, for a hundred dollars a night,
this little cabin creates
a very peaceful ambience
you won't find in a lot of luxury hotels.
It reminds me a bit of Puerto Rico,
the countryside back where I come from,
you see you feel the entire breeze.
You can see the ocean.
You see the land and all the greenery.
Even though it's it's very small
as far as square footage is concerned,
it feels very open.
[ukulele music playing]
-[Jo] What's this?
-[Megan] Solar DC System?
Our own solar system. [laughing]
I'm inspired.
I wanna make my entire house like this.
-Megan, I have a question.
-Where's the bathroom?
-That's a good question. I need to go too.
Okay, keep in mind
that this is a budget property.
-And it's $100 a night.
-So there's no bathroom?
The bathroom is on the backside
of the barn.
Behind the barn. It doesn't have
any light, so at night, it'll be difficult
to find it and very difficult to aim.
-I just need a bathroom.
-You don't have to aim.
-[Jo] This barn is huge.
-[Megan] I know.
I don't know where the bathroom is,
but I know it's part of this.
Boom. Toilet. Okay.
I'll be right back, guys.
-Toilet one, toilet two. Bye.
-Okay, that's nice. I'll just be here.
[Jo] We can talk to each other
while we're in the bathroom, Luis.
[Luis] I'd rather not.
[goat bleats]
I love the space.
-[Luis] Wow.
-Look at these countertops.
The live-edge wood?
Oh, I love this. This is the kitchen?
[Megan] It's the everything.
-[Luis laughing]
-We have everything in the fridge.
-Love your property.
-[Jo] Me too.
[Luis] I think this is very special.
[Jo] This view is the star of the barn.
-[Luis] Yeah, nice.
-[Megan] Star of the barn.
[Megan] The cabins and the barn are great,
but I'm saving the best for last,
and it's just a five-minute walk away.
Oh, wow.
-Oh, Megan!
-[laughing] Wow!
[upbeat ethereal music playing]
[Megan] This is why I picked
this budget property over the others.
Kulaniapia Falls.
[Jo] That is beautiful.
[Megan] Wow.
Now you see why I brought you here.
-[Jo] Wow.
Megan, this is going to be tough to top.
This is the feeling that you search for,
and this is what traveling is about,
and traveling with friends
that you can share this with.
Seeing this alone
I'm happy I get to share this with you.
Is it okay if I cry?
-[Jo] Aww!
-Hey, aww, come here.
You know what? When they say
that something is so beautiful,
you just have to cry?
That's exactly what it is, like
I just, like, haven't ever seen
anything like this.
[ukulele music playing]
[Megan] The best about this property?
One of the coolest things
that you can do in all of Hawaii
is right here on this spot.
-How are you? Nice to finally meet you.
You, too, Megan.
We're gonna do something
really cool this trip,
and Lauren's gonna help facilitate it.
Tomorrow, you guys are going to be
rappelling down the waterfall.
[Jo] That's insane.
-Rock climb the way down to the
-[Megan] It's like a reverse rock climb.
We really operate from this philosophy
of dropping into nature,
being one with nature.
Rappelling down waterfalls sounds extreme.
Is there something we can do
to ease our way into the adventure?
Yeah. We'll do a bit of stretching,
some yoga, maybe some slacklining.
Get the body fully prepared
for this extreme adventure.
[Megan] I'm excited for the warm-up yoga.
[upbeat music playing]
-[cows mooing]
-[rooster crowing]
I slept without a bathroom
attached to my property, but it's okay.
It's Megan's budget property,
and sometimes you have to just
embrace what's happening.
-I did my makeup in the bed.
-You did makeup right now?
A little bit.
I also peed in three of four jars.
-You literally peed in jars?
-I was not gonna go out there.
In the middle of the night, the wind
was slamming against my cabin.
I thought someone might be breaking in.
This was 4:00 in the morning.
At first, I was like,
"Oh God, are there bears?"
[laughing] Like, what? It's Hawaii.
-What's that mean?
-Are there bears?
I don't know.
They could migrate. They could relocate.
They could swim through the Pacific Ocean.
[Jo] I can't believe you peed
in the drinking cups, Megan.
[Megan] I know.
So Kulaniapia offers several retreat-like
activities right on the property
in preparation for rappelling
down a waterfall,
including a tightrope slacklining class
to help with balance
[man] There it is, right there.
and an outdoor yoga class
for flexibility.
[instructor] Okay, find that cow pose
one more time.
[cow moos]
-[Jo] The cow knew.
-He was like, "Hey!"
[all laughing]
But we saved the best for last.
[exciting music playing]
Okay, 120 feet down the falls. Let's go.
We are at the top of the waterfall,
120 feet down.
[Luis] It feels like a thousand.
-Okay. I'm ready.
-[Megan] All right.
[Lauren] Stay low.
[Luis] Whoa!
Go, Luis!
[Luis] Oh my God!
[Jo] Megan! You're doing great!
What a way to see Hawaii.
[Luis] Good job. That was amazing.
-[Jo] This is crazy!
-[Luis] They're gonna break! [laughing]
[Megan] You're killing this.
[Jo groans]
I'm like
Okay, guys, we just
we just did this entire situation.
I mean, I just I don't think I would
have ever done this, ever,
if I wasn't with you guys.
One, two, three. Ow!
-Was that the best idea?
-Don't do it again. Let's go eat!
[mid-tempo guitar music playing]
Yup, drop it right in. Sweet.
[Megan] We ended the day in the kitchen
at the barn with our guides
and some delicious homemade fish tacos.
Destination one, ridiculously good.
[all laughing]
Thank you for showing us your lifestyle
and wanting to share it,
because you can't have nights like this
anywhere but a vacation rental.
I second that.
There's not just one way to travel.
There's not just one people to meet.
There is so much to see,
and at the end of the day,
we're doing this to become better people.
The more we see, the more we know,
the better we live.
[Megan] Cheers.
[tacos crunching]
[Luis] What a life.
[upbeat music playing]
All right, we're in Maui.
-All this is Megan's and Jo's.
-No, no.
-My stuff? Here.
-[Jo] He's lying.
-He has hair products in two suitcases.
-Complicated. Too complicated.
[Jo] After our stay on a secluded farm
on the Big Island, we're now on Maui.
But not for long.
I've booked us a unique vacation rental
that's literally gonna take us away.
So, are you guys excited
to get on the water?
[Megan] Yeah.
I have no idea what we're doing.
That's the point, Megan.
-All right, I'm ready. I'm so excited.
-Here we go.
We have found ourselves on a dinghy.
This is Captain Kim.
-Hello. Hi, everybody.
[Jo] Okay, dear friends.
I looked at a lot of properties, right?
But I think what I chose
is the most unique option.
[Megan] This is it?
Wow, that looks like a movie.
[Luis] Wow, it's beautiful.
Wow, that's huge.
[Jo] The Blaze II is a vacation rental
like no other.
This 62-foot catamaran
features three bedrooms,
and three bathrooms.
It can sleep six guests
sat $2,500 a night,
which includes Captain Kim
and a private chef for all your meals.
[Captain Kim] Welcome aboard Blaze II.
Come on in.
-[Luis] Okay.
-[Jo] I'm so excited.
What's happening?
Why are you moving so much?
-Are you dizzy?
-I gotta move with the boat
in order to recalibrate.
[upbeat music playing]
This is cozier than living rooms
in most people's homes.
[Megan] Right.
[Jo] You know, what I think
is the most impressive part
is that people search
for oceanfront views.
No matter where you are in this boat,
you have oceanfront views.
-[Captain Kim] All the way around.
-[Jo] Yeah.
[Megan] Wow.
It's crazy how big it is.
-[Megan] Can I jump on this?
-[Luis] So nice.
This is like a tropical trampoline.
[Jo] Look at these trampolines.
They're perfect to get some sleep
or get your tan on.
[Megan] That is so nice.
[Luis] Okay, this is great. This is life.
Take a look around and have a visit
downstairs and take a look.
Pick your cabin if you like,
or you can pick outside
and sleep under the stars.
[Luis] We can stay outside?
[Kim] We put mattresses here,
you sleep under the stars.
We'll check out cabins first,
and we'll make up
Mattress on the trampoline?
[Jo] I just think of how small my
New York City apartment was.
This is so much better.
Look. There are flowers on the bed.
-It's all about the details.
-[Megan] Wow. A full-on dresser?
-This is a beautiful little lei crown.
-Excuse me.
-Do you see this mirror? This is like
-[Luis] This is nice.
-It feels crazy in here.
-It's not that crazy.
-[Jo] People pay money for a waterbed.
-I never liked waterbeds.
-But you like this.
-I like this.
[Jo] And that's all that matters.
Look, there's a full bathroom in here.
-[Luis laughing]
-[Jo] Megan, how are you doing?
-I'm fine.
I think I like it in spacious areas more.
[Jo] We are dealing
with a little sea-sickie.
[Captain Kim] So it's best, if you feel
a little woozy or a little dizzy,
you come on outside out into the cockpit
or upstairs and drive the boat with me.
-Sounds like a good idea.
-Keep your eyes on the horizon.
-[Jo] This is so cool.
-You can see the sharks from under here.
[Jo] There's more, more.
This boat is really huge.
-[Luis] Captain Jo, where you taking us?
-All right, Captain Jo here speaking.
Today's itinerary will include a nice sail
to the island of Lanai over here.
To kick ourselves off with success,
we will be having nice beverages
-to, you know, just celebrate the moment.
-[Megan] Yes!
[Luis] Give me a glass of champagne.
[relaxing guitar music playing]
I feel like I'm retired.
-Me too.
[Jo] This is our new life.
I'm already loving this.
What other vacation rental
lets you go places
while still enjoying all the amenities,
like a gourmet lunch prepared
by our onboard chef?
-Okay, lunch is served, everybody.
-[Luis] Ooh!
-Wow, that's so beautiful.
-[Luis] Wow.
I'm so surprised this all came
from a catamaran kitchen.
-[Megan] So tiny in there.
-[Luis] Great kitchen.
[Jo] Do you see the seared ahi?
Here you go.
-Get some of that.
-Thank you.
[Jo] I'm really impressed.
It almost doesn't feel like we were
rappelling from a waterfall yesterday.
Coming from the Big Island and coming
here in the middle of the ocean?
I'm mind-blown.
I love the ocean,
it makes me feel small in a good way.
It puts things into perspective.
-A whale!
-[Luis] Where?
Right there!
[all yelling excitedly]
[Jo] Right there!
[Megan] Whoa!
[all shouting and clapping]
[Jo] Oh my God, it's huge!
Boy, he's right next to us.
I I I got a good view.
[Jo] Wow!
This is incredible, Jo.
-Yay! I'm glad you like it.
-Glad you did.
[Jo] Oh!
[Luis] Right there!
Oh my God, it's so huge!
[Jo] More than half of the world's
whale population comes here
to escape the winter.
-They know what's up.
-[Megan] This is a pretty good escape.
[Luis] Oh my God!
-[Megan] Look at that!
-[Jo] Whoa!
[Luis] They're showing off now.
Only two hours after setting sail,
we've made our way to the exclusive
island of Lanai.
This beautiful spot
is called Five Needles,
and the only way to get here
is accessing it by the ocean.
Welcome to Five Needles.
Or four, we don't really know
where the fifth one is.
We cannot find the fifth one.
[Jo] The Hawaiian name for Five Needles
is Nanahoa,
which means "to gaze upon with friends."
It's a sacred place,
and we want to respect that.
We're traveling the world,
and I know that we're very into
being respectful and honoring culture.
And this is sacred Hawaiian land.
And so Captain Kim and I would love
to just have Mei Lani welcome us,
but also ask for permission to be here,
because not everybody can come here.
[Mei] And that I will do.
[Mei sings in Hawaiian]
[in English]
Oh, my ancestors of this land,
give them the grace of your allowance
and your acceptance.
So now you have been covered
by my blessing.
-[Mei] Thank you for coming.
-[Megan] Thank you.
-[Luis] Beautiful. Thank you so much.
-Thank you.
-[Jo] That was perfect.
-[Megan] Group hug!
-[Jo] Group hug!
-[Megan] Hug!
[Luis] Okay, now we're blessed.
[upbeat music playing]
[Jo] A toast.
[all] Aloha, aloha.
Thank you.
[relaxing guitar music playing]
Right now, um, I am laying down over nets
on top of the Pacific Ocean
And I feel great. I feel amazing.
I'm grateful to be here.
[upbeat music playing]
Sometimes, you gotta make
the accommodation the experience.
We're hanging out
with the crew of the boat,
hanging out with each other
It's just so good. It's the bonding time
that my heart needed.
[Luis] Let's talk real estate.
I have seen some crazy deals
in real estate in New York.
I have seen penthouses
go for $250 million,
but that's for 25,000 square feet.
And here, Larry Ellison
bought this entire island,
which is 90,000 acres, for $300 million.
I think that's a hell of a deal.
I mean, look at this entire island.
For you to say, "This is mine."
He bought 98% of it, but you know,
98% is more than, you know, it's 98%.
Okay, so here's some things that you need
to know when using a bathroom on a boat.
There are only 200 gallons of water
on the boat for the entire water supply.
You really should be showering with water
-Five seconds.
[Jo] Another thing you need to know
is that you should not flush
toilet paper down the toilet.
So there's a tiny little
paper wastebasket.
The boat will break if you don't
follow the rules, so follow the rules.
Or we'll all run out of water,
and it'll be your fault.
[upbeat music playing]
[Jo] This is how we dry our hair here.
-Oh yeah!
Oh, dry the hair. Dry the hair.
[Jo] So yeah, there are
a few vacation rentals on Lanai,
but with those, you'd still need to rent
a boat to get to this remote location.
[Luis] Look, guys, we have a pool here.
-[Jo] Whoo!
-[Megan] Last one out of the pool.
[Jo] But with Blaze II, we've been
fortunate enough to actually set anchor
next to this unforgettable experience.
We just paddle-boarded and snorkeled
in between the Five Needles.
Coming in here, I was super seasick
and got over that.
This was magical.
This is this is crazy.
[Jo] That was so beautiful.
We've basically seen everything.
We've rappelled off waterfalls,
we stayed in farms,
we've swum in nature,
seen all that kind of stuff.
I think it's time for me to show you guys
something very luxurious.
Something very, uh
where we do absolutely nothing.
Everything is done for us.
-I like the sound of that.
-Okay. Take me there.
[upbeat music playing]
[Luis] All right, girls, welcome to Kauai.
We have been to the Big Island.
We have been to Maui.
And now we're in Kauai,
where we're going to see
the most exclusive property
in the entire islands of Hawaii.
Wow, look at the water.
Wow. I've never seen
anything like this in my life.
[Luis] We've experienced Hawaii by land,
by sea, and now by air.
We're headed for a luxury property
I picked out for us
on the beautiful island of Kauai.
That's the Nā Pali Coast.
So this is the North Shore of Kauai.
A place where a lot of celebrities
and high-net worth individuals
Pierce Brosnan has a house here.
Drew Barrymore has a house here.
-And now we have a house here.
-And now we have a house here. Correct.
[upbeat music playing]
All right. Look to your right.
You see that house on top of the cliff?
-That's the house?
-[Luis] That is our house.
That is where we're gonna stay tonight.
-[Megan] No, it's not.
-It's our private residence for the night.
I get paid with my new kicks on ♪
Lemonade with my new kicks on ♪
Paparazzi with my ♪
[Luis] This is the most exclusive part
of all the Hawaiian Islands, right?
The 1% of the 1%, this is where they come
to seclude themselves,
to get away from the entire world.
Aaron, talk to us about this place.
You're here on the North Shore of Kauai.
Um, the most beautiful place on Earth,
in my very biased opinion.
-[Luis] Beautiful.
-[Meg] Wow.
I'm here to share a pure Kauai experience
with you guys.
Aaron is going to be taking care
of our entire experience.
The luxury vacation home
that I found, it's
-Oh, I like that!
-Just, no words.
-It's amazing.
It's just silence. That spectacular.
[Jo] Wow. Speechless.
Let it let it speak for itself
'cause I think you're about to witness
something very special.
This is such a lavish entrance.
These palm trees
[Megan] I feel like
I'm at a ride at Disney.
[Luis] Like a hotel entrance.
It's a house.
-This for us.
-[Jo] This is not a house!
This is a resort!
[Megan] Oh my God.
[Luis] All right, here we are.
-[Jo screams]
-[Luis and Megan] Oh my God.
Is the entrance a bridge?
Welcome to the most amazing
vacation rental in all of Hawaii.
[Luis] Pure Kauai's Hale 'Ae Kai
is the ultimate Hawaiian luxury living.
Inspired by flowing Balinese design,
this estate has four villas,
six bathrooms,
sleeps eight guests,
has access to a secret beach,
and starts at the price
of $12,000 per night.
-You guys ready?
-I feel like Willy Wonka.
This is so
Holy sh
[upbeat music playing]
-[Megan, laughing] Oh my God!
-[Jo] Wow!
I feel like it's too fancy for me.
Look at that.
Like, platters of delicious foods.
The symmetry of this
[Megan] I feel so Zen immediately.
[Luis] I knew this
was going to be amazing, but
[Jo] What is this incredible view?
It's very rare to find this spread of
-Like of clear ocean.
-of open water.
Can we go see this outside, please?
-We need to see it. I need to get close.
-[Luis] Wow.
-[Megan] Incredible.
Welcome to luxury Kauai.
-[Megan] Oh my God!
-[Jo] Luis, Luis!
[Luis] This property is so grand
and so beautifully designed
that to really appreciate
the entire 15 acres,
you have to take a step back.
I mean, way, way back.
The name of the house is Hale 'Ae Kai,
which means, "Where land meets the sea."
It's divided in four pavilions.
Pavilion number one,
this is where we live.
There's a living room,
dining room, kitchen.
Then the master bedroom pavilion,
which is completely separate to the side.
And then on the other side,
you have two other pavilions
with en suite bathrooms
and direct ocean views.
[Jo] How much are we talking per night?
Twelve thousand.
[sucks air] Okay.
I mean, it's it's expensive,
but you get the best of the best.
-He's good at this.
-Let's go to the house.
Let's wander around, see what we got.
Let's go to the master bedroom, this way.
It has its own pavilion.
[Megan] You have to leave the house
to go to the rooms?
-[Jo] Right.
-This is classic Balinese design,
with these long overhangs that protects
you from the sun and the rain,
basically the only two seasons
that Hawaii has.
[Luis] The pavilions are connected
by these bridges
that makes them feel separate
from the house,
but interconnected at the same time,
so you don't lose the flow
of the whole house.
-[Jo] Look at this view.
-[Megan] A postcard?
[upbeat music playing]
[Megan] Whoa!
That is gorgeous.
-[Jo] Look at the view!
-[Megan] God, it keeps going.
Just the air right away
[Luis] Let's go to the master bathroom.
-[Megan] Wow. Huge.
-[Luis] His-and-her closets.
His-and-her sinks.
Wow, look at the craftsmanship
on that wood.
And that is just me, mine. [laughing]
-[Megan] Okay.
-[Jo] Oh!
-[Megan] Where are our rooms?
-[Luis] All the way to the end.
[Megan] Just all lawn.
[Jo] Getting my cardio in.
Wow. Okay.
-[Megan gasps]
-[Jo] Whoa!
[Jo] So many seating options.
There's a lot of space here.
[Megan] And it's all yours.
-Oh my God, oh my God.
-A robe?
-Okay, instantly in this.
-I love a good robe.
My God, oh my God.
You're not on vacation
until you're in a robe.
This bathroom, though? Oh, baby.
Wow! This is inlaid ocean rock.
It's like a yellow brick road
into the shower.
[Jo] That's so beautiful.
What is behind this mirror?
-Just the view.
-It's the view!
-[Megan] Wow.
-[Jo] That's amazing.
[Megan] A pocket mirror door?
-I've never seen something like this.
-Me either.
-What are these switches for?
-On and off shower lights.
-What? What is this?
What is happening?
I think it's so that people
don't see my naked body.
Or it's for people like this.
[Jo laughing]
This is ridiculous.
[laughing] Work it!
Megan, I don't even need to see
the next pavilion.
-This one is mine.
-This is you?
I respect that. I think mine's
gonna have my own surprises.
-Gonna miss you.
-Good luck. Miss you, too, neighbor.
My own private bungalow.
Oh, wow.
One thing that I love about this property
is that for such a huge estate,
the scale of the individual spaces
is so homey
and so welcoming, yet still luxurious.
The color of this, too,
being different than Jo's, it's so rich.
It, like, feels like what hugging,
like, a warm pinot noir.
Ah! And it does.
[sighs] This house feels
like a meditation retreat.
Even though it's luxury, it's quaint.
Like, it's not luxury that's over-the-top.
Okay, it's a little over-the-top,
but it's still, like,
homey enough where somebody like me,
who'd never normally stay
in a place like this, feels at home.
Even if I can't afford it.
[upbeat music playing]
[Luis] This is a one-of-a-kind estate
that gives you all of the best of Kauai.
-[Megan] Wow! Look it!
-[Jo] Incredible.
[Megan] That cliff?
[birds cawing]
[Luis] So that's the Nā Pali Coast,
then Hanalei Bay.
This is Secret Beach,
extends all the way to the end.
And then that's the, uh,
that's Kilauea Lighthouse.
[Jo] Wow.
We're right in between all of that.
Live, boy, love, boy ♪
-Take in every second as it passes ♪
-[Jo] Wow.
Oh there's nothing
Like living in the moment ♪
You are the only person right now,
in this place, and no one else.
Out of the seven billion people
on this entire planet,
you are the ones standing here
in such a very exclusive place.
-He's always trying to get us emotional.
-I know, and it's really easy.
-How couldn't this get you emotional?
-It works every time!
[pleasant guitar music playing]
[Megan, yelling] Luis!
Wake up!
[Luis] What is your problem?
[Megan] Do you want coffee?
-Make me a blueberry smoothie.
-What do you mean, "a blueberry smoothie"?
Why are you screaming like a crazy person?
It's a big house! I don't want to walk!
Text me!
Here's what $12,000 a night buys you.
Not just luxury amenities,
but the serenity of being completely alone
on your own 15 acres of land
and your own private beach.
-[Jo screams]
-[Megan] We're at Secret Beach.
-Just ruins the beautiful, pristine beach.
-[Jo] It feels so good!
The only way you can get access to this
is if you have a property that's on it.
So this is highly exclusive.
-[Jo] That's right.
-We out here being fancy.
[Hawaiian music playing]
There he is. Our first course.
-[man] Aloha, everybody.
-How you doing? Thank you so much.
[Luis] For our last night in Hawaii,
our concierge has arranged
for one of Kauai's top private chefs
to treat us to some
of the incredible foods
the island has to offer.
You can't have a bad day here.
Like, it's physically impossible.
How could you?
What was your favorite part?
Uh, the shower.
-I knew you would say that.
-Did you sleep in the shower?
-You love that thing.
This is not over.
I put together a couple of, uh,
local dancers to come here
and teach us how to hula
the authentic way.
-Take your drinks.
-[Jo] Gonna need this.
-"Take your drinks."
-[Jo laughing]
Nice to meet you. Hi.
Nice to meet you. How you doing?
[Jo and Megan] Hi.
I'm not doing this for myself.
I'm doing this for these two ladies
who have been dying and begging
since we got here to learn.
What they can do is they can do the
the Sun
[guitar strumming]
and the Waterfalls.
And they can do the the Ocean.
It's so tranquil.
-[man] And the Fish.
-Look at Luis's hips.
I can't sit still. I'm Puerto Rican!
[all laughing]
[gentle guitar music continues]
[Jo and Megan shouting and laughing]
-I'm usually better.
-Is Luis?
Is Luis doing good?
Oh my God.
I feel like I'm in a meeting
I didn't prepare for.
[Jo laughing]
[Luis] Staying at a beautiful estate
like this is always incredible.
Maybe the dance lesson was the most fun
because they let us experience
the warmth and friendliness
of the Hawaiian people.
But at the end of the day, it's the people
that you remember the most.
[Jo] Let's be real. Our Hawaii stay
had a taste of everything.
From rappelling down a waterfall
like Kulaniapia Falls,
chasing whales on Blaze II,
or living like royalty at Hale 'Ae Kai.
[Megan] My favorite property
was Hale 'Ae Kai, hands down,
because everywhere I looked,
it was a designer's dream.
[Luis] I love the design and privacy
you get with the luxury property,
but for overall experience,
I have to say Kulaniapia Falls.
Oh my God!
[Jo] I love my nature.
So that's why Kulaniapia Falls
pushed me out of my comfort zone.
Rappelling down that waterfall
was super scary but so beautiful,
and I'm really glad that we did it.
[Luis] Hawaii has something for everyone.
["All Around the World" playing]
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
[horn honks]
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