The Worst of Evil (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Who are you?
Why the hell do you have this watch?
I heard Taeho died
while hanging out with you guys.
Taeho never told me he had a cousin.
So did you find who killed Taeho or not?
Is that why you're here?
We're looking for him now.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
What did you just say?
- Hey.
- Fucking hell.
Why the hell are you suddenly
looking for Taeho after all this time?
That's none of your business.
What the hell have you been doing?
Your friend's fucking dead.
Just watching you morons drives me nuts.
You fucking asshole.
Are you really Taeho's friends?
Are you?
Well, what should I expect
from you scumbags?
Where are you going?
To find the bastard
who killed Taeho, obviously.
And then?
I'll rip him into pieces.
Come by my office sometime.
Let's talk about Taeho.
Are you really going to
let him go like that?
How did it go?
He invited me to his office.
My acting's pretty fucking good.
I went to Taeho's columbarium
last week.
The building is new and well-maintained,
so it was comforting.
By the way,
why do you think Taeho
never mentioned his cousin to us?
Why didn't you just keep the watch?
What am I going to do with that?
I don't see any photos of them together.
I haven't heard from him
since he joined the fishing crew,
but he recently came back
and asked me about Taeho.
My brother lived in Wonju.
When Taeho was in elementary school,
he'd stay with Seungho there
every summer vacation.
They were always together, like twins.
So imagine
how shocking it must've been for him
to hear about Taeho.
I haven't used a single cent
of the money you gave me.
Take it and leave.
never come back.
Seeing you reminds me of Taeho
and makes me resent you.
The variable in this plan is
they could talk to Taeho's father
to do a background check on me.
Please be prepared for it.
Those punks.
Don't just stand there. Have a seat.
I've been doing some thinking.
A cousin who had been completely
out of touch suddenly shows up
and causes a ruckus.
What do you think about this situation?
I see your intentions.
Take it.
And stop using his name to scam people.
You may be his family,
but there's a limit to my patience. Okay?
Take that and get lost.
You low lives really are
nothing more than thugs.
What did you say?
Did you think
I'd just happily take
the money and leave, you fuckers?
You son of a bitch.
No, don't.
I've had it. Come here.
- Please just
- What?
You've had it? Okay, bring it on.
You want to find out
what happens next?
Fuck you, you two-bit thug.
Seriously, this again?
Move, you asshole.
Not all of you, you morons.
We're no small-time thugs.
Yes, sir.
You fucking
You fuckers!
Clean it up, boys.
Yes, sir.
You fucking proud of that?
Who kicked me just now?
You bastards.
Get down here.
You fucking little
You piece of shit.
You worthless piece of shit!
You fucking bastard.
You fucker
Get off me, you bastard!
You asshole.
You piece of shit.
You little
piece of
I see you're not here because of money.
You son of a bitch.
Listen, you fucker.
Do you know what my uncle said
when he put Taeho's watch on my wrist?
He said as long as this
is on my wrist, I'm with Taeho,
so forget about revenge.
But you know what?
Since Taeho thought you pricks
were his friends,
I feel so fucking bad for him.
going to do whatever it takes
to get revenge for Taeho.
You damn two-bit thugs.
Just clean this place up
and stay fucking put.
Because I'll bring you
the head of the bastard who killed Taeho.
You disloyal assholes.
Was his name Kwon Seungho?
Yes. Why?
Should we ask him to join us?
We can think of him as Taeho.
What are you saying?
You saw how good he was.
Wouldn't it be nice to have
someone other than Chief Seo
who's a good fighter?
How can we trust him?
He said he's Taeho's cousin.
Since when did you trust people so easily?
Come on.
What the fuck did you say?
You know what I mean.
What we're doing isn't ordinary.
So let's be careful, okay?
And stop being so thoughtless.
You disrespectful bastard.
You're finding faults
in everything I say lately.
Well, what else is there to find?
God damn it.
"God damn it"?
"God damn it"?
Hurry and go to work.
Fine. Do whatever the fuck you want.
Hello, sir. Have you seen
this person before?
- Hello, sir.
Have you seen
Wasn't it awesome yesterday?
It was so fucking good.
Isn't that Kwon Seungho?
- That punk
- Hey!
- What? Let go of me.
- Come on!
Follow me.
- Hello.
What was he asking about?
It was something about this flyer.
- If you see him, call the police.
- Some soup please.
- Thank you.
- Come on.
Hello, sir.
Have you seen this person?
If you see him,
please report him to the police.
That bastard
Please report him to the police.
Thank you.
- Give it.
- Yes, boss.
Well done.
For lunch.
Thank you, boss.
Long time no see.
You bastard!
You damn motherfucker!
All right, hold on.
Calm down and hear me out.
I came here without telling Gicheul
to talk about something important.
You and I clicked so well,
so I've always wished we were friends.
But there was a hierarchy back then.
Stop beating around the bush
and get to the point.
I'll listen and see if I'll stick
my knife into your stomach or not.
Have you heard the rumor
that Gicheul is raking in
a fortune these days?
Don't ask me questions
and say what you have to say.
Every month,
he sends the boss tens of millions.
So imagine how much he actually earns.
And guess how money has changed him.
He looks down on others now.
He thinks everyone's beneath him.
We've been friends for 10 years
and he treats me like a slave.
You pathetic pieces of shit.
It's so fucking embarrassing.
Let's join forces and take Gicheul down.
For you, it's a chance to get back
what was once yours in style.
Let's cut him down
to put him out of commission
and take over his businesses.
I know how it runs inside and out.
You piece of shit.
You came all the way here
to stab your friend in the back?
We didn't have a wedding,
but my girlfriend's eight months pregnant.
I'm going to be the breadwinner,
so shouldn't I dream big?
You can ask the boss
for permission in advance
and assemble the old Busan gang again.
Then, I'll have things ready in Gangnam.
It can't be that hard.
To record a voicemail,
please press two.
- Please record your message.
Euijeong, I'm in Daegu now.
One of the murder suspects fled this way.
I'll have to stay here
and stake him out until we catch him.
Don't worry too much.
I'll leave you another message.
What took you so long?
I got stuck in traffic.
Pour me a drink.
Please give us your consent.
We promise we won't fail.
We are direct subordinates
from the family,
and they're just dancing monkeys
from Gangnam.
So why were you crushed by those monkeys?
Was it because you're stupid?
Or was it because
you were especially stupid on that day?
It is true you are direct subordinates,
but Gicheul sends me money
every month without fail.
And my sworn brother in Japan
adores him too,
saying no one should touch him.
And to be honest,
if you take over that area,
it won't make much difference to me.
You know Hong Heesung, right?
He's with us now.
We're sure we can do it this time.
If you let us take over Gangnam,
we'll give you twice as much every month.
Jung Gicheul.
Jung Gicheul.
This is Jung Gicheul. Let's meet.
Wasn't there a rock club here before?
It closed and was empty,
so we took it over.
Gicheul said the area
needs more youth to thrive,
so he's opening a new one.
That stupid DJ really loves
dancing and partying.
On days we sign contracts,
it's tradition for all of us to gather
and celebrate.
And that party is tonight.
Is everything ready?
Of course.
It'll be a perfect crime.
The boys are hiding
in three separate motels,
and when it's time later on,
they'll all swarm in together.
And to keep them hidden,
only one will have weapons, right?
Of course.
Should I take them in advance
and hide them inside?
If you want to.
There will be a small bar near the stage.
I'll put them under it.
All right.
One more thing.
They're all my friends and brothers.
So please
don't hurt them too much
and make sure nothing bad happens.
What the hell?
That'll depend on you.
I'm not sure if we could guarantee that.
Let's go.
Yes, sir.
What the
Hando, please.
You found the place all right.
What is this place?
What are you trying to pull?
We're having a party here tonight.
A party for Taeho.
I don't have time for your crazy bullshit.
A party?
I hear you're looking
for the guy who killed Taeho.
Give that up,
and join my gang.
I'm making this offer
only because you're Taeho's cousin.
You want me to join your gang?
What about revenge for Taeho?
Let's go.
Hey, Gicheul!
Who the hell are they?
Sergeant Jang killed Taeho
and those are his men.
Where's the party?
Heesung, you bastard!
Get Gicheul.
Destroy them!
Piece of shit!
Get that bastard, you morons!
You bastard
Who the hell is this fucker?
That bastard Get up, damn it!
Come on.
Good evening.
Fucking hell.
Kill them all!
Kill them!
Little piece of shit!
You motherfucker.
You fucking piece of shit!
- I'll fucking
- Hey.
You choose.
Do you want to die here?
Or stay out of my sight forever?
Wrap it up.
I'm tired. Let's wrap it up.
Let go of me!
Get off me, you bastards!
Get off me!
I said get off me, you fucking bastards!
Get off me!
-Get off me!
-You bastard!
You fucker.
Hey, friend.
Fuck off, you bastard.
Did you get hit a lot?
Gangnam is our home, you know.
So stay out.
Sorry, man.
You bastard.
- We have to go, Hando.
- You bastard!
Stay out of our turf, you country fucks!
Hey, wipe that blood off.
It's already drying up.
- Jaehoon.
- Well done.
Use the mop.
Good job.
- Let's work.
- Yes, sir.
You were right.
They all took the bait.
- Hando
-Out of fucking curiosity,
why did you call me here?
To make me do some fighting?
Why don't you talk to him directly?
Yes, boss.
This is Jung Gicheul.
How fucking annoying.
I heard you allowed Sergeant Jang's boys
to blindside me.
After all the money
I've sent you,
this is just wrong, isn't it?
I won't send any more money now.
Take care.
Find Jung Gicheul in Seoul,
cut his stomach open,
and throw him into the waters of Incheon.
No, wait.
Bring him here, cut his stomach open,
and throw him into the waters of Busan.
In any case,
shouldn't you make a call
to Boss Kanemoto?
You must have done some good acting.
Busan bastards Hey.
I wanted to get rid
of the useless leeches in the gang,
so I put on a ruse.
Here, everything needs a good reason.
So what?
What does it have to do with me?
What about Sergeant Jang?
Sir, everything's finished.
Shall we go outside?
Yes, sir.
Hey, the lights.
Taeho wanted to open a business here.
I should've done this sooner.
But I guess it's too late.
was like a brother to me.
I want you to make his dream come true.
I killed him.
That son of a bitch
Sergeant Jang killed Taeho,
and I tore him into pieces.
I'm Kwon Seungho. Nice to meet you.
If anyone had a grudge
against him, it's settled now.
He's our newest member,
so treat him well. Got it?
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Yes, sir!
- Let's give him a hand.
- Hey.
Give him a hand.
So Nonhyeon-dong and Yeoksam-dong.
Only these two are ours.
You can't go beyond.
Each area has its owner.
The job of the newest members
is to patrol our area
from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the next day.
You're like patrol officers.
Check if there's an accident
or if someone's causing a ruckus.
If you spot guys from other gangs, we need
to report it right away. That's it.
Got it?
Left from there.
By the way,
why do you use honorifics with me?
Hey, whoever fights well
deserves my respect.
I mean, I saw you fight,
and even Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee
would be no match for you.
You were amazing.
By the way, to fight well,
should I learn Taekwondo?
- What's your problem?
- Who the fuck are you?
Hey, hit me if you dare.
You motherfucker!
What the fuck's your problem?
Calm down.
You son of a bitch!
- That bastard!
- Go! Just fucking go.
What did you just say?
Have a good one.
Hello, sir.
Yongdae, keep up the good work.
How long are we supposed to do this for?
Once a new guy joins, we'll be free.
When will that happen?
After high school kids graduate?
It's a while away.
Hello, sir!
- Hello, sir!
- Yongdae.
Yes, sir.
Do your job.
Good night, sir.
God damn it.
What if all you get out of this
are just driving skills?
Who knows.
I'm going to get some shut-eye.
Wake me up in a bit.
I need to go on fucking patrol again.
Most gangsters take money
for so-called protection.
But each of our members runs a store
and pays half of the profits
to our company.
What an advanced system.
Do you sell anything else
other than food and drinks?
Anything else? Like what?
Well, gambling
or other businesses
Look. You're the newest guy here
and I'm the second newest.
So what would I know?
All I know is which club
has the hotter girls.
Mr. Cha Bongju.
You'll face three to five years in prison
for violating the National Security Act.
You'll be kicked out of college
and have a criminal record
while your friends find jobs.
I know nothing.
I heard you say earlier
that you're from Jeonju.
Me too. I went to
Jeonju Girls' High School.
Have one.
It's the least I can do
for a hometown friend.
I usually don't say
things like this, but
You know we're questioning
your friends as well.
Everyone says you're the leader, Bongju.
But that's not true, right?
Can't you sleep at your own house?
Right. My parents moved to Ilsan, so
Gosh, I really need to move out.
Then, please go wash up.
I did this morning.
That was yesterday morning.
Who cares? It's still a morning.
Gosh, I'm hungry.
Did you page 2473?
Hi, Youngpil.
It's me, Yu Euijeong.
Hello, Euijeong.
How have you been?
I've been great, thanks.
I haven't heard from Junmo
since yesterday,
so I was just worried.
What is it?
He's on sick leave because of his asthma.
It's hot.
Press one to listen to your voicemail.
It's me. Are you busy?
I know you have asthma,
but we can grab a bite, right?
I got an urgent call from a friend.
Can I go grab a quick lunch?
Only if it's a woman.
It's a woman.
Okay. Who is it?
How about a double date?
Handsome guys get it all.
I don't need noodles
Right. Eating food
with a woman tastes better.
And I'm eating cup noodles alone.
But it's all right.
Euijeong, I'm sorry
I didn't tell you sooner.
Now tell me.
What are you up to these days?
Who's buying you suits
behind your wife's back?
It's not like that.
To tell you the truth,
in order to catch drug traffickers,
I've gone undercover in a gang.
Seriously, that's what they said.
I can't believe
Hello, sir.
Hey, Seungho.
-Yes, sir?
- What are you doing?
I was just meeting with someone.
Wait, I know her from high school.
Funny to see you all here.
Long time no see.
It's been a while.
She's my friend from elementary school.
We were in the same Taekwondo club.
And this is
the president of the company
I recently joined.
Oh, really?
Gicheul was a grade younger than me
at church back in high school.
How have you been?
Good, thanks.
How is it being a cop?
So you've heard?
What's your department?
Security Division at SMPA.
Are you finished eating?
Can I take Seungho with me?
I'll get going now. I'll call you later.
How dare you meet a cop, you prick?
It's not like that.
We've been close since elementary school.
My dad was a junkie,
and whenever he got high and beat me,
I used to escape to her place.
Why did you contact her, you bastard?
Damn it!
I didn't contact her.
She contacted me first.
Why did that fucking cop contact you?
My dad got in trouble for taking drugs,
and he's being held at SMPA.
I seriously couldn't believe it
when I heard you're close with Euijeong.
But is that my fault?
Let's go.
- Seungho.
- Yes, sir.
Show respect to Boss, you son of a bitch.
I'm sorry.
It's me, Euijeong.
You are involved in Junmo's
meth investigation, aren't you?
You think I'll believe
what you say, Seungho?
I'm allergic to cops, you know.
Come on. Enough.
Try to understand.
Taeho's cousin suddenly shows up,
and he happened to be the neighbor
of Boss' church friend from high school.
Even to you, doesn't it sound weird?
It's such a small world
in Korea, isn't it?
Gicheul, did she like tteokbokki
from the same shop as you?
I bet she did.
She was his first love,
and they did everything together.
It's from my church
back in high school.
I should take that home.
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