Theodosia (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

The Curse

[upbeat music]

No, it's not a myth,
Professor Snowthorpe.
The ancient Egyptians
could do real magic.
I've got a stone cat on
the loose to prove it.
[soft dramatic music]
Look, my Dad's been
cursed with something.
Can't one of you help me?
[loud clanging, rattling]
I'll take that as a no.
[loudly] What is that?
How'd you like my
new burglar alarm?
No one can steal
that amulet now.
- [chuckles]
- Henry!
What did I tell you?
You have very
important visitors,
and you don't want
anyone talking about
last night's break-in much.
At all. No burglar. Got it.
I think we should be
telling everyone how brave
Theo was chasing him off.
Sleep okay, honey?
Yeah, I'm fine, Mom.
Dad, can I see
your hand, please?
- It's okay, Theo.
- It's just a rash.
Who wants to meet an
Egyptian princess?
I'd rather wrestle
a grizzly bear.
- Ah, ah, ah, ah.
- Attendance is compulsory.
We need to impress her
uncle, Rami Ahlaoui.
He's tutoring her while
she's staying in London.
Rami knows everyone.
He could help us get
another dig in Egypt.
Yay, 'cause that last
one was so much fun.
Dad, I think you've been cursed
by the Eye of Horus amulet.
Oh, now is not the time
for silly jokes, Theodosia.
Now is the time to put
on your smartest clothes
and get ready for our guests.
And could you please put
that alarm away, Henry?
What a waste of time.
If anyone's cursed
around here, it's me.
I'm serious.
We need to find a cure.

[sweeping adventurous music]

[tense music]

[shaky breathing]
Don't touch that!
[sharp ringing]
It's a warning.
If you take his eye,
Horus turns you
You into a snake?
So it's some kind of
transformation curse.
But that can't be right.
What are you doing in here?
You shouldn't be playing
with that. Give it to me.
Don't touch that.
Because there's ancient
magic all over it
that no one else can
see apart from me.
Foolish child.
The magic the ancient Egyptians
wrote about wasn't real.
It's like fairy
tales, pure fiction.
[door closes]
If only that were true.
[soft dramatic music]

- Ra, there you are.
- I thought I lost you.
But you're my proof
that magic is real.
Right, they'll be
here any minute.
Where's Theo?
She's a princess, so
don't forget to bow.
I'm not bowing to
some stuck up
[clicks tongue]
[bombastic electronic music]

Your Highness.
History is so boring.
[quirky music]
But this place is amazing.
Forgive my niece.
Safiya has a habit
of speaking her mind.
Welcome to the Museum of
Legends and Antiquities.
- You're American.
- I love it there.
We actually lived at the
embassy in Washington.
- Where you from?
- New York.
And then I met this
intriguing artefact.
And the rest, as
they say, is history.
- Dad!
- [footsteps thumping]
Dad, there's something
you need to see.
My daughter, Theodosia.
She has a habit of being late.
Sorry. Hi. Hello.
You're all going to
want to see this.
Okay. Trust me.
Theo. Curtsy to the princess.
- You're not serious.
- It's really kind of optional.
Yeah, but, Dad, you need
to come and see this thing.
Just curtsy, will you?
You really don't have to.
I mean, my dad's only, like,
third in line to the throne.
But thanks for bowing.
Theo, this is no way
to treat our guests.
Okay, okay.
Now, I have to ask.
What is it you're so
keen for us to see?
Okay. Follow me.
You first, Your Highness.
Henry and I found a stone
cat in the tomb of Amenemhab,
and it's come to life.
No, no, no, no,
no. Please, please.
Don't do this to me.
You recognize this?
Yeah, we found it in
the tomb, like she said.
- Well, it's heavy.
- Especially for a real cat.
And somewhat lacking in fur.
- No, you have to believe me.
- The magic it's real.
Dad, the burglar,
had the same rash on his hand
when he touched the amulet.
You had a burglary?
Oh, nothing was stolen,
I can assure you.
Our collection is intact.
- No, but it's cursed.
- We need to find a cure.
A curse? Are you for real?
So you brought us in here
to make fun of Egyptians?
No, that's not what I
[voice reverberating]
Dad, your hand.
Not so loud.
[soft tense music]

Mum, I'm not sick.
It's Dad you should
be examining.
He's the one infected
with the curse.
I think confronting
that burglar last night
has worn you out.
There's nothing wrong with me.
- It's okay to be scared.
- I would have been terrified.
I'm not scared.
What's wrong?
You didn't hear that voice?
- You need to get some rest.
- Try and sleep, honey.
But we need to find
a cure for Dad.
- Don't worry about that now.
- We can talk about it later.
A snake.
Like the tattoo on the burglar.
Or he's got the curse.
Maybe he's found a cure.
[suspenseful music]

[foreboding music]

- Forgive me, Aapep.
- I have failed you.
Horus has cursed me. The
transformation has begun.
Lord of Chaos, help
me lift the curse
so that I may
continue the search
for that which we seek.
[upbeat music]

Now, we found these
embalming jars
on our recent dig in
the Valley of the Kings.
I'm sorry, Safiya prefers
dancing to dynasties.
What? No, no.
I love these pots.
Great pots. Awesome pots.
Uncle Rami, shouldn't
we be going now?
No, not until you finish
our history lesson.
[clears throat]
Henry, why don't you go
and keep Safiya company?
I mean, sure.
No problem. I can do that.
- [chuckles]
- Forgive me.
- No. No problem.
- [coughing]
- Magnificent.
- Mm.
This one took a lot
of restoration work.
It's magnificent.
[soft suspenseful music]

Well, he must have
climbed up the drainpipe
to get to the office.
One day I hope to
build a space ship
and explore the planets.
What's wrong with this planet?
Well, nothing, but
London is the coolest
city in the universe.
Why would anyone wanna leave?
- [loud clanging, rattling]
- [laughs]
It worked.
Hey, do you want
to catch a thief?
Oh, it's you.
Can you help get
this off me, please?
Ugh, you and your
silly inventions.
Hurry up!
- Stand still.
- You two are weird.
- Can't argue with that.
- Oh, thank you.
Hang on, I thought you
were supposed to be in bed.
Well, there's nothing
wrong with me.
It's Dad who got the
curse from the amulet.
You don't seriously
believe in curses?
That stuff is just
for gullible tourists.
Don't you have a ball or
something to be at, princess?
What's that?
I think the burglar dropped it.
Doesn't sound much
like a burglar.
- Where are you going?
- To find a magician.
The one that was there
when that guy tried
to steal Dad's case.
You're going to
the Penny Arcade?
- Shh!
- I'm coming too.
Princess, you in?
What's a Penny Arcade?
Safiya's father wants
her educated in England.
But she doesn't want to go
to a stuffy boarding school
in the middle of nowhere.
I don't blame her.
I'd be the same.
She loves it here in London.
I've been trying to tutor
her myself for the last year,
but, uh [chuckles]
I'm I'm no teacher.
Why don't we teach her?
You'd do that?
Oh, we homeschool
Theo and Henry.
One more wouldn't hurt.
She's very smart,
but not exactly the
most attentive student.
Just like our two.
Don't worry. She'll
fit right in.
Well, this must be my lucky day.
[sharp ringing]
- Are you okay, there?
- No, no.
No, no, I'm fine.
Thank you. [Chuckles]
Just need a little
fresh air, I think.
Shall we?
[exciting music]

Hello, love. How you doing?
Thank you very much.
[indistinct chatter, laughter]
Wow, we don't have anything
like this in Cairo.
What do you do for fun?
Feed peasants to the lions.
Too easy. Coin, please.
What he's not one
of your servants.
You can pay for your
own game, princess.
You don't mind, do you, Harry?
[arcade games whirring, beeping]
And it's Henry.
[children gasp]
- Wow.
- For you.
Did you see that?
That was an impressive
disappearing act
- you put on yesterday.
- That man we saw yesterday,
have you seen him
here before at all?
My name's Will. Good
to see you again.
Oh, okay. I'm sorry.
- It's kind of urgent.
- You okay?
- Not really.
- I need to find him.
Wish I could help.
I've never seen him here before.
But I will keep an
eye out for you.
Okay, thanks.
My name's Theodosia.
You can call me Theo.
So who's Rosalind?
Oh, the man I'm
looking for dropped it.
- May I?
- Yeah.
I think it fell off a
bracelet or something.
I've seen this before.

[loud clattering, ringing]
- [muffled, distant]
- I should warn you.
Safiya really doesn't like
being told what to do.
She's a She's
pretty headstrong.
I think you've met our daughter.
Well, you're doing
me a huge favor.
And I appreciate it.
If there's anything that I
can do for you in return,
let me know.
There is one thing you
could help us with.
We're trying to get
a new permit to dig
in the Valley of the Kings,
but we've hit a few
bumps in the road.
You teach Safiya,
I'll get you all the
permits you need.
Both: Deal.
[all chuckle]
[insect buzzing loudly]
[clears throat, chuckles]
[clears throat]
[foreboding music]

[insect buzzing loudly]
[soft overlapping whispers]
Shouldn't we let
the police do this?
I mean, what if a
burglar attacks us?
That would be so exciting.
I'm counting on you
to defend me, Harry.
It's Henry.
No, I'm okay with Harry.
C'mon, guys, it's
not too far now.
There's Rosalind.
She lives in one of these flats?
She is the flat.
This is a key ring.
Flats are all named after
Shakespeare characters.
So you have Rosalind,
Hamlet and Cordelia.
Wow, that is impressive
detective work.
I perform for the theater crowd.
The bard is in my blood.
Plus, I know a guy
who makes keyrings.
- Okay, great.
- Can we fetch the police now?
Well, let's see if he's home.
Anyone home?
- Looks empty.
- And these windows are filthy.
Well, it's a shame
the keyring doesn't
come with a key.
Let's stake out the
place until he gets back.
- What?
- He broke into your house.
It's only fair we do the same.
Wow. She does have a point.
Who is that girl?
- Princess Safiya.
- I think I'm in love.
[soft suspenseful music]

- Do you have the eye?
- No.
The amulet has a transformation
curse protecting it.
Do you know the removal spell?
I'm working on it.
Looks like you're
running out of time.
- Don't worry about me.
- I will get us the eye.
- No need.
- Our master has made other plans.
What plans?
They don't concern you.
All hail Aapep.
Chaos is coming.

[upbeat music]

[mystical music]

I have a feeling this
will bring the crowds in.
The Eye of Horus.
It's an intriguing symbol.
It's meant to ward off evil.
Let's hope it works on burglars.
Ah, this should do the trick.
[keys jangling loudly]
[clears throat]
[sharp ringing]
Well, reluctant as I am to
leave your wonderful museum,
I have another engagement.
Has anyone seen Safiya?
- It's so small.
- How can anyone live like this?
So you really are a princess?
- That's right.
- You may bow, Will.
Never gonna happen.
Hey, you called him Will.
How come you can't
get my name right?
Can we just focus on the
task at hand, please?
- What are we looking for?
- Cholera?
Ha. Cholera. Good one.
I'll be over here
if you need me.
We're looking for anything
to do with Egypt or curses.
Don't start.
- Here's a letter.
- Name's Vincent Carruthers.
Well, what's it say?
His mother wants him to
come home for a holiday.
Well, he sounds like a
Like a completely normal person.
[dramatic music]
[sharp ringing]

[overlapping whispers, ringing]
There's nothing here.
You've broken into an
innocent man's home.
How could you?
Yeah, with a rock,
if you remember?
I'm gonna be in so much trouble.
You said he was the burglar.
Because I thought that he was.
Anyone could have
dropped that keyring.
If it is a keyring? I mean,
what if it's off a bracelet
of a girl called Rosalind?
I never said I was 100% certain.
- Oh, great.
- We're all going to jail.
If we get caught.
- Me. Me first.
- No, me.
One at a time.
- Open the door.
- It's stuck.
Let me try.
- Oh, you two are hopeless.
- Out of my way.
Wait, wait.
Well, that doesn't look normal.
[mystical music]

- Whoa.
- A secret cellar.
Come on, then.
- You coming?
- Do we have to?
Follow me. It'll be fun.
So much fun.
I should have stayed
at the museum.
Come on, Safiya.
This place, it's so cool.
I bet Vincent hasn't
told his mum about this.

Where can she have got to?
I can't find her anywhere.
She was last seen
outside with Henry.
Theo's not in her room either.
I'm sorry, Rami.
We will find your
niece, I promise you.
[dramatic music]

Wait, what's with the
pyramid and the weird snake?
It's Aapep, creator of chaos.
- I thought that was Set.
- Aapep's much worse.
Set only wants to rule
Chaos. Aapep is chaos.
He wants to destroy,
like, everything.
Someone knows more about
this stuff than my sister?
How's that even possible?
- I'm Egyptian.
- Oh, yeah.
I think we found our burglar.
- What's the book?
- "Heka."
It's ancient Egyptian for
What was that you were
saying about curses?
A weirdo with a snake statue
and an old book does
not make you right.
Okay, listen. You're not
gonna distract me, okay?
I'm here to save my Dad.
[footsteps thunking]
- [softly] The weirdo is back.
- [softly] Everyone hide.
- I wanna talk to him.
- Have you not seen this room?
[haggard breathing]
Chaos is coming.
It is a transformation curse.
Wait, what is it?
Vincent just turned
into a snake!
Oh, give it up, will you?
Ancient Egyptian
magic is not a thing.
That's Vincent.
No, it's a snake put
there by Vincent.
No, I just saw Vincent turn
into that snake
with my own eyes.
- That's an Egyptian cobra.
- They're deadly poisonous.
Henry, save me.
- You remembered my name.
- Yeah, whatever.
- Just stay in front of me.
- That's the only way out.
What are we supposed to do now?
[together] Help!
- You back off, Vincent!
- I'm not afraid of you!
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