Thicker Than Water (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

The Debt

["Rien Qu'une Larme" by Mike Brant
playing on radio]
[thug 1] Shit.
Lucky you're not a musician.
[singing continues]
Oh, right. Mike Brant's sick,
you know, bruv.
[thug 1] Sick, huh?
A 110-million transfer.
[thug 2] 110 million. Mmm-mmm-mmm.
Sweet deal!
What would you do with 110 million?
110 million? Uh, I'd take
the whole haram package, man.
- [both chuckling]
- Haram all-inclusive!
- Champagne campaign!
- [both guffaw]
Oh, some dirty shit.
Dirty shit, asses, asses.
Big asses, little asses, asses everywhere!
[chuckles] That's See?
That's why we're not rich.
God knows. He knows us.
- Want me to ask? Oh, yeah, yeah.
- Just ask, bruv.
Assalaam alaikum, guys.
- Ask him. He's driving me
- Oh, yeah, look, look.
It's Ramadan, you wake up, got a boner.
Is that haram or not?
Of course, it's haram!
What kind of dumbass question is that?
It depends, brother.
If he's awake, it's haram.
If he's asleep, it's not haram. It's easy.
[man 1] No, no, no.
That's not what it says in the Quran.
It's not like that.
It's haram if there's liquid.
- Can you even come or what?
- [man 1] Of course!
- Hold on, what do you think?
- Yeah, well then, pay me!
[men laughing]
- [man 2] Hey, now, where's the bill?
- I paid off my tab already.
- You're crazy.
- Am I?
When it comes to religion, bruv,
you've got to know who to ask.
And you're the right person?
- Of course I'm the right person.
- Did my dude
- I tried khuruj at the mosque.
- Khuruj?
- Of course.
- Zarma khuruj?
Plus, an imam would have asked you
the real question, which is,
it's "How many babes were
in your dream?" Hmm?
Oh, fuck.
Where's the car?
What do you mean, "where is it"?
Bruv, I parked the car.
I gave you the address.
- What are you on about?
- Hold on. Don't you get it?
Where's your car?
Wait, wait.
[Selim] You're fuckin' with me or what?
- He's gonna get beaten.
- [Selim] Beat up who?
- You wrong in the head?
- Who do you think you're talking to?
Are you serious or what?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, bruvs!
Whoa, dude. Relax.
Selim, you want us to kick your ass
in front of everyone?
We just want the gear back.
So where's the car?
I told y'all, it's in a lock-up.
The gear's in there. That's all.
- Whose lock-up? Is it yours?
- No, it's not mine.
- Whose then?
- I don't know!
The garage was open,
I went in. That's all.
- Hold on, you shoutin' at me or what?
- [thug 2] Shut your mouth.
Have you seen Oumar? He hasn't heard yet,
but you better find a solution soon.
You're getting me?
Yeah, okay, I got it.
- Think I'm fucking with you, huh?
- [thug 2] Yeah, exactly.
Okay, I'll handle it.
- Hold on. Hold on.
- Don't touch me!
- Where are you going?
- I told you, I'll handle it.
Then handle it.
You got two hours.
And pick up some cake as well!
- You're too soft.
- And you had too much coffee, calm down.
- [Oumar] Where is it?
- He doesn't know where the car is.
[Oumar] I don't give a fuck.
Bring me the food.
Got it.
[upbeat music]
- All good? Sleep well?
- Yeah. Yes, thank you.
Shall we go?
We'll do the whole package today.
Hair, makeup, clothes.
We'll take care of it all.
I think you'll love it, and then
you can choose from all of these shoes.
[stylist 1] We've been given a big budget.
You can choose from all of these.
- [stylist 1] Yes, it's the same as these.
- [stylist 2] We selected a few pieces.
- Something classic.
- I'd go for some color.
- We can match it with this here.
- Oh, yeah, I like it.
[stylist 3] Are you looking
for anything in particular?
Should we keep this look?
[Fara] I was hoping to keep my identity
- Uh, no.
- No.
[Fara] But when you look
at the French media landscape
[overlapping chatter]
- [Fara] Wait!
- I had no choice.
I blended in with the crowd.
[overlapping chatter continues]
Well, almost.
[upbeat music]
[Fara] We all went back to our lives.
I'm talking to a guy at the moment.
He gives me butterflies in my stomach.
He has the voice of Garou,
mixed with Cheb Khaled.
Garou and Cheb Khaled?
Yeah, I call him Khaloud.
What are you talking about? I'm fed up!
[men shouting]
[men shouting indistinctly]
Hey, do I look like I'm the president?
[coworker] All right, just leave.
I'm sick of this. Please leave.
What do you want me to say to you, huh?
[singing along to Tayc's "N'y pense plus"]
[Fara] Even Lina moved on
to something else.
Her next video on TikTok.
[continues singing "N'y pense plus"]
["N'y pense plus" by Tayc playing]
[Fara] As for my little brother,
by trying to protect him,
we sealed his fate.
All good? How's Ramadan going?
I'm sick, stop breaking my balls.
You're always sick.
Right, what do we have here?
- Same plate, same serial number.
- Mm.
There's the impact.
Come see. Twenty to fifty kilos
right next to the tank.
That's a lot.
Hold on.
He hits a cop, and then he burns the car
to get rid of the evidence. Okay. Mm.
But why would he leave the dope behind?
Anything else?
The fire started at the front.
[car door slams]
Did you check it?
[police] Yes. We found a lighter, Captain.
[police captain sniffles]
It's burnt to a crisp.
We won't find anything.
[police captain]
Oumar's going to be happy.
Why is the front seat pulled forward
like that?
Selim's about your height, you reckon?
[foreboding music]
- Celebrating my start?
- You ready for the ball?
Not like you.
Mind if I give you
a little piece of advice?
- Go ahead.
- I re-watched your reports
and you talk too fast.
So, pause between sentences,
or you'll look like an overexcited girl.
Believe the words of a wise old smurf.
[Alban] She's going to nail it.
Plus, she's hardworking.
I guarantee it'll work out.
Well, hopefully,
it's a blessing in disguise, hmm?
You'll see. She won't let you down.
So long as they stop calling us fascists,
I'll be happy.
- [woman] Yeah, yeah. Got it.
- [man] Okay, that works.
- Fara, congrats.
- Thank you.
- Now you have to go and nail it.
- Yeah.
[man] But don't be a smart-ass,
or you're out.
- Okay?
- Okay.
All right, then.
- Did you see that?
- Yeah.
- He fucked me.
- Yeah.
- The pressure he put on me.
- Mm-hmm.
No, don't worry about that. It's normal.
I've waited for this moment
my whole life. Now, I'm shitting myself.
- No, don't worry about it. It'll be fine.
- [sighs]
You're the best.
So, no problem.
Go on set, I'll be right there.
It's your moment, grab it.
Go on.
[somber music]
- [woman] Rolling.
- [man] All right.
[Fara] Wherever he was,
whatever he was doing,
I had just one hope.
That my dad would turn on his TV
and see what I'd become.
That girl he'd abandoned
along with the rest of his family.
Did you order a chamia?
The courier's downstairs.
[Philippe] Okay. That's good.
We're ready. Counter
I don't give a damn. I'll say her name.
I'll say "Patricia" or I'll say
- Just a second.
- [man] We're live in ten minutes, okay?
- [Fara] I'll be right back.
- Where is she going?
[receding footsteps]
It's okay, Samia, it's for me. Follow me.
[door closes]
You can't come here. Are you crazy? Huh?
You know you hit a Fed?
I saw him at the last second.
Yeah. They came to the house.
We were all interrogated.
- The car, Fara. Where's the car?
- It's okay, don't worry.
We took care of it.
We burned it. It's settled.
All good.
What do you mean, you burned it, Fara?
The gear was in there.
- [Fara] What gear?
- All the gear was in there, dammit!
- You deal?
- No, I don't deal. I'm just the driver.
Are you fucking kidding me?
And you brought that shit to my place?
I didn't mean to drag you into it, okay?
I had no choice.
Did you think about Mom, huh?
Or me?
- Oh, fuck.
- Do you know the Feds are onto you, huh?
They're going to kill me.
What do you mean, kill you?
Huh? Who?
- I'm talking to you!
- No one.
What was your plan
when you brought that to mine?
They were supposed to collect the gear,
and I was going to lie low
until it calmed down with the Feds.
You're going to go?
- No, I can't. He'll come for you.
- [Fara] Who are you talking about?
[Selim] Oumar.
He's not coming for anybody.
You got that?
- It's okay, I'll handle it.
- No, you're not handling it all.
What do you want?
I left my passport
in a Gucci belt bag at home.
Where can I find you?
There's a bus leaving
- from Bercy Station around midnight.
- [door opens]
[woman] Three minutes. Three minutes.
[door slams]
I'll bring you the bag.
- Okay, move.
- [man] We're live in one minute.
Right. Where's our star?
Is she doing a story in the toilet?
Where the hell did you go?
- Something to sort out. Sorry.
- Dammit, Fara, don't mess this up!
I'm not presenting the news on my own.
Ah, honoring us
with your presence, how nice.
- Sorry.
- [Philippe] Off to a good start.
- Hey, where did she go?
- The toilet.
The toilet? What was she doing?
Come on, guys!
[man 1] She's too cute. Let's go! Come on!
Starting a career with "I'm sorry."
That's great.
[man 2] Just make sure it's on point.
Is the cue sheet in order?
[Alban] Okay, start with the floods
then the hit-and-run cop,
- in line with the picture, obviously.
- [Philippe] Right, okay. Sure.
Don't worry. I know what I'm doing.
[Alban] You introduce Fara, let her talk.
And then you start.
Don't mention the media frenzy.
[Philippe] Okay, great, you made
her blonde. That goes down better in Nice.
Buzz off.
Four, three, two, one. Intro.
[news opening music]
Fara, look straight into the camera.
If you screw me, I'll get you live on air.
Don't forget how you got here.
Well, hello, everyone. Hello, Fara.
- Welcome aboard.
- Well, hello. Thank you, Philippe.
Thank you to the channel for trusting me.
Thank you to our viewers.
So, here are the main stories of the day,
no fake news.
No fake news.
Our main headline.
A police officer's life is in the balance
after he was hit by a vehicle yesterday
Yeah, I know. He's changed the order.
That's his way of saying welcome.
to be identified.
The police has not ruled out
an act of terrorism.
- Fara.
- Fara, you're on.
- Come on! Come on! It's you, dammit!
- Flood alert.
A state of emergency has been called
Oh, shit, this is painful.
Several people have been reported missing.
It'll be all right.
Lucky, she has big tits.
our correspondent, Julien Mathieu,
is reporting live.
- A terrorist attack?
- What's wrong?
Can someone explain ratings to her?
How do you think we're going
to beat the National News?
That's the game.
You should have found out
before signing up.
[sucks teeth]
Ah, what do we open with next?
[Philippe] Is there anything on Twitter?
- What are you saying?
- What are you talking about?
I told you to go over there,
but you wouldn't listen!
It's ridiculous!
If you keep shouting at me in this way,
- then I'm going to call security.
- If you listen to me, sir!
Do you know what he always calls me?
His little biscuit.
He doesn't know it, but when he sees me,
I'm actually a big slice of cake.
- Wait, you haven't met him yet?
- No, no, we talk on the phone.
No, I couldn't do that. Okay, sit up.
Imagine it's like The Voice,
you turn around and he's ugly?
Ask him for a photo.
Listen. I don't want his photo,
he won't get my photo.
Sit down.
- Anyway, I see him tall
- [phone chimes]
You know, with a torso like a V.
Broad shoulders, rectangular,
like a fridge in America.
With teeth so white, so shiny and bright.
I imagine he brushes them
in the morning and at night.
Don't imagine him too much, all right?
[singing in the distance]
What's that noise?
Actually, it's my children.
Wait, I'll be right back.
[singing along to Tayc's "N'y pense plus"]
[Lina] Eh!
What's going on here, Lina?
Mom, we're rehearsing
a TikTok dance, I swear.
A TikTok?
- Sorry, ma'am.
- You're filming a TikTok now?
[Souhila] What's all this, Lina?
I'm working here!
You seem on good form
for girls who are fasting.
It's my second year of Ramadan.
I'm good, ma'am.
What do you mean, "you're good"?
You snack on ham pasta.
Shut up. My mom doesn't know I converted.
- Are you okay, Imène?
- Yeah, Mom, I'm good.
- You're watching her tonight.
- No, Mom, please. I'm going with Noémie.
I have to go to Ma's. You're watching her.
- Again?
- Oh, yes, you are!
[Imène chuckles softly]
[Souhila] She makes TikToks,
with all the problems we have.
[Imène] You've been told off.
You're in trouble.
Yeah, it's all over for me, guys.
I can't go out tonight.
I'm really pissed.
- It's been six months talking about it.
- We'll bring Imène.
Are you crazy? She'll kill me.
Do you know what she's like?
Who cares, bruv?
What do you mean, "kill you"?
He's your favorite singer.
Tonight is your night.
- No, are you serious, or what?
- Come on, lighten up.
We'll bring her along.
She doesn't mind. Oh, she'll love it.
- [Imène] Oh, yeah, it is so good.
- Yeah, yeah, she'll love it.
Okay, all right.
[all] Okurrr!
[suspenseful music]
[police captain] Ms. Bentayeb.
Listen, I didn't introduce myself
to you last night.
Samuel, police captain.
I'm Head of Operations
in the Narcotics Division.
Get in. It'll be more discreet.
[Fara] More discreet? Here?
Are you kidding?
[Samuel] How tall are you, Ms. Bentayeb?
1.67 m. Want my bra size as well?
I'm good.
I'm asking because Selim is 1.80 m.
Well done. You did some research.
Well, it's in his criminal record.
His car seat was pushed forward
as far as it would go.
So someone else must have been driving
to the place where it was set alight.
Someone shorter than 1.60 m.
Yasmina or Lina's height, you know?
Except Lina can't drive. Right?
[clicks tongue]
Have you heard of Oumar Diawara?
Should I?
[Samuel] That guy stops at nothing.
He managed to connect
with major drug dealers in Dubai.
Oumar wants to get to the top, except
Well, he still has a way to go
before he gets to break bread
with the big guys.
The gear you set alight,
it's really bad for his friends in Dubai.
His credibility is at stake,
and he'd never let anyone
think he can be messed with.
[Samuel] He'll want to hit back. And hard.
- [gun cocks]
- I know how far he's willing to go.
He killed one of my relatives.
You're all in deep shit.
- Are you done here?
- Listen to me now.
I don't give a shit about what you
and your sisters did.
We don't care about your brother.
What I want is Oumar.
I'm this close to taking him down.
You can help me.
[car engine starts]
[tense music]
- Fuck! Move, motherfucker, dammit!
- Oh, stop swearing, Karim!
- He's a kid? Look at the size of him.
- [mutters]
Shut your mouth!
[Rayan] Mom, you haven't given me
a check for the ski trip.
- Skiing?
- Do you know how to ski, bruv?
- Do you have to go?
- Of course, I have to go.
- You promised. All my friends are going.
- [Yasmina sighs]
- You have friends, do you?
- You shut up!
- We've got no money.
- [kids in unison] We never have money!
I wish we did, but we haven't!
- Stop asking for stuff!
- Ugh! What stuff? We have nothing.
- We're broke.
- Okay. Calm down. What's with you?
Have you paid the housing tax?
No, I haven't paid it.
We don't have the money.
We'll pay it next month.
- We'll get fined, Karim.
- [Karim] Right, you have a better plan?
All right. Out you get. I'm gonna be late.
- Have a good day, both of you.
- [kids in unison] Have a good day, Mom.
[gate clanks, squeaks]
Okay, I couldn't find it.
- Shit, where's that bag?
- Maybe Mom knows?
I've looked everywhere.
- Okay, come on. We'll ask Mom.
- Are they finished?
- Almost.
- Okay.
We should start praying again.
You only think about it
when you're in trouble.
It's something.
Mom? We're trying to find Selim's bag.
[Louiza] Where is he? Have you seen him?
- [Fara] He's fine. He's in hiding.
- We're looking for the Gucci bag.
His passport is in there.
The Algerian one.
Imène. I saw her with it.
- [Souhila] Imène?
- Yes.
She was playing with it in Selim's room.
- [gasps]
- I'll go talk to her.
[Louiza] Are you sure
you looked everywhere?
Did you tell Selim
what we did with the car?
- Yeah, I told him.
- But that's good, isn't it?
- So he'll be okay.
- Yeah, good. All sorted.
Just keep a low profile.
- Where's Imène?
- With Lina, at her friend's place.
[Fara] Call her.
We need to get it back right away.
Out with who?
What do you mean, "living their lives"?
Where's Imène?
Hello. Yes, it's Fara.
They're not with your daughter?
[Lina] Hey, we'll be there soon.
We're like a pair of 35 years old.
What's she on about?
Hey, your mom keeps hassling us.
- Where are you?
- What?
[Nour] She sent out
a missing person, bruv.
- She called my mom.
- [Noémie] Mine too.
Who cares, bruv? Just don't pick up.
It's getting late,
and I can't reach my daughter.
Yes, Nour. This is Fara, Lina's aunt.
Could you ask her to call me?
Here we come, Paris!
It's ours!
- You look beautiful!
- [laughing]
- [mouthing]
- Look at her run.
- She looks like a transvestite running!
- [shouting]
What did you say? Hold, hold.
Come. Come here.
Tell your aunts what you just told me.
She's gone out with a bunch of guys.
Way older than her, too.
- I have videos.
- [Yasmina] Hold on, are you sure?
Is Lina with them?
- And Imène?
- I don't know. It's a story, not CCTV.
- [Rayan] Mom, it's not
- What's Noémie's username?
NoNEmie. Like, "no enemy."
Thank you, my boys.
I'll call you a bit later.
Miskine. A real snitch.
- Don't move!
- [dog barking]
[Fara] Oh, come on. Come on.
Honestly, it's been
- You squash the bread.
- [Souhila] I've had enough of these girls.
Mix the beef.
[girls screaming]
[Souhila] Where is that?
Key Club.
- [Fara] Sorry, excuse me.
- [woman] Excuse me! We're here first.
- Excuse me.
- Sorry.
- Excuse me. Sorry.
- Excuse me, miss.
- Excuse me.
- [clamoring]
Got tickets?
[Yasmina] We'll never get in.
Especially not with that headscarf.
And you reckon that face will get you in?
If they can get in, we can.
[bouncer] Okay, in you go.
- Good evening.
- Good evening, ladies.
- Good evening.
- Hi there.
- We're meeting people inside.
- That's not happening tonight.
Listen. My daughters are in there.
They're both underage.
I'm really sorry,
this isn't possible, ladies.
You have a disabled girl in there
and you both let her in. She's a minor.
- We'll be in and out.
- [Yasmina] Please.
No scene. You have my word.
- No fuss?
- No. No fuss.
[Yasmina] No. No fuss.
It's all right.
- Go ahead.
- Go ahead.
- Go on.
- It's okay?
- [women] Thank you.
- Go on. Good evening.
Reckon the headscarf buys a bottle?
Okay. Just kidding.
[knocking on door]
- What are you doing?
- Don't worry, bruv.
- [thug 1 in Arabic] Good evening, madam.
- Salam.
[in English]
[thug 1] We're friends of Selim.
We heard that he's in trouble.
Have you heard anything?
And, uh, he hasn't called you?
He left without a word?
No, uh, he left,
and he left all his things here.
- [thug 1] Okay.
- [thug 2] What did she say?
- He didn't take anything.
- Mm.
[thug 1] Okay, no problem.
In any case, if he gets in touch,
tell him to call us.
I'm Mayo, and he's Ketchup.
That's him in the photo, innit?
- [Mayo chuckles]
- Yes, that's him.
He's a good-looking kid.
[in Arabic]
Good evening, enjoy your meal.
- [in English] Thank you.
- [Louiza] Goodbye.
[club music]
[Tayc] Let's go crazy tonight!
In five, six, seven, and Whoa!
- [Tayc singing]
- [cheering]
Come party! Everyone! Everyone!
[singing continues]
That's it. Whoo!
[Tayc] Eh! Eh!
[suspenseful music]
[muffled laughter]
[Fara] Imène!
Imène! Imène!
[club music]
- Are you okay, my love?
- [Imène] I am drinking, Mom!
- Give me the bag.
- No.
- Yes, give me the bag.
- No.
[Fara] I need it, my love.
Where's Lina? Lina?
The bag, Imène. Give me your bag.
Let's party, come on!
- [shrieking]
- Eh, eh!
Here, here, here! She's over there!
She's over there! Lina. I see her!
Everyone say, "Zeez, zeez!"
- [shrieking]
- Yeah, okay!
[Tayc] Whoo!
[girls shrieking]
Everyone sing, "Zeez, zeez!"
Calmly and quietly.
Make some noise! Make some noise!
Make some noise!
Come on!
[all cheering]
[Tayc] Yo!
[tense music]
[car approaching]
Bercy Station, please. Hurry.
[tense music continues]
I sacrificed my life for you!
For you, for your sister, to raise you!
So that you'd grow up good girls,
and this is how you thank me?
- Mom, I'm sorry.
- And then you take your sister as well?
- Do I look pretty?
- What? Yes. Yes, you're very pretty, but
But not like that!
You're not going out, Lina!
No more phone, no more Internet!
No more Instagram!
No more friends, no more TV!
- No more breathing anymore! Got that?
- Me, too?
No, my love. It's not your fault.
You didn't do anything wrong.
This is all because
of these debauched girls here.
These girls who are out every night,
who just bring us problems!
I don't want to see you round
at mine again.
- But we grew up with her!
- So, just stop growing!
And do it away from my daughter!
Honestly, anyone would think
you'd caught us doing a porno.
We went clubbing.
Even my mom's okay with that!
Your mother? Your mother abandoned you.
Look what you've become.
- I'm vaccinated. I can do what I like.
- Nour.
Oh, Nour, come on now! That's really poor!
- Poor? What are you talking about?
- For real? Are you for real?
Am I the one who got on stage
and twerked in front of some bloke?
Get off me! Just leave me alone!
- I don't feel good.
- What? Hold on, hold on.
- I'm going to throw up.
- No! Not in Karim's car, he'll kill me!
- What did you have to drink?
- A vodka Red Bull.
- What?
- [gasps]
I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna kill you!
And I'm gonna kill you as well!
Will you do that to me?
No, you're not going to be killed!
- [Selim] Thanks.
- Yeah. Do you have a ticket?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. All good, yeah.
Come. The bus is leaving in five minutes.
[Selim clears throat]
[tense music]
Wait, hey.
How do we contact you?
Mm-mm. No, you won't be able to reach me
for a while. Just till I get straight.
Okay, go on then. Get on the bus.
It's fine. We'll handle it.
[Selim sobs]
You look good with blonde hair, sis.
I'm so sorry.
Take care of Mom, okay?
- Open your bag.
- What?
Your bag, let me see it. Open it.
- [Fara] What's this?
- Just in case.
[bus conductor] Hello. Tickets, please.
Thank you.
[Fara] My little brother
had become a fugitive.
And I was there,
thinking this could be the last time
I'd ever see him.
[bus engine revving]
[siren wails in distance]
[somber music]
[ominous music]
[door closes]
[tense music]
[exhales deeply]
Where's Selim?
[lighter clinks]
I wanted to protect him,
so I set the car on fire.
[clicks tongue]
I'll have to take care of your family,
and then
You know it was a mistake.
We'll find a solution.
The solution is, I want my money.
Are you going to pay?
I'm a news presenter now. I have contacts.
So, how much?
Wait, wait.
I'll do the math.
[tense music]
You have till the end of the month.
[closing theme music]
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