Thin Ice (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

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The Swedish Foreign Minister is behind this treaty,
considered a landmark in international environment policy.
All Ministers are meeting
for the final negotiations.
It's a shame what's happening to the ice.
We have even bigger problems.
I'm opening it.
He was your husband.
- He IS.
My ship has disappeared.
- Who do you think is behind this?
You were the target.
So this is connected to the treaty.
- We don't know that.
You don't drink?
- I'm pregnant from Viktor Baker.
Danish military are on their way
to the ship right now.
There's no one on board.
We are currently searching
northern-eastern sector.
Still no sign of the Swedish crew
or their captors.
For now, two helicopter squads
from US military
are covering north of Scoresbysund.
Danish Hercules are scanning
the east coast islands.
We will debrief again in 04:00 hours.
End of transmission.
Good morning.
The police of the Arctic Command
are currently searching the
north-east part of Greenland for the crew
of a Swedish oil research vessel
named 'RSV Per Berger'.
At around 1 o'clock yesterday,
the Coast Guard lost contact with the vessel.
It was located about 7 hours later
but without the crew.
Danish police in Greenland
are currently conducting an investigation.
Can you confirm it was an attack?
- I can confirm that we suspect the crew was removed by force.
The crew was Danish, American and Swedish.
There is also one Swedish diplomat missing.
Thank you.
- Hi, Helena.
How you're doing?
There's something I have to tell you
- Something's wrong?
Helena, it's
it's Viktor.
- Nothing. They searched less than 10% of the area.
Another visit from SÄPO.
- Ok.
How can I help you?
- Liv Hermanson. SÄPO.
I know, we received your request
through your Foreign Minister.
But I can't risk an involvement
of Swedish authorities.
I'm well trained
- I'm sure but it's a matter of jurisdiction.
If I agree, I'll be swamped
with requests of every member country.
But if you listen
- Try to understand my position.
It's a Swedish ship, with a Swedish crew
and a Swedish diplomat.
A Swedish ship in Danish waters.
You're welcome to stay as an observer
but not to take part in any action.
There are lives at stake
and you're refusing help?
I have to ask you to leave.
Why aren't you at school?
- There's no one to take me.
And your mother?
Get ready, I'll take you.
- I'm ready.
What happened on that ship?
- We don't know.
Didn't they send out an alarm?
- I'm the cop here, not you.
You had someone to take you to school?
It was different back then.
Bears weren't so hungry.
They rarely came into town.
I haven't seen any bear this year.
- They'll come, they always do.
Get in!
- Bye.
Activists? Terrorists? Military?
We can't rule out anything.
We don't know how they reacted
when they realized Elsa wasn't on board.
Get your equipment,
we'll follow.
Enok, can I talk to you?
I know you're not happy about us
being here and taking control, but
this isn't a local issue
and that's why I'm here.
Greenland police is Danish.
We'll do it right.
Can I show you something?
It's from this morning's flights.
Please, look for anything strange
or out of the ordinary. Thanks.
This is too much.
Who are those people?
- They're the missing crew.
It can't be.
- Yes.
Nakinngi wasn't on board.
He got drunk yesterday with my wife.
I'll go get him.
Pictures are really a priority now?
A picture says more than 1,000 words.
It was Viktor's idea, by the way.
How can you be so calm?
I have to be. Viktor would do
anything in his power to close the deal.
Where the hell is everybody?
At the docks, the ship's on its way.
- Is this all for the media?
All the Ministers over here!
Everybody else stand back over here!
Hello, everyone!
Thank you for joining us!
We are gathered here today
to take a very special picture.
20 years ago, the Ministers of the Arctic Council
had their photo taken on this exact spot,
on this exact date!
It's a sad testimony
to the tremendous changes
this hemisphere has undergone
in recent decades.
20 years ago,
the sea behind us was covered with ice.
Now it's just cold take the picture!
Please, stand a little further far.
Very good.
Look into the camera!
Nakinngi, I'm coming in!
Where are you?
- On my way to the marina.
I'm coning.
There's a polar bear in town!
Hurry up!
On board!
My God!
No, no, no!
She should have cubs by this time.
They're probably dead.
They need the ice to go hunting.
I see no other possibility.
- You mean they were already on board?
The control room must get sealed
in such situations, just like on an airplane.
The door was intact so, either it's been
voluntarily opened or they were here before.
Sounds reasonable.
They also needed someone
to slow down the ship.
All hard drives are gone.
What you mean?
- Computer's hard disk.
All about the investigation,
all your work gone.
I need help.
- Are you interfering? 'Cause I'm not gonna back you up.
Why would you?
I'm only your best detective.
Let's say one of the five best.
- That's not so bad.
Let's say, hypothetically, I'm on a ship
and I wanna find out what happened
where would I look?
Are you crazy? Are you on the ship?
- Not as far as you know.
Ok go to the bridge
and check the computer hard drives.
In this hypothetical scenario,
forensics would be there.
Find the VDR hypothetically.
- Where is it?
In the lower deck there's a database
with a security copy of all the ship's systems.
Let's go down there.
We'll start by checking the ship's VDR.
It's like a black box for ships,
with GPS data and most of all
audio recordings from
the last 3 days on the bridge.
Ok, Liv, we're on a strict protocol.
Find a safe wi-fi,
upload everything and get out.
Liv, you hear me?
What are you doing here?!
- I'm trying to find
You're contaminating the scene
and violating our territorial sovereignty!
I saw the attack.
My husband was here we were on Skype
- And you didn't report it?
SÄPO got a report, you should have it too.
- That doesn't give you the right to roam the crime scene.
Make sure no one else gets on board.
Go sit in the sleigh, boy.
We must do this.
Does the world really wanna see this?
- They need to.
Alright then.
Sit, Singarnaq.
I'm sorry.
Now the next dog.
Elsa has worked on this treaty for a long time,
so last year
- Hi.
- I know. Liam.
I know.
Are you ok?
Yes, it's just me and polar bears it's no match.
Our Foreign Minister has requested
an audience with your Foreign Minister.
As soon as possible.
- Ok, yes I'll talk to her.
That would be appreciated.
The ice is safe here.
Let's go back to base and fetch the dogs.
Great shot.
- Yea.
We need these Sirius uniforms.
Hurry up!
Don't leave anything behind!
Have you given any further thought
to my proposal?
Having the treaty only applied to undiscovered oil?
- Yes.
Is that something that would secure your signature?
- That's why I suggested it.
The more I look into it,
it becomes clear that no one will benefit
from this change except, maybe, Russia.
Will you be willing to hand over
a complete list
of any oil discovers in your region?
That might shift the balance.
- This isn't really negotiation.
The treaty is only binding
for those countries who sign it.
I'm telling you it needs to be changed
if you want Russia to sign
and bind itself to the treaty as well.
This is an agreement for civilized countries.
Signing it would be a way for Russia
to enter that group of nations again.
There's nothing uncivilized about Russia.
But under these circumstances
we will not sign the treaty.
I see.
Hi, Aaja!
Say hello to my guests!
What have you been doing in school today?
Tell us about your day.
Let me take your coat off.
Mom loves you!
Are you hungry?
I can fix you something.
Let's have a toast everybody!
Here's today's hero!
Have you seen Nakinngi?
- Not today.
Did he say something particular yesterday?
- No but he had a lot of cash on him.
- Yes and his subsidy is only coming next week.
Did he say where that money came from?
No but he had plenty, he bought drinks for everybody.
- Nakinngi??
I need to talk to Martin
about Bojan's attitude.
I'll set up a meeting.
If he insists on staying out,
it'll be seen as a failure
- What is it?
The Prime Minister wants me to call.
- You got 7 minutes.
She came to Greenland
without her superior knowing
and without any explicit order
she interfered in the investigation.
The Danish Chief of Police is furious.
I know this kind of things don't really concern us
but she's caused a diplomatic incident.
Since she served under you
- I'll talk to her.
The Russians refuse to sign.
- That's hardly a surprise.
I'll have to negotiate some more with Lisov.
- You did that before. You have all my support.
Now I really have to go.
Of course. Good luck.
- Thank you.
How's going with the inquiry?
Work in progress.
Why aren't you at the meeting?
We haven't got a seat in the meeting.
They're fixing up our future.
I know how you feel. Have a nice day.
- You too.
- Katarina. Can you pick up your daughter?
Where is she?
- Here at the station.
She looked for you where you're supposed to be.
- I'm coming.
Come get her,
this ain't no kindergarten.
You like gum?
- Yes.
Thank you, Norway, Ander Sæter.
We move on.
Yes. Elsa Engström, Sweden.
- Thank you.
Dear Ministers, today we experienced two moments
that should trigger alarm bells in the entire world.
First we had our picture taken
here in Greenland
and we could see with our own eyes
the dramatic ice melting.
Then we met a starving polar bear
wandering in town.
These encounters have increased
by 400% the last 10 years, because
without ice, polar bears can't hunt
and they have to search for food somewhere else.
Scientists predict
that the Arctic will be entirely
ice-free by 2050.
Probably, polar bear-free as well.
But we don't care, do we?
We've been hearing this for decades
and we know it is because of us.
And yet, more than half of the carbon
we have emitted in the history of humanity
has been emitted in the last 25 years.
While we knew.
If we go home now
without signing this treaty,
after all our negotiations,
then it's time to panic.
And I'm not speaking to you,
I'm speaking to the public.
It's time to overthrow governments
because we, your leaders, are incompetent
and we keep letting you down.
Hi, Aaja. Why are you here?
- Mom is having a party at home.
Come on, we go.
Now Nanus' dogs are below the ice
but the hunter must go on.
Where do we go now?
- Where my father caught his first seal.
You hunted with dogs back then, didn't you?
We still do but it's not possible
without ice.
We love our dogs but if they can't work,
we can't afford to keep them.
You brought a lucky charm?
- No, what about you?
Dad says it's better to have one.
We have many,
you can keep this one while we hunt.
Thank you.
Look, a snowcat!
What's up, Ole?
- Who's that? What's he doing here?
He's from the Danish army.
Sirius patrol.
I thought you were someone I know!
What are you doing around here?
The area is sealed.
Military drills.
For the whole day.
But I hunt over there.
- Forbidden.
Ok let's just go.
This guy's not from Sirius.
- Who is it then?
I don't know.
Let's go.
I know another way to the cabin.
Aaja, wait outside.
You bummer!
Have a beer with us!
You always spoil parties!
Enok, wait!
What are you doing?
You wanna leave?
Go ahead, I don't care!
I'm not leaving, YOU are.
I must think of our daughter.
You let our daughter come back from school alone.
You put her in danger.
Always blaming Ina, aren't you?
Is it just her who must look after the kid?
- I'm trying to keep or town safe.
So you forsake your family?
Some man
When I come back, you'll be gone.
I've had enough.
- Enok
You come with me to the station.
- What did I do?
Why are you taking him?
- Let me take my jacket!
What's going on?
Down! Get down on the floor!
What's this?
- Shut up!
They have weapons! Close the bridge!
Don't stop! Full throttle!
Shut up!
- We're innocent!
You're one of them?!
- Shut up! Get down!
They always end at 21 degrees.
20 minutes and 12 seconds.
Turn the ship.
There's thick and long layers.
The hydrophone is reading a pocket.
- Someone has to decipher all data.
Can it be traced back to us?
- No, I've copied it. I'm listening to it right now.
I don't fully understand but
I think they found something in Scorebysund.
Something big.
- Scorebysund?
Or nearby.
- Their permits are for an area way far from there.
I don't understand
- Can you send it?
It's a large file, it'll take a while.
Sending right now.
What's happening?
- Don't worry about it, Aaja.
Why weren't you on the ship?
- What ship?
You were supposed to work in the ship kitchen.
- Ah that ship!
They told me I could get paid without having to go.
- Who told you?
I don't know someone paid me
What was he like?
Some Danish guy perfectly normal guy
I don't know
What happened?
Aaja, how are you?
Are you ok?
What happened?
- I don't know yet.
We'll find out.
- And my house?
Clear the area
until we know more.
What was that?
- It just blew up.
Keep everyone out of the area.
Katarina, I found Nakinngi.
- Who?
Grønlenderen. He's in town.
You see what you need local police for?
Why wasn't he on the ship?
- He was paid not to go.
Where is he now?
- Up there
I'll find him.
- No, I'll take care of that.
You secure the area
before the media gets here.
Everybody stand back!
Move on!
The communication tower is down.
Something was detonated close to the tower.
Both internet and telephone lines are down.
I don't know if any of you have satellite connection
but we will resolve this.
That's the situation for now.
I think as soon as the internet comes back
we should leave.
Martin, you know under these circumstances,
we can't sign a treaty.
Please, Bojan, calm down please
Let's have a break an meet here in one hour, ok?
Thank you.
What happened?
- The cabin blew up.
The tower was powered by generators
and the fuel tank was right under it.
It's probably an accident.
The cabin is just around the corner!
What can I do for you?
Your ship was searching oil
in an area where it wasn't supposed to be.
Markus, can you leave us?
- Ok.
What you're saying is
we violated the terms of our license.
Serious accusations.
I have the data from the ship.
How did you get it?
- Why was your ship in the wrong place?
Per Berger might have strayed a bit
from its course.
It's not that unusual.
But if we find anything,
we get our permits through legal channels.
If we find nothing no one got hurt.
If you were there,
someone else might have too.
If you had no license for that area,
who had it?
Nobody, to my knowledge.
I think your ship found something
and that's the reason it was attacked.
What did they find?
They always end at 21 degrees.
20 minutes and 12 seconds.
Turn the ship.
The hydrophone is reading a pocket.
We're by the old hunting cabin
in Scorebysund.
Looks like armed soldiers seized it.
They have at least one hostage.
She shouldn't be alone
They're shooting at us!
68 to 69 degrees north.
That is huge!
This might be the largest
oil reserve in the world.
You knew about this?
Not the details that it was so big
This oil field may be worth
billions and billions of euros.
Not exactly the information
you want everybody to have.
Big enough to kill for.
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