Thirty Nine (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

One Absurd Day

Applying mascara can drastically change
the appearance of a woman,
and we will show you that
through this live show.
When a woman has long and curly eyelashes,
it makes her look sensual, feminine,
-and it also brings out her sexiness.
That's why people call Blanche
a sexy mascara.
Damn it.
You guys can have them.
You have a friend who's a cosmetics
shop manager at a department store.
And that friend is right here.
Why do you keep doing this?
Eyes are very important
-for women our age.
-Says who?
The internet.
I knew home shopping was a scam.
Practice with them.
These aren't the problem. It's your skill.
I told you. You're better off
spending your money on food.
Come here.
-Try it on me.
Hey. You're very wise.
Here. Don't start from the bottom.
-I thought it was for me.
-You do this.
-Watch this.
-She's pretty even without mascara.
I can't believe this.
This should've been our first encounter.
We had quite a ride.
I'm actually relieved.
If this was our first encounter,
all that's happened
might have never happened.
Because I liked the time…
I spent with you, Dr. Cha.
Okay, how about this?
We're not in our twenties.
It was an understandable accident.
This is just how we were supposed to meet.
I'm a doctor entrusting you
with running my clinic,
and you're the doctor
who'll fill in for me for a year.
Let's settle it at that and start over.
Okay. Sounds good.
That's a relief.
But just one thing.
It wasn't an accident.
Well, at least it wasn't for me.
It's been a long time since…
Gosh, how should I put it?
Anyway, it wasn't an accident.
Well, what I meant to say is…
I think we should
begin talking about the clinic.
Sure. I'm fine with anything.
Mi-jo is going to take
a sabbatical before she turns 40.
So I…
thought about what
I should change in my life
before I turn 40.
We've had this
vague and sad relationship for a while,
and I think we should end it.
How about only quitting smoking?
Just end it at that.
If you quit both,
the withdrawal symptoms will be tough.
Holding out like this is already so hard.
Is it because of Ju-won?
We can just live with him.
Jin-seok, I promise…
I promise I'll be a good mom.
My gosh, I'm a horrible person.
I must be out of my mind.
I'm trying to make
his parents get divorced for my sake.
I must be insane.
I'm the one to blame.
I am.
You can't even ask me to stay with you.
I feel bad for you.
I'll see you at the clinic.
You know where it is, right?
Yes, Jin-seok sent me the link.
Can I ask you something?
Why work in Korea
with such an impressive resume?
It must've been hard to pass the KMLE.
I couldn't just turn 40 like this.
There's something I have to do.
And it's something
you have to do in Korea?
At the moment, yes, I believe so.
I see.
Goodbye then.
You don't need to do this.
I can take care of myself.
It's just manners.
Are you open?
We're opening tomorrow.
When do you close?
Oh, we close at 8:00 p.m.
If you come tomorrow,
the gochu japchae will be on the house.
Please come.
I get off work past 8:00 p.m.
Do you know where the owner went?
Oh, me?
I'm right here.
Oh, not you. I was talking
about the owner
of the previous restaurant.
Oh, I see. No, I don't know.
I liked their dried pollack.
Our food is delicious too.
But you close at 8:00 p.m.
The previous owner closed pretty late,
so I came by…
pretty often.
Good luck with your business.
Thank you. Bye.
Let me see your eyes.
Gosh, this mascara
is actually pretty good.
Normally, you'd look like a panda.
I watched carefully
when they sold this on TV.
It's waterproof. You need to take it off.
It's sexy mascara.
How can you be joking right now?
Did the talk go well?
What did Jin-seok say?
I'm worried.
He'll have a hard time.
What about you?
Can't you tell by how much
the sexy mascara smudged?
Sleep over.
Then I'm taking the bed.
Must you go to the States?
I want to take a break.
I know how hard you've been working.
Come with me.
Being near Jin-seok
will only make it harder for you.
I'll treat you much better than he did.
Hey, that's just
burying our heads in the sand.
I'll think of him wherever I am.
I spent my thirties with him.
-Where's Ju-won?
-He said he was going to bed but…
Did you eat?
Yes, I did. I'm going to take a shower.
They'll be in full bloom by tomorrow.
They have a killer scent.
Can I have one of them?
So the watch guy
turned out to be the doctor?
It's really frustrating.
Is it okay if I soothe my heartache
by congratulating your new beginning?
What do you mean?
I must say,
this is a really nice way to start things.
I mean, think about it.
Two people meeting,
seeing if they like each other,
and trying to figure out
if they're right for each other.
It's exhausting, right?
I like how fast things are going for you.
Are you seriously excited?
Didn't you break up today?
You don't have to be so damn blunt.
Sleep on the floor.
You said I could sleep on the bed.
No way. Right now,
my entire body aches
because you hit me with the sad reality.
You'll be fine sleeping on the floor
since your heart is fluttering.
My heart isn't fluttering.
We're past that age now.
We just slept together once.
We may be turning 40 soon,
but we're not emotionless.
I got excited just by hearing it.
You sleep here. Okay?
Darn it.
Where are you?
You just passed by.
Turn around and come back…
That's enough.
You'll have to pee in your sleep.
This is my last can.
You already finished four cans?
Why do you always drink like a fish?
What can I do? I'm good at handling it.
I gave birth to a heavy drinker.
Like father, like daughter.
-Go to bed.
My gosh, he's so hot.
Why aren't you sleeping?
I have no sleeping pills.
Can't you sleep without them?
Has it been a while?
Get some good rest abroad…
so you can sleep without them.
I think your boobs have gotten bigger.
You loony.
Come on.
Let's go sleep.
-Come on.
This is Doctor Kim Seon-u.
He'll be working with us starting today.
You should say hello.
I look forward to it.
Was I supposed to introduce myself
starting from my date of birth?
That's unnecessary. Are you married?
I'm single.
Now I want to know your date of birth.
Are you younger than Dr. Cha?
What makes you think he's younger than me?
I can tell you're a dermatologist.
You have the skin of a 20-year-old.
I only apply toner.
Don't say that.
It'll make us run out of business.
"Toner is all I use
to maintain good skin."
No one will come to a dermatology clinic.
Ms. Cha, stop trying to intimidate him.
Ms. Cha will introduce you
to the medical equipment we use.
If you have any questions…
-I do.
-I do.
Ask him during your personal time.
I think that's enough for an introduction.
Let's have a good one, everyone.
Where's my office?
I'll show you where it is.
He seems decent.
-How old is he?
-The same age as me.
Good luck.
-With what?
-With everything.
I'm leaving soon, okay?
These days, a lot of clinics
have multiple doctors.
Just stay. You can work less hard.
When will you tell Mom and Dad?
I just said goodbye to my friend.
Yes. Right now? The department store.
I ran out of serum, so I came to buy one.
What? No, it's okay. I'll buy my own.
Your card? Oh, right. I have it.
Can I really buy it with your card?
Then can I get
a luxury item instead of a serum?
Why are you stuttering?
Okay. I'll see you later.
Do you need a serum?
Yes. What's good?
Here you go.
Thank you. Enjoy the product.
Thank you.
She gets to buy stuff
with her boyfriend's card. I'm jealous.
Should I give you my card?
My goodness.
Your swing comes down too hastily.
I waited a bit before the swing.
Stop for a bit longer.
Then do your swing. Try it again.
Better, right?
Your swing is stable.
Just forget about the distance.
It's hard to forget about it.
Excuse me for a second.
Oh, really? That's quicker than expected.
Yes. Me and two of my friends.
Thanks a lot.
We'll make sure we fast.
I'll treat you to a meal. Thanks.
Doesn't it get cold in the winter?
Doesn't it get chilly
because it's on the basement floor?
Why are you here?
Oh, right.
I'm sure you know.
It's an art school in Paris.
You wanted to study more.
You're 40 soon. You should go.
I can't speak French or English.
You can learn there.
What's the matter with you?
Mi-jo wants me to follow her to the US,
and you want me to study abroad.
I'm one lucky girl.
Better yet, why don't you come with me?
You were right.
Quitting two things at once is too hard.
You're making me want to smoke again.
Chan-young, why am I so indecisive?
You realize that now?
I know, right?
It was me.
I carried this on for too long.
Don't worry about me. You can go.
You really do get off work late.
I extended our business hours
for my neighbor's sake.
But you didn't even come.
You did that for me?
Is this…
what being hit on feels like?
Actually, the district chief suggested it.
Oh, I see.
Come and try the gochu japchae.
It's on the house.
I have a medical checkup tomorrow,
so I can't eat anything.
I'll come this weekend with my friends.
Okay. Please do.
Why did he even talk to me
if he wasn't hitting on me?
Come in.
Gosh, this is…
You'll have to treat
the patients on your own today.
What about Dr. Cha?
She's getting a medical checkup.
She wants to get a full checkup
before she leaves for the States.
She really is composed and clever.
I'm not so sure.
You two seem really close.
-Do you have a younger sibling?
Is he or she nice?
Yes, I guess.
Well, Mi-jo is the complete opposite
of that. You get what I mean, right?
Have a good one.
Ms. Cha…
and Cha Mi-jo.
I see.
Don't you think the restaurant owner
was hitting on you?
He changed his business hours.
He said the district chief suggested it.
Freebies are normally fried dumplings.
But he offered gochu japchae.
That means it's love.
Gochu japchae means it's love?
Don't put ideas in her head.
Let's go there after we're done.
I'll buy you jjajangmyeon.
I told him I'd go with my friends.
Let's just go and eat there
so I can walk by in peace.
Gochu japchae does sound pretty nice--
No, we can't eat anything greasy today.
Gosh, come on.
Let's go take a look at him.
He hit on Joo-hee.
Gosh, he didn't hit on me.
Maybe a little bit.
It's hard to say, isn't it?
-Yes, very much.
-It's time to draw your blood.
-Start with her
-who recently got hit on.
-Stop it.
-I'm telling you. I'm right.
-Just drop it.
He looks young.
It's fine if he's less
than ten years younger.
Can we talk about this later?
Hi. Hello.
Why did you bow so many times?
What are you, a bobblehead?
You guys are making me nervous.
You have a long way to go.
This is nothing.
You got this.
We'll try to come up with a plan.
So don't drink too much.
Don't get drunk and ruin it.
She's right. I'm worried.
You live nearby,
so don't drink for a while.
Gosh, will you guys stop it?
What if he's too young?
Didn't you hear Mi-jo?
It's fine if he's less
than ten years younger.
Hey, you're here.
Do you need help?
No, it's okay. Just have a seat.
Hey, look what I bought.
-Thank you for this.
Let's have some Kaoliang liquor.
If you score a goal, you win.
That's a strong defense.
Then strike harder.
Yes? Do you need anything?
A bottle of Kaoliang liquor, please.
I'll get it.
Here you go.
Do you need anything else?
What? Well…
You're pretty.
Thank you.
"You're pretty"? You're unbelievable.
Alcohol is the best way
to cleanse your body.
I'm getting dizzy.
I haven't eaten anything.
What's there to worry about?
Call the watch guy.
I'm going to get drunk and puke on you.
I'll use it to give you a facial.
Stop it. We're about to eat.
-You're working hard.
-Hey, you came.
I got hungry.
-Grab a table. I have orders piled up.
-Sure. Take your time.
I must be drunk.
Did you call him?
Hye-jin, it's been so long.
Long time no see, Seon-u.
My friend lives nearby.
Enjoy your meal.
If you're here alone, why don't--
Don't hurt your friend like that.
We ordered yangjangpi.
Yangjangpi? I really like yangjangpi.
I don't want Mi-jo…
I mean, I don't want Dr. Cha
to feel uncomfortable.
If he sits alone,
it'll be even more awkward.
Come join us.
Can we get one more spoon
and a pair of chopsticks, please?
Then I guess I'll have to join you guys.
Fate must've brought us all together.
Do you know the owner of this restaurant?
Yes, he's a good friend.
I see.
I heard you and Mi-jo
work at the same clinic.
Well, she is
my employer.
Employer? Gosh, I'm getting tipsy.
When can we get our food?
It's almost ready.
Dr. Cha, go easy on the alcohol.
It's your dad.
Aren't you going to pick up?
Damn it. Did Mi-hyeon tell him?
Hello, my admirable father.
Hey, Dad. I'm in the middle of something--
I just picked up my purse.
I'm leaving now.
What's up?
I still haven't told my parents yet.
Stay sober.
-Do you want me to call you a cab?
Let me drive you home.
It's okay.
Samseong-dong. Near COEX Mall.
Do you want the address?
See you at the clinic.
See you guys.
I'll treat you next time.
Do you also think
Mi-jo shouldn't go to the States?
Obviously. Why waste her time there
when she can have fun here?
You haven't eaten since your checkup.
Is your father strict?
-Not really.
-Then are you an obedient daughter?
But your sister told me
that you're the opposite of that.
My sister said that?
Aren't you on your way to getting scolded?
Right here.
Thank you for the ride.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Bye, then.
I bet she still smells of alcohol.
Cha Mi-jo.
Dad, I have no energy.
I haven't eaten anything
because of a checkup.
You called right when we were
about to get the yangjangpi.
You drank on an empty stomach?
Let's grill some beef.
Should we?
I feel much better now.
Dad. Mom.
You see…
You can go.
-Go and get some rest.
When our bodies get sick,
we either get surgery or take medicine.
When our minds get sick,
we should get good rest.
When did you start having panic attacks?
I did what I had to do
as your older sister.
I tried to come up with something else,
but they wouldn't buy it.
I had no choice
but to tell them the truth.
It's not that serious.
Thank goodness you chose
to take a break before it got serious.
I'll go with you.
-Me too.
All hell has broken loose.
Gosh, you guys can't come with me.
It's like going clubbing with my parents.
I'd rather have you go clubbing.
I'm too old to grind at a club.
Honey, let's have some wine.
I feel down.
That day, it was raining cats and dogs
I was sitting inside an old coffee shop
If you leave,
who's going to sing "About Romance"?
I'll call you.
Let us come with you.
Then I won't go.
That's even better. You can rest here.
Stop it.
Just take me with you.
Why are you smiling?
Am I not allowed to?
Come on.
The number is…
Your license plate number is 7193, right?
Can you move your car for me?
You parked your car like this
and went on a business trip?
When will you be back?
-Oh, hello.
Did you run?
Yes, from the subway station.
Someone blocked my car.
I see. But you're not late.
I wanted you to have
a good impression of me.
I'm not that strict.
How was the scolding yesterday?
It would've been better
if they actually scolded me.
By the way, thanks for yesterday.
It was nice. I got to go for a drive.
I'll treat you to a meal.
I'd love that.
Did you skip golfing?
Can our actors still work with you?
You came to ask me that?
At least finish what you're working on.
You're a great agency CEO.
Also, try to reconsider.
Don't be emotional.
I was always emotional.
I'm finally starting to think rationally.
I'll continue working with the three
until their shoot ends.
Don't worry, and go. I need to sleep.
Let's eat first.
Will you please stop?
You're making me waver.
Just eat. You need to eat to stay healthy.
What's the point?
We're all going to die anyway.
Stop talking that way.
Just go.
Aren't you going?
Get in.
Looking like this? Seriously?
That's the best you've looked lately.
I'm not eating.
I won't say anything. I promise.
Just eat and go back to sleep.
Do it for me. I'm hungry.
This meal is way too fancy
for someone who just woke up.
I won't bother you.
I won't give you false hope.
But to me,
you'll always be Mi-jo's best friend.
So we can't just cut ties.
You're indecisive with everything
except for two things.
What are they?
Managing actors
and making sure I stay in your life.
Just eat.
-The porridge is easy on the stomach.
-You need to go easy on me.
You never listen to me,
and it stresses me out so much.
Come in.
I think we should separate our patients.
Okay, I'll take that. I see.
Are you renting a car?
I'm going to Gapyeong tonight
with my sister to eat dumpling soup,
but my car is still blocked.
That guy still isn't back?
He's on a business trip.
My gosh.
You're going all the way
to Gapyeong for dumpling soup?
My little sister loves dumplings.
Goodness, you're very sweet.
Hey, you can use my car.
Don't worry about the insurance.
It's okay. I'll just rent a car.
You drove me yesterday,
so I'm paying you back.
Just park the car
in the clinic parking lot after.
Then I guess
I should thank you in advance.
Like I said, I'm paying you back.
Thank you.
What? Seon-u, did you get a new car?
No, I borrowed it. Get in.
Did yours break down?
No, it's a long story. Let's get going.
Nice music, right?
Rachmaninoff again?
It's the car owner's playlist.
Isn't it nice?
I'm sick of Rachmaninoff now.
But not dumplings, right?
I love them.
I got a job.
Really? At a hospital?
At a dermatology clinic in Gangnam.
Hey, that's great.
How is it there? Do you like it?
Everyone's really nice.
Is your roommate okay?
Yes. Very kind.
Let me buy you guys a meal.
-She's your friend--
I'm doing fine, Seon-u.
You're making me
feel like I'm being watched.
Really? I'm sorry.
Does Father know?
Know what?
That we hang out like this.
What kind of question is that?
What's wrong with two siblings eating
and watching shows together?
It's natural.
But I'm no longer your little sister.
You will always be my little sister.
I remember everything about you
from when you were little until now.
You came to Korea
because of me, didn't you?
I was tired of my job in the States too.
I wish Mom were still alive.
I dream about her a lot these days.
Don't you miss her too?
I miss her too.
Next time, we should go
to an observatory in Yeongwol.
I heard the stars
look beautiful from there.
No. I'm going to be a bit busy now.
Are you trying to get rich?
Is the piano academy keeping you busy?
Yes, I'm tutoring for a competition.
I see. Okay.
Then let's just eat
something nice near the academy.
It's in Banpo, right?
No, I'll just go to your clinic.
Sure, that'd be nice.
-Eat up.
Seon-u, drop me off over there.
No, I'll drive you home.
No, I have to meet someone.
I'll just get out there.
Okay, then.
Thank you.
Stop it. Don't be gross.
I just wanted to thank you.
See you.
Take care!
You're still here?
I practiced putting.
I see.
Did you enjoy the meal?
Well, yes.
Would you like some wine?
Don't tell my sister. I hid this from her.
I have a lot to thank you for today.
For both the car and wine.
I actually wanted to drink today.
I could tell. You seemed a little down.
Did you fight with your sister?
That would've been better.
This is nice.
After I came to Korea
and studied for the KMLE,
I was mostly alone.
I bet I've looked like this pretty often.
It's nice to have someone who notices it.
Is there something
that often brings you down?
My little sister…
ran away from home.
She suddenly came to Korea.
Is that why…
That's why I came to Korea,
took the KMLE, and got a job here.
Her name is So-won.
I like her a lot.
But suddenly, she changed.
I think she started to lose her way
after our mother passed away.
I think…
I would feel the same way.
If my mom were gone,
I'd probably lose my way too.
But you'd still have
your father and sister.
That's true.
I'd feel lost for a while
but slowly find my way back.
My sister…
seems to be having
a hard time finding her way back.
She was adopted,
but she no longer wants to be
a member of our family.
So that's what you meant when you said
there was something you had to do here.
There's this feeling…
that's always inside me.
Everyone in my family is kind to me,
and I also live a hard-working life.
But deep down inside,
I always feel anxious…
because I was adopted.
Your sister
probably feels something similar.
So it might be her way of rebelling.
Thank you.
For what?
I'm sure it wasn't easy to tell me that.
Thank you for sharing it with me.
Gosh, I was feeling
really depressed today.
But you really cheered me up.
You know…
I felt bad
that I called us an accident.
You see,
I'm not used to
telling people about myself like this.
I've actually never done this.
But for some reason,
I find myself telling you everything.
I felt that way from the start.
I think it was because
you told me that your sister…
was adopted from Onnuri.
And you seemed like a good guy,
which was probably why
that happened…
that day…
Anyway, what I want to say is
that it wasn't an accident.
In my case, it was the moment
I saw you in front of the flower shop.
When I saw you there
with peonies in your hands,
I wanted to take you with me.
-You sound like a playboy.
-No, I mean…
Weird, right?
I felt that the moment I saw you.
Do you do this often?
No. I was really shocked.
I couldn't believe what I was saying.
I was worried I might get slapped.
-I was so nervous.
Maybe I should've slapped you.
Anyway, I must say,
it was a very odd day.
Just a second.
Nothing much.
How should I put it?
You look really awkward.
You're not good at sports.
-Don't I look cool?
-How exactly?
I was a track athlete
in elementary school.
That's irrelevant.
I'm saying I'm good at sports.
I'm serious. You look weird.
But is this supposed to be fun?
This is just unfair.
I can't believe you're the ones
who are always waiting for me
in front of my house.
Why? Were you hoping to see Seon-u?
It looks like you already drank a bit.
Yes. At the clinic.
What? Alone?
I have a feeling she wasn't alone.
-Was it with…
Why would I drink
with my sister after work?
But you didn't drink alone.
Was it with Kim Seon-u?
We just drank a little bit.
My gosh.
You two are unbelievable.
-You two doctors are wild.
What are you imagining?
You know what?
The sofa in the lobby is pretty big.
-My gosh.
-Gosh, I just pictured it.
Are you crazy?
The first time is always hard,
but it gets easier
after a couple more times.
You embarrass me.
-Show us.
There are no secrets between us.
What about my privacy?
You have none.
Show us.
-Come on. Show us.
-It's unlocked.
-Is it from Kim Seon-u?
"Did you get home safely?"
"Thank you for the car and the wine."
What? That's it?
I said nothing happened.
Be honest.
-Are you a little disappointed?
Are you going to text him back?
-Of course.
-Let me.
-Hey, stop it!
-I'll do it.
-Hey, stop.
Are you nuts?
You're out of your mind.
-He's calling.
-He's calling you.
He's calling.
-He's calling you. Pick up.
-Go on.
-It's okay.
-Pick up.
-Be quiet.
-We will.
Did you get home safely?
I was going to text you back,
but I accidentally called you.
Yes. I'm home.
Yes. I'll see you tomorrow at the clinic.
It wasn't me.
You know it wasn't me, right?
Cell phones have really good
-Oh, dear.
-sound quality these days.
It wasn't me.
Well, I want to believe you.
But I'm having second thoughts.
I'll explain tomorrow.
-See you tomorrow.
-Explain what?
Have a relieving night.
I swear it wasn't me.
She didn't use honorifics.
Come in.
I figured
you might laugh.
So let me explain.
You mean how you said, "It wasn't me"?
I forgot to use honorifics
because I was flustered.
It was friendly. I liked it.
No, I'm serious. It wasn't me.
Don't worry about it. It's okay.
No, it really wasn't me.
Gosh. Come in.
You're both here.
How about a welcome dinner
for Dr. Kim tonight?
I'd love that.
-How about you, Dr. Cha?
-I have plans.
With the duo
who also couldn't get married?
We chose not to get married.
It was by choice.
Sure. Whatever you say.
I'll see you both at dinner then.
Why did she even ask
if she was going to force me to go?
-Are we going to have
a goodbye party for Dr. Cha too?
This can't be it, right?
I hear that all of you
are happy about Dr. Cha's sabbatical.
-Does it show, Ms. Cha?
Even more, now that Dr. Kim is here.
Come on.
We're not disloyal like that, Ms. Cha.
-She's right.
You guys rarely make coffee for me,
but I noticed you guys
always make some for Dr. Kim.
I'm hurt.
I told you guys not to be too obvious.
She's upset now.
-We love you.
-We love you, Dr. Cha.
-We mean it.
-Forget it.
Don't drink alone.
-Come on.
-She's sulking.
-Dr. Kim, don't drink by yourself.
-Come on.
-Bye, Dr. Kim.
-Come on.
-I don't want to go.
-Go home safely.
-Go home safely.
Let's drink again.
-Okay, sure.
Please take her home safely.
Let's have a goodbye party.
-Don't forget, okay?
-See you tomorrow.
-See you tomorrow.
Dr. Kim, how are you going to go home?
Come here.
Where are we going?
Do you not have peonies?
Not many people buy them.
Do you like peonies?
Let's go already.
She needs to go home too.
-She loves peonies.
-What's with you?
-But you don't have any.
-I'm sorry.
Let's just go.
What a shame.
The fact that you're trying to buy me
peonies at this hour makes me
question your ulterior motives.
That's ridiculous.
I don't have any ulterior motives.
So let's go home already. I'm sleepy.
Do you really have to go to the States?
Can't you just…
play golf here?
Just work two days a week.
The rest, you can play golf.
That's five days a week
including the weekends.
I'll play with you on the weekends.
I'm pretty good.
I already have
many people I can play with.
Your friends?
No, not them. They don't play.
Why do you have to go abroad to play golf?
Are you trying
to become a professional golfer?
Why does it sound like you're whining?
Come on.
Do you really not
get what I mean, Dr. Cha?
Are you dumb?
I'm not dumb.
Yes, you are.
How did you get into med school?
You must be out of your mind.
What I'm saying is my life
used to be so calm and quiet,
-but you showed up,
and now I'm completely into you!
And this is how you tell me?
Shouldn't you at least be calm about it?
How can I be calm about it?
I haven't felt like this in ten years.
But you're fleeing to the States.
Yes. I don't know. I messed up, damn it.
What's going on?
Am I the one who's drunk?
What am I supposed to say?
I just confessed my feelings for you.
Is it okay…
if I like you?
You're coming back after a year.
We're too drunk.
We both drank way too much.
I guess I'm a bit drunk.
I'll ask you out again
after I get some sleep
and sober up.
My gosh.
He must've been out of his mind.
Who confesses their feelings like that?
Where did it all go wrong?
I can't believe I said it like that.
Gosh. Whatever.
I woke up early at dawn
and went to the flower market
in Yangjae-dong.
I didn't expect you
to go this far to apologize.
I'm a bit taken aback.
I didn't get those to apologize.
It's to finish the confession
I started yesterday.
Have a good day.
He's so incoherent.
Yes. I'm about to start work.
Really? The results came out fast.
What do you mean?
Dr. Cha, what's wrong?
I don't think I can treat patients today.
Please take care of them for me.
Dr. Cha.
I think she was worried
when she got the sonogram results.
She even took a CT scan.
Didn't she tell you?
No, she didn't.
She'll need to take a test to be sure,
but I think it's stage four.
You can't tell just by the CT scan.
I've seen this in one of my patients.
Bring her here.
She needs to get a PET scan
to see if it has spread.
Are you sure this is the right one?
Are you sure it's hers?
How the hell could she
not have known until now?
Damn it.
The person you are trying
to reach is unavailable…
Come in.
How is Dr. Cha?
She won't pick up.
This has never happened before.
Hey, Jin-seok.
Are you on your way?
Oh, right.
You forgot?
I'm sorry. I'll be right there.
Then just come to my office.
We can drink someplace nearby.
Is Mi-jo nice to you?
Yes, she's really kind.
Are you sure?
I bet you're the one who's nice.
Mi-jo, what…
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you!
Kim Jin-seok…
You jerk!
Mi-jo, what's wrong?
I'm going to kill you.
I don't know
why I ran over to see Jin-seok
instead of Chan-young that day.
It's your fault.
It's all because of you.
It's your fault,
and it's my fault too.
It's all because of us.
Mi-jo, what…
And that day…
when everything felt hopeless,
the touch of his hand…
felt so warm.
Subtitle translation by: Ja-won Lee
What did you like at that age?
My friends.
Let's run.
I had no idea what to say to her.
When I share my troubles
with someone unrelated…
It helps lift a burden off my chest.
What he and I have…
is not what you think.
Won't you be embarrassed when you die?
I guess it's bad.
We're still in our thirties.
We still have so much left to enjoy.
Ripped and synced by
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