Thou Shalt Not Steal (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

[dramatic Western-style theme music]
[moody accordion plays]
[moody piano arpeggio]
[crow cawing]
[Robyn] Ringer said them missionaries
told him,
"Honour thy father and thy mother."
What about Jesus's Mother, Mary?
Swore she was a virgin
when everyone knows
she was rootin' Joseph.
Why else you think they were running away?
Just two horny kids taking off
on a stolen donkey.
- [microphone squeals]
- On the wings of a snow ♪
[yodelling song plays over speakers]
You thick or something, boy?
And I'll cooee ♪
- [music stops]
- [tape clicks off]
Sorry about that, folks.
Technical issue. Heh.
- You right?
- Yep.
[clears throat]
On the wings of a ♪
[Charley Pride]
..snow white dove ♪
He sends His pure sweet love ♪
[singing along]
A sign from above ♪
On the wings of a dove ♪
When troubles surround us ♪
When evils come ♪
Well, the body grows weak ♪
And the spirit grows numb ♪
Now, when these things beset us ♪
Well, he doesn't forget us
Oh no! ♪
He sends down His love ♪
On the wings of a dove ♪
- Now, friends
- [song continues in background]
Giveth the Lord what you can afford!
If you've made a donation,
help yourself to a slice of holy bread,
have a little sip of the blood of Christ.
And grab yourself a snag!
- [song continues playing]
- [geese honking distantly]
Don't. No.
[Robert, singing along]
When Noah had drifted ♪
On the flood many days ♪
Searching for land ♪
- Oh, don't worry about that.
- In various ways ♪
Troubles, he had some ♪
- [car horn blares]
- [dog barks]
[man] Hey
- [people talking in language]
- [horn continues blaring]
[woman speaking in language]
On the wings of a snow white dove ♪
[blasts horn]
[revving engine, blasting horn]
[in language]
On the wings of a dove ♪
Wings of a dove. ♪
There he is! Thanks!
Now, if you made a donation,
go and grab yourself a snag!
[people chattering]
[slow, curious music]
[donkey braying]
Jesus fuckin' Christ!
Where's the fuckin' money?
W uh They didn't have any.
Well, what did ya give 'em
the fuckin' snags for, then?
Well, if I'm
if I'm not doing it right,
then maybe I should go home.
What did you fuckin' say?
To Mum--
- [slap!]
- [Gidge grunts]
Don't make me fuckin' angry!
[breathes heavily]
Jesus fuckin' Christ!
It's a donation for a snag,
it's that fuckin' simple!
[in frustration] Watch this, son!
Come here, look.
[angrily] You make the noose, right?
Give it a bit of slack,
pull it through,
and then give it a good pull.
[in anger] Oh! Fuckin'--!
You fuckin' do it.
[Gidge] Okay.
[breathes heavily]
I'm gonna take a shit.
And I don't want to be disturbed
for the next hour.
- [door slams shut]
- [sighs heavily]
[slow, curious music]
[continues yodelling]
[continues yodelling]
- [cockatoo squawking]
- Oh!
[continues yodelling]
[music ends]
[shouts] Dad!
[rock thuds]
[Gidge, shouting] Dad!
- [wind rustling]
- [bird calling]
[grunts frantically]
[Gidge, hoarsely] Help!
[choking, struggling]
- [flies buzzing]
- Would you fuckin--! [choking]
[choking] Jesus
Oh, Jesus, help me!
[donkey braying]
[gasping for air]
- [knife slashes rope]
- [splutters, coughs]
[gasps for air]
[splutters, coughs]
[footsteps approaching]
- [knife clatters]
- [panting heavily]
- Thank you.
- [spits]
You're an idiot.
What's this say?
[Gidge] What? What?
Uh, okay.
"L Legend
"..Pedy Cup."
[women, harmonising]
Coober, Coober Pedy Cup ♪
Coober, Coober Pedy Cup ♪
Coober, Coober Pedy Cup
Coober, Coober Pedy Cup ♪
Coober, Coober Pedy Cup
Coober, Coober Pedy Cup ♪
Coober, Coober Pedy Cup
Coober, Coober Pedy Cup ♪
Coo-ber Pedy Cup ♪
Coo-ber Pedy Cup. ♪
[women wailing]
[solemn guitar music]
[women continue wailing]
[in language]
- [solemn guitar music continues]
- [women continue wailing]
[Gidget, knocking]
Knock, knock!
- Oh!
- [thumps floor twice]
Um Uh I just
I wanted to say thanks for
for before, for saving me.
I don't care if you kill yourself.
Just don't do it around here.
Oh, no, well, I mean--
Well, that was a, um
that was an accident.
I wasn't actually trying to kill myself.
why are they crying?
Are they are they alright out there?
Do you have a car?
Well, no.
- Um, I mean
- [metal bar clangs and clatters]
[clears throat] Um
Yeah Uh, we
Uh, me and my dad, we have a car.
My dad's car. But I I drive it.
He can't drive. My dad.
He gets
religious ecstasy.
- Well, can you give me a lift?
- Uh
Yeah, maybe. Where?
Coober Pedy.
Uh I don't
I don't think we're going that way.
[deep sigh]
Well, fuck off, then.
Do you drink?
Alcohol, um--
- Get!
- Okay.
- [women continue wailing]
- [TV playing indistinctly]
[loud trickling]
["The Biggest Disappointment"
by Slim Dusty plays over stereo]
[heavy sighing]
[door opens]
[man moaning]
[toilet flushing]
[Robert groaning]
Fuckin' pins and needles!
You shouldn't, um
You know, you shouldn't
you sit there so long.
It cuts off the circulation to your legs.
[bangs ceiling]
It's me sacred alone time, son.
[groans wearily] Me sacred alone time.
Right, come on.
Come on!
Hang on, hang on, hang on Here.
["You Can't Take It With You"
by Chad Morgan plays on stereo]
[Robert] Hermannsburg tomorrow.
Hear they're a pretty faithful lot.
Cashed up, too.
Church was created as a business.
We're just following
in God's footsteps, son.
[rapping at door]
Jeez, that was quick.
[flies buzzing]
G'day. You up from South Australia, huh?
- Hey?
- Number plates?
[chuckles] Adelaide!
City of Churches.
Yeah, I've never been.
Just, um, moved here from Perth.
So you know, bit eye opening.
Well, we're not ones to judge.
We're just here to do God's work.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
How can I help you, Cunt-stable?
Um well, I was just wondering
if you'd seen a girl.
Named, um
- No
- A girl?
- Why?
- Well, she broke out of juvie.
- So
- No, no, no, we can't help you.
Try those old ladies over there.
We'll pray for you.
We'll pray you find her, ay?
[door slams shut, lock clicks]
[car engine starting up]
- [slow, curious music]
- [car stalling, tyres screeching]
[women wailing]
[handbrake cranks]
[car door opens, then closes]
[wailing continues]
[chirpily] Afternoon, ladies.
[women wail]
Have, uh, you seen a girl
named, um named Robyn?
[flies buzzing]
Madam, whose taxi is this?
Mate, whose taxi does this belong to?
Oi. Whose taxi?
[clears throat]
Yeah, okay
I'm just gonna
I'm gonna phone this to town.
So if you could make sure
that he stays right here,
that would be that would be great.
Come on.
Come on, Standley
Um, yeah, there's a body.
Um No, no, no,
I haven't found Robyn yet, Sir.
Yeah. Oh yeah. Oh, yeah, I know.
You're breaking up, Sir.
Alright, I'll wait for your call.
- [phone rings]
- [grunts]
[Constable] Alright.
- [women wailing]
- [footsteps approaching]
I have been instructed to clear the area.
So I am gonna have to ask you all
to move on.
[women continue wailing]
[sighing] Alright, Madam.
You need to get up.
Oh, fuck off.
Go be sorry somewhere else.
[in language]
Thank you.
[Auntie 1] Go on, get.
[Auntie 2] Come on, let's go.
[Constable] Okay.
[in language]
Just wait until I get back. Watch him.
- Oh Yeah, thanks.
Okay, yep, that's a tight grip
you got there.
[car door opens]
- [car door closes]
- Who's that?
I'm sorry.
[keys jangling]
[knob clicks]
["Patrola Song" by Puntji Thompson
plays on radio]
[match lighting]
[Robyn] That you?
[Mary] Could be.
That's my father's arm, ay?
[Mary] I dunno.
[Robyn] Don't talk shit. Yes, you do.
Well, does he know about me?
He was a good fella.
Average root.
Ringer wanted me
to take his cup back to him.
Why he want to do that?
Musta felt guilty.
Splitting us up.
How come?
[Constable, distantly] Alright.
[footsteps approaching]
Right, Madam.
[exhales] Time's up.
What now? Get that light out of my face.
Okay. Look here.
Music was playing. Where are the keys?
That girl, she must have them.
- She tried to steal the car.
- [Constable] What girl?
That girl you was lookin' for.
Where'd she go?
Okay. Thank you.
It's no use hiding! [footsteps receding]
[distantly] I just wanna talk
- Well, I'm gonna go.
- Where?
- Coober Pedy.
- [Constable, distantly] Robyn!
I'm gonna take my daddy's cup back.
- You gonna come?
- Nuh.
[Constable, distantly]
Alright, let's play a game.
I say Marco, you say Polo. Marco!
Well, help me move him, then.
Give me some grog, then.
[rapping at door]
[lock clicking]
[Auntie] Anything?
[Robert] What are ya after, love?
On the bench there.
Yep. Port, please.
[Robert] Port's ten.
- [news theme music plays on TV]
- [bottle clinks]
[newscaster] Unfortunately,
Alice Springs has a name
for drunken Aboriginals in the street
[Auntie] God bless you.
They're on public display
and it's not a pretty sight
[news broadcast on TV continues]
[cutlery clunking]
[Robert] Don't give me that. They love it.
Like they love our Lord Jesus Christ.
If you don't drink it, don't sell it.
Don't talk to me
like your shit don't stink.
- Your hands are just as dirty as mine.
- [door opens]
[Robyn] How much?
[Robert] Tawny Port, ten bucks a bottle.
Two litres of juicy, 20 bucks.
Two litres of rum, 30. What are ya after?
Shouldn't be selling grog here.
[Robert belches loudly]
If you don't want anything,
you can just fuck off.
So, what do ya want?
Where are you goin'?
[Robert] What part of no
don't you understand?
Talk like that,
you can sleep outside tonight.
Go on.
[huffs] I'm gonna call Mum.
[door slams shut]
Right, what do ya want?
- Oh--!
- [door opens]
[Gidge yelps]
- Hey, what what are you--?
- Shut your hole.
Wasn't there. Alright, out you get, Madam.
Come on.
Juvie, huh?
What'd you do?
- [spits]
- [Constable] Let's get you to bed.
[Mary, drunkenly]
You're not bad-lookin', ay.
[Constable] Alright.
[Mary] I bet you're hung
like a horse, ay.
[Gidge] It's my dad.
The grog running.
He makes me do it.
[Mary] Come here, I'll show you
- I'm Gidge.
- [Constable] Okay, stay there, please.
[Mary] Where are you going?
- [Robyn grunts]
- [up-tempo mariachi music]
Why--? [shocked exhale]
- [Robyn exclaims]
- [gasps]
You alright there?
[moans, sniffles]
Gonna need to grab some details
from you, Miss. What's your name?
Was it Robyn?
[panting heavily]
Right, thank you.
I'm not playing nice anymore!
- [Robyn groans]
- Get your hands off her!
Put that down.
J Jesus Christ, he's dead.
You gonna help me?
Okay, so
What now?
I'm gonna go.
Can I, um
Can I come with you?
Why not?
You can fuck off back to selling grog.
["Ngurrapanya Tjayla"
by Isaac Yamma plays]
[song continues in language]
[Robyn] Honour thy mum and dad, ay?
What for?
What they ever done for me?
Ringer told me
when family ask you to do something,
don't do it.
Unless it was him.
Them missionaries had their mission.
Now Ringer sent me on one of my own.
[car accelerating]
I didn't want to go meet my dead dad.
[Robyn] He shoulda pulled out.
But Ringer was always
trying to teach me shit.
He used to say
you're born alone and you die alone.
Only one you can rely on is yourself.
So I was going for a drive.
All alone.
[song continues]
[Robyn] The mission was simple.
Quick dash across the country,
meet my dead dad
and drop off his dumb cup.
Piece of piss.
["Ngurrapanya Tjayla" continues]
[song ends]
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