Thunder in My Heart (2021) s01e02 Episode Script


Robin Friberg.
Samir eh Gupta.
Samir. Mm-hmm.
-And Edwin Berglund.
But the other ones were before him,
and I know he's given it to me
because I always use a condom.
Or, well, I always make sure
there's a condom on
on it.
Apart from a few times with Edwin,
because he said it was fine.
So I don't know if you need to know
about the people before.
We need to know about everyone
in the last year.
There was a Fredrik as well.
I think his last name was Lindbom.
Let me double-check, so you don't
send the letter to the wrong person.
-Let me see
He's here somewhere.
Yeah! His name was Lindbom.
-He did?
-Yeah, he did.
Just like I said.
And Elsa Westerberg.
Or, well, I read that the mucous
membranes have to touch.
But I don't know
if our mucous membranes touched.
Although Fredrik's mucous membranes
touch both of ours.
-If you know what I mean.
-Yes, I do.
You can grab a few condoms
on your way out.
It says "take three", but you can
grab a few more, just to be safe.
What the?
-Can I come in?
You're not letting people know?
You're not letting people know
you've infected them?
Oh, right. You got the letter.
I have chlamydia,
so maybe you do too.
Not maybe. I have chlamydia.
-I've just picked up my antibiotics.
-So what?
"So what"?
I told you to get a test before
we did it without a condom. I did!
-I forgot, I guess.
You told me you had.
-Did I?
-Yeah, you did.
-That was stupid of me.
-Yeah, really fucking stupid.
Do you want
a grilled cheese sandwich?
-A sandwich.
I could become sterile, you know.
Stop being so dramatic.
I'm not being dramatic!
What if I can't have kids
because of you? How would that feel?
Feel it!
-Are you drunk?
-No, I'm not.
So why are you're hiccuping?
Because it happens.
You'll get 100 SEK if you stop.
-Two hundred.
I'll send you 200 SEK
if you don't hiccup again.
You're so judgmental.
You judge people for being sad
or drinking booze.
Everyone does!
You're weird for not being drunk.
-I was drunk last night.
-Fuck off.
-Don't call me again.
I never want to see you again.
Now that you know,
you won't become sterile.
Shut up.
It was nice to see you!
Information not provided.
Please see the regular time table.
Information not provided.
Please see the
Don't change so people will like you.
Be yourself
and the right people will love you.
Don't change so people will
Don't change so people will
Don't change. Don't change.
Don't change. Don't change.
Stop doing that!
I'm sorry?
Excuse me?
Excuse me?!
- Hello.
-Hi, Sigge. It's Sam.
I know.
I have your number on my phone.
I've had it for many years.
Do you want
to come and visit me at work?
I'll give you a hot dog.
No, I can't.
-What are you doing?
Then you can come see me.
No, but I can't, I'm
I'm watching my mum. Kind of.
She met someone online
and she was like,
scared that he might kidnap her.
So I'm just making sure she's not.
OK. Maybe I can come keep you
company? I finish in half an hour.
No. She'd be mortified
if she saw you here.
What does he look like?
Does he look all murdery?
-What do you dream of?
What does a murderer look like?
What was that?
No one knows.
He was so boring.
He couldn't hear anything in one ear
because of a plug of wax
that he wouldn't stop talking about.
I'll die alone.
I guess this was it for me.
Don't say that.
You're not going to die alone.
I don't have any friends, Sigrid.
We're celebrating Dad tomorrow.
Is that tomorrow?
His birthday is the day after,
but we're celebrating tomorrow.
I totally forgot about it.
-I don't feel well.
-Can't you go without me?
-I'm only doing it for Benjamin.
OK, I'm sick.
Just, FYI.
-Sick how?
-I don't want to talk about it.
I don't feel well.
Oh, please. I'll see you tomorrow,
and that's the end of that.
I'm sick.
-No, you're not.
-Yes, I am.
There we are.
Here you go. Some cutlery for you.
-Thank you.
-Enjoy your meal.
Hi, Sigrid.
Hi! What
Aren't we meeting tonight?
Hi there.
-I'm Sigrid's dad.
-What's that you've got?
This? This is a spathiphyllum.
I would have sent it to your
apartment if I knew where you live.
It's like a house-warming gift.
It's great. Thank you.
How's the sun in your apartment?
-It's quite sunny in the mornings.
I'm sure it'll get pretty big.
Huge. You can build a tree house.
-And rent it out.
-Yeah. And have a tenant.
-You might need it.
Right. This is on me.
-Happy birthday in advance.
You make great coffee.
You do.
It's a machine.
I've just added the water
and the coffee
and decided on the strength.
Perfect strength.
-It's great.
The bun is nice, too.
-Damn it.
-What's wrong?
Could you do me a favor?
Yeah. What?
Pick up Benjamin
from his hockey practice. Like, now.
Not right now. Soon.
He's finishing in 40 minutes.
I have an important meeting.
What kind of meeting?
A meeting about a job.
Really? What kind of job?
-Are you giving me the third degree?
-No, no.
Not at all.
I was just curious.
So, can you pick up Benjamin?
And I'll see you at the restaurant.
Well I can't leave work,
just like that.
I still have two more hours left.
OK. Well
Damn it.
It would be nice
if you could at least pretend
that you haven't taken Mom's side.
I know you help her all the time.
So it's just a bit strange, you know.
Don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it. It's fine.
-I'm sorry.
-Stop it.
I'll have to I'll figure it out.
Your shift finishes in two hours.
-Are you sure?
-Yeah, it says so on the schedule.
According to the schedule I have,
my shift finishes now.
Yeah, but not according to my one.
I have to There must
have been a misunderstanding.
My dad's turning 50,
so I have to go.
-Thank you, Gunnar.
-Two hours.
Benjamin! Hi.
Where's Dad?
Ehm He had a job meeting,
so I had to come get you.
He doesn't have a job.
No. But it was a meeting about a job.
We'll see him at the restaurant.
Won't we?
We can eat ice cream
and, like, four burgers each.
It'll be great.
I'm going to eat ten ice creams.
How many will you eat?
Seventy ice creams.
You're so sweet.
-Why don't you go change?
Accepting yourself,
just the way you are,
in order to accept life,
the way it is,
and other people,
the way they behave
-What's that?
-It's from Dad.
Dad's not coming to the restaurant.
Yeah, he will.
He'd never forget his own birthday.
What do you know, anyway?
Hi, buddy!
-We're over there.
We'll fly over there.
What are you having?
A burger with cheese and bacon.
There's a hamburger
on the kids' menu.
There's no bacon on it.
You can order whatever you want.
It's on me.
Do you want your gifts?
Am I getting gifts? Really?
-Happy birthday, Dad.
-Thank you, buddy.
I picked it. It's the one you used
to use when you lived with us.
That's the one.
You remembered.
-Happy birthday, Dad.
-Thank you, buddy.
No way.
More gifts?
-Really? For me?
No way.
-Happy birthday, Dad.
Wow. A survival kit.
This might be the best gift
someone's ever given me.
Thank you, sweetie.
Let me give you a hug.
That's so sweet.
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
been playing padel for five hours.
Do you remember?
Your diaper was just
Let's do a toast.
For our dear Sigge,
getting her own apartment.
I'm so proud of you.
Thank you. It was
three months ago, but thank you.
What's the best thing
about living alone?
The best thing is
that it's quiet and calm.
Yeah, it's quiet, that's for sure.
But maybe that's a good thing
if you've moved out voluntarily.
No, I shouldn't Don't worry.
It's fine.
How are you managing paying rent
and buying food and stuff?
It's fine.
I'm doing really well.
I make OK money at Gunnars.
-I scored a great goal today.
-Oh, really?
Just don't get stuck there.
What do you mean?
I almost got two assists today.
I did two slap shots
right in the corner of the goal.
I mean You're the kind of person
that might get stuck
in a place like that.
You have that type of personality.
You know what I mean.
Can I have more french fries?
You can have mine.
How's everything?
The food's great, thank you.
I'm glad to hear it.
-Could we have some ketchup?
-Of course.
-No problem.
Hey! You don't have to do that
in front of me and the kids.
You know what I mean.
Sitting there in your low-cut top,
-Here's your ketchup.
Thank you.
Dad's chewing with his mouth open.
That's disgusting!
Tell him, Mom!
I'm not chewing, god damn it!
Stop it!
Stop it.
No. Just let go, god damn it!
Stop it, god damn it!
If I did that to my dad,
I'd be in big trouble.
I know Dad's mean, but you have to
try not to get him upset.
You and Mom can be angry at Dad.
Why can't I?
You can,
but maybe not in a restaurant.
I think Dad's kind of embarrassing.
Don't you?
And if he gets angry with us
when we're out, people will wonder
what kind of weird person he is.
We know he can be kind and funny,
Not just mean.
Don't we?
I just don't want someone who
doesn't know him to think he's awful.
I think I've made this wetter
than it was before.
I don't think you can wear it.
Have you smelled it?
You smell it!
Thank you! Oh, shit.
Wow. What a nice plant.
What are you doing here?
-We had plans, remember?
-Did we?
I feel offended.
I'm sorry.
I had a lot on my mind today.
-Did something happen?
-No, not at all.
Or, well
I have chlamydia.
What? What is it?
About time you got an STD.
No. I'm really careful.
Not careful enough, obviously.
Shut up.
Remember when I got chlamydia?
You thought I was so careless and
shouted, "It could have been AIDS!"
Yeah, but I was 17
and really childish.
Be nice or go home.
OK, I'll be nice.
Have you taken one of these?
Damn it! I took one this morning.
I have to take another one.
Two pills a day for seven days,
it says.
I know. I'm not a kid.
Open wide.
Almost! Where did it go?
Was it awkward with your mom and dad?
No. It was nice to see Dad.
Does he seem to be doing OK?
Yeah. He's fine.
Mom: I feel awful about tonight.
I hate when Stefan behaves like that.
Are you OK?
I'm asleep.
Can you have
a bad trip on antibiotics?
I don't think so.
-Come here.
-I can't.
You can if you want to.
You just have to believe in yourself.
Come on.
No! What are you doing? No!
Put me down!
Put me down!
You're going to get dizzy.
I've got you, don't worry.
Damn you. Shut up!
It was further than I thought.
-Move over. I'll make you some tea.
-Thank you.
That's kind of you.
Hey, it's Toni.
Hi, Toni!
Excuse me?
You're hanging out without me?
If you're fucking, that's OK.
-If not
-Stop it.
We're never going to fuck.
Stop saying things like that.
I think you'd both
find it satisfying, actually.
Is that a new bra?
Yeah, and new panties!
They're really pretty!
How's everything going with Janice?
Good. Great, actually.
I'm seeing her soon.
Your dad texted me today.
Really? What did he say?
Antonia! Did you forget
to do the laundry today?
- You'll have to
Yeah, I will, Mom,
but I'm talking to Sigge right now.
So I'll have to get back
to you later. Thank you.
What did he write?
My dad.
He just wished me a happy name day.
It was adorable.
Yeah, that's adorable.
- Does this look good?
-It looks great.
You look great.
You're wonderful.
Like this?
-Do me.
-I'm falling asleep.
You have to do it to me.
-OK, then.
And then up
-That's it.
-Like that?
You know you can talk to me
about anything, right?
Yeah, I know.
-Just Like today.
If it wasn't OK, I want you to know
that you can talk to me about it.
What do you mean?
It's not your fault
if your parents
aren't that great.
Yeah, but I told you, today was fine.
Should I lie
so you have someone to comfort?
I'm sorry.
It just felt like
you thought I was lying.
-I don't.
-OK, good.
'Cause I'm not lying.
-I know.
Good night.
True love is like a circle.
And a circle has no end.
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