Thunderbirds (1965) s01e02 Episode Script

Pit of Peril

'Thunderbirds are go! ' Just look at that.
It's like a monster from another planet.
Nothing can stand in its way.
Sidewinder to Watchdog.
Jungle test complete.
How did it look? She looked just fine.
What a machine.
How did she handle? - Like a breeze.
Nothing can stop us.
- Fine.
That wraps up the tests.
The relief crew is on its way by Helijet.
I want you boys to know you've done a swell job.
Thanks, sir.
It'll be good to have a rest.
Head for the rendezvous point and the Helijet.
Rendezvous it is, sir.
Sidewinder out.
That's it, boys.
Trials are over.
Sidewinder is just what the army needs for these bush-fire wars.
Now we can get to the trouble spots.
Any word from the relief crew, Ralph? - The Helijet is heading there now.
- Great.
Captain, take us back to base.
I'll be glad to get back to base.
Three weeks in this tin can isn't my idea of fun.
It hasn't been too bad.
Nothing but steaming jungle every day could drive a guy nuts.
We can have a long rest now.
The relief crew can take this beauty back.
Watchdog to Sidewinder.
Do you read me? General Peters, the Sidewinder, it's gone - disappeared.
What? Get back there, Captain, and fast.
I can't see for the smoke.
Wait there's a hole.
Watchdog to Sidewinder.
Do you read me? Come in, Sidewinder.
'This is Watchdog.
Can you hear me? Come in, Sidewinder.
' - They must be out cold.
- I hope that's all.
- 'Watchdog, this is Helijet.
' - Go ahead, Helijet.
'We're at the rendezvous.
No sign of Sidewinder.
' There's been some trouble.
Head for reference two-seven immediately.
We'll need your assistance.
Watchdog out.
What can we do? I'll try and reach Sidewinder again.
'This is Watchdog.
Come in, Sidewinder.
'Come in, Sidewinder.
' Watchdog, this is Sidewinder.
Sweeney, you're 0K? Yeah, a few bruises, but we're in one piece.
Thank heavens you're safe.
How does it look down there? We've tipped over on our side and can't move.
(Peters) 'How deep are you? ' General, we're 300 feet down.
The Sidewinder weighs 500 tons.
We'll need some heavy lifting-gear.
But this is the middle of nowhere.
It would take weeks to get equipment.
I'll have to move the 'copter clear.
The heat is building up.
- We can't hover here.
- 0K, Captain.
Get her down beside the crater.
The Helijet should be here soon.
Yeah, let's hope it works.
This is Helijet.
What's up, General? (Peters) 'Stop your engines and disembark.
' I'll fill you in on the details Turn off the motors, Captain.
I'd like to know how we got here.
The ground just opened and swallowed us.
Yeah, but how do we get out? This whole pit seems to be on fire.
The automatic cooling plant has switched on.
The atomic reactor needs refuelling.
It won't hold out for ever.
(General) Now, here's the situation - the Sidewinder is on its side.
Can't we haul it out? Talk sense, Lieutenant.
It weighs 500 tons.
No equipment can get here for two weeks.
What about the 'copter and Helijet? We're talking about the Sidewinder, not some field car.
I think we should go down there and look.
But that would be suicide.
That pit is an inferno.
One of the 'copters could lower me down to assess the situation.
I don't know.
It's too dangerous.
You could be burned alive.
If we don't do something soon, the Sidewinder crew will be Very well, Lieutenant.
Make arrangements with the Helijet pilot.
And thanks.
Atomic reactor operating at normal, Colonel.
Let's hope it stays that way.
'Sidewinder from Helijet.
' Lieutenant Meade here.
Sidewinder, I'm going to attempt reconnaissance.
What's the temperature outside the machine? The gauge reads 220 degrees Fahrenheit.
Don't try it.
You'll fry.
If we had protective clothing His oxygen mask will help him breathe.
But it won't keep him cool.
Switching over to Lieutenant Meade, sir.
Connect it to the tannoy.
I want us all to listen carefully.
Meade won't get much time to talk.
We must hear him.
OK, let's go.
Yes, sir.
I'll be waiting.
When I yell, you get me out of there fast.
There goes a brave man, Ralph.
(Meade) 'Lower away.
' (Meade) 'I'm 50 feet down now.
Still no sign of Sidewinder, Charlie.
'Gee, it looks a real inferno down there.
'Those guys are in some danger.
' (Bleeping) Go ahead, John.
'I've just picked up some US Army transmissions.
'Their new Sidewinder has fallen into an underground fire.
'An officer has gone down to look.
' - Let's hear him.
- 'Switching you through now.
' (Meade) 'I'm 100 feet down.
'I can't see a thing.
The smoke is too thick.
' The temperature's rising.
Let go more line.
Hold on, Lieutenant.
You can make it.
Jeepers! My blood seems to be boiling.
The smoke's too thick I'm gonna have to go down all the way I'll only have a second.
- 'Be ready, Charlie.
' - 0K, sir.
Here we go.
I see it.
Get me up, Charlie Now! Aargh! Here he comes.
Get a stretcher - hurry! We should monitor this frequency.
The situation could get desperate.
Why don't I go and see if they want help? - It wouldn't take long.
- No, Scott.
For all we know the army might be engaged on a top secret operation.
- John? - Yes, Father.
'I want you to keep this frequency clear.
Scott will be on standby.
' FAB.
Scott, get Thunderbird 1 ready for launching.
On my way.
If the Army need our help, we won't keep them waiting.
We we could do it, sir Take it easy, Lieutenant.
You're in a bad way.
I'll be 0K.
Get a line Haul it upright Get him into the shade.
Yes, sir.
See to it.
I'll fix the line.
This isn't your kind of job, sir.
- There's no time to argue.
- No-one's arguing, sir.
I'm best equipped to succeed.
He's right, Ralph.
You'll be needed here by the radio to give instructions to Sidewinder, if we can get it upright.
Atomic reactor down 20 points.
Down 20?! That means the cooling plant is under-strength.
We'll be warming up from now on.
'Sidewinder, this is Reynolds.
I'm coming down with a line.
' The temperature outside is up to 265 degrees.
'I'll have to work fast.
We need to haul you upright.
' Great.
Then maybe we can climb out of here.
'0K, Charlie, let's go.
' (Reynolds) '150 feet.
Speed it up.
'The shorter time I'm down here the better.
' 'Hold it 'I'm 300 feet down.
' Can you reach the Sidewinder? I don't know.
I can't see much.
Move it over, Charlie.
Straight ahead.
'Slow and easy, until I yell.
' - I'm ten yards away.
- Reynolds, are you 0K? OK OK winch up AARGH! Come on, get him up! AARGH! He's still alive.
Drop the new line as close to us as you can.
Then get these two to base hospital.
- 'And make it fast.
' - Yes, sir.
- Hitch the cable.
- Right, General.
Thanks to Reynolds, we'll soon be out of here, boys.
'This is Helijet.
Heading for base hospital, General.
' Right.
Use all speed.
Those boys need attention.
OK, Captain, get moving.
We've got to get the Sidewinder up.
The line's broken.
But did we make it? Sidewinder from Watchdog.
What is your attitude? (Sweeney) 'It's no good, General.
'We're back on our side again.
It was a good try.
' I'll go down there and try again.
I don't like it, Ralph.
Two brave men have been badly injured.
I can't risk another life.
We must keep trying, General.
Three men are trapped down there.
If only we weren't so remote, we'd have a chance of effecting a rescue.
You said "rescue", General.
That's the answer.
Yeah, that's the answer.
(Peters) 'Calling International Rescue.
'Calling International Rescue.
This is General Peters, US Army.
'Vital defence weapon in immediate danger.
Crew of three trapped.
' (Bleeping) (Jeff) Go ahead, John.
'General Peters has just radioed in.
They do want our help.
' - We're on our way.
- 'Yes, Father.
' Scott, it's action stations.
- 'Thunderbirds are go.
' - FAB.
Changing to horizontal flight.
Still no word from that International Rescue outfit.
I'm certain they're doing their best, sir.
Yeah, but I'm worried about those guys down there.
International Rescue Space Station, have you had any more information? This machine fell into a crater some 300 feet in depth.
It's a blazing inferno.
The machine weighs some 500 tons, it's on its side and can't move.
Since we don't know much about this crater, Brains should be here.
(Bleeping) Go ahead, Scott.
'Latest information says we need Thunderbird 2 carrying Pod Five.
- 'And we'll need Brains.
' - Right, Scott.
- 0K, Virgil.
You heard him.
- We're on our way.
Selecting Pod Five.
OK, Brains, here we go.
How's the cooling plant standing up? I checked, and she'll only hold out a couple more hours.
How long will the hull stand up to that heat? General Peters, sir, there's a call for you.
Thunderbird 1 to General Peters.
I'll be with you in four minutes.
(Peters) 'It can't be too soon for us, pal.
' The heat from that crater is fantastic.
You're gonna find it tough going.
The temperature's rising.
There's some smoke getting in.
The hull has cracked.
She'll break up.
Start the air purifier and plug those fractures.
I'll increase the cooling plant, try and cool the walls.
General Peters, is there any news from the trapped men? I'm afraid not.
Their radio failed 10 minutes ago.
(Coughs) Can you increase the air purifying system? The exhaust fan's at full power.
The cooling plant's at full stretch.
Let's hope it holds.
How is that crack, Johnny? These soaked rags are helping, but the heat is terrific.
Keep at it.
We've got to hold on.
General, how long can these fellows hold out? They've got full air conditioning and a cooling plant, but it can't last more than two hours.
be arriving soon with equipment.
Meanwhile, I'll set up our remote TV camera to see what's going on.
Thunderbird 1, how does it look? (Scott) 'I'm sending the camera down.
' - We'll see what we're up against.
- 'Right, Scott.
' Hey, that thing will burn up.
'It's 0K.
' The camera is specially constructed to withstand extreme heat.
It's working fine.
Thunderbird 1.
Virgil here.
Landed at rescue zone.
What's next? (Scott) 'Tell Brains to stand by.
- 'This is a tough one.
' - Right.
This is hopeless.
The heat makes the rags catch fire.
(Coughing) At least it stops some of the smoke.
Gee this heat's getting unbearable What's keeping those guys? It's about time we had some action.
It's a tough thing we're asking them to do.
Look, Brains, what's that? Er that's it.
That confirms it.
Well? Way back in the past, this must have been an open-cast mine.
When it was exhausted, a large crater would have been left.
And it was used as a dump for equipment after the Second World War.
I don't get it.
I'll show you on this diagram I've drawn The pit was filled in and over the years a new crust of topsoil has formed.
Spontaneous combustion caused a slow smouldering fire, consuming the dumped equipment.
The weight of the Sidewinder caused the thin crust of topsoil to collapse at its weakest point.
We have to remove the remainder of the crust so the Sidewinder can be dragged up the side of the pit.
(Virgil) I'm at the bottom, Scott.
(Scott) 'Can you see the Sidewinder? ' No, the smoke is too dense.
It's like the inside of a blast furnace down here.
I'm starting to lay charges.
(Scott) '0K, General, you can get clear, Virgil's at the bottom.
' But how can you get him out? We have a machine we call the Mole.
Scott is about to operate it.
You'll see it in action.
Thunderbird 2 from Mole, proceeding to drilling position.
The cooling plant has has eight minutes reserve I can't I can't breathe Frank, hang on, boy! Mole from Virgil.
One more charge to lay, Scott.
Be right with you.
Thunderbird 2 from Mole.
Burrowing at 70 degree angle.
- Do you read me? - 'Loud and clear.
' Turn right, four degrees.
'Four degrees.
' Turn made.
I've come up against an obstruction.
It's hard-core granite, Scott.
Detour two degrees left, - 'then return to original course.
' - FAB.
Mole from Virgil.
Final charge laid.
(Scott) '0K, Virgil.
Approaching side of crater.
' Three degrees left, Scott, and you're there.
Thanks, Brains.
It's running much easier now.
We'll be in the pit in a few seconds.
Fine, Scott.
Ready to detonate explosives on your instructions.
Emerging into crater.
(Scott) '0K, Virgil, come aboard.
' OK, Scott, approaching you now.
(Scott) 'Thunderbird 2 Lab from Mole.
Virgil aboard.
' Right, prepare to withdraw.
OK, Brains.
Ready, Virgil? (Virgil) 'Taking up rear cabin position now.
' Operating reverse motors.
(Scott) '0K, Brains, we're clear of the area.
Go ahead.
' Detonating charges now! What are they trying to do, blow us out of here? till the cooling plant packs up.
What's holding you guys up? My men have less than two minutes left.
We're doing the best we can, General.
Lab to Recovery Vehicle 0ne.
Are you in position, Virgil? Ready, Brains.
Recovery Vehicle 0ne - power 0K.
Remote Control Vehicle Two - operation positive.
Moving out now! Ready to fire magnetic lines.
Remote guidance - seven left, four right.
This is it.
We're breaking up.
Electro-magnets in position.
Vehicle engines in transmission.
Hey! We're moving.
We're moving! The Remote Control Vehicle's skidding.
One of the lines has failed.
I'll try it again.
Firing again.
Let's hope it's not damaged.
Line in place.
Starting motors again.
We're safe.
It's a miracle.
They've got us out of the pit.
How you doin', fella? Just great, mister.
You must be the guy who hauled us out.
The others are about to leave.
- You saved our lives.
- He's right.
Forget it.
I'm glad we could help.
How about the other man? Guess he's out cold.
(Sweeney) He'll be 0K.
I guess he'd have liked to have been awake, so I'll say it for him.
Thanks for all of us.
Scott from Thunderbird 2.
I'm about to lift off.
- See you back at base.
- 'FAB.
' Sidewinder's saved and no casualties.
What can I do to thank you? If you want to help, make sure no-one tracks our aircraft.
It's vital our operation remains a closely guarded secret.
That's the least we can do.
- Thanks.
- Thank Y0U.
Boy! What I'd give to have those guys in my force.

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