ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Exodus (Part 2)

Well, that was satisfying.
Back to work.
Wow, he seems nice.
Well, we ought to thank him
for saving our butts just now.
Got any more robot tricks
to get us up that wall?
Some kind of hairball mitten.
Not sure how
that'll help, but
Whoa! It's like
a grappling hook
Ha-ha, we're unstoppable
- Oh, there's the ground.
- What?
This place is
[HIGH-PITCHED] awesome!
Huh! Guess that Bum-Ra guy
probably went through here
'cause it's like
a huge door-type thing.
Nice man
I'd love to thank you
for beating on them Mutants.
Ah, a friendly cackle
to lead the way.
What kind of evil shall I
unleash upon Third Earth next?
Well, that sounds bad.
Hmm, of course!
But I'll do one better.
Living ooze!
Now go and pollute
this wretched planet.
Wait, what? Who are you
and what are you doing here?
Well, I came in here
to thank you
for saving us
from the Mutants.
Which I'm still gonna do
out of politeness.
But now I guess
I also have to defeat you
because the ThunderCats are the
sworn enemies of all evil.
And what are you
supposed to be?
Some kind of kitty cat man?
That's right.
Lion-O, Lord of the kitty cats
I I mean, ThunderCats.
How cute.
I just happen to be supreme
leader of the entire planet.
Well, I have
the Sword of Omens.
Featuring the one and only
Eye of Thundera.
Pretty sure it's magic.
Eh, I dunno.
Well, I have the Doom Staff.
It makes me
four times stronger,
four times more evil,
and four times bigger.
- Than what?
- Than normal. Look, it doesn't matter.
It also fries anyone who speaks
my name, with lightning.
So, it's for sure magic.
That can't be right.
I just said your name
a minute ago.
- Wait, really?
- Yeah, Bum-Ra, right?
- What?
- So, guess it's not magic then.
But that's not my
It is magic.
You just have to
actually say my name right.
Ooh! Ooh! It's happening now.
Stop saying his name!
Well, there you go.
Looks like someone out there
just said my name correctly.
Probably that
one Berbil again.
I think they've got
a thing for lightning.
Anyway, point is,
I win and you stink.
Nope, I got a Snarf,
which is cooler
than all you've got.
Plus, we've got a whole team
of ThunderCats
and we all crash-landed here,
so they're all building
a new awesome base right now,
and once they're done
with that,
we're going to kick
your big, stinking
Well, this construction is going
about as well as it possibly could.
Berbils really do build fast.
Yes, we really do.
What's worse is that it looks
like all the work is done
and there's nothing
left to build.
I mean, uh,
that works for us.
[GRUNTS] Too bad
it doesn't work for me.
Hey, who you talkin' to?
Whoa! Is that our new base?
Ha-ha! Looks like your days
are numbered.
BERBILS: More building!
Base! I hardly knew you.
All right, fiend,
time for your royal spanking.
Whoops, hold on,
I dropped the sword.
Ah, here we go, got it!
Well, I'd love
to stay and chat,
but I'd rather just go
annihilate your Thunder buddies.
Enjoy the show,
you fuzzy dangler.
Yeah, this thing
is fried, you guys.
What do you think
that crazy lightning was?
I don't know, but it looked a heap of a
lot like that other lightning we saw.
You mean mine?
BERBILS: Oh, no! It's Mumm-Ra!
He's, uh
He's a lot bigger
than I expected.
Sure would be nice
if Lion-O were here.
Aw, come on!
We can take him.
Yeah, tell him what happens to
people who blast our stuff, Panthro.
Yeah, yeah! Tell him!
Yeah, no one blasts
my stuff mut be
I mean, but me!
All right! Let's teach
this guy some manners.
ThunderCats, ho
You're taking too long.
My! How eager you are to taste
CHEETARA: Ah! That pun!
Where are you going?
CHEETARA: Move it, Tygra!
Nice try! You can't keep
the ThunderCats [GRUNTS]
Ha-ha! You can't keep
the ThunderCa
You can't keep the ThunderCats
[LAUGHS] You guys
aren't so tough.
I already caught one.
I get it. You're the fast one.
Are you faster than
What's that?
Cat got your tongue?
I said, are you faster
than lightning?
I don't know!
I guess not.
Oh, man, my Thunder buddies!
MUMM-RA: It's kitty yarn time.
Tygra, where are you?
- Right here.
Sorry, fools.
This is what happens
when you mess with Mumm-Ra!
WILYKIT: Oh, yeah?
Well, this is what happens when
you mess with the Thunderkittens.
- WILYKAT: Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
- That's just annoying.
All right, Kit, let's show
him what capsules can do.
Great, 'cause I don't
really remember either.
Show him how it's done,
Hey, Dumb-Ra,
why don't you fight someone
your own size?
- It's a kitty claw punch!
- Aah!
That was some hit, buddy.
Too bad
you're all that's left.
Sorry, Panthro.
where you at, little leader guy?
Oh, man, Snarf,
this is all my fault.
If I had just listened to Tygra
and stayed with the team,
none of this
would have happened.
What? Ho-ho!
- Ah, Thunder
You did it, Snarf!
Here I come.
Now, somebody get us
out of these chains and
- Too late, pal.
- What?
It's never too late to
No, no, no, it's definitely
too late, Lion-O.
Nice of you to join us
for the big finale.
I'd hate for you to miss
the trip to oblivion.
Ooh! Where's that?
It's not a place.
Then how will we get there?
With a little Doom Staff
I'm sorry, guys.
I messed up real bad.
And now, a big blue jerk
is about to blast us.
While using our brand-new
base as a lawn chair.
You know, this lair
is actually quite comfortable.
Berbils, did you hear that?
Indiscriminate praise
of our construction abilities.
BERBILS: Oh, joy!
Thank gracious.
BERBIL BILL: Thank you!
I finally feel complete.
Thank you so much
for that wonderful compliment,
I have to say,
that does not feel great.
BERBIL BILL: That's okay.
We're used to it by now.
- Wait No
- BERBILS: Mumm-Ra.
- Aah!
Come on, you guys.
Yes, thank you, Mumm-Ra.
No, stop, don't do it.
BERBIL BILL: Thanks, Mumm-Ra.
Whoa. The magic chains
are weakening.
Nice work, Berbils.
New plan.
Break the Doom Staff!
ThunderCats, ho!
Hooray! It appears
the ThunderCats are loose!
- What?
- Oops!
Maybe I shouldn't have said
that right in front of Mumm
- Ra!
Excuse me.
Sorry about this, Berbil Bill.
Oh, that's okay.
Maybe later,
you could sign my
Hey! Remember me?
That's Cheetara, the fastest
living person in the universe.
Don't tell me you forgot about
Panthro's super-strength.
Don't forget WilyKit and WilyKat!
Whoo-hoo! That's the stuff!
The plan is working, Lion-O!
You're doing leading.
No more Mister
Nice Evil Overlord!
Oh, we're doomed!
No, we're not, Lion-O!
We can still make it!
Mumm-Ra, Mumm-Ra,
Mumm-Ra, Mumm-Ra
Aha! Thanks, Tygra.
Now, to deal with Bum-Ra.
- Snarf!
Do a thing!
- All right, Doom Staff, prepare to get sliced.
Aw, man, I missed.
Time's up, doofus!
Uh, what was that
magic sword-word again?
Oh, yeah!
Thunder. Thunder. Thunder!
[CHUCKLES] Thunder, thunder,
thunder, thunder, thunder!
Oh, no!
This is normal mode?
You're just so
You're just so small.
Who TP'd the skeleton?
Laugh while you can,
but I'll find a way
to get my powers back,
and when I do,
it will surely mean
your doom!
Wait, what? Aw, shoot! Guess
we should have grabbed him.
Nah, what's a mummy guy
gonna do to us?
Besides, Lion-O can kick
his big, tiny butt any day.
Yeah, way to go, Lion-O!
Aw, thanks, everyone.
That's really nice.
But, you know,
Tygra was right.
If I had just
stayed with the team,
none of this
would have happened.
Mmm, true, true.
But instead,
I ran out on my own
and brought danger
right to our doorstep.
Nicely done, Lion-O.
A good leader needs to be
able to admit their mistakes.
But you know,
if I hadn't run off on my own,
I would have
never found out that
the Doom Staff
was his weak spot.
So, maybe I was right too.
Isn't it great that
we were both right, Tygra?
Ah, what the hay?
- Close enough.
- ALL: Yeah!
Now we just gotta see about repairing
the Cats lair and everything will be
Wow, those Berbils
do build fast.
We sure do.
And don't forget to call us as
soon as it gets destroyed again.
Come on, Berbils.
- There's nothing on it.
- [LAUGHS] Relax, Tygra.
Our home world
may have exploded,
and sure, we crash-landed in
dangerous unknown territory,
but we just defeated the
biggest bad guy on the planet,
and now stand victorious on the
front lawn of our amazing new home.
ALL: Yeah.
Whatever this place has in
store for us, we'll be ready.
ThunderCats, ho!
ALL: Ho!
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