Tierra de lobos (2010) s01e02 Episode Script

Un pozo para morir

Put your hands up!
This is a robbery.
We have to cross the border!
All this for a bunch of rocks!
It was a trap and I didn't see it.
Where are we going?
Why would father abandon this?
Because he was a wretched coward.
Get off my land.
- This land is ours.
We're sons of Fernando Bravo.
Owner of this land.
I'm Cesar.
And you?
- Almudena!
I'll make you a deal.
I'll buy your land.
No deals.
Rosa's very sick and may die.
She's moving upstairs alone,
and no one can enter her room.
Why are you acting like this?
I'm just remembering my place,
like you ordered.
No, please!
I'm innocent!
I swear, I'm just looking for water!
You're sitting on top of
a spring of liquid gold.
You can't harm them.
They're the sons of
- You're going to tell me
what I can and cannot do?
If we don't help him, he's going to die.
You look very calm, Mr. Mayor.
Very calm.
If my brother dies,
this will be your last drunken binge.
What do you want?
To negotiate.
We'll leave our land.
What's wrong?
you better go in the house.
Not until you tell me
what's going on.
Listen to him, and don't worry.
Your father's glad to see me.
I'm here to sell my land.
You're leaving?
Get in the house.
And the deed to the property?
And the money?
I have to admit,
you have courage.
Sign it and leave.
I never want to see you again.
Cesar, Cesar!
I found father inside the pit!
- What are you saying?
Fernando Bravo is in Africa.
It can't be him.
He was shot in the forehead,
and buried like a dog.
Are you sure?
- Aren't you listening?
He wore a medal with his name on it.
- I think your brother has lost his mind.
I think you killed my father,
just like you wanted to do to us.
Are you okay?
Lets go, brother.
Let's have a look at those bones.
I'm curious.
Father should've shot
them, right there.
They're lucky.
I don't know if they're crazy or just brave.
That's who you make eyes at?
I assume you won't even
look at him after this.
are you listening to me?
Shut up already.
You're worse than father.
Where was he Roman?
Cesar, he was there, fuck!
In uniform, wearing his medal!
We're waste our time.
Someone took him!
- Alright!
Leave it, Roman.
You've insulted me in my house.
In front of my daughters, and my men.
Accusing me of having
killed Fernando Bravo.
I won't shoot you right now
out of respect for your father.
A Spanish hero.
A patriot.
And my friend.
Those bastards called
him a murderer.
Accusing Mr. Lobo.
That's the worst!
And there was no dead body.
Everything was a lie.
I hope they go, for everyone's sake.
- But they don't bite.
You should know that well.
Do you have something to say?
- No need, the whole town says it.
The tomatoes look hearty.
- And what exactly do they say? If I may ask?
That you help them a lot.
Well, that you're their friend.
All I did was prevent a man from bleeding
to death, right under your noses.
You save his life, and he show his
gratitude by attacking Mr. Lobo.
You did more harm than good.
(Wolf howling)
(Gun cocks)
What are you looking for?
You tell me.
Accusing Mr. Lobo at his own home.
Makes me sick just thinking about it.
I found my father murdered,
with a bullet to his head.
Well, it's strange that you haven't
come to the station to report it.
Could it be you're afraid
of the Civil Guard?
Has anyone noticed that Mr. Lobo
has many friends in this town.
Yes and also enemies.
They're all in the cemetery.
Get up!
You, over there.
You men, wait outside.
This is a quiet place.
We don't like trouble
nor outsiders whom we know
nothing about or where their from.
Relax, Chief.
We're leaving this land.
Even better.
The cemetery is small.
What are you doing?
I've spent my whole
life hating father.
I've cursed him
each and every day
for abandoning his family.
Remember when mother
said that father stayed in Africa,
and that he
would never return?
I prayed he would
die and rot in hell.
And he was here.
Under our feet.
He never abandoned us.
I'm not leaving here until I find
that bastard who killed father.
You can do whatever you want.
He got her pregnant
and now he's avoiding her.
My wife doesn't leave
the housefor shame.
She looks at me
and I don't know what to do.
Calm down, Jose,
don't worry.
Tell your daughter to
prepare her wedding dress.
I'll see to it that her
boyfriend complies.
Thank you very much,
sir, thank you.
I'll never be able to repay you.
It's nothing, man.
And say hello to
your wife for me.
Thank you, thank you.
Good evening, Mr. Lobo.
I'm outraged.
I get disgusted when I think about it.
Those vagabonds,
accusing you of being a murderer?
All of us.
We're all outraged.
But hey
I'm sure they're long gone.
I had a little talk with them
and believe me, I was very clear.
Well, I seen them fencing
their property, tonight.
I get the impression they're staying.
- Sons of bitches!
Why don't we leave them alone?
After all, it's their land.
They're not a danger to anyone.
They were very small when
You didn't have to shoot him.
I agree completely, doctor.
At this hour of the night,
I don't even know what I'm saying.
I better go for a walk.
What do you take us for?
Why wouldn't we leave them alone?
Come winter, they'll leave on their own
or risk starving to death.
Winter spares no one, here.
If you'll excuse me,
I have business to attend to.
That was boring.
Now you're all mine.
Where do you think you're going?
- For a ride.
Not on Chicharo.
I'll return in two hours.
- You can't take the stallion.
You heard your father.
I can't even ride it.
Your father
is going to kill you.
She took the stallion?
You didn't see anything.
Got it?
The boss.
He wants you.
Thank goodness!
I thought it was us.
(Bell chimes)
It seems like you can smell her.
Be right back.
Cesar, that's not the well
you're looking for.
Are you following me?
I saw you come in.
What do you want from me?
What I want?
I want to explain
about the other day.
There's no need.
It's very clear.
Besides, weren't
you leaving town?
I'm staying.
At least, until I find out
who killed my father.
Are you still on that?
Everyone knows your
brother made that up.
That, or he's crazy.
You're insulting my brother.
- Like you've, insulted my father.
I wish you weren't a Lobo.
That's something I can't change.
Nor do I want to.
You won't even
respect holy places?
We have to go.
Here you go.
Good morning.
We want bread,
beans and sausage.
None left.
And what's all this?
Everything's sold.
- Right.
That is, you don't have food.
give us a shovel
It's all reserved.
Do you know of another
grocer near by?
Yes, in Cabeza de Arriba,
a three day ride.
Our money's good as any.
Look, we don't want any problems.
All we want is food
and tools.
It's closing time.
Thank you.
He was starting to piss me off.
I should go back and rob him.
Hey, hey!
Who are you?
She saved your life, Roman.
A minor occurrence.
That gets you in trouble, here.
You'd have done the same.
Don't bet on it.
Thank you, Miss, we're in your debt. If you
need anything, you know where to find us.
I know you helped us,
but we still don't know your name.
Elena, I'm Elena.
Give me 4 reales and go away, please.
Elena, thanks.
Thank you very much.
Come on, Roman.
There's decent people left in this town.
- Yes, and pretty.
Come on, let's have some wine.
We have to go home
and work, don't we?
Cesar, man, relax.
We've always lived
at our own pace.
Don't be late.
Give me a jug of wine, kid.
Aren't you a little young
to be hard of hearing?
You better go.
And why is that?
I hate having to clean
blood off the saloon floor.
Then you better get me that jug.
Perhaps you guys can help me.
Relax, man, I'm not asking for money.
I just want a little information.
Did any of you know my father,
Fernando Bravo?
You came here to drink,
not to ask questions.
The boy has the right
to know the truth.
Yes sir, every right.
What truth are you referring to?
Doctor, you better
go sleep it off.
Things are never what they seem.
Or do we only see
what we want to see?
Just one question.
Did Lobo have something to do
with my father's death?
It's impossible that Lobo
It's absurd
Go to bed.
Take the doctor home.
Relax, I can do it myself.
You shouldn't walk
around with that wound.
Come see me, so I can treat it.
Are you hurt?
- No, I'm fine, thanks.
You're crazy, crazy!
Can't you see that horse
could've killed you?
Look at me!
You're nothing but a fickle girl!
Go to hell!
Let go!
Don't you dare touch me. Pig!
Where are you going?
Don't you dare leave me alone.
I can't believe it!
I've always helped you, right?
Of course, and you
know we appreciate it.
So, why are you helping
those who wish to harm me?
But, we
- Have I failed you?
Why do you betray me?
Those men were here
and I didn't sell them a thing.
They left my store with nothing.
I swear.
No one gives them anything,
but they have groceries.
No one helps them, but
they treat their wounds.
Doesn't that seem strange?
I can't speak for others.
But I assure you, I'm loyal.
I owe you this business.
Well that's why it hurts, Damian,
That's why it hurts.
Ingratitude is like a having
a knife in your back.
I swear, that no one
is more faithful than I am.
Everything has been said, then.
Take good care of him.
They're so helpless.
Goodbye, Damian.
Goodbye, sir.
(Door closes)
He's menacing
- Listen carefully!
We owe everything to Mr. Lobo.
We'd be nothing, without him.
So, gladly abide by his will.
If not, take your son
go to the church door,
and live on handouts.
Am I understood?
Where's Nieves?
I snuck out.
I miss you.
And we get bored without you.
- Liars.
You have a good time
while I get old in here.
Nearly 14, and look at me.
Quick, hide!
In the bathtub again?
Come out immediately.
Not even prostitutes
bathe that much.
Oh, Tata!
As pleasant as it is
to take a warm bath.
And that sensation you get
- Stop talking nonsense.
And get out immediately.
I won't repeat it again.
(Rosa laughs)
Mother of God!
My child!
Let's go!
Good afternoon, Miss.
Can I help you with anything?
You could give me your horse.
Nothing else?
It's good for starters.
Aren't you Almudena's sister?
- Yes
Nieves Lobo.
And you're CesarBravo, right?
Anibal! Stop!
I said, enough!
Grab your horse and go.
Doctor! Are you okay?
You took a long time.
I was getting worried.
Well, someone took my horse.
If you've come to hassle me
about the fight, then go.
I love it when you
get crazy over me.
Is that why you smiled
at that bastard?
Stop, stop, stop.
I don't want you to stop.
I missed you.
Have a drink with me.
Such a serious face.
Aren't you glad to see me?
I assure you that I'm
very happy to see you.
You're not worried about
those outsiders, are you?
What do you know about them?
What everyone else does.
That nobody wants
them around here.
And that they won't
last a winter.
I want you to listen to
what's said about those two.
And now
why don't we go to the room.
And show me how
happy you've become?
Lets go.
"Bonsoir, Mademoiselle".
- What can you offer me?
Well we have everything.
Although, I recommend
the house special.
And if you're having
strong emotions
Do you have any tea?
We only serve men here.
Oh, right then, a anisette.
Would the Bravo brothers
happen to be around here?
Sorry, but we don't give
information about our visitors.
This is a reputable house.
Don't worry, we're friends.
I didn't know those
two had "friends".
Well, yes.
We have a thriving business at hand.
We're getting water from their well,
to bottle it, and sell it as medicine.
(They laugh)
Bottled water!
That's so silly, right?
You won't laugh like that
when we're rich.
(Quiet praying)
Good Heavens.
This morning I poured him a couple
of flasks, and now look at him.
The doctor's been doing badly for years.
And what goes around
Poor man.
Ever since the outsiders got here,
we've had misfortune.
And it looks like
they're staying.
A terrible accident.
And a great loss
to the village.
Apparently, he injected a drug,
and died in the act.
His vice overcame him.
Perhaps it was for the best.
Gentlemen, please.
A bit of Christian compassion.
He's still warm.
Where were you?
Do you still work for me?
We were
- I want you to wipe out La Quebrada.
Sir, with all due respect
I've seen plenty of stiffs,
but none with a syringe in his arm.
The only one in this fucking town
willing to open his mouth, goes and dies.
Purely coincidence, hm?
With the doctor dead,
we'll never know the truth.
There's nothing to know,
I bet it was that bastard, Lobo.
He killed father, took the bones
and hung the doctor out to dry.
That makes no sense, the doctor said
that Lobo wouldn't have killed father.
Why would he kill someone
who defended his innocence?
If not him, then who?
"It could've been anyone"
(They pray quietly)
(Wolf howling)
No one enters or leaves.
Only Mr. Lobo and me.
I'll be worse than a jailer.
She just doesn't understand
that she can't listen to her sisters.
That it's dangerous.
I hope she doesn't end up
infecting all of them.
I don't want to see myself
burying all my girls.
Please don't say
anything to father.
Besides, I cleaned
the blood quickly.
So I can't get infected.
She coughs in your face and
you think it can't infect you?
You'll all be the death of me.
I'd love to cut my hair short.
Good morning everyone.
Looks like a wonderful day.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Is it true that there were no
bones or cadaver at La Quebrada?
How is that possible?
Father, you should've
killed them, then and there.
Mind your own business.
These aren't women's affairs.
Sorry, I'm late.
Don't let it happen again.
How many heads of
cattle did you get?
How many?
60, 65.
That's stupid, Anibal.
Something wrong?
Um, no.
No, I'm fine.
While these outsiders remain here,
there'll be no walks, or riding.
- Father.
I don't want to
hear another word.
Eat your breakfast.
Take a good look at the marvel.
Swiss technology!
Capable of pumping
10,000 liters per hour.
And you say the Swiss
will buy the 10,000.
Anything we can get.
Dear friends, we're going to be rich.
Lets toast!
They'll pay for water that
smells like a goat's ass?
Goat's ass?
It's because of the sulfur.
Sulfurous water,
a treasure of modern medicine.
Do you think this butthead
knows what he's talking about?
I dare you to repeat that.
- Ignoramus!
Ladies, enough already.
Lets have a toast.
You know how to use that pump, right?
- Of course.
Come on
I mean
I have the instructions.
Come on, lets toast
to triumph
and wealth.
Are you alright?
Go rest a bit, so the
wound doesn't open up.
Have you had an accident?
Yeah, that's what it's
called around here.
He was shot.
By whom?
If I knew that,
I'd return the gift.
Clean the wound
with the spring water.
Are you crazy?
No woman would
approach me then.
Help your body heal quickly.
There's much work to do here.
I have something for you.
The doctor gave it
to Miss Rosario.
By the way, a magnificent human
specimen, that Miss Rosario.
It was for both of you.
It's a letter from father.
Stop being stupid!
Are you trying to suffocate?
If it goes up, you'll die.
What kind of joke is that?
Come here.
How nice.
To be a child again!
What do you want?
I'm here to pick up
Lobo's order.
Oh, it's right there.
And a bottle of brandy.
And tobacco.
That'll be
6 reales.
6 reales.
You want to charge me?
No one gives us anything for free.
So do me a favor and pay me.
Do you know who I am?
- It's 6 reales!
What a character.
I like it.
Why don't we go back there
so I can show you
If you finish that phrase,
there'll be nothing to show me.
She hasn't been here long.
Of course, you don't have to pay.
No problem.
And give my regards to Mr. Lobo.
You should explain to your daughter
how things work around here.
Or she's going to
get in trouble.
I'm sorry, it won't
happen again.
You can't pay for his tobacco
and his brandy. It's not fair.
Could you shut up for once?
You're going to ruin us.
Go to the kitchen.
"To whom it may concern"
"I, Fernando Bravo,
can't go on living".
"I've decided to end my life by gunshot.
It will be no great loss".
"May God forgive me
and receive my soul".
I don't think so.
Why would he commit suicide?
And the letter
Why didn't they give it to the judge?
Or to mother?
I don't know, but I
recognize his handwriting.
So who hid his bones?
Who took them?
I see you're feeling better.
You don't believe me either.
You don't think I've
seen him, right?
Fuck you!
(Plays piano)
You're beautiful.
I can't stop thinking about you.
I think I'm going crazy.
I've been thinking of you too.
A little.
I was scared to death.
I thought you might think that
I was taking advantage of you?
You think too much.
I love you.
I've always loved you.
Marry me.
Let me be at your side forever.
What makes you think I
could marry someone like you?
Don't spoil it.
Help me with the laundry?
- Awe no.
But who's the man of the house?
Well, well, well.
Look who we have here.
What do you want?
- Nothing.
Just a bit of what
you're giving the outsiders.
Leave my mother!
She just needs to be
good and kind to me.
Go away or I'll scream.
- Scream.
Not even your father
would come to help you.
You're a traitor.
And traitors should
get what they deserve.
Leave her alone!
Go, son!
What, you like beating women?
C'mon, I dare you!
No, no, Roman!
Leave him!
Leave him!
If you touch her
again I'll kill you!
Are you okay?
Roman, your wound.
You're bleeding.
It's okay.
Since you told me to let her rest
- It's one in the afternoon.
Are you stupid?
Oh my!
It's not her!
II'm going.
Alert the men.
"I'm leaving forever,
but, please, don't be sad"
"It's best for everyone"
"I couldn't bear it if one of my
sisters got sick because of me"
"I want you to be happy.
That way, I can smile from heaven"
"Father, be good to my sisters"
"And all of you, take care of him"
"You know he won't ask you to"
"Your Loving daughter and sister,
the friend of the outsiders.
How dare you.
Careful, we'll upset the pimp.
He puts his daughter
in the Bravos bed.
Notice how fond he is of them.
Leave him alone!
You cowards! Do something!
Are you going to let him be treated this way?
This is how we deal
with traitors here.
And you
Get ready.
Mr. Lobo needs help.
Come on, lets go!
Come on!
- Miguel!
Lets go!
One, two.
Quick, Cesar.
Help me, Cesar, please.
Stop, stop, stop!
It has to be straight, otherwise
the entire structure may collapse.
This is heavy, Frenchy.
- Don't move! I have to calculate.
It has to be accurate,
or else it could be very dangerous.
Very good, perfect.
You mind telling me
where you've been?
If father took his life,
what are we doing here?
We've always been
free, obeying no one.
Now we're taking
orders from this nerd?
I'm not sure what a nerd is,
but I won't go on like this.
Stretch is looking for men.
We can join his crew
We already talked about this.
We're staying here.
We're moving forward
with this well.
Our job is to crack
safes and run!
Why do we have to do this?
- Because we're wanted!
Because it's our fault
that many people died.
And because I said so.
Is that clear?
Go on, rest.
Wait, one moment, one moment.
What's this about safe cracking?
People killed?
If we're to go on
If you want to go on
with us, Frenchy
it's best, you don't stick your
nose where it doesn't belong.
Is that clear?
- "D'accord, d'accord, d'accord"
Come on, then.
Come on, lets go in.
Roman's in no condition.
I meant you, Frenchy.
Come on.
Give it here, half-ass.
Go plant some onions.
The day I get angry,
I can be very dangerous!
What are you doing?
Didn't I tell you to rest?
Frenchy can't do it, man.
(Noise above)
Go up, Roman.
What's wrong?
- I don't know, but go up!
Anibal, are you aware
of what happened?
Where were you?
Rosa ran off.
We can't find her.
What are we waiting for?
Lets go.
And the master?
- Waiting for you.
Assemble everyone.
We must find her.
And don't come back
without my daughter.
Is everything in order?
Yes sir, the job is done.
- Good.
Come on, Pedro.
(Hawk screeching)
(Wolf baying)
(Rosita Coughs)
(Wings flapping)
You alright?
I'm fine.
Let's get out of here.
Oh, oh! My leg, Cesar!
It's trapped.
Jean Marie!
Jean Marie!
Jean Marie!
Cesar, the water.
We all have to help.
Lobo's men are searching the woods.
So we'll check the vicinity.
- What happened?
Lobo's daughter, Rosa, has disappeared.
If she's not back by nightfall
I'll take the mule and
check the terraces.
A pint of wine, please.
You look very busy.
The men are looking for Miss Rosa.
She's disappeared.
That matters, right?
Too bad no one does that for our own.
- We have to help Mr Lobo.
Of course. Yet, no one helped my
father, when he was humiliated.
What did you want us to do?
Nothing, because you
have no dignity.
We're poor and
dignity can't be eaten.
Besides, your father has
been here all his life
And no one has ever disrespected
him until you got here
with your modern ideas.
You're cowards.
You can't live outside the herd.
Think of your father, and your son.
I'm ready for you
to take me with you.
The sooner the better.
I pray that nothing
happens to my sisters,
and that no one suffers
more because of me.
- Please!
Calm down, Roman.
It's gonna be alright.
You never could lie,
Jean Marie!
Where's fucking Frenchy.
(Wolf baying)
Wake up!
Are you okay?
Wake up.
- Hey!
Is someone there?
- Help!
Help us get out of here.
I can't.
Find a rope.
Tie it to the white horse,
and throw us the other end.
It's just that
You can do it.
Our lives depends on you.
Rosa, Rosa, Rosa
Easy, okay?
Thanks, beautiful!
Hold on, Roman.
That's it.
Be strong.
(Flash back)
"The swing!"
"Isabel made it"
- "I love it"
"Thank you so much!"
- "Get ready to fly."
- Hold on.
Hold on.
You alright?
Are you okay?
Go Baraka!
Come on, Roman.
Hold on.
- Hold on tight!
Go Baraka!
Pull, Baraka!
Come on!
(Bell chiming)
I'm back.
How are you, father?
I brought you a little wine.
Don't cry, mama.
- I'm not, son.
Come, let's have dinner.
Look, mama.
I'll grow very fast.
And when I get older,
No one will hurt youor Grandpa.
Because I'll kill them.
- Don't talk foolish, honey.
Besides, the blame is all mine.
But mom
- No son.
The poor can only obey.
But the Bravos
don't obey anyone.
Come here.
Why are you here,
and not looking for my daughter?
Sir, there's no place
we haven't looked.
You have to go out again.
The only thing we'll do is break our necks.
My daughter won't live until sunrise,
if she stays out there.
And neither will anyone
who doesn't look for her.
You men, take the canyon.
Women, wait here.
- No, we'll go out too.
Your daughter.
She saved our lives.
Cesar, let's go.
Dinner's getting cold.
By the way
We're staying.
For a long time.
Did you see the foreman's face?
I thought he was
having a heart attack.
And scarface didn't
even thank me.
(They laugh)
It's true.
Well, I'm gone.
See you later, Cesar.
Thank you.
Thanks for bringing my sister home.
If something would've happened
But nothing happened.
We're the one's indebted to her.
She saved our lives.
It's incredible
as small and weak as she is.
Your sister's much
stronger than she looks.
I have to go.
(Wolf howling)
Where are you going?
- Anywhere that you're not.
Very well then, go and hide.
I don't hide, you hear?
- You have no shame.
You should've brought my sister,
not those strangers.
I did everything I could.
Which clearly wasn't enough.
Looks to me like Bravo's
more of a man than you are.
Yes, I think I'll be
visiting La Quebrada.
You're a slut.
What is this?
Father, no!
- What are you doing?
Father, no!
What are you doing,
fucking bastard?
Father, no!
Fucking bastard!
What are you doing?
Father, please!
Get out of my sight, go.
Get out!
(Clock ticking)
Rosa sleeps like an angel.
May I ask where you're going?
To La Quebrada.
To fix a problem that should've
been resolved a long time ago.
What are you going to do?
To finish them.
No one has ever insulted me more.
They're the sons of
Fernando Bravo, Antonio.
They returned Rosa.
We should be grateful.
If you kill or harm them, you won't sleep
peacefully for the rest of your days.
I'll worry about sleeping
when the time comes.
Antonio, please.
They can't stay here, Lidia.
You know that better than anyone.
And Anibal?
Move out!
They're looking for us.
- We're not safe here.
I don't want you to look at her,
or think about her for a single second.
If the water doesn't return,
pray that it rains.
I'm not like you.
No, you're a prick-tease.
Remember Felix, Don Jose's son?
- He's the new town doctor.
Get out now or I'll devour you.
What do you take me for?
For a dangerous bastard.
Things will change.
I expect to find husbands for
all of you within a year.
How much are we talking about?
- More than what this land is worth.
I'm break your neck, you bastard!
Sun and Shade.
- We don't serve Bravos.
That girl deserves a lesson.
We don't like drawing attention, here.
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