Time Bandits (2024) s01e02 Episode Script


- [thunderous bang]
- [bandits screaming, groaning]
[all murmuring]
Oh. All right, "Calvin."
You're home. Goodbye.
Don't go. Don't leave me.
Yes. No, you'll want a speech about
how we will always be traveling with you,
and by "with you,"
we mean "in your heart."
We'll never forget you, "Carmen."
We will always be traveling with you.
And by "with you,"
we mean "in your heart."
No, I don't want you to leave
because this isn't my house.
- Yeah, it is.
- It isn't.
- [Penelope] Widgit.
- It is.
- It is.
- It is not.
Yeah, it is. Look,
there's your family over there.
They're not my family.
But they look exactly like you.
They're Neanderthals.
- Pretty rude thing to say about your mom.
- She's not my mom.
She is a prehistoric Neanderthal woman.
- I'm a Homo sapien.
- [shouting continues]
You're probably about
50,000 years too early.
- [shouting]
- Um, I think your mom is calling you.
She's not my mom.
Go to her. Return to your pack.
She's not my mom, this isn't my house,
and we're in the Ice Age.
If that's not your mom,
then what's she doing with your dad?
[both groaning]
[sighs] He's not my dad.
[groaning continues]
Okay. Well, this sounds
like a family matter,
and we should give them space.
[Judy sighs] Gonna be hard
for him to rejoin the nest.
No, please.
[Alto] They'll reject him
if he smells different.
[Penelope] We're on a mission.
[Judy] The transition since
he's been away from them.
[Penelope] Don't make eye contact.
Adieu, young adventurer.
- I'm not
- [Alto] So long.
[Widgit] See you later, "Kirk."
I'm only wearing pajamas, a towel,
and a hat.
Oh, slipped my mind.
- [sighs] Thank you.
- Only got a limited number of these.
Almost forgot the translation cap.
[Bittelig] Come, it's very cold out.
[Penelope] Look, he's not our concern.
What do I care about his parents?
[stammers] I don't understand.
Yeah. That's how I feel actually.
- [Bittelig] Look at his little face.
- [Penelope] Goodness' sake.
- Fine. Come on then.
- [shivers]
This one is going to bite us in the ass.
Oh, thank you, guys.
Right. I just want to say,
this is the right place.
It will be Kevin's home eventually.
I just got the timings wrong a little bit.
So Kevin and I were both right really.
- [Bittelig] Hmm.
- Okay, Widgit. Let's get him home.
Next stop: Same place, different time.
- [Widgit] Right you are.
- Do you wanna lead, Judy?
I thought we all lead equally.
- Yes. That's right.
- Cool.
[breathes heavily]
Me, the leader. [scoffs]
[Penelope] Okay. After we get rid of him,
we're going to steal some jewels.
And not just any jewels, crown jewels.
[Alto] What are crown jewels?
I don't know. I heard someone say it.
[Kevin] Well, the crown jewels are jewels.
- [Penelope] Okay, "Carlton."
- [Widgit] Okay, "Calvin." Enough, enough.
[wood creaking]
[bandits screaming, grunting]
[all grunting, groaning]
Jesus crisp.
This is where you live, is it?
It's not, but I love it.
Oh, yeah. I see where we are.
Oh, and where is that exactly?
[Widgit] I don't know, but I can see it.
I imagine it's very difficult
to master a map with four dimensions.
And I imagine it's very difficult
to keep quiet.
Oh, spot on. It is.
I I talk a lot when I'm excited,
when I'm happy, when I'm sad.
Basically all the time. It doesn't stop.
The old motor mouth keeps on going.
- [Penelope] Hmm.
- I I hope I'm not bothering anyone.
Am I bothering anyone? Alto?
- Sometimes.
- Okay. Judy?
- Uh, no.
- That's good. [chuckles] Bittelig?
A little bit.
A little A little bit, okay. Widgit?
- A hundred percent.
- A hundred percent?
- [sighs] Penelope?
- Yes.
Well, I think it's time for
the old Kevster to put a sock in it
and let the grown-ups talk.
But if you'd like to be useful,
maybe you could try
to figure out where we are.
If it will be useful.
Well, it would be.
Penelope, you just sent
little "Cabin" into the woods.
[Widgit] Yeah, yeah.
He acts like he knows everything,
but he doesn't.
He's really just like a little child.
- Yeah.
- He is a little child.
Okay But that wears off.
His bedroom was
like nothing I've ever seen before.
Because of the wallpaper?
No, 'cause of power.
At one point, the map pulsed like
it was in the presence of real knowledge.
Okay, but that's not because of him.
He knows nothing.
Guys, I know where we are.
Come on, come on!
- Well, let's go.
- Mm-hmm. I, um
[Kevin] Check it out, guys.
It looks like we're in what became Mexico,
in the Classical Maya period.
Uh-huh, and what is there to steal here?
Do you always have to steal?
Isn't it enough to experience
these incredible civilizations?
Stealing is our calling.
Stealing throughout history.
Proving ourselves to those
who doubt us or underappreciated us.
Your parents?
Or the Supreme Being.
Or the Ultimate Goodness,
as he called himself.
Yeah, he created us and everything else.
Well, if he's all goodness,
and you stole from him
and you're on the run from him,
doesn't that mean you're the bad guys?
[Widgit chuckles]
Yeah, so you better watch out.
Okay, everybody.
We have to be stealthy but fast,
so employ the scurry.
- Yes.
- And scurry.
[bandits] Scurry.
- Wait.
- [Alto] Wait.
- Stop and huddle.
- [Alto] Wait. Huddle.
- [Bittelig panting]
- Here's the thing:
I read that the Maya
will select certain people
and give them the time of their lives.
- Yes! This is so good.
- Goody.
No, that's not the thing.
They would burn them, peel their skin off,
then they'd cut the head off.
Then they'd open the guts,
then they'd put the head in
where the guts were.
Then they'd take the guts
and shove it on a tree,
take the fingers off and put them
in the mouth of the head.
And then they'd, like, cut the ears off,
and then sacrifice them to the gods.
- What? No. Is that true?
- [scoffs] Oh, no.
Anything else you wanna
tell us about them, Mr. Downer?
They liked cocoa.
I like cocoa.
Oh, we will be getting cocoa and more.
- Oh, yes.
- [Penelope] Stay alert.
We don't wanna get caught by the guards.
- And scurry.
- [bandits] Scurry.
Instantly caught.
[bandits murmuring, groaning]
- Run?
- Who, us?
Well, I meant us, but you could too.
- We all could. We all could.
- Who are you?
[stammers] Okay, well
Are you from a neighboring town?
- [bandits] Yes.
- [Kevin] No.
[bandits] No. No. No.
Are you then, uh, strangers?
By "stranger," you mean
"someone you don't know"?
Of course that's what I mean.
Well, what I always say is,
"A stranger is really just a friend
you've never met yet."
That's what I always say.
- Oh. [chuckles]
- [bandits chuckling]
- You really always say that?
- I do that. I do do that, yeah.
Ooh, I'm so delighted
that you guys are strangers,
as we Maya,
we're very welcoming to strangers.
- Really?
- Oh, yeah. Big time.
My future friends,
you have to come and meet the queen.
[bandits] Ooh.
Yeah. She loves strangers.
[under his breath] To sacrifice.
Don't listen to him.
[chuckles] He's an idiot.
- Sorry.
- [chuckles] Kids.
Follow me.
- Move.
- [Bittelig sighs]
Everybody, stop what you're doing.
Look, I found strangers in the woods.
- [villagers chattering]
- Look, there's a big one and a small one.
[Penelope] Thank you.
Welcome, strangers. So lovely to see you.
Oh, thank you.
- Yes. Hello.
- Come, please. Have some avocado.
- Thank you.
- Thank Thank you. Thank you.
- [Penelope] Thank you.
- Hi, I'm Judy.
That is very kind of you.
There are some tomatoes going around.
- [grunts] Thanks.
- [Bittelig] Hey, Widgit? Hey, hey.
See? Very hospitable. Yeah.
Finally, I'm we're being treated
like I we should be.
- Yeah.
- Right?
All right. Guys, it's time
for you to meet the queen.
- Follow me, follow me.
- Okay.
[Mayan guard] Come to the palace.
Look how great and big it is.
Welcome, my strangers.
Please bow to our queen, Lady Sak K'uk'.
[bandits grunting, sighing]
- [Penelope] Oh.
- [Alto] Hello.
Welcome, welcome, strangers.
Lovely to meet you.
- Hello, Your Highness.
- Hi.
- [Lady Sak K'uk'] How are you doing?
- Lovely.
You hungry, big guy?
Oh, yes, I'm I'm always hungry.
Then let's have some food.
No, no, no, no. I do the clapping.
But let's feast.
[bandits murmuring]
Huddle, huddle. Okay, here's the plan:
Over dinner, everyone split up
and get intelligence on what to steal.
- Mm-hmm.
- And look for the guard's weak points.
- Weak points. Okay.
- Yeah.
- Kevin, just don't mess this up for us.
- How would I do that?
I feel like that's
just sort of your thing.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
- It is your thing.
- So don't. Got it? Let's go.
I don't know what this delicacy is,
but it's absolutely stunning.
- There you are.
- Having a good time?
- Huh? The best time, huh?
- Yes. [clears throat]
- Yeah, a lovely time.
- Have more food.
- More food? That's my favorite food.
- Nosh.
I'm trying to be more assertive,
and I would love to know
how you run this city.
Mmm. It was quite easy, honestly.
It's very boring.
I don't think it's boring.
And selfishly, there's, um,
a possible opening at my place of work
for a leadership position,
and, you know,
you're a successful female leader.
I w I would love any tips at all
of how to crack the glass ceiling.
The what ceiling?
Glass. It's like see-through sand.
You know, like
I'd be happy to teach you
everything I know.
But tonight, we feast.
Could you tell me what it's like
to be one of the most advanced
civilizations in terms of communications?
I don't know.
Another question:
Is there a ceremonial reason that we're
sitting at a separate, smaller table?
It's the kids' table. We're kids.
I will give you one bit of advice though:
Keep making decisions.
Waiting for things to happen
is the death of leadership.
Find your purpose.
Take that leap.
"Take that leap."
[both chuckling]
One question: What would you say
is the most valuable thing in this city?
Oh, the people's sense of togetherness,
- huh?
- Mmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
- What about an object?
Ooh. [sighs] The magnificent pyramid.
- Uh-huh, yeah.
- Mm-hmm. Yeah.
And something smaller maybe?
Fit in a bag or
Oh, man.
Well, there's a lot of precious things
in the city treasury.
Maybe you would like to go see it?
- Bingo.
- [chuckles]
You know, I'm going to be the actual king
in a year, when I'm 12.
Soon I will be sitting
at my rightful place:
The head of the table.
Not bad.
My mom's in charge still.
Is that one The one in red,
is she your mom?
[chuckles] No, she's a bandi
No, my mom's not cool at all.
But you have to respect them.
You know, my mom has made
so many sacrifices for me.
[coughs] I see.
- Oh, yeah. So many.
- [coughs] Excuse me.
I've discovered the guards' weakness:
They're too nice.
- [Alto chuckles]
- [chuckles]
What does it mean?
It means the guards,
they're just too nice.
[Alto chuckles] That's what I said, yeah.
[Alto, Bittelig chuckling]
Guys, guys, guys, we need to leave.
Kevin, see, this is the grown-ups' table.
Go on back on the kids' table.
[sighs] We are being prepared
for a sacrificial ritual.
What? Why?
You're wrong there, "Curly." They're
treating us to the time of our lives,
which is what you said they would do
before they sacrifice us.
Oh, no. Stop eating.
[Bittelig] But why are you still eating?
I can't stop. I know, but I can't.
Okay. [clears throat] I have intel.
[grunts] Kevin says they're preparing us
for sacrifice.
He also said they're gonna
peel our skin off afterw
Stop. [stammers]
- They'll fatten us up
- [Penelope] No.
and then they gonna
put us in the sacrifice.
No, they're going to be
taking us to their treasure.
- [Alto] Oh. No.
- Stop eating it.
[chuckles] It's almost
too good to be true.
Maybe 'cause it is too good to be true.
That's what I s I just said
it's too good to be true.
Yeah, it is too good to be true.
Yes, and that's what I said too.
But I mean in a bad way.
[both] Oh.
All right. Everyone, calm down.
Kevin, can I have a word with you, please?
- We need to escape.
- Yeah, just a quick word.
- [Kevin sighs]
- [Alto] Mmm.
What are you doing?
I'm trying to warn you.
No, you're undermining my authority.
Look at them. They're terrified.
I'll just have a bit more
while they're talking about it.
I'm trying to help you,
or we'll all be sacrificed.
[shushes] Listen,
you just stick with what you do best,
and I'll stick with what I do best.
And what's that?
Being the Not the leader,
but the one in charge.
I meant, what do I do best?
Uh, well, I don't know.
I'm sure you're good at something.
[sighs] My mom and dad say
I always do the wrong thing.
Maybe I'm the best at that.
They say that to you? Out loud like that?
Well, you are wrong about
the Maya preparing
the Maya preparing us for sacrifice.
But, I mean, I'm sure
you're not wrong about everything.
Feels like it sometimes.
Maybe when we take you home,
you have a talk with your parents.
Really? With you too?
With [stutters] Not with me, no.
Oh, I don't know them,
so you can talk to them yourself.
[Judy] Thank you.
Welcome. Come in. Don't be shy.
Here are some of
our most valuable possessions,
passed down through generations,
like this headdress.
What's the resale value on that then?
- Value? It is priceless.
- [bandits] Ooh.
Note that.
Price: Priceless.
Anyhoo, follow me.
Look at all of these beautiful pieces.
They're all made by hand.
[Alto, Widgit] Oh.
- Note that.
- Yeah, yeah.
And this is my favorite piece.
It is a carved jade toad.
- [Widgit] Hmm. [chuckles]
- [Penelope chuckles, speaks indistinctly]
[Penelope chuckles]
Penelope, a word.
- [chuckles]
- No.
Explain this.
Don't steal from me.
Don't steal from them.
I'm not leaving here
without something in my bag.
Put that back, young man.
[chuckles] I'm so sorry.
If you wanna Just kidding.
You listen to me!
You listen to me!
I read that before being sacrificed,
the Maya will treat people to feasts
and give them the VIP treatment,
then dress them up in fine clothes before
taking them to the top of the temple
and killing them in a ritual.
Oh, you're killing me in boredom.
They haven't done any of those things
except for the first two.
- [Mayan guard] Hey, friends.
- [Penelope] Hey.
Next, we thought
we'll dress you in fine clothes.
Then we're gonna take you
to the top of the temple for the ritual.
- You're right.
- Uh-huh?
Thank you. No.
- You?
- No, I'm fine.
- The boy was right.
- Oh.
- They're preparing us for sacrifice.
- [gasps]
- Be cool. Be cool.
- What are we gonna do?
Escape somehow. I'll get Judy.
- How long have you known each other?
- This is my son.
Yeah, it seems like
you guys know each other.
- [Lady Sak K'uk'] Yeah.
- Yeah.
This has been sublime, but we have to go.
- Come on, Judy.
- Wait, what?
I still have more treasure to see.
- Mm-mmm.
- Wink.
No Ooh, don't say it.
[chuckles] You're a sacrifice.
- [imitates tearing, chuckling]
- [chuckling]
Are you guys okay?
We're having a great time.
Oh, fantastic. We're gonna take you
to the top of the pyramid.
- Mm-hmm.
- We have a beautiful ritual
we would love for you to partake in.
- To partake in human sacrifice.
- [chuckles]
- Now do you get it?
- [groans]
Okay. [chuckles] Scurry.
- [Widgit] Scurry.
- [Bittelig] Scurry.
[bandits panting, grunting]
Run for your lives!
Can we run slower?
We're gonna stitch. [pants]
Oh, yeah. Let's run for our lives slowly.
Good idea.
- There's a portal nearby.
- How close?
- I don't know.
- Oh, my God!
[Bittelig] Widgit, they're closing in.
- I can't stop! I can't [exclaiming]
- [gasps] Cliff. Cliff. Cliff.
- [clamoring]
- [exclaims] Cliff.
- Oh.
- Afraid.
Okay Uh, we have to swing across
with the vines.
Judy, let me go first.
It might not be safe.
- Bittelig, that's a snake!
- What? No!
[whimpering, screaming]
- Oh, sorry. My mistake. Just a vine.
- God.
- Have you ever seen a snake?
- I admit, I have not.
All right. Bittelig, through.
[Alto, Bittelig grunt]
[Bittelig shouting]
[inhales deeply]
Oh, no, it's not gonna work.
[Penelope] No. Okay. Cliff huddle.
Now what?
Susan would've jumped off a cliff.
She did. That's why she's dead.
- Oh, right.
- [groans]
Thoughts about Susan?
[Bittelig] I miss Susan.
They're right behind us, right?
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah. That's them, yeah.
- [Bittelig] Well, should we turn around?
- Hi.
- Hi, strangers.
- Hello.
[Bittelig] Hi. Hey.
- There you are.
- [Judy] Hello.
[Mayan guard] You went
the wrong way to the temple.
Well, hi.
You guys almost ran off
before we did the ritual.
Very naughty.
We cannot do this without you.
We need you here.
[Judy] Uh-oh.
[bandits muttering] No, no, no.
No, no, no.
This way. This way, this way.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Oh, dear. All right. Well
[groans] Spare my friends!
Take me instead! I have lived!
They're innocent!
Take your knife, stab me in the guts,
remove my perfectly moisturized skin
and my characterful face.
Put it on top of one of your poles.
Slay me. Flay me.
[gasps] I offer my
No, can't do it, guys.
I'm sorry. I can't do it.
I can't do it. It's too much.
I am freaking out now.
- Can't do it. Sorry.
- Is he okay?
I was offering myself for the ritual,
but I've changed my mind now.
I'm very sorry.
The eating-the-fruit-
and-watching-the-sunset ritual?
- Eating fruit?
- Eating fruit?
[Penelope] Oh.
Yes. We come up here and watch the sunset,
eat some fruit, have a chat.
- Oh.
- [Bittelig chuckles]
Doesn't sound too bad.
Well, that's different.
Your Majesty,
you are not going to believe this,
but we we thought that the Maya
took part in human sacrifice.
Oh, I-I think she means when
we leave out maize for the gods.
Yes. That That is what I mean, except
instead of "maize," I mean "people."
And instead of "leave out,"
I mean "ritually flay them
and wear their skin inside-out."
[stammers] Why would
the gods who protect us want that?
Yes. "Thank you, gods.
We want to wear some
human-flayed skin for you"?
Doesn't make any sense.
Where did you hear that?
- Kevin.
- [Judy] Hmm.
Mmm, "Curly."
Um, Wikipedia.
Uh, is he a historian of renown,
uh, this "Wikipedium"?
Where did this "Wicked Petey"
get his information?
It's actually from accounts of invaders.
Don't listen to what invaders say.
They can make anything up.
I mean, when I invade a people,
I wanna make them
seem worse than they are.
I say, "Hey, they have snakes for legs,
and they eat kittens."
And then people are like, "Ah, yeah.
I see why you invaded them."
Uh, so the people didn't really
eat kittens in the other village?
- [shushes]
- [stammers] But we attacked.
- [stammers]
- [Kevin] Mm-hmm.
Should've known not
to trust a secondary source.
Might I just say, from our perspective,
it is rare to come across a people
who are so peaceful and welcoming
and don't kill other people all the time.
- We do kill people sometimes.
- Mmm, yes, darling.
But those are marauders,
invaders, snake-legs, and thieves.
You kill thieves?
Oh, yeah. Big time. We hate thieves.
- Oh.
- [stammers] You hate, uh, bandits?
Yeah, we we behead bandits.
Oh, oh.
- [imitates slicing]
- [Bittelig] Oh.
You're not bandits, are you?
- Oh. [mumbles]
- No.
You guys didn't steal anything, did you?
- No, no.
- No?
No, no, no.
So, who are you really?
We are We're strangers.
- [bandits] Strangers.
- [Judy] Mm-hmm.
We wanna thank you for your hospitality,
but we need to be on our way.
- Stop.
- Huh?
Check all their little bags and pouches.
Check them.
- [Mayan guard] Guards.
- [stammers] I don't have any of them.
[bandits clamoring]
[Alto] It's just a vase.
[Kevin] Uh, pockets.
- Just a vase here. Look. Yeah, yeah.
- [Kevin] Nothing.
It's just vases.
I saw her put something in her bag.
- Avocado.
- Oh, it's just an avocado.
- Oh, phew. [chuckles]
- [Bittelig chuckles] Oh.
Actually Wow, we really do
We have to go.
So, thank you again.
- [Alto] Mmm. Thank you.
- Let's Team, let's go.
- [Alto] Thank you.
- [Widgit] Yeah, yeah.
- [Alto] Thanks very much.
- We thought it was all-inclusive.
- They were nice.
- They're so lovely.
[Kevin sighs] Secondary source.
What must everyone think of me?
I'm not cut out to be
a time-traveling bandit.
- Well, this is not for everyone.
- Well, it's not just your fault.
Widgit and Penelope also
made their customary mistakes.
Oh, thanks, Judy,
for your customary support.
All right, Widgit.
We've got to get him home.
So, what are we doing back here?
Well, the map says
the portal is somewhere here,
but it's it's not, is it?
- Mmm. There.
- [Alto] Where?
- [Penelope] Oh.
- [Alto groans] That's very far away.
- [Widgit] Oh. Goodness' crisps. [gasps]
- Oh, it's a long way down.
In Troy, Cassandra said
I'd jump with you off a cliff.
Yeah, well, she's not to be believed,
is she?
- Well, I'm not jumping off.
- I'm not jumping.
I'm gonna listen to Lady Sak K'uk'.
I'm taking the leap.
- Kevin?
- [Bittelig] Oh, me too.
[sighs] Widgit.
- Oh. All right.
- Oh, I'm feeling kind of nervous now.
I know I was wrong about the Maya,
but I think I'm right about this.
[breathes shakily]
[bandits grunting, screaming]
[Mum] Ooh, says here
this show is very good.
Says here you cannot
take your eyes off it.
Yeah? Says here
the second episode drops off a bit.
Oh, it says that in the third episode,
they kill someone off.
[gasps] I hope it's that awful woman.
What was she in?
[Dad] I'll look it up now.
[Mum] No, no, no, don't look it up.
- [Dad] Why not?
- [Mum] We'll do a quiz.
[parents speaking indistinctly]
Fianna it is time.
[demons laughing]
Stop laughing. Don't laugh.
It's evil, therefore it's serious.
[demons clamoring] Sorry, master.
[sputtering, growling]
Kevin, you playing video games?
Good, Kevin. Very modern.
[bandits speaking indistinctly]
Well, this is it, your bedroom.
We're here exactly
one moment after we left,
which is strange 'cause that's
actually what I thought would happen.
[bandits screaming, shouting]
[Bittelig] Everyone, keep quiet.
[groans, exhales heavily] That was close.
[Penelope sighs] Okay.
Well, young man, "Cas"
- Kevin.
- Yes, that's right.
This is where we say farewell.
May I say something?
- Yes, yes.
- Just go on then.
Make it quick.
Uh, I would like just to take a moment
and say thank you all for this
amazing once-in-a-lifetime adventure.
For a brief moment in my life,
I felt like I was part of a team.
But you know, this is a team of bandits,
and you're very judgy about bandits.
That's true. You are.
Are you bandits though?
You didn't steal much.
Um, that reminds me.
- Um, this belongs to you, and and this.
- What? That's mine.
- Oh, yeah, um, this.
- [stutters] How?
[Bittelig] I took this.
Uh, yeah, it was broken when I found it.
I took this as well.
It's a bit dirty. Sorry.
- I don't know what this is.
- [Bittelig] Plastic.
I took it from you when I didn't
know you. I do apologize.
Kevin, who are you talking to?
Have you got visitors up there?
Uh [stammers] nobody?
Obviously not. I was joking.
[parents laughing]
- [Mum] Of course he doesn't.
- Stop talking to yourself and go to bed.
- Yeah, go to bed, love.
- [Alto sighs]
[Kevin breathes deeply]
What else was she in?
- Um You know, you know
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, oh
- [Fianna growling]
- [Mum] Yeah. God, what was it?
- That movie.
- I'll look it up, I'll look it up.
Adieu, mon frère.
- I'll miss you.
- Kevin, thank you for the knowledge.
Yes, the little information
that you did give us was,
uh [stammers] sometimes helpful.
[Bittelig] Yes, about the horse.
Yes, all right.
- Well done.
- [exhales sharply]
I'm gonna submit a review of it.
Yeah, you should.
[Dad] Who in the devil are you?
[Fianna growls]
[parents, bandits screaming]
- Oh!
- [Bittelig] What was that?
- Mum! Dad!
- Kevin!
- [Alto stammers, groans]
- No, no. Stop.
[Bittelig] Kevin.
[Penelope] Kevin, don't look.
[Kevin stammers]
[Penelope] Oh, you did.
[Bittelig] Oh, Kevin.
- [Widgit] Mmm.
- They've been coaled.
Turned to coal. Sorry, Kevin.
[stammers] This is Mum and Dad?
It happens. Demon stuff.
Yeah, I do not want to get coaled. No way.
[all screaming]
- Hurry up, Kevin! Hurry up!
- Widgit, the portal!
Yeah. That's it.
- Portal's not opening.
- Ask it to open.
[grunts] Could you please
open upon our request?
- Are my parents dead?
- [Widgit] Nope.
Well, they're not well.
Let's just say that.
[Widgit grunts]
- [screams]
- Take a breath, man!
Clear your mind. Think of nothing.
Now think of something nice,
and try again.
And open the door.
- [Alto, Penelope exclaiming]
- [Widgit] I've done it!
- [Penelope] Let's go.
- Let's go.
- [Alto] Let's go.
- [Widgit] See you later, Kevin.
- Wait
- [Penelope] Okay, go.
[Kevin] Firestorm, please.
Can I save my parents?
If I go back in time, can I save them?
Oh, for goodness' sake.
You're coming with us.
[pop music playing through headphones]
[Fianna growling]
Let's go.
[growls, snorts]
- Jaspers. Jaspers.
- [Jasper 1] Uh, yes, sir.
- [Jasper 2] Yes, Supreme Being?
- I need to get out of this thing.
It's too hot. Come on, help me get it off.
Okay, one, two, three.
[Jasper 1, Supreme Being grunting]
Thank you. [sighs]
I've had a hell of a day.
Those bandits got away again.
- [groans] What?
- Again?
- Platypus?
- Yes, keep the platypus.
I love a platypus.
I need that map back.
Those bandits are traveling
through time and not locking portals.
Beetnana [stammers]
A beet What's a beetnana? No.
- Which means?
- Which means that the doors
are flapping open
willy-nilly all over the place.
- Today's prayers, sir?
- Um, no, I'm sorry.
Not at a time like this, Helen!
An open portal could lead to
all sorts of disastrous things,
like anachronisms and paradoxes
and anomalies anomalies.
That sounds bad.
How about a cup of cherub spice?
I'd love a cherub spice.
Here you go, sir.
This will help calm you down.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Mmm.
- What is th Hey, who are you?
- The cherub.
You're the cherub, and this is your spice?
It sure is.
Would you, uh, like a top-up, yeah?
I would not like a top-up.
Thank you though.
Thank you, thank you,
thank you for this delic
Get rid of him. Okay.
Come in here, guys. Come in here.
Now, this is top secret
Out, out, out! Get out of here!
Okay, this is the thing
I wanted to show you.
It's my super, super, super,
super-duper cool new project.
I can't wait to tell everyone.
Uh-huh. Well, which leads me to
it's also super, super, super
and I cannot stress this enough, you two
super-duper top secret.
No one can know. You hear me?
- Say it.
- [both] No one can know.
In unison.
[both] No one can know.
- You hear me?
- We'll work on it. Okay, show it.
[Jasper 2] No way.
[Jasper 1 gasps]
[smacks lips] Oh, ew.
That I That is definitely urine.
And remember, not a word to anyone.
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