Titletown High (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

We've Got a Problem

[spectators cheering]
It's right there.
Do you feel it? [groans]
I was trying to make a lead block.
I was trying to go to the house. [laughs]
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Hamstring?
- This one of those dramatic movie scenes.
- [medic] Yeah.
Right away my thought is,
"You find a way to make it happen.
Now you know you can't move right now,
but find a way to make it happen."
Be ready for six
to stay as the quarterback.
That's gonna limit them a bit.
[commentator] Trail 19-17.
Hand-off, left side off left tackle.
He's got a big hole. Middle of the field.
I don't know that we're gonna catch him.
Touchdown, Warner Robins.
Cats trail, 25-17.
Oh my God.
[Propst] Hey!
It's a one-possession game now.
This is what shows character
right here now.
You gotta fight your ass off right here
and we win the game.
- Let's go.
- [Sutton] Is Jake okay?
- [man] Can you play through it?
- Yeah, I'm good.
[man 2] Just gotta play on.
Gotta play on.
Aalah Brown's gonna take the ball
to the five-yard line,
run up the middle looking for a block.
He's got the seam on the outside!
He's across midfield!
What a great return by Aalah Brown!
[man 3] We gotta go out there.
- You're on your own!
- Coach. Stay away from me running.
Now, Motown! Motown! Motown!
Snap. Takes the snap.
Fakes it to Robinson.
Looking to throw deep down the sideline,
got Tajh Sanders!
He's gonna walk into the end zone.
And that's a Wildcat touchdown!
Tajh Sanders,
welcome to Valdosta, Georgia, young man!
Put him in there,
run a two-point conversion.
Garcia calls for the snap.
Garcia looking to throw.
He's got a man at the goal line.
He makes the catch!
Tie ball game, it's 25-25.
Go Cats! Let's go, baby!
Turn me up, baby!
Listen! Hey, it is not over!
Finish this game! Finish this game!
So, that's a great side by him.
He looked like
a freaking quarterback right there.
Coach Sutton, I'm on.
No matter what,
you throw a freaking strike.
- You hear me? It's rock and roll, okay?
- Yes, sir.
- This is a good game.
- Huh?
I mean, it's not a good game,
but it's, you know
Yeah, what game you watching?
Oh Lord.
Third and long, 3:19 to go.
Wildcat fans on their feet again,
banging in this stadium.
Hoist the wheel.
And watch the hook and ladder!
Hook and ladder.
Keep everything in front of you!
[coach] We gotta get a stop right here
and get the ball back.
- Got me?
- Ranger! Ranger!
[coach] Hey! We gotta have this!
And he takes the snap.
Here comes pressure off the edge.
He got hammered by number one, John Brown.
Great stand by that Cat defense pattern.
- [Jake] Coach, let's finish this now.
- I'm trying, baby.
- Let's finish this now.
- Let's go.
Hey, listen, we're going with diamond.
We're going with diamond.
Running back on his left heel.
Garcia drops back looking to pass.
Got a man over the middle.
Sherman makes the step.
Gets across midfield.
He's trying to go to the sideline.
He'll run out of bounds
at the Warner Robins 30-yard line.
Right here! Field goal! Field goal!
do is you let the clock go and run down,
call a timeout, try a long field goal.
[player] I need to pray, bro.
Martinez out.
Gonna try a 41-yard field goal.
[whistle blows]
Kick is up. And Martinez puts it through!
[crowd roars]
Field goal! Yes, sir!
That's what I'm talking about!
Turn us up!
And that's gonna do it!
That's gonna be the first win
for the Valdosta Wildcat football team!
I love you, bro. Really good job.
First win for Coach Rush Propst.
They're up here at Valdosta.
- Great job, baby.
- Good job, baby.
[reporter] First game, first win.
Welcome to Valdosta. How does this feel?
Feels wonderful.
I really did like our fight tonight.
You know, iron sharpens iron.
[players clamoring]
Way to battle.
I say we gotta turn around next week.
It's gonna get here quick.
Yeah, it is.
- And with all the mistakes we had
- Oh my God.
And all the mistakes I had.
A lot of them,
but I felt like it'd be this way.
They made a lot of mistakes too.
It's just the fight in everybody's eyes.
I love that.
When you expect to win, you win.
Only team
that can beat the Wildcats is who?
[players] The Wildcats!
- Do you want it?!
- Yes!
- Do you want it?! Good job.
- Yes!
[players clamoring, cheering]
Jake, we own the whole state.
[hip-hop song playing]
[players singing along]
[mellow country song plays]
My kind of living
Ain't made for the city ♪
No, it don't slow down one bit ♪
[radio host] Spirits couldn't be higher
for the Wildcat Nation.
Jake Garcia led a high-flying attack,
beat Warner Robins.
If that's what we can expect
from Jake Garcia
and the Wildcat offense this year,
you might as well
hand us the state trophy.
Yeah, I got a picket fence
Yeah, it's a beautiful life ♪
How do you feel you're gonna do
with virtual school?
Because I don't think I could do it.
I'm worried about that, too,
because there's no one
to tell me, "Do this."
- I just have to make myself do it.
- With an option.
I'm gonna like it
because I get to sleep longer.
- [both chuckle]
- I'm so scared for school.
And I haven't seen these people
in forever,
because we were quarantined,
- and it's just Ooh!
- [buzzing]
Kaili's FaceTiming me.
Okay, whenever you can,
I need you to call me,
because I just heard
the most ridiculous [bleep],
and me and you gotta talk.
[phone line ringing]
- [Kaili] Hello?
- What do you need?
- Oh my God! Okay, what are you doing?
- I'm with Lenley.
- You're with Lenley? Am I on speaker?
- Yeah.
- Hey, Kaili!
- Okay. Hey!
Okay, so I was with Zoey and Lauren
Just listen. Just listen.
one of us mentioned something about, like,
when's the last time you kissed a guy
or some [bleep] like that.
Then, Zoey was like,
"Oh, it hasn't been a while for me."
Then Lauren was like,
"Are you talking about Grayson?"
And Zoey was like, "Shh!"
She, like, hushed her and, like
Wait, so Zoey was, like,
saying that she did?
Yes! And then I talked to Lauren after
and she was like, "Zoey and Grayson
have been hooking up, like, every day."
And I was, like, "Bro, are you deadass?"
And so the first thing I did was call you.
Like, when would they have done stuff?
I dunno. Aren't they together every day?
I mean, they live
right next to each other.
Do you think she would make that up,
just because
Yeah, she doesn't want us together.
So maybe she made that up
just so they would break up.
No, 'cause if she would have made that up,
then Lauren would have to be in on it.
She doesn't respect y'all's relationship,
so if she's been hooking up with him,
she doesn't care who knows.
So, like,
do I text him or do I just, like
How do you deal with that?
If you text him now,
he's gonna have way too much time to
- To find out a lie. Yeah.
- Yeah.
He could, like, text Zoey
and get their story together.
Yeah. They're gonna,
like, get alibis and [bleep].
That is so gross!
[low, pulsing rap song plays]
What up, big dog?
[Grayson chuckles]
- Where we going today?
- Ella's.
Going to a little pool party. Come on.
[Sam] So, I'm assuming
Lenley's gonna be there, right?
I didn't tell her.
- You didn't tell her?
- No.
She lives in Stone Creek too.
Do I need to tell her?
I mean, my Snap Map is on.
Be prepared, is all I'm saying.
I mean, my Snap Map is on.
She's gonna be able to see where I'm at.
I don't get what the big deal is
in telling her that you're going there.
I just don't feel like telling her,
I guess. I don't know.
She's, like Me and her are
completely different people.
She loves to party and have fun.
I just don't really do that, you know?
- Yeah.
- I would like for it to work out,
but I just don't know if it will.
I'm not like most of my friends.
I don't drink, I don't smoke,
I don't do drugs, I don't party.
I don't even drink soda, if I'm honest.
I like to treat my body
like the temple it is.
Oh [bleep], there's a train.
We're in a new world.
Even getting there is
completely different.
These houses are nice.
Golf course kids, man.
They ride around on golf carts all day.
I don't come from a family
with a ton of money.
I ate Hot Pockets for dinner
last night, you know?
I wanna work for everything I get,
because I know that people
that has things handed to them,
they don't appreciate it like they should,
and that's not how I wanna be.
- What are you doing?
- What?
You don't gotta talk to the guards,
they don't come out till 7:30
There's literally a camera
All right, fine.
[Grayson] It's a big neighborhood.
I used to get confused.
Lenley lives up here.
You sure you don't wanna tell Lenley,
one more time?
This is gonna I'm telling you,
this is gonna be a bad idea.
She's gonna find out.
All I'm gonna say is,
I texted her a little while ago,
she left me on "read," so
this is on her, not me.
[Grayson] Just turn right up here.
That's Ella's.
- Holy shit.
- Kinda small though.
"Kinda small," bro. That's, like,
three times the size of my house.
[electro-pop song plays]
Do you see the waters shine? ♪
Dark clouds forming in the sky ♪
I see trouble coming ♪
You better start running ♪
You know there's trouble coming ♪
[partygoer] Lenley! What up, girl?
[girl] You need to say hi to her.
- [laughs]
- This is why you don't get girls.
You don't know how to treat them.
[boy] Seriously.
Why don't you be a bigger person?
He was like,
"Bro, I don't wanna wife her up."
That's what he said.
So, you're talking to him for no reason.
Yeah, he's like,
"I don't want a girlfriend."
That's why you still "talking."
You just need to ask him
and figure it out.
[partygoers chatter indistinctly]
No, we're going to the theater now
to play Pong and stuff.
- No. Me and you, 'cause we never lost.
- Ella? Okay.
- [Sam] You didn't make eye contact?
- Not really.
Oh boy. You're done for.
Where there's smoke, there's fire ♪
[song fades away]
[bleep] you for this.
For what?
[boy] You just got told off.
[Grayson] Should I go follow her?
Where's she going?
Come on, bitches.
[Lenley] He says he didn't do anything.
When did this even happen?
[girl] I have no idea.
How pissed are you
on a scale from one to ten?
[Lenley] A nine!
And this is gonna be on the [bleep] TV!
I didn't lead anyone on.
- You did.
- We were doing fine.
- [girl 2] Then why are you leading her on?
- No!
Y'all don't even know the true story.
Y'all coming at me, like
Y'all are so biased. It just
[Grayson sighs] These females, man.
Lenley said,
"You want me to come tell them
what actually happened?
Because I will, right."
[girl 3] Can you please get her over here?
- You want Lenley back here?
- [girl 3] Y'all want real drama?
- [Grayson] Honestly, I do.
- Okay, yeah.
Lenley thinks I hooked up with Zoey,
and the thing is,
it's not true but it's kinda true.
It depends on
what your definition of hook-up is.
We only kissed.
And I know it takes two people to kiss.
And I'm gonna be honest, I kinda did kiss.
You know I don't like you around her,
'cause y'all already
- Okay, yeah.
- You know what happened!
Why the [bleep] do you think
I wasn't talking to him?
- I was pissed
- That's why you weren't talking to me?
I don't wanna be a bitch,
but she knew about me and you
- I know.
- and didn't give a [bleep].
So now I don't like her,
and I liked her before.
She did that to herself.
This is why we're done,
'cause you can't be honest with me.
I mean, it happens.
He just acts like it's no big deal.
Like it was just a kiss,
it was all her fault.
I know that it was more than that.
I didn't say half the things they said.
- They twisted
- Half the things?
Just any of them
is enough reason for me to drop you.
You could have
been straight-up with me.
I feel like we was normal.
That we were good.
Like, we were fine.
But now I have a problem
because you couldn't be honest.
I don't think
you can be honest about anything.
I'm a very honest person.
How do you prove that to me?
Because you can't at this point.
Admit that you [bleep] up.
I'm not admitting to anything.
You did [bleep] up.
And you know you [bleep] up.
And you can't fix it now.
I wasn't keeping anything from
When I asked you,
you could've just been like,
"I never wanna be more than just talking."
That's not it.
I just don't wanna date right now.
What's the problem with right now?
Like, there's gotta be
somebody else or something else.
Lenley. I genuinely really like you.
But it's just like, you drink, have fun
and I see you [bleep] your [bleep] up.
How do you think
that's gonna make me feel?
I truly, truly care about you.
You just can't deal with that.
Like I can be sober around you,
but I'm not gonna be controlled
about what I do when you're not with me.
I'm not trying to stop you
from doing what you're doing.
That's why I wasn't even gonna bother.
[Lenley] He didn't wanna date
because he wants me
to be sober before we date.
And I feel like I can definitely do it
for us to work together well.
But the only difference between talking
and dating is being official about it.
When you're dating,
you'll be all, "I'm talking to someone."
Or you just say, "I have a boyfriend."
I can't say that.
- I mean, you could if you wanted to.
- But I'm not.
Because I don't.
I care about Lenley.
She's important to me,
and she's important to me enough to
For me to get over
my not-wanting-a-girlfriend thing
and making her my girlfriend
and just seeing where it goes.
I don't wanna lose you.
I don't wanna lose you.
[Lenley scoffs, chuckles]
[Lenley] This is the most dramatic [bleep]
I have ever done.
[partygoers laugh]
Are you ready? You gotta hurry up
and put that down.
You know I'm getting ready to compete.
Ready to compete?
You know how normally
you compete with somebody,
you'll be like, "I don't like them."
It's not even, like
Jake, he's a cool dude.
Okay, that's good.
And I'm sure you can learn a lot from him.
You've never had that senior quarterback
or that veteran quarterback.
- That can lead me.
- You always had to
- Right.
- Get it, like, by myself.
- Get it yourself. Go and compete.
- But at the same time, still learn.
Learn as much as you can
from him, you know?
'Cause at the end of the day,
you guys are a team.
- Teammates. We gotta work together.
- You're a team.
Right. Right.
And don't ever change that mindset.
Let me grab my stuff.
We'll leave in a minute. Hurry up.
- Don't forget to wash that bowl.
- All right.
[students chattering indistinctly]
How you feel about Friday night?
[Jake] I feel like it was rough,
but after all of the
all the ups and downs,
we battled through it for a win.
I think it's good it happened
in the beginning like this.
This way, I
We get to see what we're made of.
[rock music playing]
Oh, man. You got the agenda, I guess?
Are we set up?
For the most part.
You probably need to look at this.
What is it?
Apparently, the Garcias did an interview.
- With ESPN? I know they did.
- Mm-hmm. Yeah.
[clicks tongue] But it's not good.
They're getting legally separated
to meet eligibility requirements.
That's the reason.
And there's this whole video about it.
The GHSA ruled him eligible
on August 20th.
So, what they're saying
- This is it?
- Watch this.
[reporter] For Jake to play in Georgia,
the transfer rules stipulate
that he must move
with his primary guardians,
so the Garcias split up.
When the season's over,
they say they'll legally un-separate.
He didn't start practicing with us
until the GHSA
sent us that he was eligible.
I know it don't look good.
But I'm I'm I'm fine.
I'm comfortable
that we've done everything right.
Could this stir up a can of worms?
Well, I'm telling you, this is not good.
It's not gonna be good for Jake.
Let me tell you, if this goes any further
than that article,
then it's all about me.
And it ain't got nothing to do
with right and wrong,
because what we did was right.
This is an attack,
you know, on me, if it comes to that.
I can't worry about it. I gotta worry
about trying to win a ball game.
See the formation,
make the alerts, we're still live.
It's full pads. We're tackling.
Everybody got me? Break it down. Let's go.
[Propst] Come on, go! Go! Go!
God Almighty!
If you're that slow,
you got no chance Friday.
You know,
the Colquitt County-Valdosta rivalry
is the oldest rivalry
in the state of Georgia.
I think their first ball game
against each other was 1913.
I mean, before the First World War,
Valdosta and Colquitt County
were playing football.
[reporter 1 on phone]
Give me an idea
what this week is like for you.
I can't say this on film,
but I've got a lot to lose on this one.
[reporter 2] You got Rush Propst
returning to his old stomping ground,
where he spent 11 years and two titles.
[reporter 3]was eventually fired
last spring for several allegations.
[coach] Everybody up!
[Propst] There was strife
between me and the administration.
Felt like I was done wrong.
My family was done wrong.
The media got involved,
and I was exonerated. Moved on.
That's the reason I'm here at Valdosta.
[Propst blows whistle]
Wait a minute! Why is he in it?
What, y'all think we gonna use him?
Get out! Get out!
I've always been harder on players.
And And I know
I've rubbed them wrong at times,
and I get that. I'm sorry.
[Propst blows whistle] Take a knee.
What's on the line
is Wildcat pride versus Packer pride.
But you gotta understand,
big ball games like this
I've always played big ball games
You ain't got many opportunities.
The margin of error is very small.
They're gonna come to defend their field.
We gotta take the field.
It is just gonna be a battle of wills.
And guess what? Your parents did it.
If they played here,
your grandparents did it.
Your great-grandparents did it
and your great-great-grandparents did it.
Somebody in your lineage,
all the way back,
has been involved in this game
a long time. Long time.
We're gonna have to come to play.
We're gonna have to play.
No question.
It's gonna be a test of wills.
["Pick You Up" by Lanco plays]
I heard from a friend of a friend
That you've been staying home a lot ♪
- [Grayson] I don't wanna go to school.
- [Zoey] Me neither.
Just thought you should know
You're not alone ♪
I've been driving myself crazy
Thinking 'bout ♪
You guys. We should
go to Waffle House after the game.
[Zoey] I will be there.
[Kendall] 'Cause I want
you and Avery to be with me.
[Zoey] I will come.
♪misses you with me ♪
I still got that '04 V6
And I ain't seeing anyone ♪
[Grayson speaking]
I'll walk this way.
I'll pick up them broken pieces ♪
I can pick you, I can pick you up ♪
- [Randy sighs] What's going on?
- [Propst] Uh, we got a problem.
"The purpose of this correspondence
is to give the results
of the GHSA finding.
Student Jake Garcia is ruled ineligible,
because he was allowed to participate
in the football game on September 4,
without making a bona fide move.
The GHSA has determined
the football game versus Warner Robins
will be compelled to be a forfeit."
What They don't explain
why it's not a bona fide move?
- No, they don't.
- They're idiots.
So, what's changed between September
- Was the interview.
- Yeah, the interview.
Strictly the interview.
Has nothing to do
with bona fide move, though.
- Nothing.
- No.
Interview has nothing to do
about the move.
Talks about your marital situation.
Does Does he practice?
Yeah, I mean,
he can practice as a migrant.
Yeah, he can practice as a migrant.
There's no problem about practicing.
Just don't think this is fair.
You gonna call Jake in here then?
I'll wait for you to talk to him.
- [Propst] Jake. Good morning.
- Hello.
Hey, man.
I already told your daddy,
but I wanna tell you
You don't wanna hear it
from some kind of
Have you got a text message
about your eligibility?
- No, sir.
- Okay.
All right. We got the official letter,
and you're not eligible.
We're gonna go through
an appeal process, obviously.
Game one, I was eligible.
[Propst] Yeah, they ruled it.
They ruled you
On August 19, they ruled you eligible,
because you did make a bona fide move.
But they're the judge and the jury.
And we'll lawyer up and appeal.
And I think, once we get in front of
the board and and we present our case,
maybe maybe they'll listen
to reason here,
because reason is, I mean
[sad music playing]
But they're just
They're just flat wrong here.
They're just flat wrong.
There's no other way to spell it out.
They're just flat wrong.
But I just never would have thought
that they would make this decision
based on an interview.
Because there's jealousy.
There's people that are shooting at us.
Until this appeal goes through,
let's rehab your leg.
Let's get you well,
let's let you practice,
let you learn, continue to learn,
you know, and then we go from there.
[Nichols] Okay, guys. By now,
you probably heard the shocking news.
They've now ruled Jake Garcia ineligible,
including a forfeit on the first game.
Gosh, this puts a damper over the chances
for the Valdosta Wildcats
to win the State Championship this year.
- [Ella] Want eggs?
- [Grayson] You wanna make me eggs?
- Be nice if you'd move.
- You're all really healthy here, bro.
[Ella] We're a healthy family.
Don't drop it.
- How many eggs you cooking?
- Two.
Oh my God!
- Thank you.
- You want four eggs?
How're you feeling
about your game tomorrow?
The Colquitt game.
I'm feeling good about it.
I'm hoping I can get some play time.
Are you Do you think you will?
Is it gonna You're like,
"I'm gonna get some playing time,"
or "I hope I get some playing time"?
- [mouths] That one.
- [Ella] That one.
"I hope I get some playing time." Okay.
I don't know how you have two girls.
Like, I I don't get it.
What do you mean, "two"?
Lenley and Zoey?
You won't stop hanging with Zoey,
so there's something there.
She can't be my best friend? We hang out.
- Do we have something going?
- But we don't have history.
I've known you since eighth grade.
Played soccer against each other one time.
- And you kept staring at me.
- You winked at me. Shut up.
- I did not wink at you.
- You did too.
- I did not.
- I still lost.
You know Lenley does not like you
hanging out with Zoey?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Then you and Lenley are dating now.
Why are you still
getting rides from school?
Why are you still hanging out with her?
Why aren't you
I don't hang out with her
that much, but, like
I do get rides from her
to school and back.
Eventually, you're gonna have to choose
between the two of them.
- You're dating Lenley.
- Yeah.
So it's either y'all break up
or you just slowly not talk to Zoey.
I don't think I can do that.
- To Zoey?
- Yeah.
'Cause y'all are just that close?
You've gotta You've gotta listen to me.
Like, you've gotta choose.
[slow music playing]
You may already know this,
but I'm gonna tell you anyway.
You're gonna start.
- I want for you to just do what you do.
- Yes, sir.
It's your chance to shine.
It's a great opportunity for you.
Uh, it's unfortunate for Jake,
but this is part of reality
in the game of football.
I want you to seize the opportunity,
but don't try to do too much.
Let your teammates win for you.
Okay? Let your teammates win for you.
But you're a Division 1 quarterback now.
You're You're not there yet,
but you have the potential to be.
All you gotta do
is just go out and play, play, play.
When I heard Jake is ineligible,
it hurt me inside,
'cause I'm like, "Dang.
Your senior year and you ineligible?"
I I don't wish that on nobody.
But on the other end,
I'm like, "Is this it?
This is my team, right?
It's time to take this team
to the State Championship."
[reporter] They're gonna be going nuts
in the Hog Pen tonight.
The return of Coach Propst.
They are invading the Hog Pen tonight.
[Propst] You know,
going into that football game,
I thought that a police escort
may not be enough.
You can't deny that is definitely
a little bit more personal this year.
When Valdosta and Colquitt County line up,
there's always gonna be animosity.
Boys, let's go Cats!
Go, Packers! Good luck tonight!
[man in hat] Now they're going back
into the den to fight it out.
- This'll be the biggest game of the year.
- It's gonna be a catfight.
Coach is always gonna be
under a microscope
because he came to Valdosta
from Colquitt.
There's just been some things
in the past that people question.
[reporter] All right now,
with Jake Garcia being ruled ineligible,
the question all Wildcat fans are asking,
can Amari Jones
step up and lead this team?
[commentator] Quarterback Garcia
not starting.
Amari Jones is gonna be the quarterback.
All right, we getting ready
as we start the second quarter.
[players shouting]
Hey! They gonna score the ball, bruh.
Let's go big time
and score the ball. Let's go, man.
Beach Ray, zone left,
light squeeze. Ready?
- [cheering]
- [Amari] Motown, Motown, Motown!
Jones corner slot is back to pass again.
There's pressure at the middle.
And they gonna grab him,
pull him down, back at the 45-yard line.
[man] Oh, man.
He's wide the [bleep] open.
[Propst] Our side is
wide the [bleep] open.
[Peak] Come on, bro!
What is he scrumming the ball for?
No way he should scrum it.
Hey! Are you
What's wrong with you? Let's go then!
Our kids have gotta settle down.
They all bitching
and griping and complaining.
[commentator] Here's a snap.
Pack has it They block it!
They blocked it!
Picks it up.
Tries to go towards the end zone.
It's a touchdown pass!
Antwan Daniels! A tenth-grader.
Our defense is playing their ass off!
Hey! Let's go!
You set the pace. They don't set the pace.
You set the freakin' pace.
[Propst] All right, listen to me.
We're gonna throw this post bomb
on the dip now. Okay?
Jones calls for it. Goes back.
That was a great catch.
Right around the 15-yard line.
Jones goes back to pass,
throws it towards the end zone again.
This time it's in there for a touchdown!
[crowd cheering]
Let's go!
[player] You gotta get it started.
Get it started.
Hey, man. Hey. Way to be aggressive, boy.
Hey, good job. That's how you score fast.
And half time is going to be right now.
We got a 7-7 ball game.
They will fold, 'cause they've not
been held to the same standard
than when I was here.
It means a lot to me, it does.
But it means a hell of a lot more to you,
because you are the true Wildcats.
You've got to live with this game
for the rest of your life.
You do! You do!
It'll be a third down and goal
for the Wildcats
at the Pack four-yard line.
D-Boys, s'up! Run and go, bro!
[bleep] Let's go, bro!
[Propst] Hey, stick that [bleep]
down their throat.
Blue left, H move, front, H post. Ready!
Quarterback rolls wide.
He's gonna take it himself.
And he is gonna be upended,
but he's gonna be in the end zone.
Touchdown Valdosta!
- Did they show touchdown?
- [man] No.
And they saying,
"No, he went out at the one."
[Amari] Highway robbery. They robbed me.
Like, dude, like, I'm in.
Please. I need some water.
I can't breathe.
[Propst] Just breathe. It'll be okay.
- [Amari] I'm good.
- Okay.
Kick it. Kick it. Kick it.
Field goal!
So, now it's gonna be
a 20-yard field goal attempt.
It's down and the kick is up.
The kick is good.
And the Cats lead 10 to 7.
Back to pass this side.
Throws it deep down,
they got a man out there.
That's gonna make it! He's in the 20,
the 15, the 10, the 5.
- Touchdown! Pack goes up, 13 to 10.
- How'd it get outside of his arm?
Quarterback comes up.
He's gonna be caught and sacked.
And the snap is down. The kick's up.
And the kick is good.
And the Pack lead 17 to 10.
Hey, you go and suck your guts up,
is what you gotta do.
I mean, you gotta suck it up
and make a play!
Jones calls for it again,
back to pass again.
Throws up. Intercepted by the Pack!
He's at the 10, the 5.
He's in the end zone!
Touchdown Pack! Touchdown Pack!
[Propst] Useless. Useless. Useless.
The most useless group I've ever ran.
One particular play can change
the whole momentum of a football game.
I don't think we ever got over
not scoring that touchdown.
And the ball game is over!
And the Pack has defeated them!
[coach] Get a good look at it
and go home.
Go. Go. Let's go.
We We're
We have to be honest with our self
and know where we are as a program.
And right now,
we're not where our program should be.
You are the embarrassment
of our program right now.
That we cannot protect and we can't block.
Now, Amari,
you didn't play very well either.
You didn't play very well.
We act like we're just
walking around in a damn daze,
like we're stupid or something.
God almighty! It's unbelievable!
And we have got to get our ass better
and quit making
the same stupid-ass mistake,
day in, day out.
It ain't gonna get easy now.
It ain't gonna get easy now.
You're heading for a rough deal.
But I'm gonna find out
who wants it the most.
I'm gonna find out
who's gonna come to work,
who's gonna come in there
with some damn Their stinger up,
and who's a man.
Or you crawl your ass in a hole
and be a boy.
But I'm gonna find out
who's tough and who ain't.
'Cause that right there
is an embarrassment
to Valdosta High School.
'Cause they don't block nobody.
We're gonna protect
I promise you,
we're gonna protect this week.
I don't give a damn if you puke every day.
You get your ass in shape enough to play.
You're gonna pay with a pint of blood.
Trust me.
Trust me when I tell you,
you'll pay with a pint of blood.
It's a little dream ♪
But it's the little things
That are big in a small town ♪
My kind of living
Ain't made for the city ♪
No, it don't slow down one bit ♪
And all we got is some mom-and-pops ♪
Smoking ribs in a tin-roofed pit ♪
Yeah, I got a few good friends ♪
Yeah, I got a beautiful wife ♪
Yeah, I got a picket fence ♪
Yeah, it's a beautiful life ♪
Where a little bit of money
Goes a long, long way ♪
And a little bit of seed
Makes a whole lot of grain ♪
A little piece of heaven's
Where I'm trying to stay ♪
'Cause yeah, at the end of the day ♪
It's a tire swing by a river stream ♪
That's running down behind my house ♪
Yeah, it's a little dream ♪
But it's the little things
That are big in a small town ♪
Hell yeah ♪
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