Tokyo Swindlers (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Here you go.
Ah, thank you.
Here. The seal certificate attached
to this registration application,
it looks like a fake.
I hate to say it, but I think it's
best we don't see each other for a while.
What? You were forced to leave the show?
Everything's awful here right now.
My daughter doesn't want to go to school,
and my in-laws have been on my back.
I got it, I got it.
I'll call you back, okay? Yeah.
Excuse me.
What is it?
Uh It's, uh
What now?
It's about the Ebisu land contract.
Ah, that one.
It's not great, right?
We need to appeal to the young
and wealthy instead of families.
-Oh, and, uh, this exterior's awful.
-Just now this, um
Sir, this just arrived
from the Bureau of Legal Affairs.
The Bureau?
What is it?
Dismissed? Why is that?
That land we bought,
it wasn't actually for sale.
That doesn't make any sense at all.
Sir, it seems like
we fell for a real estate scam.
But we just signed the contract.
They must have been
They were land swindlers.
Land swindlers?
Land swindlers
are members of real estate fraud groups
who pose as property owners
trying to sell their land.
These fraud groups steal large sums of
money using deceit and forged documents.
Land fraud groups contain
a leader, negotiator, informer,
legal advisor, document forger,
and imposter recruiter.
Each group member must possess precise
and highly-advanced criminal techniques.
Hey, Tatsu-san. Got a sec?
Let's talk about your reappointment.
It's not going to be possible.
I tried everything I could, but, uh
I understand.
Well, I appreciate it.
I think I could
leave it to others without regrets.
I'm sorry I couldn't do enough.
Oh, hey, Kuramochi.
Kuramochi is starting here today.
She'll be your partner instead of Okubo.
Please take her under your wing.
It's a pleasure. I am Kuramochi.
As I'm not, uh, gonna be here much longer,
I'm not sure
there's much I'd be teaching her.
That's all right. It's just a step to
the First Investigation Division for her.
-Right. That is my ultimate goal.
-That was supposed to be a joke.
-It was?
My apologies.
Please help guide Kuramochi
and continue with your investigation.
All right.
Just, uh, don't overdo it, all right?
That's a promise.
-Want something to drink?
-Uh, yes, thank you.
-How old are you?
Uh, no. I'm not hitting on you
or anything even near that.
It's just Look, we're gonna be partners
for the time being.
I'm 29.
You're younger
than my daughter.
So your end goal
is the First Division, I assume?
Yes. Ever since I was a little girl,
I've always loved detective shows.
When you think of them,
it's the First Investigation Division.
They handle robbery,
kidnapping, hostages, even murder.
Not my department. Apologies.
-I'm Second Division Department.
-Oh! No, that's not what I meant at all.
It's a trope.
An older veteran detective and a young
female detective team up to solve cases.
Like, the female detective
saves the veteran detective from crisis!
Should that happen, please have my back.
Why are you
wasting time investigating us?
It's one billion! Do you understand?
They took one billion!
I fully understand. That's why
we listened to what you had to tell us.
Then get out there
and catch those assholes!
-Listen, you better get our billion back!
-We're going to verify things.
He was sent here
from the Shibuya Police Station.
-That's the evidence, isn't it?
-How was that?
He's been acting like this
for a while.
I'll be going to his company tomorrow
to talk to the other employees.
-They were land swindlers!
-Let's go.
-Right? I beg you, sir.
-Calm down.
Say, uh, can I go with you tomorrow?
Huh? Uh, but, Tatsu-san
Eh, I'm not sticking my nose in this.
-It's for her.
I want her to be there tomorrow with us
and learn something.
-Oh, no, th-that's okay.
Get my money back!
So the people who were at the settlement
were an old man
who called himself Shimazaki-san,
a young man
who was managing the real estate,
and a middle-aged man
who was the broker. Correct?
Yes. That's correct.
Is there anyone who resembles
the real estate manager or broker here?
This one.
-It's him!
-That man was the broker?
Yes, I think.
What do you mean you think?
That was totally the guy!
He had a phony Kansai dialect! Remember?
Come on.
Please hurry up and catch these people.
Why do you have so many questions?
Were those three men the only ones
you met during the transaction?
Was this man among that group?
Was he?
No, I don't think he was.
How about this man, then?
-It's a little tough to make out.
-This photo's too blurry.
Are they a team? A group of swindlers?
Um, well
Why haven't you caught them yet?
If you have their photos
and know their identities,
they shouldn't be too hard to catch.
What are you guys doing?
They've conned me out of one billion!
Is this some kind of game to you?
This is serious!
My company will go under!
I understand.
But real estate land fraud
isn't quite that simple.
It's very complex.
A group con is conducted by the most
professional amongst professionals.
They are extremely well-versed
in each and every law and regulation
related to real estate dealings.
This guy, Goto,
he has the background of being an
excellent and precise judicial scrivener.
He also has multiple certifications
related to real estate.
Add to that, you're aware
he's a smooth talker.
That's why real estate professionals
like yourself can be easily fooled.
They're very convincing.
Clearly they used the imposter method
for this case of land fraud.
It's pretty common.
And, uh, those men, the ones you met,
aren't the only members in the group.
Please understand,
unless we catch every single member
involved in this group,
I'm afraid this case won't be solved.
What about the money?
When will I get my billion yen back?
Well, the billion that your company
transferred to the group's false account
has already been sent
to an overseas account.
From there it will be sent to an account
in another country, a shadow bank,
or converted
to an online virtual currency.
In other words,
that money is going to be laundered.
The reason they repeatedly pull land
frauds in spite of the high risk involved,
including the risk
of being arrested and sent to prison,
is when they're released, they'll be able
to access to their billions.
We will investigate,
but if the money reaches a country
where we don't have mutual assistance
with international investigations
Wh-what happens then?
Our hands are tied. We're at a loss.
Why won't you answer?
Do you understand
the situation I'm in right now?
-All my jobs have been cancelled!
-Shut the hell up, bitch!
Just die! Die!
Around the time
the Mike Homes incident was discovered,
we had already left Tokyo.
We had no idea where the others went,
or what they were doing.
You missed on purpose.
I understand.
I used to be a bit like that.
The point
isn't about the enjoyment
of killing something.
It's about eating the meat you kill.
It's not about death.
The excitement is about feeling life.
Feeling life.
But whose life,
and which lifetime?
Am I even alive now to begin with?
-Sir, you need to stay back!
-All my family's in there!
Eight years ago,
I lost my mother, my wife, and my son
in a fire in my parents' home.
My family!
The cause of the fire was arson
set by my father.
But my father
wasn't the only one responsible
for taking the lives of my mother,
my wife, and my young son.
Oh, sorry. Thanks for this.
I apologize for having you
spend your vacation time with me.
It's all right.
Is it boring?
Uh, it's not boring at all.
It's boring for me.
It somehow knew.
The animal must have had a sense that
it was going to be killed and eaten by us.
The job we just did was similar.
Our prey laid there motionless
from the beginning, giving up.
They practically begged us
to take their money.
I was bored out of my head.
What would make it more enjoyable?
I'm not quite sure.
But I know
I'll enjoy having you with me.
I have a feeling about that.
Once the excitement over
the Mike Homes incident died down,
we all returned to Tokyo
and started planning our next moves.
We decided on a new target.
Our largest one to date.
Shall we start then?
You may begin, Takeshita-san.
Yeah, sure.
Kouan-ji Temple.
It's in Takanawa, Minato City.
The temple was built
during the Edo period.
The Buddha statue
in the main temple building
is designated
as an important cultural property.
The owner is the resident nun,
Natsumi Kawai, 45.
She lives by herself
on the temple grounds.
And what we're targeting this time
is the 3,200 square meters of land
surrounding the temple.
On it is an 80-car parking lot
and a convict rehabilitation facility.
Rehabilitation facility?
The previous resident died a while back.
He was Kawai's father.
He was a priest
that worked with the government
to help former convicts
reintegrate back into society.
Five years ago, something happened.
Ah, involving the ex-husband?
He married in, yeah?
Yep. The rehabilitation
facility was for women only.
And Kawai's husband, who was in charge
there, was an outrageous asshole.
He was banging every woman
who entered that facility!
That's one way to rehab someone.
The government caught on,
so he eloped
with one of the young chicks
he met at the facility.
It was reported in a tabloid magazine
and the place has been closed ever since.
Since the incident,
Kawai has been avoiding being seen.
She's been a recluse.
Spends every day inside the temple.
I see. If the owner is always at
the residence, things will be difficult.
If the real owner is there,
what's the point of an imposter?
And that little nun has been saying
that she'd never sell the land, right?
This is gonna be impossible to pull off.
Should we try staking out the place?
Something could always turn up.
Sounds like a plan.
-You'll be in charge of that.
-All right.
Goto-san, any leads to go on?
It won't be easy to move a piece of land
that costs about ten billion.
I'm going underground. We're talking
shady brokers and land sharks.
I've got a few meetings later on.
Sounds promising.
Reiko-san, please start your recruitment
for an imposter.
You want an imposter?
But that means shaving their head, right?
Yeah, of course.
They can't wear a bald cap.
It'd be a dead giveaway.
This is going to be almost impossible.
Hey, women have no problem
shaving their hair down there.
You asshole. Wanna die?
I need money if we're doing this.
I gave you money the other day.
Where do you think this came from?
I had to use it all!
That makes sense.
I'll have it for you tomorrow.
What do we do about this?
We can't make land out of thin air!
Well, development division?
Yes, what happened was
negotiations were going smoothly
and we were just about
to sign the contract, but
Get back in your chair.
You explain it.
Three days before the contract conclusion
What's going on?
The landowner is getting divorced
because his wife found out
he got his mistress pregnant.
Oh, so she's going to take
the land away from him?
The commerce division advanced the deal
relatively far. I get why he's blowing up.
But if this case gets to the 25th floor,
all hell will break loose.
How much are we losing here?
What do you have to say
My God. Aoyagi-san is screwed!
What are you going to do, Aoyagi?
-Look for an alternative plot of land.
-Is there a prospect?
-Not at this moment.
So far we're spending
seven billion yen on this project!
-We're spending that much on land alone!
-I will figure this out!
Give me one month, all right.
You actually think you can do it?
I'll report this
to upper management, Aoyagi!
Piece of shit!
Bring me all of the information
on the land you've been researching.
Right away.
-That's all you have?
-That is everything.
I'm sorry.
"I'm sorry" isn't gonna cut it.
Get out there and go find me something!
Though to find an alternative
for a project this big, it's going to
Waiting around isn't gonna
make something magical happen.
There are other ways
to get information on the land out there.
When I was where you are,
I made sure to have connections
with the land sharks and the brokers
With all due respect,
that would mean going against compliance.
-We are in a war now.
There's no place for compliance
in a damn war!
What is a war?
If you break it down,
it's a scramble for land.
Tokyo has been so developed,
we need to use every hand we have to take
hold of even the smallest plot of land.
That's our job as developers, is it not?
We are soldiers fighting in a war!
Get started.
Yes. Move it back.
-Thank you very much.
Excuse me.
Some kind of a bubble-era fairy tale,
am I right?
It's more like harassment.
I recorded it just in case.
If something happens, we're all good.
I've got a lead on the real estate manager
at the final settlement with Mike Homes.
-Oh, that young guy whose name was Inoue?
I found evidence of his presence
at the address on his business card.
Though it's more probable
that he was only receiving his mail there.
You think?
The place has new residents so we couldn't
collect fingerprints or other evidence.
And so what is the plan?
The investigation's being downsized.
I was transferred to a different case.
So, uh, I'm off the case from now on.
Take care.
Um, shouldn't we report this
to Superintendent Haba?
No. It's fine.
This isn't an investigation.
It's your practical training.
-Ah, sorry to bother you.
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.
Uh, we're here about Inoue-san,
who was a prior tenant in this apartment.
The last time wasn't enough?
Has anything unusual come up
that you've noticed since then?
Or some type of mail
being delivered for Inoue?
-There's been nothing unusual.
-Is it Uber Eats?
-Uh, it's not!
-I'm gonna go inside now.
-Oh, one second, one second.
If you happen to remember anything
at all, could you please contact me at
Did you see that?
I think her bruises were from being hit.
So what?
I think that guy's abusing her
on a regular basis.
Even if he were, it's not our job
to do something about it.
Hey. Hey!
It's Uber Eats. I have your food delivery.
Took you long enough.
-Can I have a minute?
Um, are you his girlfriend and are you
in trouble or need any type of help?
-What are you talking about?
If you are being abused,
you should report it to
Are you freaking kidding me? Ow, ow!
-Whoa, whoa, whoa!
-Get your hands off of him!
Hey, hey, hey!
Stop. I give up. I give up!
Detective, are you a fighter?
MMA? I do it too.
-It's martial arts.
This is from a match last week.
What? Are you serious?
Give me a break, man.
I am so much stronger
than this guy, seriously.
Oh, no, uh, I'm so sorry.
No, I'm I'm the one who should be sorry.
I wasn't telling the truth
about everything.
I actually got a weird letter,
but I got creeped out and I threw it away.
Could you could you explain
what about it creeped you out?
Well, it was sorta
Oh! What is this?
It was true. Chiba Prison.
She didn't do
anything different today.
No, she didn't.
Ah, thank you.
Isn't this thing enough?
We can just watch everything on this.
The little nun
is probably staying in again.
I guess.
If it were a young woman or a celebrity,
spying would be a lot more fun.
I bet little nuns
don't even have sex, right?
I'm not sure.
Takumi-san, would you do her?
Our little nun?
-I think I could, but I'd barely get hard.
Beer's so much better. I should buy some.
Takeshita-san will be mad if he finds out.
Dude, I'm not scared of that meth head.
I feel like I'm back in juvie being
cooped up in this small room for so long.
Oh really?
How long have you had this job?
You've been doing this for a while, huh?
Mmm, I wanna know more. How'd you
get this job, being a land swindler?
Uh, I'm not sure how.
Can you at least tell me
what job you had before this?
A driver.
-Where the hell are you?
I'm waiting for Saki-san in Roppongi.
Why is she still there?
-Her next customer is waiting for her.
-What are you doing?
-Yes. I'm sorry.
"I'm sorry"
doesn't cut it, you idiot!
-Go to the room and get her!
All right.
Oh, Saki-san just got back.
We're on our way.
You worked hard.
I can't believe you're driving me around
in this small, dirty car.
This car is a piece of shit.
You can at least open the windows!
Around that time,
I had lost everything
and was a recluse,
doing nothing for about two years.
When I ran out of money,
I saw an online ad recruiting drivers
to escort high-end call girls around town,
and took the job.
Lucky me.
This next guy is kinky.
He also pays good money for extras.
You can at least respond.
I deliver the high-end girl,
she gets paid 300,000 yen
for two hours with no penetrative sex.
I collect the fee, and when they're done,
I deliver her to the next customer.
I was planning to spend the rest of
my life living in the shadows of society.
Excuse me.
Something happened
that I would like to discuss with you.
Would you please come up to the room?
I'm sorry for the trouble.
To explain the situation,
I wanted to be
a little more adventurous today.
It was, of course, consensual.
She said she was up for what I wanted
if I paid her one million yen.
I'm pretty sure she's dead.
But I couldn't leave her like that.
It would become an incident.
That's why I called you up here.
How about you take this
and pretend you didn't see anything?
This offer comes
from my feelings of mercy toward you.
Just before I called you,
I contacted an acquaintance of mine.
He takes care of any problems
that might arise.
He'll be here in about another ten minutes
and then this dead body
will be taken care of without a trace.
But if you so decide
to refuse my more than generous offer,
he'll be sure to take care of you as well.
I'm sure you understand
what I mean by that.
But I
died a long time ago.
Saki-san. Saki-san.
Are you all right, Saki-san? You okay?
It's me. Saki-san. Saki-san!
That guy, he he almost
-I know, I know what happened.
-He tried to kill
Saki-san. Don't tell anyone about this.
What? Are you fucking kidding?
I was almost killed. He almost killed me!
Shut your mouth!
Take this money,
forget it and go.
Take it.
Take it!
-Please wait.
It seems to me like
you have experience killing someone.
If you're ever in trouble,
contact me, please.
Wait a minute! Who is that guy?
I'm definitely reporting him
to the service.
Why did you treat me like that back there?
Don't ignore me!
I'm talking!
Die, asshole!
Psycho! You psychopath!
So, was it the money?
Land swindlers
make a bunch of money, right?
A hundred million per gig?
You're so lucky.
Takeshita-san never gives underlings
nearly that much. You know?
I told him the other day that
I wanted to become a land swindler too.
He said a high school dropout like me
would never make it.
Harsh, right?
-So, Takumi-san, did you go to uni?
-Yeah, of course.
Wow. I should've
kept my butt in school for real,
whatever I ended up doing.
Welcome back, boss.
How's it going, Takumi-chan?
How's the little nun?
She hasn't done
anything out of the ordinary yet.
Oh yeah?
She's been keeping the same routine
the whole week.
Sutra chanting from 5 a.m.
in the main hall,
cleaning the temple, and taking care
of the plants in the garden.
After her evening sutra chanting,
she closes the main gate,
and stays in for the rest of the night.
-She's a recluse.
Nobody asked ya.
Hey. You lose weight?
What? Oh, maybe.
Takumi-san is so serious.
-Keeps watch after the nun goes to sleep.
-I said, no one asked you!
Want some? It'll energize you.
That's a crime.
Look who's talking!
Come on, there's no way
Takumi-san would ever do meth.
-Go keep watch!
I picked up some interesting information
while I was out.
What is it?
I found the accounting firm
that manages the temple's finances,
and had the staff there
look into the income and expenditures.
A large sum of money
is consistently transferred
from the temple's account
to Kawai's personal account.
Look at last month.
Five million yen all at once.
-Definitely something's going on.
-See that?
-What is it?
Looks like someone came out.
No. I'm not sure.
She looks different.
-Is that the girl or not?
Oh! It is her. It's the little nun!
Huh? Takumi-san?
-Stop staring. Go with him!
-I'm going!
She's going toward Tamachi
on the national route.
Got it!
-Hurry up, Orochi!
-I'm on it!
There she is. Up ahead.
I know.
Where is she going?
Hold on.
Do you know of any deals
that could be closed right away?
The biggest land you can think of
would be the most ideal.
I'm willing to concede on the conditions
as much as possible.
-This is for you.
-It's the big one.
You're looking for an alternative
to the property in Oimachi?
Well, um, yes, I am.
I've heard about it.
The deal fell through, right?
That's the one I'm here about.
You're on to me.
Hayashi-san, we go back a long time.
-Anyway, could you help me out this time?
-Why would I want to do that?
After leaving me
to do all your dirty work,
you collected all the rewards yourself.
And when things got inconvenient,
you cut me off like a lizard's tail.
Did you forget about that?
That time was such
I was locked up for three years
because of that!
And now that you're in some sort of bind,
you come to me with your dirty work.
Seriously, are you kidding me, Aoyagi?
some terrible people
might say resentful things like that.
Please be careful, Aoyagi-san.
Please leave.
Is that you, Aoyagi?
What are you doing here?
Brings back memories.
You were at old man Hayashi's?
Your methods are outdated.
Our company can't mess
with any land sharks these days.
Legal wouldn't have it.
Just give up.
We'll be losing only two million yen.
The higher-ups will forgive you
for about a two million loss
given your track performance to date.
Of course, you'll probably never advance
to a higher position than where you are.
Sunaga here. Oh, chairman, yes.
Oh, you're there already?
Ah. We'll hurry up. Yes. Come on!
Let's go.
Let's go, let's go, hurry up.
What? Isn't this a hotel?
Orochi-san, please take the car
to a parking lot.
-Bring the bag when you come in.
-Hey, wait, Takumi-san.
Thank you very much.
Excuse me.
Is the room 3507 available?
Room 3507?
It's memorable. I stayed in that room
for the first time with my girlfriend.
We're having dinner here tonight.
I wanted to surprise her.
I understand.
-One moment, please.
I'm very sorry. Unfortunately, that room
is occupied right now. I apologize.
I wonder what I can do now
-Is the room next to it available?
-I will check.
Thank you.
-Yes. That room is available.
-Ah, thank you so much.
Oh, I finally found you!
Takumi-san, how's it going?
Man, this hotel is really something, huh?
What the hell? They don't let
anti-social forces stay here?
One for the team.
-No way, it's your turn!
-Hey, what did you say?
-Shit. Shit.
-Let's go!
-He looks strong. He looks strong.
What do we do now?
We should have a secret weapon.
Tom Cruise could rappel.
Man, I wish we could do that.
Who are you calling?
My secret weapon.
Close! What are you doing?
There, there. I got it.
I got him, I got it!
No! That was my last
Hello. Nagai-kun?
Can you talk now?
Takumi-kun? Not now,
I'm at a really good point.
Call me some other time.
Wait, Nagai-kun, one second.
You mentioned your cat was having problems
after having kittens, right?
-Yeah, what about it?
-I'm willing to trade a favor.
I'll get someone to take them
if you help me.
They're not some shady pet broker,
are they?
They're a veterinarian
I've known for a while.
I'd never let the kittens be put down.
I guarantee it.
It doesn't matter
which room it is.
Just get a card key for any of them.
Excuse me.
Where is the restroom?
-The restroom? It's that way.
-Ah, thank you.
Oh, Takumi-kun, you are in luck.
This hotel still uses the old model
of the VingCard Vision lock.
I'll explain that.
Remember when that Hamas leader was
in Dubai and got killed in the hotel room?
This is how they got in there.
Nagai-kun, could you please
hurry up a little?
Oh. Oh-ho. This kinda blows.
-What is it?
Uh, the security at this hotel might
actually be tighter than I thought before.
You might You might only have,
like, 45 seconds.
Forty-five All right, just do it now.
Done. Good luck.
-Thank you.
Your room is down here.
I appreciate you bothering
to take the time to show us to our room.
Aren't you too busy to do this?
Not at all. Escorting you
is part of my job, Higuchi-sama.
You're wonderful.
Right this way.
Enjoy your stay.
Well? Can you hear anything?
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