Tomo-chan Is a Girl! (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Tomo's Skirt/The School Idol

Beat ya to it.
There's still room, wanna sit?
Actually, I think I'll stand.
You sure?
This dude really doesn't get it.
He never treats me like a girl.
I'm always the one being
overly conscious about it.
I must be one hell of an idiot
for my heart to be thumping like this.
"Tomo–chan Is a Girl!"
"Tomo's Skirt"
It's getting packed in here.
W–What the!?
Am I being groped?
But wait, who'd want to do that to me?
He copped a feel!?
I wanna sock this creep.
Not sure why but I don't want Jun
to know what's happening.
I have to bear with it
or else I'll end up crying.
Bastard, what did you do?
Jun handled everything from
calling the police to handing him over.
Give him life behind bars.
You okay, Tomo?
Oh, yeah
–Make sure to go to the police later,
–I've never seen him like this.
–even if it's a drag to.
–It's like he's treating me like a girl.
By the way, you should
Hey, are you even listening?
Huh!? What'd you say?
I was saying
You should quit wearing a skirt.
What did you just say?
After I was groped yesterday, Jun said
You were groped?
What did they do to you? Are you okay?
Oh, yeah. He felt my butt up.
Did you turn him over to the police?
I sincerely hope you didn't let him go?
Jun took care of it all.
I see.
Hey, Misuzu?
So, you were saying
something about Junichiro?
Huh? Ah, so what happened was
The hell did you say?
Our school has girl's slacks.
Why not wear those?
I wanna know why you're bringing this up now?
Cause you
You don't look good in a skirt.
They're also kinda distracting.
Excuse me for not looking good in a skirt!
You dumbass!
And here I thought he was finally
handling me like a girl!
That jerk!
I see. But considering what transpired,
he may have said that because
he's concerned for your safety.
Huh!? So you're saying
he's worried I'd be in danger?
This is Jun we're talking about?
I'm sorry. That was thoughtless of me.
You're saying he's not!? Not one tiny bit!?
Anyway, this has been on my mind for a while.
Tomo, isn't your skirt rather short?
I never took you for a person
who enjoys parading their legs.
What made you wear it short?
Cause it's easier to move in.
Why else would I?
You really aren't suited for skirts.
For starters,
how about you try taking off those leggings?
What!? No way!
Why're you talking dirty out of nowhere?
I am not.
Listen, Tomo. People usually wear only
their underwear underneath skirts.
As if! One flip and you'll flash
the whole world!
That's just how it is.
Case in point,
that's all I'm wearing under mine today.
Unbelievable you
You're into some kinky stuff
I have done nothing
to deserve that accusation.
I heard everything.
You had another fight with Tomo?
Leave me alone.
Tomo wants to go home with you.
Hurry, she's waiting downstairs.
Seriously!? She's not mad anymore?
S–Sup, Jun.
Let's go home.
Try going without them once.
I'm sure Junichiro will
carry himself differently.
I went and did as Misuzu said
Hey Jun, sorry about yesterday's
knuckle sandwich.
He's certainly carrying himself
differently than usual.
More like, he's really out of it!
Jam packed again.
It's been like this a lot lately.
"Junichiro vision"
He's walking pretty fast today.
Hey, Jun!
What's eating him?
It's like he's trying to get away from me.
Hold up!
I wasn't thinking straight yesterday.
We may be best buds but that doesn't
give me the right to tell you how to dress.
Still, you didn't have to dress in
a way that even you're ashamed of.
It's hard on me too.
Jun's reaction's kind of amusing!
Are you even listening?
So how was it?
How did no leggings day go?
A disaster, that's how it was!
I'm never doing that again!
Did he get a look under your hood?
And what was his reaction?
Thing is, I didn't really get it.
He blacked out.
Seems you haven't said
a thing to Tomo all morning.
You're making her sad.
I've never seen you avoid her for half a day.
I suppose returning to the status quo
will take more time after that?
Go ahead and try
Sup, Tomo! Let's go grab lunch!
I told you not to walk up
to me outta nowhere!
Aww come on, that's cold of you.
Who you calling cold?
That's just how we roll.
I wonder how long you'll be
able to keep this up?
I can't wait to find out.
"The School Idol"
Morning, Carol–chan.
Lovely as always!
Shall I carry your bag?
There she is, Carol Olston.
Never fails to draw a crowd.
If she's the one all the boys go crazy over,
does that make her
the girliest girl in school?
Not necessarily.
Must be nice. Wonder how I can be like her?
You can start
by getting rid of that dumbbell.
Her popularity stems not from her looks alone
but the fact she's the only British in
school, making her seem more luxurious.
That, and
And what?
Her personality.
That bubbly and defenseless
demeanour tickles the fancies of men.
You mean leaving yourself wide open is good?
But you'll go down in one strike.
Could you not base your judgement
around what helps in a fight?
How is being defenseless better?
Will becoming pals with that cotton
candy–like girl help me understand?
Is something wrong? You look deep in thought.
Woah, cotton candy!
Cotton candy?
Why're you two together?
She's the child of
a distant relative of mine.
I guess you could say
we're childhood friends.
Like, for real!?
You're getting married in the future?
There has been talk about it
We've already been married.
At least thrice.
That was when we played pretend as kids!
Anyway, are you friends with Carol?
No, she's in my class
but we never spoke much.
You don't remember me?
I don't know.
I'm not interested in the boys in class.
I am a girl!
Do you not see the skirt!
S–Sorry, I'm so sorry!
She may be a little odd
but she means no harm. Forgive her.
Well, if you say so
Thanks. You're so kind.
Not really.
She's not doing this on purpose, right?
Carol, please!
So, what's up with that?
I'm asking the same question.
We talked for the first time today.
She's Misaki–senpai's fiancee.
Oh, I see.
Let me guess, he was around when you spoke?
Yeah, he was.
Despite that you still couldn't guess
why she's provoking you?
Yeah, not a clue.
Seriously, et tu!?
Misuzu–chan, Misuzu–chan.
I want to talk.
That's fine and all
But please get off first.
Just so we're clear,
I don't like people like you.
Okay, got it!
I want to know more about Tomo–chan.
You're a tough cookie.
You appear to have hostility towards Tomo
and I consider her my best friend.
Look elsewhere if you want
to get dirt on her.
Even when I have a cake to offer?
It's really good.
Let's hear what you have to say.
So like,
how do I defeat Tomo–chan?
You could have tried to be more roundabout.
Now then, how can I use her
If that's what you're after
I know just the right person.
So, which first–year girl's the best?
Carol–chan, of course.
She's such a lovely doll.
Misuzu–chan's the one for me.
Can't get enough of that icy cold stare.
Hello. Are you Junichiro Kubota?
Yeah, that's me.
I'd like to talk to you.
"Boys' Locker Room"
Before you start,
get out of there.
I was sent to you when I said there was
someone I wanted to defeat.
Another one of Gundo's schemes.
I don't like this, but
Didn't think there'd be a girl besides her
who'd talk about defeating someone.
I happen to have time to kill
while I'm waiting for a bud.
I can help you train after school.
Try giving me your best punch.
Like this?
I was hoping you'd go for my hand.
Gotta say, you're hella weak.
Weaker than a kitten.
Will you make me strong?
Sure, as long as I'm up to it.
In one month
I could make you into a bear cub.
Is that strong?
C'mon, let's get going, Blondie.
I'm not Blondie.
I'm Carol.
Whatever, keep walking.
I know, right?
You see that!? What is going on!?
Why is Jun and her
I don't know but
Something must have happened.
Junichiro's never been like that
with another girl besides you.
Perhaps they're
No way, not happening.
She's engaged and all
But maybe, just maybe
That's the spirit, Tomo.
This sense of danger is
what you've been lacking.
We'll start by running.
What's up?
Phew, I'm tired.
You're kidding?
Jun and her
What are they up to now?
A Aizawa–san
We're working on physical strength next.
So what can you do?
I can do skipping rope!
Cause I love rabbits!
Right, I don't get it but fire away.
Why are you looking up?
Neck exercise.
Jun! So this is where you
Listen up, when your enemy
has you like this
Ah, there she is!
Gah, it was Tomo?
She's crazy strong.
The hell are you two doing!
I asked what the hell you're up to!
D–Dude, why're you so worked up?
I am not! I'm asking you a question!
Stick to him like glue
and it'll be clear as day.
Provided you're not exceptionally stupid.
She got me.
Tomo–chan, Tomo–chan.
I'm not your enemy anymore!
I don't need training anymore.
I came along to get that
cake you promised me
but what's with the needlessly long car?
And who's that man in black?
You called for him.
There's many men in black
back home whose names I don't know.
Don't you have them?
Like most people, I don't.
Hey, Misuzu–chan.
We're eating cake together,
does that make us friends?
I wonder.
Do you want us to be?
Yup! I have no friends. Don't know why.
Yes, it's a mystery.
Go to Tomo if you want a friend.
I'm sure she'll agree to be yours.
This is just what Tomo needs.
I've been pretty mean to her though?
So you do feel bad about it.
But it doesn't matter.
She's kind to a fault to anyone
who wants to befriend her.
Enough to call someone
like me her best friend.
That's good to know.
That's despite how nasty you are.
You aren't in a position to criticise.
Hey, Tomo–chan.
Oh, it's you.
What do you want now?
I was thinking
Ew, no way.
That's kinda
Let's not
Umm, so, it's a bit hard to say
S–She can't find her words?
What kinda bombshell is she trying to drop!?
I want you to be my friend!
Okay, sure.
Was that it?
For a sec there I was worried
you were about to declare war again.
Well, let's get along!
You're like an angel!
Wha? A–Angel!?
Will you be my friend too, Misuzu–chan?
I suppose I can.
You look very wealthy.
Yay! I'm so glad to be rich!
Never though I'd become her friend.
She can be surprisingly nice
once you get to know her.
You don't say. Blondie and Gundo
seem to be popular with the boys.
Well, they are pretty girly and cute.
Are they?
I suppose I'd be lying if I said
I couldn't see any appeal in Gundo.
Wait, you have the hots for Misuzu!?
Dream on.
You know how the two of us
went out back in middle school?
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