Tomodachi Game (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

You Have a Lot to Say to Me, Don't You?

parent and child crooks
Episode 2: You Have a Lot to Say to Me, Don't You?
Episode 2: You Have a Lot to Say to Me, Don't You?
Shibe! You have the hots
for Sawaragi, right?
Do you want to know?
Hey, Sawaragi, your face is bright red!
Hmm? How about you, Tenji?
Do you want me to tell you?
Fine, but only if you ask out loud
and say, "Tell me, please."
As if. There's no way you'd say it,
- You may only speak when reading a question.
(If you break this rule, your debt is doubled.)
'cause if you did, the debt you worked
so hard to lower would all come back.
I can see right through you.
One of you is trying to dump
the debt all on Kokorogi.
But that won't work. Since I talked,
my debt is now doubled.
Basically, I'm the one with
the most debt now, no question.
Katagiri Yuichi
And if this is game over, the traitor's
gonna be the big loser, here.
It was written on my question card.
"Rule change: The last place penalty will go
to the person with the least debt."
Reader chooses the question.
Rule change: The last place penalty will go to the person with the least debt.
Huh? No way!
Of course he's bluffing.
Oh, right! Nobody would believe that.
Are you sure about that?
Imagine you're the traitor.
Think about it carefully.
You've succeeded in reducing
your debt and are poised to win.
Now you just have to aim
the last place penalty at your target.
It makes you feel just like a hunter.
But what if, at the moment
you're about to pull the trigger,
you learn told that you were
the one being hunted?
You mustn't speak. If you do,
you'll be hunted down.
Caught in Katagiri Yuichi's trap, speaking out
would be the same as confessing
that you have the least debt.
So, you cannot speak. You cannot move.
You have to wait in silence.
As if! It's a joke! Just a joke.
I only wanted to change the mood.
There's no traitor here. I trust all of you.
Class Lesson
When You See a Stranger, Expect a Thief
Okay, let's get back to the game.
I think the question was,
"Will we always be friends?"
It's a no-brainer.
The answer is obviously "yes."
That look it's his final warning.
Let's make this a "yes." Otherwise
the traitor will be the one who dies.
It'll be fun to see if the traitor
falls for his bluff or not!
I'm so excited!
Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san, if you are present,
please tell us the answer.
Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san,
if you are present, tell us the answer.
Yes! Correct answer!
You've cleared the Kokkuri-san game!
Oh, my God!
With wit and courage like that,
he doesn't seem like
an ordinary high schooler.
However, he paid quite a price
to clear the game.
Suspicion really does beget monsters.
In order to clear the game,
Katagiri Yuichi planted the seed of doubt
that one of them is a traitor.
Group C
First Game: Kokkuri-san Game
Prize won: Two million yen
I have to uncover the traitor
before the second game.
And to do that
Guys, how much debt do you have now?
We should all have the same amount.
Mikasa Tenji
Debt: 3.6 million yen
The first game took 400,000 off our
4 million debt, so it's 3.6 million now.
Mikasa Tenji
Debt: 3.6 million yen
Shibe Makoto
3.6 million yen
Sawaragi Shiho
Debt: 3.6 million yen
Kokorogi Yutori
Debt: 3.6 million yen
M-Me too, of course.
I haven't lost more than anyone else.
Mikasa Tenji
Should we show the back of our name tags?
Not a chance. Your debt would double.
But you already have
because you just talked.
No, I'm at 3.6 million, too.
It did double when I talked,
but I'd already cut it in half,
If the 10 yen coin goes to "yes," you clear the game.
If the 10 yen coin goes to "no," only the reader's debt will be halved.
so it ended up even.
- Manabu-kun selects a question reader.
- The reader opens a numbered envelope.
- If you win, you get two million yen.
- Everyone's debt will go down 400,000 at a time.
- You may only speak when reading a question.
(If you break this rule, your debt is doubled.)
In the first game, I bet our answers
didn't match because we were nervous.
Let's start over fresh in the second
game and trust each other.
Hey, are you done? You talk too much.
Uh yeah.
Okay, let's go, then!
Oh, sorry. My shoelace.
Huh? We'll go without you.
Yeah, I'll catch up in a sec.
Everyone has the same debt?
Sorry, but I can't believe that.
Oh, he noticed!
The question cards are the only things
that show the conditions for reducing debt.
If you check those, you'll understand
how the amounts changed in the game.
If the 10 yen coin goes to "no," only the reader's debt will be halved.
Reader chooses the question.
If the 10 yen coin goes to "yes," you clear the game.
The text is disappearing!
Too bad. We used a special
ink for certain parts,
so the text would disappear
after a fixed amount of time.
Reader chooses the question.
"Will we always be friends?"
Katagiri Yuichi
What's wrong? You look upset.
O-Oh, it's nothing. What's up, Sawaragi?
I wanted to talk to you alone.
What do you think about
this situation, Yuichi?
Do you really think one of us is a traitor?
I think so.
You agree, right?
If you know who the traitor is, tell me!
At least tell me who you suspect!
The one I suspect the most is you, Sawaragi.
No way! Why me?!
Before the game started, you said
Given the circumstances, I don't think we
should try and figure out whose debt it is.
The Sawaragi Shiho I know
would never forgive the thief who stole the
school trip fund and put us in this game.
Especially if it was a friend.
Sorry, Yuichi. I have to
apologize about something.
I thought you were the one
who stole the money.
B-Because I'm poor?
You pitied me because I'm poor
and my parents are gone?
That's why you didn't question me?
No! It wasn't that at all!
What other reason is there, then?!
What is it?!
It's because I like you, Yuichi.
It isn't pity or anything.
It's because I like you, Yuichi. So
It's okay. I get it. I get it now.
So, do you still suspect me?
Nope. You aren't the thief, Yuichi.
But I have to apologize
about one more thing.
Actually, my debt right now
isn't 3.6 million.
It's 7.6 million.
Her debt should be half, but it's double?!
4 million yen x 2 - 400,000 yen
7.6 million yen
Remember when I almost yelled?
I guess I made a little sound.
And you were so surprised,
you lied about it?
In that fifth question, I think you
were trying to protect Yutori,
but the one you really protected was me.
Yuichi, I won't betray you, no matter what.
I'll believe you, no matter what.
Let's beat the Tomodachi Game together.
All right. Let's cooperate.
Katagiri Yuichi.
When money's involved, he becomes
a sharp judge of character,
but that isn't enough to
win the Tomodachi Game.
Because there are still others willing
to destroy that friendship.
W-Where are we?
The roof? I thought we were indoors.
All righty, everyone!
Huh? Manabu-kun?
You gotta call me Manabu-sensei
now, you dumbass.
All right, listen up!
You're keeping secrets
from each other, aren't you?
Today, I want you to spill all the beans!
The gods are also watching over you
from up in the big, blue sky.
Go four-eyes!
clap clap clap
that hair lol
she's cute
hair lol
i was waiting!
oh lol they started lol
did they finally start
hi im god
Let's get started!
The second game is Bad-Mouth Sugoroku!
i'm so excited
first stream
good morning
Sugoroku? So these are spaces?
In Bad-Mouth Sugoroku, you win
by taking your friends out
and sending them straight to hell.
Send our friends to hell?
Yeah. Otherwise, it's just normal Sugoroku.
Those are the detailed rules.
Read them carefully!
- The game is played in periods
- Each period, you bad-mouth someone
- Write it down on the bad-mouth card in the private room
- Once you enter the private room, you can't leave for three minutes
- You can write as many things as you want about each person
- You may submit a blank bad-mouth card
- You may lie (if the lie is revealed, you'll be forced back to the start)
- The number of spaces you move is determined by the god survey
I don't get it at all.
All right, want to try it out, then?
Tomodachi Game
You go into the private room one at a time
and write trash about someone.
Bad-mouth someone on a bad-mouth card,
then put it in the box.
I'll collect the cards from the box
and then read them.
"Kokorogi Yutori is actually a G cup."
"Shibe Makoto wears a wig."
Hey! That's not true!
"Sawaragi Shiho has athlete's foot."
"Mikasa Tenji wears fake
glasses just for the looks."
"Katagiri Yuichi is actually rich."
A. Shibe Makoto — wig
B. Sawaragi Shiho — athlete's foot
C. Katagiri Yuichi — rich
D. Kokorogi Yutori — G cup
E. Mikasa Tenji — fake glasses
Once everyone's bad-mouthing is read,
we do a survey with the gods,
The Customer Is God
the viewers funding the Tomodachi Game.
calm down! this isn't the time to worry
a wig at that age is wigcked
fake glasses should apologize to the tryhards
a wig is unforgivable but I can relate
Yutori-chan is so cute
the rich guy is unforgivable!
that's tough
I'm watching
athlete's foot? I feel bad for her
will someone pick Shibe?
none of them are really unforgivable
im a god
Are we being turned into a show?
And the survey says
Tallying results
Q: Who is the most "unforgivable"?
Shibe Makoto
Sawaragi Shiho
Katagiri Yuichi
Kokorogi Yutori
Mikasa Tenji
Shibe Makoto — move 5 spaces
Katagiri Yuichi — move 4 spaces
Sawaragi Shiho — move 3 spaces
Mikasa Tenji — move 2 spaces
Kokorogi Yutori — move 1 space
That's how we decide
how many spaces you move.
You move the number of spaces you get
and then follow the instructions.
So, the survey determines popularity
and unpopular people score higher?
Yeah, but the first person to reach
the goal will suffer a massive loss.
What's that supposed to mean?
When at least one person reaches
the goal, you clear the game.
Each person will get a 400,000 yen reward.
400,000 yen per person
But anyone left on the board
when the game ends
Additional Debt
gets an additional one million in debt.
1 Million Yen!!
They won't have to play the third game,
and they can go home for a while.
Go home!!
W-We can go home!
Spill all your friends' secrets
and keep bad-mouthing them
until someone falls into
that hell of a goal.
And that's Bad-Mouth Sugoroku!
Doesn't it sound fun?
It doesn't sound fun at all!
There's no way we can do that!
Just turn in a blank card, then.
You may submit a blank bad-mouth card
But what if everyone's
bad-mouth card is blank?
Then we don't survey the gods,
and everyone moves one space.
Okay, so if nobody writes anything,
we'll all reach the goal together.
Yeah. But then you just get
a two million yen reward,
and everyone will be forced
to play the third game.
forced to play
u mad?
you'd better listen up
That isn't a problem at all.
Oh? But if one person betrays you,
everyone who left it blank will be
at a huge disadvantage.
Sawaragi, don't worry.
We're friends. We won't betray each other.
That's right! We're besties!
Let's all reach the goal together, guys.
That's the only way
to protect our friendship.
Yeah, let's all reach the goal together!
It's just like a marathon.
But no one's ever running
all together at the end.
That's true. Humans are very
calculating creatures.
I wonder how many spaces they'll last
together if it only disadvantages them.
First Period
Okay. The first submissions
have been collected.
And zero bad-mouthing!
They were all blank cards.
So, everyone move one space
together like friends.
Players who stop on this space will
"Lose your wallet on the way home from school"
- 100,000 yen
Minus 100,000 yen?
No way! You didn't tell us about that!
Huh? Sure I did. I said it was
normal Sugoroku otherwise.
friendly 100,000 lol
If we get 100,000 more debt per space,
we'll end up with six million yen!
Second Period
The second round of cards
were all blank, too.
Okay, everyone, move forward one space.
Players who stop on this space will
"Buy a painting of a dolphin from
a beautiful woman on the street"
- 500,000 yen
F-Five hundred thousand?
Why would they all be one hundred?
Oh, dear. You look a little pale, guys.
I guess you did just add
600,000 of debt in two moves.
I've got some great advice for you, though!
All of the debt added during the game
will be given to whoever reaches the goal first.
Yup! Right now, with 600,000
each from five people,
you can add three million
to someone else's debt!
Now do you see why it's stupid
for you to finish together?
Don't let him manipulate us!
Yeah, we get it, Shiho.
Thanks, Shibe.
Third Period
blah blah
And the results of the third submissions
this is lame, talk shit about someone!
will something finally happen?
One card is not blank!
That was faster than I expected.
I hope it's a really huge exposé!
Even a small one is good at first.
While it might look trivial
from the outside,
for them it could be explosive
enough to destroy their relationship.
And it says
"Sawaragi Shiho likes Katagiri Yuichi."
it's happening lol
we got one lol
y tho?
about time
hey who wrote that?!
Wait, there's more.
"And the same Sawaragi Shiho
used to date Mikasa Tenji."
used to date
Mikasa Tenji
The most popular way to destroy friendship
between a man and a woman is with romance.
Of course, there's no reason to attack
someone for who they like or once dated.
But it's still a tough issue to parse.
And the result of the god survey is here!
Q: Who is the most "unforgivable"?
Shibe Makoto
Sawaragi Shiho
Katagiri Yuichi
Kokorogi Yutori
Mikasa Tenji
Sawaragi Shiho — move 5 spaces
Shibe Makoto — move 1 space
Katagiri Yuichi — move 1 space
Kokorogi Yutori — move 1 space
Mikasa Tenji — move 1 space
Players who stop on this space will
"Lose your wallet on vacation"
- 500,000 yen
Players who stop on this space will
"Win the lottery, but the ticket is a year old"
+/- 0 yen
Plus-minus zero?
So sometimes there's no change.
Yuichi, how can you be so chill?
You didn't know Shiho liked you, did you?
What the
You knew I liked her.
Were you both mocking me?
Cut it out. Jealousy isn't
becoming of a man.
This doesn't involve you!
Yes, it does.
I'm Shiho-chan's ex.
I know her very well.
Stop it, Tenji! Don't say it in a way
people will misunderstand.
I didn't tell anyone, but Mikasa-kun
and I were childhood friends.
My dad is a police officer and
Mikasa-kun's dad is a public prosecutor.
They were in the same class in college,
so our families were very close.
Tenji-kun is the only husband for Shiho.
They decided between themselves
that we should get engaged
It'd be great if Shiho-chan
became my daughter!
So we pretended to date, for our parents
until Mikasa-kun's dad died two years ago.
Then Mikasa-kun changed schools.
It was by chance that we met
again last year in high school.
blah blah
huh? what?
getting complicated
parents setting them up sounds like a manga
childhood friends win confirmed
a secret relationship lol
And you call that dating?
That's a lie, right?
Hmm. I'm not so sure.
If they had no romantic feelings
at the time, then it might be a lie.
Yes, neither of us—
I really did like you.
Even now, I'm still in love with you.
here we go!
tell me that's a lie!
I feel bad for Shibe-kun
oh snap!
twu wuv
my heart
a love confession!!
That's why you've always pissed me off, Shibe!
I couldn't stand your thoughtless statements
and attitude toward Sawaragi-san!
Then you should have just told me
you liked her and to keep my hands off!
How could I? I knew
Sawaragi-san liked Yuichi.
Th-That's still no reason
to write it on the bad-mouth card!
Huh? You've got to be the one who wrote it!
Bullshit! How would anyone else know
about your and Shiho's past?
You're such a simpleton. That would
make me the number one suspect.
There's no way I wrote it.
Shibe, try to think about it a little.
You're starting to look like an idiot.
Then why would a smart ass
like you think it's me, Tenji-kun?
You're jealous.
You must have at least heard rumors
about Sawaragi-san's connection to me and Yuichi.
You wanted to see if it was true.
You're jealous of the
special connection we have.
You're the only one who's
literally "just a friend."
Stop, you idiots!
Break it up!
You both like Sawaragi, right?
Then quit doing things that upset her.
So, Shiho-chan, you like Yuichi, don't you?
And not just Shibe-kun,
but Mikasa-kun, too
The boys all fall for you, Shiho-chan.
I bet Yuichi will, too.
Yay! What an absolute mess!
It is quite interesting.
Playing dumb in the midst
of all that carnage.
Whoever wrote that card is
lying through their teeth.
Fourth Period
I'll go in first.
Okay, I left mine blank. You're next.
All right. I've got this.
All right. Are they all blank?
This time there are three submissions!
As expected!
Shibe Makoto took baths with
his mother until junior high.
how cute lmao
junior high!
ew srsly?
Shibe-kyun lol
Katagiri Yuichi once didn't
take a bath for a week.
nasty lol
how dirty lol
crying poor tears
Actually, Sawaragi Shiho
has had plastic surgery.
Q: Who is the most "unforgivable"?
Shibe Makoto
Sawaragi Shiho
Katagiri Yuichi
Kokorogi Yutori
Mikasa Tenji
And the results of the survey are
no kidding
is she that desperate to be popular?
say it isn't so, Shiho-sama lol
plastic surgery, of course
she would, wouldn't she?
she left them in the dust
that's just sad
Of course the plastic surgery
one's a lie, right Shiho?
So what if it is true?
If I'd had plastic surgery,
would you still have liked me?
Would we even have become friends?
Th-That's not
If you liked someone of the opposite
sex who had plastic surgery
Well, I doubt that would
destroy the friendship, too.
I don't think that's the case.
Friendship is even more
calculating than romance.
People make friends to have fun together,
to stop getting bullied, to get money
You don't want a friendship
that has no advantages!
While there is unconditional love,
there's no such thing as
an unconditional friendship.
NEXT: There's No Way I'd Believe That
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