Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Hormônios à Flor da Pele

[Bruna] Imagine you're in paradise
[romantic music playing]
and in amazing company.
Do you think you'd be okay
without being able to do
anything naughty?
I doubt it.
[upbeat music playing]
[all exclaiming]
We found the horniest people around
[Thuany] Let's agree on everyone
wearing condoms, please,
then everyone can have sex
with each other and we're all good.
[Bruna] and offered them
what sounded like the best trip
they could possibly imagine
I hope the debauchery starts soon, man.
[Bruna] and then told them
that in this paradise,
almost everything is allowed, except for
having sex.
[Igor] It really throws
a wrench in the works.
[Brenda] This is literal cockblocking.
[Bruna] There's no fooling around here,
my darling.
I feel like crying. It makes me wanna cry.
My heart is racing, man.
I'm so horny, I'm shivering. For real.
[Bruna] Our guests
will have to stick it out,
unless they want to see
a prize of R$500,000
vanish into thin air.
As they tend to do after a date, right?
This stunning retreat
for the biggest players
is managed by an all-seeing
artificial intelligence.
Lana will be watching them
around the clock,
before announcing the dry spell.
Will they be able to stay sane
without their favorite pastime?
[Gabriela] Do not misalign my chakras!
You are a douchebag so many times.
I'm saying it to your face.
[Bruna] Eh, I don't think so
[Brenda] I'm pissed 'cause I worried a lot
about everyone else,
and nobody even cared about me.
I even worried about you.
Now look at us,
we look like a bunch of idiots.
You guys are too focused on me.
Because all I'm really feeling
is disappointment, you know?
[Lana] You have broken a rule
and have incurred the maximum penalty.
[Bruna] With sex off the table,
will they be able
to build stronger relationships?
- We're in this together.
- Yeah, we are.
[Matheus] I wasn't prepared to find
the love of my life in a few days.
What do you know about me?
Only what is on the surface.
[thrilling music playing]
[Bruna] Or will it just be
I need to get laid.
I can't take it anymore.
Be cool and help me, okay?
[Bruna] too hot to handle?
[Lana] Your dry spell
has officially started.
Welcome, and enjoy the retreat.
[dramatic music playing]
Oh, fuck.
[Leandro] What the hell?
No way, dude.
Man, she didn't say
we couldn't give a little peck.
- We can't do anything.
- Nothing. Nothing at all.
It's not for us to keep
locked inside our rooms, right?
It's not just to kiss or have sex.
Just live normally.
But then if we see that everybody is like,
"Fuck the money," then fuck the money.
Man, I have R$30 in my wallet, seriously.
You know? I need the money.
I need this money.
Here I am in an internal conflict
between wanting the money
and wanting to have sex.
How will it work? Is everybody chill?
Like, "Fuck it. Let's kiss everyone."
- Live normally, and lose the money?
- [Ronaldo] Really.
- Or will you want the money?
- I want the money.
It's over. That's it. If you haven't
done it yet, you missed your chance.
Maybe there will be times that,
if you make out, fooled around,
did a little something
- Be sincere and admit it.
- Be honest and talk.
Look, I'll be mad
if I have to be all, like,
"I won't kiss anybody,
I'm resisting for the good of everybody."
And then someone
goes and kisses. Oh, come on!
Is hugging allowed?
- That's all I want to know.
- Sure it is. It's affection.
Sure, it just can't be sexual.
But Matheus hugging me
will always be sexual.
We have this thing, like
Like that.
So let's do the following.
For the sake of everybody,
Brenda and Matheus
no longer sleep together.
- No!
- Oh, no!
It goes against the most pronounced trait
of my zodiac sign, which is Scorpio,
my personality and all of that crap.
But also, like, no one will be
keeping an eye on us.
We will, Brenda.
But you have to trust.
If we're saying that
we don't do anything, we really won't.
I don't trust Matheus.
I don't trust Matheus.
[Bruna] Nobody trusts Matheus.
You two together
won't be able to stop yourselves.
I give you my word that I'll do my best
to make sure
that we don't lose a single penny.
That's it.
I'll try hard
for this to happen for everyone.
Now I'm getting in the middle of you two.
But if someone fucks up the whole thing,
I'll fuck it up harder, bro.
Thank you, Lana.
You're really cockblocking me.
But I'll be back, you'll see.
Wait, I want to hear from
somebody who is not here.
Come on, Leandro.
- [Thuany] Leo!
- [Igor] Take the talking pillow.
I don't remember the longest
amount of time I've been without it.
I'm still in shock.
[Kethellen] He's in shock, bro.
He's kind of astonished.
I'm still trying to process everything.
Man, this is gonna be very hard.
[Bruna] Well, he said a mouthful,
but only the obvious.
Well, we're really talking about
money or sex.
But the purpose of the game
isn't one or the other.
I'm playing like the coach told us to.
Coach Lana said the word, right?
The aim is for us to have
interpersonal relationships.
Okay, but if there was no prize,
would you be interested
in this emotional thing? I wouldn't.
How're we supposed to know if we click
if we don't have sex or at least make out?
Has anyone here spent a long time,
like a week or two or even days
without even touching yourself
or doing anything?
- Nah.
- No. I've never done that.
[Kethellen] Is it gonna be tough? Yes.
It's a sacrifice. But there's a prize.
This is new to me too.
So let's just be understanding.
Obviously, but we can't be
understanding every time.
Otherwise, we'll leave here owing money.
If someone breaks the rule,
there's gonna be a fight.
I won't let it slide.
So, guys, who's gonna make an effort?
- Everybody.
- I will.
Okay, then we're in this together.
- That's it, bro.
- That's it, man.
I think getting out of this retreat
with R$500,000 will be impossible.
[Bruna] Knowing you guys,
I think so, too.
And now the situation has changed.
It's not like we thought
it would be anymore.
I mean, each one of us
is gonna do whatever we want.
- You know?
- [Igor] Yeah.
I'm not gonna be the one
to say we can't do that.
- [Igor] Exactly.
- I'm 28.
I don't need anyone to tell me what to do.
[Igor] And no one here is a child anymore.
Every choice is a refusal.
You choose one thing and refuse another.
- That's a fact of life.
- [Thuany] That's right.
With R$500,000, I could change my life
for the rest of my life.
Change my life forever.
That's why I think,
"Guys, it's just a kiss."
We can hold ourselves together, right?
- It might change too.
- [Igor] It's not about money.
There may be a moment when what I want
changes, I won't be a hypocrite.
I would hate to be a hypocrite saying,
"Oh, everything is gonna be great,
I'm not gonna give in."
There'll maybe be moments
when I, Thuany, won't be so responsible.
Like, "Oh, guys, my bad."
This has only made me sharper.
I joined the house saying,
"I will at least kiss everyone."
With Lana's arrival,
I think I'm gonna have to change my mind,
change everything.
We're addicted to sex somehow,
addicted to the dirty stuff.
We'll get to know each other
a little bit better,
test our limits, see how far we can go,
because we have
a little pressure. Right, bro?
How far we can take it.
How far we can go, bro.
I think I'll do some minor rule-breaking.
A little sneak away.
Come on. Let's lose
a little money there real quick.
[Bruna] Just because it's real quick,
doesn't mean it'll be real cheap.
I think having sex is gonna cost R$20,000.
Yeah, R$20,000 for having sex.
Yeah, R$20,000 for sex,
about R$5,000 for kissing.
I don't even wanna think about
how much having sex will cost.
[Davi] It's R$100,000 for having sex.
- You think so?
- For sure, R$100,000.
- [Leandro] Are you crazy, dude?
- We've already lost.
- You're crazy, man.
- [Davi] Wanna bet?
They said
Money ain't nothing but trouble ♪
[Bruna] Everybody,
get on board the Naughty Bus.
Get a kiss for only
Well, we'll find out soon enough.
The more I get involved with you,
the better it is,
but I get more and more worried about
what'll happen, you know?
Maybe since I started
hooking up with Matheus,
I've awoken a desire
that I already had deep down,
but I was afraid to surrender to.
[Bruna] Oh,
what a romantic little cutie-pie.
Lana must be so proud of you.
On the one hand, Lana is helping us.
Because we were so focused.
We were totally in that sexual thing.
Yeah, that sexual thing,
fooling around and all that.
We realized that there's a lot
we don't know about each other.
There's a lot to learn.
We've never sat down and talked.
He's never asked anything about my life.
Anyway, now since
we won't be able to have sex all the time,
we'll have the opportunity
to talk more, right?
[Bruna] I am shocked!
Lana's microchip has surely got the power.
And how is Igor doing? Focused on Rita.
Last night,
I respected her time, her space.
I probably could've chatted her up
to make some hotter things happen. But
I wanna know her better
to see if, beyond her appearance,
the physical attraction and our chemistry,
there's something else that connects us.
And if she wants it too,
which is the most important thing.
To know if she wants to go for it too.
[Bruna] Good boy. I wonder if Rita
is on the same page.
[Rita] I need to talk to Igor soon.
Oh, my God.
Because he's kinda thinking
we're a couple,
and I still want to hook up with Leandro.
[Bruna] Uh I don't think so.
As soon as I got here,
the first three boys I wanted
were Igor, Davi and Leo.
[Bruna] Leo? You still haven't learned
the boy's name?
But if he had approached me
from the beginning,
we would be a couple by now.
I really wanted Leo.
Leonardo, right? Or Leandro?
[Bruna] It's Leandro.
Leandro, Leonardo.
Anyway, I'm into Leonardo.
[Bruna] I quit.
[upbeat music playing]
Leandro, Leonardo
The important thing
is that Igor isn't the only one
who's gonna have to learn
how to say goodbye.
[Davi] Yesterday,
the guys came to talk to me.
Igor thought I was upset
because you two hooked up.
I mean, I liked hooking up with you,
I'd do it again.
I liked your personality, the way you are.
[Rita] If it was up to Davi,
we'd be a couple by now.
But for me, I have other priorities.
[Bruna] Yeah, Leonardo Leandro.
[Davi] But then I wanted to ask you this.
Are you still open for us to talk
for me to get to know you and all that,
or are you more focused on Igor?
That's all I wanted to know.
No, not Igor.
I wanted to hook up with Leo now.
You wanted to hook up with me,
with Igor and Leandro?
- Yeah, and see what happens, you know?
- [Davi] I know.
It's not that she's not wrong.
She should get to know everyone,
make out with whoever she wants to.
But we're not objects
to pick up and throw away either.
But I don't know, I'm confused.
[Davi laughs]
Yeah, like Dona Flor
and Her Three Husbands, right? [chuckles]
[Bruna] Well, it seems that
this mermaid's net
is already full of fish.
[upbeat music playing]
It was kind of weird, you know,
what happened with Rita?
I wanna have the opportunity
to get to know her better.
- She's in the mood to know other people.
- Yeah.
It's like she said. She wants to know me,
she wants to know you, to know Leandro.
But I'm not gonna be like,
"Man, I'll be waiting."
Give too much attention.
- Yeah, no.
- I won't be waiting.
But Lana came out of nowhere
and gave us something to think about.
How's it gonna be now? Like, we wanted to
hook up with other chicks.
That's it, bro, this whole afternoon,
I had a really awesome
self-reflection about me, you know?
It made me see how superficial I was.
I had to have a robot come
and tell me that I was superficial.
And that crushed my heart, you know, bro.
That thing of saying
that we're superficial, that's really bad.
Then you reflect on it and your realize
you're really superficial.
How dumb do we have to be?
We had to come to a thing like this
to understand something about real life?
You know?
[Bruna] Saving money on therapy
by going on a reality show.
Suck on that, Freud.
If you need to talk,
you can count on me, bro.
It was nice to let out steam, bro.
We're so in this together.
[mellow music playing]
Oh, no, sweetheart.
[Bruna] Uh-oh!
I barely slept last night. I'm so tired.
Now we'll have
plenty of time to sleep, right?
[Matheus] Or not.
Because tonight anything can happen.
[Brenda chuckles]
[Matheus] Do it, and do it right.
Do it better than we did last time.
Stop it, you're being reckless.
[Matheus] Yes, reckless.
Oh, no, Lana. Why, man?
[Matheus] But wait. No, seriously.
We can only test to check
how much a little kiss costs.
- Now?
- Yeah, just to check.
- [Bruna] Wow! Jeez!
- [laughs]
I was like, you know
Stop playing hard to get.
Where's your sense of adventure?
Lana won't say it right away, like,
"Man, you kissed," here and now, right?
Since everyone saw that we fucked hard,
that we kissed and stuff, whatever,
so if it's just a little kiss, no one
is gonna think that it was us. Got it?
But we'll tell them, right?
We have to be honest.
- No, we won't. We don't say anything.
- What? Why?
Nobody will think
we just had a little kiss.
I'm gonna cause a rift, you know,
without them realizing it was me.
[Brenda chuckling]
In Lana's face.
[Bruna] That's it!
Very low profile indeed.
Nobody will suspect you.
[Igor] Hold those two back, bro.
They're like dogs in heat, for God's sake.
[Leandro] Bro, I can't do it alone.
[man exclaims and chuckles]
Get up, dude!
Three meters apart.
I know they won't be
able to keep it together.
[Matheus] Man, if I'm gonna do some shit
to lose everybody's money
[Brenda] It won't be small.
It's not gonna be small shit like that.
I'm gonna make it huge,
not some tiny, little thing.
I'm playing, you know?
Setting everyone up.
[Rita] If we lose,
it's gotta be worthwhile.
Right, it's gotta be worthwhile.
Something really wild.
[Rita] Not just kissing or groping,
but only real stuff, damn it.
Yeah, not for a little kiss. Fuck that.
[Bruna] Guys, I don't want to see
what's gonna happen tonight.
Okay, I'm lyin'. I do.
Turn on the night vision cameras.
[Brenda] Yes, but will they ask,
and will we tell?
[Matheus] No, we won't.
[Brenda] We're not? Are we gonna lie?
[Matheus] We'll turn everyone
against each other.
But what for?
[Matheus] When we do, we'll look like
the good guys in front of everyone.
We'll just cause a rift.
[dramatic music playing]
So, when things get really bad,
I burst onto the scene,
looking like a saint.
Like a Mexican soap opera, man.
[Bruna] Yeah? And we've got
the villain already.
[Brenda] That scheme showed
something about his nature.
Because if he does that
with the others, he can do it with me too.
- I can't lie.
- [Matheus] No, dude.
Really, what I'm trying
is to extract a role,
an actress that's within you.
I'm gonna use Brenda.
Then I'll play
this fucking game by myself.
We have to work together
to stay in control of the game. That's it.
If everyone else
turns against me, fuck it.
But my goal is to look like the good guy
in the end. And I think I'm gonna make it.
[upbeat music playing]
[Bruna] Well, it seems like
the breakfast menu this morning
is DTR with scrambled eggs.
[Brenda] I want you to understand
the situation that made me
a little uncomfortable
and made me a little afraid of everything,
was the thing you suggested yesterday.
I'm getting to know you,
and it made me think some things
about your character.
[Matheus] Mmm-hmm.
Because if you wanna
do that to these people,
you could do the same to me.
[Matheus] Mmm-hmm.
I knew that we would have
that conversation sooner or later.
I proposed something
just to kid, to have some fun.
That's it. Period.
And you agreed. And then all I'm
But if you propose something fun that
hurts people, it's not fun, it's cruel.
You just wanna cause a rift, so then
we have room to do something even worse.
That's what you wanna do.
We're together, but we're
going at it all wrong. And why?
Because we're not creating any
emotional connection, it's just physical.
Is this relationship making us grow?
I don't feel like we're growing at all.
Yeah, that part was a little rough.
[Brenda] What bothered me more though
was that I went along with it.
I would do it for you,
ignoring my own beliefs, like I always do.
Oh, for me? Really?
[Brenda] No. Because you encouraged me
to do it, you influenced me.
[Matheus] You said you have no feelings
for me. Why would you do it then?
I didn't say I have no feelings for you.
You just said that.
You've been saying that all this time
that it was really only sexual.
- So you have feelings for me or not?
- [Brenda scoffs]
I don't know. I'm confused.
I'm feeling really torn, seriously.
I think if we continue like this,
I won't be able to clear my mind.
I won't be able to
understand what I'm feeling.
- Okay. So what do you propose?
- I think we should take a break.
For me, it's a hollow relationship.
It's been shallow so far.
We'll make it clear to everyone
that we're not together,
and we're free to do whatever we want to.
Then do this.
Create an emotional connection
with whomever you want.
- But don't blow the money. Okay?
- I'm not saying that.
[Matheus] No, make it count.
Dude, you're very slick. It's not that.
If I feel like kissing another person,
it would be because
we created a connection first.
- No problem.
- I won't waste the money.
I won't do it just for the sake of
doing it. I would be hypocritical.
[Matheus] Mmm-hmm.
I need to take a breath.
I hope you know what you're doing.
[dramatic music playing]
[serene music playing]
[Bruna] In this atmosphere
of "namastension,"
I think we need
a little bit more help from Lana.
[Lana] Over the course
of their sexual detox process,
my guests will attend various workshops
aimed at helping them develop
their abilities to connect emotionally.
The first of these workshops
will be given by Dan Agra.
[Dan] Welcome.
My name is Dan, and I'm
a professional tantric practitioner.
[upbeat music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
That's the way I like it.
I was super happy, but I was
a little confused because Huh?
- Tantra?
- Gosh, we're having sex?
- Here we go.
- It's gonna be nice!
Coming from Lana
Usually, when we relate to other people,
everything is fast, right?
Someone touches you, you touch them back,
you kiss this person, they kiss you back,
but we don't feel it.
That's what this workshop is for.
For you to learn how to feel your body.
[upbeat music playing]
Pleasure is not in the other.
Pleasure is in yourself.
We weren't expecting anything like that.
[Bruna] I'm sorry.
Which part of "you can't have sex"
didn't you understand?
Usually, people relate tantra
to sexuality.
But that's just a really small part.
Every aspect of you can benefit
from increased awareness.
So we're gonna broaden
the awareness of our vision,
of our breathing,
our sounds and movements.
We'll put the blindfolds on,
so the experience
can just be your experience.
Breathe out, engage your whole body.
Fists, shoulders, hips
Include your feet as well. That's it.
- Is it a puppet dance?
- It's a dance.
[Thuany] I decided to
be in the moment, you know?
Relax your body.
And very slowly walk forward.
You can walk forward
and you'll find the group.
[Gabriela] We're all kind of, you know,
trying to keep our balance
so as not to fall or touch anyone.
[Dan] When you find the group,
lean on them with no hands.
[slow electronic music playing]
Smell it.
Feel the presence, feel the energy.
[Davi] So it's a crazy thing
of feeling people,
being in contact with them.
And you get goosebumps,
and it's a very good feeling.
[Bruna] Look, I trust Lana completely,
but isn't this a bit too naughty?
[Dan] You are going to move back slowly.
As long as you feel
someone near, you walk away.
I was totally out of my comfort zone.
[Dan] And you can start to walk slowly
in the direction
of the person on the opposite side.
It's very confusing.
There were moments I recognized
some people by their smell.
[Dan] You will find somebody.
I knew it was Matheus.
When I was touching him,
I felt his body, I smelled his cologne.
- I found someone.
- I found one.
- [record scratches]
- [exclaims and chuckles]
And breathe. Breathe like that.
Breathe her in, breathe him in.
[romantic music playing]
I was feeling every part of his body.
I even felt
his private parts.
It was super intense.
[Bruna] Forget his privates, Rita.
Focus on spirituality, darling.
[Davi] We end up feeling the person
breathing in our necks.
[chuckling] I think
my little friend down there is about to
say hello.
[Kethellen] It felt so good, you know,
just leaning my head on his shoulder
and staying there, relaxed.
I was feeling myself and feeling
the other person, their energy.
[Dan] It's time to reveal
who your partner was.
Take off the blindfolds.
[both laughing]
It was surreal, very pleasant.
[Rita] Destiny, dude.
It could have been anyone.
I already knew it before we even touched.
Seriously, before we even touched.
[dramatic music playing]
[Matheus] I thought it would be
impossible for me to partner with Brenda.
And I didn't want to accept that.
[somber music playing]
I didn't feel it was you until the end.
Only at the end, I swear.
Because things don't work that way.
There was no way
he wouldn't know it was me.
We spent all the last few days together.
That moment, my world fell apart,
because I got it right away
that he was just acting.
I don't know if I can handle it.
I've never experienced anything like that,
I don't know how to deal with it,
I feel like I'm going crazy, seriously.
I've been through some things in my life
and I have created a very hard shell.
And that shell helps me
all the time in real life.
But it's not helping me here.
Now there's a private
therapy session for the actor.
It's complicated. [scoffs]
Do you think he's acting?
[Bruna] Matheus, your colleagues think
you should be nominated for an Oscar.
What hurts me the most
is that despite everything,
I was starting to like him.
And I feel like he's using me.
[Dan] These emotional processes happen.
But it can only be experienced
if you're present.
Then you can get back
to your connection through the eyes.
[spiritual music playing]
Don't lose her, don't lose him.
[Rita] When I'm nervous,
I always break into laughter.
I thought it was perfect
because he's like a prince, right?
When I was looking at him,
I said, "Wow, what a man."
This connection that we had
was due to an exchange of energy.
It wasn't forced or anything.
It was totally unexpected for me.
I can't explain it.
Wow. Very nice.
It feels good, right?
- I kinda like it.
- I liked it.
When you really concentrate
and find yourself,
I think something happened to me
to find something within myself, like,
"Dude, it's up to me.
It's not the other person. It's me."
[Dan] Tantra is a way of connecting
with your own essence.
With your feelings.
There's something else there.
And I really felt that, you know?
The desire to be hugging
or to be close to someone.
[slow electronic music playing]
Keth and I almost kissed each other
during the workshop.
And I was like, "Oh, man!"
Became like when
a body meets another body, you know?
I didn't come here
to get attached to anyone,
but I felt like a very strong connection
with her. It was awesome.
I'm sure lots of couples
that have been together for a long time
have never had a connection
like the one I just had.
[Dan] Go back, lie down.
And now is the time for you to feel
your whole body vibration.
[slow electronic music playing]
[waves crashing]
Breathe deeper, let it happen.
Let your body express itself.
[Igor] Feeling all that energy
made me revisit things from my past.
That was the most special moment
of the whole thing for me.
[slow percussive music playing]
[Dan] One must learn
to connect deeply with oneself.
That's tantra.
A way through which
you can truly connect with yourself.
[Leandro] I had no idea what was going on.
I think I learned
how to get to know myself better,
and to not hold in what I really feel.
[Leandro sniffles]
[Dan] Now you can sit up.
[Dan] Press your hands together.
[upbeat music playing]
And you can say, "Namaste."
[Gabriela] Pleasure for me now
has a whole new sense.
The way we connect with people
in different ways,
the other forms of sensitivity.
I'd like to thank you
and close this experience with applause.
[Kethellen] It was one of
the best experiences of my life.
Dating, kissing, it's all cool.
Sex is very good.
But we know that when we lie in bed alone,
lay our heads on the pillow,
we miss having someone for real,
and being real for someone.
And that's what I want with him now.
[all cheering]
[all] Tantra!
You know gotta go get someone ♪
Never know what you're missing ♪
Until you believe you need to feel it ♪
[Bruna] The workshop is barely over
and there's already a couple
that's trying to deepen their connection.
But, you know,
at some point I felt it could be you.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- I kind of touched some parts
- You know when I realized?
- When?
- When it was, like, dancing, you know?
- Like this.
- Really?
That's when I was like,
"Man, I think it's Gabi."
And when we opened our eyes
and could see who we were with.
It was crazy,
it really makes you think, like,
"Wow, I walked everywhere.
And then we bumped into each other."
"And here we are."
- Awesome.
- Yeah.
It's all energy, you know?
Sometimes you're blindfolded,
you smell the person, feel their touch.
- Isn't that crazy?
- What?
- The non-sexual touching.
- It's awesome.
Even with people we've had sex with,
we may not have had that.
- Because we get a little shy. I got shy.
- At the beginning, yeah.
- Touching, like
- The other person, yeah. I don't know.
[Gabriela] He doesn't blink.
He looks deep into my eyes,
he really connects with me.
And I was like, "Oh, God."
Feeling kind of
I was already aware of who I am.
But that way of thinking, like,
"Dude, I could think more about that."
- Much more to evolve.
- It's kinda superficial.
Sometimes we let it go, you know?
When things started to happen,
I said, "Wow, I know
too little about myself."
I could do another session tomorrow
just to reinforce the process, you know?
You're totally namaste,
you got it going on.
Yeah, totally.
[Bruna] I've heard
that a deep tantric connection
can last for hours and hours.
But what about
a deep tantric disconnection?
I'm really pissed. Really pissed.
I thought I knew him,
but now I'm not sure about that.
[Brenda] You've gone very disappointed.
Very disappointed indeed.
I'm glad you felt the same thing I did.
Because I was feeling it and thinking,
"Oh, my God, I must be a terrible person."
[Rita] I kept saying to myself,
"Don't laugh, don't laugh."
Because to me, he was totally acting.
"What kind of psychologist am I?
Have I lost my empathy?"
But actually,
I think it's the other way around.
He cried during the workshop
to play on her emotions
so they would get back together,
but she didn't buy it.
I really wanted
to feel like I'm wrong, you know?
I really wanted to feel like I'm wrong.
I'm not a chess piece.
He hurt me a lot after that.
[upbeat music playing]
[Lana chimes]
- [Lana] Hello, Leandro.
- Hey, baby.
[Lana] How was your experience with Rita
during the workshop today?
To be quite honest, it was something
I didn't expect.
Feeling my body connected that way
with her, without us even talking,
it was a huge shock to me.
It was a very new experience for me
that I wasn't expecting.
[Lana] Would you be interested
in continuing the process
of connecting with her?
[Lana] Well, then, get ready.
I've prepared a special date
just for the two of you.
Come on, little Lana. Are you serious?
I'm really giving myself up for the game.
I think there might
even be a little reward for that
coming from Lana.
Thank you very much, gorgeous.
I'm very happy.
Very happy and very anxious.
[Lana chimes] Hello, Rita. How are you?
I'm all right. What's up with you?
[Lana] You have a date this evening.
- Yay, with who?
- [Lana] Get dressed and good luck.
Girl, get dressed and good luck.
A date is exactly what I need right now.
Wow! Lana, I love you!
I hope it's with the same person
I wanna hook up with.
My time has come.
[Bruna] Do your best,
'cause your fairy godmother
has already done her part.
[Leandro] Hello, my baby girl.
- I don't believe it.
- [both chuckle]
I saw that monument walking towards me
and I said, "Wow, Lana is perfect."
She did everything the way I wanted,
like she read my mind.
- A toast to us.
- Cheers. To us.
I've been waiting for this moment
since I arrived here.
I barely know her,
but she's the girl of my dreams.
I was gonna talk to you,
but we didn't have the opportunity.
I heard some rumors, you know?
Yeah, but then you didn't come to me
When I kept saying
that I really wanted to hook up with you,
it was really just my way of warning Igor.
- You weren't interested?
- No, I wasn't. He was being too clingy.
It was good, right? Woke you up.
I believe that if it's meant to happen,
it'll happen.
- What will be, will be.
- Exactly.
But I'm a quieter person,
I usually keep a low profile.
- I'm laid back.
- I like it that way.
- Nice.
- It's more exciting.
The art of seduction, you know?
When something is too easy, then it's
It's kinda lame.
Anyway, will we
break the rules?
[Bruna] Hmm.
I couldn't possibly
Do you think it's worth it?
It's obviously worth it. I think that
money can't buy moments like these.
- No, it can't.
- [Bruna] Here we go.
Letting the moment pass
- That's not a good idea.
- That's true.
I could tell he was interested,
but he's more, like, I would say, slow.
I'll need to deal with that.
But tell me a little about yourself.
I've been an athlete
since I was nine years old.
The only thing I really know
how to do in life is swim.
But what about you? I've spoken too much.
I'm very intense.
When I do something, I dive right in.
Got it?
- Even to lose a prize?
- [laughs]
But would you lose points,
if it meant kissing me?
- For sure.
- Yeah?
[Bruna] That's your cue, Leandro
[Bruna] She dives right in
and he swims away.
I can see that nothing's
gonna happen over here,
so let's go look over there.
- There's a date going on, girl.
- Yeah.
I can only hope
that they won't break the rules.
Do you think they will?
If there's a nice connection
between them, I think so.
If he's a straightforward person,
it'll happen.
[Bruna] Uh-oh, maybe not, then
- If it happens, it'll be good for them.
- [Thuany] Yeah, I'll pay for that kiss.
I won't be upset.
- [Ronaldo] Neither will I.
- Exactly.
The point is, if one person does it,
someone else will,
then the next and so on.
- [Ronaldo] I don't think so. I wouldn't.
- I'm determined, I won't do it.
- [Matheus] There's an agreement.
- But you've already kissed.
- [Brenda] There's gotta be a connection.
- [Ronaldo] Because of the connection.
[Davi] Exactly, and I also had
a strong connection with her.
- That's what I'm talking about.
- If you say so
[Davi] But then
Are you okay with that?
- Dude, we don't know.
- Yeah, we don't know.
- It's a totally different context.
- We know their deal.
- We saw.
- You just said that's not the situation.
We didn't follow your story the same way.
It wasn't the same, you know what I mean?
Not happening.
The world doesn't revolve around you.
[Davi] Exactly,
I'm talking about the group.
I have no patience for this.
Don't give me that,
'cause I'm not having a good day.
You're being selfish.
You're not getting to
the essence of the problem.
- That's it, dude.
- [Davi] Of course I'm getting it.
Or I would've already kissed her.
When I felt a deeper connection,
we almost kissed.
It's not about you.
- I know it's not about me, I'm
- So what's your point?
[Davi] What's my point?
And in the end, I'm the bad guy?
The situation here is totally different.
A couple that we've already known
was about to have something.
For one, Lana gave them this opportunity,
because they already had something.
In that case,
I think it's fair for them to kiss.
They were trying
to get to know each other, you know?
That's the thing. They have to be free
to get to know each other.
[Bruna] Enough with the blah-blah.
I want to know about the couple.
Actually, I think that we oughta
check how much kissing costs.
A date is for kissing.
Don't stand on ceremony,
because there has to be kissing.
Oh, fuck it.
It was all the way I'd hoped.
It was perfect.
I had already warned everyone
that this kiss was gonna happen,
regardless of the points we'd lose.
[Bruna] Guys,
you don't lose points, you lose money.
In this case, your money.
Or what's left of it.
- A toast to Lana.
- A toast to Lana.
- Perfect.
- Sweet Lana.
It's fine for everyone who wants
to break the rules on the next date.
I don't care.
[all exclaiming]
[all cheering and applauding]
- We kissed, okay?
- [Igor] They kissed!
[Brenda] Look, he's even more handsome.
He's calmer, happier
- Just to check how much it costs.
- [Bruna] No kidding.
[all laughing]
- Thanks, thanks.
- [Gabriela] Just to check.
I'm not against it, right?
But come on, it's our money, right?
[Bruna] And there are even more people
having a hard time putting out the flame
that the tantra has ignited.
You wanna do a little rule-breaking?
I don't think so.
Because you're focused on the money?
[Kethellen] That doesn't prevent me
from getting to know you
without breaking any rule, you know?
I want to allow myself to let it flow,
I want to know more about him.
I'll surrender and let it happen.
But that's why we're here,
for us to get to know
what the person has besides the kiss,
the little kiss, the sex. It's different.
I never experienced that, you know?
But you know,
in the middle of the workshop,
it was like I wanted to kiss you.
- Where? Here?
- Didn't you feel like kissing?
Gosh, I could have kissed her right then.
It would have been perfect
to top it off like that.
Kissing her to try
a little more physical contact.
It's not all about sex and kissing.
But it's very good, right?
[Kethellen] Sure, it's so good.
- And are you missing it already?
- So much.
Oh, man.
Today I'm feeling needy, you know?
When I'm having PMS, that's what happens.
I get more sentimental, more emotional.
- You get hornier?
- Yeah.
Are you horny today?
Don't do that to me, man!
- Jeez, I'm not gonna sleep with you, then.
- No, there's no danger.
- [Davi chuckles]
- I can control myself.
[Bruna] Okay, then.
Let's see just how far this control goes.
Go ahead.
I'll go.
Fill my bottle up.
[Bruna] Am I the only one
who thinks this is suspicious?
Of course! Who doesn't want fresh breath
before filling up a water bottle?
I do, always.
That's it. Go help Keth, Davi.
Filling up a water bottle is like tango.
It takes two to do it.
[Kethellen mumbles indistinctly]
- I'm scared.
- [Davi] Kiss me.
We didn't control ourselves.
I dove into it, I surrendered.
I wanted to enjoy it,
because I knew that afterwards,
we might not have another chance.
Go, go.
[Davi] Go ahead.
I'll pretend that I did something.
When it's forbidden, it's better.
It feels more exciting.
Very cool.
Man, it was nice
breaking the rules, wasn't it?
It was exciting.
[Kethellen] We agreed not to tell people.
The more we can avoid problems,
the better.
May Lana forgive us.
- But I would do it again.
- [chuckles]
[upbeat song playing]
[Bruna] The gang is only this happy
because they have no idea
that people were filling up
their water bottles last night.
By the way, where is our thirsty couple?
I'm really happy
I'm having this moment with you.
And having this connection with you.
Yesterday, after I had that experience
with this tantric thing,
I think I connected more with myself.
I felt better about myself.
But when I got in contact with your body,
I won't deny
that when your lips touched mine
- Yeah.
- How did you do it?
Do it again. Yeah, that's it!
And I really enjoyed giving you that kiss.
The adrenaline, it was exciting.
Now, more than ever,
we'll feel more desire,
more desire to kiss,
to want to get closer.
Yeah. You're talking,
I'm just staring at your lips.
I see it. You're really staring.
Here, you've got some schmutz.
What if I gave you
one more kiss you today?
Here's the thing, we already messed it up.
Now that we're here, enjoying it, I can't.
[Bruna] I don't even
wanna think about the bill.
[Davi] One more, right?
I couldn't resist it.
It ended up flowing a little better.
Two kisses in a row.
They're gonna kill me.
- May Lana forgive us
- Lana will manage it.
But I couldn't take it.
It was even harder
to control ourselves than last night.
There's a lot going on.
Man, I think I wanna live each moment
as if it were unique.
And enjoy it, right?
But it is half a million, you know?
It was half a million, Davi. It was.
I think we need to start being sensible.
- Control ourselves.
- Yeah, a balance.
Yes. Sometimes sneak away,
and sometimes do more
The money will run out.
I think we should tell them now.
We don't need to say
what happened in the closet.
We won't tell them.
Let's leave it up in the air.
Lana might only tell them what it cost.
I think Lana won't tattle on us,
so let's leave things up in the air,
so each one of them
can draw their own conclusions.
[Bruna] There's nothing like
a dip in the ocean
to cool a couple down.
Wait a second, is this Naked And Afraid?
[Davi] And finally,
Davi fulfills his dream
of running naked on the beach
going into the sea completely naked.
I felt very comfortable.
- And?
- [Kethellen] Guys, we kissed.
I'm telling you the truth,
we kissed, just a kiss.
[Brenda] It's okay.
The way things are going,
we're gonna leave here
with zero real. With nothing.
- I have to tell you a secret.
- Tell me.
You swear you won't
yell at me or judge me?
I already know what it is,
I could tell by your expression.
- Because yesterday
- You kissed.
- Yesterday we snuck away.
- Yeah. [laughs]
Dude, if anything happened
and it was emotional,
for me, I don't care about the money.
- Did you like it?
- I liked it.
- It was worth it.
- That's the point.
[Bruna] Let's see if everyone else
will be as understanding as Ronaldo
when Lana delivers the bill.
[Lana chimes] Here at the retreat,
all my guests are required to learn
to prioritize
the deeper emotional connection
over the purely physical
or sexual connection.
Therefore, there will be a surcharge
for every broken rule.
- [Lana chimes] Mama is in the house.
- [Davi] Here we go.
[all cheering]
- That was awesome!
- Wonderful!
[Lana] But now it is time
that we have some real talk.
You know when your stomach just drops,
that nervousness thing?
I got it immediately.
Our wallet's about to get lighter.
Oh, Lana, go easy,
please have mercy on us.
[Lana] There were a total
of four rule violations detected.
What's going on?
Are we all in the same place?
Because I didn't see this happening.
- I counted two.
- I counted two.
Then Lana tattled on me right away.
[Davi] I got totally embarrassed.
I didn't know where to look,
I hung my head in shame.
More than two kisses?
Oh, you kissed more than once?
- [Davi] That may have been it.
- [Kethellen] That may have been it.
C'mon, that's crazy, dude!
How can we have trust anyone now?
Everyone is suspicious.
Because if Keth,
who we didn't expect would do it, did it
But if it was two here,
there were two more.
Yeah, that's true.
"Yeah, that's true"?
[Lana chimes] These infractions
have cost a total of
R$34,000 off the final prize.
- [all exclaiming]
- R$34,000, bro?
Four kisses for the price of a car.
Man, with R$34,000,
we could have a trip together somewhere.
We can't play around that way.
- You kissed twice, right?
- Yes.
- And what was the fourth, then?
- Yeah, what was it?
Brenda and Matheus, that's for sure.
Did you kiss?
- It was just a little kiss.
- When?
Before we argued.
So that must have been the fourth.
Now, Kethellen and Davi, you kissed twice?
Come on!
- [Brenda] Yeah.
- You went nuts.
- Why two kisses?
- Girl, two kisses?
No. Girl, stop that. You also kissed
and didn't mention it to anyone.
So you can't say anything.
But two kisses?
We have to have some common sense.
Did you use common sense and tell us?
No, right?
But two kisses?
Brenda's reaction surprised me.
I'm pissed because I worried a lot
about everyone else,
and nobody even cared about me.
I even worried about you, you know?
And now
Why did you worry about me?
I didn't know about that.
You didn't tell me that.
Because you were the only one
saying you didn't want to do it.
But I really didn't want to,
because I really want the money
and I need it too.
But I want to
experience this too, you know?
Okay, so don't say that, then.
But Kethellen, you can't have everything.
It was a shock,
more with Kethellen than with Davi.
I didn't think she was into him
to the point of losing money.
Okay, let me explain what happened.
I'll be honest here.
Tonight, what happened
- Last night.
- Last night.
Ah, it wasn't today, it was last night.
I assumed the following:
Rita had already kissed Leandro.
Then I said, "Let's go there,
in the closet, to kiss, to see if"
Because we really created
a good connection,
I said,
"Let's kiss and see if we like it."
We went to the closet and kissed.
It was so intense
that it led to another kiss.
I think it was a really shady thing to do,
hiding in the closet to kiss.
[Bruna] Wait, Brenda.
I could've sworn you and Matheus
were the pioneers
of "kissing in the closet."
Why didn't you tell?
- We meant to.
- We were waiting for the right moment.
We were gonna tell you.
I was gonna tell you, bro.
It's easy to admit the mistake
after Lana rats you out.
So the reasoning was, "Since they kissed,
we'll kiss too"? Come on.
I made a mistake, sorry.
It won't happen again. That's it.
Guys, I'm sorry. But what's done is done.
It happened. Let's move on.
[Thuany] Now we understand
exactly how much it costs.
Probably it was R$10,000 for each kiss
and R$4,000 for the little kiss.
You've cost us R$20,000 already.
[Bruna] Well, that really
killed the mood, didn't it?
Shall we throw ourselves
a little party to relax?
No, we can't end the episode
on such a sour note.
[all cheering]
[upbeat song playing]
[Leandro] There's a stripper pole!
At this party, I'm single
I want to enjoy it with everyone.
I'm a little worried about this party.
Brenda is single and I don't know
what's going on inside of her head.
[Brenda] Girls, let's watch
the boys pole dance.
[Thuany] Oh, gosh.
We can't see this kind of a thing, girl.
Go, Leandro. Like a go-go boy.
I'm gonna teach you this one, okay?
- Go!
- How does it work?
Step to the left, step to the right.
[women exclaiming]
No, we're not together,
but we just can't help it.
Matheus and I
always end up getting closer.
Somehow I'll do
what my heart tells me to do.
Hey, come here.
- Where?
- Downstairs.
[Matheus] Oh, my God.
What am I gonna say?
What am I gonna tell you?
I'm in the middle of a battle
between my heart and my head.
And I wanna know what you want.
Because I'm not willing
to stress over you,
going through a situation
like what we went through before.
And I'm very afraid to follow my heart
and get screwed up, you know?
[Matheus] I didn't expect this talk.
I can tell that she's hurt,
that she's, you know, kind of upset
with all I did and everything.
I recognize that I was a weak man.
Maybe it's too early
to say some things, but
I'll tell you the way I'm feeling.
I wasn't prepared to find
the love of my life in a few days.
[Bruna] Uh, what?
I need you to give me
the opportunity to show you
that I love you.
[clears throat]
[Matheus] That's it.
I don't know what's coming up next.
[Bruna] Coming up next
Editors, do we have it?
[women exclaiming]
[Lana buzzes]
[woman] I'm not in the mood
to see this many dicks.
[upbeat song playing]
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