Too Hot to Handle: Germany (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

I Licked It So It's Mine

What's going on?
What's that?
Good morning.
Turn the lights off!
Oh, come on…
How bright can a light possibly be?
Good morning.
Hi, Lana!
Good morning, Lana.
I hope you used
the previous hours to relax.
-I don't think she's nocturnal.
-Let's hope.
From now on, there's one thing
you shouldn't worry about.
And sex!
But we love to think about sex.
Money is not everything.
Since last night
you're no longer in Tropical Desire,
but part of my retreat.
I didn't give a shit, but shit.
Make the best of it.
What a nice evening, but also sad.
-Yes, very sad.
-No more sex!
-Ah, that's why.
He can't remember
because he didn't obey the rules.
-I forgot, sorry!
-He suppressed it.
No problem, Tobi.
What you don't have in your head,
we have on camera.
Sorry, guys,
this'll be a little tight, but…
Tight is okay
as long as you keep your hands
off each other.
You don't give a damn or what?
-No, today we'll behave.
-Huh, we are not doing anything yet.
I've got my eye on you guys.
Tobi, don't you dare do anything.
Were your hands over the blanket?
We've been holding back.
I really tried to be good.
I made up my mind to be restrained
the first night.
That sounds fine.
You couldn't even wait for two seconds!
There it goes. The first bit of money.
And where does Tobi's hand go now?
No, right? Oh, guys.
My hands explored Stella's body very well.
I just heard rustling and…
Okay, so we're broke.
You've gambled away money,
no question about it.
I'm sure you did too.
That was clear anyway.
I don't actually think Stella and I
were the only ones to break the rules.
Laura, where were your little hands?
All the way to the side.
We were looking for cameras
under the blankets.
Hey, I had the whole bed to myself
and he really slept here.
Let's have a look.
That's my tip,
lying doesn't cost any money
but it doesn't help either,
because Lana sees everything.
And what we don't see, we can guess.
Lana, turn a blind eye to me.
Preferably both.
I wish you a day full of knowledge,
full of abstinence
and lots of success in my retreat!
Okay, thank you, Lana.
The analysis of last night's data
has revealed a rule reminder is mandatory.
I already know the rules. Kissing…
Also not allowed:
And what's not allowed either
is masturbation.
No, you don't have to look so angry.
Breaking the rules is breaking the rules
and that costs money.
Any tenderness
will reduce the prize money towards zero.
But we're nice. This is allowed. At least.
I don't think that anyone was
as fast as we were.
Yes, very well done, you two.
But that's not what Lana had in mind.
Okay, at least you didn't poke
your eyes out.
I feel so bad, but it feels so…
The kiss was very intense
and I must say one of the best.
Look, there's Lana.
Oh, we did it right next to Lana!
Lana, I did not see you. It doesn't count.
-We should put a blindfold on her.
Oh my God, where is one?
We'll put something on her! Look.
Oh yeah, let her get sexy vibes.
I think Lana can't see anything now.
Okay, Lana. Good night.
Sleep well.
We didn't do anything. Goodbye.
Nice try. But hey, it suits her.
Rules were broken.
-Quite exciting.
Let's see what the others say
when this comes out.
Do you think they'll guess?
I wouldn't say anything for the time being
and see if they come up with it at all.
Let's see if Lana reveals anything.
-Oh, woe to you, Lana.
-So, Lana…
Rule violations ignored?
Lana would sooner bathe with a hair dryer.
I would've loved
to have gambled money yesterday.
That's the spirit… Not!
So girls…
I'm really surprised
how horny everyone was.
No shit. With me it's like,
now I can't, I really want to.
I am someone
who invests their money wisely,
but I am still a horny girl.
So, if we spend it right now,
we have nothing left to lose.
Yes, sounds logical. And wrong.
Do you want to go on with Stella?
I will definitely stay tuned.
Sex is just awesome.
We do have to care at least a bit
about the money.
I heard you and Anna
had quite a good time too.
Did you have fun, too?
Yes. Me and Anna had fun too.
But did you have her on the radar?
Not at all.
It just happened that way yesterday.
She came to me.
The night was very interesting.
I wouldn't have thought
that we match so well.
You had the vibe.
From the corner
you were like, "Blah, blah…"
Only "blah, blah."
-Talking during sex?
-In Italian?
-Have you done that?
-I don't think the grammar fits.
-It doesn't work.
-What do you like most about women?
-From appearances?
-I like ass.
Yes, same.
Asses are just like… wow…
I just noticed how hard it is here.
No, it's all good.
-Nice chat.
-Really nice chat.
But you talked a lot last night,
didn't you?
But just talking or…
That really turned me on.
I'd have loved to grab her yesterday.
I must say,
I clearly marked my territory last night,
and if you get too close,
you will be punished.
I fight for what I want.
And that night I definitely
got Kevin fired up to stay with me.
What about you and Emely?
Emely, I have to say,
I haven't had the right talk yet
to really find out much about her.
I already had that with Laura.
But Laura somehow thinks
it's all a safe bet already.
Girl, you left me out of the equation.
I'm really sorry,
but it's the first day, babe.
All the cards are available.
I think everyone honestly
has a few free shots
to test the vibe with the person.
You have to kiss and touch to find out.
-That's it.
-It's a part of it.
Normally, yes.
Normally, however,
you would be in the disco now.
You only talk about Kevin,
don't put all your eggs in one basket.
I don't mind a little bit of competition.
I'm definitely a woman
who always goes after what she wants
and if a suitable opportunity arises,
then I will certainly not miss it.
-Hey there.
Next time we'll shower together…
Why not.
Stella is seeking closeness
and also goes on the attack,
which I think is very hot.
The way she plays with her eyes
and is just open
and not shy about anything.
I think she's really fun to be with.
And lose lots of money, I'm afraid.
When I see him, then…
Hey, what's up?
I have to find out if we match or not.
Emely makes me really horny.
I think from all the boys in here
I am most interested in you.
I wouldn't have thought that.
-What did you think?
-I don't know you.
I saw you and Akka had a thing.
You were kissing.
And that's what you saw
while you were busy with Laura?
Yes, true, but maybe it was a little bit,
because I saw what was happening
on the other side.
A reaction?
Maybe, yes. I think it was already like…
I thought, yes, okay…
If he goes right at it, then…
-You have to counter directly.
No, that's mean.
I heard that Laura was your number one.
True. Until further notice.
Visually, you're my number one.
But it's not all about the looks!
Yes, but I feel the vibe between us.
-Do you think we match?
-I think so, yes.
I think so, too.
Hey, what's wrong with you guys?
Have you got magnets in your lips?
Got butterflies.
Must be worth it.
I think Laura is out of the race.
What I like about Anna is our connection
and us being on the same wavelength.
It just fits and that is mega attractive.
-I love surfing but it's terrifying.
-Are you good?
I learned it in Hawaii when I was 18.
I don't know why
but I keep thinking about Hawaii.
It's so funny that you say that,
because it was the same for me.
That's so cool, just surfing every day.
The dream…
I find Fabio really attractive.
He's definitely more than a hot body to me
and that scares me.
He looks kind of sad.
All right, big guy?
All good.
I feel some kind of tightness
and yes, it's…
I think it's definitely hard for Dennis
to see how we've all found
our group of people
and he stays by himself, mostly.
All women have a right to be here,
each one looks super lovely,
but there's nothing here where I'm saying:
What? There's nothing here for him?
I definitely feel like a caged cat
right now.
Yes, a cage with sun, beach, ocean,
pool and beautiful girls.
That's dire.
-May I?
-Yes, why not?
Well, Laura is an eye-catcher.
She comes in and just pulls me over.
How are you?
How are you after the first night?
-Okay, this is crazy.
-And this is just the second day!
I think we're meant to be for each other.
Hopefully he sees it that way too.
Are there other people
you'd like to take a closer look at?
Very thin ice, Kevin.
How should I say this?
Emely is a thing for me, I like her looks.
But I can't say much about her character.
Okay, one thing…
Should it vibe with Emely,
then there I'd say, "Okay, next."
I'm not a second choice.
Oh, now you're pushing it.
-I'm definitely not second choice.
-You don't have to be.
You're dealing with a Latina.
I'd have thought that everyone goes
a little bit here, a little bit there,
and now I have to make
life changing decisions already.
Welcome to Too Hot to Handle, Kevin.
With us, there are only important choices.
Kevin is spoilt for choice.
To vibe or to swipe?
Does our hottie listen to his heart
or does he do it the way he always has?
It's crazy.
I came here with the expectation
that I could have a lot of fun.
And I think sex is part of that, too.
Rules can still be broken.
There's always an emergency solution.
I think we're pretty good at that.
Yes, I can't deny that.
The question is,
do you stick to your tactic?
"Yes, I want to have fun here.
I want to try all the guys…"
And all the girls.
Apart from Anna, she already had her.
Yeah. Flirting is fun.
Playing with guys is fun too.
Oh, oh, Lana.
We're falling short of the safe distance.
Again? You've got a lot of work to do.
I'm really trying to pull myself together,
but with you
I just can't keep my hands off.
Sorry, Lana.
We didn't mean it,
from now on we'll behave.
How much do you think the fun
has already cost you?
The kiss that night.
Then the kiss by the pool.
That's the price of a small car.
We just have to break it
to the others gently somehow.
Like this?
"Sorry, we licked away a small car."
The numerous rule violations
lead to a drastic reduction
in the prize money.
The consequences will be calculated.
Take your sweet time, Lana.
They won't run away.
That looks very sexy.
-Oh my God.
-Don't scare us like this.
-Hi, Lana.
I'm asking for all the participants
in my retreat
to come to the palapa immediately.
I have some news for you.
When Lana rounds us all together,
it definitely doesn't bode well.
We're getting a spank from Lana.
Someone's been naughty.
Lana, please don't.
I am already trembling.
Maybe Lana is just explaining
the price list to us?
Maybe there is good news for once.
I can't wait to see
what bad things we've done.
We were still in the clear, weren't we?
-I don't believe you!
Well, it was a bit spicier,
but I don't know what we spent in total.
I know I wasn't completely well-behaved
and I'm curious to see
how the others take it.
and I think some people
are going to get mad.
-Hi, Lana.
And Lana loves rules.
Participants of my program,
welcome to the palapa.
We need to talk.
You have only been in the retreat
for 16 hours
and you have already broken
the rules so many times.
As soon as the sex ban came into effect
the first rule violation occurred.
After 32 minutes.
Oh my God!
Thirty two minutes is just insane.
How can you be so horny after 32 minutes?
Well, two people have found each other
and hit it off right away.
That's disrespectful.
Oh my God, guys, who was it?
Any volunteers?
Who was it?
It's funny that they're all speculating
right now.
Inside, I'm laughing a little bit.
I can reveal…
that it was just a kiss,
but it wasn't Tobi.
-Anna, did you just lick your lips?
-Yeah, I think so, too.
I did such a good job hiding it,
and then Stella tells everyone!
Oh my God, I didn't expect that at all.
Especially not that quickly.
This rule violation
will result in a reduction
in the prize money of €6,000.
Six thousand!
I swear, that's so expensive!
€6,000 is so much money.
With that you could have had
a really nice vacation.
Six thousand!
But that's not all.
Well, sure that…
My sensors have recorded
another rule break
and this one
will have financial consequences too.
Oh my God.
Who got carried away?
Guys, just pull yourselves together!
These two, Stella and Tobi, of course.
We were just kissing good night.
My monitoring system registered a kiss
as well as an intense bum massage.
Well, I started it again.
-It was a beautiful moment by the pool.
You have really beautiful moments.
Many. Expensive ones.
That is correct.
In total, the violations of the rules
by Stella and Tobias
reduce the prize money for the group
by €14,000!
How much?
Well, that's hard.
Even more? Is everyone going crazy here?
I thought I was the only one
revving up today.
-You're welcome to it…
-But ration it up a little bit.
But that's still not all!
Well, we got to know each other.
-Your big boy has met Laura?
I don't think we got too far.
We kissed. For a while…
But that's it!
Because of kisses and intimate caressing
you lose €10,000.
Oh my God.
Kevin. He's pretty busy, isn't he?
Within 16 hours
you have broken the rules four times.
Now for violation number five.
Because of you,
Lana is gonna work over-time.
Anyone else want to confess?
Kevin really kicked ass today!
Lana? Hello?
Hello, Kevin!
I'm a real criminal.
I kissed Em.
I'm curious who can win Kevin over.
Lana, I need these kisses
to get to know the girls better.
I need you to be understanding.
This will result in a further reduction
in the prize money of €6,000.
You have violated the rules of my retreat
five times in only 16 hours.
I can't believe it.
The amount of your prize money
drops by a total of €36,000.
Lana, that much?
Are you kidding me?
Guys, I was going to leave
with a chunk of money.
Thanks for that, yeah.
Your current balance is…
That's so unfair.
Everyone is blowing away money here.
I didn't do anything.
Oh, sorry,
we should have explained the rules to you.
Oh, well, we did,
three, four hundred times.
Lana… So much money! That's crazy.
We definitely need to get it together
a little bit.
As one group,
we need to think of the team.
Exactly. Fix the crown and keep going.
I hope my prize reductions will help you.
Good night.
Good night, Lana.
I'm sure during the next few nights
we will spend just as much.
I have no confidence in the others.
And there's 36,000 reasons
for this distrust.
I'm still in the experimental phase.
That's what everyone has to understand
when you're caught between two stools.
Or rather, between two beds.
-You talked to her yet?
I haven't talked about it yet.
I'll grab her in a bit.
But how will you tell her?
Well, I need to see…
I hope Laura will understand it.
But tonight I will sleep next to Em.
Laura, just a moment.
Please clear the escape routes.
I don't have much to say about that.
I just wanted to say it briefly.
I'm going to sleep with Emely tonight.
Are you cool with that?
It bothers me a bit, but what can I do?
I'd say, that's not so nice, dear Kevin.
It's really uncomfortable
how Laura stares at me.
If looks could kill.
I would be dead.
And who wants a zombie with a six pack?
Come over.
New home?
I think Laura is out of the race.
-Do you cuddle?
-I like to cuddle, yes.
-Don't you like to cuddle?
-Me too.
New couple, behave!
I'm a bit scared of that grin.
You two.
-Good night.
-Good night.
And now, an important note.
This is a duvet.
You get under it
and your hands go over it.
Should I draw a diagram?
-Good night.
-Good night.
Stay cool.
Have a good rest in Lana Land.
Ah, it's nice when all the lambs
are in bed.
Okay, Stella wants to get something
off her chest.
I was Playmate of the Year 2020.
Okay, I think… wow…
It's got hot in here.
Lana, wake up. Extra shift. Over-time.
It's so hard, I think.
Does it count if I sit on you?
It doesn't, does it?
I just want to test out a little bit.
Playmate of the Year…
A good way to fall asleep.
Good morning.
Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning, honey.
Don't always be so nice to her.
I hope you followed my rules.
-Yes, Lana.
Maybe not all of us.
As you know,
my cameras are on day and night.
Lana, I hate you right now!
I thought I could pull myself together
at least a bit, but come on!
There is a ten out of ten next to me.
What should I do?
That sounds expensive.
I'm not vouching for it,
but I do think she made good use
of her opportunity.
Ten out of ten for that guess.
Today could pay off for you
if you work on yourself.
There's a discount today.
Sex only €10,000.
I wish you an enlightened day
of abstinence.
Thank you, Lana.
Was Laura mad at you
for sleeping in Emely's bed?
Of course she was mad.
Perhaps she thought
that something would happen at night,
as I'd already kissed Emely in the day.
I tell you, bro,
it's tricky at the moment.
I also don't want to make a decision
too quickly.
I don't think I know them both 100% yet.
Guys, I'm going crazy. Emely, Laura…
Complicated? Ask Laura!
Honestly, telling me I'm number one
and then the next day he switches beds.
So to change beds,
that's already a lousy move, I must say.
I think it hurts a little,
how the whole situation has developed.
Sure, I'm Latina, you know, we say…
"What I've licked is mine."
Ew… And that works?
So, whatever happened, it means nothing.
He's coming back to me.
Just like that.
Now all we need is
for Kevin to play along.
The attraction to both of them is there.
Laura has nice hips.
She can move well, dance well.
And that gels well between us.
That was the same for us also.
We even just left a gap when we slept.
We said we'd better
not touch each other now.
I heard the word "hard" three times.
It was more than hard.
Without the gap in between…
-But have you kissed before?
But you've been horny?
I wanted to yesterday, the most.
But the money, €36,000,
that was so much money.
-That was a deterrent, you know?
Finally! He got that part of the show.
Honestly, one night more,
I can't take it anymore.
I think, Lana,
you've got a lot work to do.
No problem, she has large batteries.
Hold on a second.
Is Dennis coming out here?
-Not at all?
-He has already left.
-Dude, no!
For real?
-Will he regret it?
-No, no.
-Will he regret leaving?
Don't think so. He wasn't happy here.
Wait a moment! Dennis is moving out?
Lana's a bit of a nuisance to me.
I've slept on it now and I think I'm out.
Oh, no. I think that's a shame.
Come over here.
I don't need anybody to tell me
how to create deep emotional connections.
This is how it looks.
Hasta la vista, baby.
Current number of participants, nine.
-My bicep is about to burst.
-Good to know.
As long as it's just the biceps.
-I can exercise all day.
I'm going crazy. Thin ice, I tell you.
I came here with pressure already.
So, with me, the fuse is so short already.
Explosion in three, two…
-You just underestimate it.
I thought so, okay,
you can maybe chill a little bit,
but then when you're talking
and then you're in the flow,
you're touching a little bit.
And all of a sudden
the lights are on down there.
That's the annoying thing.
Those little touches that come then.
Every time I lie down next to Stella
I think to myself,
"I'll just grab her and we'll get off,
because I'm really starting to explode."
I want to have some more money,
so keep it cool.
I don't think I've ever had such pain
down there.
Oh, dear. Can somebody blow on him?
Do you want to have sex with that woman?
Try it first. See what she's like.
See how she acts. It has to match.
I always had sex first
and then a relationship.
It was never the other way around for me.
I want to know
if she has what it takes in bed
before I say, "Okay, I'll make
an emotional commitment to you."
It's not even conceivable.
It's impossible.
How can you do that without sex,
without kissing, no sexual act?
How do you want to get to know her?
-I can't imagine, either.
How does Lana imagine it?
Participants in my retreat
are making too little progress
toward deep relationships.
All their thoughts are about sex.
They desperately need my support
to learn how to control themselves better.
To this end,
I am initiating my first workshop.
The learning objective is restraint.
She has tamed
every high-powered buck so far.
Theresa, the sex therapist,
knows how to take the pressure off
from the kettle.
The retreat participants today
will learn to turn their pent-up
sexual energy into creativity.
I will get them to do this
by first reflecting, slowing down,
and then creating a creative explosion.
That sounds like a bomb!
Especially for the gentleman
with the short fuse.
I'm excited about this workshop,
but I don't feel the constellations
and composition right now.
I wonder why that is?
That's a bit awkward.
That's right.
Okay, my dears.
Why do you usually have sex?
-Because it's fun.
-To reduce stress?
-Yes, for the glow.
-The glow.
Because you look better.
Then I should say
we're going to slow down now.
We'll learn to feel and enjoy
with all our senses.
I thought the workshop
was to make us less horny,
but the feathers are pretty nice.
Hey, Fabio. You're already lying
halfway on top of her.
-I'm doing everything right.
-Fabio and I have a lot of fun.
A tad too much fun when Lana is there.
A bit too much.
Okay, let's take a break!
Anna, you came yet?
I definitely feel too much.
That is actually mean.
I think this is the best spot.
-No, actually, further down.
-Further down?
-Please, not even further down.
I kind of can't really relax
because I'm not lying alone.
Competition is good for business, Emely.
A Latina like me is never second choice.
Laura with her curves…
Emely, flashing me with her aura,
with her vibe.
Okay. Kevin becomes a lollipop.
One foot is in heaven,
the other one in hell.
I just want to nibble everywhere.
You can unload all this energy
on the canvas now.
Paint your orgasms,
let off steam, and have fun.
And don't bother getting out the brushes.
Well, whoops.
I distributed paint evenly.
Each bum got a little bit.
Everyone is happy.
I'm this close to just grabbing Stella
and making out with her.
Oh, awesome!
It's definitely feeling really sexual.
I'd definitely like to let out
my horniness today.
What do you take from today?
That you don't always need the physical.
You can also build a bond
through creativity.
Am I sensing some romantic vibes?
The workshop today definitely showed me
that you don't just have to fuck,
you can get turned on in other ways.
And that's not what it's about.
Let's talk about your art instead.
Our painting
is called Explosion of Orgasm.
Okay, thanks. That's enough.
Now, whether that helped…
It won't hurt.
Financially and in perspective.
I don't think it satisfied my tastiness.
Your what?
I'm still horny!
Oh, yes.
Well, what did you take away?
That two women are overwhelming.
That one should rather focus.
The first realization of abstinence.
Keep it up!
And what did you learn?
It was fun to watch.
Well, I don't like to watch that much.
A decision has to be made.
Oh, us two…
We will have a lot of fun together,
I think.
Yeah, I think so too.
Yeah, no, please don't.
-Otherwise, how are you feeling?
I would like to kiss you.
I tell you, I absolutely love
breaking the rules with you, but…
For me it's actually still an issue
that we lost €36,000 the last time.
-It's still in my head.
That's right,
smooching costs a lot of money.
I guess we'll see.
So, ladies,
which of you conquers Mount Kevin now?
I think I just need to know
what's going on.
If it wasn't reality but a dream,
I would've taken both.
How was it for you with both of us?
I can't really complain,
but it was a bit weird, wasn't it?
-It is quite unpleasant.
-Of course, it's unpleasant.
But you don't want to say
too much about it, do you?
I will, when the time comes.
Boy, I'm really torn.
I don't want to hurt anyone either.
In the end I have to choose
the one I like the most.
Laura or Emely?
Or would you rather
go back and forth forever?
I made my decision
between Emely and Laura.
You know what would be really evil now?
If the episode was over right now…
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