Tooth Pari: When Love Bites (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Baba, this isn't what you think it is.
I found this at the restaurant.
Must have fallen from someone's locket.
Like the ones that
mothers make kids wear.
Elephant or lion's tooth,
so kids are protected from the evil eye.
It must be one of those.
Now for God's sake,
don't start with your stories.
Baba, what are you doing now?
What are you doing?
Who will clean all this mess?
Baba! That's enough!
I will read the book later.
Give it to me.
Leave it.
Sit here.
You've made such a mess
that even the maid has run away.
Sit down.
Don't touch anything.
This is a Bengali book, Baba.
You young people, no self-control.
You went and bit your own dentist!
I didn't bite him.
I think his finger touched my tooth.
Or perhaps that compass-like
dental tool must have pricked him.
What kind of dentist is he?
- Isn't it?
- Yes.
Even I found him weird.
So, first, he pricked himself
and then you sucked him.
Come on, David.
I don't have one canine and the other
one is too shy to come out on its own.
I can't suck, I can't bite.
I'm an absolute disaster.
Join the "pouch blood life."
Just cut, sip and burp.
Because teeth are better off inside.
How was the blood?
I've never tasted such blood.
Just as Meera had taught me,
I used all five senses.
But, David, this dentist's
blood awakened my sixth sense.
I want to taste it.
I don't drink blood but
I'm not forbidden from tasting it.
Get me a sample.
Bhagat Singh asked me the
same question when he left Lahore
Okay, David, I got it.
But be careful.
AD has increased security
near the manhole.
Chitrabhanu will manage that
because I will manage him.
Baba, the tooth is broken but
the periodontal ligament is still intact.
- Which tooth?
- Canine.
- What?
- Right canine.
Since when have you become a vet?
In my 33 years of practice, I've never had
a patient who's broken their canine.
Ask them to go to a bloody vet!
- Cementum still there?
- The nerve is exposed.
So, go first seal that.
You bloody moron!
Use a composite filling and put a crown.
I can't believe that you are my son.
It's okay, Baba.
Thank you.
I want four units of blood.
You can't have it.
What do you mean?
At least have a look.
You didn't even ask the blood group.
It's of no use.
No blood group is available here.
Then what's the use of this blood bank?
- We have blood.
- Then?
But it's all pre-booked.
Now, what can I do?
Hey, Zooni!
All the supplies are here.
Store it in the freezer.
Excuse me.
Show me your card.
How did you get this card?
Actually this is my
father's old library card
so I thought perhaps
you could issue this book on it.
Are you Biren Chandra Pal's son?
He's still into all this?
Do you know him?
How is he?
He's got Alzheimer's.
He's started forgetting things now.
But he hasn't forgotten this.
This is for me.
For researching a case.
Are you also a policeman?
Unfortunately, yes.
Biren's card has also expired.
But I will take care of it.
Thank you.
What's your name?
Haru Babu.
- Haru.
- You can call me Haru Uncle as well.
Thank you, Haru Uncle.
Good luck.
What is it, Dadu?
What's up? Are you expecting someone?
It's nothing.
Tell me.
Do you think people
still listen to the radio?
Why not? In the car, during the day.
At home at night.
Arijit Singh's voice puts them
to such beautiful sleep.
Those are the FM channels, right?
I ain't talking about them.
Retro Station.
Does anyone still listen to it?
You want to send the message?
They are back amongst us?
Then you have to tell everyone right now!
But I only have their old phone numbers,
landline numbers of the '60s.
So why are you waiting? Request the song.
But that code is from so long back.
Let's try. Maybe it will work.
This song goes out to Haru da's friends.
From the album Maya,
written by Gautam Chattopadhyay
and sung by him too.
Shonku, that song of
yours is playing on radio.
Is it?
Didi, call for you Urgent!
Dolma, this is a live interview.
Ask them to call back later.
But Didi, he is saying, it's about
The Cutmundus!
Take it.
Yes. I'm aware who you are.
And how do you know that?
I would love to know what you know.
You can leave that to me.
And to talk more about this,
let's welcome Luna Luka.
Welcome to the show, Luna.
Thank you.
Please tell us about this
new school you are opening.
Please don't insult me
by calling it a new school.
It's only an extension of the classes
I've been taking for years.
Luna, I think everyone knows,
what you refer to as "Wicca"
is just a fancy word for witchcraft.
You are basically opening
a school for witches, right?
What problem do you
have with the word "witch"?
What image do you have of a witch?
A long nose,
pointed hat and a little scary.
You clearly are watching
a lot of Hollywood films, my dear.
So, magic tricks and spells
won't be taught at your school?
Wearing pointed hats or
doing tricks doesn't make one a witch.
Wiccan religion is
in tune with mother nature.
If you tune yourself
with the frequency of the universe,
then you will gain access to a world
which you never knew
existed right around you.
I think your biggest power lies
in how you enchant people with your words.
What happened to the light?
Someone switch on the lights!
Are we back on? What was that?
Darling, just pray that
I never have to use my powers.
Because the supernatural world
that I am talking about
is very close to us.
And if people from that world
cross their line,
then be rest assured that
Luna Luka will take care of it.
Do you have her details?
It was a man.
Mr. Netai Dey. Dhakuria. Root canal.
No. The girl who came after him.
She had some issue
Mr. Dey was the last one
when I was around.
Then I left.
Did someone come in after him?
Yes, right.
You had left.
Didn't you take the patient's number?
- Name?
- Not even the name.
And fees? Hope you took that.
Doctor, what have you been doing?
If your father gets to know of all this,
he will kill me first and then kill you.
Don't worry. He won't know anything.
Just tell me if
Do you have an appointment?
You need an appointment.
I had come in yesterday
as well without appointment.
So that was you?
Excuse me.
Your fees for yesterday
Hey, Amisha, it's okay.
Anisha, Doctor.
Right, Anisha.
Take her details and then send her inside.
- I will be
- Waiting for me, I know.
I'll send her in.
Sorry. I came in yesterday only.
And here I am here again.
No, that's okay.
It's just so frustrating.
The gap in place of my tooth.
I know, it's weird.
So we'll do
a composite filling and put a crown.
I don't want a false tooth.
My nerve is still active. So before
it dies, we have to fix a real tooth.
Can I see it again?
Blood. There's blood.
It tastes so unique.
Do you like it?
- What?
- Blood.
It's a little sweet
but a little savory too.
Of course it depends
on the diet of the person.
Doc! Great!
You're back!
I'm sorry.
It's a medical condition I have.
It's called vasovagal syncope.
You can search it.
When I see blood,
my blood pressure and heart rate
drop and at times, I drop too.
How long have you had this?
Since school.
Once someone had put
a compass under the class bully,
although he bled, I was the one
admitted in the hospital.
But even then you chose this profession.
Why, Doc?
That's because of the DNA
Whose DNA?
My family DNA.
Everyone in my family
takes a Hippocratic Oath
to make everyone's teeth shine.
I didn't get to choose.
If I had the option
I would have chosen to be
A chef.
Hey! How did you know?
How did you know?
This bottle.
I got it from your kitchen
in hopes of waking you up.
Also, there's no restaurant
next to your clinic.
Hey, but
making food may be my passion
but I am a dentist by profession.
So I'll fix your tooth, I swear.
Just give me a little time.
Next time please bring your tooth.
I'll find a way to put it back.
My tooth?
Yes, that would be
the 100% original one, right?
Hey, I didn't ask your name.
I'm Rumi, Doc Roy.
Oh Holy Mackerel!
Barracuda! Barramundi!
One more sample.
Rumi, are you sure
this is your dentist's blood?
Of course, David. I drew it out myself.
And for once with my own hands.
How old is he?
Must be my age.
I mean not my actual age, my physical age.
- Around mid-20s.
- Eureka!
What's going on?
This dentist of yours is still a virgin.
Adult virgin in his mid-20s.
I can't believe it!
What? No way.
Perhaps you've tasted fresh
blood after a long time so
That's why I can say blindfolded
that this is 200% virgin blood.
You don't know how rare this is.
This is pure gold!
Meera needs to taste this beauty.
A killer needs to use their weapons.
For us eye contact is more than enough.
Wow, Meera!
Your eyes and teeth should always
work in tandem
like fork and spoon.
What is this, Meera?
You are openly training everyone?
So what? Ora's still hibernating.
How would he know?
But there are other
eyes and ears here Neeche.
Can't I even teach Kathak to them?
I was only showing them
the Madhya Hasta Chakra.
Poetry in motion.
That's what you are.
Now try this poetry in bottle.
Open your mouth.
- No!
- Yes!
- No!
- Yes!
It isn't possible, David.
It has happened, Meera.
Who is the owner?
Her dentist.
Is your tooth fixed?
Not yet. It will take some time.
What kind of dentist have you chosen?
Can't fix a tooth.
Can't fuck a girl.
David, we need this in our system.
After a long time I'm feeling
the thirst for fresh blood.
We'll have to make a blood bond
with this virgin doctor.
- But who will get his blood?
- But, Meera
I know you can't go right now.
So, we'll send someone else,
who can maybe just pose
as a patient and get the job done.
The question is, who will go?
Can I go please?
- You?
- Yes.
You went on your first hunt
just the other night.
You're still a newbie, Sreela.
But then how will I learn, Meera?
I've been reduced to
packaged blood all these years.
Only when my Sharpies came out,
is the time I realized who I am, Meera.
This hunt is destined for me, Meera.
Please let me go.
But will you be able
to manage on your own?
I've learnt hunting from the sharpest
Baaghini of the jungle.
It's all set then.
We'll have a virgin blood bash
tomorrow night!
But you need to know when to stop.
If you suck too long, he'll die.
If you bite for too long,
he'll become like us.
I know, Rumi.
We can't kill or convert.
You showed me how it's done.
Seeing and doing ain't the same thing.
Actually I wanted that virgin's address.
Near the Lake,
two houses after Ahindra Theatre.
And his timings?
Evenings. 6:00 to 9:00.
I'll be there around 8:00 then.
- Is the sketch done?
- Almost done, sir.
Hey, hero, why have you become a zero?
I don't know, sir.
Ever since the attack,
I've not had any food,
sleep or exercise
in the last couple of days.
And my skin
it's like someone's poured hot oil on it.
Did you go to the doctor?
I did. He couldn't tell me much about
what's happening in my body.
You should get admitted to a hospital.
Sir, it's done.
Thank you.
So this is your "beautiful ghost"?
How much did you drink
that night, Badshah?
I had a couple of beers.
- That's it?
- Then I had whiskey.
- Two No, three four
- Four whiskeys.
And when they ran out of whiskey,
I had rum and
Enough! I have your
alcohol bill. Right here.
- This is that heroine, right?
- Yes, correct!
It was so dark there
and who kisses with eyes open, sir?
I couldn't see her clearly.
But that doesn't mean she wasn't there.
Come on,
tell me what exactly
happened that night?
Sir, I have already told you everything.
Tell me again from the beginning. Okay?
Did you tell her about
your medical condition?
I did. I had to. After passing out
two nights back-to-back.
You see I didn't have any option left.
Who'd come to a doctor for treatment
if he faints seeing blood?
Which lady, you mean?
I presume the patient is a girl.
What's her name?
What are you saying?
It's Persian, Roy.
The original Rumi had written these lines.
"I want your sunlight to reach my soul,
so that my raindrops with your heat
may rise upward like a cloud."
Out comes the Baghdadi Jew.
Roy, call her up.
Take her out.
Take her to dinner.
Look deep into her eyes.
Not her mouth.
And no blood, no passing out.
She didn't leave her number.
I asked the receptionist.
Ask for it yourself
when she comes next time.
There won't be a next time.
How can you say that?
She has seen you naked.
Figuratively speaking. And that's not a
bad place to start for any relationship.
Things have changed from the time
you used to have relationships.
Really? Reason has no power
in the expression of love.
Rumi again?
Hello! How many of you?
I'm not here to eat.
That other night of the party,
I dropped my pendant here.
I'm here to look for it.
Eagle claw. A long white-colored one.
If it fell at the party
then why are you here?
I had also come here.
Sir, this madam was at the party too.
Madam, please come here.
Go to him. He's a policeman.
He'll help you.
Didn't get to have lunch today
It's good that you are here.
May I sit here? Will that be okay?
So I was saying, it's good
you're here because you were
at the same party that I am investigating.
Investigating? Why?
A boy was attacked
and the girl who attacked him
was also at the party.
Did you see this guy that night?
No. There were at least
200-300 people at the party so
Yes, 300. There were 300 people.
By the way, what brings you here tonight?
I I am here for dinner.
No, of course not.
With my boyfriend.
Of course.
Was he also with you at the party?
I had gone with him only.
What does he do?
He's a doctor.
You know doctors
and inspectors both save lives.
Same to same.
The original heroes.
It's good he's coming.
Maybe he knows about the attacker.
I'll ask him.
He won't tell.
Because he won't come.
I mean he was about to leave
but he got held back because of a patient
and now he's saving that patient's life.
Like a hero, as you mentioned.
So he won't be able to make it.
I'll take your leave.
Hang on!
You came for dinner and just because your
boyfriend can't show up, you won't eat?
Please have a seat.
Have something with me.
Please sit.
The gravy noodles and chilly chicken
out here are very famous all over Kolkata.
- Excuse me
- I can't eat.
Why? Weren't you here for dinner?
Actually I only came to meet him.
He was the one who would've eaten.
What does that mean?
I am observing the 16-Monday Fast.
What's that?
For 16 Mondays.
It's a ritual done by women
for their partners.
Like "Karwa Chauth."
Your boyfriend is such a lucky guy.
Lucky, isn't he?
A woman like you prays for his long life.
What else do you want in life?
Your Doc Roy won't be able to
treat you after I treat him, Rumi.
I have to leave.
Sorry, it's urgent.
Sorry, I bored you.
No, it's not that.
I just remembered something.
I will have to leave
or it might get too late. Sorry.
You'll need one more sitting and then
- Rumi!?
- Doc Roy!
- Give me 10 minutes. I'm done.
- We don't have time. Let's go.
Please come tomorrow.
- What?
- Rumi, ten
We have to go!
Where to, madam? Hospital?
No! In fact, as far
as possible from there.
Where do you want to go?
Take us to Maniktala.
To that old theatre.
Had you told me earlier
then I would have adjusted
my appointments accordingly.
I had called the clinic
but no one answered.
Actually Anisha is on leave.
You could have
directly called me or messaged me.
My number is very simple. 983030
I don't have a phone.
I don't like anybody trying
to get in touch with me.
One of the gates should be open.
Rumi, I think this place is shut.
I know.
Found it.
Come on, Doc Roy, you can do it.
Yeah, I can.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
One second.
It's so peaceful out here, isn't it?
You have never done it, right?
Done what?
You know what I am talking about.
That's why you are very special, Doc Roy.
Wish my friends had the same sentiment.
They used to call me Mother Mary.
You can laugh.
What you haven't lost, others may find.
Stay safe, Doc Roy.
You'll be around, right?
Rumi! Rumi?
I thought you'd never come.
I I think I'm at the wrong address.
- Sorry.
- Not at all.
You are where you are supposed to be.
Don't you see, this is your destiny!
Do I have to invite you inside?
Then let me give you
a Cutmundus-style welcome.
Blood levels are very good.
Clearly, the supply has been ample.
The skin also looks perfect.
That means the hideout
is safe from sunlight.
Where have you guys been hiding?
In some construction building in New Town
or in some haunted house nearby?
Silence, huh?
The sooner you speak up,
the faster you can go home.
Or maybe you can take me there with you?
It's been a long time since
I met Ora, Meera and the others.
They also might be dying to meet
Luna Luka again.
Why did you have to come meet a dentist?
Is there anything wrong with your teeth?
Let me see.
My! My!
This sight always takes my breath away.
So beautiful.
Your teeth are ready but
no one has taught you how to use them.
Like a bird who's got wings
but doesn't know how to fly.
I'll teach you how to fly.
This is my carotid artery.
You may choose the side.
But be fast, be precise.
Come on.
Really tempted?
Go for it.
I told you I'd help you fly, didn't I?
Time for a little jig after so long.
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