Totally Completely Fine (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

The Best Offence is the Fence

[woman screams]
Sorry. I have been here
a good five seconds.
You actually looked
right at me at one point.
I'm Louis.
I'm Walt's paper boy.
You do know he's dead, right?
I do.
Though if I didn't,
that's exactly
how I would have wanted it
broken to me.
So, uh, thank you.
Um, I actually came by
to check in on you.
Well, I'm good.
That's good.
That's really good to hear.
You know It's difficult,
losing a loved one.
I find it helpful to take solace
in the simple things.
A newspaper, for example.
One of man's last great rituals,
in my opinion.
It's grounding.
It's comforting--
Are you really using
my grandfather's death
as part of your hustle
right now?
That's your reading
of the situation and not mine.
Though for your information,
Walt paid $10 a fortnight
and I think is a very
reasonable price.
[knocking hard]
I've got a lot on my plate
right now.
I bet.
So what's your strategy?
You just sit here
and block people
heading to the cliff?
Pretty much.
Do you ever go to sleep?
What about the toilet?
Haven't needed it so far.
Well, it was lovely
to meet you, Vivian.
Uh, good luck with all that.
And I'll catch you tomorrow, Dollface.
What's tomorrow?
No! Come back here!
Oh, fucking try-hard James Dean.
Oh, that's not good.

Oh! There she is!
Big day! I've made brekky!
Now, do you want a side
of beetroot--
oh, and maybe Dane
would like a baby carrot?
He strikes me as someone
who gets a kick out
- of small things.
- Hey. Can you
- Oh, yeah.
- Uh-hmm.
Call me if you see anyone.
How is it going out there?
[weeing loudly]
I said
Oh, don't worry!
You just focus on that!
[toilet flushes]
Excuse me.
- Amy?
- Uh-hmm?
We've talked about this.
You. Leaving me alone.
I know. I'm sorry. It's just
when I'm excited,
I tend to follow people around.
I mean getting the fuck
out of my house, Amy.
I mean calling someone.
Surely people
are looking for you?
I just
I don't know if they are?
And how do you know
you don't need me?
You've hardly saved anyone yet!
[glasses rattles]
Every great hero
needs a sidekick, Vivian.
Batman had Robin.
Thor had his little hammer!
Did you hear how much wee
just came out of you then?
If you let me help you,
I could cut that stream in half!
[knocks on door]
I knocked?
No worries, Dane.
Can I interest you in some toast
and a baby carrot?
I think we should just
get started?
Oh, of course.
[whispers] This one has been
beside herself.
I'll meet you two outside.

I've lived at the Crevice
for about 12 years now.
And on my first night here,
12 years ago
I was home alone ordering pizza.
I was waiting on the street
when a very drunk gentleman
got out of his car
and stumbled up
to where we are now.
Now, I didn't know what to do.
So I, um
I grabbed him around the neck
and held him
until the police arrived.
From that moment on,
I wanted to understand this.
I wanted to understand
the who and why.
And while that's
a complicated question,
what isn't is that
most of the time,
suicide is preventable.
It really is.
The people who come here,
they want you to intervene.
They want to talk,
and the more they talk,
the more their intention
will decrease.
And yes, that can be scary,
but I liken this work
to giving CPR.
Has anyone given CPR?
My Aunt Nancy
choked on a prawn once.
That's the Heimlich.
You are the first step
in a process.
You must provide
immediate assistance
and then just pass off gently
to a trained professional.
All right, hop on up.
This is your ledge.
It's time to save some lives.
Approach slowly.
Open body language,
palms up.
And if you remember
one phrase today,
it's "Are you thinking
about suicide?"
- Are you thinking about suicide?
- Are you thinking about suicide?
- Let's go! Come on!
- [both grunt]
Faster, faster!
Come on, there's someone
down there.
You gotta move the body.
Come on!
- I can't.
- Let's go!
Beyond Blue!
- 1300 224 636!
- 1300 224 636!
Let's go. This is it, guys!
Come on! Come on, Amy, come on!
Push Vivian!
Push, come on!
Quicker feet!
- Good. Push--it's okay.
- [Amy]
Oh, my God!
The research
overwhelmingly tells us,
if you ask,
they will tell you.
So listen.
I am thinking about suicide.
Okay. And why is that?
Because I lost my job.
And my dog was run over
by a caravan.
Also, I have a condition
where my body is mutating,
and eventually I'll end up
like a triangle.
Now, you've listened, Vivian.
Flip the narrative.
Talk to Amy about
what's keeping her alive.
Not much, at this point?
Are you thinking about suicide?
- Are you thinking about suicide?
- Are you thinking about suicide?
Are you thinking about suicide?
- Are you thinking about suicide?
- Are you thinking about suicide?
Are you thinking about suicide?
I am thinking about suicide!
13 11 14.
And alternatively for SMS!
Oh, z--
And now for the most
important step.
You two have talked, now
it's time to make a phone call,
and gently pass Amy off
to an industry professional.
I'm going to pass you on
to an industry professional now.
No. I don't want to go.
Okay, Vivian?
How do we handle that?
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Okay. Stop. Just stop!
You need to take this seriously.
I am.
I just ran for the first time
- in 12 years.
- Really?
Because from where I'm sitting
you took the piss
for 40 minutes,
and then pushed
Amy off a fountain.
Oh, I've been pushed off
way worse.
What's up with you?
What do you mean?
You asked me here,
but you have some weird
skepticism about this.
- About what I do.
- It's [laughs]
It's just a bit full on.
It's meant to be full on,
Do you know how long it takes
between the time someone decides
to complete suicide,
and the actual attempt?
Five minutes, on average.
And when that attempt happens,
that person will have
the cognitive functioning
of an eight-year-old.
And I'm not trying to scare you,
but I don't know
what's going to work here.
You need a plan,
besides a few quippy lines
of blowing vape
into someone's face.
May I make a suggestion?
Yeah, please.
Maybe Vivian needs me
here at all times
to counter some
of the horrific things
she accidentally says?
Dear God.
That is the exact opposite
of what she needs right now.
maybe we need to accept the fact
that you aren't the same
as Walt.
What does that mean?
he talked people down.
Took them inside.
But a lot of us
aren't made for that.
I guess you could just call me
when you see someone show up.
All you need to do
is keep them back from the ledge
as best you can
until I get there.

You know what?
That sounds like the best thing
you've said all day.
I'm glad.
Should we go over the approach
again, just so you've
- got that down just--
- No. No, I think I've got it.
This has been
surprisingly great, Dane.
I'll call you.

I hadn't heard
from you in a while,
so I came to check in.
You're checking in on me,
or are you doing that thing
where you want me
to check in on you?
Oh, dude.
What's up?
I'm so sorry, it's just
they delivered Granddad's ashes
this morning.
And I'm on this juice fast.
So it's like puberty
and menopause,
and death all happening
inside me at once.
You gotta take him.
No, I'm sorry, it's just
when we're in the same room,
I feel like we need to talk.
And the girls, they keep
offering me Band-Aids
because they think
I have got a boo-boo.
Okay. Fine.
Just go home.
Eat some carbs.
Oh, don't mind me.
I heard crying.
Let me guess.
Juice fast?
Coupled with
loved one's urn delivery?
I know it well.
Except when I did mine,
instead of crying,
my body just orgasmed
over and over again
from the shock.
I'm Amy. Oh.
I live with Vivian.
No. She doesn't live with me.
I thought you were moving out?
I am. I just thought
I'd finish his pergola first.
She's quite remarkable.
Gone full DIY.
And she's saving lives.
She saved mine last week!
Please don't--
Oh, no.
It's-it's just--
John needs to see this!
No he doesn't.
- Yes. He would be so impressed!
- No.
Oh, oh!
Oh, oh!
We should do
the ashes ceremony here!
The ashes ceremony!
Hendrix, I love you.
But you have to accept
that after the Funeral Sympathy
Coke Incident,
John and I will probably never
be in the same room again.
why was it his idea?
John wants to do
the ashes ceremony?
With me?
You bet.
Cause it kind of sounded like
it just came to you just then.
Oh, no. No, no.
That's just because I'm, uh
trying to act natural.
Yeah, uh, you know John.
He's too proud
to ask you himself.
Classic John.
Whose cardigan is that?
Oh. Well, I thought
I'd get a start on the pergola
and I didn't think you'd mind--
I didn't ask
what you were doing,
I asked whose cardigan that is.
- Um--
- You need to fuck off.
Oy, Vivian!
This woman
is a complete stranger, Hendrix.
A stranger who wears
our dead grandfather's clothing.
And thinks a Wetland bird
with a peanut brain
brought her here to be with me.
Who do I need to call?
It's time.
Your fiance?
Your parents?
That won't be necessary, actually.
Oh, really?
And why is that?
Because I think they're here.
[car door closes]
I'll, uh--I'll leave you
to deal with this.
But, um, you'll do it?
The ashes ceremony?
We're still on this?
Yes! Jesus.
I love you.
[phone line trilling]
[phone buzzing]
I'm not your sponsor, Hendrix.
I don't have time
to talk you out of snacks today.
I have a job.
Right. No, no, no. No, no.
I--I'm-I'm actually calling
about something else. I
- I just saw Viv.
- Hanging up now.
No, no! Don't, don't, don't!
Please, please!
Just wait, look.
She's keeping the house
but she is doing
this whole reno thing,
and she's saving lives!
She just saved a life
of a really,
- really lovely woman.
- Don't care.
She wants to host a ceremony
there with Granddad's ashes!
Yeah. Yup.
She-she-she has turned over
a whole new leaf,
I-I swear to God.
And-and-and-and she is--
she is so sorry
about hijacking the funeral.
If she's turned over a new leaf,
why doesn't she
ask me herself?
Oh, because she's-
she's too proud.
You know what she's like.
Yeah, so, uh
well, you think you'll come?
I don't know.
- Will you think about it?
- I'll think about
- thinking about it.
- [Hendrix]
All right, all right.
That's good enough for me.
Oh, and--John, John--
Don't-don't push me, Hendrix.
She's done a series
of very shitty things lately.
No, no. I just, um--
I just wanted to know if, uh,
you can add other liquids
to the, um, to the fast?
Is it strawberry milk again, Hendrix,
no, you cannot.
Yeah, I have to go.

I mean, the curb
might be better.
I like it.
Walt can watch us
from our favourite room.
That was Hendrix
on the phone?
What were you talking about?
Oh, nothing.
I like him.
And Vivian.
It was so lovely to meet them
at the funeral.
After six months, I was starting
to think they didn't exist.
I would like to do
something for them.
The death of a loved one
is a hard time.
Look, this bag with clothes
of your grandpa
- [John]
- came with the chair.
So in my family,
we like to make blankets
using the clothes
of our deceased loved ones,
so they can be
with us always.
That a Colombian
mourning ritual, is it?
[chuckles] No.
Colombian mourning ritual
is drinking coffee
and gossiping
about the people
who are still alive.
- [chuckles]
- It's my family mourning ritual.
Hmm. I mean,
blankets aren't really
a big thing in our family.
What does that mean?
It--it means that, uh,
we just don't really use them.
Especially Vivian and Hendrix.
They sort of run
"Run hot"?
[speaks in Spanish]
No, no. [laughs]
No. Like hot like a--
like temperature.
Oh. I see.
You know, so probably wouldn't
get much use out of the--
It's a shame.
But, um, uh
you know people can change.
And, um,
I'm sure they'd love
a death blanket from you, Alejandro.
I will go and see
what we have here.
Hmm. Okay.
[inhales sharply]

[teapot whistling]
I've got something
to finish outside.
Amy, how could you?
You said
you would go through with it!
You promised me--
Do you know how much
your cousins paid for that beef?
You know what might be helpful?
Taking the volume down a bit.
I'm sorry.
Truly, I am.
Four days ago,
I experienced
something that
I can only describe
as a profound
spiritual awakening.
I jumped out of the limo.
And then there was this Brolga.
A guardian Brolga.
That led me through
the bushes to Vivian
and this house,
and it's where I need to be.
Oh, Mum.
I might get some more tea.
We're sorry, Vivian.
It's fine. I think it's best
if you just take her home--
Amy came out
in her amniotic sac.
It's very rare.
One in 80,000 babies.
That's when we knew
that she was different
from our other two.
Off in her own world.
Amy is a jumper.
Sorry, a-a what?
It's a coping mechanism.
When she can't handle life,
she jumps off or out of things.
Buses. Boats. Baptisms.
We know this is out of fear.
Our daughter is scared
of commitment.
More tea!
Amy, sit. Please.
Look at me.
George still wants
to be with you, my darling.
He still loves you.
And we we believe
you still love him.
You finally had a life.
The flat, the money,
the business.
Just don't think
I can leave Vivian.
You can definitely
leave me.
Well, she sort of needs
a sidekick.
I've got Dane now.
I thought you said I should own
my decisions and move on.
Before that, you said
George was perfect.
That you'd made
a huge mistake.


Just keep it.
[car engine turning over]
[car horn honks]
Fuck! Motherfucker!
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, my God!
I'm just right behind you,
I'm gonna help you.
Oh, why?
Why the fuck did you
put this here?
I was just trying
to deter you a bit.
Deter me?
Hang on, hang on.
What am I, a pigeon?
Just stay still.
Hang on. Just--
I'm here
to help you.
You're okay.
You're out?
Oh, thank God you're out.
I'm Vivian.
And you are?
I'm Beatrice. Beatrice,
okay, well, it's gonna
be okay, Beatrice.
I have to ask though,
are you thinking
about suicide?
There's blood
on your face.
Oh, um
that's okay. It's okay.
Just are you thinking
about suicide?
Because if yes,
I am here to listen.
No. It's in your mouth
now too.
Look at you.
Oh, fucking hell.
Fuck this!
I'm taking you inside.
Oh, come on.
I don't care if that's okay,
that's what we're doing.
- Sit tight there, okay?
- [Beatrice]
Christ on a bike!
I'm going to call
my friend Dane.
And he's going to come
do this properly.
All right.
Shit. Shit, shit, shit
No! Please don't get Dane!
That boy's about as stale
as a nursing home rendition
of Angels in America,
and I'd know.
Why don't you go
to the kitchen.
Second drawer down,
get the first aid kit.
- Here you go.
- No, I'll fix myself up.
You just get that tin
from under the couch.
Uh, tin, tin, tin.
What do I do now?
[deep exhales]
How did you know
where that was?
Oh, I've come here for a bit.
Every Wednesday.
You come to jump
every Wednesday?
I come here to have
a cup of tea
with your granddad
every Wednesday.
I only tried
to jump the once.
So, what? You're sad he's gone
and thought you'd try again?
Look, I'm sad.
But he died in his sleep.
That's kind of the dream.
No, I
I came to check you out.
And you didn't think to use
the front door?
You were testing me.
No, "testing" is a strong word.
You fucking climbed
through the fence
to see if I could do it!
Get out.
Frankly, Beatrice, this has been
a waste of my time
and my barbed wire
which I don't regret
as much anymore.
Okay. Fine.
But can I at least use
the tin first?
I get pain in my joints.
This helps.
Fine. You may use the tin.
But can I please
have some first?
Well, now, I need more colour.
Oh, that's perfect.
Oh, that's nice.
What about that?
Well, keep that one for you.
Vivian and Hendrix
"run hot", remember?
We don't want
to smother them.
Babe, what is Vivian like?
Yeah. She's okay.
She's okay?
She's funny.
She gave a funny speech
at the funeral.
What was it like
growing up together?
What was that?
Are you okay?
Let's fuck.
Let's fuck.
Let's forget this
and fuck!
You want to have sex on your
dead grandfather's clothes?
Why not?
We do weird shit
all the time!
Remember the confessional
at the Vatican?
The pylon in Greece?
Hmm. That one I remember.
[both laugh]
[Alejandro moans]
- Did you hear something?
- No.
- Huh?
- No.
[knocking on door]
Anybody home?
Hey, baby, baby, baby.
I think someone's here.
I need help!
Yeah. Okay.
No, no, no.
You stay here.
This is an emergency.
oh, have you repainted
out here?
It looks really good.
I'm an idiot.
I put a lock on our pantry
this morning
because you know
I have no willpower--
Can you--can you just
talk quietly?
Then, I put the key
into Laura's bag,
but I didn't realise
she was meeting a German client
to show her design tonight.
Anyway, that was fine.
Until about two hours ago,
when I carried the girls
out for a nap
and I passed out
against the wall.
So you need food?
Why didn't you go to a store?
Am I hallucinating
or are you actually
in that robe?
What's wrong with him?
He's on a juice fast.
Oh, Hendrix!
This is dangerous! Uh-hmm.
I've picked up many teenage
girls in my ambulance
who have fainted
from the hunger.
Are you sure
it was hunger?
Why are you doing this fast?
You know, no one's actually
asked me that today, dude.
Well, tell me.
It's kind of hard
to talk about,
but maybe I could try?
- [John]
Here you go!
- Hey.
that's 200 calories.
That'll help
with your blood sugar
and you can start again
tomorrow. All right.
All right. Thanks, man.
You know, maybe we can talk
another time, Alejandro?
Yes. Sure.
I will like that so much.
Okay. You can eat it
in the car, Hendrix.
Here we go.
You know,
he's a real keeper.
I know. Fuck off.

So Granddad was your dealer?
[laughing] Uh, no. That's not
the word he'd have used.
When he found out
it might help,
he went and stood in the park
wearing a t-shirt
with a marijuana leaf on it,
until a kid came up
and sold him stuff.
So innocent.
So inefficient.
Did he smoke it with you?
You bet he did.
Wore that t-shirt
every time, too.
So, what's with the barbed wire?
I don't know.
I was doing some training.
With Dane.
I fucked up his steps.
So, we decided it'd be best
if I acted in a more
defensive capacity.
What are you scared of?
What makes you think I'm scared?
You can't say
this isn't scary.
One wrong move, one wrong word,
it's all over.
Walt said you'd been through
some stuff yourself.
That you attempted last year.
No, I didn't.
Yes, you did.
is it any of your business?
Quite right.
But it's not a bad thing.
Lots of people,
Dane included,
think that the line
between them
and what happens out there
is a thick one.
It makes them
intellectualise it.
Treat people like
they're fucking aliens.
But really, you and I know
that line is as thin
as the fucking wind.
We can all cross it,
just like we can
all come back.
And that lets us in
on the greatest secret
to all of this.
What's that?
That the person out there
is a fucking human being.
And they need what you needed
when you were at your lowest.
A fucking human being
saying fucking
human being things,
and just being with you,
with a fucking human being.
That's what Walt was good at.
Yeah, he knew the steps.
But he made them come alive.
He listened.
He laughed.
He shared his own shit.
He shared shit?
He talked about you kids.
The accident.
He said that
you had a bit of trouble
letting go.
[indistinct] ♪

I tried once, last year.
Granddad was
the only one who knew.
I was just in my head
all the time.
I saw this psychologist
who told me
to imagine my thoughts
like leaves on a stream
and they could just float by.
When that didn't work,
he gave me meds.
And they made me fat.
I couldn't cum.
I couldn't feel anything.
I think I'm high as fuck.
Me, too.
You all right?

That urn.
Does it look sad to you?
It really does.
Vivian? Are you there?
Holy shit.
You hear that?
Shit. I did.
I need your help!
It needs our help.
What do you think
it wants us to do?
when we met out here,
I was angry.
My body was getting old,
but that didn't mean
my brain was.
Other people didn't get that.
You saw me.
For a couple of hours
every week,
you made me feel 25 again.
Everything that's
part of me still ♪
Thanks, mate.
I'm stoned, by the way.
Happy children playing ♪
I'm also stoned.
I'm sorry I yelled at you
at your funeral.
That was really shitty of me.
That day you came
to visit me at Embrace
after I
Something deep
within me, Lord ♪
Just makes me want ♪
I was actually really glad.
But it broke me a bit,
to see you
looking at me like that,
like I'd broken your heart.
So, I pushed you away.
When, really, I should have
put down that War and Peace book
we both knew
I was pretending to read
and told you
"You were the fucking best."
Thank you.
[indistinct] go away ♪
Sorry about the barbed wire,
by the way.
I'll try better next time.
You ready?
goodbye ♪
Goodbye ♪
falling down in pieces ♪
On the ground ♪
He never did like
making decisions.
Hey. I'm, uh,
I'm gonna head to bed.
So have a good shift.
Wait a moment.
Are you alright?
Yeah, yeah. Of course.
Yeah. What do you mean?
I don't know.
You've been--hey!
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
No, Alejandro!
No, I don't wanna fuck.
Uh, you misread the room!
I know you don't want to fuck!
I'm not trying to fuck!
It's pressure, pendejo.
Look at me, look at me.
You're having a panic attack.
You're having one all day.
Are you ashamed of me?
Is that why you won't let me
near your familia?
What? What are you
talking about?
You don't let me
talk with them.
Or give them a blanket.
When I ask you about them,
you stop breathing.
Am I an embarrassment
to you, John?
Some worthless
holiday toy boy?
- No, no.
- Because I have been
one before.
No, no, no, no. Alejandro.
That's--that's not it.
I promise you.

Prove it, then.

[Beatrice laughing]
Little Walt.
He was so sweet
with that boy.
Every day, he'd go down
Oy! Freeze!
Oh, God.
Yes. Fair play.
Cuff me, Tom.
She's joking.
We don't use cuffs.
[both scream]
I jumped.
Oh, Amy. Amy, Amy!
Right. Are you okay?
But I need
to tell you something.
You were right.
That Brolga wasn't
my guardian angel at all.
Because it was your grandfather.
Reincarnated in Brolga form.
You see, I was driving away
when I saw these footprints--
well, claw prints, but
for the clarity of this story
I'm gonna use foot--
anyway, I realised
these footprints
weren't footprints at all.
They were W's.
For Walt.
And then--
and then I looked up,
and there he was.
Staring at me knowingly
like the first night
that I met it.
With eyes less
like a Brolga's, and
more like a living,
breathing man's.
And then he lead me
through the clearing, to this,
this sort of raised
pile of dirt.
He started clawing at it.
So, I helped him.
And then, directly
beneath the dirt was this box!
I can't get it open, that--
that could be
for a number of reasons.
Maybe we're not ready,
or may--
maybe it's super strong glue.
Either way
this is a sign, Vivian.
You grandfather wants me here,
and he wants me
to open this box!
What is going on?
Well, I just told you--
No, I mean,
what are you scared of?
You've rolled away
from your wedding twice now.
Your mum said it happens
when you're scared.
So do you want
tell me what's up?
Nothing. Uh, yeah.
Nothing, nothing is up.
Are you sure?
You were right.
I was just really scared.
Of what?
[sighs] Everything.
Committing to someone.
Do you want to go home
leaving a little bit of you?
Yes. I do.
I'll call him tonight.
You called.
Well, you didn't call.
you dialled for a second
but I missed it
because I was dancing.
You dance?
My mother dances. I
Also dance.
Didn't need you in the end.
What do you mean? False alarm?
No, I just handled it.
Did you follow the steps?
A variation on the steps.
And I think it went quite well.
Good night.
Is that barbed wire?
[cell phone vibrates]
It's--it's John.
I'd like to come over
for the ashes ceremony.
I think that would be nice.
If you still wanted to.
If you don't want to
then its fine.
No. Yeah.
I think that would
be nice, too.
I'd better go.
Oh, Vivian, Vivian?
I'm also--
I'm gonna bring Alejandro.
And I just
he hasn't seen me, um,
how I can be around
you guys sometimes. So
can you just promise me
not to do anything
shit, please?
Nothing shit.
Got it.
Looking forward to it, John.
Okay. Bye-bye.
[sighs] Fuck!

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