Toughest Forces on Earth (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Narco Takedown

[Ryan] Go, go, go!
[electronic warble]
[tense music playing]
Everything we've learned,
we're putting into effect right now.
[electronic warble]
[blades whirring]
One minute. One minute till we're going.
Like being back
in the teams again. [laughs]
I love it.
[electronic warble]
Here we go, boys.
- [opening theme playing]
- [blades whirring]
[Ryan] We are three former
special operation soldiers
on a mission to go deep inside
the most elite and secretive
fighting forces in the world.
[Dean] I'm Dean Stott,
former SBS British special forces.
Times like this, you can hear
your heartbeat in your ears.
[Cameron] I'm Cameron Fath,
former United States Army Ranger.
- Not bad for a day's work.
- [gun cocks]
[Ryan] And that guy, at home in the swamp,
that's me, former Navy SEAL Ryan Bates.
I'm not gonna lie. I'm kind of a big deal.
And these are
the Toughest Forces on Earth.
- Good to go.
- [gunshot]
[blades whirring]
[electronic warble]
[electronic warble]
[tense music playing]
[blades whirring]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[Cameron] Look at that jungle.
We're in a Black Hawk helicopter,
in Colombia,
on our way to train
with the Comandos Jungla.
We're gonna spend a week with this unit
learning what makes this force
one of the toughest in the jungle.
I've never been in the jungle,
but my friends here have many years
of experience operating
in this environment.
We're all pretty excited for it.
All right.
[groans, laughs]
All right. Here we go.
The Comandos Jungla
are Colombia's elite police unit,
tasked with fighting
the country's narco and guerilla groups.
[electronic warble]
What you have to realize is even though
they look like a military force,
they're a police force
operating inside their borders.
So, their main task is to uphold the law
and serve and protect their civilians.
Let's go.
[upbeat music playing]
[Dean] That was a good ride in
over the canopy.
- Yeah.
- That jungle's thick.
Looks like we just flew
into Jurassic Park.
[Dean] The, uh, Jungla they're known for
taking down the cartels.
Colombia provides 90%
of cocaine to the world.
So, it'd be really interesting to see
what their tactics are.
[Ryan] I always say the jungle is
the worst environment to fight a war in.
Not just because of the heat,
the snakes, the bugs,
but because it's so thick,
you can't see ten feet in front of you.
- [Dean] Oh, here we are.
- [Cameron] All right.
- Put on your war face, boys.
- Here we go.
[marching drum playing]
- [soldiers shouting in Spanish]
- [Dean] They're ready for us.
- Oh, man, they're getting after it.
- Yeah, they are.
[Cameron] Oh boy.
These guys really make me feel like
I'm back in my Ranger training days.
Bien. Good morning.
- Buenos días.
- [in Spanish] Welcome.
This is one of the best
special forces units in Colombia
and the world, the Jungla Commandos.
Over the next few days,
you will join our training
and patrols in the jungle
to learn infiltration
and reconnaissance techniques,
as well as how we survive in the jungle.
[both in English] All right.
[tense music playing]
[in Spanish]
You'll be living with these commandos.
This is their home. Now it's your home.
But first, you need
to collect your weapons.
[in English] We have to get ready.
[Ryan] Okay, let's do it.
[upbeat music playing]
[Cameron] All right,
so we're getting all moved in.
Got my own, dedicated Jungla locker.
That's pretty cool.
- Hi, guys. What's going on?
- Hi, my friend.
Kit's all set up,
morale is at an extremely high level.
I'm just excited
to take it out in a new environment.
[tense music intensifies]
[gun cocking]
[Dean] So we've been given
the Glock pistol
and the M4 rifle.
It's a very common weapon
in special forces,
but I've not seen it in the hands
of law enforcement
except specialist SWAT teams.
All right. Feels like home.
- Mags?
- [Eddie in Spanish] Hey, wait.
Okay. Gracias.
- [in Spanish] Forgotten how a gun works?
- Sí.
[mimics gunshots]
[both laughing]
[Cameron in English] Seeing M60
machine guns and M249 SAWs
in the hands of police officers
tells me that the narco
and guerilla groups here in Colombia
are an extremely dangerous enemy
to be fighting.
Oh, look at that.
[in Spanish] We have these war grenades.
Every commando will carry
two or three on an operation.
[Cameron in English] The M67 frag grenade
can be thrown up to 30 meters.
It explodes and sends a wave
of steel fragments in all directions,
making it a perfect weapon system
to use against an unseen enemy
hiding in the dense jungle.
Who is your biggest threat?
Is it the narcos or the guerillas?
Or are they all very well-trained units?
[in Spanish] The drug traffickers can buy
modern heavy weapons,
but the guerillas have been fighting
for many years
and have more tactical experience.
[electronic warble]
[Cameron] To prove we're capable
of handling the final mission,
we're going to showcase our skills
during some accelerated training.
[Eddie in Spanish] So, commandos.
We are going to simulate
a patrol through the jungle.
The purpose of this exercise
is to see how you react
in an environment where the enemy is
hiding amongst the trees and vegetation.
[in Spanish] You are going to be judged
on the following:
your reaction speed, your marksmanship,
and your assessment
of the potential threat.
[gun cocks]
[electronic warble]
[Ryan in English] I've been
in plenty of situations
where you go through a whole firefight.
It's kind of a flash,
and you just fell back
to muscle memory and your training.
[Fredman in Spanish] Take it easy.
[Ryan in English] When the bullets start
flying, you don't have time to think.
[tense music playing]
[Fredman in Spanish] Good. Good reaction.
[in English] It's not until, like, 10-15
minutes after it's all done, like, "F."
"We almost died."
[Fredman in Spanish]
Continue, but assess the threat.
[in English] Choose my targets. Check.
[Fredman in Spanish]
You killed a person who didn't have a gun.
[electronic warble]
- [in English] Where is weapon?
- His hands. He's choking her, see?
- [Fredman] No. Weapon.
- Look. Huh?
[Fredman] La novia.
Girlfriend. Girlfriend.
- [Eddie] Girlfriend.
- [Ryan] Look at her face.
- Look. She's like this.
- [Fredman] No.
- Look at her. Good, see?
- [Eddie] Good this.
No, no hostage. Boom.
Bad guy choking woman.
- He's dangerous with his hands.
- No, hey.
- [Cameron] How'd you do?
- [Ryan] Smoked it.
- You smoked it? Of course.
- [Ryan] Yeah.
Go get 'em, buddy.
[electronic warble]
You're an animal. You're a lion.
Eat those targets, buddy.
Crush it.
[Cameron] Most of the close-quarter battle
I've trained in my personal experience
has all been inside of buildings.
So, real urban combat.
There's a process that goes in your mind
called the OODA loop,
and it stands for
"Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act."
If you're just seeing a target
and shooting immediately,
you might kill a civilian,
and that's something
we do not want at all.
[in Spanish] Hands up!
[gun cocks]
- [in Spanish] It's no good, yes?
- [Fredman] No.
- Okay.
- Take your position.
- [Cameron] How do you think Dean'll do?
- I think he'll be all right.
[Cameron] Yeah, he's Tier One, mate.
- He better do all right.
- [Cameron] I know.
[gun cocks]
There's a level of tiers
that are in the military.
So, for example, SEALs and Rangers
are Tier Two on the system.
But, uh, Dean comes from
a unit that's Tier One.
But some people say
UK's Tier One is like our Tier Three.
- Yeah. I heard that too.
- [laughs]
[Dean] You need to look through
the undergrowth.
You need to look high.
You need to look low.
[Cameron] Looking good.
Seems confident.
- [gunshots]
- [Dean] Contact front!
Whoever sees the enemy first
needs to shout out the direction
to the rest of the team.
Contact right!
[Cameron] His rifle's going
where he's looking.
- Nice.
- Nice.
[tense music ends]
[in Spanish] Very good.
[Eddie in English] Very good.
- Gracias.
- [Eddie] Nice.
- [Cameron] How'd it go?
- [Dean] Yeah, good.
Classic Tier One.
The only reason he got max points
is because he watched
exactly where Ryan and I went wrong.
[in Spanish] Excellent work.
I know it's not easy because I've done it.
It's normal for mistakes to happen
during training,
but in real life,
there's no room for error.
- [engine starts]
- [rock music playing]
[Cameron in English] I find it crazy
how well-trained these guys are
in the military aspect.
It's like we're back at our units.
In my eyes, there's no difference.
[Ryan] They seem more military
than police.
- They do.
- [Ryan] 100%.
[Dean] That's what's unique.
They're the only military-trained
police force in the world.
- No Dunkin' Donuts out here is there?
- No, no. [laughs]
[men shouting in Spanish]
[indistinct shouting]
- [Dean] What's "Aquiles," Juan?
- [Juan] My call sign.
[Dean] That's your call sign?
I saw it on your bag.
We use call signs for our security
because we can't say our names.
They have aliases
to protect their family names.
- Mine's "Whiskey." Yeah.
- [Dean] Whiskey?
[Juan] You don't have one?
[spluttering] My call sign when I was
in Afghanistan was Mayhem.
- Mayhem?
- Mayhem.
- I'm Whiskey. Whiskey.
- Yeah, Whiskey Steamroller.
- I'm Mayhem.
- [Ryan] He's Mayhem.
You're Cameron.
Cameron in Spanish means "shrimp."
- It's t
- [Ryan] Tiny little shrimp.
- [scoffs]
- [Ryan] Cameron. Tiny little shrimp.
Well, you know, one of the most deadliest
animals in the animal kingdom is a shrimp.
Okay, that's settled.
You're Shrimp, I'm Whiskey, he's Mayhem.
Uh, let's go out there
and crush the jungle.
- All right. Don't bother me none.
- Let's do it.
[electronic warble]
[Cameron] Half of Colombia
is covered by jungle,
and vast areas of it
are under the control of narco gangs
who run their drug labs
from deep within this dangerous terrain.
So, learning how to operate
and survive here is a vital skill,
and the first rule of the jungle:
absolutely zero talking.
[in Spanish] Communication has to be done
through hand signals.
A raised hand means single file.
We cross our fingers to indicate obstacle.
[electronic warble]
- [knocking]
- [electronic warble]
For calling attention.
[in English] Okay.
[in Spanish] Here's a backpack
where we carry all the necessary elements
depending on our mission.
We always carry a machete.
We carry sleeping equipment.
We carry food.
The food is very delicious.
[Cameron in English] As an Army Ranger,
I've always been taught
to prepare for every outcome.
Since we're remaining overnight
in the jungle,
I'm going to pack my bag out
with extra food and water.
I guess it's makeup time.
We're gonna apply camouflage.
Anything the Junglas can do to blend in,
it's imperative.
[Dean] The goal is not to be seen
and not to be heard.
Good patrolling means you won't be heard.
Good camouflage
and understanding the environment,
you won't be seen.
[tense music playing]
[Dean] The striped camouflage mimics
patterns of light and shade
created when rays of sunlight
penetrate the thick jungle vegetation.
Anywhere you've got skin surface showing,
you want to sort of break up
the, uh, structure of your face.
[in Spanish]
This is a great example of bad camouflage.
[in English] Good, huh?
- [ominous music playing]
- [birds chirping]
[electronic warble]
So what we're doing is jungle lesson 101.
It's basic patrolling in the jungle.
It's really just to highlight
how slow it is.
You need to remain quiet.
- [knocking]
- [electronic warble]
[electronic warble]
You need to remain alert
to where you're looking,
but also keep an eye on the rest
of the team so you don't get split up.
[electronic warble]
[Cameron] This is the, uh, first
official jungle I've found myself in.
This is a smoker.
It's just this god-awful vegetation.
The thing I keep telling myself is,
"If I'm feeling like this,
Dean and Ryan
are also feeling like this too."
So, that keeps me moving.
[Ryan] It's been about 17 years
since I was in shit like this.
It sucks. [chuckles]
There's no getting around it.
It is not fun.
Hot, sweaty, miserable.
If you look, you can barely see
five feet in front of you.
So, hats off to these guys.
[Cameron] The Junglas carry
50 pounds on their back.
I've got close to 80 pounds.
I'm starting to think
I may have over packed.
Just to give you some context
of how hot and sweaty I am.
[birds chirping]
[Cameron] So it's gonna be
my first night in the jungle
and already the jungle
seems to be coming alive.
We're basically setting up camp,
uh, making sure no snakes or spiders
or creepy crawlies, uh,
make a home of my home.
This is our bed
for tonight.
[Dean] We've got zero protection
from the creepy crawlies.
Creepy crawlies will just crawl over you.
If you're in the way,
they see you as an obstacle.
Maybe in the morning
you'll have a spider on your face.
You never sleep on the ground
in the jungle.
There's some terrible if you do.
I'll sleep off the ground
in this little hammock
and, uh, have no critters
that bite me through the night.
Nobody really said, "You couldn't do it."
So, why not? No?
[bird cawing]
What was that?
There are f cobras, man.
[whimsical music playing]
What the f is that?
[producer] It's on the floor somewhere.
They let you f hang your
Jesus f Christ!
[both laughing]
Yeah, turn that light off, dude.
[producer] Light's going off.
[whimsical music ends]
[Ryan] Just cracking open
some kind of tasty goo.
But I can't get it out of there.
- What is this, do you know?
- [speaks Spanish]
[Juan] Spaghetti.
[Dean] This is an MRE, Meal Ready-to-Eat.
You put it in a sack with magnesium,
you add water,
which causes a chemical reaction
producing heat and cooking your food.
How often do you guys, uh
We say "get spun up,"
but how often are you guys used?
In one month, we can go one time.
- Or two times.
- [Ryan] Yeah.
Three months ago,
some enemy groups
kidnapped a kid of just one year.
- No.
- [Achilles] For money.
[Ryan] For money, huh?
- Then he was inside a coca
- [Ryan] Coca lab.
- a coca lab.
- [Ryan] Coca lab.
You've got this on video.
[man laughs on video]
- And when we go inside to clear the rooms
- [Cameron] Yeah.
the baby, he looks at me and he says
- I carried the baby
- [Ryan] Mm-hmm.
- to the helicopter.
- [Ryan] Mm-hmm.
- Oh, is that the baby?
- [Achilles] Yeah.
- [Ryan] Aw.
- [Cameron] That's amazing. That's crazy.
[Achilles] The most weird thing
was that the baby
[Ryan] Never cried?
never cried and he wasn't scared.
These guys get more firefights
than any force I've seen.
They're after it almost every week,
fighting inside their borders. It's crazy.
They're badass and true warriors.
[men groaning]
[Dean] Enjoy your hammock.
Enjoy your double bed.
[Achilles] All right, good night.
Buenas noches.
All right, so this is home for the night.
Me and my buddy here,
we're gonna snuggle. Yes. [laughs]
Hopefully there's nothing down there
that's gonna be too much of a pest.
As long as we can keep
any sort of creepy crawlies from us.
[spluttering] That's the key,
wake up in the morning not been bitten.
[tense music playing]
[monkey howling]
- [birds chirping]
- [serene music playing]
So it's, um, about quarter past five
in the morning.
Slept on the floor last night,
me and Juan.
[talks indistinctly]
Quite an uncomfortable evening.
I can feel it
on my hands already that, uh
[sucks teeth]
something's been nibbling away.
[Cameron] It has been one hell of a night.
It rained on us. It was hot.
I'm covered in bug bites.
I'm more than ready to get back to base.
[Ryan] The best part of patrolling
and sleeping in the jungle is leaving.
I'm excited to get out of here.
I'm exhausted.
[engine revving]
[Eddie in Spanish]
Commandos, good morning.
[all in Spanish] Good morning.
[in Spanish] Did you have a good night?
[all in Spanish] Good.
[in Spanish] Ryan,
you decided to sleep separately
in a hammock.
- Oh.
- [Eddie in Spanish] This is a problem.
[tense music playing]
[in English] I got in trouble
because I slept in a hammock
and everybody else slept on the ground.
[in Spanish] In the jungle,
the enemy fires
without knowing where we are.
They just shoot.
And if we're not flat on the ground,
they're probably going to hit us.
[in English] I learned in
the SEAL teams to stay off the ground,
but the reason they do it that way
is because in a firefight,
anybody up high will get smoked.
So I'm gonna learn from their tactics
and do it their way.
[rock music playing]
[rock music ends]
[Dean] What was your motivation?
What inspired you to be a Jungla?
I've always wanted
to to be in the special forces.
And also I had a difficult childhood.
- [Dean] Oh really?
- Yeah.
A lot of people
that don't care if they hurt you
just for drugs or money.
- [Dean] Yeah.
- Stuff like that.
[Dean] Do you have a family?
Do you have a wife or any kids?
Uh, I have a wife. Yes.
But, in this moment, she's pregnant.
- Oh really?
- Yeah.
[Dean] Do you know what you're having?
A boy or a girl?
I don't know.
But I want a boy.
- You want a boy? [laughs]
- Yeah.
[Dean] Does your wife worry?
- [Achilles] Yeah, yeah. Sure.
- Of course.
If they're constantly worrying about you,
then it's not a good life, um, for them.
You know, my wife knew my role,
but she didn't need to know everything.
She needs to be able to sleep at night
and look after the children.
So, it's a hard balance.
We go to work,
but we don't know if we'll come back.
[Dean] Do you see, potentially,
an end to this war in your lifetime?
- Yeah.
- [Dean] Maybe your son's?
- Maybe my son's.
- [Dean] Yeah?
[Achilles] But while they are growing up
- [Dean] Mm-hmm.
- I'll be working.
If I die doing this,
it was protecting people,
and I think that's the best way to die.
Protecting people.
- [electronic warble]
- [tense music playing]
[Eddie in Spanish] Okay, Commandos.
You are going to conduct
a reconnaissance mission
on a narco trafficker's hideout
and bring back
as much intelligence as possible.
[Cameron in English] Today's mission is
to conduct a reconnaissance
in order to confirm or deny
the presence of illegal narco activity.
Captain wants us to figure out
how many bad guys there are,
how many are armed,
who the patrón or the boss is,
and how many civilians are on target.
[tense music continues]
[in Spanish] You'll be divided
into teams for this mission.
We will see which team
brings back the most intel.
[electronic warble]
[in English] One of the benefits of doing
a close target recce in the jungle,
you have that canopy,
you have that undergrowth.
But it's very tempting
to go that little bit further forward
just to get that extra bit of information.
- [birds cawing]
- [electronic warble]
[whispering indistinctly]
[whispers] We're about 15 meters away
from the actual building.
[whispers] Using this tall grass,
we were able to get this close,
so far remaining undetected.
- [tense music continues]
- [electronic warble]
[Ryan whispers] It's not a good position.
We're not above the grass
and can't see shit.
I have to get in closer.
[Dean coughing]
[whispers] Stop coughing.
[whispers] Two males, armed.
[whispers] One female,
red shirt, unarmed,
giant [speaks Spanish]
[electronic warble]
[man 1] Vamos, patrón!
[man 2 in Spanish]
We've got the drugs here.
Don't worry, boss. Everything's good.
[in English] We heard the word "patrón,"
which is a high-ranking individual
or a boss in Spanish.
So, we're staying put for the time being.
[man 1] patrón.
[electronic warble]
I'll go forward a little bit more.
[tense music intensifies]
[electronic warble]
[electronic warble]
[man talking indistinctly]
[whispers] Vehicle registration. DIN.
Delta, India, November, 435.
We're not seeing much activity anymore.
We're good to push back
and get back to base.
[tense music continues]
[Cameron] Gracias.
[Ryan] Definitely was miserable
low-crawling that crap.
I had ants biting me. I'm sure I swallowed
a fly and just couldn't do anything.
[Ryan] Ah, yeah. These guys, uh,
are definitely good in their environment.
- [Dean] Hardcore.
- Hardcore, man.
The actual mission went very well.
The most important thing
was that we didn't get compromised.
So, we're going back to base,
we're gonna disseminate it
to our commander,
and then they can use that information
to plan an operation
and hopefully take down that patrón.
[tense music ends]
We witnessed, uh, a meeting
between numerous armed, uh, individuals.
[Ryan] They were speaking about
coca and guns.
There was a woman on target as well.
[Ryan] The lady was not armed.
Señorita not armed.
[Dean] That's all you saw, wasn't it?
I only saw that.
[in Spanish] Anything else?
[in English] The vehicle license plate
was Delta, India,
[engine revving]
[in Spanish]
Did you see if the woman had a child?
[Dean in English]
I didn't see no children.
[in Spanish] Had you been able to take
a better look at the woman,
you would've seen she had a baby.
These are things we must first observe
in case it ends in an exchange of gunfire.
The team that collected
the most intelligence in this exercise was
Excellent work.
Okay, let's go.
- [in English] Let's go.
- Thank you.
- All right.
- [both sigh]
- [Dean] That was hard work.
- Yeah, it was.
For me, it really highlighted
how difficult it was in this terrain.
I didn't see or hear a baby.
No. If there's a child on target,
they really have to take caution.
Is your camouflage paint a handprint?
Yeah. I had I had Dean just slather it on
and smack me in the face and call it good.
[all laughing]
- [tense music playing]
- [electronic warble]
[Dean] We're now towards
the end of the training,
and the icing on the cake
is being able to destroy a narco lab.
[Eddie in Spanish] Commandos,
welcome to the explosives range.
You're going to be making the explosives
we use during our operations
to destroy the labs that make cocaine.
To blow up a normal-sized lab
we detonate between
seven and twelve slabs of C-4.
The key is to put
the explosive strategically
where it will cause
the most damage to the lab.
[Dean in English] So, what the guy's
asking to do is put together C-4.
We call it plastic explosive in the UK.
We're sealing it and securing it tight.
A neat charge is a happy charge.
So you wanna pack it real tight,
real perfect, and make it look beautiful.
You'll have a beautiful explosion.
What does yours look like, buddy?
It's cute. Uh, Dean's It looks English.
[in Spanish] This one might be ugly,
but it could be a bigger bang. Let's see.
- [Ryan] Yeah.
- [Eddie] Okay?
[Cameron in English]
C-4, or Composition 4,
is made up of an explosive,
clay-like material
that won't detonate through shock.
This makes it a perfect tool
to use in the rough and tumble
that is the jungle.
A small electrical charge
sets off a smaller detonator,
known as a blasting cap,
which initiates the main explosion.
The blasting cap is probably
the most dangerous part of this explosion.
You never want to grab it
by the body here,
because the human body
naturally puts out an electric current,
and there's a picture of a guy
that put the blasting cap in his mouth.
It set the explosive off
and now that guy's probably
never gonna go to the dentist again.
I know that Dean doesn't like it,
but his looks like trash,
which I'm surprised
because he's pretty OCD.
But maybe the heat's getting to him
a little bit, you know. He is British.
[Dean] It's not the prettiest of charges,
but it will serve its purpose
and it'll will execute it.
- We're gonna be the best? True.
- We're gonna be the best.
[Cameron] These charges are all live now.
So, all we have to do at this point
is take our initiator,
uncoil it back to a safe spot,
and then "boom."
[Eddie in Spanish] Fire in the hole!
Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole!
[Cameron in English] Boom, baby!
[mimics bomb exploding]
[Ryan] That's a perfectly-wrapped,
tight explosion right there.
[Eddie in Spanish] Fire in the hole!
Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole!
- [Cameron in English] Hell yeah, brother!
- [Ryan] Yeah, Dean! Good job!
That's the best, I think.
[in Spanish] Fire in the hole!
Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole!
[men cheering]
[Ryan in English] Good job, Cameron!
That was the biggest one.
[Ryan] That's the Ranger way.
Yo, Cameron.
Hey, gracias.
[Ryan] Big Cameron!
- Good job.
- Hey, good job!
[both laugh]
[in Spanish] All right. Excellent work.
[Cameron] Gracias.
[Eddie] All three detonated.
All three did the procedure well.
[in English] Who had the best finish?
Best finish is
- [all cheer]
- Yeah.
[Ryan] He might be little,
but he's mighty.
That's what my wife says too.
- Yeah.
- Boom.
- [men laughing]
- [birds chirping]
[tense music playing]
So, today we have our final mission.
Honestly have really no idea
what we're going to be doing.
The captain's been keeping
a pretty good secret.
Just have the, uh,
the pre-mission excitement.
[Dean] It's been good training.
There may be surprises,
but just get it done and executed.
- [tense music continues]
- [electronic warble]
[Eddie in Spanish] Today we are going
to put into practice everything
we have done this week.
We're going to mount an assault
on a suspected cocaine laboratory.
[in English] Two teams.
Ryan and I are in Team Bravo,
and Cameron's running Team Alpha.
[in Spanish] This is the ringleader that
you must try to capture or neutralize,
along with the others
in this criminal group.
If they shoot, you are allowed
to return fire to repel the attack.
After that,
you will destroy the drugs lab.
[helicopter blades whirring]
[Ryan in English] Go, go, go!
Everything we've learned,
we're putting into effect right now.
Like being back
in the team again. [laughs]
I love it.
[talks indistinctly]
Now what we'll be doing,
they'll be sending up the fast rope.
One by one, we'll be going on both sides.
After that, we'll patrol out.
[tense music continues]
Here we go, boys.
[tense music intensifies]
[Dean] We're stripping our harnesses off
because they've got metal on metal,
it's gonna make noise,
and then we'll head off.
[birds chirping]
I'm no expert,
but by the looks of those plants,
and that they're all in a row,
I'm gonna assume
we're at a coca field right now.
There's some sort of narco activity here.
[tense music ends]
It's kind of mind-blowing.
This stuff is everywhere,
and it looks so innocent,
but these plants are responsible
for a multibillion-dollar drug trade.
[tense music playing]
Okay, so we're about 100 meters out
from the target.
So it's a good point
to push out the teams to begin the recon?
Yeah. Two pairs.
All good.
- You're with me?
- I'm with you. Let's go.
[Cameron whispers] So, at this point,
we have to remain extremely quiet.
We need to basically see the objective
to be able to confirm this is it.
[electronic warble]
[man] Patrón!
[tense music ends]
This is definitely a hotspot
but probably need confirmation
of cooking narcotics
or some sort of narco activity here,
'cause remember,
we're not military, we're police.
So, hopefully Ryan and Dean
have a little bit more information.
- [tense music playing]
- [electronic warble]
[electronic warble]
[man 1 speaking Spanish indistinctly]
[whispers] Looks like
it's a cooking lab. [pants]
All armed.
Still trying to ascertain
how many men there are.
[tense music intensifies]
[man 2] Vamos, patrón!
[Ryan whispers] We have the lead boss,
plus four more armed guards, plus workers
inside of a coca lab making cocaine.
I'm happy to make an assault
on this target.
It's time to crush these bad boys.
[thunder rumbling]
[whispers] We're just gonna move
slightly forward.
Got the rain covering us for sound.
[Cameron whispers]
Everyone's in position now.
Cameron should shout,
let them know the police are here.
[in Spanish] Police! Police!
Hands up! Hands up! Hands up!
[Dean in English] Get down! Down!
[in Spanish] Drop your weapons!
[man shouting in Spanish]
[in English] I got our target here.
I've got the big boss, the patrón.
[Dean] I'm a police officer.
[man] There is a pistol.
[thunder rumbling]
This looks like your traditional coca lab.
In the kitchen,
we've got the microwaves and the grills,
and here's where they do all the mixing.
This is the finished product.
This is where they'll wrap and pack it
and will get it onto the streets.
What we're looking for
is any additional evidence,
which could give us any clue
to maybe who these guys are linked to.
We wanna make sure we're not leaving
any sort of important evidence,
which could help us to the bigger picture.
- [Ryan] Ask him where's the cocaine.
- [Achilles] Donde estála cocaina?
[in Spanish] We've hidden it in a cache.
Where is the hiding place?
It's just up the path.
[tense music playing]
[Cameron in English] Jackpot.
The cartel hoped
the Jungla wouldn't find the cache but,
yeah, we've ruined their day.
We'll take some for evidence
and just destroy the rest.
[tense music intensifies]
[Cameron] This mission was a pure success.
We got all the, uh, guerillas in the area.
So, now in this phase, we have to destroy
this lab so it can no longer be used.
Ryan's gonna go ahead
and blow the cache they've been stashing.
I'm gonna blow the lab,
and then we're gonna get the hell out.
[Ryan] Oh, mother lode, baby.
[Cameron] Okay, charge is set.
Fire in the hole.
Fire in the hole. Fire in the hole.
[bomb explodes]
[Cameron] Yeah!
- [laughing]
- Sounds like freedom.
[rock music playing]
- [Ryan] Right, Cam.
- [Cameron] All right.
Hell yeah, good job.
- Not bad for a day's work, huh?
- [Ryan] Let's get home.
- Worked out good.
- [Cameron] Oh yeah.
These guys definitely demonstrated
that they do this a lot,
'cause they were fluid.
I mean, the second the boom went off,
they were on it.
I'm ready to get some beers,
how about you guys?
- [Ryan] Yeah.
- Cerveza, por favor.
[Cameron] Hey.
[all cheering]
[Eddie] What's up, boys?
- [Ryan] Bien, bien.
- Okay.
[Cameron] Good.
[Eddie in Spanish] All right, Commandos.
Unfortunately, it's the end of the week,
but this will forever be your home.
You are part of the Jungla Commandos.
[Cameron] Yay.
[in English] One more thing.
So, um, who do I need to give this to
before I fly tomorrow?
[all cheering]
Evidence. Huh?
It wasn't me. Hey, come on.
It wasn't me. Hey.
[in Spanish] Honor and glory forever.
[all] Hooyah!
[upbeat music playing]
[helicopter blades whirring]
[Ryan in English] These guys get after it.
Good training,
and I learned a lot from these guys.
[Dean] I wouldn't be on the wrong side
of the law in Colombia. I know that.
The Junglas are nobody to mess with.
It is seamless transition
from military to police here,
and I think that's what makes these guys
one of the toughest forces out there.
[upbeat music ends]
- [electronic warble]
- [Ryan] Next time
What sort of temperatures
are we expecting this week?
It could drop down to -30/-40.
- [tense music playing]
- [wind whistling]
- [ice shaving]
- [water splashing]
I didn't know how bad it was gonna be,
but it's pretty frickin' bad.
[tense music playing]
[tense music ends]
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