Trackers (2019) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Hold your fire!
Give me something
that I can use.
That's the guy.
Everyone, this is now
an agency-wide priority.
Al-Qaeda is bringing something
into the country,
and I want them stopped.
You got nothing!
The PBI is over.
They're shutting us down.
-Why kill him like this?
-It's a message.
-You can call me Flea.
-There's the target.
Alpha One, abort.
That's an order.
Okay. Come on, let's do this.
Keep pushing.
That's it.
Keep pushing.
Come on, boy.
-Come on.
Come on, boy. Let's go.
Okay, guys.
Watch your direction.
That's it.
That's it, that's it.
Straighten up.
Good. Good. Do it.
Close it up.
So, how much time
have I got?
We're in the middle
of an investigation.
For you.
Top of page 205.
"In conclusion
"the commission
rules that the PBI
"acted without any
conclusive evidence,
and that there was no
credible threat to the country."
It further says that
canceling the summit
was an embarrassment
to the President
of the Republic.
And the president agrees.
You know,
I might've misjudged and moved in too fast,
-but I know it was real.
you don't have to
justify yourself to me.
But the report
says what it says.
It's done.
PBI is done.
You had a good run.
Better than most.
I'm sorry.
All good.
You feel that?
I think-- I think our
passengers are waking up.
Look it here.
Check this.
Sedative is wearing off.
I'll need to inject them again
within the next half an hour.
Then we stop in 30 minutes.
No more calls between
Rayan and Nkunzi.
Well, we need to keep
our focus on the package.
Whatever it is they're planning
to bring into the country,
it could be coming
from anywhere.
So, if anything looks
out of the ordinary,
I want a report on my desk.
Keep it within 100 clicks
of the borders.
-Ports and customs?
-All of it.
Mrs. Nkosi?
I need to know where we are.
This will not be
another Pelindaba.
Well, for now, we've got a tap
on Osman's home landline,
and we've got watchers
in the apartment opposite.
And who is in
the house with him?
His family.
Wife, Teliha.
What do we know about her?
She comes from an ordinary
middle-class home.
She studied biological
sciences at UCT,
and did her
PhD in London.
Then she came
back to Cape Town
and married Osman.
They have a daughter, Nazli.
-She's 8 years old.
-And Daoud?
No positive sighting yet.
You're a Bo-Kaap boy.
Is there any way a man like that
-could find refuge?
-He is not gonna find
a welcome from
the people of Bo-Kaap.
My money's on him being
anywhere but there.
Okay, so
what do we think
they're bringing in?
Well, if you're trying
to make a statement
in a packed
football stadium.
-I'd say -
-Dirty bomb.
There's no reason to believe
Allajna would have access
to those kind of materials.
There's no reason to
believe they wouldn't.
What's security like
at Cape Town Stadium?
Mixture of police
and private contractors.
It's good, but not good enough,
if you ask me.
I'll speak to their
head of security.
No. Not yet.
We'll let it play out for now.
Osman moves, we move.
- Trouble?
- No.
It's just my son.
Listen, why did Janina
mention Pelindaba?
Was she talking about
the old nuclear base?
Pelindaba was
a total fuck-up.
We, well
Janina made the call to cancel
a major international summit
on climate change
here in Cape Town.
Lots of heads of state,
lots of razzmatazz,
all abandoned over
a terrorist attack
that never materialized.
My advice is to never
speak of it again.
-Especially in front of Janina.
Call your son.
- I'll give you a bit of privacy.
- No, no.
I know we're not allowed to
make personal calls at work.
It's fine.
Go ahead.
I'll run interference
with Nkosi.
We're on schedule.
We done?
Just about.
Well, let's move then.
Miss Flea, um, you,
you work with
big game a lot?
I only work with big game.
Yeah, smooth.
Are we in trouble?
Well, if they're
after the horns
-Um, should I go faster then?
When lionesses go hunting,
you can't outrun them.
They drive their prey towards
the rest of the pride.
Lourens, wait.
Get out! Get out!
Get on the floor!
Get on the floor!
-They might be in the bush, let's go!
I don't see shit here!
I know you're there!
I don't see anything here!
You see this!
You see this!
No, no, please
You can see this!
-You're the captain here?
-Yes, sir.
Where is the stuff?
I I don't know what
you're talking about
Okay. One!
-We we don't know
-We don't know, sir.
We don't know!
We don't know
what you're talking about
I want my stuff!
They want the rhinos.
What do they want?
-What do you want--
-Did you say rhinos?
-Do I look like a fucking poacher?
-No, boss.
-Do I look like a poacher?
I don't care about rhino horns!
Fucking Chinese witchcraft!
Hello, Captain.
Where is the stuff?
We're just--
We're transporting rhinos.
Yeah. Yeah, that's all.
Transporting rhinos?
-Where are the diamonds?
-I told you
You are going
to remember.
Where are
the fucking diamonds?!
I already told you!
She doesn't know!
She doesn't know
where they are--
Do you remember, MacGyver?
Drop it! Put it down.
- Put it down.
Put it down. Okay.
Up, up, up, up.
Flea, pick up my gun
and get behind me.
Flea, pick up my gun
and get behind me now.
Look at me.
We're okay.
You're driving, okay?
Get in the truck.
Go, go, go.
Put down the fucking gun!
Put it down!
Steady, steady.
-Fuck! Fuck!
-Fuck, they got away!
Slow down, Nkunzi man.
I don't understand you.
What do you mean
they weren't there?
But you can't have
looked properly.
All I know is that the diamonds
were on that truck somewhere,
and all you had
to do was to find them.
Listen, I don't-- Hello?
Flea, are you okay?
No, I'm fine.
We need to find a payphone.
-We need to call in the boy's body.
-We're not stopping.
We can't just leave
him out there.
What if they're following us?
No one is following us.
"Cape Times"? ETV?
CNBC Africa?
"News This Week."
Hey, hey.
10111, how can we assist?
There's been an accident
about 50 kilometers south
of Beitbridge on the R524.
Someone's been killed.
Are you there now, sir?
Can I have your name, please?
You you need to send someone.
Okay, see you later.
You're early.
So, what have
we got today?
All of the police reports
over the last 24 hours
from the northern border.
I can do it.
Be my guest.
Some help back here,
Okay, okay, okay.
-I may have something.
-What is it?
Double murder up in the Kruger.
One of the victims
is gang affiliated.
-What should I do?
-Contact the officer in charge,
request further detail.
How are they?
They're okay.
How are you?
Milla, I'm heading out
for lunch. You coming?
-maybe a bit later. Thanks.
-Okay, see you in a bit.
And I hear the minister has
shown you the Pelindaba report.
I have my sources,
And why exactly
do you want to know?
I have a wife
and kid, Janina.
I'd like to know how long we've
got before they shut us down.
Maybe you should
ask your sources.
We've got something.
The new researcher,
Mrs. Strachan,
picked up on an incident
report from Limpopo.
Two dead.
One of them has
this tattoo on him.
Gang tag?
It's Nkunzi's syndicate
in Johannesburg.
Is this
the other body?
No ID.
Mrs. Strachan's on it.
Let me know when
you find out more.
Thank you.
So, what do you think?
Is Diederik
telling the truth?
Don't make me drink alone.
You know, I thought
you weren't talking
because of
what happened.
But I've
changed my mind.
You just don't talk, period.
I talk when I have
something to say.
So, what's your story?
How come
you're riding shotgun?
'Cause that's what I do.
It's what I used to do.
-You're in security.
-I was, yeah.
For a bunch of people
I didn't much care for.
What happened?
I was looking after someone,
and she died.
You can take the bedroom,
I'll sleep on the couch.
Detective Kagasi,
did they know what their son
may have been doing in the area?
So, they had no idea that
the boy was even in Kruger.
Sorry, could you
repeat that, please?
Diederik Brand.
Mrs. Nkosi,
I think I found out
who the other body was
and who he was working for.
Mrs. Strachan has
the name for the other boy.
His name is Lourens Le Riche.
How did you get
to that name?
The detective in charge up
in Kruger got a phone call
from his parents first
thing this morning.
How did they
know to do that?
Well, the man Le Riche
worked for as a driver,
a man called
Diederik Brand from Loxton,
he told them what had happened
and which police
station to contact.
So, how did
Diederik Brand in Loxton
know that his driver had
been shot in Kruger Park
hundreds of
kilometers away?
I don't know.
Quinn, in here,
So, what do we have
on Diederik Brand?
Has been the director of
a list of failed companies
stretching back decades.
I'd say he's about as
crooked as they come.
Thank you, Mrs. Strachan.
How fast can you get a full
tactical team to Loxton?
We've turned
this place upside down.
I don't think he
has the diamonds.
He's only interested in bringing
in a breeding pair of rhinos.
- That's it.
- Do you believe him?
I don't know.
I think so.
You know, he claims
they were taken by the woman
who was transporting the animals.
A vet from Zimbabwe named Flea.
Not her real name.
What a surprise.
-Do we have her real name?
-Brand says he doesn't know it.
Then how did he hire her?
That's the thing.
He didn't hire her.
The whole thing was set up by
a man called John Ehrlichmann.
Also from Zim.
Get back here
as soon as you can.
No, no, old man,
you listen to me. I'm coming to your house.
Listen, you don't
come to my place
-and you don't call me on this line.
-I must see you!
Okay, then you come there
by my place in Camps Bay.
I'll send you the address.
Hello, you there?
Old man
The job, I did do it.
-Now, where's the money?
-I'm not coming to your place.
We need to meet
somewhere public.
So you don't
trust me now?
Somewhere public or nothing.
Okay, fine. Fine.
Maiden's Cove. Midday.
No diamonds, no money.
You need to tell
this fat one
to move
because if I kill you,
I don't do it here.
You didn't find them.
-They didn't exist, man!
-I gave you the route.
All you had to do
was to intercept them.
Hey, man!
We found this thing, yeah,
but there was nothing
but stinking animals,
some white girl,
and a soldier.
Well, the diamonds
were on that truck.
My job
-I did do it.
-No. No, you didn't.
You find the girl,
you retrieve the diamonds,
and then you'll
get your money.
I'm going to find
that girl. That girl!
But, my money.
My money.
I want it.
I don't get it.
Why would Osman hire Nkunzi
to-to hijack his own operation?
Alright. Nkunzi's on the move.
He's on the move, everyone.
Wait, wait.
There's a phone call.
Osman's phone?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's a different phone.
We can't hear that.
- What?
- That stunt you pulled
on the road is
going to cost you.
What stunt?
My fee's now 20% of
the consignment value.
I don't know what
you're talking about, okay?
Are you ready to
make the exchange?
We'll meet in three days.
I'll give you a location.
I don't have three days.
Listen here--
Hello? Hello?
He's hung up.
That's it.
What was that?
We need to get to
the courier before Nkunzi.
Fuck. Easy. Hey, hey!
Alright, alright.
-Hey, boss, he's running away.
We'll get the diamonds.
I've given the name
of the courier to Inkunzi.
I need you to find this woman
for me.
Ikunzi's tracking Flea.
We track Inkunzi.
-My name is Lucas Becker.
Your boys carjacked me.
You stole my money.
And I want it back.
I know nothing
about any diamonds.
Those decisions,
Flea made herself.
Nobody's untouchable.
We come for you.
There are lives at stake here.
I'd be very reluctant
to cross her.
she has seen fit to cross me.
You're dead.
The ambush scene,
which we shot over four nights,
obviously things go
very badly.
So, when we meet Inkunzi,
he's on a job. Hijack,
and get the consignment,
and deliver it and get paid.
The scene happens just
on the border of South Africa
in the Karoo National Park.
We picked a location
that is actually
on the verge of the cliff
to make it feel
as dangerous as possible.
We shot most of the scene
on a Steadicam
just to be right next
to our characters
and in the middle of the action.
So, it's the combination of
this feeling of danger
and the location itself,
and the darkness,
and the lights, and the dust.
It looks gorgeous.
Where are the fucking diamonds?
The highjack goes upside down,
and he takes his revolver and
It's a tough pill
for him to swallow.
That he wasn't able to protect
And that sort of becomes
the first catalyst
for the rest of his journey
into the story.
And then he has to take
all of that,
and put it in a bottle
and save who's left.
When this happens,
he's obviously caught off guard.
But he doesn't expect
that there'd be gaps
in the intel,
for the job to go well.
He's coming up against
a Special Forces-trained guy.
And so now he's like,
somebody's double crossing me.
When we arrived
at the farm,
I had to drive through
quite a narrow gate.
And Jyri came to me
and he was like,
"It just looks too slow."
I was like, "Do you want me
to drive the truck faster?"
So, I'm going straight
for this gate
and I'm watching the side,
and somehow, I misjudged it.
I'm a precision driver not.
And I ripped the
the gates of the farm off.
And I looked to the side
where Trix was sitting.
She looked at me with these eyes
I said to Steve, I'm so sorry,
I hope you've got insurance.
And he's like, "It's fine.
And that's definitely going
in the cut."
So, I hope that is in the cut.
Now, he's trying to work out
who knew what was going on.
With Flea, I think he's also
trying to figure out
how much does she know.
And then, of course,
wakes up the next morning
and she's not there.
And she's taken his gun.
And then that's the second
big thing
that kicks off his journey.
That stunt
you pulled on the road
is going to cost you.
My fee's now 20 percent
of the consignment fare.
I think
what informed that decision
to smuggle the diamonds,
is that she's a self-made girl,
it's a lot of money,
she can get out of the country.
And that's.. it's a new life.
The whole hijacking theft
changes her whole attitude
and her whole approach.
She realizes the caliber of
person that she's dealing with.
We'll meet in three days.
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