Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

[wind whistling]
Search every sector till
we have Optimus Prime and his traitors.
Leave them nowhere to hide.
-Lord Megatron.
We've got a visitor.
[Bot grunts]
[footsteps approaching]
[weapons cocking]
Fire only on my command.
It could be a trap.
That's as far as you
[Jetfire growls]
Reveal yourself now!
Starscream! Back down!
Like a coward?
Enough, both of you!
[footsteps continue]
[Barricade growls]
[Megatron groans]
Only on my command!
Why would you be so foolhardy
as to come here?
I prefer to think of it as hopeful.
As the military commander of the Autobots,
I, Ultra Magnus, in good faith,
hereby surrender to you.
Remember the battle of Tarn-Hauser Gate?
you saved my life.
And you, mine.
Then, together, we won that battle.
And for what? To end up here for this?
The important thing is,
we had each other's backs.
We fought as brothers.
And now, we're at each other's throats.
I've grown weary of endless war.
Then end it.
Convince your noble leader to stand down
and end his crusade against me.
Prime won't listen to me.
But, if the three of us could sit
and speak like the old days--
You have the power to end this!
That is why I came here myself
in the hopes that we can work for peace.
We will have peace
if you order the Autobots to stand down.
I won't order the others to do
what they feel is not right.
Then you are just as responsible as Prime
for their deaths.
If we continue on this course,
no one will be left to win.
throw my old brother
in one of our finest cells.
He can contemplate his peace from there.
My fellow Autobots,
I have called this meeting to inform you
of an unfortunate development.
We have reports that Ultra Magnus
has surrendered to Megatron.
-[Hound] Wait.
-[Chromia] Are you serious?
-[Cog] Ultra Magnus?
-[Chromia] What?
-[Cog] Are you serious?
-Settle down, everyone.
Why in the name of Primus
would he surrender?
Ultra Magnus and I
have different views of the war.
He believes
that it is time to stop fighting.
That's total scrap!
And what's your view, Optimus?
I will never stop fighting
for our freedom.
We need to go.
We need to get out of here, like, now!
Ultra Magnus knows our location,
our defenses, everything!
They could be here any nano-cycle.
do not believe
Ultra Magnus would betray us.
What if they hack his brain module?
He'd deactivate himself
before he'd let that happen.
I can only assume that Ultra Magnus
was trying to appeal to Megatron.
So, now what?
[Prime] Elita-1 will take command
of military operations immediately.
Is that acceptable, Elita?
[sighs] I
Of course.
We will not allow Megatron
to enslave Cybertron.
We will win this war.
Till all are one.
[Autobots] Till all are one.
Lord Megatron.
Yes, Shockwave?
I have teams
searching the depths of Cybertron
for ancient relics and weapons.
-Get to the point.
-[tablet beeps]
Our source of life.
And a source of unimaginable power.
It hasn't been seen in ages.
Some think it's only a myth.
The work of Alpha Trion proves
that it is real.
Are you certain of this, Shockwave?
My research of the ancient code
suggests that the Allspark can help us
end the war permanently.
I'm listening.
If we can acquire the Allspark,
I can manipulate it
to create a reformation wave
that will de-rez every single Autobot.
From there, I can easily reformat them
as loyal Decepticons.
That looks painful.
The war would end in an instant.
Magnus to Optimus.
Megatron is looking for the Allspark.
They plan to reformat the Autobots.
Total annihilation, I repeat total
Possessing that kind of power
is appealing,
but I'm not inclined to search
the entire planet for the Allspark
when our forces should be winning the war.
This is how you win the war.
Reformat the Autobots?
A clean and decisive victory.
It would be a victory without honor.
Then I am to proceed?
No, this is something I must consider.
Med-transports five
and six were destroyed.
Also, we should
[scratchy radio frequency]
It It's from Ultra Magnus, sir.
Ultra Magnus?
[Ultra Magnus breathing heavily]
Magnus to Optimus.
Megatron is looking for the Allspark.
They plan to reformat the Autobots.
Total annihilation, I repeat total
[comm device beeps]
The Allspark?
It hasn't been seen
in ten thousand stellar-cycles.
Why would he do that?
With the Allspark,
Megatron would gain control
over all of Cybertron.
I cannot let that happen.
How do we stop him?
We must find it first.
Gather everyone.
Wait, wait just one astro-second.
The Allspark?
You're telling us
Megatron is hunting for a myth?
Well, I say, let 'em waste time
and energon looking for it.
Permission to speak freely?
-Yes, Sideswipe. Always.
-[Sideswipe] Did you crack your crankcase?
You want us
to hunt down an ancient artefact,
based on information sent from Magnus,
who is currently under Decepticon control.
At best, it could be a distraction.
At worst, it's a trap!
Although I question Ultra Magnus' choices,
I do not question my faith in him.
We must not allow Megatron
to find the Allspark.
With it,
he will destroy everything we are.
Uh it might cost us some energon,
but I can rig
the Ark's long-range scanners
to try and look for it.
Thank you, Wheeljack.
Hound, Sideswipe, Elita and myself
will each command a small squad.
We must cover as many sectors
as possible and move quickly.
Lord Megatron.
We are in the middle of--
I detected a low frequency transmission
that was somehow sent
from the holding cells.
[Ultra Magnus]
Megatron is looking for the Allspark.
They plan to reformat the Autobots.
-Total annihilation…
We can assume
Prime is now looking for the Allspark.
If Prime is trying to beat us
to the Allspark,
perhaps we should help him find it.
What is bothering you, Elita?
Am I that obvious?
Yes, only because
[chuckles] I know you.
I don't mean to question your command,
but searching for a long-lost relic?
It feels like a fool's errand.
I understand your concern.
I'm not sure you do, Optimus.
We're barely surviving as it is.
If our current course does not change,
we lose.
Optimus, I'm not sure
what we're even fighting for anymore.
I must ask you to trust me.
[sighs] Of course I do.
This was not the life I imagined for us.
But it's a life worth fighting for.
[loud alarm blaring]
[Cog] Optimus! Incoming signal!
[Ultra Magnus]
Optimus, found coordinates of Allspark.
Repeat, transmitting coordinates.
Elita, prepare as many teams
as we can spare.
[Ultra Magnus]
Optimus, found coordinates of Allspark.
[Ultra Magnus' voice]
Repeat, transmitting coordinates.
-Excellent, Soundwave.
-[Ultra Magnus' voice] Allspark.
Have your forces in place
and ready to destroy them.
[footsteps approaching]
[Ultra Magnus] Megatron
we can still find a peaceful way
to end the war.
You lost any chance of working with me
when you sent that transmission to Prime.
You've actually done me a favor
by allowing us to hack your previously
clandestine comm frequency.
What have you done?
I have done what I have to do
to end this war.
You should have worked with me.
Now, I can't help
how much they're about to suffer.
According to Ultra Magnus,
these are the coordinates.
The Autobots have reached Iacon.
All units, report.
Impactor, check.
Barricade, check.
Spinister, check.
Skytread, check.
This looks like
the perfect location for a trap.
We do not have a choice.
Ultra Magnus risked his life
to give us this opportunity.
Or we're being set up.
Ultra Magnus would not betray us.
You believe the best in everyone.
-That's the problem.
-Is it?
Magnus is in the hands of the Decepticons.
They can never be trusted.
[Hound] Hey, be light on your treads.
If the Allspark is nearby,
the last thing we want
is to attract Seekers.
Keep your optics open,
and remember,
retrieval is only half the mission.
We have to bring it back to base.
Optimus, I've got something.
Could be our package.
Moving in to investigate.
[Prime] Affirmative. Proceed with caution.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Impactor] They've taken the bait!
Optimus, it's highly concentrated energon.
Wait! Do not
Kill them all!
[Cog grunts]
[grunting] Scrap!
[Impactor grunting]
[Autobot] Taking fire! Cog is down!
[Chromia groaning]
[Hound] Ah! A set up!
The Autobot crusade ends here!
[Hound grunts]
Repeat, Cog is down!
Request support!
-[Prime grunting]
-[Decepticons groaning]
Decepticon scrap-suckers! [grunts]
[Decepticons groaning]
Where's Chromia?
[Chromia grunting]
[Refraktor grunts]
[Mirage groaning]
[Mirage grunting]
[Refraktor growls]
I'll rip out your circuits!
[Prime grunts]
[Impactor gasps]
[Prime grunts]
[Decepticons grunting]
[Elita] Here comes the cavalry!
[Sideswipe grunts]
[Impactor growls]
Decepticons, rally to me!
-[Barricade grunts]
-[Chromia groans]
-[Barricade laughing]
Now, you die.
[Barricade groans]
[grunts] Ready to die, Prime?
-[Prime grunts]
-[Skytread groans]
[loud rumbling]
Now, on my mark, we
Autobots, pull out!
[tires screeching]
[Barricade groaning]
[growls] Prime, you coward!
[Cog groaning]
He gonna be okay, Doc?
Get him into the repair bay!
[Wheeljack murmurs nervously]
Everyone okay?
[sighs] We suffered casualties.
No Allspark. It was a trap.
And we walked right into it.
I heard something
about a big cube of energon?
Tell me you at least brought that back.
Optimus, we're gonna need time
to recover from this.
any luck finding the actual Allspark?
Optimus, the energon it takes
will start affecting
our ability to stay cloaked.
Unfortunate, but necessary.
[sighs] No, Optimus!
You heard him.
We don't have the resources!
Keep searching.
[Skytread groaning]
You find Impactor?
[Skytread] Only what's left of him.
Let's get that energon and go.
It's not here.
Where the scrap is it?
Megatron's not gonna like this.
You're telling me
that in addition
to killing one of my finest soldiers,
the Autobots got away
with highly purified energon?
Who let this happen?
[Megatron growling]
It would seem neither we
or the Autobots have the energon.
[Megatron] Then who does?
[Shockwave] Unknown.
It disappeared from sensors
during the battle.
By that look on your face,
Optimus must have survived--
You will tell me
the location of Optimus Prime now!
Never going to happen,
[Megatron grunts]
Last chance.
Shockwave, begin your preparations.
You may implement your plan
to reformat the Autobots.
Yes, Lord Megatron.
And what of honor?
Honor will not win this war.
Eliminating the Autobots
from existence will.
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