Treat Me Carelessly (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Please forgive me.
Out of concern for your safety,
I rudely laid my hands on you.
So it was you.
Well, it's not your first time.
Pardon me?
I mean, thank you for catching my fall.
It's nice to see you after so long,
but I'm a bit exhausted.
Should we call it a night?
It is late. Allow me to walk
No, I'm all right.
Goodnight then.
In that case,
I shall go now.
Goodbye, Master.
What are you doing?
It is impolite for a pupil
to show his back to his master.
You crazy fool.
Are you out of your mind?
Why did it have to be you?
I wanted to be remembered
as an admirable master.
Whatever. I won't ever see him again.
Bye, Yoon-bok.
It's a shame,
but let's never cross paths again.
Oh my.
This is so humiliating.
Did you sleep well, Master?
Are you all right?
Why are you here, Yoon-bok?
I did not have the opportunity
to inform you yesterday,
but I will be residing here briefly
due to a personal matter.
I see.
I apologize if I startled you.
It's all right.
No worries. It happens.
Have a good day then.
Why is he there?
What am I looking at?
Oh dear.
I can't believe this.
This is so embarrassing!
Oh, right. You don't know yet.
Guess who moved in next door?
You'll be shocked when you find out.
Should I tell you or not?
The person who moved in is
Out of all the houses
in the sprawling city of Seoul,
why did it have to be that one?
Wait, you saw Yoon-bok already?
He was in urgent need of a place to stay
and asked me for help.
I was his best friend
at the academy, you know?
So I recommended
that place right next to us.
I see. So it was you?
Oh, right.
He probably heard you
lose your mind last night.
You better shut it.
How embarrassing.
I better warn him to look out
while he's here.
I told you to shut up!
Look at you.
Hello, Ji-won?
I should hurry?
Okay, I'll be right there.
My goodness, I'm sorry.
Sorry about that.
Oh dear.
It seems I dropped it again.
Why is it that Master Kim
avoids me so ardently?
Could it be
that I have done something wrong?
Is there a chance
you might let me in tonight?
Do you not see
what I have adorned myself with?
You still refuse to allow me in?
I witnessed suspicious figures
going through the VIP entrance.
I must step foot
into that room tonight at all costs.
The ways of a club rat
are much too perplexing for me.
I shall devote myself to becoming
a club rat as soon as possible.
Yeah, I'm at Jay Club!
I just got here.
How is your morning?
Might you be free for a brief meeting?
Where do you want me to take you?
I will follow your lead
no matter what.
How long do I have to avoid Yoon-bok?
What should we get for dinner?
What about the place
we had to rush out of that time?
I thought they didn't accept
same-day reservations.
Only if there was someone
who could wait in line for us.
Could you wait in line
at Seongsangwan for us?
This isn't a personal request.
We're having a meeting
to discuss future projects and such.
Oh, is that so?
Wait, let me add a prop.
What is it?
-Go ahead.
-Let's begin.
Here we go.
I cannot do this.
Come on, trust me.
You want to give up?
-This is too
-Stop talking and take it off!
-Now this.
-Absolutely not.
-Just do as I say.
-Please, spare me.
Is there anything less flashy?
Looks great.
This is extremely gaudy.
If you want to be a club rat,
you need to put your full trust in me.
This is unacceptable.
I shall wear my robe
and convince the gatekeepers.
No, you won't!
You used to wear
school uniforms, didn't you?
That was simply my duty as a student.
This is just the same.
Do your duty to the club.
That is highly contradictory.
I put you through too much too soon.
Let's tone it down a bit.
Please tone it down slightly more.
You can't tone it down more than this.
What do you say I wear that instead?
I'm so excited.
Name, please.
Lee Do-yeong.
-This way.
-Thank you.
This is nice.
Mr. Lee!
What took you so long?
You're such a great guy.
I can't believe you set this up for us.
I'm so touched.
Mr. Lee is paying
for a team dinner tonight.
Excuse me. Just a moment.
Give him a big hand!
Have a seat.
-Get in here!
-Come sit!
Did Hong-do do this?
I think so.
-Lee Do-yeong!
-Lee Do-yeong!
Hey, Ji-won. Where are you?
Aren't you at the team dinner?
That's the same as overtime
for us interns.
Let's go blow off some steam instead.
A club?
With that kind of money
Oh, for free?
Where to?
Okay, I'm on my way.
Thank you.
I will repay my debt to you someday.
Sure thing.
Master Kim?
Greetings, Master.
We meet again.
What brings you here?
I have a business to attend to.
I see.
Seeing you here makes me want to die
Die of joy!
There was one place I could not enter.
It's the VIP room.
I made an attempt,
but I was rebuffed due to its exclusivity.
Please excuse me. I must go now.
Okay, bye.
-This can't be real!
-Who was that?
-We need to leave!
-No! The party's just getting started!
We're leaving now!
No, I want to party!
Who the hell are you?
Enter through VIP room five.
-The crowd tonight is no joke.
-Let's go, Ji-won!
What did you say?
Let's leave.
No, the party's heating up!
Excuse me.
Coming through.
I'm sorry.
Come here.
An eye for an eye
and a foot for a foot.
-Stick your foot out.
I said stick your foot out.
Oh jeez.
He's a VIP?
An eye for an eye and a foot for a foot?
Why don't you pick on
someone your own size?
Who are you?
Is she your girl?
I was just passing by.
I wanted to turn a blind eye
as I have urgent business to attend to,
but my boss taught me
not to ignore injustice.
You little
Hey, you!
Our boss said not to cause any trouble.
Let's go!
You better watch your back!
-Are you hurt?
-No, I'm fine.
I will escort you to safety.
Do not lose confidence
just because you are a weak man.
My strong lady,
please reveal to me your name.
Kim Hong-hak!
Damn it.
Who were they?
-What the heck?
-Damn it.
Are you Phony?
I don't know who that is.
But you don't seem to be on their side,
so please untie me.
What's this?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Are you Phony or Phony's subordinates?
What is he saying?
Are you out of your mind, you bastard?
Who the hell are you?
How rude of you.
Screw this!
Are you the thief
who steals cultural assets?
I follow the gangster's code.
I let my fists do the talking,
but I don't steal things.
Young Master!
They managed to steal folding screens,
pottery, and even statues of Buddha.
Wait, who's that?
I found him bound inside,
but I doubt he is Phony.
While I question him,
please search for the men who escaped.
The thugs here all know each other.
I'll find them in no time.
Are you all right?
Yes, you do not need to worry.
Where do you reside?
I shall escort you home.
I don't know who Phony or whatever is.
I was just offered money
to transport goods for them.
And the client gave me this.
Who's the client?
I have no idea.
All I get are texts from a burner phone,
so there's no way to know.
Anyway, I'm innocent.
You can tell, can't you?
I'm an innocent man
and a law-abiding citizen.
Then how is it that someone like yourself
was bound in there?
The thing is,
I happened
to see something
I shouldn't have seen.
What is the matter?
Did you see this person's face?
Take care.
Thank you.
-Let us go.
-Yes, Young Master.
Who are you?
Are you all right?
I'm sorry.
He had a burn
on his arm.
You opened your piggy bank for a club?
Are you out of your mind?!
It's not like I'm the only one who went.
You were there too.
I went for free, okay?
And why did you bring Yoon-bok?
This is so unfair.
He's the one who wanted to go.
You need to practice lying.
Yoon-bok going to a club?
Who would believe that?
You know what?
Let's go.
Go where?
To clear the air with Yoon-bok!
Forget it.
Don't be dramatic.
What did you just say?
You want me to take in that strange man?
He has reasons to stay hidden,
so please let him stay here.
But he's from the outside.
And I'm a very sensitive person.
I lie awake sleepless
even at the slightest noise.
I hear your favorite singer
will hold a concert nearby
this coming fall.
You mean Myeong-jun?
I hear songs can be more touching
when heard in person.
You would get me a ticket?
I suppose I can hold in
my sensitive nature for a little while.
Is he good at anything?
Please make sure he is not seen by anyone.
One more thing.
Inform me if you observe
any suspicious behavior.
Is this not the key
to the village storage?
My father had always carried it with him
when he was alive.
Today is the day Seongsan Gate
will be opened for the first time.
Make sure to remember the day
our village was reborn.
If the village is reborn,
we should celebrate its birthday.
That we should.
I must attend to business at the moment,
so let us celebrate when I return.
-What is going on?
My lord!
To my knowledge,
the key had been lost in the fire.
How did they end up in Phony's hands?
That we must find out.
Grandfather might worry,
so let us keep this matter between us
for the time being.
I hear Yoon-bok recovered another asset.
You must be deeply proud
that your grandson inherited
your exceptional ability
to recover precious assets.
I must petition the president
to reward your family handsomely
after generations of exceptional service.
We do not deserve to be rewarded
for failing to protect
what must be protected.
Your sense of duty is truly remarkable.
May I ask why Yoon-bok returned to Seoul?
He has made a firm vow
to eliminate Phony and their thievery.
I could not blunt his will.
What if something terrible happens to him?
Young Master Yoon-bok's father's
early death is still fresh in my memory.
Watch it.
Forgive me.
I was concerned for the safety
of your only descendant.
Greetings, Lord Gatekeeper.
How dare you?
Did Lord Shin Su-keun
not order all visitors
to wear appropriate garments?
My apologies.
I had no time
as I was short on ingredients.
I shall take what I need and leave.
Open the gates.
Thank you.
-This way, please.
-All right.
Are you okay?
Lady Se-ryung!
Are you all right?
How dare you, Jun-ho!
Are you hurt?
No, my lord. I was only startled.
Are you out of your mind?
Have I not told you
to drive slowly in the village?
You almost hurt yet another person
due to your negligence!
You fool!
Did you cause that precious child
to become ill?
When you ran away as a child,
I was going to forbid you
from ever returning.
It was your mother's plea that forced me
to give you a second chance.
And yet you are careless in all you do,
putting others in danger!
Please forgive him, my lord.
What are you doing?
Beg for forgiveness!
I am deeply sorry.
If this ever happens again,
you will be forbidden
from driving in the village.
So be careful.
Yes, my lord.
Let us go, Se-ryung.
That old man hasn't changed a bit.
Watch what you say, you brat!
Why are you here?
I'm here for a reason.
My life at work has been
so chaotic because of you.
What are you doing?
I'm sorry, Hong-do.
So please
Please just quit your job.
You're making things
so uncomfortable for me.
I apologized, didn't I?
Now you return my favor.
You somehow always manage
to exceed my expectations.
I'm even kneeling, aren't I?
It's more than you asked for!
So just get lost, Kim Hong-do!
No, you get lost.
Hey, Kim Hong-do!
Listen carefully.
If you're uncomfortable, then you quit.
I'm never going to quit.
Now let go of me.
Let go!
Just get lost, Kim Hong-do!
How dare you lay hands on her?
Do you feel no shame in exerting violence
against a former lover?
Who the heck are you? It's none of your
You're the guy who helped her that night.
We can talk later.
So what are you two?
You treat me like trash,
yet you were seeing this punk.
It's not like that.
Do not lay hands on her
ever again.
All right, so let me go now!
Decorum has deserted you.
Keep this in mind.
Manners maketh man.
Damn it.
Are you all right, Master?
Once again, it's Yoon-bok.
Whenever I'm down in the dumps
Are you all right?
Yoon-bok comes to my aid.
Thank you for helping me.
I'll get going first.
Allow me to escort you to your home.
It's all right. I can go alone.
No, Master.
A pupil must not allow his master
to travel alone with dangerous men
out and about in the night.
I'm all right.
-I said I'm all right!
Why do you keep insisting?
Are you my bodyguard?
Why do you keep helping me?
I can go alone.
I'm going alone.
there's no shame in being different.
Whatever people think of you,
you're amazing just as you are.
It was through her guidance
that I entered this world in confidence.
So why is it
that she continues to avoid me?
Could it be?
It's been so long.
Has it been seven years?
Yes, it has been a long time.
I spoke my first words with a lie.
I sought to offer
these flowers to you, Master.
Please accept
the humble gratitude of your pupil.
Oh my goodness.
Did you sleep well, Master?
I made her feel anxious
with my abrupt appearances.
I said I'm all right!
Why do you keep insisting?
Are you my bodyguard?
Why do you keep helping me?
I made her feel uncomfortable
and provoked her into a state of anger.
What a fool I have been.
I have committed
a great offense against Master Kim.
Was I too harsh?
Oh dear!
What are you doing here?
Get up.
I cannot.
I have committed a grave sin against you.
I will not stand
until you forgive me.
What are you talking about?
I now understand
why you have been avoiding me.
A master is like a king and a father
and must be treated with utmost respect
without crossing a line.
And yet,
I foolishly ignored that line
and crossed it as I saw fit.
I cannot imagine the sorrow
and disappointment you must have felt
at my transgressions.
Could you be so merciful
as to forgive my impertinence?
This is ridiculous.
It's not what you think, so get up.
Come on.
I cannot stand until I am forgiven.
Get up, Yoon-bok. Now!
There seems to be a misunderstanding.
I wasn't avoiding you
because you did something wrong.
Then may I humbly ask
why you have been avoiding me?
It wasn't because you were rude to me.
I was just embarrassed.
Pardon me?
How could I not be embarrassed
when I was drunk
and showed you my worst self?
As you said, I behaved disgracefully
to my pupil as a master.
As if that wasn't enough,
I embarrassed myself again earlier.
That's why.
It is all right.
You do not need to be ashamed of yourself.
Whatever people might think of you,
you are amazing
just as you are, Master.
From now on,
I will pay close attention
to your heart and words.
please do not avoid me.
Okay, I won't.
I won't ever avoid you again.
the burden on my chest has been lifted.
-Let's go.
-Pardon me?
I never got to welcome you as my neighbor
because I was busy avoiding you.
It's a bit late,
but let me give you a proper welcome.
This is a rare opportunity, you know?
I'm known around here
as a big old Scrooge.
I'm spending big tonight,
so I'll treat you to whatever you want.
there will not be a place
that is open at this hour.
Oh, I know a place.
It's open 24 hours
and I'm a regular there.
It concerns me
that you might have overspent.
Not at all.
But are you uncomfortable
sharing a table with me?
That is preposterous.
Then why are you over there?
As I have said,
a master is like a king and a father.
I could never dream
of sharing a table with my master.
But you see, this isn't Seongsan Village.
-This makes me uncomfortable.
My neck is straining
because I keep having to look back.
And didn't you say
you'd pay close attention to my words?
If you feel such discomfort,
I shall move.
You've changed a lot, Yoon-bok.
In what way?
You're more confident.
You're like a super confident scholar.
It is all thanks to you.
And you're cheesy now.
You've really changed.
At that time,
I had fearfully escaped the burden
placed on my shoulders.
But once I met you,
I gained the courage to return.
I meditated on your teachings every day.
I strived not to crumble under my fears,
what I believed was right,
and my grandfather's scoldings.
Just like you,
I desired to be confident.
Was I confident?
To me, you are the most amazing
and precious person
in the entire world.
How did you get this injury, Master?
Oh, this? It's no big deal.
-I was working and
-Please excuse me.
Please apply this
to your wound before it gets infected.
Whenever I'm down in the dumps,
Yoon-bok comes to my aid.
It's as if
he's my bodyguard.
Why are you so far away, Yoon-bok?
I dare not step on your shadow.
I see.
Yes, Master.
Do you have any hobbies?
I enjoy drawing.
Oh, right.
That's why you went to the academy.
What do you like to eat?
I like vegetables.
I see.
-Do you have a favorite celebrity?
-I do not.
Do you have a girlfriend?
No, Master.
I see.
What's your number?
-Pardon me?
-So we can stay in contact.
I must refuse.
I could not dream
of exchanging phone numbers
and becoming friends with my master.
It's really not a big deal.
I am fine.
Did you sleep well, Master?
Yes, thank you for asking.
Did you sleep well, Yoon-bok?
Yes, I did.
Starting today,
I'm not letting anyone walk over me.
Losi Fashion is trending hot
thanks to Hyang-gi!
-Lee Hyang-gi!
-Lee Hyang-gi!
You surely carry us on your back.
-You all should learn from her.
-I should.
What's that?
Oh, this?
It was on the ground.
I think someone left it.
No wonder.
Learn from me, okay?
Did you design this yourself, Hyang-gi?
It just looks too much like my design.
What are you talking about?
What can you even do, Kim Hong-do?
Let me get this straight.
Are you accusing me of copying you?
Hey, Kim Hong-do!
How dare you?
Do you know what amateurs often mistake?
They believe their ideas are unique.
But that's not true.
Everyone else notices
the trends you notice.
I know the pouch looks like
something you'd carry around,
but you can't just say that
without any proof.
What if I do have proof?
It is really similar!
Did she actually copy it?
The great Hyang-gi would never
Is this true, Hyang-gi?
I didn't even know
Hong-do was on social media.
I'm sure you saw it in real life.
I gave it to Do-yeong as a birthday gift.
You gave it to Do-yeong?
It's true.
I met Hong-do that day.
Oh my.
She offered to do my work
so I met up with her.
And we met again
because she said she'd give me a gift.
But it seems like she misunderstood.
When I told her I was dating Hyang-gi
You remember the team dinner we had?
That was supposed
to be just me and Hyang-gi,
but I guess she got jealous or something
and got a group reservation.
Seeing as we were all already there,
I was happy to treat everyone, but
I felt so bad for Hyang-gi.
I had promised her
a night out with just us two.
I'm sorry, Hyang-gi.
That's what happened?
We really had no idea.
What's wrong with you, Hong-do?
You know this counts as stalking, right?
Wait a minute.
That's not the issue here.
-The pouch design is
-You can be mean to me!
But leave Hyang-gi alone.
Hey, Lee Do-yeong.
Stop! Or you're getting fired.
Get back to work!
-I can't believe her.
-What's wrong with her?
-She's too much.
How could she do that?
-How can someone do that?
-I know, right?
Even when the world walks all over me,
I know there's one person
who would never do so.
Hey, friend!
What do you say we flip through
some comics and reminisce?
Very well.
Oh no. It's raining.
Did Hong-do take an umbrella?
Whatever, who cares? Just come over.
Yoon-bok's come a long way.
Was he always that handsome?
-Who am I speaking to?
-How have you been, Yoon-bok?
How can I come to work after being framed
for copying a mere assistant's design?
Are you saying it doesn't matter
that I get walked over?
How dare you?
I'll see to it that you never
get another job in this industry.
Hey, bro!
Hey, Yoon-bok.
Subtitle translation by: Ji-hun Lee
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