Tribes of Europa (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Chapter 2

did you see him?
He ran away.
whether he's made it…
And Liv?
It's going to be fine, okay?
Do you understand?
Do you understand me?
We won't hurt you.
Ignore her!
I know you don't want to do this.
Because you know it's wrong. And it is.
So, what's your name?
I'm David.
Crimson Commander, David Voss.
And this is Corporal Yeboa.
Sorry for the gun.
But you can't be too careful these days.
Are you with them?
What are you doing here?
You can put your hands down.
Hi, I'm Moses.
I collect, repair, and sell junk.
Well, electronics from the old-world,
to be precise.
And you?
Who are you?
You fix things?
What do you need fixed?
What is it?
This, my boy,
is the beginning
of a wonderful friendship.
May I have a closer look? Hey.
You want me to repair it, right?
How am I supposed to if I can't touch it?
You have to trust me.
Come on, let me see it.
It's actually real.
A real Atlantian Cube.
Where on earth did you get it?
Found it. In the forest.
Don't bullshit me. An Atlantian
doesn't lose a cube in the forest.
On the other hand…
it's in pretty bad shape.
-Can you even fix it?
-Of course, man.
I can do it.
But I need my tertiary plug for this.
It's in my toolbox next door.
Can you fetch it for me?
This must be a titanium alloy.
It's red. Do you see it?
Sorry, kid!
Hold up!
Hold up!
Get in if you want to live!
I wonder
what the Crows are doing so far south.
It's not their territory.
The prisoner hasn't spoken.
We're interrogating her.
First of all, we must inform Father
and the Crimson capital.
No, she's my prisoner.
I want to find out what she knows.
You're safe.
That's most important.
You're in Camp Ahrenberg,
an outpost of the Crimson Republic.
Sorry we had to knock you out.
It was for your own protection.
My right hand, Crimson Major Merk.
You've already met Corporal Yeboa.
Do you remember?
Are you able to tell me what happened?
Why the Crows attacked you?
They wanted that pilot, the Atlantian.
An Atlantian?
Yes, he crashed with his spaceship.
Or whatever it was.
It's very important now that you remember.
That pilot, the Atlantian,
did he have a cube with him?
An object. A black cube?
Are you sure?
And the hover jet,
his vehicle,
where exactly did it crash?
At the northern end of the forest.
Near Little Praha.
Send scouts to that area immediately.
Maybe it's still there.
Thank you, Origine!
Take a rest.
My family, the survivors,
were brought to Brahtok.
I need to get them out of there.
Brahtok is a fortress.
Completely barricaded. Invulnerable.
I don't want to capture the city.
I want to get in.
We've been trying for years.
I need a map.
Show it to her.
If you change your mind,
you can stay until you're well.
If not…
good luck on your way!
Camp Ahrenberg.
Last outpost of the Republic
before Crow territory.
We've been here about a year.
Do you know the Crimson Republic?
You protect other tribes
in exchange for goods.
People from different tribes join us
to fight for a new Europa.
A Crimson Europa.
We respect the cultural identity
of all tribes under our flag.
There's space for you.
You're a military state.
That's the reason we've survived
and expanded so much.
We fight for peace, Origine.
Always have.
Since the Republic was founded
by General J. Ahrenberg.
That was 28 years ago.
I'm Cem of the Akhans, by the way.
-What happens here?
-Primarily reconnaissance missions.
We see what the Crimsons in the capital
don't see.
Nobody is as close to the Crows as we are.
You don't know much about them, right?
They're killers.
They are the worst butchers.
But in terms of honor and integrity,
many could follow their example.
What's that supposed to mean?
Crows always keep their word.
Here it is.
Brahtok. Used to be Berlin.
Four or five days away on foot.
You have to cross Newlander
and Black Skull territory.
Allegedly, the Femen have come this far.
And if you ask me,
you should avoid Leipzig.
Four hostile raider clans
have captured it.
It's an absolute war zone.
If you manage to make it to Berlin,
these districts are Crow territory.
They're completely barricaded.
The outer ring is mined
and full of snipers.
Tunnels and subways are flooded,
guards on the barricades 24/7.
I'm sorry to disappoint you,
but the only way to get into that city
is as a slave or as a Crow.
How long
have the Crows been after you, huh?
Are they the reason
you're walking through the forest alone?
Did you steal the thing from them?
And now they're after you?
-Don't you think you owe me answers?
-You stole it from me!
How about a little,
"Thanks for saving my life, dear Moses"?
-Just a little "Thank you"?
-You stole it from me!
Hey, it's all right. Okay?
We're safe here. We lost them.
Check the glove box.
Go on, take a look.
I'm sorry
I wanted to steal that thing from you.
Okay, fine, I stole it.
That wasn't Mosian politeness.
I don't usually do that.
So, you want to repair that thing, right?
And then? Huh?
What are you going to do then?
Hey, muchacho…
I have a proposition for you.
I'll help you repair that thing.
And then we'll sell it together.
And we split the profit 50/50.
In the Northern Alliance they pay
a fortune for Atlantian technology
We're going to be rich!
Filthy rich. You and me, huh?
Both of us. What do you think?
Is this the thanks I get
for saving your life or what?
-I'm sorry--
-Yeah, I'm sorry too! Whatever. Get out.
Do you think
I'm just gonna keep driving you around?
Go on, get out. You dog.
Oh, and I wouldn't go north.
The Crows are there. You know about them.
Don't mess with the Femen in the West.
As a guy, you want to stay away.
And the Raiders. They're no fun at all.
They're basically everywhere.
They'd quarter their own mothers
for the thing.
Okay, what?
We'll sell it.
But only when it's completely fixed.
Couldn't agree more!
Get in.
Hey, wait a second!
Are you messing with me?
-Are you messing with me?
-Never ever. Mosian promise.
It's a deal.
Get in before those damn Crows
are on our tails again.
Thanks for saving my life.
Dear Moses.
Dear Moses.
What's your name?
And your tribe?
All right then, Elja of the Origines.
Let's start our journey, okay?
Where are we going?
To the only person on this continent
who I can trust
to possibly repair this thing.
If the Crows find the hover jet first
and secure its technology,
we'll have a huge problem.
Let's send a second squad to little Praha.
Maybe they know what's up.
-What can I do for you?
-The Crow prisoner. I want to talk to her.
That's not possible.
Why not?
Why do you want to talk to her?
I want to know
where in Brahtok my family is.
She won't tell you.
She doesn't talk.
Not a word.
Not with you guys.
But you're Crimsons. I'm not.
Maybe she'll tell me things
that might be useful to you.
You want to go to Brahtok?
Even if it means your death?
We never managed
to arrest one of their Bozies until now.
They're warriors. They kill themselves
before they get caught,
but you stopped her.
We are indebted to you.
She's a high-ranking warrior.
She knows things and people
of high military interest to us.
What do you want to know from her?
The same.
A way into the city.
Past the barricades.
I'll do my best.
You will.
Ten minutes.
-Listen to me!
We'll get out of here. I promise.
Lay low. Do as they say.
Then you'll be fine.
I'll think of something.
We'll make it.
We'll get out.
And we'll see them again.
I've never seen our forests from above.
Like a green ocean.
She wants me to get her out.
If I get her out,
she'll make sure my family is set free.
They're slaves in a factory.
She'd take you to the city? She said that?
She'll say more
if I take her up on her offer.
She's willing to trust me.
That trust can grow.
A plan to escape together.
The odd bit of information might slip.
About Brahtok,
the barricades,
how to get past them.
What do you want?
You want to get into Brahtok,
and I want to free my family.
Sounds to me like these things
could be combined.
If I manage to get the information…
I want you to help me
get all my people out of that factory.
Is that possible?
Rest first, Liv of the Origines.
You've been through a lot.
Subtitle translation by Julia Göllnitz
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