Trigun Stampede (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

The Running Man

Good morning, everybody.
Emergency level E-3.
This ship is falling.
Nai! Rem!
Get in. Hurry up!
I'm very happy
that I met you.
I finally did it! It worked!
You're my accomplice.
This planet has nothing.
No water, no food.
Without Plants, our ancestors would've
had a one-way ticket to heaven.
Sounds better than this, you say?
You've got a point.
The way we eke out a living in this hell,
should we count ourselves lucky or cursed?
Now, onto our next song
Late last night,
the dangerous criminals
known as the Nebraska Family
escaped from prison in the city of May.
They are responsible for 69 deaths
and 12 attempted murders.
-The prison is nearby, right?
-That's pretty scary.
So, let me summarize.
The man who plundered the Plants
and made headlines is not you.
The real culprit is your twin brother
who looks exactly like you.
A true culprit with an identical face
How convenient for you.
But you have no proof.
Which means, we can only half trust you.
You won't win our sympathy
with faces like that.
Did you say your brother's name is Knives?
What does he want with all those Plants?
Is it for money or fame?
Or perhaps revenge?
What is it, kid?
Is that for me?
Thank you, Tonis.
I'll look after it.
What a heart-warming scene.
You aren't even looking.
Is it gone yet?
Not yet.
How many times do I have to tell you?
Don't bring Worms into the dining room!
Stay out until I say otherwise!
You didn't have to go that far.
Now then
Sorry about this, Vash.
Don't let him get away!
There he is!
He went that way!
Over here!
Found him!
Mr. Vash!
What's going on here?
-You are so heavy.
-I'm just as confused as you.
What's with this clunker of a car?
You won't find anything
better around here.
What? What if my son
gets brain damage, huh?
You're welcome to head to a big
city like July if you don't like it.
I don't need you to tell me.
I'll go after I get this guy
and the six million dollars.
Just look at this stupid face.
This should be an easy job, Gofsef.
Did they have to pick this picture?
Does it matter?
I think those reporters
are mixed up with him too.
Nice. We can round them all up
and ask for more money.
You just had to go and rescue him.
Things would be much
easier if you would fight.
You mean another gunfight? What a pain
You didn't forget your
bullets again, did you?
I'm all loaded, today.
But I'd rather avoid gunfire.
Bullets are expensive.
You could end up arrested, you know.
But I can buy two pizzas
for the price of one bullet!
We're doomed.
Fine. Wait
We just need to make it
out of this town, right?
There he is!
Found him! Hurry up!
That's a dead-end!
Damn! He tricked us.
Surrender quietly.
This really gets your heart
pumping, right, Gofsef?
It seems he's already captured.
Whatever. We'll just take him from them.
Keep going and crash into them!
Wait a second!
Didn't you agree to drop me off
at the town's entrance?
Make him shut up, Gofsef.
You idiot!
Who the hell throws
their driver out of the car?
With the Plants in that state,
money is all we can rely on.
Don't you feel the least bit ashamed?
Is this how you treat someone
who saved your town twice?
This is shameful!
You think I don't know that?
We'd be willing to live on like this
if there were no children here.
But we are mothers.
We can't watch our
children starve or fall ill.
I'm sorry, Vash.
If you have to blame something,
blame your bad luck.
-Are you okay?
Strength is justice.
-Strength is the only truth!
Those who can't fight have no future.
Show yourself, Vash the Stampede!
Come out and face the world's greatest
fighters, the Nebraska Family!
Where are you, Vash the Stampede?
Mr. Vash!
Wait! Our six million!
-We should go after him.
-You hey!
Go back to the town!
How can we? You'll get crushed
if we leave you out here!
You can't run away from us.
Eat this!
Stop running! Bastard!
What if my son gets brain damage?
Do it, Gofsef!
What a fist!
The final blow!
Flatten him like a pancake!
This damn clunker!
His engine gave out?
Who knows
Quit running and come fight!
I'll pass. I have a low
tolerance for pain.
Don't you have any pride as a gunman?
Well, no.
I hate cowards like you the most!
Everyone on this planet is fighting.
You might as well drop dead if you
won't come forward and fight.
Stampede, you are a disgrace!
That looks painful
What if my son gets brain damage?!
Don't do anything too crazy!
You can't make a fool of me!
Don't get any big ideas!
Even you've turned into a coward now.
How can we call ourselves
the Nebraska Family?!
Damn it
We'll be back in jail in no time
if we don't get that money.
That gives me an idea.
I agree with that man.
Do you think you're smarter than everyone
because you keep running?
All that makes you is a loser.
You're not kind
You're just afraid of getting hurt.
Rookie, that's enough.
Maybe I am a coward.
But is that really such a bad thing?
Is fighting head-on that important?
Even if it gets people killed?
Stop him! Fire!
Now we're talking!
A much more precious
treasure for us to loot!
Invaders in the factory
We need assistance. Please!
Mr. Vash!
Get in, rookie!
Strength is justice!
Strength is the only truth!
Those who can't fight have no future.
If the bullets hit the Plant
Stay here, all of you.
Give that Plant back to us!
Why bother coming back, coward?
Were you running away
just to distract us from the Plants here?
Well, whatever
Now we can have a proper fight.
Why don't you draw your gun?
Draw, now!
Why don't you shoot?
You didn't shoot either!
With the cost of ammo these days,
I'm just being frugal!
Don't make me explain it!
-I guess everyone's got it tough.
-Shut up!
We'll teach you a good lesson!
are made for fighting!
-Mr. Vash!
Get it now?
Those who can't fight have no future!
That was close.
Will you stop now? Please?
I don't want to fight anyone.
It's that very attitude
that is driving me crazy!
If you take that Plant, the people
in this town won't be able to survive.
Did you forget they
just tried to kill you?
They pretend to be good citizens while
doing something worse than criminals.
Are they really worth saving?
There is no reason not to, either.
They tricked you!
I don't mind.
Don't you have the tiniest bit of dignity?
The people here were very kind to me.
So I want to help them. That's all.
In that case
Come and fight!
I want to help you too.
Whose side is he on?
Damn! Run, Gofsef!
My son
Gof sef
Just a bit more!
I'm coming, okay!
Gofsef! Gofsef
He He is my precious son.
Rosa, please. Help me!
Give us back the Plant.
Everyone! Over here!
Thank god
Vash the Stampede
You are one weird guy.
Let's go, Gofsef.
Don't go doing anything crazy, now.
Booze is the one thing I have plenty of!
All your drinks today are on the house!
Drinking in the day? That's hardly proper.
Come on, don't be shy.
I can't hold my drink
Listen to me!
If you don't cut back on smoking
and drinking, you'll poison your body!
Hey! Are you listening to me?
Leaving without saying
goodbye? You'll upset them.
I'm not good at staying
too long in one place.
That's not it.
You can't stay long,
even if you wanted to.
Who are you running away from?
No, you gave me the name this morning.
Knives Millions
Mr. Vash! Roberto!
What happened?
What's this?
Lost Technology!
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