Triptych (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Cóctel molotov

What was that?
I don't know.
Oh my God.
Don't panic. Stay there. I'll check.
Oh Christ.
- Get back. Get away from the window.
- Okay.
Hurry. Move. Go to the kids' room,
lock the door, and stay there.
Be careful.
What are you doing?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Are you crazy?
Yeah, you've driven me crazy, asshole!
What the hell are you doing here?
And by the way,
I know you forced my desk drawer open
after I made things very clear.
This case is closed.
She's my sister.
Our DNA is identical.
My sample matched hers exactly.
Aleida and I are twins.
What do you expect me to do?
Just sit around?
I need more information.
Do you have any clue
who this woman's family is?
I know they own a few hospitals
and run the Humanis Vita Foundation.
Let me dig deeper.
No, no, no.
There's nothing to find out.
And I want you at the office.
Come on, you can't be serious.
Perfectly serious.
Let's go.
The suspected shooter
in the incident at the building in Polanco
has been positively identified
as Ms. Silvia Martínez Suárez.
- Huh?
- Originally from Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Regrettably, the suspect was killed
in the exchange of gunfire
with the police.
She was a patient of Dr. Julia Bátiz,
who was the target of the attack.
Prior to the incident,
Mrs. Martínez was reported missing
from the Institute of Mental Health,
where she had stayed
for a period of three months.
Sir, how was the doctor?
Our understanding is that
the doctor is in stable condition
and expected to make a full recovery.
To protect her privacy
What was that?
Where the hell did they come up
with this Silvia Martínez?
And what about all the witness reports?
This family doesn't mess around, okay?
In my 20 years as a cop,
I've never seen anyone
so quickly torpedo a case.
So they're powerful, I get it.
What do I do?
Pretend none of this happened? I can't.
I had a sister I didn't know about.
You lived 33 years
without knowing you had a sister.
Unfortunately, she's gone,
and you have to move on.
That's bloody insensitive.
It's not like you'd just move on.
Look, weird things are happening.
I've been having dreams about her.
It's like I'm channeling her.
You're right, I'm being
Look, I'm sorry. I mean it.
Just please be careful.
Don't put your job at risk.
All you ever care about
is the fucking job.
Yeah, I guess.
I care about my career,
but you don't seem
to give two shits about yours.
I mean, at this point,
you should be a detective.
And if I hadn't had your back
three months ago,
you wouldn't have a job at all,
you'd be in jail.
You didn't have my back.
You were trying to prevent your wife
from finding out about our affair.
Yeah, well, you threw a Molotov cocktail
into my truck.
You might've caused an explosion
or set fire to my house
injuring my children.
I was drunk.
And I'm not making excuses. I know.
But I'm not the woman
I was three months ago.
You'd say that the way you're behaving
is rational? Perfectly normal?
I guess not.
That woman
was my twin.
And my mother lied to me all my life.
So right now, I'm not sure who I am.
You can take three days
of personal leave.
But stay off the office radar.
What's that?
The results of a DNA test.
They prove that I do have a twin sister.
Why didn't you tell me, Mom?
I understand why you didn't
when I was young, but
but you lied the other night.
The adoption was illegal, Becca.
Your father and I had tried to adopt
through legal channels for years.
All dead-ends.
No one ever told us why, but
apparently, we didn't check
the right boxes to be adoptive parents.
Then one day,
a social worker told me
of a young woman who was pregnant.
She was looking for a family
for her daughter.
No, there was never any mention
of another daughter.
Do you know my birth mother's name?
Or at least the name of the social worker?
Come on, Becca.
You don't keep records
of an illegal adoption. You don't.
You understand your father and I
could've gone to jail, right?
I could still go to jail
if any of this came out now.
You bought me.
Is that it?
How much was I?
No, dear.
It wasn't like that.
It was a Thursday, I remember,
for some reason.
Your father and I
drove to a meeting point
near the Ajusco Volcano.
I was so terrified.
Her name is Rebecca.
She was born March 9th.
When I
laid eyes on that girl
Please take good care of her.
all the years of disappointment vanished.
They disappeared.
And I knew you were mine.
You were my baby.
My precious miracle.
"Your precious miracle."
That was what Daddy
always used to call me.
It's me, but it's not me.
It's kind of like I'm playing
the main character in a movie,
but I am a spectator at the same time.
And I'm moving around
in places I don't recognize,
doing things I don't understand.
And I can feel
what the other Aleida is feeling.
Doctor Bátiz.
Do you have a minute?
Thank you.
First, I'd like to apologize, doctor.
I realize that my actions
may have contributed to what happened.
Thank you.
And my condolences for Aleida.
Actually, I'd like
to talk to you about her.
I understand doctor-patient
confidentiality's important.
But in this case
Doctor, I
really need to take you
into my confidence.
My room's around the corner.
Thank you.
I'm acutely aware
of how delicate this is, I am.
But I'm quite certain
we can count on your ethics
and professionalism.
Who's the "We"?
Pilar, my mother-in-law, and I.
We need to protect the family business.
And Aleida's memory.
So I'm asking
can I count on your discretion?
I just have one question, Eugenio.
Go ahead.
What on earth possessed you
to sign Aleida out of the clinic
without my permission?
No, wait.
She moved.
I felt her.
She kicked me.
Okay, I'll stop, Estelita.
Don't call her Estelita.
- Why not?
- Because her name won't be Estelita.
It suits your mother well enough,
but I won't name my daughter that.
Hey, hey, hey, relax.
What's happening here?
"What's happening"?
You're distant.
And I
I want things to be the way they were.
For you to want to make love to me
like you used to
until her.
Don't try to tell me there wasn't someone
in your life when we were separated
because I know perfectly well
you only came back because of the baby.
What happened?
You made me look ridiculous.
No, Pilar, no.
No, please listen to me.
Yes, I know, Pilar.
Of course, we both have responsibilities
to our shareholders.
I'm not sure you've considered
how the Board of Directors will react
if we tell them the truth.
Have you considered
how long you can keep up this lie
about Aleida being on a trip?
Telling the truth
would be the worst stupidity.
Have you heard any
of the stupid shameful rumors
being circulated about my daughter?
That she left you
to run off with another man.
That she was kidnapped.
That she's in rehab for drug addiction.
Eugenio, please.
The truth may be easier to bear
than these terrible rumors.
You can't be serious.
Which one of the true stories about Aleida
can you bear sharing with the world?
Tell me. Please.
Do you want to tell
your country club friends
about the night
she ran into the streets naked,
and that's why we had her committed
to a psych ward?
Oh no? Not that one? Another?
Let's tell them when she came home
from the clinic, she ran away
and was gunned down by cops
because she tried
to murder her psychiatrist.
Eugenio, please.
Refrain from using that tone with me.
Forgive me, Pilar.
I'm sorry.
Listen to me. This is no way to treat me.
I shouldn't have said all that
but I'm devastated
by all of this too, Pilar.
I need some time to figure it out
'cause, right now,
I don't know what to do.
How much time?
A little.
Well, please keep me informed.
Good night, Eugenio.
I'm sorry, Pilar.
Why? Why did I take her out?
My imagination's
playing tricks on me.
Look, weird things are happening.
I've been having dreams about her.
It's like I'm channeling her.
I took her out
so we could celebrate a special occasion.
Yesterday was her birthday.
She turned 33.
My God, what have I done?
Hello, my love.
- Are you still awake?
- Yes.
Are you?
No! No!
Oh my God! No!
Oh my God! No!
No! Oh my God!
Oh my God! No!
Help me!
Baby, look at me!
Please, baby, look at me!
Oh my God!
I'd like to know
what's really going on with Aleida.
You know you can trust me, don't you?
- Of course.
- I'll be discreet with anything you share.
If you've institutionalized her,
I understand.
You don't know this, but
I had to send Cynthia to rehab
when she was having trouble with alcohol.
So, I get it.
Is that it?
I'm not sure what's worse.
Not knowing a big piece of me is missing,
or finding out and realizing
that I don't truly know who I am.
Oh my God.
Tamara, is that you?
Your hair.
Come, come, come, come, come, come.
I thought I'd never see you again.
Where have you been?
My Tami.
You can't stay here.
Fucking whore,
what're you doing here?
No, no, no, no, no, no!
Don't touch her!
- Leave her alone!
- Get back in the house!
Tamara, you bitch!
Stop it!
I'm not Tamara!
I said I'd kill you
if you came back!
Let her go!
- You hit me, you fucking bitch.
- Sorry, sorry, sorry!
Get your ass back inside,
you filthy whore!
Get out of here, you sicko bitch,
and don't come back!
Who are you, Tamara?
And the chop suey that you like.
Things look the same.
Uh, what are you doing with all this?
Don't know.
You don't know?
I gave you time off,
and you were meant to calm down.
To think about the mess
this could turn into, not do this.
What happened?
Becca, you remember
the security guard at the building?
- Mm-hmm.
- The guy's dead.
Last night.
He was recovering in the hospital,
then he's dead. No explanation.
And the receptionist
who was shot in the shoulder
Is she dead?
- Missing.
- Ah.
She resigned from the doctor's clinic
and hasn't been seen since.
Apparently, you've been doing
some research of your own.
Because I'm worried about you.
Don't you get it?
Becca, all of the witnesses
who might be able
to identify Aleida Trujano
are disappearing.
Her mother and her husband
are trying to cover up her death.
How do you know that?
I overheard them.
Eugenio Sáenz doesn't want shareholders
to find out that Aleida's dead.
he wants to take her position
as president of the company.
You overheard them?
Were you spying?
Humberto, you told me to keep off
the department's radar.
And I have. I did as you asked me.
And I'm still off on personal time.
Please tell me what happened.
Please don't.
- This way.
- Thank you.
What's your name again?
Antonio, Antonio Quesada.
Private detective.
Here's my card.
Thank you. Whiskey?
Please, Mr. Sáenz.
Eugenio is fine.
Right, of course, Eugenio.
Honestly, I was surprised
to get your call.
What can I do for you?
I'll get straight to the point.
I know my wife hired you behind my back.
I'm asking you to keep quiet about that.
And from now on,
I want you to work for me.
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