TrollsTopia (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

The Buddy System - Kick-Off Party

- You could do it solo ♪
- But then you'd be all by yourself ♪
Yo, so it'd be more fun to share
this one with someone else ♪
Together we will soar across
the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice
Stand up and sing along ♪
All different voices
Our melodies ringing ♪
We're livin' in harmony
Yeah, we're livin' in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger
with every Troll singing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Friends, welcome to the
veryúfirst day of TrollsTopia!
- [explosions]
- [cheering]
Branch and I have found a way to match
you newcomers with a Pop Troll buddy!
We call it "The Buddy System."
So grab a name from the piñataúto
get your assigned buddy.
- I got Synth!
- I got Lownote Jones!
- I got "Odnecserc Etnad!"
- Huh?
I got Dante Crescendo!
Maybe next time, Odnecserc!
- Aw
- [tuba plays notes]
We're so thrilled
to host you, Val.
Our pod is everything you could
want from a living space.
Your pod is a cauldron of lava forever
spewing a sonic barrage of pure rock?
No, but we do have cookies.
Let's ride.
Girls! We're gonna get so close,
it'll be like we're sisters!
[both gasp]
I've never had a sister!
- Hey!
- Hey!
[Poppy laughs]
New friendships
forming right before my eyes!
Ah! I'm blissing out!
I'm blissing out!
[Branch] Poppy?
- Poppy!
- Huh? Wha?
You were out for seven hours.
Not your longest bliss,
but close.
- Poppy!
- Rufus?
Deep in the forest,
I found a line of critter tracks
headed right for the village.
Adorable critter tracks.
[gasps] It's a puppy parade!
Every few years, the cuddle pup migration
pattern brings them right through the village,
creating a parade so adorable,
the Trolls, they, well
Imagine the most excited you've ever
seen a Troll and multiply it by ten!
[gasps] Sounds hazardous.
I've gotta go tell the buddies!
Buddies! Buddies!
Buddies! I've got great news!
Buddies? Hello?
That's weird. Where are they?
[indistinct chatter, laughter]
Pop Trolls?
Without their buddies? [grunts]
Uh, guys? What's going on here?
Where are your buddies?
Oh, hey, Poppy. Don't worry.
They're right over there.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [gasps]
[Poppy] All the tribes?
S separated?
Okay, we gotta talk.
Everyone huddle up!
Guys, what happened?
The whole point of TrollsTopia
is that the tribes
live together, remember?
Well, we tried that, Poppy, but, uh,
fact is we're all pretty darn different.
Yes. Very different.
Ready for your naptime lullaby,
Mr. Dinkles?
Twinkle, twinkle
glitter star ♪
- [rock guitar plays]
- How I wonder what you are ♪
- [screams]
- Sweet dreams.
- [classical music plays]
- Cupcake, roomie?
- Oh. Thank you.
- Anytime.
- [popping sound]
- Oh!
We all agreed that new friends don't
always make the easiest roommates.
- [laughs]
- Yeah.
So we all went back to spending
time with our old friends,
where we're all
more comfortable.
- Mm-hm.
- You know it.
No, you can't give up so easily.
You barely gave yourselves
a chance to bond.
And maybe I can help with that.
- With Friend Falls! Whoo!
- [gasping]
[Poppy laughs]
[both] Bonding!
Who wants to try?
Are you ready to catch
the glory that is Guy Diamond?
Bro, you shine like a glowstick.
I could stare at you for hours.
Guy Diamo!
Bro, you shine like a glowstick.
- I could stare at you for hours.
- [grunts]
Whatever, I do stage dives
higher than this with my band.
Rock and roll forever!
- [gasps]
- [grunts]
[all] Ooh!
- [Rocker Troll] Incoming!
- [all shouting]
- Who are they?
- My band.
- Ah!
- [crashing]
Okay, Dante, all you
have to do is trust Cooper.
- Can you do that?
- Can I?
It shall be a trusting
for the ages.
- [all gasp]
- Yes!
Oh! This is terrifying.
Draw the curtains. I'm done!
That's probably for the best.
I was not payin' attention when
you explained this exercise!
[laughs] I'm freewheelin' it!
[chuckles] So, who's next?
- [all grumbling]
- I'm not doing this anymore.
Okay, guys.
I realize I gave you more
than you were ready for
with the Friend Falls.
So, if you'll gather in
to see this scrapbook,
there's something I wanna say.
Come on. Just a little closer.
"If you can read this,
you're safely in the trap zone."
- Huh?
- Now, Branch!
Welcome to the Friend Forum.
The place where you'll finally
bond with your buddies!
And how, pray tell,
will we do that?
Yeah, Poppy! Pray tell us how!
Simple. I had Branch design
a special door
that will only unlock when
it's touched simultaneously
by Trolls from different tribes
who are best friends.
[scoffs] Give me a break.
You can't make a door like that.
Sure, you can. By sensing biological
cues between you and your roommate
like broken eye contact,
elevated pulse,
- the door is able to
- Yawn, I'm bored. Let's go.
- [buzzer sounds]
- [gasping]
Ah! An angry buzzer.
The sound of true friendship.
Sorry about this, guys. I had to be
sure you wouldn't quit this time.
But trust me, this place is
full of fun bonding activities.
- Branch?
- [horns blare]
- [all] Ooh!
- Huh?
Okay, Lonesome Flats Hold 'Em.
No limit cupcakes, glitter
card's high. Ante up, y'all.
- Whoo-hoo!
- [all laughing]
[Poppy] See, Branch? In the forum,
the buddies have nowhere to go
- but to the best-friend zone.
- [Rufus] Poppy!
- Rufus?
- The puppy parade. It's begun!
And it's even cuter
than we thought! [laughs]
Okay, I'm not makin' it up.
Oh, no.
Did he just say "puppy parade?"
Oh, no, no, no!
[all] Puppy? Puppy, puppy?
- Uh, what's going on?
- You know how much more excited
I said Trolls get
at a puppy parade?
Ten times more. So?
What do you think will happen
when they're stuck somewhere
and can't get
to that puppy parade?
[gasps] We're doomed.
[grunting] Puppy-ho!
[all shouting]
Come on, Lownote,
best friend up.
[buzzer sounds]
[gasping, grunting]
Oh, my God, why won't you
open your heart to me?!
Me? Why won't you be
the wind beneath my wings?!
- [grunting]
- No. No.
- [both grunt]
- Whoa, whoa!
- Stay calm, guys!
- [Guy Diamond] This is no time for calm!
Come on, Synth,
let's show this door who's buds!
[both grunt]
[both shouting]
- [buzzer sounds]
- Give it all you've got!
Love me!
[both continue shouting]
Please! This isn't helping!
Poppy's right, y'all!
Forget unlockin' it.
[growls, snorts]
- [gasps]
- [all] Huh?
Oh. I'm sorry.
- They were here but a moment
- [puppies yipping]
[panting, squeals]
Yet I will remain
changed forever.
[all groan]
[Poppy chuckles] Crazy, huh?
One day I bet we'll all look
back on this and laugh.
[chuckles weakly]
[all groan]
[chuckles weakly] Huh?
Guys, I'm sorry, okay?
It just makes me so sad to see
you all don't like each other.
Hold on.
You did all this
so we would like each other?
[sighs] Yeah.
But Poppy,
I don't think you realize.
[both] We do like each other.
Huh? You you do?
- Oh, my God, yes!
- Nothin' but love, baby. [laughs]
But you don't
wanna be roommates.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean
we don't like each other.
- [loud slap]
- It simply means we're still getting acquainted.
After all,
we truly are very different.
Yeah, I guess new friendships
need time to grow.
Hm. And maybe some space too.
Well, Trolls, it's day three.
And the dream of TrollsTopia
is very much alive.
But tryin to make everyone
be roommates wasn't helping.
So, I got the delegates together
to design six new
tribe-themed living spaces.
Which will all be open
to any Troll of any kind
as places to visit,
or as places to live.
And so,
we present your new homes!
Rock Hollow!
Country Corral!
Techno Lagoon!
Classical Crest!
And a Funk Tribe spaceship,
Vibe Town.
[all] Ooh!
This is the future
of TrollsTopia.
[all cheering]
Sorry I won't be able
to come visit you, Dante,
but there's no way
I'm gonna fit in your new house.
You gotta upgrade.
Wow, guys.
Thanks so much for helping me
make these invitations for my
TrollsTopia kick-off party.
Our pleasure, Poppy. Mr.
Dinkles has been dying
for a chance to show off
his calligraphy skills.
[all] Ooh!
They're perfect!
Which is good,
'cause this party will set the tone for every
party in TrollsTopia from here on out.
So it is, without a doubt,
the most important party
ever thrown.
High stakes party, people.
- [horn blares]
- Aw, Tiny Diamond.
[laughs] Kids air horn
the darndest things.
[horn blares]
Now to just deliver
these invitations and then
Hey, wait, what's that?
[rock guitar plays]
"Val's Kick-Off Party.
Misty Meadows.
Tomorrow night?" [gasps]
Poppy, Val's having a party on
the same night as your party!
Hm. We better go talk to Val.
At Rock Hollow.
- [rock music plays]
- [all] Cool!
- [rock music plays]
- [both] Epic jam!
[both] Epic puzzle!
I'm ready to rock!
I'm ready to paper!
I'm bad at this game!
Hey, Val, bring it in!
'Kay, too much.
There. Anyway, I was curious,
are you really throwing
a kick-off party tomorrow night?
Well, I just came here
to let you know
I think that's a great idea!
Nothing's more
in the spirit of TrollsTopia
than another Tribe taking initiative
to bring us together, right?
I was gonna throw
a kick-off party,
but I'll happily
toss my invitations away.
Who cares, right?
So I'm dying to know what
kind of party you're throwing.
Can you give us just
a little hint about your plans?
Nah. I can't tell you my plans
'cause Rocker Trolls
don't plan parties.
[both gasp]
You you don't party-plan?
Nah, we just go with the flow.
Val, a successful party means
properly executing so many details.
You've gotta think this through.
I've gotta? Are you gonna tell
me how to throw my party?
What? No. No, no.
I just I
'Cause that wouldn't be in the
spirit of TrollsTopia, would it?
Or wouldn't it? Or would it?
- Or wouldn't it?
- No! You're right, Val.
It's your party.
You should do it your way.
[nervous chuckle]
- Cool.
- Yep.
Coo-cool! [chuckles]
We'll just go with the flow.
[chuckles nervously]
We cannot go with the flow!
- [both] Right! What do we do?
- We need help.
Go round up the most
party-loving Trolls we know.
[both] Got it!
Actually, you'll have
to be way more specific.
All right, this kick-off party is
too important to leave to chance.
We have to plan it. But Val can't
know, so we have to make our plans
seem spontaneous. Agreed?
[clears throat] Uh, need I point
out that this plan is absurd?
Uh, need I point out that I will
badger you until you help?
You need not.
'Kay, first, we need to get the word
out so Trolls actually show up.
We can't send out invitations
or she'll know we're planning.
So, instead, we'll
have to "spontaneously"
spread the word in every
situation we can.
Hm. Every situation?
- Marco!
- [all] Troll-o!
- Marco!
- Troll Oh!
You just have to go to Val's kick-off
party tomorrow night in Misty Meadows.
Please don't be late,
it's common courtesy! Thank you!
What? Oh.
- Marco!
- [all] Troll-o!
Next, we need refreshments
to arrive, "accidentally."
So, Guy, you'll pretend to be
an ice cream vendor
whose truck "happens to"
break down right at the party.
Ah. Ice cream vendor number one.
I know just how
to play the character.
[ice cream truck music plays]
Woe! Woe is me!
Mine wagon of iced cream!
Who will eat all this
before it melts?
Wait! How about trying that
again, Guy, only not so dramatic.
Hm. Less dramatic, eh?
So like
- [laughs] Oh, no!
- [horn honks]
My ice cream truck
has broken down! [laughs]
- [laughs]
- [honks]
- Uh-uh.
- I'll work on it.
And at the end, we need something
like a big fireworks finale
to happen "out of the blue.
Ooh! What if two meteors
streak across the sky
and collide above the party,
causing a brilliant
cosmic light show.
Yeah, wow.
- Now, make that happen.
- Wait, what?
Okay, one last
party run-through.
We start with me at Val's party.
Nothing's happening
'cause she didn't plan anything.
[humming] Then after six minutes
and 13 seconds
[Guy Diamond] I enter and put on
the performance of a lifetime!
Ha! [Dracula accent] Oh, no! My
ice cream wagon has broken down!
[Poppy] Okay!
Then at 9:23
[Biggie] Mr. Dinkles
starts a conga line.
Dance, dance, dance,
all the way to 9:34.
[Smidge] When I release some glow flies
to provide random festive lighting.
[Poppy] Now we're off and partying until
11:38, when Branch does his thing.
- [fireworks whistling]
- Mission accomplished.
- Got it, guys?
- [all] Got it!
No, I have no idea
how to do that!
- Got it, guys?
- [all] Got it!
[rock music plays]
Well, unfortunately,
I was right about Val's party.
But this is what happens
when you "go with the flow."
But it will liven up,
because in just minutes,
all of our "spontaneous"
wonder will begin.
Huh. This party's kind of a dud.
What's the deal?
Gee, I don't know.
You think it could be 'cause
you didn't plan anything?
Nah. It's the location.
Yo! Let's move the party
to the Lagoon!
- [cheering]
- What?
[chanting] Lagoon! Lagoon!
Lagoon! Lagoon!
Biggie, everything's set up
to happen here in the meadow.
But the lagoon is not the meadow!
The meadow is the meadow!
Ah! We've gotta
start the fun before they go!
Guy! Now!
[robotic voice] Oh, no, my
ice cream truck has broken down.
Bleep bloop. Or maybe it's
[deep voice] My ice cream
truck has broken down!
- Ah! No!
- He's not hearing me.
Branch, meteors!
- Still working on it.
- Ah! We've gotta stall them!
[chanting] Lagoon! Lagoon!
Wait, you can't leave now!
We can't? Why not?
Because! Because I
I have to sing you a song!
- A song?
- Yeah. A song about
this tree!
[nervous chuckle]
And a one, and a two, and a
Uh Look at this
beautiful tree ♪
With a bark
and the leaves Yeah!
It's so brown and green ♪
Leaves, leaves
leaves, leaves ♪
Bet you can't count
each one No!
Leaves, leaves
leaves, leaves ♪
- No one leaves till we're ♪
- [Val] Wait.
Are you singing
a song about a tree to stall us?
Good. To the Lagoon!
[chanting] Lagoon! Lagoon!
Lagoon! Lagoon!
Uh uh Wait!
Uh! You can't go because
[sighs] You're gonna miss
the party that we planned.
We're blown, guys.
Go ahead and show 'em.
[dance music plays]
Fly, my pretties, fly!
- [all] Ooh! Oh!
- [indistinct chatter]
Arr! Me ice cream vessel
be broken down!
- [laughs] You nailed it, Daddy!
- Yeah!
[all cheering, laughing]
You planned my party?
Yes, I did.
Sorry, Val. This party was just
too important to leave to chance.
Yeah, I was counting on that.
Hold on. You're saying you
wanted me to plan your party?
Yeah, I told you. Rocker Trolls
throw their parties
by goin' with the F. L. O. W!
I "Fake Laziness,"
so that "Others Work."
[evil cackle]
Well, I'm done talkin'
to you now.
- Party!
- Wow!
She was pulling my strings
from the start.
Well played. Party!
[all cheering]
[all gasping]
Branch, that was incredible!
How did you manage that?
Ahem. Well, Biggie,
when you know as much
about astrophysics as I do
It was just a coincidence,
[groans] Yep.
Complete coincidence.
[Poppy] Look at this
beautiful tree ♪
With a bark and the leaves ♪
It's so brown and green ♪
Leaves, leaves
leaves leaves ♪
Bet you can't
count each one No!
Leaves, leaves
leaves, leaves ♪
No one leaves
till we're done ♪
Leaves, leaves
leaves, leaves ♪
Bet you can't
count each one ♪
Leaves, leaves
leaves, leaves ♪
No one leaves
till we're done ♪
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