Troppo (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

[boat engine revving]
[Wayne] The hell are you doing, Lars?
[Wayne] There's a fucking croc!
[Yoon Sun] I'm trying to find my husband.
He would not just leave.
- [Ted] Who are you?
- I need a consultant.
Get off my property.
[Yoon Sun] You've done this before
with your partner?
[Ted] Actually,
that's a recent development.
[Amanda] I found this.
[Ted] So your pitch is that Park took off
and never came back because mistress?
I killed someone when I was 16.
Murder, stone-cold.
[Ted] You got one instinct,
and that's to run blind and stupid
into shit you do not remotely understand.
[Damford] If you think that we are going
to take our eyes off a sexual predator
What you did dishonours all cops.
So you're living here now?
What? You don't want a pillow?
If you're nice,
I might even find you a mattress.
[soft chuckle]
[Amanda] You decided to show.
I see those detective skills
are coming along.
You know, you might wanna
get over that autophobia
or whatever it is,
or we're gonna be perpetually late.
[Amanda] Autophobia
is the fear of being alone.
[Ted] So, Dellagua? A bit fancy.
[narrator] Dellagua's cutting-edge
research and development program,
led by renowned engineer Park Jong Min,
is set to launch a breakthrough technology
designed to safely harvest
valuable minerals
required in battery production
directly from the seafloor.
Years of testing and a focus on preserving
the ocean's myriad of precious life forms
will guarantee that no marine life
will be endangered by our activities.
Dellagua cares about a greener tomorrow.
We care about you.
Now, here at Dellagua,
we are redefining
our relationship with energy.
How to harness it and how to share it.
And in our quest to locate
and harvest rare earth minerals,
we are quite literally
set to mine new depths
and pioneer new frontiers.
And in doing so,
not only will be provide hundreds of jobs
for this region that we now call home,
but we will ensure that
this community is recognized
for the significant role
it's played in winding back
decades of environmental degradation.
Now, to you, our investors,
both local and international,
we offer you our gratitude
for your resounding support.
Thank you.
But this is not about economics.
This is about our future.
And who better to talk about that future
than Dellagua's trailblazing
head of research and development.
Ladies and gentlemen, Olivia Di Grande.
Thank you.
I was 9 years old
when my father first took me diving
on the Great Barrier Reef.
And because of him,
I have made it my life's work
to protect the ocean,
but also to recognize
the abundant gifts it offers us
in our search for a cleaner path forward.
After a decade of research,
we are now just one month
from commencing our deep-sea mining.
- [Olivia] The advances we have made--
- Shit.
[indistinct] It's not you
they're interested in.
Uh, no. We had a lovely little chat
on the road last night.
Turns out they're real interested
in what you're doing,
which means
they're pretty interested in me too.
[Olivia] and we have because of you.
Ms. Di Grande.
- Yes?
- [Ted] Hey, Ted Collins.
We're private investigators.
We were hired by Yoon Sun.
I've told the police everything I know.
[Ted] Yeah. We're just working on a little
timeline of Jong Min's whereabouts,
you know, the night he disappeared.
Wondering if you happened to catch him
on any company security footage.
Maybe, uh, he came in
after hours that night.
His access card
hasn't been logged for days.
- [Ted] Huh.
- The police know this.
So the head of R&D and the lead engineer.
You guys must have spent
a lot of time together.
Jong Min is a deeply valued colleague
and friend.
This venture would never have happened
without him and his expertise.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
[Ted] Um, if we needed
to contact you again,
maybe a private number?
[car engine starts]
That went well.
Well, we know he didn't
come into the office that night
and she's rattled as hell.
[opening theme song playing]
We got the big bloke with us.
Well, this isn't his patch.
You wanna hop in there and tell him?
[soft scoff]
Oh, you dirty bastard.
He's taken someone.
[sighs] That's just what we fucking need.
Fuck it.
What are you doing?
We've gotta call the rangers, don't we?
[Wayne] No, no. Wait.
I don't want that animal on my conscience.
But, Dad, we--
well, don't we have a responsibility?
I've got a responsibility--
looking after this business,
looking after you,
putting food on the table.
You make that call
and the media vultures
would be all over this,
even worse than last time.
Rangers will haul that croc onto the bank
and saw his guts open.
The place would be swarming with cameras.
Scare off the customers again.
This fellow's probably
a hundred years old.
This is his river. His.
He can't help what's in his nature.
How about we live and let live, hmm?
Good boy.
Knock, knock.
Is that for one of your dogs?
[Amanda] It's Daisy's bed.
I used to watch her for her, mate.
[Ted] Uh-huh. So is this your day job?
It's my side hustle.
- [Ted] All these yours too?
- [Amanda] Uh-huh.
[Ted] Huh.
So how does the tattooing work out
with the all no-touching thing?
[Amanda] I'm the one with the gun
and the gloves.
[Ted] Ah.
Well, I'm the one with the coffee.
- What you got here?
- [Amanda] Oi. No.
- Don't.
- Right.
What are you doing?
Searching for images of Park
around the time of his disappearance.
CCTV might be limited,
but this is one of the most
photographed regions in the state.
There are tourists everywhere.
Someone must have seen something.
Needle in a haystack.
And what's in the box? A better idea?
Uh, I figure you're probably
one of the digital scrolling types,
so I picked this up in a second-hand shop
by the coffee joint.
I like to have all my case photos
on a wall
so I can see all the moving parts.
What else you got in there?
[Ted] I thought
while you tend to your hay,
I was gonna go check out
that shed again, you know?
See what I can find out
about the surrounding properties there.
You want some from this century, Ted?
[Ted] Huh.
You didn't drink your coffee.
I drink black.
[Ted] Ask and you shall receive.
[birds chirping]
It's fucking Pharrell.
What's her problem?
[man] Oi. Sauce it up.
Fucking psycho.
For her birthday, you throw
your mother from a plane?
What did this woman do to you? Jeez.
It was her idea. She booked it
without telling anyone.
Obviously, we have to see the footage.
My sister sent me down.
Uh, okay.
So you're gonna buy her jump video, solve
the mystery of the flying mother, huh?
Right. Right.
- [Wilson] What day?
- The 11th. This month.
[Wilson] Okay.
What was mama's name?
It's Sarah.
Liz. Liz.
We think she used a fake name
so that no one would stop her.
Okay. You know what I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna let you scroll.
That's what I'm gonna do.
You know what I would like to do?
Cook for you my chili crab.
You're new in town, huh?
I love it here. It's paradise.
Yeah. I'll take this one and anyone else
who jumped on the same flight.
[phone ringing]
I think I found Park's car.
[Ted] You think?
[Amanda] Head back to Crimson Lake.
I'm sending you the location.
It looks like the same colour.
It's a similar shape and size.
Similar? Looks like?
[Amanda] Coming off about the angle,
it looks dumped.
- [Ted] You got plates?
- No. I can't see 'em.
[car engine revving]
[Ted] Where am I going?
[Amanda] It's in the mangroves
off a dirt track.
So take a left at the river.
That'll take you to Druff's Adventures.
They'll hire you a boat.
It'll be quicker that way.
[Ted] Hey.
[car door closes]
Help you?
Yeah. I'm trying to get up river.
I was told you might be the guy
to talk to about renting a boat.
Sorry, mate. It's our down day.
I got a lot of work to do.
I'd just be for like an hour or two.
Why you wanna be up river?
Nothing but mangroves.
Oh, that's fine by me.
- I'm a twitcher.
- Twitcher?
[Ted] You know, bird watcher.
About time someone took
an interest in what's going on here.
Whole place is out of whack.
River's changing.
Crocs are acting up.
People are going troppo.
Yeah, driven mad by the tropical heat.
I can pay cash.
Throw in a little extra
if you give me your offsider as a guide.
Say, hundred bucks.
[Wayne] He's got work to do.
Three hundred.
One seventy-five.
Two fifty if you want the kid.
Keep your eyes on the horizon, right?
Hey, you're a friend of that Park girl,
aren't you?
Actually, I'm not much of a bird watcher.
I've been asked to look
into her father's disappearance.
Her mom hired me.
I'd like to help them.
I bet you'd like to do that too, huh?
Yeah. Yeah. If I can.
Yeah? So what do you make
of Ah Rah's dad?
You notice anything odd
about his recent behaviour?
Is he, uh anything off?
I never met her dad.
She didn't want that.
Why is that?
I don't know.
Guy was a bit strict, I guess.
Where does Ah Rah
think her dad ran off to?
You guys talk about that?
Not really.
We're all just trying
to keep her mind off it until
- [Ted] Why is that?
- Well, you know, till he comes back.
Hey, this might take a while.
You mind sticking around
and running me back when I'm done?
Jesus Christ.
Son of a bitch!
Shit! Shit! Shit!
[device beeping]
[phone ringing]
It's Park's car.
Is he--was he in there?
There's no body.
Okay. I'll, I'll head down now.
Don't worry about it.
We have to notify the authorities,
and as soon as they get here,
they're gonna lock us out.
So, you wanna make the call
to your biggest fan or should I?
No. You're already down there.
You can do it.
Nice work.
[line beeping]
[Hench] There's a lot of tracks.
Yeah, we're gonna be here for a while.
We're gonna need the dog.
Novi, you with me?
[Novi] Yeah, boss. I'll call it in.
Novi to base.
We're gonna need the dog.
[radio dispatcher]
Copy that, Novi.
I wanna know exactly what you did
from the moment you got here.
What you touched, what you saw.
Door was open.
Key was in the ignition, on position.
Battery was dead.
Headlights were on.
And I, uh, I popped the trunk.
That's it.
I could have you
for interfering with a crime scene.
Well, I was just doing my civic duty,
making sure nobody was injured
or trapped, Your Honour.
Do you have any idea
who you're working with?
You do any research on that--
on that partner of yours?
I know she is
and I know she served her time.
That girl's a ticking time bomb.
She'll go off again.
And if you're the one standing
next to her when that happens,
I can live with that.
But chances are it's gonna be
someone who didn't deserve it.
[Novi] Boss, crock tracks.
Looks like a monster.
Then get out of the fucking water.
You can piss off.
[Ted] He hit the bend here.
Some deep skid marks.
He must have been going pretty fast.
- Or drunk.
- Or drunk, yeah.
probably goes head first
into the mangroves.
He hit pretty hard, but no sign
of blood or injury that we can tell.
This is interesting.
Park didn't try to reverse out.
There is no spinning tire marks, nothing.
Could he have gotten out?
It's unlikely,
but the point is he didn't try.
What's that tell you?
Uh, that there was no time.
Uh, that he was running from something
or to something.
Well, if there were any footprints around,
the rain took care of those.
It's Korean.
Go on. Tell me.
It says 'I'm sorry.'
[Wayne] What the hell is that?
Nice and slow.
Back it up.
[door closes]
They shouldn't be here.
They insisted.
Well, you should have
bloody talked them out of it, Terri.
Well, this is a bit of a cock-off,
isn't it?
I am not in the mood, Val.
Understandable. Family coming to identify
an unidentifiable lump.
How long for DNA?
[Dr Val] See if I can do you a favour.
Six hours.
[Hench] Six hours is a favour?
- [beeping]
- [door opens]
I'm sorry but, uh,
you coming here is a little premature.
I wish to view my husband's body.
I understand, but it's not possible
at this time.
We can't be sure that
that is your husband.
You have other missing persons?
The, uh
the remains that we recovered
exclude the possibility
of physical identification.
We'll need to rely on DNA
for a definitive ID.
We'll need a a sample from an item
belonging to your husband,
a hairbrush or toothbrush.
I will make the identification now.
You take me to him.
If you'd be willing to look
at some photographs
that might assist us
in the preliminary ID.
We have an item of clothing.
[Yoo Sun] This is all you have?
I don't understand.
We believe a crocodile
was involved.
Leave her.
[Dr Val] bringing family
behind every damn request.
Yes, single malt, Irish.
But I better have the report
in four hours.
It-it would have been quick.
He would have bled out
from the injury within minutes.
Long before that, neuralgic shock would
have taken away all feeling, all pain.
Where's the rest of him?
Best not think about that.
[birds chirping]
Mrs Park
just one last thing.
I understand you've engaged
private investigators.
It suggests
you don't have a lot of faith in us,
and I am hoping that we can rectify that.
But I strongly suggest
that you severe ties with those people.
Interference like that can
compromise evidence, witnesses
They found the car, Detective.
[car door closes]
[car engine starts]
[distant barroom music playing]
[Amanda] You think it was
a goodbye note on Park's car?
We'd have to verify the handwriting.
Took you all of two minutes to Google it.
Somebody else could have done
the same damn thing.
[Amanda] According to the coroner,
he wouldn't be the first.
First what?
Suicide by crocodile.
Oh, come on.
That's where you're going with this?
Two men, one whose death has already
been framed that way by the coroner
and another one that's about to be
as soon as the rumours start.
But we got no idea how Park
came into contact with that animal.
And from what I understand,
about a dozen witnesses watched this guy,
Lars Hanson, swim right near the mouth
of one of the damn things.
He didn't kill himself.
Two men with good jobs, families,
no business being down by the river,
end up in the belly of a croc
less than a month apart?
That feel right to you?
Different men
different circumstances.
Yeah. Or maybe we're just not seeing
the connection yet.
[Eve] Lordy Lord, back again.
Jesus. Can't you stay
on your side of the fence?
Go on. Go on. Back you go.
[Ted] Can I help you?
Yeah. You could actually, yeah.
If you kept your goose penned overnight.
[Ted] Shit. I'm so sorry.
They've gathering under my window
for rowdy debates.
[Ted] Let me get that.
I'll take care of it.
[Eve] They like to shit everywhere.
[Ted] Sorry.
- Come here.
- I'm Eve.
Uh, hey. I'm Ted.
- This is me.
- Hey.
I didn't run it aground,
if that's what you're thinking.
No. It's not what I was, uh--
come on.
Okay. Okay.
I'm sorry.
You're new to this, then,
country living?
Okay. Go on.
All right. Okay. It's, uh--
all right. Come here. Come on.
Come on. Come on, little guy.
Hey, there you go.
There we go.
Got two of these, sorry.
No worries. Welcome to the neighbourhood,
such as it is.
I'm, uh, I'm hitting
the Shark Bar tomorrow night
with a few mates for a beer
if you wanna join us.
No pressure, just a beer,
talking some shit.
I got a little work to do, but if I can.
Okay. Offer's there.
Okay. Lily, swimming bag and towel.
Come on. Let's go.
- Hi.
- [Ted] Hey.
- It's chaos this afternoon.
- Well
- Is everything all right?
- [Ted] You tell me if everything's okay.
Uh, what happened to you yesterday?
[sighs] Look, I'm sorry.
It was swimming carnival.
She was exhausted.
She was asleep.
I didn't wanna wake her.
[Ted] Next time just shoot me a text
or something, so I know you're all right.
[Lily] Is it Daddy?
[Ted laughs] Hey.
Got your goggles?
- Dad.
- Who the heck is that?
Do I know you?
[Kelly] Two minutes and we're in the car.
I think that's time enough
for a little surprise.
- What do you think?
- Yeah.
All right. Close those eyes.
Close them.
You ready? Now, and open 'em.
Aw, he's so cute.
What's his name?
I left that job for you.
What do you think?
Hmm, Bolts.
- [Lily] Corky.
- [Ted] Corky?
[Lily] Gadget--no.
- Almond.
- Oh, see that?
I think he likes that. Yeah.
[Lily] Dad, guess what?
I won my freestyle and backstroke.
- [Ted] Wow.
- See?
[Ted] And they put your name
on 'em too, huh?
So you like that new school, do you?
[Kelly] All right, sweetie, say goodbye.
[Lily] Bye, Dad.
Bye, Almond.
Bye, baby.
Okay. You, you--uh-uh.
Take it easy.
Jesus, Kelly,
you planning on telling me that
anytime soon?
You changed her name.
That's that's my name.
[Kelly] And all that shit from the past
few months would have followed us around.
Listen, I think I made the right decision.
[Ted] It's a decision we should have
made together, that's my point.
I'm a single parent at the moment,
and there's gonna be a lot of decisions
that I need to just
No. Don't throw that at me.
We both decided that it was best for me
to go away for a little while.
Any idea when you might be
wanting to come home,
an indication that you are moving forward
so I know that I've got something
to rely on?
What the hell does even mean?
- [sighs]
- [car horn honking]
- Okay. She's waiting. I've gotta go.
- Yeah.
[Almond chirps]
What are you looking at?
[blade ratcheting]
[blade clatters]
[birds screeching]
- [Ted] Uh
- [keyboard clacking]
[Almond chirping]
your mom is gonna pissed.
What are you doing here?
Come here.
[Almond chirping]
[crickets chirping]
[Wayne] The hell are you doing, Lars?
[woman] Oh, my God!
[Wayne] Shit! Get the engine running!
[Wayne] Get out of the water, you idiot!
There's a fucking croc. Lars!
[Ted] Odd.
[Wayne] The hell are you doing, Lars?
[woman] Oh, my God!
[Wayne] Shit! Get the engine running!
[Wayne] Get out of the water, you idiot!
Lars! There's a fucking croc. Lars!
[Ted] Ohh, Jesus.
[door creaks open]
[phone ringing]
[Amanda] Ask me what I'm looking at.
Ask me what I'm looking at.
[slurred speech]
Not tonight, Amanda.
[Amanda] Because if you were ask me,
I'd have to tell you literally nothing.
Everything's been cleared out.
Let's talk about it in the morning, huh?
Good night.
[line beeping]
Yoon Sun.
I appreciate you seeing me,
especially at this hour
and in these circumstances.
How is Ah Rah?
Do you have children?
Jong Min talked about her a lot.
About both of you.
I am happy to know that.
He also spoke of how hard it was,
his long hours and how that could
be for a family.
I'm sorry to do this now,
but I thought it would be better
if it were me
instead of someone you didn't know.
I've been asked to retrieve
Jong Min's electronic devices,
his laptop and data storage drives.
The police took his laptop.
Uh, storage drives, I don't know.
They might still be in his office.
Would you mind if we take a look?
Would you like a drink?
I'm making a gin and tonic with a twist.
Oh, that's good for me.
Thank you.
[deep sigh]
Oh. Couple of hard drives.
That's all.
You know what?
I actually might pass on that drink.
Thanks. I'm expected back at work.
But, um, another time.
Bastard. Come on.
[aggressive knocking on door]
[pounding on door]
No. No.
What we have to ask ourselves, Ted,
is why has everything
been moved out of the shed?
Your persistence is admirable,
but it's also fucking annoying
when you have no respect for boundaries.
- Boundaries?
- Yeah.
Like right here, now.
Like my house at this hour.
Have you got something better to be doing?
[Ted] Out.
What good is a private investigator
restrained by boundaries?
Someone knew we'd been in that shed.
[Ted] What are you doing?
Whoever was at the other end
of that security camera,
they knew, and they're worried
about what we saw.
Where the fridges were.
Where the camera was.
Where the fuck did it all go?
Maybe they got a new tenant.
Maybe they're harvesting it for parts.
they just decided to tear the whole
fucking thing down and grow more cane.
[Amanda] Park is connected to that shed.
That is not a coincidence.
I'm not disagreeing with you.
I'm saying
there's a time and a place.
Two men, two crocs,
also not a coincidence.
That's what I'm interested in.
Who's Lars Hansen to you?
He's a friend when no else was.
[Ted] Mm-hmm.
So Park's just a trial run.
Is that it?
You're gonna work up your hours
and learn a few tricks
and then move on to the case
that you really give a shit about.
- What's wrong with that?
- Nothing
if you do the job right.
But if you're taking Yoon Sun's money
and your plan
is to run her out the door
- Did I say that?
- with some half-assed detective work?
I've been out all night investigating.
What the fuck have you been doing, huh?
We're gonna do this tomorrow,
in the daylight,
between 9:00 and 5:00,
like two professionals who work together,
which is all we are.
[birds cawing]
[boat engines putter]
[indistinct chatter]
You know how your man died?
He walked into a fucking crocodile.
Yeah. And I need to retrieve
whatever's inside that croc's guts
to confirm that.
You know they eat rocks, don't you?
So their digestive systems
can crush bones.
What do you think you're gonna find?
This is the big bloke's territory.
[Damford] And I reckon it'd be a different
story if your Charlie was inside.
You don't even know
if this is the croc that did it.
Well, then I'll keep shooting
until I get the right one.
Over there. I see him.
[Dr Val] I need a bucket.
[indistinct chatter]
[Dr Val] A clean one.
Put the entire stomach sac in there.
Milbee, put the bloody tarp up,
will you?
Hey. Yoon Sun's here.
I wanted to thank you
for all that you've done.
Yoon Sun,
we don't have to do this here.
We can meet at your home
or we can set a time.
It is fine.
It seems clear that my husband
has taken his own life.
- We don't know that.
- I do.
He would never be out here.
Not in that car, not at that hour,
unless he had a reason.
Jong Min cannot swim.
Now my daughter and I
have to live with his decision.
I'm very sorry for your loss.
If there's anything else we can do
This is not a severance payment.
There still remains the question of why.
I want that question answered.
[indistinct chatter]
[Ted] Whiskey.
Make it a double.
[dog barking]
Hey, Daisy.
Let's take off that collar.
Come on.
Good girl. Jump. Good.
Good. Got it.
[dog barking]
Good girl.
Good girl.
You miss Lars.
I miss him too.
I'm curious about you,
Mr Conkaffey.
[Ted] Can I help you with something?
I'm not trying to chase you out of town.
Haven't got the knees for it.
When I was starting out,
there was a woman on my slab,
16 grandchildren.
Autopsy was a mere formality.
It was clearly a homicide.
Only surprise was who killed her.
One of her mules.
You see, the poor little
grandmother was a drug lord.
Red phosphorous on the fingertips
and corrosion blisters inside the lungs
gave her away.
Most people are only interested
in the surface of a thing
but in my line of work,
that's not where the truth lives.
If you wanna get to that,
you gotta dig through the layers
of blood and shit.
So what's this got to do with me?
I got to read the forensic report
on your case.
No need know how.
Whoever hurt that little girl
didn't get away unscathed.
You said whoever?
I did.
She scratched at her attacker
for dear life.
Not a mark on you.
Yeah. I tried to explain that.
They said that because I was a detective,
I would've been prepared.
So you wore a turtleneck
with gloves?
Ski mask? Beekeeper's suit?
You must have really pissed someone off.
Thank you for saying that.
You're interested in Park's death?
I was hired by the widow.
Anything you can share with me?
You know it's illegal for me
to discuss an ongoing case.
How about an old one?
Lars Hansen.
Didn't find much.
What did you find?
Metal plate from a hip injury.
That's how we ID'd him.
Being from a hip bone, I guess
you could conclude that he was dead,
but Park
just a leg.
Nice try.
The coroner
ruled Lars' death suicide.
About as inconvenient and unpredictable
a method as you could get.
So Park would have been
pretty damn unlucky
to stumble into croc territory that night.
Or lucky.
If suicide by croc is what you're after.
So what do you think
happened to Lars Hansen?
Without a body to analyse,
I have to keep an open mind.
That goes for Park too.
There was nothing
in that animal's gut sac.
Of course, Damford could have shot
the wrong croc.
You're working
with Amanda Pharrell on this.
Were you around back then
when she was arrested?
I had her victim on my table.
What can you tell me about that?
Lauren Freeman.
Seventeen years old.
Promising athlete.
They were classmates.
She breathed her last
in the backseat of a rusted car,
stabbed to death by your partner
12 times.
If you're a pilot, you crash into the side
of a mountain or into the ocean,
you don't play a game of chicken
with a croc.
They take a chunk of you,
and then they come back for more.
Every single person associated
with Park Jong Min is right here,
which is why we need to be.
No. She wasn't hurt.
She was slaughtered.
Pharrell was never saying a word.
You wanted motive,
I just gave you three.
Sometimes it's just not so obvious
why a person does what they do.
Get out.
I'm the Antichrist.
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