Truth Seekers (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

The Watcher on the Water

Professor Barkley,
run it past me again.
Soldier scans
the skies above ground,
they alert us to
the air raid.
We fire up the Abexitron
and jam their communications.
The Gerrys won't know
right from left.
Won't it interfere with
our own radios?
No, it'll only block
the frequency it's sent to.
What Hitler wouldn't give to
get his filthy Nazi mitts on this.
Good God.
Come on, Professor Barkley,
pick up.
One, five, nine, seven.
- One, five, nine, seven.
- One, five, nine, seven.
- Is this a test?
- No, this is the real thing!
This is the real
Is it meant to do that?
- Private Atkins?
Private Atkins?
Alfie? Are you there?
One, five, nine, seven.
- One, five, nine, seven.
- Alfie?
nine, seven.
One, five, nine, seven.
One, five, nine, seven.
One, five, nine, seven.
One, five, nine, seven.
One, five, nine, seven.
Okay, I don't think
I'm ready for this.
- You could've just had toast.
- No, not the breakfast,
what happened at
Miss Connelly's.
Elton, I've been
a paranormal investigator
for 20 years.
I've never seen anything
like we saw yesterday.
The spirit dog,
number five.
This could finally get me
into "The White Sheet."
- What's "The White Sheets?"
- No, no, no, "The White Sheets" is a Neo Nazi magazine.
"The White Sheet" is a magazine
about the paranormal.
Two very different things.
Never the twain shall meet.
Unless, of course,
you count the time
someone spotted the ghost of
Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring
up on Tulse Hill.
Yeah, it set the
paranormal world on fire.
You ready for
your second day?
I'm not ready for
my first day.
Here we go.
- A crisp?
- What flavor?
- Uh, prawn cocktail.
- Ugh, no.
Suit yourself. Mm.
Listen, can we not
have another day like yesterday?
Relax. It's not like
every place we go
is gonna be haunted.
Sorry. Did you say haunted?
I did. Yes.
Britain's most haunted
three-star hotel,
The Portland Beacon.
Now, I thought that might
peak your interest, Gus.
It's nothing but a cheap
tourist draw, believe me.
I I've looked into it.
Thorough as ever.
That is why you are my
number one installer, Gus.
Ah, mea culpa.
And you, mister,
are my number 28?
Not Not bad.
I have to take this
because, uh,
I'm breaking in
a new assistant.
- Take the day off, Dave.
You're never not here, are you?
Get out of here.
Hello, Smyle,
Dave speaking.
Hello Bjorn,
this has got
Bjorn. Bloody Bjorn!
There's no way this dump
is a three-star.
This is my home.
Oh It's nice.
You see, it's nicer
when you get close.
Just want to
show you something inside.
- Can I walk on the grass?
- No.
- Hm?
- Hey, look at that.
"The White Sheet."
Okay, read this.
"The Portland Beacon is
a horror-themed dump.
"Zero ghosts,
but plenty of bedbugs.
"One ghoul." There's a ghoul?
No, no, they use
a five ghoul rating system.
This is not gonna be another
Connelly's Nook, okay?
- Who's this?
- Elton John.
- Don't be facetious.
- Dad, he's my new partner.
- So, uh, you off out again?
- Yes, yeah. Just off to work.
While I'm out,
will you not go in my study?
It's not a study,
it's the bloody dining room!
Anyway, I never come in here.
You say that, but sometimes
when I come back,
everything's kind of been
touched and moved some.
Oh, well,
maybe it's a ghost.
Your dad seems nice.
He's not nice,
he's horrible.
No, seriously.
One, five, nine, seven.
One, five, nine, seven.
- Yeah, remind me again.
Where are you from?
- Uh, Norfolk. Why?
- Huh. Norfolk.
Just, uh,
I hope you don't mind,
I did a little online search
on you last night.
Not many Elton Johns.
Hell, there's only one other.
None in Norfolk.
Ha. I'm not really on
social media, so
Well, you're not not
really on anywhere, are you?
Who was that woman in
the picture?
It was, uh, my wife, Emily.
- She looks nice.
Love to meet her.
She died.
Oh. Sorry, man.
What happened?
It's complicated.
One, five, nine, seven.
Helie? What's wrong?
My costume for CovCo CosCon.
It's next week and
it's not even ready yet.
Okay, Helie,
what'd you need?
A plunger.
You haven't blocked
the toilet again, have you?
For my costume.
Oh, come on, Helen.
Try going to the shop,
it's only a couple doors down.
- Yeah, right, yeah.
Just send the agoraphobe
down a busy High Street.
Oh, yeah, look out for me
on the news tonight.
- Okay, I'll get it.
I'll get it.
Okay. Okay.
Is that your wife?
Ugh, no, it's my sister.
- She okay?
- Yeah.
She's quite an anxious person.
A bit fragile.
And angry.
She hasn't always
been like that, though.
What happened?
It's complicated.
The Portland Beacon.
A ministry of defense research
and development facility
during the second world war.
Now a seaside sideshow
for weekend horror dinks.
So you're sure
it's not haunted?
Have to be pretty
gullible to be taken in by this place.
Are you looking for ghosts?
Wifi viability.
Hello, welcome.
I am Jack,
proprietor of
The Portland Beacon,
the only horror themed hotel
on Dorset's Jurassic Coast.
What do you think of the old
eye in the painting gag?
- That That's new.
- Very good.
- Good Good fun.
- Oh, right. Of course.
Lovely. Hello, uh,
my name is Gus Roberts.
I'm from Smyle.
Yeah, we're here to fix
your broadband.
- Oh.
- Be great if I could see your router.
- Oh. There it is.
- Ahh.
That is an SMR430.
I mean, in theory,
you could beam a signal through
eight inches of solid lead.
Yeah, well,
that's why we got it.
This place has never
had a signal.
You know, people we took over
from had the same issue.
Kind of been using mobile.
Well, let's see if
we can't find out why.
- Righty-O.
I shall give you the tour.
- Oh, uh, no need.
- Follow me.
"Perished loved ones who are
unable to break the tie
between the world of
the living and the"
Oh, no. Don't go into
my study.
Ah, what's all this rubbish?
It's my house too, you know.
Oh, yeah.
Ahh! Yaah!
So, this is
the Amityville Lounge.
Don't have any food in here.
The flies love it.
What's that about?
Oh, yeah, room two. Yeah,
we don't let guests stay in there.
Too dangerous.
Something to do with
the wiring, we think.
It's always freezing in there.
Anything you touch,
you get shocked.
Weird bumps and noises
all night.
You sure it's not haunted?
Oh. Yeah, well,
that'd be ironic, wouldn't it?
The only room in the hotel
that is haunted,
and we can't let the guests
stay in there.
Come on.
Room 237.
It's a twin.
Nightmare on Elm Suite.
And over here, we have
the Psycho room.
- Ha.
- Read about this place.
There is absolutely
no signal at all.
Rest assured, sir,
I shall crack this nut.
Oh, wonderful.
Cup of tea?
- Yes, please.
- Yeah.
Make 'em a tea, love.
Oh, sorry,
this is my wife, Wendy.
You've ruined the scare now,
haven't you?
- Just get the kettle on.
- You do it.
- Right-O.
- Stupid.
Okay, I would like you to
take this signal tester,
go back to the Psycho room,
and prepare to run the test.
- Alone?
- Not alone.
Your walkie-talkie.
You're never really alone
with a walkie-talkie.
- Okay.
- Bye.
All right.
Gus, is that you?
O Over.
That one's locked,
I'm afraid.
Uh, yes. I'm looking for
the Psycho room.
Oh, well, that's down there
on the right.
I'm Byron, the caretaker.
Are you staying with us?
Oh, no, no, I'm just here
to fix the internet.
The signal is being blocked
for some reason.
Maybe something's jamming it.
Something like what?
Daft if I know.
Elton, can
you confirm you are in position,
and ready to run the test.
Papa Bear to Little Bird,
come back.
come back to Papa Bear. Over.
One, five, nine, seven.
Elton, where have you got to?
Say again, where are you?
- Room two.
- Room two. He Ah!
Gus, help!
Stay there, I'm on my way.
Elton. Hang on, mate.
I'm just gonna find that idiot
to come and open the door, okay?
- Everything all right?
- Yeah, yeah.
Just Just thinkin
Thinkin' about you.
You couldn't open this door
for us, could you?
- Oh, no, no, no, no.
Can't let you in there.
- Eh, it's all right.
We're not customers.
It's not an act.
It's all for safety.
Listen. Right now,
you're essentially
holding a private
contractor hostage.
I've seen this kind of
situation blow up real quick.
Open the door.
Well done.
We're comin' in, mate.
I'll take it from here.
Light's not workin'.
Well, it works but
bulbs kept blowing,
so, uh, we took 'em all out.
Are you sure he's in here?
Because we always keep
this room locked.
What the bloody hell
are you doing?
viewer, to the Truth Seeker.
You join me here in a place
I've come to know as
Connelly's Nook
Oh, please.
to solve the mystery
Pretentious nonsense.
Join me if you dare.
- Hm. Must be friends.
Hell's bells tells.
To finish off,
to go full Arnie,
gonna us some eye drops.
Okay? Get a nice chunk
of that in there.
Whoop, see the color?
Then you just
pop it into your eye
like this.
- Ah, there we go.
- Ooh.
Nice and easy.
One of the reasons I like
spending time on make-up
is because you're
lookin' in the mirror,
and it's like you're havin'
a conversation with yourself.
So in a way, I'm being
sociable with me.
- Hm.
- Done.
- I know what you mean.
- Nice and easy.
- I talk to myself sometimes.
- And that is nice.
Look out!
I'll be back next week.
Why did you
go into room two?
- The door opened.
I thought I heard something.
Heard what?
- Yeah.
- The Lincolnshire Poacher.
When you were in there,
I heard the numbers
1, 5, 9, 7
come through
on the walkie-talkie.
Wh What are you saying?
I'm saying it's time to get
the exospector.
I just don't want to
go back in there.
Something is not right.
We need to find out
what it is.
- We're truth seekers.
- No, you're a truth seeker.
I'm Elton John.
All right, all right,
you're hyperventilating.
Shh, shh, calm.
Breathe into this bag.
Just breathe.
Slowly, there might be
crisps in there.
Oh, just chew.
Chew through it. Yeah.
They taste quite nice.
Yeah, prawn cocktail.
My guilty pleasure.
This bloody thing.
I'm gonna go out to the van
and pop a fresh open, I think.
- No.
- You'll be fine.
I remember this room.
I used to come in here
and read my favorite book
for hours and hours.
I wonder if it's still here.
Why, yes.
There it is.
That's better.
What did you do?
I didn't,
the old man did it.
What old man?
Uh, Byron.
Well, that solves the mystery
of the secret door.
Shall we go home now?
- Get the camera.
You ready?
Here we go.
Hello, ghosts.
- You all right?
- Yeah, yeah.
I bet you
what's down here
whatever it is, is causing
room two to go haywire.
What is this place?
- I don't know.
Let's find out.
- You rolling?
- Yeah.
Oh, let's see now.
Ahh! Shittin' hell.
He must have been down
here since the second world war.
- Okay. Goodness.
Go back and call the police.
Oh, why?
We just found a dead body.
- That's not a body.
It's meatless.
This is a skeleton,
poor bugger.
- You hear that?
- Huh?
It's coming from in there.
That's a military door.
Naval, 1940's
by the looks of it.
Don't tell me you were a
submarine commander one weekend.
Cleaner in
the Imperial War Museum.
How are these lights on?
Get back!
- You Nazi scum!
- Who said that?
Thought you could
sneak up on me, didn't you?
One, five, nine, seven.
- One, five, nine, seven.
- It's this machine.
Sounds like a man,
not a machine.
the joke's on you, Fritz.
I've only got to initiate
the self-destruct protocols,
and you two
Gerry bastards are toast.
- Hey, we're not Gerrys.
- Or bastards.
Prove it.
My name is Gus Roberts,
I'm 47 years old,
and I'm a field engineer
from Sussex.
This is my colleague,
Mr. Elton John.
And where are you from?
One, five, nine, seven.
Air raid!
This is not a test!
This is a number station.
I've been listening to
this machine for 20 years.
I have to jam
the German communications,
I have to stop
their air raids.
Listen. I read a book
by a man called
Dr. Peter Toynbee,
and in it, he theorized that
the human soul could
transport into other things,
places, people, objects.
I think this is what
we're looking at here.
Can you tell me your name?
Atkins, Alfred.
Private, home guard.
And that's all your getting.
Tell me, how did you get into
this machine, Alfie?
I was on
the clock tower.
There was a storm.
Uh, a German squadron,
the lightning struck.
So hot and and bright.
The power from the lightning
transferred his soul
inside this machine.
Toynbee was right.
let them communicate.
He's not just jamming
the obsolete radio signals.
He's jamming everything.
Wifi, 6G.
This is the source of
our signal problem.
If we can somehow
convince him to move on.
I think
I think he'll help us.
How the hell do we do that?
We have to prove that
the second world war is over.
Um Private Atkins,
can you see us?
Of course I can see you.
Look at the date
on this packet of crisps.
Prawn cocktail.
What kind of a future is this?
Oh, no, they're a lot nicer
than they sound, I promise.
And, let's face it,
you'd be hard pushed
to find a pink bag of crisps
under a fascist dictatorship.
Dude, look at me.
Do you really think
I'm a Nazi? This?
- So we won?
- We defeated the fascists?
Mm there's still a few.
There's this weird magazine
called "The White Sheets,"
- it's race
- Oh, that's
We won.
Hitler lost, he killed himself
in his bunker.
The coward.
Not like you, son.
You did your duty.
And in my eyes, that makes you
a friggin' hero.
Am I?
'Cause I I was so worried that
I'd let Professor Barkley down.
Whoever this professor is,
you made him proud.
You made us all proud, kid.
Hey. Maybe it's time
you went home.
There's a door, actually.
It wasn't here before.
Maybe you should
go through it.
to be dismissed.
Private Atkins,
permission is
most definitely granted.
- Alfie?
- He's gone. Yeah?
Well, looks like
the signal's back up.
- Oh. It's Helen.
- What's she want?
The plunger.
Oh, Gus, you little beauty.
All right, well,
I don't think you'll be having
any more problems
with your wifi.
I've run a test and you're pulling
down 100 megabits per second,
and that is consistent
throughout the whole hotel.
- Well, that's amazing.
Thanks very much.
And, uh, any problems
you were having with room two
I think have probably
abated as well.
Eh, maybe we can finally
turn it into something scary.
Oh, could you say goodbye
to Byron for me?
Who's Byron?
The caretaker.
Oh, you mean Mr. Barkley.
He's been here forever.
Came with the hotel.
Got amnesia, didn't he,
during the war.
Yeah, the second world one.
So he's not a ghost.
'Course he's not a ghost.
There's no such thing
as ghosts.
- Well
All the best.
- Just be a minute.
- Bloody hell is he going?
- Hey. Can I ask?
How much for that plunger?
- Hm? Oh.
It's yours, old boy.
- Oh, yes.
Thanks, professor.
See ya!
You all right?
Just that, you know, I've
listened to Alfie's voice
nearly every day for
the past 20 years
on that number station.
Just gonna miss him,
you know?
Uh, no. Leave it on.
Just in case.
Hey, why don't you
drop me home?
You know, have an early
night bath, bath bomb.
Yeah. Yeah,
I could do that.
Or you could
come back to mine
and we can code videos for
four hours for the channel.
You told me
you were from Norfolk,
but then you told
the machine
that you were from
I got confused.
Sorry but, I mean,
who gets confused about
where the bloody hell
they're from?
Look, I don't want to
talk about it.
I just want to be
a normal person
and have a normal job.
And I don't want anything to do
with ghosts ever again.
- Help!
You've gotta help me.
I think I'm being chased
by ghosts.
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