Tunnel (2017) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Where is he?
I should've seen his face.
Why is it suddenly so foggy?
You nearly killed me.
Get out of the car. Get out.
Did he just lock the car?
Get out of the car.
I'm the police. Open the door.
Hey, I'm the police.
Hey, open the door.
Open the door.
Hey. Hey!
What's wrong with him?
How dare he hit-and-run a detective?
They must be crazy.
My head hurts.
Hey, Sung Shik.
Why aren't you answering?
Bring me a first aid kit.
That punk.
Where is everybody?
Gosh, my head
Who on earth is that?
Who are you and why are you reading
someone else's documents?
May I help you?
Can't you hear me? Who are you?
I am Lieutenant Kim Sun Jae.
Lieutenant Kim Sun Jae?
He must be one of the crazy runaways
from the prayer house.
What did you say?
Can't you keep your insanity to yourself?
Why is everyone doing this to me?
Come here.
Put it down.
Come here quickly.
Are you even trying?
Sir, try to calm down
- and go back home.
- My gosh.
You're the one who should go home.
They'll start looking for you
at the prayer house. Get out.
- What the
- If you keep doing this,
you'll be charged with
obstruction of justice.
Where did you learn to say stuff like that?
You're really getting annoying.
Hurry up and get lost.
Don't ever come back.
What's this?
Why did the phone change?
Let's quickly dispatch
two police squadrons.
It hasn't been an hour yet,
so if we search
Pardon? I think you have the wrong number.
What? I'm sure I dialed the correct number.
Where did I put the emergency contact book?
What is this?
What are these?
He has the same name as mine.
Born in 1988?
It's only 1986 right now.
ON DECEMBER 5, 2016)
Year 2016?
These guys have gone nuts.
My gosh, you jerk.
How did you get in?
You should listen to me
while I'm being nice.
I guess I'm the one to blame for
trying to talk some sense into you.
- Come out.
- You little jerk.
- Are you a police?
- What did you think I was?
Tell me your name and which
station you're from.
And this isn't funny, so un-cuff me.
I'm not enjoying this either.
I don't have time to fool around
with you, so shut it.
Where is everyone?
We need to catch the culprit.
I told you to un-cuff me. Let me go.
Let me go!
I said let me go.
I'm Lieutenant Kim Sun Jae.
Where is the emergency contact list?
We'll lose the culprit at this rate.
Where are you going?
Let me go. Hey.
Where am I?
I've never seen this place before.
That night,
the world that I was living in
had changed
- What's he doing?
- My gosh.
Why is he sleeping here? And what's with the handcuffs?
Excuse me.
- Sir?
- Hey, don't wake him up.
Who in the world
handcuffed this jerk? I'm so proud of whoever did it.
I'll release this if he gets on my bad side.
Release what?
- What?
- You're here.
- Hey, clean up the chairs.
- I'll do it.
Get ready for the meeting.
What's wrong with this guy?
You have quite a particular taste.
You guys must be from the prayer house.
My gosh, seriously. This isn't the first time.
We have to catch culprits, but you're disturbing our work.
Don't you agree?
- Excuse me.
- He thinks
He kept saying that he's a cop, so I cuffed him and kept him here.
What's your name and which station are you from?
Did you just push me?
Do you want to die?
Fine. I'm Park Kwang Ho from Hwayang Police Station.
Wait. If he's Park Kwang Ho
Isn't he the the guy who's being transferred to our police station?
You're the youngest now. It's good to meet you.
My name is Song Min Ha.
Chief, a new member has joined our team.
I'm no longer the youngest one.
What are you talking about?
I guess it's easy to become a police these days.
Let me introduce our new team member.
He's the youngest.
- Hey, kiddo.
- "Kiddo"? My foot.
He was at Soojeong Patrol Division for two years as an officer.
I was there for four years as an officer.
He has no experience in homicide.
I've dealt with homicide for 10 years.
He's a corporal.
I'm a sergeant, not a corporal.
He was born in 1988, so he and I are the same age.
But I guess I'm his senior.
Hey, give us a speech.
He has the same name as mine.
Born in 1988?
Year 2016?
Yes. My name is Park Kwang Ho.
But I'm not the Park Kwang Ho you're thinking of.
What is happening?
- Is his name really Park Kwang Ho?
- Yes.
They didn't know that they were both on the same team.
He thought he was a patient that escaped from the prayer house.
He has good eyes.
You could call Lieutenant Kim a patient.
He runs over as soon as he hears about a young woman's murder case.
But why are these handcuffs so heavy?
It's an old piece of junk.
Chief, didn't you use these in the past?
- You punk.
- I'm sorry.
- You're doing this on purpose.
- No, I'm not.
No way. It can't be true.
If it's really 2016, that means I'm 30 years ahead of where I'm from.
Does that even make sense?
My gosh.
Then what's all this?
What am I seeing right now?
What's going on?
Where did I put it?
I'm Park Kwang Ho from Hwayang Police Station.
Is he his son?
Hey, I'm the chief of Serious Crimes Unit One.
Can I see the personnel record of
Park Kwang Ho who got transferred here today?
Detective Park!
- Kwang Ho!
- Kwang Ho!
Kwang Ho!
- Detective Park!
- Kwang Ho!
Kwang Ho!
- Chief!
- What?
This belongs to Detective Park.
Kwang Ho, you idiot.
- Ms. Shin.
- Ms. Shin.
Ms. Shin.
Here it goes.
That startled me.
You are so easily startled.
What is this?
Even my house has disappeared.
Yeon Sook, are you all right?
Where is Kwang Ho?
I'm fine. I must have been dizzy. I'm leaving now.
Yeon Sook.
You are pregnant.
Excuse me?
Yeon Sook.
This must be in the year 2016.
If not, why wouldn't my house exist?
Yeon Sook.
Where are you?
What should I do?
Why did this happen to me?
Why am I suddenly here?
The tunnel.
I came here after I fell there.
If I came here, I can also go back.
I can go back.
If I go through the tunnel, I can go back.
Where to, sir?
There must be a tunnel here somewhere.
Reporter Oh, what are you doing here?
Excuse me?
My last name sure is Oh, but
do I know you?
Sorry. I mistook you for someone else.
There must be an old tunnel somewhere.
Do you know where it is?
A tunnel?
A tunnel. I know.
So you do know? Let's go there. Quickly.
All right.
It's here. I nearly found it.
It might have been this way.
There was a tunnel here before it was redeveloped.
Are you sure?
Of course. Just wait a moment.
You need to pay for your ride. Why won't you pay?
You were lying to me all along and now you want my money?
I should've known. You looks exactly like the reporter.
I'll give you the money if you take me to the destination.
Are you joking?
I should've known when I saw your strange clothes.
Even the homeless don't wear clothes like that.
You don't have money, right?
You weren't going to pay from the start.
You lied from the start.
What's your issue with me?
I can't pay. I won't.
Where are you going?
You should get another taxi.
I have a lot to discuss with this brat who refuses to pay.
I'll pay for him. Let's go.
What? Why would you pay for that?
Hey, why would you pay for me?
Do you mean it? Will you really pay it for him?
Go away.
Come here.
- Consider yourself lucky.
- This is ridiculous.
She even locked the door. Miss?
Open the door. Don't go. Hey!
That scum. Hey!
Darn it.
Where am I right now?
This is the prayer house.
Wait a moment. That means
the tunnel is
This was the place.
- What's the matter?
- What's the matter?
Park Kwang Ho is not answering his phone.
It's been a while since we had someone miss his first day of work.
Isn't that right, Min Ha?
I didn't miss my first day of work.
You ran away after seeing a dead body.
Be quiet. Go to the crime scene first.
Kim Sun Jae.
Whose responsibility is it that people next to you keep quitting?
You are the guest here.
I don't know why a graduate from the academy would come here.
But for people like us, this is our home.
For a guest, you are staying too long.
That's why I don't ask for meals.
Because I am a guest here.
So you won't leave your room?
I heard you were asking around in other units.
Don't do things we forbid you to do.
Why can't I?
Keep doing it then. And Park Kwang Ho
will be your partner from now on.
Move over please.
- Move.
- Why?
- Go back to your rooms.
- Go back to your rooms.
- Has someone been killed?
- It's nothing of the sort.
- Go back to your rooms.
- What happened then?
You can't go in.
- We have to wait for the police
- I'm the police.
Ms. Lee Sun Ok?
My name is so old-fashioned, isn't it?
My father chose it.
Did you give a vitamin drink to Kang Chul Gu on July 1st?
I can't remember. It was three months ago.
He died two hours after drinking the vitamin drink you gave him.
How can you not remember the day your fiance died?
Do you remember all the women you slept with?
Or even what you ate that day?
Where do you think you are?
Just answer the questions!
Don't yell at her like that.
Sun Ok.
What do you want?
Let's eat this chocolate first.
Sun Joo told me that you like this chocolate.
You raised your sister well.
She could definitely go to a girls' high school.
It was normal for you to have been mad at Chul Gu for hitting her.
I know I shouldn't talk about a dead person like this,
but Chul Gu was a bad person.
How can he use violence on both his fiancee and her sister?
He should have lived to be punished by the law, don't you think?
But Sun Ok,
you never know
where or how evidence will show up.
If you end up doing more sentence by being stubborn,
what will become of Sun Joo?
Who'll take care of her?
You don't want her to end up like you,
do you?
Let's think realistically now.
If you really didn't do it, you can stand your ground,
but if not, let's get this over with.
Why do you think I didn't handcuff you in front of Sun Joo?
You said that you'll come clean once you get to the station.
It's all right, Sun Ok.
Tell me. Go ahead.
You see
Kwang Ho. You're being summoned.
Come back later.
- It's the superintendent.
- Gosh.
Hurry up. Come out.
- Hurry up.
- Darn it.
Why do I have to go whenever someone from the headquarters comes?
They're never satisfied until I tell them I'll catch the guy, are they?
Sorry about that, Sun Ok.
I didn't kill him, Detective.
I guess we caught our criminal after all.
Hey, kiddo.
Wait a minute. Hold on.
How did you know about this place?
I thought you had gone into hiding.
You say you're not Park Kwang Ho, but you're the first one here.
I'm not the Park Kwang Ho you think I am.
What's wrong with that guy?
Don't come back.
What's with them?
Is it a maniac against a maniac?
I bet they'll set a record. That team will break up in no time.
I'd love to put those two in this hospital.
I'm finally going home.
Yeon Sook.
Wait just a little bit longer. I'm coming.
I'm finally going home.
Yeon Sook.
Wait just a little bit longer. I'm coming.
Yeon Sook!
Yeon Sook!
Why didn't
anything change?
Kwang Ho. Kwang Ho.
Kwang Ho.
Yeon Sook. Yeon Sook!
Yeon Sook!
Yeon Sook!
Yeon Sook.
Kwang Ho.
Kwang Ho.
Yeon Sook.
Yeon Sook!
Yeon Sook!
Yeon Sook!
Kwang Ho?
Yeon Sook!
Yeon Sook!
Yeon Sook!
Yeon Sook!
Yeon Sook.
Yeon Sook!
Kwang Ho.
Yeon Sook.
Kwang Ho.
What will I do with our baby?
It's not working.
I can't go back.
Why on earth is this happening to me?
What did I do so wrong?
Yeon Sook!
This Park Kwang Ho was born in 1988.
I don't know how this happened,
but I'll have to be him just until I find a way back.
Why are you here?
What? I'm asking you who you are.
I'm Lieutenant Kim Sun Jae.
How could a guy still wet behind the ears already be a lieutenant?
I'm back.
Hey, kiddo. Why are you so busy?
He's not here, is he? That other Park Kwang Ho isn't here.
Why are you coming in with Lieutenant Kim?
Are you two coming to work together now that you're on the same team?
The same team?
A maniac against a maniac. You two make a perfect team.
Stop that nonsense. Kim Sun Jae.
Let's begin the briefing.
The victim, Lee Sun Ok,
is Korea's first female serial killer.
She was arrested in 1990 on suspicion of murdering three men.
She killed three men?
She was admitted to Okyin Mental Hospital a year ago
after doing her time.
All her family members have passed away,
and she had no friends that came to visit her.
Cause of death is excessive bleeding.
We'll need to do an autopsy to find out more details,
but that's what those in forensics think at the moment.
Have we identified any fingerprints?
Three fingerprints and DNA were found on the pencil,
and they're being analyzed at the moment.
Any hostile relationships?
The fact that the killer stabbed her in the neck
shows deep emotional resentment.
If we focus the investigation on the families of her male victims
Here's a list of the victims' families.
He's actually pretty good.
I heard that she met with someone just before she died.
She rarely had visitors, so people thought it was unusual.
But the visitors' record has been poorly maintained.
Even the CCTVs at the hospital
- are malfunctioning.
What is that?
One of those cameras in the parking lot was working,
but no woman was spotted during those hours.
Hold on a second. It was a woman?
The person whom Lee Sun Ok met up with?
Miss, you should get another taxi.
I'll pay. Let's go.
It must be the woman who got into the cab in front of the hospital.
Tae Hee and Min Ha, meet the bereaved and check their alibis.
And you two, track down the taxi.
Get a DNA sample for comparison as well.
Get moving.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
About last night, I'm sorry I mean, I apologize.
- Don't apologize.
- Pardon me?
Just suffer from now on.
That punk holds grudges.
Do you remember which taxi company it was?
Well I remember yellow and green stripes.
It must be Dojin Taxi.
Don't you know Korean?
Why does a detective remember things visually?
That little
Hey. It's me, Sung Shik.
How are things in the patrol division?
I'm calling because
It's about Park Kwang Ho who used to be in your team.
Oh, that woman? I dropped her off at Hwayang University.
Wait, are you really a cop?
Why is that any of your business?
Chief, we have a lead.
Lee Sun Ok's last victim Seo Jin Man's daughter, Seo Jung Eun.
The taxi driver said he dropped her off at Hwayang University.
She goes to that university.
I'll head over there immediately.
Her name is Seo Jung Eun?
Is that a phone or a radio?
By the way, what happened?
Why is that any of your business?
I can't stop thinking you look just like Reporter Oh.
Who on earth is that?
We're from the police.
Seo Jung Eun in Sociology. May we take a look at her class schedule?
The French criminologist, Edmond Locard, said this.
"Every contact leaves a trace."
Microphone check.
- Is it working?
- Yes.
I'm looking for the female student who paid for my taxi ride.
I have to pay her back, but forgot to ask her name.
I'd like to thank her. If you're the one who paid for my taxi ride
in front of Okyin Mental Hospital, please come to
What is this place called?
Please come to the broadcasting booth.
- That should be good, right?
- Yes.
Who is Lee Sun Ok?
I was in Busan yesterday with my mom.
Excuse me for a second.
Hey, Min Ha.
I confirmed it with Seo Jin Man's wife.
She was in Busan with her daughter.
I found a check-in record at the hotel.
All right. Thanks.
Thank you.
Will you pay me back or what?
Are you serious right now?
Why do you think we're here?
I don't know. You two should answer that since you came looking for me.
Lee Sun Ok, whom you met with yesterday, died.
- I see.
- What?
Why did you meet with her?
I'm a criminologist who is studying female murderers.
That's why I interviewed her.
Would you need the recording of the interview?
Goodness. Studying, my foot.
Why would you study such lunatics?
Detective, why do you catch killers?
The victims are already dead.
First, we'll have to confirm what you just told us.
I did help her arrange the interview.
I brought Professor Shin from England
to teach here on the condition that I'd help her with it.
Even when she was there,
she interviewed many female killers in prison
and published a dissertation on it as well.
She's a criminal psychologist.
It must've been based on her academic curiosity.
I'm sure she had no other intentions.
Did you get permission from the police and prison authorities?
I'm pretty sure I didn't have to as she has served her full sentence.
I already checked with Deputy Commissioner General Yoon.
Is that so?
I know that you're a psychologist yourself as well.
I've seen you on TV a number of times.
As a psychologist,
how would you describe Ms. Shin as a person?
What does that mean?
Just as you heard.
I heard that studying the minds of murderers
can gradually blur the distinction between good and evil.
By any chance, are you thinking that Professor Shin
might have killed someone?
I never said that.
Professor Shin, let's have a chat.
Sung Shik!
Gosh, how long has it been?
Hey, you look younger.
You silly. Don't flatter me like that.
Park Kwang Ho's photos are all gone?
Yes, I'm telling you.
I checked after getting off the phone with you,
but we have nothing on him.
Even the photo on his personnel file is gone.
By the way, why do you need photos of Kwang Ho?
I got in touch with you because there's something I want to check.
Hey, do you remember 1986?
I guess you're getting old too. You keep talking about the old days.
Of course I remember. That's when we first met in Gangwon Province.
That year, my team got disbanded after a detective going missing,
and I ended up transferring to Gangwon Province.
Yes, that's right.
Wasn't that detective your direct supervisor?
You were very fond of him. Aren't I right?
You kept calling his name whenever you got drunk,
so we all thought that it was a woman named Kwang Ho.
Hold on a second.
His name is Kwang Ho too.
Exactly. His name is Kwang Ho too, Park Kwang Ho.
We never even found his body.
That's why you hate losing friends.
What would you say if I tell you that he showed up
before my eyes looking exactly the same as he used to 30 years ago?
Are you already drunk?
Stop spewing total nonsense.
I know that it makes no sense.
he really looks like him.
What am I doing here? I'm going crazy.
It's simple. The victim is right-handed.
There is a puncture on the neck.
Looking at the angle and the direction of the pencil,
this was done by the victim.
Same goes for the blood found on the right hand.
The trace of the blood left behind couldn't have come from a pen.
Then what about the two female DNAs we found?
One is Lee Sun Ok.
We cannot distinguish the other since there is none to compare.
Even if we find out who,
it won't change the result of the autopsy.
It's suicide.
We wasted money for nothing.
You're new.
Shouldn't you introduce yourself?
I'm Sergeant Park Kwang Ho
I'm Corporal Park Kwang Ho.
I'm Mok Jin Woo.
This doesn't explain the motive.
She lived 26 more years after killing others.
Why would she choose to commit suicide?
I'm not sure.
Perhaps the owner of the pencil
can tell us what happened.
He says it's suicide. Why are we going there?
I must check something. Anyway, why are you speaking casually?
Do you know how old I am?
Right, I'm supposed to be born in 1988 here.
What I mean is, didn't you hear Chief Oh?
The case is closed.
That punk. He's such a handful.
Do as you wish.
It'll be over once I go back.
There is one last thing I'd like to ask.
What did you talk about with Lee Sun Ok?
There are three bears in one house
He always sang. There are three bears
Then I'd have to sing along. There are three bears
If I didn't, I'd get beat. There are three bears in one house
Gosh, I keep hearing this song ring in my ear.
That jerk is bothering me even after death!
People think I killed three people.
I'll let you in on a secret.
Actually, I killed Father too.
You should have seen his face.
I'll ask you the last question.
That's too bad.
I like you. Won't you visit me again?
From now on,
you won't be able to kill others.
If a murderer
cannot kill,
is there a reason
for her to live
or not?
Then she smiled.
There must be a way.
How on earth can I go back?
It's all his fault.
Hey, kiddo. Why are you so serious?
I told you not to call me that.
What else should I call you then?
Whatever. you caught the culprit for the 1986 case, right?
To be exact, women were murdered starting in 1985.
I never heard of it.
You should ask the chief.
He was here in 1985.
He was at this station?
What is his name?
Is Detective Park Kwang Ho here?
I heard that he'd be here.
- Is this Serious Crimes Unit One?
- Yes.
He's right over there. That's who you're looking for.
Why are you so hard to reach?
Your stuff came, but you didn't come.
I was worried something might have happened to you.
I have a weak heart, you know.
Gosh. Let's go.
Pardon? Go where?
Where do you think? Home. Come on.
- Your home?
- Take care.
- Hurry up.
- Hey.
You can go and then come back.
Do you see those pots?
I made the soy sauce, gochujang, and doenjang. They're good.
You can help yourself.
The place is old,
but you'd never find a place like this for that much money.
Here's the key.
You can get yourself another lock if you feel unsafe.
You're a detective, so you probably don't need it.
Sweet dreams. I'm off.
What's going on?
I have a place now?
I'm speechless.
Stop throwing me things like this, and just let me go back home!
Kwang Ho. Kwang Ho?
Kwang Ho.
Yeon Sook.
What's gotten into you?
Yeon Sook.
Yeon Sook, is that really you?
- What are you talking about?
- I mean
Is it 1986?
It's not 2016, is it?
Did you have a dream?
Could it be a dream?
No, no. I don't care as long as I'm back.
Yeon Sook, you might not believe this,
but I travelled to 2016.
There are rude jerks there.
I thought I'd never see you again.
Did you hurt your head badly?
What? No.
It's just a dream.
- What?
- That must be Sung Shik.
Hold on.
Hey, Sung Shik.
Why are you
Yeon Sook. Yeon Sook!
Yeon Sook!
Yeon Sook.
What is that sound?
Why on earth am I here?
Gosh, it's so loud.
Corporal Park Kwang Ho born in 1988?
What a joke.
Which bus should I take to go to Hwayang Police Station?
I'm not sure.
Do you go to Hwayang Police Station?
Does this bus go to Hwayang Police Station?
Yes, it does.
Hold on.
What do you think you're doing?
Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?
Gosh, get off.
Drop me off at Hwayang Police Station.
I'm your senior. I'm a homicide detective.
Thanks. Have a nice day.
Gosh, are you serious?
Why are these pants so tight?
Okay, eyes up here.
She's that lady who studies lunatics.
Starting today, Professor Shin Jae Yi here
will assist our team as a criminal psychologist.
I know that you guys have already met her.
Please say hello.
Criminal psychologist?
It means that she'll be our profiler.
I'm a psychologist, not a criminal profiler.
And yes. I'm immensely interested in lunatics.
I study crazy women.
I look forward to working with you.
How ridiculous.
Hey, clueless lady.
Criminals shouldn't be studied. They have to be caught.
Besides, you're a woman.
Also, how will you see through criminals' minds?
Are you a fortune-teller or what?
That was way out of line.
She took time out of her busy schedule to help us.
Since when did we need help with our investigations?
What is wrong with you punks?
You guys are so twisted. Everyone, applaud.
Welcome to the team.
My gosh, it's very nice to meet you.
You're literally brightening this gloomy office.
It's impressive that you're a professor at such a young age.
I'll see you all when there's a case to work on.
You're leaving already? Would you like to stay for a cup of coffee?
You know that this is all because of you two, right?
She seems quite eccentric. I'm getting a bad feeling.
We might have to deal with a case from early in the day.
She scares me a little bit.
That startled me.
See? I told you! Gosh, I'm getting goosebumps.
Stop being ridiculous. Kiddo, why aren't you answering it?
Hey, kiddo. Pick it up, will you?
I told you to stop calling me like that. Shall I teach you a lesson?
How shall I address you, then? "Mr. Park, please answer it"?
Gosh, forget about it. I'll answer it.
This is Serious Crimes Unit One of Hwayang Police Station.
Well In Mount Sungyoo,
chopped-up body parts have been found.
Wait. Just a moment, please.
Why on earth is this here?
There were six dots on her heel.
Not 5, but 6?
- What?
- It's one short then.
There was a case like this in the past.
What are you talking about?
- Aren't these dots 30 years old?
- Shut it.
- It's not someone in 20s or 30s.
- Hey.
They're identical with the victims of the old case.
30 years have passed,
so they must be in their late 40s or mid 50s.
Have you heard? She's a complete psycho.
She told them to pick someone they want to kill and write out a plan.
Do I scare you?
- There's a tattoo on her heel.
- Did Park Kwang Ho say that?
It's highly likely that it's a love crime caused by a breakup.
Who is this woman?
Yeon Sook What should I do? She said she'd wait for me.
I must solve the case before today ends.
Sun Jae, I have to solve this case.
Is there a hidden knife?
Anyway, I'm going.
Kiddo, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you right away.
You actually became the chief.
Yeon Sook, let's go ride the cruise ship on the Han River!
Who are you?
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