Turner & Hooch (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

A Good Day to Dog Hard

[Scott] Hooch, let's tell them
what happened last week.
[alarm chimes]
You're a rookie. You listen to me.
I listen to the baby. Got it?
So I'm lower than the baby?
- This is Hooch.
- Grandpa wanted you to have him.
Laura, I cannot take care of a dog.
I'm in the middle of a big case.
Hooch! No, no, no. No!
- What?
- [thud]
Maybe you should've chose a different day
to bring your dog to work.
I run the K-9 explosives detection
training for the Marshal Service.
[Scott] If there's any way you can help me
with Hooch.
Please, I'm I'm desperate.
Dogs can tell if we're nervous,
or when we need love.
I'm sorry.
You probably have tons of girlfriends.
I don't.
When I went back to that dumpster,
why did Hooch go straight for the mask?
Because he smelled Agent Long.
And Hooch figured it out all by himself.
- [barks, growls]
- [groans]
Because of Hooch's service, the two of you
are a K-9 Unit, effective immediately.
[Laura] Hey, Scott. I'm at Mom's.
I think Dad was working on a case
before the heart attack.
I think he was onto something scary enough
he didn't wanna tell anyone.
- [alarm chimes]
- [trolley bell rings]
- [alarm chiming]
- [grumbles]
Five more minutes.
[Hooch groans]
[chiming continues]
[Hooch munching]
Hooch, no! That's $300.
Good morning to you too.
- That's better than yesterday.
- [whines]
It's better than yesterday.
All right.
[man] Okay, everybody.
For you newbies, I'm Trent Havelock,
deputy in charge today.
As you may have heard,
the Olympic Committee is in town
for a couple days.
Now, there has been
some chatter about threats,
so we're helping the SFPD with security.
The committee is staying
at The Bay Area Royal.
That's a downtown hotel
that just finished a renovation,
so they will be the only guests.
We'll sweep that today.
Then, we'll split into two teams.
B-team, that's Baxter, X, dog man,
stays back at the hotel.
As deputy in charge,
I take the A-team with me.
Now, the A-team is the T-Squad,
the group in the corner, you guys
Well, it's everybody.
It's everybody but the B-team.
All of the chatter has been about
city hall.
- That's where the meeting's going down.
- That's right! It's going down.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, squad!
- [Marcus] A-team! A-team!
- Yeah, squad!
- Squad!
- [Trent] That's what I'm talking about.
Okay, hey! This threat is serious.
If that meeting gets hit,
we're going to hit back hard.
T-Squad, convene.
Yo. Hey, hey. Why are we B-team?
Oh, that's right.
Turner hasn't worked with Trent yet.
- [chuckles]
- Why? What's his deal?
Well, I'm pregnant and Trent's convinced
I'll give birth if I sneeze.
You're not covered in Axe body spray,
and you don't use enough hair gel.
And X doesn't really care
what team he's on. Right, X?
Which makes Trent's head hurt.
But But But we just had the big case.
Okay. Cool off, rookie.
It's not about just one case.
You do the job that's in front of you.
Right, X?
You gotta surf your own wave. [blows]
Sure. What?
Hey, Turner, need to talk to you.
Oh, uh, come here, Hooch.
Heard from Marshal Sickerman this morning.
You and the dog made it
into his presentation
to senior leadership on new ideas.
Oh, that's great.
Yeah. Well, it's a priority for him,
which makes it a priority for me.
Which means you need to deliver.
- Hooch is still learning, but he's very
- [sighs]
- You know, where he is promising
- Turner.
Trent's got you guys
securing the hotel, right?
This needs to go well.
A lot of eyes on this.
Got it.
I love eyes.
You have beautiful eyes. [chuckles]
I don't know why I said that.
Got it, Chief. Won't let you down.
Hooch. Hooch.
There's a lot of eyes on this, Hooch.
[Scott] Okay, Hooch.
Hooch. Remember the training?
- Training, buddy. No, no, no. No.
- [Jessica] Yo, check this out.
- Darius wants to buy a $900 stroller.
- No. Hooch.
- Over here.
- That's crazy, right?
I'm so Uh, sorry I can't [chuckles]
No, seriously.
This thing costs more than my first car.
- [Hooch barks]
- Okay.
- Oh, my Go Oh, wait.
- [shutter clicks]
- [typing]
- Here's what I think of your stroller.
[cell phone chimes]
- [chattering]
- [dogs sniffing, whining]
Okay. Follow me.
- [sighs]
- [dog barks in distance]
You see what those dogs are doing?
Working, sniffing for bombs.
Be like that.
I believe in you.
[stammers] Sir, sir. The The dog.
Sorry. He smells the food on your cart.
- Yeah.
- Come here, Hooch.
For the, uh drool.
- And you're drooling, Hooch.
- [whines]
This place already has one fountain.
It doesn't need another one.
This is not a good look for us, Hooch.
You get that?
[Hooch barks]
Hooch! Hooch!
[gasps, murmurs]
[no audible dialogue]
No! Come back here.
- Hooch! No!
- [Hooch barking]
No! No, no, no, no.
Don't go in the fountain.
- No! Uh
- [whimpers]
Okay, hey, Hooch. Get out right now.
- [stammers]
- [Hooch whimpers]
Just Please don't make me get in there.
All right.
Okay. I
He's just checking the water
for contaminants.
There's a lot of waterborne attacks
in San Francisco.
Okay. Ugh. [groans]
I'm so We're gonna O-Okay.
I'm just gonna
[grunts, chuckles]
All right.
He's still training.
[whispering] Hooch.
That is the funniest dog in the world.
Is he yours?
Uh, yeah. Unfortunately.
[man groaning]
[Scott] Hooch, enough!
- I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, sir.
- [girl giggles]
Maybe there's a towel or something.
[groans] Kaya, get away from there.
You're going to get wet.
Can I play with your dog?
Oh, uh, Hooch? Well, uh, the thing is,
he's, um, he's working. So he can't play.
He's making sure
that the carpet is, um, bomb-free.
Sir. Sir. I am so sorry.
- Give me one minute?
- Come on.
Bro. What the hell?
That was the head
of the Olympic Committee.
Yeah. I I don't know what to say.
- I tried to stop him.
- Yeah. Well, you didn't.
Your dog chased a steak
into a water fountain.
This was your chance to show me
what you got. You let this happen.
I think it's best for you and your dog
to take the rest of the day off, okay?
- And you're paying for that steak, rookie.
- Yeah.
Sir, again, my apologies.
Let me assure you, he's new. His dog is
I don't know what's wrong with it.
But on the day, you're gonna have
the best of the best. The A-team.
[Scott] Seriously, man?
How is it that I can't even get you
into a bath at home,
but at work, you're all about jumping
into fountains, huh?
We're not on the same page, Hooch.
We need to get on the same page.
Hey, Scotty.
Thank you for coming. This is crazy.
I've been looking through Dad's files,
and there's major criminals.
There's smugglers and drug traffickers
and all this organized crime.
I'm sorry. How was your day?
It was wet.
I don't wanna get into it.
Great. We can focus on the files?
- Good.
- [Hooch groans]
[Scott] Based on everything
you've told me so far, I don't know.
It just sounds like a bunch
of random criminals.
Not sure I see a connection.
Except that they were all found in the box
hidden in the back of Dad's closet.
- You could say that's a connection.
- I know it's weird, but it's
I just feel like there's some
unfinished business here for Dad.
Maybe. Yeah, maybe. Or maybe it's nothing.
Right? I mean, look.
Dad's police work was what?
Giving out speeding tickets
by the Dairy Queen.
- I know, but
- [sighs]
You think he was just doing
all of this for fun?
[dog toy squeaks]
Uh, no. I don't.
Maybe he was looking for a little
excitement in his golden years, you know?
One last big case.
What if he found it?
I mean, what if this is his last big case?
Am I supposed
to throw this in the dumpster
with his copies of Working Dog Magazine?
I know what you're thinking.
"Flaky Laura, who never finishes anything.
She'll give it up the next time
that a reality show
about love on an island comes on."
But I'm trying to change here, okay?
It's about honoring Dad
and finishing what he started.
Please, Scotty. Please.
[sighs] All right.
All right. I'll look into it.
Good. Okay.
We can do this together, for Dad.
For Dad.
[Scott] Everything's in the fountain.
- I'm wet. He's wet.
- [Hooch whining]
It was a disaster.
[laughs, snorts]
- Glad you think this is funny.
- No. I don't.
I just got put on the streets here.
I really gotta prove myself.
Yeah. I'm sorry.
You know what?
I'm gonna wind up back on court security.
Okay. Do you know the saying, um,
"watching paint dry"?
Well, court security is guarding the paint
while it's drying.
- Yeah.
- Oh, that sounds terrible.
- He's gotta start taking this seriously.
- Okay.
[Scott] He needs to focus on work
and stop playing all the time.
But dogs, they learn through play. Really,
work and play are the same for dogs.
Oh, well,
then Hooch is due for a genius grant.
Ah. You're so funny.
I think that you need to have more fun.
But how am I supposed to have fun
when I'm trying to prove myself to,
like, everyone?
Okay. Well, that's kind of the issue.
It's like, you feel pressure
and then he feels pressure.
So, like, your job. Why do you do it?
You know, when I was little,
my dad was like a local hero.
You know, he solved this big case
before I was born.
So, yeah. Of course. Yeah.
I wanted to be just like him.
But he never did anything like that again,
you know?
He was just, like, this small-town cop.
And And I wanted to chase bad guys.
That's what the marshals do. So
I joined.
Wow. I, uh
I think you just have
a lot of feelings about this,
and Hooch is probably
picking up on that a little.
[cell phone buzzes]
Oh, sorry.
Oh. [chuckles]
Oh, it's the chief.
Probably calling to fire me.
- Oh.
- Hi, Chief. Uh
Look. A-About yesterday, I'm so sorry. I
Yeah. Listen, Turner.
I'm kind of in a rush,
but I've got a special assignment for you.
Top priority.
You do?
Yeah, I need you back at that hotel ASAP.
Head of the Olympic Committee
requested you specifically
to guard the hotel suite. Not sure why,
but apparently it's very important
to diplomatic relations or something.
you'll be briefed when you get there.
So? Not fired?
Kind of the opposite, weirdly.
- That's great.
- Yeah, right? Awesome.
Wow. Yes.
- Heck yeah. Solid.
- So good.
- I I should probably go change.
- Yeah.
He said it's serious.
Wants us there right away.
Oh, wow. Okay.
Condogulations. [laughs]
- Thank you. Thank you very much.
- Yeah, absolutely.
And remember: work, play, the same.
- Got it. Thanks.
- Yeah.
All right, Hooch.
[Scott] Wait. I'm sorry.
You're my assignment?
We're having a playdate.
My daddy called your boss.
Now, you and your dog get to play all day.
Are you sure?
[chuckles] W-W-We could find you
another doggy to play with.
Not like your dog. Tag!
[Hooch snorts, whimpers]
Under standard tag rules, you are now it.
- It's customary to run.
- No
I thought getting stuck on hotel
security guard duty was bad. [laughs]
But the chief said
it was an important diplomatic
I think the word you want is babysitter.
You should've held out for eight bucks
an hour and a pizza at least. [laughs]
Aw, come on. Don't feel too bad.
We don't have it much better.
Trent and the T-Squad are at city hall,
where all the action is.
No, we had some action earlier.
We told those skateboarders
to get off the stairs.
Mmm no.
Well, get in there, tiger.
Do some, uh, "diplomacy."
Do you need Do you need help?
No. You got it.
- Help.
- I believe in you.
- [laughs]
- [cell phone chimes]
[groans] Come on. Uh, no.
Oh, my God. Are you kidding me?
Hey, Darius,
are you kidding me with this thing?
Space-age graphite wheels. No!
[Russian accent]
Boss, two marshals are going inside.
[man on radio, in Russian accent]
Good. Commence the operation.
[phone ringing]
Your invitation to the tea party.
Thank you. Thanks for the invite.
Um, but I-I have to work.
You can have a tea party
with Hooch though.
Hi. Can I get the Wi-Fi?
[dial tone]
A tea party with two guests
is not a party.
I could drink some tea.
- All right. Great.
- [pants, whimpers]
No one else is sitting on the sofa.
Oh, yeah. Right. Okay.
Some for you,
some for Hooch
and some for me.
Now you drink.
[slurps] Ah.
Good. Very good tea.
Do you get special training for your job?
Yeah. Yeah. There's training.
Well, they should train you to drink tea.
You need to put your pinky in the air.
Oh, um
- [whimpers]
- [Kaya] Higher!
[clicks tongue] Uh.
I don't know a lot about tea.
- Hooch, you're hilarious.
- Come on. That's never coming out.
- [cell phone ringing]
- [Kaya] Well, you're wonderful.
- [sighs]
- [Kaya chuckles]
Hey, Laura.
Hey, Scott. Are you busy?
Yeah, well, kind of.
Chief's got me on babysitting duty
with the daughter
of the head of the Olympic Committee.
I've been at a tea party for two hours.
Well, she's probably
just a lonely little kid
who's stuck with diplomats all day.
I mean, can't be that bad.
No, no, no. Bad. Very bad, Laura, okay?
I got tea all over my suit because
she won't let me use all my fingers.
She fed me so many cupcakes I'm dizzy.
I don't eat carbs, Laura.
I'm getting heart palpitations.
That's why you're grumpy.
[cockatoo] Hi, Scotty. Hi, Scotty. Hi.
- What?
- I'm sorry.
Someone brought in
a cockatoo for a nail-clipping.
- It's driving me insane.
- Oh.
[Laura] Hey, I was wondering if you found
out any more information on Dad's files.
Um Yeah, you know, Laura,
I-I-I-I checked the computer system
at the office before I came,
and there's just no connection.
[cockatoo] Hey, Scotty! Scotty!
Shut up!
- [cockatoo] Ooh!
- What?
- [puppy whimpers]
- Oh, not you.
- [Scott] Me?
- Not you. Um
All right. Well,
maybe I should talk to Mom about it.
Oh, please, don't bother Mom with this,
'cause she's gonna bother me,
and I'm gonna bother you.
You see the circle?
- Let's not do the circle of Turner
- [Kaya] Turner!
It does not take that long
to clean a shirt!
Laura, I gotta go.
Yeah. Bye, Scott.
[cockatoo] Bye, Scott.
Get your own phone.
[Kaya] And I said to the princess,
- "He's not just a dog. He's a wizard!"
- [barks]
But she didn't believe me.
So I told her she was never allowed
to come to a tea party ever again,
or Hooch would turn her into a frog.
That's great.
Hey, um, I was thinking, um, maybe
we could invite some other kids over,
and they could have my cupcakes, right?
- Like, are there any other kids?
- No. I'm the only one.
Mummy went to live
with the tennis teacher,
because he was a good listener.
I had a nanny, but she quit.
And then the other nannies quit.
And then the nanny company
stopped calling Daddy back.
So now I go everywhere with him.
I'm sorry. That m That must be hard.
Yes. Sometimes it's lonely.
But Daddy says I have to stay strong
until we can find a nanny
who's not afraid of a challenge.
Now, eat another cupcake.
It's getting cold.
Okay. Great.
[chewing] Yeah.
Better the eighth time.
- [Hooch licking]
- Oh! Oh!
- Okay.
- Hooch is giving you kissy-face!
Okay, Hooch, Hooch.
- Go, Hooch! Come on!
- Hooch, that's enough. All right.
Great. You know what? Come here. [grunts]
Let's just say the tea party is over
for now, for now.
It was great. You know I had a good time.
All right. Come here.
This needs to stop.
No, he should do it more. It's so funny!
- [giggles]
- [Scott groans]
No, no. Hooch, no! No!
- Come on! [grunts]
- [Hooch whines]
[groans] Oh, come on!
- [giggling] This game's great!
- [Scott] Hooch, no. Hooch.
- [Kaya] Keep going, Hooch!
- Hooch, no. Can we just have the tea?
Go, go, go!
So the committee heads over to city hall
in an hour after lunch.
Then we get to guard an empty hotel.
Never know. Skateboarders might come back.
- Yeah, that's all you.
- [cell phone rings]
Well, well, well, if it isn't the manny.
[on phone] How's it going up there?
It's awful. She's obsessed
with making Hooch jump on me.
The only break I got was
when I agreed to a pedicure.
It's a nightmare.
Uh, no, a nightmare is when your husband
wants to blow your life savings
on a stroller with graphite wheels.
He's all over me to spend 900 bucks
on a stroller the kid won't even remember.
[Scott] Hey, you know what?
I was thinking, would you and Xavier
maybe want to come up here for a while?
Maybe, like, take a shift perhaps?
Is that a thing?
- [Kaya] Kissy-face!
- [Scott] Uh-uh.
- What
- [Scott] Oh, no!
- [ceramic crashes on phone]
- Ooh.
Uh, you know what? Um
Are you seriously asking for backup
handling a seven-year-old?
- [Xavier chuckles]
- That's pretty bad.
That's not funny.
- Well, it is kinda fu
- [cell phone beeps]
Hello? Yo. Scott?
- That's weird.
- Hmm?
Just lost reception. You got any bars?
- Both at the same time?
- Hmm.
Think someone's jamming the cell signals?
You know, a couple of those cater waiters
came in with a big case a minute ago,
and it looked a little too heavy
to be food.
Yeah, we should check it out.
- [safety clicks]
- [man] Hands in the air.
We are in control now.
[Hooch whines]
[busy signal]
Should we do your fingernails now?
Or is it time for more kissy-face?
Actually, Kaya, I think it might not be
a good time for either.
Hey, I got an idea for a new game.
Ow! [groans]
I, um [clears throat]
I have a-a-a-an idea
for a new game on the roof.
[chuckling] On the roof.
A game on the roof?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the best game ever.
Um, okay, so the first rule is
Come on, dear.
Come on.
So the first rule is
that we have to get up to the roof
quickly and quietly,
or the, um, the wizards will see us.
The wizards? The wizards are good.
The evil wizards. Let's go. Come on.
[Xavier grunts]
You ever see what zip ties do to sea life?
They get dumped in the ocean
- [grunts]
- Shut up!
[lead terrorist] Welcome, ladies
and gentlemen of the Olympic Committee.
You are now under our control.
Your protectors, the US Marshals,
are at city hall,
where they think an attack is coming.
You may recognize us.
We have been serving you your meals
since you arrived.
Give the phone.
I do hope you enjoyed your breakfast.
I didn't get any damn breakfast.
It was pretty good.
Sir, what do you want? We
We are diplomats on a peaceful mission.
Whatever your message,
there are better ways for you
to go about getting it than
[hostages scream]
I am sure you have wonderful speech
about friendship between nations.
But let's be honest,
the Olympics is about money,
and so are we.
You will call about ransom shortly,
but first we make sure
that no one is missing.
Uh, we're all here.
Look, there's no need [grunts]
[hostages shriek]
Thank you so much for your help,
but I believe you are mistaken.
Andre. Dimitri.
Suite 410. Little girl. Go.
No. Please. Please. No. No. She's No!
[Scott whispering] Good job.
All right.
Okay. So the game is called
"Secret Princess,"
and rules are that the secret princess
has to hide in her magic castle
and a-a-and stay very quiet,
or she'll turn into a
a moose. You understand?
Yes. [whispering] I mean, yes.
Yeah. Okay.
Did you hear that?
We don't want to get turned into mooses.
The other part of the game, right?
Is that I have to go on a quest,
and the secret princess has to hide
in her magic castle with Sir Hooch.
- Something dangerous is happening
- [whines]
isn't it?
It's okay. My daddy's a diplomat.
He told me about emergencies.
Yeah, there's some bad men in the hotel,
but I'm gonna stop them, okay?
You must go with him, Sir Hooch
- [whimpers]
- to protect him, to save the kingdom.
Don't come out till I come for you.
A secret princess always stays safe.
Pinkies up.
[whispering] Come on.
[Hooch whines, laps]
How are you still hungry?
No, no, no, you cannot be drooling.
Come here. Come here.
- [elevator dings]
- [Andre] Up here.
Come on. This way. This way.
[Dimitri] To the left.
[Andre] No. This way.
No. No, no, no. I look at blueprint.
- [whines]
- [Scott breathing heavily]
[Scott whispering] Oh, my foot.
"Come up for a tea party.
Eat some cupcakes.
Have a couple of laughs."
She is the Olympic Committee boss's kid.
- Worth more than others.
- Hmm.
This is shortcut to suite
where little girl is.
[Andre sighs]
This is stupid.
Two men to find one little
[groans] Idiot.
- Oh, my head. That hurts.
- Get up!
[strains] It's my back. I can't move.
I'm going to hurt my back now,
lifting your fat body.
It's not fat.
I have big bones since I was kid.
Not fat? Then why are you too heavy
to lift off the floor?
- [Dimitri strains]
- [safety clicks]
I'll make it easy for ya.
Face down on the floor.
Hands and feet spread. Now.
[Andre grunts, breathes heavily]
- 'Sup.
- [barks]
Andre. Dimitri. Come in.
[radio static]
Andre. Dimitri. Come in.
Huh. Now I have a machine gun.
[on radio] pull up the security cameras
for the fourth floor.
[Mikhail] Yes, boss.
- Hooch.
- [whines]
Hooch. You up for a little fetch?
- You wanna play a little fetch, buddy?
- [barks]
Okay. All right, buddy.
You like eating my socks, right?
- It's a whole shoe. Come on.
- [Hooch barks]
- Come on. Ready? Ready?
- [whines]
- Bring it back. Bring it back, Hooch.
- [panting]
- One more, all right? Come on. Go fetch.
- [barks]
Boss, a camera went down.
What? How?
I don't know. I don't see anyone.
Another camera down.
Someone's up there.
If he got to Andre and Dimitri,
he has radios too.
- Sounds like we've got ourselves a cowboy.
- [scoffs]
A smart move for a fish
that takes a walk on the beach
is to call it off
while he can still reach the ocean.
I'll put it another way.
Know how many hostage situations
in the US end with the bad guys
getting away?
Like, since the Bee Gees were number one,
and I don't see anybody
wearing bell-bottoms.
So, you might want to quit
while you're ahead.
Time to hop back in that ocean, fishy.
Will you stop doing that?
Thank you for your advice,
but, um, we are fine.
Come on.
I speak now to the cowboy
on the fourth floor.
[on radio] We have more men and more guns.
So you should ask yourself,
would you rather be hostage or,
how you say, corpse?
Either way, my men are coming.
Yippee. Kaya's in trouble, Hooch.
[Hooch whimpering]
Howdy from the US Marshals.
No need to search.
I'll find you.
Alek. Marko.
Go and find him.
And be careful of this man.
There is something dangerous about him.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
[Hooch panting]
[elevator dings]
Hooch. Hooch. Hooch, come back. Come back.
You liked eating my watch.
How'd you like to eat a radio?
I'm trapped on the fourth floor.
If anyone can hear me, I need help.
If anyone can hear me,
I repeat, I need help.
Please. I'm all alone in here.
[Hooch whines]
The storage room on the fourth floor.
I need backup now.
Too late for help.
- [whines quizzically]
- [Marko] What?
[Scott] Ha!
Good boy.
Looks like somebody wants us
to take the stairs, Hooch.
And if we do that,
we're not gonna last long.
Hey, Hooch.
You want some room service?
Where are you?
[Scott, on radio]
Polo. Marko's not coming.
You'll have to settle for me.
[Alek] What the
[both shouting, grunting]
[Scott screams]
[Alek screams]
- [body thuds]
- [Alek groans]
[breathing heavily]
Hooch! Hooch, are you okay?
[Alek groaning loudly]
Forget it.
Enjoy your third lunch.
I'll take care of this guy myself.
[Alek groans] It hurts.
Yeah, of course it hurts.
You fell, like, four stories.
Alek. Marko. Report in.
Marko. Andre. Dimitri!
- [radio crunching]
- [lead terrorist grunting]
this is why we can't have nice things.
Listen, man, just let us go.
Hang it up before it's too late.
It is never too late!
No one can be everywhere at once,
and I believe your friend has soft spot
for one of our guests.
And I think I might know where she is.
Stay here and guard the hostages.
I will go.
You know your boss is blowing it, right?
He's gonna get you caught.
Shut up.
Why should I? We already won.
I'm telling you, that guy upstairs,
he's unstoppable.
He already took out most of your guys.
He's gonna pick off all of you idiots
one by one.
Shut up.
Oh, you're pointing the gun at her.
He's afraid of the pregnant lady
calling him names.
I said, "Shut up"!
- Come over here and make me shut up!
- Yeah?
[shouts, groans]
[hostages screaming]
Hey, hey. There's a knife in his belt.
Come cut us loose.
[terrorist gasping, wheezing]
- [thuds]
- [terrorist groans]
Over here.
Thank you.
Don't thank us yet.
By my count,
there's one more guy in the security room.
Yeah, same here.
So if we take care of him, we c
[door thumps]
- Shh.
- [footsteps approaching]
Stay quiet. We got this.
[together] Don't move!
[breathing heavily, sighs]
[breathing heavily]
Nice toes.
Thanks for noticing.
You been busy. Good to see you, cowboy.
- And the horse you rode in on.
- [whines]
Jess, where are the rest of them?
Seems like you took care
of most of them, but
The boss is looking for Kaya.
We'll take care of the hostages. Go!
Little girl!
Where are you?
[chuckling] You don't have to be afraid.
I am very, very nice man.
Friend of your father.
I am Viktor.
You are safe.
But your father is very worried.
Very worried.
[Hooch barks]
Kaya! Kaya! Kaya, it's me. Are you okay?
[Hooch panting]
He's here! He's here!
Drop your weapon.
- [growling]
- You got up here quick.
Cardio's impeccable.
- Drop it.
- [barks, whines]
All right,
I'm gonna put my weapon down, okay?
Easy, easy.
So, all of this trouble,
all my men taken out by you and that dog?
[Scott] Be smart, man.
Come on. You and your guys,
you could just walk away.
The hostages are free. It's over.
Oh, I don't think so.
[Hooch whimpering]
everyone who is listening.
I caught your friend.
I was hoping to avoid bloodshed,
but situation has changed.
You have five seconds to surrender
or he dies.
Kaya. Kaya, it's okay. We're just talking.
- It's okay. It's okay.
- [barks]
Hey, listen, you don't have to do this,
right? Come on!
- Five.
- [Hooch barks, growls]
[Viktor, on radio] Four.
- [Hooch barking, growling]
- [Viktor] Three.
- [mouthing words]
- [Viktor] Two.
[Hooch barks]
- [barks]
- [Viktor groans, grunts]
Get it off. [groaning]
Oh, you don't like kissy-face either, huh?
It's It's disgusting.
- [groans]
- You're under arrest.
[siren wailing]
I, uh
I arrested the individual on the roof
and then rejoined Deputies Baxter
and Wilson downstairs.
Once we found the cell phone jammer,
I was able to contact Deputy Havelock.
Then I came in with the A-
and secured the scene.
Honestly, Chief, I'm glad I left Turner
and the dog at the hotel.
This could've been a tragedy.
[sighs] Just feel bad I wasn't there.
It's okay to feel bad sometimes.
Uh-huh. Well, nice job, all of you.
Thank you.
Sir, can you give us any details?
We're not releasing any information
at this time.
Good job not dying, bro.
Might wanna lose the toenails.
I dunno. I kinda like 'em.
Anyway, I'm gonna check you two later.
I'm gonna go start on that paperwork.
All right.
[Scott] Looks like Trent's taking
all the credit with the reporters.
Hey, I know it sucks,
but don't be too hard on the chief.
I mean, what are they gonna say?
They got lucky and a junior deputy
and his dog were babysitting
- when it all went down?
- Yeah.
[Kaya] Excuse me!
Oh, hey! Are you all right?
Yes. I'm leaving now with my dad,
but I wanted to say goodbye.
Thank you, Sir Hooch.
Can you kneel down?
I knight you, Sir Scott of House Hooch,
protector of the secret princess.
You may rise.
Thank you for saving me
and for the funnest day of my life.
Thanks for the playdate.
Stay safe, secret princess.
I will.
Thank you.
Aw Look who's good with kids!
I'm gonna expect your babysitting services
when my little one arrives.
Can't afford me.
Oh, really? We'll see about that.
All right, you ready to roll?
We got a mountain of after-action reports
to get to.
Yeah, let's do it.
- [typing]
- [line rings]
- [Darius, on phone] Hey, babe.
- [Jessica] Hey, baby.
I've been trying to reach you.
Are you still mad at me
about the stroller?
Hey, so, I thought about it.
Let's get the stroller
if it makes you happy.
Our baby's gonna glide on graphite wheels.
All right, I gotta go. Love you.
[Scott] I guess you were right
about the playing thing.
And I'm pretty sure Hooch saved my life
with the most disgusting game ever.
Yeah, like I said, lots of potential.
Yeah, about that, um
You know, I'm still not exactly sure on
how to train him.
He seems really good
at learning to do things I don't like.
- Right. Well, maybe you have to play more.
- Yeah.
- Play, like how?
- I don't know.
What do you like to do for fun?
using the Swiffer's fun.
It's really fun.
Uh, criminal justice podcasts.
It's a good time.
Uh, I jog.
- Jogging. Jogging, yes! Jogging's fun.
- Yeah.
I would know. I jog.
Yeah. We could jog together
with Hooch and Angel.
- How about Thursday?
- Yes!
- Okay.
- It's a date!
On the calendar called "Thursday."
- And I'll see you on that calendar date.
- [dog barks]
- Whoa! That was loud. Someone's barking.
- Yeah.
It's my job to take care of it,
so I will. Bye!
[Erica] Coming!
Hey, look!
Aw, it's Dad's favorite sweater.
Do we keep it, or
Oh, it feels wrong to get rid of it,
but what good's it gon
- Hey. Seems like somebody wants it.
- Hooch, that's rude.
Tuppy would never do that. Right, Tuppy?
[both chuckling]
You know, it was 30 years ago.
I was riding around in a police car
with Scott and the first Hooch.
And I swear, they are just the same.
Thanks for helping us pack up his stuff,
He He'd love that you're here.
No place I'd rather be.
[Scott] Made sure
the Olympic Committee was safe
and the San Francisco PD
took away the bad guys.
Were you ever afraid that Hooch
wasn't gonna be able to catch all of them?
Well, I mean, Hooch didn't do everything.
But he did the main thing.
I don't know about that.
I mean, when you say the main thing.
He saved you by jumping on the boss
of the bad guys,
- so that's a main thing.
- Some help.
You're right. Hooch is great.
Your grandpa thought
Hooch was a pretty special dog.
It sounds like he was right
regardless of what your uncle says.
What, are you taking his side?
He's literally slobbering on your carpet.
- Isn't that what carpets are for?
- [David laughs]
Can you help me and Uncle David
take these boxes down to the basement?
Yeah, sure.
And I will show you pictures
of the day we got Hooch.
[gasps] Yes!
- Yes!
- Yes!
- Okay, good to see you.
- [David chuckling]
Hey, Scott.
Since they're busy, I was thinking.
Remember when Dad was on a case
when we were little,
sometimes he would take us on a looky-loo?
A look-see.
- Yes, that!
- Yeah.
I just wanna go on one last look-see
for Dad.
Come on.
Let's go. Grab Hooch!
I I didn't say yes.
Did I say yes?
All right
You ready to tell me
what we're doing here?
You know,
I've been thinking more about Dad's case.
I'm not even sure
we should call it a case.
I mean, it's just a bunch of files.
You do not actually believe that.
I mean, it has to be more!
No, it doesn't have to be anything.
Where even are we anyway?
Valley Road.
Where they found Dad
after the heart attack.
Why? It's just a random road.
I mean, haven't you ever wondered
why was he here?
Yeah, he was probably on some, like,
hot pursuit looking for a lost cat
or something.
Okay, well, we're here, okay?
It's a look-see,
so we need to get out and look
- [Hooch groans]
- and see.
- We can see from here.
- No, that's
- There's nothing to see.
- No, that's a look-sit.
That doesn't make any sense.
We have to get out, you know, and, like
and feel the vibes.
The vibes are
Vibes are not a thing, Laura. They're not.
Not until you feel them.
- [sighs]
- [snorts]
[Hooch barks]
Can't believe
Dad spent his last moments here.
At least it's pretty.
Yeah, that's true.
He could've been stuck in traffic
on Highway 116 or something.
Hey. This is hard for me too.
But But we can't make this a thing
just 'cause we don't wanna let Dad go.
Yeah, I know you're right. Yeah.
Hey, Hooch. Cut it out.
Hooch, cut it out.
Let him sniff. What's the harm?
Well, ruining my shoes for one thing.
You try bringing home a muddy dog!
[Laura] I bring home a muddy kid!
What do you got? Come here.
What is this? Ugh.
What is it?
I think it's Dad's old watch.
Oh, my gosh.
Scott, the band is snapped off.
- What if something happened here?
- Let's Let's not jump to conclusions.
Who's jumping? I'm not jumping.
What? You think Dad just yanked
his watch off and threw it into the woods?
Hooch is getting vibes.
[Hooch snorts]
Admit it, you're getting them too.
Bad vibes.
[Hooch whines]
Yeah, maybe I am.
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