Two Worlds (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

You go home and wait for me there.
If I don’t come back by tomorrow morning,call the police.
Don’t you say that. I know you’ll be back.
Promise me you will.
I promise.
Phupa Phupha!! I’m back.
Phupha!! Help!! Anyone here?
Phupa Phupha!! Answer me!! Help! Stay with me.
I beg you. I beg you. You have to stay with me
I’m right here.
You’re still alive!!! Phupha…Phupha. Don’t ever leave me.
Promise me, will you?
I promise.
Are you alright.
I’m back as promised.
What Phupha? What’s up?
You have to stay with me
I’m right here.
Phupha…Phupha. Don’t ever
Promise me, will you?
Promise me, will you?
Phupha…Phupha. Don’t ever leave me
I’m back as promised
What Phupha?
What’s up?
Nothing… You just happen to look like someone I know.]
Get changed!
Why do you have this….{
Or you want me to change for you?
Wait… Dry up with this
Thank you
Thank you. I won’t bother you now
Wait! What’s your name?
I’m Kram
Are you kidding me?
I’m Kram. That’s my name…Kram
Same name, same face. Come here!
I’ll take you to someone.
Where are you taking me to?
Just come with me
What if I don’t want to
What do you think you’re doing. Let me go!!
You played it hard at first.
Why did you tie me up? Let me go. Let go!!
Shut up!
What’re you doing? Hey!!
Are you that scared of me?
You look like someone threatening that I know
Tai, son of Por.
That’s me. Tai, son of Por.
But Tai that I know has a scar on his face. But you….
I don’t know what shit you’re talking about
But I’m definitely not who you think I am.
I’ve brought you here because there are unresolved issues.
But I know there’s one person who could give us clue.
Identical! You look exactly just like him.
Like who? I’m confused now.
Like Kram we used to know.
But I’ve never seen any of you before.
We’re not talking about you. Kram we know died 3 years ago.
Your name, your look, the way you talk
So it make me think for the moonlight pond tale.
Have you been to the Moon Shadow Waterfall?
Yes. The water happened to be blue that day. I fell into itใ
And when I woke up, I found this Tai – who looks like another Tai I know.
But he’s a different Tai, you know what I mean?.
I understand how confused you must be. But listen to me carefully…
You have just crossed the boundary from your world to this world.
through the power of Moon Shadow Waterfall
Crossed the boundary?
Yes. I myself met someone I shouldn’t have at the fall.
You’ve never told me this.
Who would have believed me at the time.
I realized the meaning of the myth.
Moon Shadow Waterfall reunites you with deceased one.
It doesn’t mean resurrection but it’s the coming of people from the other world.
I guess it’s self explanatory why you look exactly like Kram we used to know.
Only differences in both are time and incidents.
I think it’s getting little carried away now. I don’t believe it!
Hey!! Hey!! What happened here!!
Wow. So this is Phupa’s office.
It’s not just mine. One day it will be ours.
Maybe that’s a bad idea. I’ve never worked before
It’s OK. Having you here is already overwhelming for me
A bit much, you think?
Oh, you’re back
I’m sorry sir. I was called by the president to pick up some documents.
Your dad must have been so tough on you. Maybe you deserve a raise, huh?
That’s the Phupa you’re talking about?
Phupha I know is dead..
Do you know what Phupha is like in this world?
I don’t.
But you’re working for the enemy of Khumfah right? You should know better.
What’s Phupha like in this world?
I’ve quitted a long time ago. I don’t have anything to do with them anymore
I’ve never even met Phupha.
So you know what happened to my family.
I do. But I don’t know if it’s what you want to hear.
Just tell me the truth.
After you died, your father died not long after.
That house was left empty.
So I basically have nothing in this world - no house, no friends.
Gosh now I know how it feels to be invisible.
It’s not that bad.
It is that bad. I feel so lost.
It’s me you have, at least.
I know who you are. I know how you feel.
If you have no place to go, you can come stay with me first.
Would that be a good idea?
Until you find a way to get back to your world,
I’ll do the best I can to help.
Thanks. I feel a whole lot better now.
Water substance usually appears on a full moon night.
Looking at the calendar, the next one will come in 3 months.
That’s when you can go.
3 months… That’s what I had in mind.
What do you have in mind?
I got to thinking last night what I should be doing in this world.
Some things happen in advance and some things are behind to where I was living.
For example, Phupha hasn’t got promoted.
and not assassinated.
So I still have time to save hime.
It might sound simple as a plan.
But Phupha isn’t someone you can easily get to.
That’s why I need Thai’s help.
My help?
You said you’d do the best you can.
Please, I beg you, I need your help.
What I meant was to help you get back to your world.
not anything to do with Phupha.
I’m sorry. But it’s none of my business. I’ve gotta get going now.
Pleaseeee. I’d do anything you want.
But please help me save Phupha.
Why do you want to help Phupha so much.
Phupha and I…..we’re close friends.
I don’t think I can.
Well then why did you ask?!?
“3 months later
Come in.
Bad dreams again?
Hmm. So what’s up?
The president wants to see you at the office.
Oh you’re here. Need your help deciding where I should go.
Phuket, Krabi, or Phanggha.
Phuket sounds nice. My friend owns a resort there. It’s beautiful.
How long are you going for?
A year maybe.
You’re not saying…..
Yes. I asked Janda to marry me. I’m thinking of retiring somewhere.
And you’re sure she’s the one?
You should stop being bias. I know she’s a lot younger than me.
But she’s working really hard. She gets me. I know I picked the right one.
If you are so certain. Then I respect your decision.
Thank you son. After the wedding,
I’ll announce your succession
Be prepared for a whold new life full of complications.
I won’t let you down.
You have to sign these.
OK. Put them over there
No breakfast again?
I’ll eat when I’m hungry.
You’re still weak and you have to take pills after breakfast.
If Por ever finds out our CEO is weak, they could easily attack us.
Got it. I’ll take them later. How’s the bodyguard scouting going?
I’ve shortlisted to 3 - impressive profile.
I’ll set up a meeting for you to meet them.
Yes. Bring them in.
This is Ohm. This is Chad. And this is…
I’m Bill.
”3 months ago
Tai’s house”
Don’t be alarmed.
I left the pan hot for too long so I burned an egg.
What you’re doing???
I’m here to beg. Please help me with Phupha.
I promise to make breakfast everyday
Please…please please
Tai..Tai Tai please I beg you. Please help me out.
I don’t give up easily
and you’ll find out.
Tai. I beg of you. Please. If you help me out,
I promise i’ll do anything You’re fishing right? Here.
Why don't you tie this to the rod. Let me do it for you.
Bring it up. Here we go.
Tai. It's so cold. I'm so so cold.
Please don't go. Tai. Tai. Come back.
What's wrong with him? Why does he have such a cold heart?
And where am I now. How do I get home?!
A rabbit!! You must be in pain. I'll set you free. Here. Go.
What have you done to my trap? That was my rabbit!
I don't get it. You can eat so many other meat.
Why rabbit!! It's too cute to be eaten
You're talking way too much, you know?
What are you doing to my people?
Thank you for saving me… Ouch!
So this is your plan to get my attention?
What plan?
You got yourself into trouble because you wanted me to come save you.
No!! I just wanted to help the rabbit..
You want me to help you with Phupha.
That's why you had to do something stupid like this
If this is all you can think of, there's no way you can save Phupha.
I know I'm a loser, I'm a coward. I'll never be good enough. Happy now?
I just wanted to say….
You were right… IlI'll never be good enough to be able to save Phupha.
From my mother, to Phupha, I've never been able to save anyone.
All I could do was just to stand there witnessing their deaths.
But let me tell you this.
I'll never use death as a cry for help.
I know how it feels to lose someone you love.
I'm truly sorry. And I won't bother you from now on
Wait! I'm sorry… But let me ask you one more time
Why do you want to help Phupha out so much?
Is he really that significant to you in that world?
Phupha and I… We’re really close friends.
Close friends that take extra care of one another
Before we know it, we already had feelings for each other
Why didn't you say it in the beginning?
It's not an ordinary relationship like everyone else's
So I was afraid people wouldn't understand
I get it. Love is more about heart than head
I kinda had a guess about you and Phupha at first.
]But why didn't you..
I hate liars. Now that you're telling me the truth…
I guess I can help you with Phupha.
Yes. You can have my word
Thanks bro. I was lucky to have met you
OK. So now I'm with Boom, Namwan, and Nopporn.. Right?
Let's start with the first question
Why do you want to work with Khumfah?
High and fair pay
I was an intern here and very impressed with family system
Everyone is so nice and dedicated
What about you, Nopporn?
… I want to work here because of you, Mr. Phupha
What's your plan for growing Khumfah to be sustainable and
long standing. Let's start with you, Nopporn
I will…take the best care of you, Mr. Phupha.
because I know you'll take Khumfah to the next level for sure.
Let me be blunt and honest with you
Here at Khumfah, we appreciate hard working employees
Not the ones who know how to please with sweet talk.
I think you're wasting your time trying to impress me.
Thanks for your time. You can let yourself out.
Sorry that I upset you.
But I've just heard so much about you from aunt Lu.
Lady Lu who owns the land on Moon Shadow waterfall?
Excuse me. Would you two mind waiting outside for a bit?
Lady Lu is your aunt?
Yes, I'm his nephew by blood
Is there something you want to ask?
Let's get straight to the topic
I want to buy a piece of land on Moon Shadow valley
But I've heard it's very difficult to get to Lady Lu
Yes. But if you really want it,
I guess I could be of help
Only if you hired me
Is that all you want?
Yes, that's all
Are you bribing your way into Khumfah?
Well, is that an option?
You can start tomorrow
And we'll talk about setting up an appointment with Lady Lu
Have you thought of next steps after saving Phupha?
Not really. Saving him is my priority. I'll figure out the rest later
You're no different from the other Kram at all. Zero back up plan
You sound like you're really close to Kram in this world
Tai… Tai
Hey! You're not answering my question. Close or not?
Quite close
How close?
Close enough that he pisses me off everyday.
Whining, clumsy, always gets himself into trouble
Sounds more like a complaint than a compliment
I adore him anyway.. One of the reasons I'm helping you,
is because I miss that Kram I used to know
And you… you're very different from that Thai completely
What's he like, that Tai you know?
He killed my mum
Sorry about your mum
That's why you were so threatened when we first met
Yes. But the more I get to know you, I realize you're much nicer
Isn't that strange how the two of you could be so different?
Because I got to know you
Don't worry about it
Let's go now. I'm getting hungry now
Lady Lu is waiting for us at the fall. But the area is restricted
You’ll have to go alone.
Lady Lu wants to speak to you in private
But Mr. Phupha..
It's OK, Wayu. I heard Lady Lu is a very private person
I'll go in there by myself
What are you doing? Where's Lady Lu?
She's on her way here
I thought she was already waiting here
Give me 5 minutes to explain. Here’s what I’m trying to do
We don’t have time, Mr.Phupha
What are you saying?
You’re in danger
Let go of me.
You’re in danger.
Let go of me.
Time’s running out, Mr.Phupha.
Hey! Hey!!!
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