Undead Unluck (2023) s01e02 Episode Script


[Fuko gasps]
My unluck always gets people killed.
So I felt like I didn't deserve to live.
But I eventually met
an undead who found me amusing.
At first I hated it,
but being with him helped me
feel like I could keep living
a little bit longer.
At least, that's what I thought.
How'd things wind up like this?
If a kiss did that,
then [bleep] should make
an even bigger stroke
of unluck happen!
Like apocalyptic kind of stuff!
[Fuko grunts]
I'm talkin' a massive stroke
of unluck that completely overrides
the basic rules
about contact area duration!
While it's hot,
let's jump butt naked on this theory!
He's the worst!
It's like he only thinks
of me as a tool for dying!
What do I do?
I need to get out
of this situation somehow,
or else or else
My first time will be taken
by this foul-mouthed jerk!
I need to figure this out before
he tries to make a move.
All he cares about is tasting
the best of what death
has to offer.
[gasps] There has to be something.
- Oh, that's right! Likability!
- Huh?
The only people I've ever kissed are Mom,
Dad, you, and Grandpa,
and Grandpa had these freaky dentures that
scared the crap out of me.
[bones cracking]
At the time all he got were sprained legs.
He passed away three years later.
Too much of a time lag
for it to be my fault. My point is…
the more I like a person,
the bigger the unlucky event becomes.
That's the key.
So, if you try to force me into any sort
of funny business right now, the end!
Game over! I'd end up hating you forever!
- [grunts]
- I mean it!
Forever and ever!
Are you really okay with that happening?
It means you'd get crummy unluck
and lose your shot
- at a proper death!
- [TV static buzzing]
[breathing heavily]
You don't say?
Pretty clear what the plan is, then.
- Huh?
- Basically,
I can't allow you to die until it happens.
Huh? Till what happens?
[Andy] Follow me.
Is this an armory?
I've set up places like this
all over the globe
for whenever I run into those guys.
[Fuko] "Those guys"?
Now, let's get crackin'.
[power tools clanging]
You're good to go!
- Bullet proof.
- [clanging]
- Stab proof!
- [blow lands]
And resistant to chemical weapons!
[Fuko] What's with all this heavy armor?
[Andy] It's a counter measure
against those guys from yesterday.
[Fuko] Uh, I see.
Just who were those guys, anyway?
An organization that polices
unidentified mysteries like ourselves.
As far as they're concerned,
we're the ones they gotta keep in check.
A second group of 'em are sure
to show up today.
B But we really socked it
to 'em good yesterday,
didn't we? I bet they're too freaked out
Fat chance. They've got
some reinforcements,
namely folks like us.
People who negate
the basic rules of this world.
They're known as negators.
[Andy] Yesterday they saw
our abilities in action.
But theirs are unknown.
We don't stand a chance.
All we can do for now is run.
Once 50 years ago
those negators caught me,
and when they did
they really did a number on me.
- 50?
- Spent the next decade
in a lab. Poked and prodded my body
- to hell and back.
- What the how old are you?
It makes me wonder what they'd do to you
if you got caught.
There's no tellin' how many people
would die just to confirm the rules
- of your unluck.
- [whimpers]
Maybe they'd cut your fingers off just
to see if they still work when detached.
[Fuko] No way!
We gotta get outta here!
- Right now!
- [laughs]
- Look at you, getting all terrified!
- Hurry up!
[engine revving]
It's time to kick off our road trip!
If we're caught, we're done!
There's no lookin' back!
[singing in Japanese]
[engine revving]
But where are we going?
- Do you have somewhere in mind?
- What?
Heck no! We're on the run!
- We'll just keep on runnin'.
- Huh?
That sounds like it's only a matter
of time till we're caught!
And I'm already a huge liability to you.
If you get captured again
like yesterday, then
Calm your little head.
Till you fall for me and give me
the biggest stroke
of unluck you've got,
ain't no way I'm lettin' you die.
Fall for you?
You you still haven't given up
on all that?
I appreciate your protection,
but there's no way I'd fall for you!
Nah, you will.
After all, you're a big pushover.
I I am not a pushover!
And quit rubbing my head. [groans]
That's another thing
I don't like about you!
- Huh?
- [glass cracking]
- Here they come.
- Huh?
What is that?
It marks the spot where they warp in.
50 years ago when
these guys came and nabbed me,
I saw the same thing.
- Now hit the deck!
- [whimpers]
It's headed for us!
It's the Union!
What in the
Andy, are you okay?
- [grunts]
- You're something, aren't ya?
Still rushing in to help, huh?
Is it 'cause you like him?
[Fuko] Who is this guy? An enemy?
My legs! They won't move!
- [scoffs] I've nabbed this one.
- [Void] Then kill her.
We capture Undead and dispose
of Unluck, remember?
[Shen] Oh, what's the hurry?
I wanna chat her up a bit!
How old are ya? Interests?
What's your ideal type?
[Fuko] Who is this goofball?
Flirtatious fool.
- Oh, nifty trick.
- Yeah, go get him, Andy!
Now you're all
[grunts] Mine.
No way! Why'd he suddenly stop mov
[gasps, grunts]
Sorry, but that wasn't me.
No, for real. I swear it wasn't.
[Andy] My body won't budge.
Specifically, my arms, legs, and torso.
[both grunting]
[mechanical parts whirring]
[Andy] I can move now.
So the reason my body froze up
back there wasn't because
I numbed my nerves
and ruptured my muscles.
- This dude is
This is your guy!
He's the movement stopper!
He's the reason I can't move right now!
You need to focus your attacks on him!
You know you're movin'
your hands, don't ya?
[groans] I know!
I'm talking about my legs!
Ah, big difference.
Both of these guys are external-targeting
restrainer-type negators.
They seem similar but their ranges
and abilities aren't.
The big guy over here paralyzed my body,
and the mop top brat over there
has your will, I take it.
Though I don't know what exactly
they're negating
- to pull this off.
- [grunting]
Guess you learn things living that long,
but simply knowing that info
doesn't mean a thing.
That's why they put us up for the job.
Guess I can move after I get hit!
Now I'll just get hit, fix myself,
- and slug ya!
- What an idiot.
[both grunting]
Not bad for someone who's
still able to feel pain, though.
What an outrageous way to fight.
Hey, are we gonna get chased
by people like you forever?
Well, only if you manage
to give us the slip.
That meteorite yesterday
didn't do you any favors.
Because of that,
your capture priority levels rose
to eight on a scale of ten.
You were just a five when you
were discovered,
so no matter how many hunters you avoid,
there will always be other
menacing people gunning for you.
Menacing people, huh?
Yep, negators just like you and me.
My condolences.
Like you and me?
Huh? Wait.
If we're the same then why
aren't you guys being hunted?
[mechanical whirring]
Ooh, curious?
Piqued your interest, have we?
- [Void] Hey, Shen!
- [Shen] Lay off.
Where's the harm? She has a right to know.
There are ten.
[Fuko] Ten what?
[Shen] The Anti-Unidentified
Phenomena Control Organization
The Union.
Within the ranks of the Union,
there's a special team made up
of ten negators.
Once in, you're exempt
from pursuit on the condition
that you commit to carrying out
various missions assigned to you.
You need to pass a few tests
to get in, though.
[Fuko] Uh, wait a sec.
So that means if we
become members then they'll
stop chasing us, right?
[Void] Sorry, kid.
All the seats are taken.
[Fuko] C Can't move!
[Void] As long as there are no vacancies,
the roster sees no additions or changes.
Negators who aren't members
are UMAs who throw
the world into chaos. They're monsters!
Oh, I get it now!
Instead of getting hunted,
we just join the hunting party.
Totally sick. Let's do it!
We'll bust up those two asses
to make some space
and then we will be a part of that ten!
Who knows what kinda stuff
they'll have us do once we're in?
But don't worry.
So long as I'm around,
lettin' you die ain't an option.
Neither is handing you over
to anyone else.
[gasps] Mm!
[Void] Hey, they just had direct contact.
Yeah, but only for a sec,
so the unluck won't be all that.
[Fuko] Uh, listen up!
I think a huge stroke of unluck
is headed this way!
But it's not because I'm in love
with you or anything!
- [engine revving]
- I only like you out of gratitude!
- [Void] Hey, retrieve her.
- Okay, I'm going.
- [Void] Doesn't look like it.
- [snickers]
- [Void] Get out there!
- [Shen] Hmm.
- I'm not feeling it.
- [Void] Quit stalling.
- [Shen] But, you know
- [Void] Enough whining.
[Shen] Fine, whatever.
It won't work!
I won't fall in love with you!
So don't get the wrong idea, okay?
Welp, there you have it.
Hand over your two seats.
[scoffs] Unscathed, huh?
That was close!
[Andy] Now, then
Negators either negate their
own rules or those of others.
When you're fighting against
external-targeting negators,
you gotta figure out exactly
what they're negating as soon
as you possibly can.
When Jumbotron gets in an attack stance,
he negates my movements.
So maybe his power is
But I ain't got enough intel on the brat.
He was able to restrain
the Unluck kid without any kind
of specific movement.
Just what does this guy negate?
I better sneak around
and use hit-and-run tactics
till I've got him figured out.
- [chomps]
- [beeping]
[beeping continues]
[rapid beeping]
[rubble crashing]
[breathing heavily]
Was all of this my fault, too?
Or just a coincidence?
[Void grunts]
That's a level eight for you.
Just look at this mess.
I'd be dead if it weren't
for that crazy old coot's suit.
Unless you can predict the outcome,
it's not a weapon. It's a calamity.
I'll dispose of her.
[mechanical whirring]
But first I should probably
take care of you, Undead.
Shen, you all right?
I've secured Undead.
That just leaves killing Unluck.
Got that?
- [Andy] Can I give you a hand?
- [Void] Huh?
Plenty more where that came from.
You see, when I lose a body part
- It disappears after 30 seconds.
- [Void scoffs]
Or maybe I should say it lasts
for 30 seconds.
Via con dios, Unavoidable.
- [gunshot]
- [Void groans]
I call it "Parts Bullet."
I use my regenerative power
to shoot my half-torn body parts
like projectiles.
[electric buzzing]
See, you negate your opponent's ability
to avoid every time you get into
an attack stance,
and strictly speaking,
you're only stopping your
target's muscle movements
while it's in effect.
Meaning you can't stop my regeneration.
Ya should have read up more on
your own rules, bud.
Well, that's one down.
[Shen] What was that weird sound just now?
Hey, Void?
- You're next, pretty boy.
- [neck cracking]
Huh? Are you serious?
But your seat's already secured.
Weren't you listening before?
[Andy] You're the one not listening.
I gotta join, too, so we need two seats.
[chuckles] You're a real gentleman, I see.
[Andy] What does this guy negate?
Guess I'll have to die until
I find out just like always.
I'll get that opening in his stance
on the right side of his waist!
Hit him with a right kick!
My left leg?
[chuckles, speaking Chinese] Wonderful!
[Fuko breathing heavily]
- [gasps]
- [blows landing]
Wow, you're incredible, Mr. Andy!
Not many have laid a hand on me before!
What I'd give to spar
against you on a regular basis!
Oh, wait. Are you two friends now?
You moron! He's clearly screwin' with me!
Oh, you brought the sword, huh?
Toss it this way!
Are you sure?
- What if you don't catch it?
- Just toss it already!
[Fuko gasps]
[Andy] I may not know exactly
what it is you negate,
but your power's all about opposites.
You purposely tease a gap in your defenses
and then defend the opposite side.
Right goes to left. Up goes down.
- [grunts]
- [Andy] Annoying for sure,
but that's all there is to it, right?
Fine, then, here you go!
[Andy] But
What do you do when you're faced
with an attack you can't parry?
I gotcha now!
[wind blows]
[Shen] Ah, it was only for a split second,
but you hesitated to strike.
You weren't sure.
Even after living 200 years,
you still hesitate when it comes
to killing, huh?
Or maybe you didn't want Miss Unlucky
to see you murder someone,
though I doubt that you're that soft.
Now then, all that's left
- [Shen chuckles]
- Huh?
I won't reveal my rule to you,
but you can't touch me or run away.
My power works on your deep psyche
- so it's no use trying to res
- [Andy] Hey.
- Um.
- Uh?
Why in the hell did you come over here?
I I I'm so sorry!
I thought it was gonna work!
Now we're both in this
Union weirdo's line of sight!
I swear I was only trying to help!
You gotta believe me!
Well, which one of you will be joining us?
That's a no-brainer. She is.
You can ship me off to a lab
for all I care.
You can't just decide that on your own!
They ran you ragged
for ten years, didn't they?
Why would you voluntarily
[Andy] You wouldn't last a day
in that kind
of place without losing your mind.
- [Fuko] Maybe, but
- [Andy] No buts!
Hittin' on a chick
that ain't right in the head
is back-breakin' work.
This is fine.
Still going on about that?
What if you never break free?
What if you
No need to worry. [chuckles]
I'll slip out before you die,
even if it kills me.
Even if you become
a wrinkled old hunchback,
I'll win your heart and give you
a night to remember.
[Fuko gasps]
Understand? Now scram.
See ya later.
[speaking Chinese] Understood.
Well, time to go, Miss Unlucky.
Wait a sec! [grunts]
- Look away for ten minutes!
- [Shen] Huh?
I can't! It'll undo the restraint!
I don't care! Just turn away!
We're about to do some
[grunts] Some totally X-rated stuff!
Wait, why?
Whoa, hold up.
I gotta get you to fall head over heels
- in love with me first.
- Oh, shut up!
Because of this body,
I've never experienced even
a hint of romance,
so I don't know if I've fallen
for you or not.
Either way, no matter what
the reason may be,
if there's someone willing
to fight till they're bloody
for my pitiful sake,
I can't just abandon them
without giving up something!
- [grunts]
- [gasps]
We do this here and now!
I have no idea what to do,
but it just might provide you
the unluck you need to die!
I'm sorry I can't do more to repay you.
Now that is some relationship!
Didn't you just meet yesterday?
- [laughing]
- S Stop laughing at me!
Whew, okay, sorry.
The two of you are tons of fun!
Splitting you up would be a big bummer.
[both gasping]
Right, here's what we're gonna do.
Let's have you kill another one
of our members!
If you do I'll put in
a good word for you both.
In three days on August 5th
and Lake Baikal,
one member will be investigating a UMA.
Kill that member and you're golden.
- [buzzing]
- Look for a red necktie
and an emblem.
Of course, there will be people
hunting you along the way.
Here's hoping you both
arrive there in one piece.
Well, those are the terms.
See you in the Round Table room!
[glass shattering in reverse]
H He spared us?
Yeah, thanks to that deviant behavior
- of yours.
- Deviant behavior?
I wasn't just [gasps]
I wasn't playing around!
I ain't rotten enough
to bang a chick just 'cause
she's desperate.
Don't pull that crap again.
Won't happen again, sir.
[Andy] Time's a-wastin'.
- Let's hit the road!
- [Fuko] Wait, to Russia?
But I don't have a passport or anything!
[Andy] Don't need one.
Public transportation's too dangerous.
We're gonna take my route.
First we move top speed to Niigata.
Next we hop on my boat
and book it to the Russian port
of Vladivostok.
Then we'll switch over to a jet plane
and head to Irkutsk.
There I'll hire some of my old war buds
for combat support.
Then we lie in wait
for our target at the lake and off 'em!
Russia. Vodka!
How old are ya?
Uh, I'm 18.
[Andy] You're legal there!
When we're done, it's bottoms up!
[Fuko breathing heavily]
Sounds like a bit of fun.
[Kairi Yagi's "know me" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
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