Undercovers (2010) s01e02 Episode Script


[Foreboding music.]
" " I understand.
We'll do it the first day of the global business summit in Stockholm.
This will make the embassy bombing look like a firecracker.
And you've confirmed that she's on site at the Nulsys lab? It's been confirmed.
I'm driving the clients to the lab right now.
Once inside, we'll proceed as planned.
Do we have a deal? You have a deal.
What makes you think she'll do the work for you? She'll do it.
I've already got her husband.
- Time to go? - Yes.
Call my brother.
Tell him to get the cars ready.
We'll see you in Stockholm.
Good luck, Mr.
How much longer you think? I understand the road is bad, but the destination is good.
Not too far.
Kruger, avoid the potholes.
We'll have to leave Pakistan for that, Mr.
[Car doors close.]
We have eight researchers working today.
12 more come in next week.
Phase one, which is almost complete, is the analysis of the fiber-optic systems in Pakistan.
And you're saying your tech is faster? No question.
The work of Dr.
Nasir has exceeded all expectations.
Is she in the building? Dr.
Nasir? Yes.
Yes, she is.
- John - Quiet.
Stay with me.
Kruger, keep a lookout.
Another truck's coming.
We got to be gone before it gets here.
John, what the hell? I need you to focus.
Did Kruger know about this? Why didn't you tell me? Because you couldn't handle it! Dr.
I have a job for you.
Why would I ever do anything for you? Your husband's safe.
For now.
[Soft rock music.]
- You didn't do it.
- I never do it.
And you know why? Because I don't need to do it.
- Clearly, you do.
- Who's not doing what? What are you guys fighting about? He didn't read the instructions and destroyed the coffee machine.
Oh, no, Mr.
"B," that coffee machine's expensive.
- I didn't destroy it.
- Stop eating my hors d'oeuvres.
And if you do, at least tell me if they're good.
Hey, guys, the guy from the hotel is here.
He's, like, right behind me.
He'sRight here.
Her name is Dayita Nasir.
A computer scientist who's done some groundbreaking work in the miniaturization of microprocessors.
She's also done some work for the Indian government research lab developing miniaturized explosives.
She took a job with Nulsys telecom, a company that had a start-up facility outside Karachi.
Nasir was kidnapped from that lab five days ago.
And we just got word that her husband's gone missing as well.
Obviously, a scientist with her skill would be dangerous working for the wrong people.
We believe that these men are responsible.
John and Bruce Seidel.
And Hollis Kruger, a Johannesburg native.
- Who are they? - Private military.
Hired by Nulsys through blacklodge protection to provide security for their CEO.
We think they had their own agenda, killed their employers, not to mention two visiting American businessmen.
The Seidel brothers have disappeared.
They probably have Dr.
But intel has tracked Mr.
Kruger to the west indies.
Ooh, the Turks and Caicos.
We get to go? I'll be Frank.
Coming here asking you to fly to an exotic locale, hoping that your rusty espionage skills will be sufficient enough to do the job pains me.
In the groin.
I don't know how you're going to be able to find Dr.
Nasir when you can't even operate a coffee machine.
- How do you know about that? - I can fix that machine.
He didn't read the instructions.
Do you read the manuals? Steven's usually good with technology.
Please tell me you don't read the manuals.
Guys! I cannot stand that simultaneous yammering that you do.
Both: Sorry.
- See you soon.
- I'll be counting the days.
You're gonna need to take the engagement party.
We have to go back to San Francisco.
I know what you're doing with that guy.
In there.
You do? I know the catering company isn't making any money and the hotel job pays a lot, but you're just gonna shut this place down, aren't you? - Lizzy.
- Well, you can't.
I need this job.
I need someplace to go.
You don't want me to start drinking again, do you? Of course I don't.
But we're not shutting anything down.
You still have this job and you always will.
Oh, my God.
You are the greatest.
I knew I could trust you.
All right.
Well, have a fun time in San Francisco.
We will.
What do you think Kruger's doing in Turks and Caicos? Probably hiding out till everything dies down.
You know what, I'm just gonna let you pack my stuff while I read Kruger's file.
So unlike with the coffee machine, you actually prep for missions.
This is basically our first real mission as partners.
It's weird.
I'm gonna see a whole other side of you.
Well, I don't want to scare you, but prepare to be amazed.
These three guys killed a lot of people to get this woman.
And they took her husband.
They got to be planning something big.
What if she does whatever they want in order to save her husband, even if it means making an explosive for them? I don't know that I'd blame her.
Look, if it comes to that, Dr.
Nasir's gonna have to make a very difficult decision.
But if we can get Kruger tomorrow, maybe he won't get that far.
So how do you want to run it? We canvass the hotel until we spot him.
I'll get him alone.
Then we force him to tell us where Dr.
Nasir's being kept and what she's doing for them.
So you take the lead and I got your back? Sounds like a plan.
[Reggae music.]
" " Kruger is smart.
If you're gonna lay low, this is the place to do it.
So, sweetie, good luck with that whole catering thing.
I'm moving here.
Best of luck picking up your man.
Yeah, you're not much of a partner.
I'm the only one doing any work here.
I got him.
This chaise isn't taken, right? I'm Jamie Datnow.
Hollis Kruger.
So nice to meet you.
Just remember, sweetie, this guy's a killer.
[Upbeat music.]
[metal door scrapes open.]
Don't surprise me like that.
This is dangerous work and I'd rather we all not explode.
Are you finished yet? I'm working as fast as I can.
When? Tell your boss "today.
" It will be ready.
For your husband's sake, I hope you're telling the truth.
I've seen what my boss does when people lie to him.
He promised me I can see him en I've finished.
He promised! Please.
[Tropical music.]
" " excuse me, ma'am.
Let me towel up for you, okay? There you go.
I'll be poolside if you need absolutely anything.
- Hoyt, walk away.
- 'Scuse me.
- You from Johannesburg? - Yes.
Pretoria? Cape Town.
What brings you here? Cape Town has great beaches.
Clifton's too crowded.
And sometimes I just feel like being pampered.
I'm gonna buy you a drink.
Do I have to stop at just one? Wow.
Seriously, who are you? I feel sorry for the men you do this to.
All right, sweetie, I'm gonna go check out his room.
Be careful.
[Soulful pop music.]
" " here's the towel you requested.
The towel.
Hoyt, there's nobody around.
You can just talk to me.
Okay, I got you everything you requested.
Key card, lock pick, code cracker, GPS tracker Hoyt, we've done this before.
You're Picasso.
I'm the brush salesman.
Who am I to tell you how to paint? My wife is out there seducing a man by the pool.
The longer I talk to you, the longer that goes on.
Which must be very awkward for you.
Watch Samantha.
Make sure she's okay.
I'm in.
Roger that, Agent Bloom.
The seduction continues.
Very successfully, I might add.
This was supposed to be a trip with my boyfriend.
Like an idiot, I thought he was going to propose.
He broke up with me last week.
What about you? What's your story? I'm in security.
Taking a much needed holiday.
Simple as that.
"Simple as that.
" - Uh-oh.
- Sir, did you find something? All right, this is all in arabic, which I can't read.
- I could.
- Really? - You could what? - You never told me that.
- I speak nine languages.
- I could go for another drink.
Well, you're gonna have to look at some pages, sweetie.
Not a problem.
You were talking to your wife, weren't you? Bingo.
Sam, bring him in.
Would you rather have the drink in your room? Okay.
Package is on the move.
You don't need to say "package.
" It's cooler that way though.
Wow, these trackers are smaller.
I'm putting one in Kruger's watch.
Yes, sir.
And there's some new features that you might want to check out.
Hoyt, I got it.
They're entering the building.
- Make yourself comfortable.
- I will.
Oh! [grunts.]
Hello, sweet lips.
Who the hell are you people? Your worst nightmare.
Let's just say we work for one of your competitors and leave it at that.
There was an incident in Pakistan last week.
We know you were involved.
And that Dayita Nasir is missing.
Found this in your safe.
Nasir's health records, work history, everything including surveillance.
You want to tell us what you're doing with this? I have no idea.
You understand as well as anybody what private security means, right? We are not police.
We don't follow rules.
This isn't my operation.
It's Seidel's.
John Seidel.
That's your answer? John Seidel? And we're supposed to believe that? Believe what you want, but it's the truth.
John's crazy.
All of this was John's idea.
We were hired to protect these businessmen.
John killed them along with everyone else in the lab.
Except for the doctor.
John and his brother took her and sent me here to deliver those papers tonight.
- To who? - I don't know.
Those aren't my papers.
They're John's.
A terrorist cell was looking for some new weaponry.
We were working for a company that was employing Dr.
John knew she had a background in micro explosives.
Okay, so they wanted to make a weapon.
For what? What are they planning to do? I don't know.
I'm telling you.
That envelope has an address on it.
Whose is it? Never seen it before.
I'll check it out.
If you're this innocent, how come you agreed to deliver those documents and not run? - He's paying me.
- He's paying you.
I'm not the mastermind.
I'm just a pawn.
Oh, yeah? Really? Like one of these? I don't think so, buddy.
Got a match on the address.
Never seen it before? It's Seidel's.
All right.
There's something up with this guy.
I'm gonna stay here and go with him to the meet.
You guys go to Caracas and see what's up.
Or and I'm just thinking out loud I stay here with you, she checks out Seidel.
You two can have your tropical honeymoon another time.
You're coming with me.
- Are you gonna okay? - I guess so.
But, honestly I did it again, didn't I? I'm good.
Try not to kiss anybody else for the rest of the day, please.
- That kiss was your fault.
- [Laughs.]
Are you crazy? The plan was for you to hit him as soon as we walked in.
You were supposed to hit him when you walked in.
That's not what we talked about.
I said you come in and you pop him.
- Who cares? - I thought you meant you pop.
- I meant you pop.
- Everybody's saying pop.
I would've happily popped People, doesn't sound like this is gonna end any time soon, so what's the plan? You and I are taking a trip.
- Go.
- Yeah.
[Spanish pop music.]
[Fireworks exploding.]
" " never been to Caracas.
But a little caracan trivia.
The anthem of the city is the Marcha a Caracas written by composer tiero pezzuti de matteis.
Lyrics by Jose Enrique Sarabia.
Though you can't always trust Wikipedia.
Turns out Burt Reynolds and Tom Selleck are not twins.
Hoyt, too much information.
Do you see anything? I thought I saw some movement, but it might've been a reflection.
Well, there's only one way to find out.
- Let's go.
- Yeah.
- I need to go alone.
- Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
I told you I don't know who I'm meeting.
They won't approach me if I'm with you.
I'll be close.
Something tells me you wouldn't have the same luck with me without that gun.
Tell me something, Agent Hoyt.
What's that, ma'am? When you buy something, a new blue-ray player, computer, camera, do you read the instructions before using it? You're kidding, right? Cover to cover in all five languages.
I'm the guy who reads the electrical hazard warnings.
- Why don't I - Check down the hall.
Yeah, got the hall.
Unh! It wasn't John! It was his brother! Get the car! [Tires screech.]
You should look both ways before crossing, Bruce.
Nice job.
We know about the murders in Pakistan.
We know about your brother John and Kruger.
And what you did to Dr.
Nasir and her husband.
So it's over.
You can either tell us everything right now or refuse to cooperate and I'll kick your ass.
We both will.
We're both gonna kick your ass.
- Hoyt, I got this.
- Yeah, you got it.
It's your turn.
We also know this is John's plan.
John's dead.
You're a liar.
Look, it was John's plan.
So you're half right.
But, uh, but I knew nothing about it, okay? Now, Kruger was in on it, but not me.
John killed almost everyone in the building.
We took the scientist.
We drove away.
His plan was to meet a chartered plane, get her out of Pakistan.
He had a had a lab somewhere.
She was supposed to do whatever work he needed.
John had everything figured out.
Nice job back there, gentlemen.
- Any changes? - Nope.
Everything proceeds as planned.
- But Kruger - Not everything.
I guess he wasn't loyal to anyone.
He thought he killed us both.
Except only John died.
I was told that I was found by a convoy down the road unconscious.
Otherwise, I'd be dead too.
You can check satellite images if you like.
You'll find everything I'm saying checks out.
The man you're looking for isn't John Seidel.
It's Hollis Kruger.
Hello, Mr.
Good to see you.
Care for some company tonight? Um, I'm good.
Thank you.
We, uh, saw you sitting alone and thought we could help you.
Yeah, well, I bet you could, but, um Your friend said we should do whatever you wanted.
Damn it.
[Grunts angrily.]
[Cell phone rings.]
I think Kruger's our man.
I got some bad news.
If I am understanding this correctly, you actually had the man responsible for Nasir's kidnapping in your custody and then you let him get away.
Is that about right? At the time, we didn't know Kruger was responsible.
Right, right, right because he told you that he wasn't.
And why would you doubt that solid chain of evidence? So what's the plan now? Maybe you'd like to get his address so that you could send him some delicious homemade scones.
You tasted my scones? No, I did not taste your scones.
Now let's discuss the tracking chip that you put in his watch.
The tracking chip that doesn't track.
You did activate the tracker, right? I can't believe this.
You didn't read the instructions, did you? Hon, there is no instructions on a CIA GPS tracker.
You know what I mean.
You can't just go online and You haven't used a CIA issued tracker for five years things change.
Hoyt explained the whole thing to me.
You need to press the reset button till the light goes green.
Did you not do that? You didn't turn on the tracker, did you? Look, I'm pretty sure the button was green Yellowish.
Time is at a premium.
Which is why I decided to bolster your team.
You think that's really necessary? - We don't really need an - Sorry I'm late.
- Leo.
- Oh.
You think maybe you could invest in a few parking spots outside? This is supposed to be a business, right? Is this who you're bringing in? That's sort of an insulting welcome.
Well, apart from being an excellent Agent and having a personal relationship with you, Mr.
Nash also has expertise in current generation technologies.
If anyone can get that tracker online, I'm looking at him.
Thank you, sir.
See that, big guy? That's my fist.
There you go.
And you come on over here.
Good to see you, Leo.
[Inhales heavily.]
God, you smell good.
- Hey, hey.
- Yeah.
If this is gonna work out, you and I, we need to lay down some ground rules, okay? Okay.
Then let's lay some ground rules.
Then we go catch some bad guys.
What do you say? [Beeping.]
If this doesn't work, he's gonna want us to kill her.
Okay, so now that I'm in charge, here's what's gonna happen Now that you're in charge? Well, maybe not in title, Steven.
But after your performance today My performance? It has been a while for you, huh? But, hey, I don't want to play the blame game.
We all have off days sometimes, right? So as I was saying, now that I'm in charge Leo, it doesn't matter who's in charge.
Well, it kind of does.
What matters is if you get that tracker working so we can find Kruger.
Nasir and her husband are still missing and we have no idea where either one of them could be.
We need to move.
I'm so sorry to interrupt.
This is really important.
Like life or death important.
[Clears throat.]
I made this quiche and I really need someone to taste it.
- You made it? Mmhmm.
- You never cook.
- I know.
- Wow.
That's amazing.
- Really? - Mm.
- Really? [laughs.]
Well, thank you.
No, no.
Okay, we need to go somewhere quiet so we can finish what we were doing.
I'll call you later.
Oh, he is cute.
- No.
- No? No, no, no.
You're recovering and he's an alcoholic.
It starts there and gets worse.
But I mean it about Leo: No.
Okay, if Kruger started here in Turks and Caicos and he's had 24 hours to travel, then according to this, dude could be almost anywhere.
Thanks for the expertise.
Thrilled they brought you in.
Hey, I actually miss hanging out with you.
I just don't want it to be awkward I used to do sex with your wife.
See, it wouldn't be that awkward if you didn't bring it up every time you saw me.
Got it.
Leo and Sam doing sex no longer a topic.
Where are we on tracking Kruger? Here's the thing, the tracker's still transmitting.
It's just in sleep mode.
It's a new model.
You wouldn't have known to turn it on - unless you actually - Read the instructions.
We can send a signal to activate it.
We just don't know where to send it.
There are six satellites we need to pulse.
That'll take some time.
And when we get a read, it's only There's a woman somewhere in this world making an explosive to blow up who knows what.
Can you activate the tracker or not? May I ask a question? You told me to make two bombs.
When I close this up, my job here is done.
Will I be able to see my husband then? First I need you to finish the job.
Then we'll figure what's next for you and your husband.
I think you should get to work now.
[Item clatters.]
- Whoa.
- Uhh! That's a whole lot of beans.
And that was with reading the manual! Hey, let me take a look at it.
No, no, I got it! Wow.
Seriously, we need to talk this thing out because I can't work with this hostility.
Why are you so angry? Is it that I used to do sex with your wife? Stop saying that.
And who says that? Do sex? That's just wrong.
I'm somewhat sorry that it happened, but not completely.
And that's just me being honest.
You know what I realized, the time you were dating Sam was the same time I saw you with that woman in Poland.
- Oh, yeah, Linda.
- Lidia.
- Really? - Yeah.
And you two weren't just friends either.
Wait a minute, are you mad at me for cheating on your wife? Do you even hear yourself talk? - One of my favorite sounds.
- Oh, my God.
Truth is, the thing with Linda Lidia was for a case, okay? She was a target.
I was totally honest with my girlfriend/your wife.
Speaking of which, does Sam know what was going on with you when you left the CIA? We left so she and I could live a normal life together.
The real truth.
Not the sunshiny press release version you told everyone.
Leo, that is the truth.
Okay? [Computer beeping.]
What have we got? Uh Tracker's back online.
And we got our man.
This is so weird for me.
You'll get used to the backseat.
I've been on missions with you and with you, but never you two together.
It's crazy.
What about when we saved your ass from getting killed? Yeah, but that doesn't really count.
That was more of a rescue than a mission.
Hey, Sam, remember that Brazilian dead drop? Okay, that whole talking about Samantha like you know her better than I do thing is gonna stop right now.
Buddy, I could do the same thing for you.
What about Santiago? Yeah, I don't like that either.
That's what I'm talking about! This is weird! No, let's just embrace it.
There he is.
Leo, you remember Agent Hoyt.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Did you get all the equipment? Yes, ma'am.
I'm "packing" so to speak.
Oh, bummer.
I actually liked the beard.
Yeah, I know.
Me too.
I mean, I'd grow my own, but my facial hair moves at an alarmingly slow pace.
- I can see that.
Are you sure this is it? Yeah.
This is the last place the tracker picked up Kruger before it went out.
Let's go.
Here you go.
Everybody take one.
Like Halloween.
Am I going to come in with you guys or? Do you want me to come in with you guys or do you want me just? Yeah, I'll just stay here.
I'll just hang out here for a bit.
Just hang outA bit.
[Woman's moan echoes.]
Guys, the cargo hold quick.
It's okay.
Nasir, you're gonna be okay.
He shot me and he left.
- Ambulance.
- Done.
Hoyt, call an ambulance.
Nasir, is this the man? Yes.
He went He went ere? He went to the summit.
Oh, God.
She's got to mean the global business summit.
It's taking place about two Miles from here.
All cell phones will be returned to you after the conclusion of the summit.
Thank you.
[Tires squeal.]
[Cell phone dialing.]
Hoyt, how's she doing? Unconscious.
My Swedish is a little rusty, but I think she's gonna be okay.
Langley put you on the list at the summit.
Kruger's gonna be there with a thousand of the world's top business leaders in one place.
Use the credentials in your briefcase.
You okay with clothes? We've got what we need.
[Tires screech.]
[Upbeat music.]
" " - okay, that dress, seriously - Stop it.
So do you really think Kruger's still inside? Yeah.
I'm positive.
He's either inside or close by.
I know these types.
If he's planting a bomb in there like I think he is, he's gonna want to see it work.
[Monitor beeping.]
He has an explosive.
Who does? Kruger? Okay, where? In his cell phone.
The phone.
[Cell phone rings.]
- Yes.
- Bad news.
Nasir made a bomb that Kruger put in a cell phone.
Someone paid him to blow up that conference.
Guys, Nasir made a cell phone bomb for Kruger.
It could be on a timer or it could have a detonator.
You two find Kruger.
I'll find the phone.
Here are the cell phones.
[Dramatic music.]
Is she conscious? I need more than just "the bomb's in a cell phone.
" There are 1,000 cell phones.
Okay, we got 1,000 cell phones there.
Can you give us any hint? Anything at all? She's out again, Mrs.
Agent Bloom.
I don't know.
Hey! Oh, my God.
Hoyt, I got it.
It's a timer.
Great! She's awake! Dr.
Nasir, how do we stop the timer? You can't just remove it.
There are two red wires.
You can't just remove it.
There are two red wires.
And? And? There are four wires.
Hoyt, what do I do? She's out again.
I don't know, Mrs.
Agent Bloom.
She's unconscious.
I'm pulling one of the red wires.
She's pulling a red wire.
What do we think? Hello? What do we think? You're on your own, Mrs.
Agent Bloom.
Oh, God, it didn't work.
[Overlapping chatter.]
I'm reconnecting the first red wire and disconnecting the other one.
Digital circuits are based on discrete voltage levels.
That could set it off.
[Crowd gasps.]
I can pull the remaining three? Or the other red one? I'd vote for that.
I'm cutting the black wire.
But you never mentioned a black wire.
What about the red? It's the black one.
I know it.
It worked.
It worked? Yes! It worked! It worked! Do you understand? You can't hear me.
Hello? I did it.
[Breathing deeply.]
- What can I do? - You can get here later.
That'd be good.
- Seems like it all worked out.
- That's right, Agent Bloom.
Nasir will make a complete recovery and her husband has been found alive and well.
Seidel is prepared to testify.
Kruger is done.
And you two got a free trip to Turks and Caicos.
Which, uh, pains you in your groin.
You have no idea.
Fyi, I have recommended that Agent Nash be assigned to your team on a semi permanent basis for those missions where he may have areas of expertise.
Oh, question, sir.
Are there areas in which I don't have expertise? - Humility.
- Modesty.
I'll be in touch.
- Thanks for helping out.
- Are you kidding me? It's like old times.
This is fun.
Only you would call chasing after a terrorist and defusing a bomb that could've killed hundreds of world business leaders "fun.
" What can I say? I'm a glass half-full kind of guy.
Anybody order a cappuccino? You fixed it.
Ye of little faith.
Now that is good.
I can't believe you did it.
Um, I did sort of have to look at the instructions a little bit to put it back together.
- Yeah, Leo told me.
- He did.
What? - Leo still likes you.
- He does not.
Why wouldn't he like you? You're beautiful.
You're talented.
He knows things about your past I don't.
Sweetheart, you do know that's all it is the past.
Yeah, I know that.
I just wanted to hear it.
And anyway, you were right too.
Sometimes you can't go by the book.
You just have to follow your instinct.
This is so good.
But I can't drink it.
I'll be up all night.
Oh, well, you could be up all night anyway.
Oh, really? So shall I give you some instructions on how to proceed? [Chuckles.]
I think I'll, uh, use my instincts.

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