Unsolved Mysteries (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

13 Minutes

She had never said anything about leaving.
It just didn't make sense.
There wasn't a struggle.
Nothing was moved inside the salon.
It's like she just
walked out the front door,
kept walking.
I was in tenth grade,
when, uh, all of this transpired.
The last morning with my mother,
we got up, and, uh
the way she would wake me up is,
she would turn on the treadmill
and start running.
And I would hear it. It'd
You know, feet hitting the treadmill.
We argued a little bit that morning.
I was in a hurry to, uh, get to school
because I, uh
I was dating a girl at school and, uh
if I could get there a little early,
I'd get to talk to her
before we got to, you know, go to class.
She dropped me off at school.
Told me she loved me and that, uh,
she'd see me in the afternoon.
I told her, "Okay, I love you too."
And, um
that was it,
that's the last time I talked to her.
Later on,
I was sitting in a, um, biology class,
and a school resource officer came in.
And he said, "Look, come with me."
And, uh, he took me to the office.
And he asked me
if I'd spoken to my mother.
I said, "No."
Asked me if, uh, I had any way
to get in touch with her.
Any time I called,
if she didn't answer right away,
-she would immediately call me back.
I called three times and got no answer.
My mother was extremely involved
in every facet of my life.
Was at every meet, every game.
I've never met anybody that
always wanted the other person around them
to be happy.
I remember from a young age,
my mother had a passion to cut hair,
to make people look beautiful.
She loved it.
When I was 15, what'd drive me crazy is,
"Do your hair this way." Or, you know,
"I'm gonna try something new
on your hair this week."
So about every other week,
I would have a different color hair,
or a different haircut,
or a Mohawk, or you know,
just something crazy.
She worked really, really hard
in other people's salons
when I was younger,
and finally got to the point
to where she could do it herself.
Throughout the years,
she'd built a business
that had people coming back constantly.
Patrice was always so much fun.
She just was always smiling,
always positive.
She made you feel special.
That shop was definitely her dream.
She was really proud of that place.
She really was.
And her husband, Rob, was the one
that helped her get that started.
Patrice was 30 years old
when I first met her.
I was 50, 20 years her senior.
I was the luckiest man on this planet.
She was renting a chair
at a two-station beauty salon.
And I was driving by and needed a haircut,
and stopped in.
that's the beginning of the story.
I said, "She's gonna be my wife."
Seven years with Patrice,
they were the best years of my life.
I just remember the highlights,
and the beauty,
and the warmth, and the love.
The community loved Patrice.
Some of the people,
after their color, or cut,
or whatever they had-- had done,
would just stay there for hours
and just chat with her.
She'd just come up to you,
and throw her arms around you,
and be, you know--
I mean, she was just always like that.
She just loved everybody,
you know, and everybody loved her.
I met Patrice many, many years ago
as a walk-in to her shop.
And we hit it off, and
over the years,
we just became very close friends.
Her shop was so close to my home,
it was basically like our little hangout.
I always went by there every afternoon.
It was on my way home from work.
And I was there
the night before she went missing.
As I was leaving that evening,
she said, "Woman--"
She always called me woman.
"Woman, are you coming back tomorrow?"
And I remember looking over my shoulder
and saying,
"Of course, you know I'm gonna be here."
I would usually call her
on her cell phone.
And that particular day,
it went straight to voicemail.
That was odd.
And by the time I got to the shop,
police were there,
and my heart just stopped.
We received a 911 call
that said a client had showed up
at Patrice's hair salon,
and she was missing.
As soon as I got there,
we kind of all looked at each other,
and I just-- I remember the eye--
the look in each other's eyes, like,
this doesn't look good.
When the Forsyth County
investigators came to Patricia's shop,
the cash register was open.
Money was missing from the cash register.
Her purse was found,
inside, on the counter.
It appeared that, uh,
she was warming up her lunch.
It was found there on the counter,
by the microwave.
The rest of her shop was unremarkable.
It was Patrice's normal,
clean, tidy, well-kept shop.
You would never walk in there and say,
"Okay, this is a crime scene."
We found no blood.
We found no overturned furniture.
We found no drag marks.
There wasn't a lot of evidence.
There wasn't a lot of things
to point you in one direction or another.
When the, uh, police took me
to my mother's hair salon,
there was, uh, detectives,
and, you know,
crime scene investigators, and
they were going in and out.
And then they said, "Yeah, she's missing."
Immediately, I broke down,
because it was like, "What do you mean?"
You know?
"I don't understand.
No, there's no way.
She'll be back, you know.
I don't know what's wrong
with her cell phone.
Don't know why she left it,
but she'll be back.
She's just gone somewhere
for a little while."
The day that Patrice went missing,
I was at work.
It was probably
around 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon.
In a situation like that,
you don't try to think the worst.
And the-- And the--
Even the remote concept
that she had been murdered
was just not something
I was thinking about.
When I got to Patrice's salon,
they started talking to me and said
"And we'll see you
at the Forsyth County Sheriff's Department
to interview you."
I didn't get the bracelets.
I didn't feel like a suspect.
But, yeah, I get it.
I have a degree in criminology.
I'm Patrice's husband,
and a lot of times, husbands are guilty
of killing their wives.
So, you-- you know, you get to do this.
We didn't want to come out
and say we had a kidnapping
'cause we didn't know
if you had a kidnapping or not.
There was nothing that--
that indicated a crime had occurred
outside of the location.
The only thing that was out of place
was her motor vehicle.
The vehicle was facing westward direction.
What was strange about that was,
all of her customers and her neighbors
and family and friends would explain to us
that she always parked
on this side of the building.
And she would always back in.
So, closest to the side door,
where she entered every day
to come into work.
There was a lot of theories around why
the Chevy Tahoe had been moved.
Did Patrice move it?
Did somebody else just come up
and move it after the fact,
before we were called?
You know, somebody rolled up
and said, "Hi, I need a jump."
Would that be an explanation
for the car being moved?
Could very well be.
We went up to Patrice's shop,
and there was just a swarm of just
everything going on.
There's helicopters flying and--
Totally freaked out.
There was just police everywhere.
I mean, it's just like a scene
out of a movie. It was just weird.
When I got there and I, you know,
saw what was going on,
-it just seemed so chaotic.
We were all just crying.
We didn't really know, you know,
"Where is she?
What's going on? Who's got her?"
A thorough search was conducted.
No Patrice.
Of course, the hope was
that she would be found alive,
and that nothing sinister
had really happened to her.
That maybe her life was not as happy
as everyone had thought
or she was not as stable
as everyone had thought
and she had just run away from it all.
They did ask me,
"Do you think Patrice would ever leave?"
And flat-out I said, "No, there's no way
she would have ever left Pistol.
There's just no way."
She worshiped that child.
There was nothing she wouldn't do for him.
She was never gonna leave him.
My mother would talk to me
about anything.
Didn't matter what it was.
About two weeks prior, she had said to me,
"If I was to ever go anywhere,
where would you go?"
And I said, "I don't know.
I mean, my dad's house, I guess."
She didn't say she was gonna leave.
But more of a scenario of
what if something happened?
I didn't think anything of it,
you know, at the time,
because that's as far as it went.
Obviously, in these kind
of cases, it's a jigsaw puzzle.
And it takes time to--
to put the jigsaw puzzle together.
Early on, we had to build the timeline
for what happened to Patrice.
Patrice had customers in her shop
the entire morning.
We were able to ascertain
from her appointment book
who was in the shop.
First client, Pam Sheppard,
arrives at the shop
for a nine o'clock appointment.
Patrice is there.
Pam tells us
that Patrice seems distracted,
was not very attentive to her.
About 11:05, Pam Sheppard leaves the shop.
At 11:10, Paul Cantor arrives at the shop
for his haircut.
He left the shop at 11:27 a.m.
And he got a phone call
as he was leaving the shop.
And we were able to verify that
by his cell phone records.
At 11:35, a customer calls
to change an appointment.
That customer reports that Patrice
was somewhat short on the phone.
That was unusual for Patrice.
That call lasts about two minutes.
Based on phone records
-the next phone call comes at 11:50.
Patrice doesn't answer the phone.
So, you can draw the conclusion
that something's not right here.
It's critical that we understand
what happened in that 13 minutes
between 11:37 and 11:50.
Outside of her shop, around 11:45,
you have two different witnesses,
independent of each other,
which is critical.
They see another car.
As I came over the hill,
I noticed first her SUV,
which was normally parked on the side
which was now visible,
and a Chevy Lumina,
which was pulled directly into the shop.
The Chevy Lumina was in here,
the hood right here.
The salon door was open.
I did notice the Chevy Lumina did have
the Georgia Quail Wildlife tag.
There was a second witness
driving by Patrice's shop
around the exact same time frame.
He believes it's a, uh, Ford Taurus,
possibly a Malibu.
There were two ladies that I saw
in front of the Lumina.
A taller, dark-headed lady.
She was more, like,
in the middle of the car.
And then, on the passenger side
in the front of the car was an older lady.
The second witness,
he believes he sees a male
standing in front.
But he does describe shoulder-length hair.
They had hands on each other.
I don't know if one had tripped,
if one was pushing one down,
if one was helping one up.
It just did not look normal.
These witnesses are credible
because they essentially
saw the same thing.
And they're totally independent
of each other.
One of the detectives looked at me
and said
"You do realize
that you very well could've been
one of the last people to see her alive."
it broke me.
I-- I started crying right there.
How do you process that?
Why didn't I stop?
If I could've been the last one,
why couldn't I have done something?
Why didn't I do something?
I've struggled.
I've cried myself to sleep
thinking about this.
The Lumina to me, holds a key.
A lot of people told me
that it would be okay,
that she would turn up,
and she would never leave me at any cost.
I didn't know what to do.
I walked through the woods for hours
calling her name.
I'd never been without my mother.
I was a couple months away from turning 16
when she went missing,
and it made me grow up extremely fast
after the fact.
Went through
some hard times after she was gone.
You take a lot of things for granted
in your life,
until, uh, they're all stripped away.
Yeah, this was the, uh,
the last home that
my mother and I lived in.
The last time I slept here was
the night before she went missing.
This is a a bittersweet memory for me.
I dealt with a lot of, uh, deep issues
in this home.
But I have a lot of good memories here,
I remember the last Christmas
I spent with my mother here.
She always made Christmas kind of a, uh,
her-and-I type situation.
She made sure I got everything I wanted.
But also remember
having memories here where
I would stay in my room just so
I wouldn't have to deal with, uh, Rob.
I was eight or nine when, uh,
when they got married.
Patrice was so happy.
She was just radiant and smiling
like you're supposed to be
on the day that you get married.
She thought Rob was the guy
that she was supposed to be with.
When I walked her down the aisle,
I cried like a baby.
I can still remember it.
I gave her over to Rob
and I said,
"Just take care of my daughter, will you?"
And he said, "I will."
In the first year,
Rob was, uh, really nice.
You know, he tried to be a stepfather,
tried to include himself
in things I was doing,
like going to take me to football practice
or whatever the case may be.
And then, uh
it flipped.
He turned into
a completely different person
and acted extremely different towards me.
He just tried to make me feel
that I wasn't good enough.
He'd walk past my room
and just say really crude stuff.
Many of my friends that would come over
would see it,
and would hear the, uh, snide comments
that he would make.
I went through years of it.
When I met Rob,
he was always overly protective,
always hovering whenever he was around
of even her friends' relationships
with Patrice.
She wasn't happy.
They fought a lot.
Rob wanted her all to himself.
He didn't understand
why she would give me so much attention
and thought that
he wasn't getting attention
because I was getting it.
I would watch them fight sometimes.
If it was ever about me,
she wouldn't back down.
Patrice and I didn't argue.
We never argued.
There's no point in arguing.
All that does is drive divisions in a--
in a relationship.
I think Pistol was enormously
jealous, for the lack of a different term,
about the closeness
of Patrice's and my relationship.
One of the things
that we struggled with is
she didn't discipline him.
And he just ran crazy.
I just didn't see any future in him
when I was with him,
to tell you the truth.
She had spoke about divorce
a couple weeks prior to
all of this happening
because she was unhappy with, uh,
the relationship
and had been for quite a few years
up to that point.
Patrice planning to divorce me
is new information.
We-- She never made that comment to me.
Sometimes, there were issues.
But I don't remember the issues.
I care not to remember the issues.
And, um, yeah, I'd expected
to live with her forever.
We had a whole entire life ahead of us.
The day after my mom went missing,
Rob changed all the locks
on the doors on the house,
wouldn't let me in to get any clothes
at all.
After Patrice went missing,
just as a precautionary measure,
I believe I changed
all the locks in the house.
I would bang on the doors,
knock on the windows
but no one would come.
It made me feel really angry,
and upset at the same time.
It's still hard for me to believe.
I didn't want Pistol in the house
the you know
I didn't like him.
And just to be on the safe side,
just go stay somewhere else.
And then we know you'll be safe.
And I'll know I'm not gonna have
this constant mental drag on me
that you're here
and I have to put up with your stuff.
After my mom had been missing,
I went to live with my father.
He's, uh, got a small farm,
raises a lot of chickens.
It was rocky during that time.
My father, uh, had gone into depression,
because my mother
was still his best friend.
Throw it right there, scatter it.
And.. he was hers.
They, uh-- They spoke every day.
And it wasn't anything farther than that,
but they knew
they could always depend on each other,
and, um they both loved me.
And that's
They made sure that, um
I'd always have a mother and a father
that supported me,
even if they weren't together.
A game chicken.
We got you.
I started getting more anxious
as time went on.
And I woke up every morning thinking,
"Okay, today's gonna be the day.
She's gonna pop up
and everything's gonna be fine."
She's gonna say, you know,
"Look, I had to do this
to get a life made for us
so I could get away from Rob,
and we wouldn't have to endure
any more of that."
Every fucking morning.
Every morning.
Never came.
Every night, I'd sit on the couch
and I'd look out at the window,
saying that, uh
hope-- hopefully that I'd see her.
Over time, you realize, you know,
nobody's seen her,
nobody's hearing from her.
It's real hard.
'Cause not only is she your friend
Excuse me.
but you don't really know
what happened to her.
I didn't give up. I never gave up.
I kept thinking in the back of my mind,
"She'll, uh, pick up the phone one day
and she'll call me."
Or, "She'll send me a letter
with no return address." Or
Yeah, you think all those things.
Of course you do.
When you love and care about somebody,
you never wanna give up.
I think we interviewed
everybody that knows Patrice.
Financial records, phone records,
every can that can be kicked over
or touched was.
And we have looked, uh, strongly
at a laundry list of suspects.
Once you've taken someone,
you're either gonna kill them,
or you're gonna get caught.
It's as simple as that.
Gary Hilton attracted our attention
after the murder of Meredith Emerson.
And, as an artist
uh, and as a sociopath,
if you're doing this,
you would like to select your victims
on an artistic sense.
He abducted this young girl and her dog,
uh, took her into neighboring
Dawson County,
kept her alive for-- for a number days,
and brutally murdered her.
Gary Hilton is a person that,
uh, we know has been in Forsyth County.
He had actually been stopped
by one of our deputies
on a traffic stop, here in Forsyth County.
We learned that Gary would call people
and essentially con them out of money.
But he would also do that in person.
And he made the statement one day
that his favorite place to go
was a hair salon.
He would go in and he would ask for money.
Favorite time was lunchtime.
Gary Hilton doesn't need a motive.
Gary Hilton hunts for people.
He hunts for opportunities.
We've not been able to alibi him.
We've not been able to prove
that he is not involved.
But we've not been able to prove
that he was involved.
He's certainly a potential suspect.
Is he the only potential? No.
Are there others? I'm sure there are.
What you're seeing right here
in front of you is a nice guy
that would help an old lady
carry her groceries to her car.
Jeremy Jones was arrested in--
in Mobile, Alabama,
for the murder of a female there.
That's why people say
I don't fit the profile of both.
Jeremy Jones was an easy person
to talk to.
He, like most people, liked to hunt, fish.
You know, he'd talk sports.
But he had a demon inside that--
You know,
he liked to sexually abuse women.
And he confessed to, uh, probably,
six to eight murders of women.
By definition, he is a serial killer.
She said she had a family
that loved her very much.
She started crying,
which started to make me cry.
Uh, I got her back there to the warehouse.
And I forced myself on her.
When Jeremy Jones started
to confess to these different murders,
he talked about how he needed to tell us
about a hairdresser in Georgia.
The first time you met Patrice
was at her shop?
Did you ever talk to Patrice?
When I'm high on dope,
I ain't got no integrity.
Yeah, I could become the evilest,
most cruelest
individual person, like Heckle and Jeckle.
Jones said he was passing by
and decided to approach the--
the beauty shop.
I went to the beauty shop,
asked her to come out and help me.
Told her I might need a jump.
Forced her in the car.
I had a knife.
And I told her
that I'd kill her if she tried--
She was crying
Jones drew a diagram
of where her vehicle was parked,
and where he parked his vehicle, and
it was an accurate depiction of--
of where it would be.
So you went to this river and, uh
did what?
I threw her over the side of the bridge.
Jeremy told the investigators
that he threw her in Sweetwater Creek
in Douglas County.
We made a pretty extensive search
from where he said
that he had done something.
Cadaver dogs, boats,
search and rescue personnel
who are very adept at that.
We didn't find anything in that area.
There have been times
that individuals would come
into law enforcement agencies
and say they have killed someone, um,
but as you start to look further,
then it is not true.
And, ultimately,
Jeremy Jones recanted his confession.
We found no evidence
to link Jeremy Jones to the kidnapping
and murder of Patrice Endres.
But that does not eliminate Jeremy Jones
as being a suspect.
There was some things
he told us that, you know,
I thought was really incredible
and impossible for someone to know
that wasn't there.
I believe he's a strong possibility
for Patrice's murder.
This is the Lebanon Baptist Church,
built in '41.
My mama and daddy
was two of the founders of it.
We was building the Fellowship Hall
and trying to finish it up, and, uh
one of my friends come over
and bought me a biscuit,
and wanted me to come around and eat it,
me and him.
We come out on the back steps and, uh
I was eating a biscuit,
and a bunch of buzzards were down there,
flying around,
and I said, "When I get through eating,
I'm gonna go down there
and see what they flying around about."
And, uh, got down there,
and my buddy said, "Uh, I found a deer."
My buddy said,
"What's that right there behind you?"
I said, "Where?"
and he said, "Right there, to your right."
And, uh, I looked and I said,
"Looks like a skull."
I was, um
I was in school.
I, uh
Senior year.
And, um
I got a call to go to the, uh,
principal's office.
Which wasn't rare for me,
'cause, you know
I was, uh
kind of a problem at that point.
My father
he came in.
He sat down.
And I'm going
"What's going on?"
And he said, "Look, they, uh
they found your mom today."
I'm going, "Okay cool. Where's she at?"
And he was like, "No.
They found her remains today."
And, uh
it was very hard for me
to focus on anything
for quite a while after that.
Very hard day.
It's still hard.
She died too soon.
Why? We don't know.
I'd like to hear her call me and say,
"Hey, Pap, how you doing?"
But that don't happen no more.
She's in heaven, enjoying life up there.
And one day
maybe I'll get to see her.
We got the call
from the Dawson County Sheriff's Office
that two volunteers at Lebanon
Baptist Church had found a, uh
a skull that they believed to be human.
This is an area that's woods
for as far as you can walk.
When Patrice's body was found,
it was December 6th, 2005.
Six hundred days,
she was-- she was missing.
From April 15th, 2004
to December 6th, 2005
is 600 days on the dot.
We initially had a team here
within a matter of hours,
searching to try to make sure
that we find every piece of evidence.
For this entire area here,
all the way to the bottom of the ravine,
I want it to look like this.
I want it to be cleared
where I can see the dirt.
Where if there's something
embedded in the dirt
some piece of evidence
maybe a bone
then I can find it and I can collect it.
This particular area
where Lebanon Baptist Church is at,
is-- is very rural, very-- very remote.
It would be difficult over that terrain
to carry dead weight.
But you can't discount
that she wasn't walked in here.
So we don't know that
Patrice was carried in here, drug in here,
or if she walked in here. We don't know.
The investigators were here
for a day and a half.
Two hundred and six bones in the body,
and we left here
with slightly less than that.
It's disturbing that Patrice possibly
laid in the woods for 600 days.
You feel like you didn't do your job.
You feel like you didn't do enough.
You feel like
you failed the family.
I have different theories,
as far as what I think happened.
I told the police that
I think Rob had something to do
with my mother's murder.
I think that, uh
her trying to get a divorce from Rob
played a major part in this.
I can only imagine how jealous he would be
of her leaving him
and possibly going to someone else.
I told the police
they needed to look at Rob.
Because of what I knew
about how she was not as happy with Rob
as she had been in the past,
I always thought Rob
had something to do with it.
I have no comment for people
who think that I killed Patrice,
because I don't talk to those people.
Because I know I didn't.
Patrice knows I didn't.
And it's physically impossible timewise
for me to have been involved in it.
Think what you like.
The day Patrice went missing,
I was at home.
Before I went to work,
I got gas for my car.
I had a receipt.
The receipt's time-stamped.
Her shop is probably a 45-minute drive
from where I was in Woodstock,
getting gas.
They have when I went through
the turnstile at work,
so they have the clock sitting there.
It's physically impossible
for me to go to Patrice's shop,
and get back and get gas,
and get to work and all that stuff.
It's not gonna happen.
How about motive? What was my motive?
We didn't have life insurance on Patrice.
She's 38.
You know, I mean it's--
You know, nice try.
Rob Endres was thoroughly investigated,
and we created a timeline for him
that doesn't eliminate him from--
from being able to do this,
but greatly reduces the chances
that he could've done this.
It doesn't eliminate a murder-for-hire.
But it just doesn't seem probable.
We've uncovered nothing
that suggests that at this point.
In my mind's eye,
why I think somebody
who knew Patricia's routine was involved,
somebody that she knew,
because the place wasn't disheveled,
wasn't beat up,
nothing turned over, supposedly.
Who's to say
it was one person to carry her?
Was she kept, uh, captive for a while?
You know, I hate to say this,
but was she somebody's toy for a while?
Who knows when she was put out there,
or how?
Did someone take a wheelbarrow
and haul her out there? I don't know.
I don't work off theories.
I work off the evidence,
the information, the facts.
The Patrice Endres mystery
appeared to have occurred
in a 13-minute window.
From the time of the last phone call
Patrice made at 11:37,
to 11:50 when the next phone call came in,
when Patrice didn't answer,
I strongly believe
that Patrice was already in the process
of the event
that eventually led to her death.
I wanna know what happened
in those 13 minutes.
We know that money is missing
from Patrice's cash register.
So, is a robbery the primary motive?
I don't think so.
Salons are generally not targeted
for an armed robbery.
There's generally not a lot of cash
on hand in a salon.
But the road itself is very busy.
People constantly walked into her shop,
asked for directions,
asked questions about the area.
It's possible
that just the wrong person walked in
and realized
that this is a prime opportunity.
And then she was gone.
The blue car is critical.
That blue car is one thing
that we know happened at 11:45,
and that is in the middle
of that 13 minutes.
Whether it be a 1992 Chevrolet Lumina
with a Georgia Wildlife tag,
or whether it's a '99 to '02 Ford Taurus,
or a Chevrolet Malibu four-door.
If you know someone that has a blue car,
that that day, something was different,
got home a little bit late,
and acted extremely unusual
from any way
that this person has ever acted before
then that's a piece of the puzzle
we need to know.
We also didn't find
Patrice's wedding ring.
The 1.5 carat pear-shaped diamond
with two other 14-carat gold rings
we believe were attached.
We would like to find that.
There's aspects of--
of the Patrice Endres investigation
that we can't discuss,
that we refuse to discuss,
because we define it
as guilty knowledge information.
Guilty knowledge information
is information that's only known
by the person responsible
for what happened to Patrice,
and by us, the investigators themselves,
that know every aspect of the case.
We can't afford
to have a false confession.
We definitely want to give
some form of closure to the family.
This is the location
where we had the table
where Ms. Patrice's remains were.
I asked the people
who took care of Patrice's remains,
"What I'd like you to do
as a last farewell"
I don't know if that's how I termed it.
"is reassemble her.
Lay her out for me.
I wanna see her."
The skeletal remains that we received,
we placed as best we could
in a correct anatomical position.
And then, when we had that ready and set,
I brought Mr. Rob into this room,
where he had some time with Ms. Patrice.
I picked up her skeleton, I mean her head,
and carried it around for a while.
Put her back, kissed her goodbye.
I thanked Mr. Caldwell and I left.
He asked me if I was okay to drive. I was.
That's the last time I saw Patrice
anywhere near intact.
Probably for a year or longer
after Patrice was returned to me,
her ashes
she stayed in my bed. I slept with her.
It's something
that I typically don't share with people.
But she was like my teddy bear.
'Cause that's how we used to
You know, that's how we used to sleep,
snuggled together.
Just brought back good memories.
And yes, I'm protective of Patrice.
And I have her.
That's a good thing.
Should be in here.
Here's her ashes.
You can see how beat up this box is.
I kept it in the box.
I didn't take it out.
There we go.
And there's Patrice.
This small, one pound bag,
are the cremains for Patrice.
It's the first time I've seen this bag.
It's somewhat emotional, actually.
Sor-- Sorry.
I'd never share these ashes with anybody.
Particularly Pistol.
It's been 15 years.
At this point, I've, uh, been without her
as long as I had her.
I don't have her remains.
Uh, Rob's actually got 'em.
And that hurts me more every day.
I, uh, couldn't do anything about it.
Didn't get any pictures
or anything of hers.
I didn't get to, uh,
grow up and leave home like
normal, and be able to come back,
and know I had, you know,
someone always behind me
pushing me to be better.
I just hope I can be
half the person she was.
I think she still hears me.
There's times that I--
Sometimes I think she's still here
and she's still, you know,
right behind me.
Been searching for that closure,
and some justice for what happened to her.
That's all I'm looking for.
She deserves it.
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