(Un)Well (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Tantric Sex

Tantra is a magical thing.
Tantra is life.
Tantra is a path of awakening.
Nobody knows what tantra is.
Nowadays we have this industry
of tantra
that's available in workshops with people.
It's generally really good sex,
with a promise of wellness.
Was I orgasmic? Yes.
Did I have a full-body orgasm?
Is it a big deal? No way.
We're all capable of experiencing that.
You just feel this wave of energy
coursing through your body.
It was a mind-blowing experience.
For people to be selling
tantric sex as some sort of therapy
that is based in a tradition
they have no notion of,
that is cultural appropriation.
Some of them are very cult-like,
and so it's a very murky field,
and a very dangerous field.
There's no shortage
of sex scandals,
when the product being sold is sex.
Rape isn't rape.
It's sexual healing.
I trusted him,
and he completely abused me.
A global industry
worth trillions of dollars.
Does it bring health and healing?
Or are we falling victim
to false promises?
Are we really getting well?
Tantra is not about
a sex technique.
Tantra is about how you relate
to your own body,
how you relate to life,
and how you dance with it.
As funny as it sounds, I am tantra.
Tepoztlán is a small village
in Mexico.
It's actually called "pueblo mágico,"
which means "magic town," "magic village."
And it's looked at as an energetic vortex.
It has a very powerful energy to it.
A very transformative energy to it.
And it's surrounded by these mountains
where there's also pyramids,
and there's also a lot of UFO sightings.
I have not seen any,
although I have spent many nights
on that rooftop hoping to see one.
I feel a lot of times,
when you come to the planet
to do a particular kind of work,
the work chooses you.
I always had a really deep interest
in all things spiritual,
and definitely a lot of interest
in sexuality, sensuality,
what it means to love
and relationships, relating.
For me, it's like the juice of life.
As far as my background goes,
I did have an informal training
with a man that had been doing this work
for many years,
and that was the beginning of what we now
call "the work."
The work, and how it's done,
always leads back to the same thing.
How do you relate to your sexual energy?
How do you relate to your sex?
But in its truest essence,
this work is tantra.
So, in regards to today,
I wanted to touch on
the need for orgasmicness for health.
I travel so much,
and I have clients all over the world.
People find me through social media,
interviews and conferences.
The majority of the clients that I have
come to me
because of something related to sex.
Be it, they've never had an orgasm before,
some of them come to me because they have
severe depression or severe anxiety.
They can be also clients
that are coming to me,
of course, with challenges
around relationships,
and around how they relate
to sex and sexual dysfunction.
All right, lovely people.
So, find yourself a comfortable place
where you can lie down.
We focus so much
on the emotional release stuff, right?
People hold so much trauma,
so much baggage,
and it is that orgasmic energy
that starts to clean out the body.
And yet, I find that for a lot of people,
they get really kind of stuck
and addicted to this, "I'm cleaning,
I'm cleaning, I'm cleaning,"
and I'm saying,
"When are you going to start decorating?"
Are you feeling me?
So, just relaxing the body
relaxing the breath
and for the men,
bringing your awareness to your genitals,
for the women, bringing your awareness
to your heart area.
Just feel yourselves
and really invite
orgasmicness to move through you.
Make love to your environment.
Make love to your bodies with your breath.
Relax your neck, Dagmar. Relax that neck.
And give that breath to yourself, Kurt.
Give that breath.
And remember that I can feel
all of you through my body,
so what I'm feeling
is definitely a lot of energy.
Everyone always wants to know
what I'm doing, but it's so simple.
Our orgasmicness, and orgasmic states,
are a healing modality
that cleanse the body
of trauma.
To have energy being generated
and move through the body,
it starts to push out
on all of this garbage.
It's a purification process.
For those of us that have experienced
your typical orgasm,
we all know that it's a buildup
of energy in the body
that eventually builds up so much
that there's an explosion.
But, what if you actually
were to take that buildup of energy
and expand it out to your whole body,
so you are an orgasm.
Tantra is allowing life
to live through you.
So, if life wants to laugh through you,
you laugh.
If life wants to cry through you, you cry.
And if life wants to communicate
some kind of truth through you,
do you judge it?
Do you resist it?
Or do you allow life fully to be lived
through you?
Thanks for that, Sasha.
Um, thank you, Sasha,
I needed that.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, Sasha.
- Thank you, everyone.
- Thank you!
Goodbye, everyone.
Bye, everyone.
Love you, guys.
Thank you, Sasha, bye.
Some people are great at painting,
some people are great musicians,
some people are great cooks.
I just happen to give people
full-body orgasms.
The question of what is tantra
is a really complex one.
It, like yoga, is a bit hard to pin down.
Tantra is a religious thought and practice
starting first in India around 500 A.D.,
that spread into Asia,
and eventually made its way to Europe
and the United States
in the last hundred years or so.
In the early stage,
much of tantra was about
learning to attract and control
powerful female beings
called yoginis or dakinis.
Tantra comes out of
an earlier demonological tradition,
and demons and demonesses are scary.
They want to eat you,
they want to inhabit your body,
and then it becomes their body,
and you're dead.
The male tantric practitioner,
they'd offer themselves up
to those yoginis,
because if they eat you seven times,
in seven successive lives,
you're gonna come back
as a superhuman being.
There was a tradition
of sexual magic
that went along with demonology.
Sexual fluids are power substances,
and generally speaking,
initiation in tantra
involves drinking a cocktail
of the semen of the guru,
and the uterine blood or sexual emission
of the yogini,
so that the initiand can drink them,
thereby transforming a mortal
into a supernaturally powerful being.
And that is the goal of tantric practice,
to become godlike.
Neotantra, I put the emphasis
on the neo,
to my mind it is not tantra,
because it doesn't respect the teachings
found in the tantric scriptures.
If someone in India
were to start selling um, uh,
Mary, mother of Jesus Christianity,
and involve sexual postures,
I don't think Christians would be
too happy about that.
When you asked me
what is tantra,
the thing that popped into my head
is that Matrix quote:
"Nobody knows what the Matrix is.
You have to feel it for yourself," right?
It's a little bit like that.
Nobody knows what tantra is.
My name is Michaela Boehm.
I consider myself an expert
in embodiment,
relationship and sexuality, or intimacy.
Tantra has very little to do
with sex.
Actual tantra has very little
to do with sex.
It's a much wider exploration than just,
have three hours of sex
and be enlightened.
Which is the Western way
of looking at tantra.
It's time to ditch the quickie,
and enter into a world of slow sex
to reach the epitome
of spiritual enlightenment.
Are you Sting fans?
Allegedly he practices tantric sex,
which does come from ancient India.
It's a form of yoga, if you will.
A tantric sex session,
you sit there, you both look each other
in the eye, and touch foreheads.
You get really close to one another,
you breathe each other's breaths.
He, like, encourages me to keep going,
and then I just keep
getting more energized.
I would say my work
is very tantric in the approach that
everything is a,
is a portal into the divine,
and everything is a portal
into living your life fully.
Your partner is a portal
into the divine, as well.
She's worked with some
big names in Hollywood
to keep the spark alive
in their marriages,
but for Michaela Boehm,
it's just another day in the office.
She is a scholar, and a friend.
Michaela Boehm, she is the truth.
A lot of people consider sex
the marker of a successful relationship.
And, of course,
we also live in a culture where
sex, and being sexy, and having great sex,
has become a thing all unto itself.
In my work, sex is the outcome of
intimate connection with someone else.
And I'm not talking sexually intimate,
but connected, available,
which gets harder and harder
now that we're all
in our, on our devices of all kinds.
Okay, so, ladies, find yourself a partner.
Any partner will do,
just so that I see where, uh, it's at.
Feeling your partner now,
with the kind of body that they're having,
uh, how would you touch them
so that their body comes back online.
Please don't touch breasts
or ass or genitals.
That should be pretty self-explanatory,
but I'm going to say it anyway.
And, begin.
I knew from very early, you know,
I'm gonna marry this guy.
He was this mix
of intelligent and wild,
and he was living on a sailboat
when we met,
and he just really knew
his way around, um, the sailboat,
which was attractive.
I was so lucky to meet Traci.
We've been married for 11 years.
And I'm absolutely convinced
that I lucked out.
We have two kids.
We wake up,
and the kids are burning stuff,
and it is insane, it is crazy.
At the moment,
we have a traditional dynamic,
where I'm on with the kids more,
and Eddy is working more.
I'm a software engineer, and I spend
a lot of time on the computer.
There's just not enough
time and resources
to give the kids all the attention
and time they need,
and be able to work,
and have time for the relationship.
I think we're just, like,
kinda bogged down by life at the moment.
We need somebody outside of us
to give some direction.
What I think would be nice is
if each of you gives me
a little bit of a snapshot
of what you think
you would like to work on.
You know, for Traci
it might not be really important
to say hi in a warm way
when I walk in the door, right?
- Mm-hmm.
- And from that point on,
at night, I'm like, oh, you weren't warm,
now you'll see I'm not going to be warm.
The there's a scene playing out
that's, like, this classic family,
where the wife greets the husband,
and, and like, "here's dinner,"
that I'm just like,
"I'm not playing that fucking game."
- Okay.
- So, there's, like, maybe some resentment
about my role and everything
that's coming out.
That's an absolutely valid feeling,
that you don't want to act out
some kind of a stereotype, right?
But when you, we drill down a bit,
it's an enormously missed opportunity
between the two of you.
What we're going to do,
is we're going to do
a bit of the praise back and forth.
Give the verbal praise,
and at the same time you're gonna
squeeze his legs,
and kind of imagine that you're
putting, kind of,
your heart into your hands.
You're just such a stand-up husband,
and father,
and man, and
you take care of us,
and I feel safe with you.
I get how hard it is,
and I know that you're
tracking everybody's needs around you,
and you're amazing,
like, how you do that.
I feel so lucky.
Traci, how was that?
Nice to be acknowledged,
I wanted more.
How was it on your end?
Yeah, it feels like, I don't, don't really
know if I'm doing a good job or not.
So, if it's good, make a happy face.
If it's not good, make a sad face,
or whatever,
so that he can learn
how to navigate your body.
Because, right, it's not easy to see.
- Mm-hmm.
- Here's what we're gonna do,
because I really wanna make sure
that you can do this at home.
You are going to massage his feet,
while he praises you.
Oh, so, Michaela 69.
You can go to therapy for years
and talk about he said, she said,
but I feel like it's just
such a positive framing,
we can take this work home
and practice it.
Your hands should never be still, Eddy.
It's work, it's work.
And it's not like,
"Oh, great, now we're"
No, now we have homework to do.
And it felt like work today.
Yeah, I mean, it was, it felt hard
at times, and uncomfortable.
- Is there enjoyment in your body?
- Yes.
Why are we not seeing enjoyment
in your body?
But, I mean,
relationships are work.
With Traci and Eddy,
we are looking at tantra as the sex thing,
or the relationship thing,
but a lot of, uh,
what's actually happening
are some pretty far-out esoteric practices
of the body and the mind.
There's a lot to it,
that nobody knows as tantra
in the Western sense.
the West has woken up to
the advantages of tantra,
and there are many people
trying to practice tantra and all.
I think there are
three major goals in tantra.
One is power, one is enjoyment,
and the third is immortality.
Tantra means technique.
Simply the real meaning of tantra is what?
You think tantra means
unbridled promiscuity.
No, tantra means extreme discipline.
There are quite a few scholars
who refer to the tantra
that's practiced and taught
and sold in modern-day United States
and Europe as Neotantra.
"New Age tantra," in scare quotes,
is this combination of erotics
from the Kama Sutra and Ayurveda
and hatha yoga,
with a promise of wellness,
and perhaps something to do
with consciousness expanding.
Nowadays, we have this
industry of tantra
that's available on the Internet
Tantric sex.
This will set
you apart from every man on the planet,
and make women remember you
for the rest of their lives.
in workshops with people.
If you really want to dive into tantra,
you are super welcome to our retreat.
into this,
kind of wellness package,
where you go for a long weekend
and have great sex,
and somehow
this is going to change your life.
Great sex is great.
I mean, who's, who's against orgasms?
But for people to be selling tantric sex
as some sort of therapy
that is based in a tradition
they have no notion of,
that is cultural appropriation.
How do you feel about
sitting on this side?
Yeah, wherever.
Tantra is a magical thing.
To know what it truly is, I I don't,
and I want to learn.
My name is Jason Ollis.
I live in Atlanta, Georgia,
and I do boiled peanuts.
We sell them at farmers markets,
festivals, gas stations,
and it is, it is amazing.
My wife and I came all the way
from Atlanta, Georgia,
to Tepoztlán, Mexico,
for a session with Sasha.
Want some french fries?
My wife is Amber.
She is a massage therapist.
We've been married for, uh, 15 years.
She's a great woman.
She came into our marriage
knowing that I had four children
to take care of,
two ex-wives.
That takes a big person for that.
And I feel that her being there will make
the experience more magical.
Those are pretty.
We we do have a strong, intimate
relationship on several different levels,
but there is some challenges.
There's some things that he would want
more of from me,
and there's things that I would probably
prefer more from him.
I do not know
what's totally going to happen.
But I know that it will be
a life-changing event for both of us,
and I'm trying to stay open
about everything.
I know at the other end of it
it's going to further my journey.
But just sitting here, I am terrified.
Anytime I work with anybody,
I always start with a consultation.
What have they been struggling with?
What are their challenges?
I feel that, uh
I get in my own way a lot.
I have issues loving myself.
Amber helps me a lot with that.
I look in the mirror,
and I don't like what I see.
I just see a fat guy.
When you work with bodies that have had
some kind of sexual abuse,
there's a frequency that you
familiarize yourself with.
So, as I was speaking to him,
I felt that frequency.
And that's why I just went ahead and
straight-up asked him.
Have you ever had
any kind of experience
where you feel like you could label
as sexual abuse of some sort?
Before teenage years uh
had a
caretaker in the home,
not, not family, or anything like that,
touched me, and different things, uh
In my head, I think I'm past that.
You know, forgiven,
and that type of thing. Uh
I still see him, every once in a while.
Just in passing.
And it brings up those thoughts again.
Do you feel that after
that time of your life
how you related to your body,
and the size of your body
started to change?
I don't think I was really a a big kid
at at that point in my life.
I find that for a lot of people,
that have this kind of extra weight
they can't quite get rid of,
they put it on as a way
of protecting themselves from the world.
It's stagnant and stuck sex in your body.
It'll be really fascinating to see
what happens after the work
that we'll do together
because once you start to get that sex
to move in the body,
and that energy starts to flow,
the weight melts off the body like
You're not a fat guy.
You've got a lot of man inside of you,
and you've got a lot of sex inside of you.
And so now, how do we
clear those memories out of the body
so that sex can move through you,
and you can let your body
come to a natural state?
So, I'm gonna start off just by
waving my hand over your body,
without making physical contact,
and then there will be times when I will
physically place my hands on the body.
- Okay?
- Okay.
So, from your side,
it's a very simple process.
There's not a whole lot you have to do.
You just have to breathe,
and feel.
But I do want to mention
that it's very important
for you to let sounds out.
So, from an outside point of view,
when you view the session,
it's a little bit confusing.
It doesn't look like
I'm doing all that much.
But what we don't see is the amount
of energy coming off my hand,
and the amount of energy
coming off his body,
and how now my hand is moving the energy
and focusing on places
where he has had blockages,
where he has been stagnant,
where he has been unloving with himself.
The energy generates in the body,
and as it does, it starts to vibrate.
In that vibration,
places that have been constricted
and locked
start to open, and open, and open
until they release.
For most men,
when they get on that table,
there's a roar that comes out,
just like a lion,
that has been caged for a lifetime,
that comes out to the mountaintop
and finally roars.
It was such an intense feeling,
I I it's hard to describe,
it really is hard to describe
the emotions that go on when you're in
a place where you're totally surrendering.
From the beginning,
you're on the table, close your eyes,
really just don't know
what's going to happen.
You have no expectations.
And then you just feel
this wave of energy
coursing through your body.
There were sparks coming out
from my fingertips.
I don't see how anybody didn't see that.
It was a beautiful experience
to be in the room with Jason.
The moments that he would
feel extremely emotional and crying,
I felt that as well. Um,
I think it spoke volumes to me
that we were that connected.
I feel it was a,
a type of getting the old out
and replacing it with new.
It it was an exorcism
to a, to a certain degree.
I was releasing that demon
that has tormented me
for most of my life.
The demon of no self-love.
What are you feeling in there?
Wouldn't it be great
if it were, like, just have the orgasm,
and you're done,
and you're healed, like it's surgery?
I'm Emily Nagoski.
I am a sex educator.
Can I ask you all to join me
in one big deep breath
before we dive into talking
about sex?
More broadly,
my job is to teach people
to live with confidence
enjoying their bodies with science.
The definition I use for orgasm,
it is the spontaneous involuntary release
of sexual tension.
People don't need genital stimulation,
per se, to have an orgasm.
You can have orgasm
from all kinds of stimulation,
from toe sucking,
from breast stimulation,
from ear sucking.
Orgasm does not necessarily
require touch of the body.
Orgasm is a brain event.
Ejaculation happens in the spine,
but orgasm happens in the brain.
In a standard orgasm,
it might feel like most of the sensation
is happening in the genitals.
A full-body orgasm is where you
allow that sensation to spread.
Every cell of your body
is resonating at the same wavelength,
and you're like a bell that's ringing.
The whole body orgasmic experience,
which is a, a real thing
that actually happens.
Neurologically, the research
that exists does not distinguish it
from ye olde genital orgasm,
but in terms of the experience,
it can feel really different.
Tantra has a lot of power
to be a path to sexual wellness.
It puts pleasure right at the center
of a person's sexual well-being.
When people have these sorts
of healing sexual experiences,
it doesn't happen when they just
masturbate and have an orgasm
in two seconds.
Or even when their partner's there
and rubs their genitals for five minutes
and they have an orgasm.
It's not the orgasm.
It is the expansive time,
and whole body permission
to release the obstacles
that trauma has built
between a person and the pleasure
their body is capable of experiencing.
Where tantra
or any other sort of practice
can turn into something dangerous
is when a community that purports to be
about sexual exploration and expansion
is used as a weapon
to say that women are not being
adequately spiritual
if they are declining to have sex.
There's a massive element
of danger when it comes to tantra.
So much potential for abuse
and pushing yourself over your boundaries.
This was my own experience.
The first thing
I heard about Agama,
I was just simply comparing schools,
like from India and Thailand,
because I'm seeking spirituality.
I'm seeking the higher truth
of everything.
On Koh Phangan Island,
in southern Thailand,
is a destination for your soul.
A life-changing place
to revitalize yourself,
to explore the secrets
of ancient practices.
Agama is a well-known school for tantra,
especially the sexual aspect of tantra.
So many do come to Agama
and seek healing
especially on a sexual level.
Agama is run and led
and founded by Narcis Tarcau.
Being equal to pleasure and pain
He calls himself
Swami Vivekananda Saraswati.
We usually call him Swami.
You have entered into the world
of tantric yoga.
And we consider it's a very,
very special world.
Very special.
And actually, we consider it's the best.
I was really hoping
to learn to control
this anger that I carried,
which was mostly against men,
through trauma that I have with my father
from my very early childhood.
I really admired the Swami,
and opened myself up to him emotionally.
He offered he could give me
the yoni massage
Yoni is the Sanskrit word
for the female sexual organs.
to release my pelvic area,
to crack open my energies,
to gain more power over my personality
and to solve these issues of my childhood.
Many women do receive them,
and they shine.
They're so beautiful.
They embody themselves as so confident,
and so it's like,
maybe there is something about that,
that might help me.
My name is Rachel Bernstein,
and I'm a marriage and family therapist,
and a cult specialist.
When you have somebody
going into a place like Agama,
with a leader who is so revered
and so known,
who can take it
to any level that they want,
you don't know that you're being exposed
to things
that are actually traumatizing to you.
And they're there just to help you.
They're there to undo your blockages.
We are just doing it
through your chakras.
People like Narcis
hide behind the language.
If you're calling body parts
by foreign and exotic names,
you're going to think it's a technique
because it comes in another language.
So, rape isn't rape,
that it's sexual healing
and that a sexual assault
is for enlightenment.
In 2018, more and more people
started to come forward
with allegations of sexual abuse.
And disturbing audio of the Swami
supposedly recorded undercover
by one of his students
suddenly appeared online.
If I see that somebody
would benefit from tantric sex
- Hm.
- I'm a teacher of tantric sex,
and it's exactly like
I would be a martial artist
- and you want to learn kung fu from me.
- Yeah.
Should I give you a book of kung fu?
Don't I show you?
There are probably a hundred women
in my life
who had their first orgasm ever
in their lives with me
and then they went and they could have it
with other men.
I have worked like a sex therapist.
- Yeah.
- You know, like I have been a male hooker.
You know, I was with women,
and then they were not frigid anymore.
There was no checking in,
no boundaries.
Like, what is going to happen?
What are you going to experience?
And then he was like,
"Oh, you know what is the best way
to massage the yoni
is using my lingam,"
which is his sexual organ.
You have to be a good student,
and trust this person,
and I was so scared to lose
this road that I created with him.
without any consent,
he completely abused me
on every level that you can.
I don't know if I can use this word, rape.
I definitely can say that I felt
sexually, emotionally,
absolutely abused.
I think when people come into
any kind of a space that has the potential
to heal them from a previous trauma,
they are going to be vulnerable.
And unfortunately, they're going to be
that much more damaged,
when their boundaries are crossed,
when they're re-traumatized.
Because it's adding trauma to trauma.
I would have said,
"What you are saying
is your, your cervix is hurting;
when you are penetrated deep
you have cervical pain.
I can solve that in five meetings.
I can say like, I can open your yoni
like a flower." You know, and so on.
And it's so difficult to restrain
when you know, I could make this woman
happy in one week,
- you know, this woman could blossom.
- Yeah.
And like, why wouldn't I do it if I can?
This thing is happening less and less
because I'm getting older and older.
Two years later,
I'm still not sure.
Was it abuse, or was it not?
Because it had a spiritual connotation.
I was part of a six weeks'
intense program
that was called the tantric initiation.
That was basically working on finding
the truth of who we are.
That involved a lot
of sexual tantric things along the way.
The final ritual was a group sex ritual.
And from the first day,
I was saying that was something
that I feared and didn't want to do.
There was a lot of reaction,
very strong towards me.
Shaming me, basically,
and telling me that I had to stop
playing the good girl.
I had to stop pretending
I was dedicated to the path,
if I was if I was not ready
to really put in the effort.
After six weeks of being blamed
and pushed down,
I felt so pressured
I just broke down, I was like,
"You know what,
fuck you. I'm just going to do it.
I'm gonna fucking prove to you
that I can do it." And
And so I did.
In groups like Agama,
there is social pressure.
You are now part of this community.
And we get involved in doing
a lot of things
that might have been uncomfortable
to you,
that you don't think are really okay,
but we think they're okay.
And so
if you don't want to go along with it,
then you're going to really need
to look inward
to see what's wrong with you.
If you want to send something
to the gods,
you ask fire to do it.
It's all part of the journey,
and unless you keep going through it,
you're never going to get
what you came for.
I'm one of the lucky ones.
So many of my dear friends
have been abused
to sometimes really deep extent,
going to rape
and are still trying to heal from that.
when you go through such an experience,
you're not just raped of your whole being,
you're also raped of your spirituality.
Because you're with somebody
that was supposed to.
lead you to God.
And it's like God betrayed you.
There's no shortage of sex scandals
when the product being sold is sex,
uh, by males to females.
It's just this inherent danger
in this power relationship
between gurus and disciples.
So, there is certain dangers
in the world of tantra,
and it's really, really important
that you do extra, extra diligence
in choosing somebody,
or going to a workshop,
because we're dealing with sex,
and sexual engagement,
and relational engagement,
it can get really, really messy
in the worst-case scenario.
The best-case scenario,
you can learn some great things
that you take home into your life and, um,
with your chosen partner.
We're not exploring pleasure.
We're actually exploring health.
We're exploring what it means
to be a woman.
And the way that we do that
is through pleasure.
And pleasure and sensuality
is the medicine,
especially for the female body.
So, I invited Amber
as a way to participate
because, yes, it's Jason that comes
for the session,
but it's always a two-way street.
When your partner is growing,
developing, and evolving,
you better do your work, too.
And that was for her.
Oftentimes, when I speak to women,
the, the big theme
that runs across everything
is that women are always waiting
for the right man.
Right man for what?
That's what I want to know.
The right man for what?
The name of the workshop
is "opening to pleasure."
It's a workshop about empowering women.
And when you give them the space
to feel themselves,
to moan, to groan,
to cry, to laugh,
that is woman's power.
So, as I'm moving that hip,
it's for me,
for my pleasure,
for my discovery,
for my exploration,
and I give myself to that feeling.
Use your moans,
use your groans.
If anger comes up, scream.
If you need to, growl if you need to,
however it needs to come out,
but keep this vagina open.
Make that music with your sounds.
Let your body be the instrument.
Hearing the other women,
and hearing myself
make those noises
during the workshop um
there was a lot of power behind it.
At first it was a little bit
of a struggle to move that way.
Once I got out of my head,
and into my body,
it felt as though I was making love.
We were making love to ourselves.
We were making love with the voice
that was coming out.
Let your sounds out.
Let your tears out.
Let your moans out.
Any blockages that I had,
that I felt during those movements,
were worked out.
And then at the very end of it,
when we had our hands on our breast,
also our heart,
I just felt an overwhelming of love.
Tears just started pouring out of my eyes.
I started crying, just, it was joy.
It was a lot of joy that I just felt
after all of that release.
Women are "orgasmicness."
Women are sex.
And they've been told to be good girls
their whole life.
So, they shut themselves down,
they pretend,
and they hurt themselves with that.
When you give women permission
to express their sensuality,
it's extremely empowering.
Orgasms generated in response
to full body energy work,
and really deep emotional connection
with yourself,
and with another person
who is wholeheartedly present
and filled with loving-kindness.
That's why some people
choose a path like tantra.
Humans are capable
of this very profound magic trick,
that many of us have experienced
through religious ceremonies
through music and dance
like a kind of neurological bridge,
where you step out of being
just your single entity,
into a sense that your identity
is merged with the people around you.
Our brains begin synchronizing
with each other.
It is powerful and nourishing,
and can actually be a source of healing,
because belonging and connection
is the thing that gets broken
when we experience trauma.
So, energy work,
from my point of view,
looking at it through that
scientific lens, is about teaching people
to build that sense of connection,
to walk onto the neurological bridge,
and feel connected to another person,
or to the world in general.
I felt it was important for me
to do a couples consultation
with Jason and Amber.
Should I close my eyes or keep them open?
- Whatever.
- Okay, I'll close them.
Just leave Jason with a few pointers
to bring their sexual connection
to another level.
There's so much love
between the two of them.
I was just in awe.
Going into this weekend,
I didn't have a clue,
the amount of hate and despise
for myself that I had.
And I feel that it's going to open doors
that have not been open to me before.
I've always been a caring,
loving person to others.
Can't imagine what it's going to be like
me going into the same situation,
actually loving myself,
and be able to show that much more love
to the people that surround me.
I feel like a different person
at this point than I did
before I met Sasha.
I got out of the shower yesterday morning,
and today
and I looked at the man in the mirror.
There was no hate.
There was no feeling of disgust.
It was love.
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