Uspjeh (2019) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Can you pull back a bit
-Jesus, what a madman!
Please. My son's nine, he has asthma.
You'll throw us out because
your colleague had an emergency.
-Whoa, Blanka! You've grown!
-Blow me, faggot.
If you want to be my main bitch,
you do what I tell you.
It's not my fault someone
attacked her. Write that down!
You woke up yesterday and
discovered you had a conscience?
Not yesterday, this morning.
-Where's my camera?
-I can't take this anymore.
-Come back!
-Let go of me!
Come back! You'll return everything
I bought you! Bitch!
Viktor, stop!
Jesus, you killed him, what the fuck?!
-Shall I call the cops?
-Fuck that.
When his dad finds out, we're dead!
We were never here.
We know nothing, we saw nothing.
The second step to
success is the realization
that the amount of suffering
in the world is a constant.
If you want to get to the top,
you have to walk over others.
Kiki, wake up.
-Jesus, what happened?
-Calm down, everything's fine.
How can I calm down?
What happened?
-It's nothing. I'm fine.
-You're all banged up!
-Let me get up.
You have to report this.
He could've killed you.
The guy caught me
scratching his car.
The cops will say I had it coming.
-Ivor watched him beat you?
-Don't panic. He's fine.
We didn't find the knife.
Are you sure Viktor had it on him?
It was more of toy than a weapon.
I gave it to him for his birthday.
I should've given him a gun.
Was he in any kind of trouble?
He wasn't that kind of a kid.
Where is he? I want to see him.
Danilo, let's go get him.
Danilo, let's go get him!
He left around nine last night.
You haven't heard from
him after that?
He was after his girlfriend,
she'd taken his camera.
What girlfriend?
Her name's Blanka,
I don't know her surname.
He had two cell phones on him.
Is this one his?
I guess this one's not.
If you found this one
on him, she was there.
I could see her being responsible.
We'll check her out,
but I doubt it's her.
Could anyone else have had
a reason to attack your son?
What's that supposed to mean?
A man of your reputation
No one who knows me
would dare touch Viktor.
One more thing.
We can't find Viktor's car.
-Do you know where it is?
-They didn't do it because of the car
-The key was in his pocket.
If the car turns up, let me know
immediately. Goodbye.
The Audi's missing.
Gather the crew.
Take those two,
I don't need a guard.
Hurry up,
we're leaving in five minutes.
I'll stay home with mom.
-Honey, what happened, happened.
-You weren't there.
What if he finds us here?
You don't care.
Come here, come on.
Look. This is what she
was doing last night.
It's not about some maniac,
she's not well.
So no more insolence.
Got a light?
-Why are you in the men's room?
-You'll watch me piss?
-Let me just grab a microscope.
-Very funny.
What happened to Viktor?
My lighter?
The lighter!
What are you doing here?
I need to ask you something.
Come in.
How did you find me?
I'm Kristijan Mihletić.
I'm a client. Your client.
I know your name because we had
an appointment yesterday at nine.
About the foreclosure
on an apartment, right?
How do I stop the bank
from taking my apartment?
Excuse me.
Hello. Yes, it's me.
Of course, yes.
It was the police.
-Because of Viktor or
-Viktor who?
The kid you
Did you know him?
No, but the whole neighborhood's
talking about him. And you.
-They know I
-No, not about last night.
About how you were beaten up.
I was there when it happened.
On the bridge.
Fuck it, Vinka, I should have
helped you. But I'm here now.
Whatever you need.
I have to go.
You're not alone.
Call me when you're done with the cops.
-My number's in my file.
-I have to go.
My condolences, boss.
Is it possible that none
of you know anything?
Is it possible?
Find Viktor's car and find the girl.
Let's go.
You wait here.
We want to see a student of yours,
Blanka Antić. Where is she now?
Cops are looking for you!
Go now, slowly.
There! There!
-Let me go!
Calm down!
Hi, Blanka. I'm Inspector
Kalić, look at me!
-Were you with Viktor last night?
-You saw him last when?
-Last week. Saturday.
-And the camera?
-What camera?
You stole a camera from
his house yesterday.
Where were you
last night around one?
Okay, let's go to the station.
Darija, prepare the papers for
Kalem 2. They've got to go today.
I don't have the papers.
You must have them.
Mr. Janjić. Have you
reviewed our case again?
Listen, if you threaten me or
mine again, I'll go to the police!
Tell him I have copies
of everything you sent.
What are you on about?
Mr. Kralj has nothing to do
with your troubles.
We just want the permit.
You'll get it
by the end of the working day.
Ms Čorić, I'll be right with you.
Open the backpack and put
the contents on the desk.
-That's all?
Take this to Febo, please.
Why did you run?
I'll get in trouble
despite knowing nothing.
Tell me the truth and you
won't be in trouble with me.
I don't know who killed him! Hey!
Please come in. I'm sorry,
but I got a very nasty case last night.
The car driven by your assailant
was stolen the night before. Sit.
-How are you?
Have you remembered anything new?
No, I didn't get a good look
at his face. He was young.
Who is this?
Someone who was less lucky than you.
I think it wasn't a murder attempt.
-Your case.
If it's a random assault,
it's not a case for me.
-Febo, what do we know about the rat?
-It's clean.
No prints, no parasites, it was
fed seeds like a pet. Neck broken.
-There's no memory card.
The camera, there are no photos.
No memory card.
Oh, come on! Excuse me.
Where's the card?
What mustn't I see?
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
-Who killed Viktor?
-I don't know.
-His father thinks it was you.
-I had nothing to do with it, I swear.
Was Viktor working for his father?
I know nothing about
Danilo and his work.
Describe your day
after you left his house.
I went home. That's it.
-You were at home last night?
-What did you do? Study?
-What's that on your neck?
-Are we done?
Done? We haven't
even started yet.
We'll charge you with assaulting
an officer, strip search you,
and if you keep lying, it will get
worse. Tomo, watch her, please.
Ms Čorić, this case is not for me,
one my colleagues will call you.
Is there a woman officer here to
do the search? I'll get the warrant.
Want a cigarette?
-Excuse me?
-You look like you could use one.
They won't let me smoke,
so have one for me.
-May I give the lady a cigarette?
Which one of you will shove
their fingers up my snatch?
Women cops are kinda sexy,
but you men are all pigs.
When that kid was killed
last night, you were outside.
Will you, please,
tell me what happened?
I found someone at the
bank who can help us.
We still have a chance.
Do you hear me?
Fuck the bank, where was Ivor?!
Jesus, if he saw you kill
I didn't kill anyone!
If anyone asks you,
I was at home all night.
If who asks?!
What did you do?!
-I got into a fight.
-Who with? The kid that was killed?
Forget about that now, please!
Kiki, did you kill him?
No, I didn't,
my love. What's wrong with you?
Hey, hey.
Open your mouth.
Where did you get those bruises?
Why would I lie to you? If Danilo
thinks I did it, I'm done for.
I didn't kill him.
You gotta tell him, okay?
Viktor was trouble, he knew daddy
wouldn't let anything happen to him.
Well, something did happen to him.
Why did he have your
cell and you his camera?
He brought another girl home and
I found them together
and flipped out.
He beat me, tore off my clothes,
took my cell and shoes
And locked me in the basement.
I escaped and took the
camera to buy a new phone.
-That was the last time you saw him?
-Yes, he was in the pool with Dora.
Let's make a deal.
Give me the password.
I'll check your texts and calls.
If it's like you say it is,
you get your cell and go home.
We just take your statement
and there's no assault charge.
-Blow me.
That's the password, "blowme".
Viktor chose it.
They've stuck worse things
up my cunt.
Blanka, please.
What did you tell them?
Nothing. They don't have shit.
How did they find you?
I was there because
of something else.
Who is Viktor?
The guy you killed.
Who Who was he?
Your boyfriend?
My five minutes
with him ended yesterday.
-Because he beat you?
-No, he brought this slut.
He thought he could fuck
anyone he wanted.
Did you love him?
He wanted to be a big shot like
his old man, some shady guy.
His old man adored him, he didn't
know Nobody knew Viktor.
Get this, I could
never understand it
He snorts coke every day and eats junk,
but he makes himself those
green smoothies each morning.
That's what he'd drink.
He'd beat me and kiss me
Hate me and
Whoever he was, he's no more.
Give me the card, I'm off.
Here. Blanka?
I'd like to see
what's in the photos.
Who the fuck do you think you are?!
And what the fuck do
you want from me?!
You let the girl go?
-Did you get anything?
-You'll get her statement and my report.
-Gordana, what'd she say?!
-She knows nothing, she saw nothing.
-You believe her?
-She's lying.
But she's good, convincing.
She's had practice.
Was she involved or not?!
She couldn't have mauled him alone.
Probably related to his
father or drugs We'll see.
There's another girl I have
to find. Nasty business.
-This allergy is killing me.
-Do we have any rodent experts?
-That rat I don't get
Forget the rat.
Question the girl, the father
And get to work.
Do you regret leaving
Commercial Crimes now?
I didn't leave.
Boss, do you know that car
from the bridge?
-The Citroen?
-No, the assailant's.
-There's not a single print.
The whole car's been wiped,
like it was sterilized.
He stole the car, wiped
everything, wore gloves
He may not be a random psycho.
Don't send this upstairs.
Maybe something comes out of this.
Who's Haris Mujadžević?
I have no idea, some
What gives you the right to
rummage through my things?!
You know why they
beat me up, don't you?
You know who did it.
Okay, I took some money, so what?
-Everybody takes, why shouldn't we?
I didn't take anything.
-You're gambling again?
-N n
I should report you to the police.
Police Go to the police!
And you'll see how fast Lujo Kralj's
lawyers will bury your statement!
It's okay, it's over,
they got what they wanted!
And I got what I deserved.
Quit playing the victim. Think
what's good for this family for once.
Where's the "boh"? Huh?
Where's the "boh"?
Go on, swallow them all.
Swallow them all
And I'll burn all of this down.
But I just don't want
the "boh"to burn.
-Do you remember?
-The "boh".
The red "boh"
Mama, where's the "boh"?
The red "boh".
-Do you remember?
-How old was he? Five?
I miss him so much.
I can't find that fucking ball
to throw it over the fence.
And to burn this all down.
To hell with it.
I don't need this.
-My baby
-But I can't find the ball.
We found the girl!
I may never find the ball
But I'll find the one who killed him.
-Vera, please leave us for a bit.
-Coffee or tea?
No, thanks.
The lady won't be staying long.
What are you doing here?
You know the man who
assaulted me on the bridge?
I'm Vinka Čorić, Ivo Janjić is
my husband. Does that ring a bell?
Who ordered the assault on me? You?
Lujo Kralj? Who?
I should tell the cops
about Viktor, the bridge,
about bribing my husband
for the building permit.
I won't protect my husband.
If you're counting on that,
you're out of luck.
I don't work for Lujo Kralj anymore.
And you go to the cops if
you think that's best for you.
Be smart, Vinka.
Think of your family, Vinka.
And I'm thinking
only about that kid.
I fucking killed him.
Blanka. Blanka, right?
-What happened to Viktor?
-I don't know!
-He said he was going with you.
-He was with Dora, we broke up.
I'm not like Viktor. I know
when a little bitch is lying.
Dad! Open up!
Open up! Open up!
-Who's that?
-Viktor's dad.
He thinks I'm involved in his death!
-What did you do?
-I'm really not to blame!
Open up!
-Fucking little bitch.
-Go away, I'll call the cops!
-It wasn't so bad, was it?
-Go get your things.
-I'll see you next week.
-I'd like to see your wife.
Ivor says he doesn't know
where you got these bruises.
-I can tell you.
-I'd rather hear it from her.
You think I beat her?
-Do I look like that kind of guy?
-Ivor's very scared of something.
Not only of the bruises on your face.
Excuse me.
Who did this to you?
Leave Filip alone.
I won't give you the plans, they're
bad for the city, me and you.
When we started this,
we wanted the same thing.
We had big ideas for this city.
The first version was
too expensive for you.
Building on the river costs money.
You ordered costs cut and I cannot
stand behind this third version.
But you paid for the first one
fairly, so render unto Caesar.
The original version of the
complete Kalem 2 project.
Your profits will be lower, but the
threat of collapse is minimal.
Build this. If you want it cheaper,
find another architect.
Too much time and money's been
spent for you to withdraw now.
The assembly will vote on the
changes to the general plan.
I've got nothing without you.
Then you have to build
the original version.
Hey. Why didn't you
call me after the police?
Are you crazy?
Lower your voice.
Sorry, the foreclosure guy came to
see me. I don't know what to do.
Can you help me in any way?
I saw Blanka at the police station.
She's that girl.
They found her?
What did she tell them?
They interrogated her,
but she says she's off the hook.
-What about us? Did she mention us?
-I don't know.
She says we're safe,
but I have no idea.
Can you reach her,
so we can know what's going on?
Sorry, I have to go.
Hey, kid.
-Why are you washing that?
-You can't, your arm is broken.
-Leave it.
-No, it's okay.
I'm okay, you're okay, the
pot's okay. Everything's normal.
Give me the pot.
Enough of this!
Oh, kid.
I'm so sorry you had to see that.
Jesus, it's so boring here!
Isn't this that slut?
-Can we meet? I want to talk.
I can't, I have I can't.
Where do you live?
Please, it's important.
Jesus, what? Not now.
If our stories diverge, the cops
Okay, quit sniveling,
I'll send you the address.
Where are you going?
-What did he want?
-You told him I was with Viktor?!
I have photos of you sucking his dick.
What did Danilo want?
I wanted to see him,
but he wanted to be with you!
I have texts to prove it.
Danilo knows everything.
Stupid bitch!
Go to hell!
Blanka, wait!
What's your real name?
Saša Suckacock?
My name's Sven.
How did it go at the police station?
What are you doing?
Know those adopt-a-pet pages
on Facebook?
You look like a retriever.
Maybe someone'll take you.
Have you been vaccinated?
He's still having trouble breathing.
You should take him to the ER.
I will, if the medicine doesn't help.
Where will you hide?
Stop being so fucking stubborn.
I always have to suffer
because of you.
-What did I
-They beat me up because of you.
Where are you going now?! Blanka!
I can't, not now.
-I have to go.
-What? Now?
-I'll explain later.
-You have to take the kid to the ER.
Give him another dose.
It's an emergency.
This is an emergency!
He's not breathing.
Look at him.
I thought he was a prowler in
the park, but he owns the park.
Good evening.
Boss will be here soon.
He asked you to wait.
What do you have to drink here?
Are you sure it's smart to meet
with them?
Don't worry, Blanka.
Do you still want to know
who Viktor was?
It's here.
Pleased to meet you.
You own this dark tower?
No, I just build them.
Some of them are horrible.
But these ones without
people are beautiful.
Everything's more
beautiful without people.
I hope this is important. I was
supposed to take my son to the ER.
So, what happened?
Are they on to us?
How did they find you?
They asked
who Viktor'd been fucking.
What did they ask?
The cop's not important.
She's not a real problem.
But Viktor's father is.
Wait, wait, this is the emergency?
They fisted me, then
choked and threatened me.
Finally, he beat up my old man.
How was your day, friend?
And he won't stop until
I tell who killed Viktor.
Next time, find yourself
a normal boyfriend.
Fuck your normal ass.
It's not her fault. You said you'd
be there for me. She needs help.
We just have to lay low
and talk to no one.
Lay low where?
An hour ago, he was
walking on my panties.
If he attacks me again,
I'll claw out his eyes.
And we'll all get arrested.
I have no other way out.
-What do you actually want?
-That idiot off my back!
It's not your fault.
It's none of our fault.
This is our joint problem now.
I'll take care of it.
Consider it done.
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