Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2
Did you set us a trap for us?
Didn't hear my order,
I gave in the tribe?
They must have
done it by themselves.
Instead of burning
alive, let's die by fighting.
My Sultan, the danger
of seeing your son
Years ago, right here, you
asked it right by this grave
Your state of your son..
I gave up on my son just
not to put the state in danger.
My state is the backbone of the whole I
world now. But the dangers faded away. 4
It's time now, Hace.
We'll neither burn nor die.
Where did all they come from?
It's doesn't seem good.
Aydogdu is coming from behind.
Let's stay back.
Now it's time to let our swords speak!
What danger has faded away, my Sultan?
If you had ten enemies,
you have a thousand now.
..I was a young Sultan back then.
Now, I'm the ruler of the
world now. Consider this.
Is it all because you got powerful?
My conscience is the real reason.
The assassination they made, made me
remember the things I've covered for years,
If I had died, I would have
gone with the absence of my son.
My conscience is the real reason.
Now tell me. Where is my son?
Now tell me.
Where are you heading?
I need to catch the
runner and make him talk.
What do you expect? It's all obvious?
It will be all obvious when I catch him.
You take Elcin Hatun away, Melik Hazrat.
Go with Melik Hazrat!
Gather up! We are going!
Your father Sultan
Alp Arslan Hazrat, was
martyred because of a
small wound on his back." ‘5
That wound was his most lethal point.
And your fatal wound is Ahmet.
Even if you are a ruler of the world
when the enemies hit that wound
Allah forbid, everything
can be destroyed.
I don't want to let this happen.
Is what is important your
allowance or my order?
Which one is suitable for the state?
Your order or what I said.
I'm the state, not you.
The state neither you nor me.
The state existed
fifty years before us
and it will exist many fifty years
My age has already
passed to listen these advice.
How can you discuss my orders?
I've always been by your side so
your orders were heard everywhere.
I've been your wisdom
when you chose emotion
and I've been your emotion
when you chose wisdom.
Let me do my job today, too.
Then, do it.
The moment the matter about
Anatolian Turkmen is done
you will bring my son to me.
Who commanded the attack?
Do you think we are going
to leave Elcin Hatun to you? 9
We made the decision by ourselves.
You were going to kill us to make
Sultan Melik Shah go to war, right?
wDid your Bas Dai order it?
Which Bas Dai are you talking about?
That's enough chatting!
You are the slaves of whoever
gave the order to kill Sultan.
Don't kill me, brave. I'll
tell you whatever you want.
You Fatimidd dog. You won't
die until you tell me everything!
The Great Seljuk Palace
I see you're watching the
roads, Gawhar. Be patient.
I see you're watching the
rogds, Gawhar. Be patient.
If you get jumpy for every mission
what will you do when Tapar,
goes on more important missions?.^ n
Excuse my nervousness. I’m
sure Taper will do his job excellently.
But I can't help my heart from
/ .J' fluttering until he returns. •
No doubt Tapar has perseverance.
But it's'obvious he needs the experience.
And he will get the
experience he needs in time.
Don't worry, Terken Hatun.
Tapar has the power and the
experience to reach every position.
Of course, he has. He
is a son of Sultan after all.
However, future is set out from today.
Let's see him handle his duties today
and we will see how
his fortune will turn out.
Fortune is a matter of luck.
You know the saying.
"Mothers can build the
throne but not the fortune."
What happened?
Tell the doctors.
No need to worry. It's not of importance.
Take Elcin Hatun to her room.
How did he survive the ambush?
Your Hazrat Melik, who betrayed you?
Turkmens in Anatolia.
Those lowlifes.
They will betray you the
moment they get a chance. Fl
It's time for a hard revenge.
The attackers got what they deserved.
Except for one.
The head guardian will bring him.
How can you fail? How?
What is it, sir?
One of the men escaped in the attack.
The head guardian is chasing him.
He must be our paladin,
avoiding any talking.
What will we do, sir?
Let the Head Dai know about the situation.
Neither the head guard or the
paladin should not make it to Ispahan.
Come on.
Your wound is deep, Tapar.
Allah protected you.
We accomplished the
mission in spite of the ambush.
This wounds means nothing to me now.
Sultan Melik Shah Hazrat.
Tapar, are you okay?
I'm okay, my Sultan.
Nr How is Azize?
There were alps who resisted
us in Elcin Hatun's tribe.
They ambushed us on the road.
After they had tried to kill our
Sultan, they also tried to kill our Melik.
Obviously, they are
targeting our dynasty directly.
Our six soldiers fell as martyrs.
There are also wounded.
My condolences.
I couldn't see the Head of the Guard.
Was he among them, too?
He must have followed a man who escaped.
I\ \
The people we thought we're
brothers attacked our Melik.
They killed our soldiers.
Apparently, betrayal will continue if we
don't separate some heads from their bodies.
Summon Kilij Arslan's brother here.
Gather all the soldiers in the Divan-i Ala.
My Sultan,
If you allow me, I would like to be in
this important Divan as the chief lady.
Just when we were about to raid the Kuvel
Castle, we got to deal with each other.
It is essential to take this
castle from Byzantium
in order to dominate Anatolia
and march on to Constantine.
This castle standing under
our noses like a swamp
of strife won't be able
to escape from my sword.
You will hear war noises and war news
Do not be terrified!
This must happen,
buty this is not the end.
Nation will wage war against
nation, state against state;
There will be famines and earthquakes.
All these are the beginning of labor pains.
Our sacred book orders to
kill whoever draws a sword.
Turks put Constantinople1
to the sword for years!
So death will come to them not in their
comfortable beds, but from our swords!
We are in the most important
part of Constantinople.
Turks are close to us.
Until today we defended
ourselves in the castle
But from now on the Seljuq Empire's
lands will turn into a sea of blood.
And melik Shah will drown in it!
- Yorgos.
Yes, Commander Andreas.
This holy duty is yours.
You will infiltrate the Seljuk lands
like a ghost and be their nightmare.
I will accomplish this mission, commander.
Don't doubt me.
- If I die, I will die with my blood,
if I live, I will live with my soul!
Horasan, Isfahan and all the other Seljuk
lands, including Melik Shah's palace
They will all burn!
The great war has begun, nobody will put
their swords down until victory is ours!
I swear we will kill them all!
I swear!
I swear!
Great Seljuk Palace
How would they disobey my
orders and attack on the road?
This is more betrayal than heedlessness.
They would never forgive
the attack on Melik's unity.
We'll see the justice of Melik Shah,
who is renowned as the most fair of all.
Listen to me now.
It's the time to think about the welfare of
our people in Anatolia, not our own lives.
You will write a will.
What will, Elcin Hatun?
Even if I die,
they should never give up the goal of saving my
brother Kilij Arslan and their loyalty to him.
Go on, write it.
Come in.
Divan-i Ala is ready, Elcin Hatun
You'll be judged before them.
Don't be disrespectful.
If you've prayed enough, let's
carry out our first action, Monk.
The time has come for
our alliance to pay off.
Commander Andreas said that you
are the best allies against the Seljuks.
Sit down. What is the
gift you will give us?
It's not time to sit, Monk.
We need to be quick.
A Seljuk guard will take a man of
ours to Isfahan to make him talk.
We want you to kill them both on the way.
Why don't you do it?
Nizamumulk has doubts about us.
If one of our men gets caught in that attack
and it's understood that he is a Batini
This great game we set up over
the Anatolian Turkmens falls apart
and this will affect you, too.
If they stop fighting with each other,
their first target would be the Kuver Castle.
You know how Melik Shah
wants to take over that place.
What if one of our men gets caught?
Sooner or later, it will be
understood that they are Byzantines.
You Byzantines and Anatolian Turkmens have
been living together in the same land for years.
that Anatolian Turkmens
cooperated with Byzantine gangs.
In any case, the target will
be the Anatolian Turkmens.
We don't have time, Monk!
The guard is probably on his way.
We will not jeopardize our business while
we have under-armed the Seljuk Empire.
You'll kill that man.
You'll finish this job.
There is no other way.
Drink it. Drink.
We have to be there before
Divan-i Ala makes a decision.
Elcin Hatun, the daughter of Suleyman
Shah, who is the son of Kutalmis.
Isn't the pain you've caused
enough, Sultan Melik Shah.
Are you captivating me, now?
I'll ask the questions, you'll answer them.
It's obvious that you carry
the blood of the dynasty.
Your words are like swords.
Your words are like swords.
I knew your father Suleyman Shah, well.
He was like you, too.
I However, it's not the time
for drawing the swords. 4
You're responsible for
all of the people in Anatolia.
Keep that in mind while
you're talking and acting.
They intended to kill "us in our capital.
They were carrying your
father Suleyman Shah's seal.
I told both your soldiers and to your Melik.
We have no connection with this betrayal.
We are brave people who wouldn't betray,
and are honest to confess what we did.
If you want to captivate me, do it.
If you want to kill me, do it.
There is no need for
these kind of slanders.
- How dare you!
If you rule Anatolia
today, it's because of us.
You're not talking to an equal,
you're talking with your Sultan.
How will you explain the ambush on
the way that was set for my soldiers?
I came here willingly.
I told the soldiers in my
command not to follow me.
IP But they didn't listen to me.
And they got punished for it.
Your Melik is a witness to that.
She is telling the truth.
She did not give the order.
She wouldn't give order in
front of Melik, would she?
Maybe it was a sign she said
to her soldiers not to go with her.
She is trying to shift the blame.
The rebels in Anatolia
regard Elcin as their leader,
1 because she is the only i
free person in the dynasty. |
Her presence will always
encourage the rebels.
It is confirmed by Melik that Elcin was
not involved in the attack on the way.
The assassination is still a mystery.
This is bigger than Elcin and the rebels.
The place which will be ruined is one of the
biggest lands of our state, just like Anatolia.
The arm to be cut is an arm of the dynasty.
It is necessary to decide by
considering this, my Sultan.
What is this rush?
I almost couldn't reach you.
You wish to die, huh?
Show your face if you are so brave.
I'll show my face while
you're taking your last breath.
I will feed your corpse to the vultures.
You won't die.
Until you speak, you won't die.
I need one thing from
you, so I can spare your life.
Confess that you were involved
in the assassination plan.
It would be cowardice to accept all
your slanders, just to save myself.
Kill me!
We are innocent.
My father died, my brother is in prison.
I'm left alone, my family is in ruins.
They wanted me to start a
rebellion, but I didn't allow it.
Even though I was mad at you, I didn't do anything
harsh so brothers wouldn't fight each other.
Kill me now.
You are responsible from what comes next.
I had to see you at the brink of
death, I could believe you that way.
Take it.
My judgment is
Elcin Hatun did not plan the
assassination and is innocent.
The evidences and the ambush
against my soldiers show that.
Son of Kutalmis, Suleyman
Shah's soldiers are guilty.
Write a firman to carry my orders.
If I'm innocent, then
they are innocent, too.
If they set up an ambush against
my soldiers without your orders
then they could attempt an
assassination without your orders.
A just state makes decisions
according to evidence.
And evidences are obvious.
Now, prepare the army
for the Anatolian campaign.
Tajul Mulk, you will lead
the army in this campaign.
As your order, my Sultan.
Now, Elcin Hatun.
Those who disobeyed us and wanted an uprising for
the revenge of Suleyman Shah, son of Kutalmis
will lose their heads.
And those who obey us, will now be under
the rule of Ebul Kasim from now on.,
And you will stay here
until this matter is closed.
He even betrayed my father.
How can you leave the lands we
conquered to someone as sly as Ebul Kasim?
Divan-i Ala can leave.
Emir Hazrat.
I saw Kilij Arslan's sister being taken
away, was she pardoned by the Divan-1 Ala?
Yes, but only for Elcin Hatun.
Out Sultan decided that Turkmens from Anatolia
were guilty, and behind the assassination attempt.
Thanks to Allah, now
our troubles are no more.
Is there any task you want me to do?
Our Sultan ordered me to lead
the army in the upcoming campaign.
You can wait here and expect my
return with victory like everyone else.
While you kill each other, we will
be the victorious ones eventually.
You will be the ones to expect our victory.
Even Mlelik Tapar was going to die, and
he is your successor, known by everyone.
If your son that you hide is
revealed, the storm that will hit us
will destroy the crown,
throne and the dynasty.
How dare you to speak like that?
Do you think the dynasty's future
is determined by your insight?
Years ago, I forgot about my
self, and became this state's Hace.
Since that day, I speak
not with my own thoughts
but with the responsibility of
my position, and experiences.
But your boldness surpasses
your position's power, Hace.
Disobeying my order
is disrespect to my rule.
It is necessary to analyse your order with
mind and heart, my Sultan, not with positions.
What's good for our state is for you to
not see your son and never ask about him.
Like the promise you made years ago.
I know what's good for the
state and what's not, just like you.
What are you planning by
not showing my son to me?
Or is there a goal you have using my son?
Since the day of your birth, for
almost 40 years, I have been with you.
I don't know how the matter
of Ahmet effects the state.
But it already shook the
trust of 40 years, my Sultan.
Show me my son, so that 40
years will not be ruined, Hace.
How long are we going to stay here?
Until we save my brother Kilij Arslan.
Since there is no escape from here, then
we will sneak into more deeper withing them.
We will learn where he is.
Head Hatun Seferi Sultan.
Do you like your room, Elcin Hatun?
I prepared it for you personally.
If you have anything you need,
you can say it without hesitation.
You shouldn't have bothered, Seferi Hatun.
You are from our dynasty,
even if there are problems
we still know how to treat you.
And we all believe in your innocence.
I'm worried about the folks in
Anatolia, more than my own innocence.
I wouldn't want anything
bad happening to them.
But Sultan Melik Shah
is angry with me, too.
If your intents are this pure, it's okay.
We will provide you with the
chance to make things better.
Terken Hatun?
So you heard about it?
I did.
How can this happen?
How can that woman stay in the palace?
I couldn't understand it either.
I don't know how, but after all the
charges against her/our Sultan forgave her.
And now she is meeting ” Seferi Hatun.
Speak clearly, Gawhar, stop implying it.
Is there something you know, or you heard?
It's just a hunch, there is a
good intent towards that woman.
I don't know if it's because she is
from dynasty, or something else.
Hatun Ana?
Hatun Ana, the soldiers of this woman tried!
to kill our Sultan, and our Melik Tapar.
But we are letting her stay in our palace.
How can we be sure
that they won't try it again?
Are we going to let that
sneak live amongst us?
Elcin Hatun were on a trial by the
Divan-i Ala, and she was found innocent.
The real criminals will be punished.
Order of our Sultan, Terken Hatun.
You will not question the order.
Sanjar, what are you doing here?
Hace sent us for welcoming, i
There was an ambush.
Whoever ambushed us is1 involved in it too.
We have to take him and^~
interrogate him quickly. W
This guy cannot talk, he's dead.
.Damn dogs.
Don't get angry, Sancar.
And the Divan-i Ala
came to a decision.
Elcin Hatun has been exonarated.
However, there will be war
against Anatolian Turkmens.
I thought the truth would surface
when I brought Kilij Arslan's sister.
I thought there would be no war.
Stop yourself. How can
you talk to me like this?
You couldn't stop a war decision
even after all that information.
Did we work in vain?
What good is information without evidence?
There was an ambush. It's
jail because of the ambush.
Batinis were behind that ambush as well.
Do you have proof? You
were chasing someone.
Did you catch him?
I did.
I was attacked near Ispahan.
I killed them but they killed the guy.
Who where they?
I couldn't take a look
because I was in a rush.
It was the people who did
not benefit from him talking.
If he's not here, how will I
convince the Divan-i Ala?
I will send soldiers to the ambush
site and make an investigation.
From now on, we will take
care of the Batini situation.
What will I do?
You will stay out of this
It's not so Simple, Hace.
The future of the state will
not be left to the Divan-i Ala.
f This will kill the state
and we can't help it.
This state was on the
brink of death many times.
We saved it everytime, thanks to Allah.
We will do whatever it takes.
Wait in your tent until further orders.
My duty is clear, hace.
I won't stop until I accomplish it.
I can fight the Batinis on
my own, if that's necessary.
Kinik Tribe
Basulu Hatun?
Please help.
What happened?
Basulu Hatun? Please open
your eyes What happened?
Hold her, let's get her to the tent.
Take her, come on
Tell the healers to come immediately.
You almost died when you acted on your own.
You won't do anything unless I order you.
This is beyond your word now. j
Not even a stable boy can
move unless I order him.
I am the hace of this state.
And I am the son of this state
I respected your every order up until now.
And you tried to keep
me in the shade everytime.
I can't stay in the shade
when the state is on fire.
I will think of what is
best for the state and you.
I will think of what is best for me.
And I'm putting my fist down
in this matter as Melik Sanjar.
You are over your head, Sanjar.
I got seperated from
my father for the state.
I faced many adversities.
I'm not going over my
head, I'm doing my duty.
You did everything you
could. What else will you do?
I will go as deep as Batinis go.
Not just the assassinations.
Where they get their power from, their
dirty tactics, I will reveal them all.
You can't. You won't take
care of the Batini situtaion.
It's not the time to fear for
life when the state is in danger.
If you love your life so
much, sleep in a corner.
I know my enemy.
I raised you for this state.
I gave you education.
I gave you equipment.
You cannot do anything \ without my order.
You gave me equipment..
Then take them.
I will make my own
equipment and be on my way.
I You are Melik. Maybe you
will be the Sultan one day.
You are making a mistake,
Sanjar. You are jeopardizing it all.
You are wasting all the work that was done.
Do you think they will
let a mole in at this point?
What good is in being a Sultan
when the state is in shambles?
This is my final word, hace.
And I won't back down.
It's time to rule over Seljuk soil.
We have to rule over
information \ in order to get strong.
We will rule over science,
medicine, schools, trade.
This is our plan of attack now.
What is our current "x goal, Head Dai?
Emir llteber's land.
He's very strong.
And he doesn't like us.
A tyrant and a cruel man.
It won't matter if you hit
him from his weak spot.
And his weak spot is his daughter Turna.
We will take whatever'
we want from llteber,
and spread across Selemzar.
Transfer charters..
Seljuks give these charters to traders for a
large amount of money and they are very valuable.
I thought Emir llteber
hid them like a secret.
And the key to that secret is Turna.
We will make her so loyal to our cause
she can not only take
those charters
but she can also eliminate
her father with a word from us.
Let's not relax because
of the war decision.
Nizam Al-Mulk won't let go of this easily.
He might put someone among us again.
Tell all the geniuses to be more cautious.
They didn't get any better no matter what.
What an awful disease. Cilantro
didn't help either. What else can we do?
You are harming yourself Turna Hatun.
Even you can't help it. Who
has the medicine for this?
There is one person.
I haven't seen them for so
long and they live far away.
But I will travel anywhere to solve this.
Excuse me.
Your brother Alexsios
Pray for his soul too.
Is he
A Seljuk guard killed Aleksios and his men.
My brother
I will avenge you
before you soul meets God.
Kinik Tribe
What is going on?
Get some warm water.
Basulu Hatun, her illness is back.
We tended to it. Healers
are with her, don't worry.
Mother. What happened to my mother?
She collapsed in front of
me. Her illness has returned.
You couldn't find the medicine?
I tried all the herbs,
all the medecine I know.
But she still burns up.
This is beyond our skill.
If we can't lower her
fever, Allah forbid
There must be something.
Can't you think of anything, healer?
Only Turna Hatun in Selemzar can help her.
She had found a medicine
for this sickness before.
Turna Hatun is a skilled healer.
I was trained in Selemzar. -
I'm the daughter of llteber.
Be patient, mother, I will
go bring her immediately.
Good to see you here.,
Welcome, Turna Hatun.
Thanks, healer.
The kids at the healing center have fevers.
Coriander didn't help.
You are my only salvation.
Herbs are only instruments.
\Ne can only hold their t.
Knowledge and nothing more. •-
You are a good healer. Why
don't you reveal yourself?
I wanted you to come to the
hospital but you didn't want that either.
I do not search, for I'm.the
one to be found, Turna Hatun.
I live a simple life and help
others like me and that's enough.
Why mince it? If you are
giving it to them after boiling it
it’s not going to help.
This is what I mean by skill, Turna Hatun.
You see them as herbs, I
see them as instruments.
Allah gave life to many things.
We need to understand them,
hear them and look them in the eyes.
How could this happen?
I know the water too.
And the herb is something that animals eat.
Coriander is good for fevers but if
used alone, the effects are limited.
I added the water to
finish the disease off.
This is what I meant by /
knowledge of the herbs, i
If you can see past the shell
and see them for their contents
you'll realize everything
complements one another.
I have never seen such
skilled a man such as you.
If this helps the children I
will make sure to repay you.
Everything complements
one another, Tuma Hatun.
My humble knowledge /\
complemented what you lacked.
We help people and that's enough for me..
- ~ X.
Thank you, healer. I have to
go now but I'll see you again.
We will.
This is where Alexios died.
Why did you come back here?
This is where my vengeance begins.
An arrow hit him here.
But he broke it and threw it away.
These are the horse tracks
of the man who killed him.
Seljuk soldiers are coming
We have to go now.
I was waiting for them.
This is the place Hace told us.
Who are those people?
Bury them all.
Leave no trace behind.
Now take me to my brother.
He will show me his murderer.
Did you give the medicine
to the children, Turna Hatun?
I did. The fever
immediately went away.
MashAllah. We have to hold
on to this healer, whoever he is.
Yes. I'm going to the herbalist.
Emir llteber Hazrat.
Father. Welcome.
Thank you.
I'm here to inspect the
hospital and visit you.
And I asked about you before coming.
They told me you weren't
there. Where were you?
II went to get some herbs for healing.
What were you doing at the time?
Was she supposed to do that?
He's innocent, father. Nobody
forced me, I went willingly.
You will not go again.
But how?
I have the most experience
with healing and herbs.
I want to see the herb I take.
Then teach them what you know.
An Emir's daughter shouldn't
be running after herbs.
You've done horrible thing up
until now but I never said a word.
But from now on, you
won't step out of the hospital.
What has changed since yesterday?
Didn't you hear?
An assassination attempt
has been made on our Sultan.
The war in Anatolia is at our door.
Everything is in chaos.
Nowhere is safe anymore.
You'll be careful.
So you won't leave the hospital.
You hear me?
Tajul Mulk.
How was Elcin Hatun exonareted?
I found that the attack was made
by Turkmens in Anatolia, my Sultan.
A campaign order has been given.
Yet I couldn't prevent the Elcin
Hatun's exonoration however much I tried.
She is the head of our enemy.
How can she stay at the palace?
You're right, my Sultan. But as I said-
Excuses are the armor of the cowards.
Tajul Mulk.
I trusted you because you
didn't wear that armor. J
Was I wrong?
Not at all.
You can trust me, my
Sultan. I'll never let you down.
Our Sultan might have executed that woman.
But Seferi Hatun and Nizam Al-Mulk influenced
our Sultan's decision with their words.
The two old people
is the mountain standing
in front of us, Tajul Mulk
If we can't climb over that mountain..
we cannot see the sun.
We have the ropes to climb over it now.
With my heir, I'm going to give birth
and with your Anatolia campaign
we are going to reach our goal.
I'm returning to the mansion now.
Remember what I told you.
Come back before dark.
Tuma Hatun.
What are you doing?
Who are you? What do
you want from my daughter?
My name is Sanjar, Emir Hazrat.
My mother is very sick
They said only Tuma
Hatun could heal her.
Let's go to her together,
To Kinik Tribe.
Are there no other healers
than my daughter?
My daughter will not go anywhere!
Emir Hazrat. It's a
matter of life or death.
My mother is bedridden.
Only Turna Hatun can heal her.
Get another doctor and go. Stop insisting!
Father. They said only I
could heal her. Let me go.
I said you are not leaving this hospital.
Stop standing and go!
I can't come with you. You should go.
No. She's burning up.
Tuma Hatun.
I What are you doing here?
You need to come with me.
You know I can't go
now. You'll get into trouble.
If my father hears of this, you
won't be able to escape his wrath.
My mother is figthing for her life,
do you think I care about mine?
Allah, who has given the disease,
has given the remedy to heal her.
You can't pay for this sin.
Rise up.
If you expect that you are
going to see the Turks
before you see
them, you'll get the sword in the head!
You need to know see with intuition
hear with intuition!
I thought you were going to confess
but you took your sin on your back.
They killed my brother.
A dead soldier is no use to me.
Why bring him here? You
should have buried him.
He died for our holy cause.
Should I have left him
in the land of the Turks?
You have so much to learn from him.
Ah, Yorgos. Ah
My Sultan, I'm late.
Yet, I've brought a
guest, if you'll allow me.
Who is he, mother?
Our Sultan gave the order for the hunt.
Mis this also our Sultan's order?
You forget the Hatun of the state has
also authority to give order, Terken Hatun.
I'm sure our Sultan will approve this
act, which is the right thing to do for us.
There is nothing wrong with it.
Elcin Hatun has a plate on our table.
Sit next to me, Elcin Hatun.
My Sultan. These incidents
has taken its toll on us.
Yet, we are all the children
of the same dynasty.
InshAllah, these incidents will end before
they cause any hostility amongst brothers.
You are our Sultan.
You are our head in the
name of our dynasty.
If you'll allow me, I want to present
you a gift as a token of my sincerity.
Your father, Sultan Alp Arslan Hazrat, gifted this to
my father, Suleyman Shah in the battlefield of Malazgirt.
Please, accept it.
I remember it.
I can clearly remember Alp Arslan
was shooting arrow by using it.
He said he gave it as a token
of our bond with our brothers.
My lion Sultan as his name.
Your gift has made us
quite happy, Elcin Hatun.
I'll keep it so carefully.
Let it be a gift for your
son! who is about to be born.
May Allah never separate your son from you.
You are kind, Elcin Hatun, but
the custom says that the mother of the child
should also have respect and congratulation.
For you've been away from
the palace for so long
maybe you forget it.
It's obvious in our custom
that Sultan's shadow covers all.
And I haven't congratulate and
show my respect only to my Sultan
but also a relative
4 carrying my blood. J
Kinik Tribe.
OBfiSI Kinik Tribe.
How is she, Tuma Hatun?
This fever can't be
because of a simple disease.
The problem is in the veins.
Most probably there is
dirty blood in her veins.
That's why she has fever occasionally.
You heat this.
- What do we do?
- We extract blood from the vein.
If we don't get the dirty blood,
Allah forbid, it even causes paralysis.
Do whatever needed to be done, Turna Hatun.
Just let her survive.
Don't worry.
I'll never leave her without healing.
Is the bottled heated?
It is.
In the name of Allah, the
beneficent, the merciful.
Emir Hazrat. Tuma Hatun
hasn't come to the mansion, yet.
What do you mean? I said her to
come to the mansion before dark.
We sent words to the hospital, too, sir.
Come in!
Emir Hazrat.
Where is Turna?
The man came from the
tribe today. She's with him.
Didn't I say to her she wasn't
suppose to go anywhere?
Didn't I dismiss the man?
What were you doing?
How could you let her go?
What could we say, Emir Hazrat.
The one before us was your daugh-
Bring the soldiers! We
are going to Kinik Tribe!
I'll show you what it means
to take my daughter away.
She still has fever, Turna Hatun.
Should we extract some more blood?
Be patient. It won't show
its affect immediately.
I've brought you soup, Sanjar.
Thank you, Gulperi.
You've exhausted yourself all day long.
Eat some, you'll feel better.
Thank you.
My father must have been expecting
me. I need to take care of Basu I u Hatun.
Thank you.
Every son is bonded to his
mother, but yours is different.
I guess she is more than a mother to you.
After I lost my father
my mother became the
post our tent and our home.
I don't have anyone else than her.
If she dies, both our tent
and home will be destroyed.
I know that feeling.
My mother died because of a
merciless disease years ago.
They couldn't find a cure.
The day my mother died, I promised.
And I told that I want to be a healer, so no
other children would be left without a mother
and no other children
would experience what I did.
You chose a great path for yourself.
You will both make yourself happy
while healing, and also children like me.
I told you I'm someone that heals wounds.
Your heart is wounded with your father, I don't
want it to be wounded with your mother, too.
Your heart is also wounded.
Only hearts that are wounded, can
understand other wounded hearts.
It's been a while, let's check
it, maybe her fever went down.
It went down, thanks to Allah.
My brother.
Did Alexios tell you' how he was killed?
will talk to me, too.
It's interesting that an arrow
damaged a body this much.
It was not shot with a bow, he
was stabbed with it like a knife.
His body is still tense, he was stabbed
with the arrow when he was not expecting it.
Our killer is someone, good at wounding.
When we look at the wound, it is clear that
the hand he used stab him with the arrow
and the hand he uses
r his sword, are not same.
So it is someone that can use both of
I j\ his hands perfectly when fighting. I
These marks are enough to take me to him.
I will make him experience
the greatest of pains.
First, the killer of my brother
then all of the Turks are
going to die by my sword. I
RASATHANt Observatory-
We determined Saturn's elevation in
afternoon as 41 degree 37 minute 30 seconds
Take notes.
You forgot to look at the earth,
while searching the secrets of the sky.
I came here to learn something on earth.
Your eyes cause who stares
them to fall of an infinite cliff
You have too much you
hide in your heart, it's obvious.
Tell me what you hide in your heart, Hace.
My heart has never been this tired.
A secret caused this. You know it, too.
Yes, Sanjar.
Melik Shah wants to see his son.
His mind wouldn't change,
whatever I said to him.
And Batinis are plotting
something against us.
Sanjar aims to sneak into them
in order to be able to fight them
and bring their end.
Now, tell me what to do.
Thfs weight in our hearts is
strong enough to make the iron rusty
if we were rocks, we would be smashed.
If we were a river, we would be dried-out.
You'll be like the ground
from now on, Hace.
In a truthful saint's heart,
it's impossible to find dirt.
He sets free himself from fear.
The purest man ever lived is the one
who was like the soil when he was alive.
You tried your best.
Now, you will be in
silence just like the earth.
Even if it requires to
betray your own heart.
You may show Melik Shah
his son, if it's really necessary.
A crucial information has
just arrived, Higness Hace.
What is it?
May Allah keep you
with your children forever.
You can't sleep because of
your father's will, too. Don't you?
Come mother.
He went to war with the morning adhaan
following the first day we slept together.
It was the day I realized that I was the hatun
of a man that will be always be on his horse.
Once he was gone, it lasted for months. '
He was adding many lands to our state,
while I was waiting
for him to come back.
Thanks to Allah, he gave
me a son like you back home.
You kept on bringing glory to, the m
sultanhood and the state he left behind.
My father was both a
great Sultan and father.
What about us, mother?
We kept on bringing glory to our
state but were we good fathers, too?
What does that mean, son?
You brought up two lion like
sons, and an beautiful daughter.
Your children are grateful to you.
I also feel sad for Elcin Hatun.
I wish Suleyman Shah, son of
Kutalmis, obeyed to our orders.
There is no right age
or rank to be an orphan.
You always carry it in your heart.
Everybody saw the tolerance
you showed to Kutalmis' son.
Don't think you're an orphan
7 and don't worry about it.
Your father died, but he left a
mentor like Nizam Al-Mulk to you.
He is not only your Hace, but also
your eyes when you cannot see
and your ears when h you cannot hear.
Since the attempt of assassination,
these matters have bothered you.
Rest a little, you’ll feel better.
Sleep well, son.
You too, mother.
Kinik Tribe
How is mother Basulu, Sanjar?
Tuma Hatun did everything she could.
Get our horses ready, we will
take Turna Hatun to Salemzar.
First, you healed my wound
and now you helped my mother.
Thank you, Turna Hatun.
Let's go before it gets late.
We will arrive there
before dawn, don't worry.
Someone is coming.
What is it?
I hope it's something good.
What does he want?
What does it mean to come to the tribe at
this hour, like a raid party, Emir llteber?
Stay back, Korkut Bey.
He is my problem!
Emir llteber, there is no secret
between people in this tribe.
If you have a problem with one person,
then you have a problem with us all.
If you say something to him, we will
act as if you've said that to all of us.
So think about your words carefully.
I kicked that man out of the hospital, but
he tricked my daughter and brought her here.
I did not trick anyone, Emir
llteber, watch your tongue.
I will make you pay for disobeying me!
He's telling the truth. I came on my own.
Should I leave them to die?
I'll talk to you when we get back.
Are you the angel of
death now, Emir llteber?
Warriors, stop!
This is son Selemzar. Your
tyranny will be responded with.
Make me pay, go ahead. I’m right here.
llteber, it's obvious. Your daughter came
to our tribe on her own to provide medicine.
Leave it at that.
You are both disobedient and stubborn.
I will crush you in front of everybody!
Hace Hadhrat.
I want to see the swords sheated.
How dare you, Emir llteber?
You would've spilled
blood if we didn't know.
How can you raid this
tribe during the night?
This man convinced my daughter
to come here. Against my word.
Your rule works in Selemzar.
You need our permission
to get out of Selemzar,
don't you know that?
It's my daughter, Hace Hadhrat!
You will ask permission
even if it's your daughter!
\Ne will take care of
your issue if it's necessary.
You cannot raid a tribe on this land!
And will he get away with this?
Said, we will take care of it!
Now go back to Selemzar.
Okay, Hace Hadhrat.
If I see this man in Selamzar and
nearby my daughter ever again,
I'll punish him myself.
You better know that.
If you didn't catch up, we
would do our best surely, Haci.
Blood would be spilled
definitely, Allah forbid.
It is our primary duty to ensure
the security of our lands, Korkut Bey.
Send your people to their tents.
Come on! Go to your tents!
How is Basulu Hatun?
Turna Hatun gave the
necessary treatment to her.
Now we'll wait.
Good. I hope she gets well soon.
The arrow knows where to go at dawn.
You will distinguish even the shadows in
darkness with the patronage of the great Imam.
It’s such a pleasure, Head Dai.
I'm sure it's harder
to enter the house of
someone like you than
into the palace of demons.
It must be easier for you
than it is for me, Hasan.
Now we expect more consents
from you in the palace of demons.
I'll do my best as much as my
position allows. You know that, too.
Then get an higher position
where you can have more consents.
Nizam Al-Mulk does not easily
let go of something that it suspects.
They will try to put a man among us again.
I gave the instructions to Bahram
and advised him thoroughly.
From now on, well be more cautious
when recruiting a man amongst us.
As we carry on outside for our great cause,
you will take advantage of the
chaos the demons have fallen into inside.
Get a higher position.
It is full of greedy people lurking
in ambush to grab a position.
However I'll find a way to
beat them all, undoubtedly.
If the Seljuk Empire is a great
plane tree, you are a maggot in it.
Gnaw that plane tree from the inside so that
everyone who stands in its path would be destroyed.
Finally, the plane tree
will rot and fall over.
I'll possess such important points that when the
time comes, we will pull the pin of the Seljuk.
MashAllah, mother. You'll
be healed soon, InshAllah.
Allah bless that girl. She healed me.
Why didn't she wait?
It would be nice if i could see her.
What happened, son? Is there something bad?
No, mother. She needed to go.
Drink your soup, have some rest.
It's enough, thank you son.
A little rest will be good for me.
Come, mother.
Good night, mother.
I won't deny, you cover the wounds good.
I need to go.
This impudence is your
fault more than that tribesman.
What did I do other than
curing a wounded person, father?
If your own daughter doesn’t
listen to you, nobody will.
You considered equal the word of an
tribesman with the word of your father.
I fell into conflict with
the state because of you.
This is not a matter of
words, but a matter of life.
I saw with my own eyes, that woman
would have died if I hadn't gone.
I repeat what I said to
Nizam Al-Mulk to you too.
If I see that tribesman in
Salemzar or near to you again,
no one can hold the
hand that will rise this time.
From now on, if you go anywhere without telling
me, you won't be able to get out of that room again.
The Great Seljuklu Palace
The arrow's cap is not
well attached, my Sultan.
That's why you missed.
You understand archery well, I guess.
There you go.
You were 17 when Sultan
Alp Arslan was martyred.
Since that day you are
the Sultan of the world. ’
I always wondered the^..
Secret of this success."
Taking right decisions, mostly.
Sometimes knowing how to make
painful decisions for your state,
even though your heart is burning.
This is the fate of Sultans.
Sultans have a lot of people around
them, but they are the loneliest.
I know.
It's very hard for Sultans to find a
loyal person, someone to trust blindly.
You have had your share from the
world's most crowded loneliness, too.
Our reign was like a big tree
where everyone gathered fruits,
then everyone disappeared
when our home fell.
The rest remained for their own benefit.
But eventually I will
have the home I deserved.
Show me your talent.
It's time for us to shoot
arrows too, Tajul Mulk.
The arrow knows where to go at dawn.
Flying like a wind on the ground,
Blowing like a bora in the wars.
Our hearts are burning with our son's pain.
Tell me, we wanted to see our son whom we
longed for all these years, is it too much?
My Sultan.
It's from Hace.
The secret is waiting to be revealed,
things are waiting for their owner.
Get my clothes ready now.
Yes, my Sultan
Did I scare you?
It's been a long time since I was
scared, Terken Hatun, don't worry.
It' obvious.
Because if you were scared you
wouldn't be too comfortable in this palace.
Especially when you are a prisoner here.
I'm staying in ‘this palace as Sultan
Melik Shah's guest, not a prisoner.
Captivity must be hard to accept.
But don't worry I won't let you be left
in this humiliating situation any longer.
I'll talk to our Sultan and do everything I
can so you can get back to your tent in no time,
Our Sultan would not refuse
my requests on this matter.
It's very graceful that you are worried
about a prisoner you don't even know.
Don't bother. Our Sultan stated that he
was very pleased to host me in the palace.
Excuse me.
Don't be so complacent Elcin. A flower
plucked from its soil-will not live long.
Every second you spend here, our guest room that
you like very much can turn into a hell for you.
When we have the sun of our
Sultan j ' on us, who would dare that? i ;
The sun of our Sultan is very powerful.
But it can also scorch everything.
Your father and your brother
Kilij Arslan will rerrund you that
..Elcin Hatun
Good luck.
Thank you, trader. Welcome.
Thank you.
I want an exact copy of this.
Where can I get it?
This steel
is only processed in one Tribe.
Which one?
Kinik tribe.
Why did you bring me here?
Wait for me here. And
don't leave before I come.
What are you trying to do, hace?
Don't question. Do what I say.
Don't leave this place even if it
means death. Do you understand?
There is no need to repeat
what I said, my Sultan.
If you would like to see your
son, you know what will happen.
But if you still would like to see him
he's right there. Only two steps away.
If we are at the verge of something
I will do what is necessary.
What is the meaning of this?
All these years, I endured many
adversities for you and the state.
I kept the secret well.
But neither my heart or my
head is content with the situation.
All these years, I've never
uttered a word for myself.
Everything was for the state.
If what I'm saying is
falling on deaf ears
if your confidence
in me has took a hit
..then I won't take any responsibility
for events that will transpire from now on.
I will wrap myself in silence.
Are you resigning?
I know there is execution
at the end of this.
I am willing to take that risk.
I have my burial robe on my
head. Allah will help with the rest.
Your son is there.
I have never had any
malfeasance on your son.
And I never will.
Your lethal spot is Ahmet.
Even if you rule the world..
if your enemies hit you on that spot
Allah forbid, everything falls apart.
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