V.C. Andrews' Landry Family (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

V.C. Andrews' Pearl in the Mist

You know I have to leave in a minute.
Fifteen seconds is all I need.
God, am I going to miss you.
It's killing me.
So don't go, Ruby.
Stay here with me.
Uh, I'll be down in a second, Daddy.
[WHISPERS] You go out the back.
Ten seconds?
What, am I supposed to roll myself
down the front steps?
Gisselle, my love.
Try to keep an open mind, my darling.
I'm sure you'll grow to love it there.
I'm sure I won't.
And you'll have Ruby to help you along.
Did you say that to make me feel better?
PIERRE: There she is.
- So, Gisselle's already in the car.
- Mm-hm.
Are you nervous?
I'm excited.
Going to a school like Greenwood
was something I never even
dared dream about
when I lived in the Bayou.
If you weren't going
to the greatest school
in Louisiana,
I wouldn't let you leave here.
Shall we?
We shall.
Goodbye, sweetheart.
Chin up.
Don't get too used to me
being gone, Mother.
Goodbye, Daphne.
Good luck, Ruby.
You went to a voodoo queen
to put me in a wheelchair.
You couldn't pay her a visit
to get us out of this?
[SIGHS] Will you ever
forgive me for that?
When I can walk again, so never.
Thank god, they're gone.
RUBY: What do you think?
GISSELLE: I think if boredom is a major,
I'm gonna get straight As.
What are we, in the army?
It looks completely
comfortable, Gisselle.
Yeah, maybe to you.
You grew up sleeping in the mud.
Welcome ladies.
I'm Mrs. Penny. I'm your dorm mother.
You must be the Dumas sisters.
What gave it away?
You can pick any room you like
since you're the first here.
I'm not rooming with her.
I'll bunk with literally anyone else.
Excuse me.
What's your name, girl?
Uh, Samantha.
You and me are going to be roomies.
Can you grab my bags for me?
I'm handicapped.
Good afternoon, girls.
I'm Mrs. Penny.
You'll want to hurry
and get yourselves settled.
We have an assembly at 1:00.
Your uniforms will be here shortly.
I would like to welcome
all of you to Greenwood.
You are joining a small elite
group of scholars and athletes,
and we expect you to make us proud.
At Greenwood, unerring
respect for your teachers
and staff is expected without fail.
We do not have time for,
nor will we tolerate insubordination
inside or outside class.
In addition, the possession
of any alcoholic beverage
or any drug on campus
will result in your immediate expulsion.
Loud music, smoking,
or any act of vandalism,
carries severe punishments
and a high number of demerits.
In other words, no fun
at all in this dump.
I will have quiet when I'm speaking.
However, your school experience
is not all books and homework.
We have a wide variety of campus
activities for you all to enjoy,
and we have several
supervised social events
with the Willowdale School for Boys.
Sounds like a real orgy.
Can't wait.
- Shh!
- It is incumbent upon
each one of you to remember
that you are all Greenwood girls now,
and Greenwood girls are
the elite of the elite.
All you have to do is
just let a boy think
he's got a sliver of a chance,
and he's basically your slave.
Even if you just let them go to second,
you'll never get rid of them.
Which, um, which one is second?
What, am I trapped in here
with a pack of virgins?
Hi, I'm Abby.
I'm not really sure where
I'm supposed to go.
I'm Ruby, and the only bed
left is in with me,
so I guess we're roomies.
Here, let me help you.
Wow, you really got great
colour this summer.
I never even got to the beach once.
I guess I tan easily.
I burn easily.
Redhead, you know. Come on.
It's my first year here too.
Why'd you pick Greenwood
for your senior year?
Well, my parents didn't like the
school I was supposed to go to.
Oh, yeah?
What was the matter with it?
Oh, there was just a whole "thing".
Who's Prince Charming?
My boyfriend Beau.
Talk about a dreamboat.
He was my dreamboat before
Ruby stole him from me.
Nice sister, huh?
It wasn't like that.
[WHISPERS] I'll tell you later.
When a non-artist looks
at our subject here,
all they see is an old boot.
It is an old boot, but
you need to do more
than just render what's in front of you.
You've got to breathe life into it.
It's got a story to tell,
and that's what's got to come
through in your drawings.
Really great work here, Ruby.
Although I'm not surprised.
You know your father made a
point of being in touch with me.
He said that your work hangs
in a New Orleans gallery.
Oh, I didn't know he spoke with you.
I wasn't sure if he was
just a proud poppa
or if we had a real prodigy
on our hands.
It looks like the latter.
Excuse me, Miss Stevens.
Mrs. Ironwood sent me for Ruby Dumas.
I want you to know, Ruby,
that I have been made
familiar with your history.
I'm sorry, my history?
Your mother Daphne and I
had a very long telephone conversation.
You spent most of your life in the Bayou
with the Cajun people, I'm told.
Daphne does like to say things
about me, doesn't she?
You are suggesting she spoke falsely?
I grew up on the Bayou, yes.
I want you to know from the outset
that I will be watching you more closely
than I will the other students.
You find that funny?
I find it curious.
I suppose I'd like to know
what I've done to deserve
this extra scrutiny.
Whether you deserve it is my decision.
I've had many dealings
with swamp people,
and I never met one that I could trust.
I know your kind, your type.
Your bad behaviour is insidious.
You learn quickly who
is the most vulnerable,
who has certain weaknesses, and
you play to those weaknesses.
But I do believe people
can change their behaviour,
if not their nature.
So it is your behaviour
I will be judging.
You are dismissed.
What's the matter?
Careful Abby.
You're in the presence
of a swamp creature.
I wouldn't have guessed.
Oh, yes.
I am a Cajun from the Bayou.
Come on.
Walk with me.
What happened?
I thought when I came here,
people would stop looking
at me like an outsider.
But it's the same thing wherever I go.
It's it's like I'm branded.
I know that feeling.
The reason I enrolled here
instead of the other school
is because they found out
something about me.
I'm what some people call half-breed.
I'm part negro.
It is 1962, for god's sakes.
Why do people still care
about nonsense like that?
Well, they do.
Anyway, my parents sent me here,
hoping that having me immersed
with the creme de la creme,
it would rub off?
No one would suspect that
a Greenwood girl was impure.
And Greenwood shall wash us both clean.
God, have mercy.
What are you two doing down here?
You know you can't be here after dark.
So go on and get back up to the school.
You're the groundskeeper or something.
I'm a lot of things around here.
- What's your name?
- Buck.
But it'll be "Mud" if I get seen
with a student after dark.
Get a look at those muscles?
MRS. PENNY: Mrs. Clairborne's
family started the school,
and she's still the largest donor.
You told us this twice back
at the dorms, Mrs. Penny.
And I may tell you once more, dear.
It's very important you're all
on your best behavior.
We are lucky to be invited
to her home for tea.
Good afternoon, ladies.
I'm so pleased to make
your acquaintance.
Oh, Mrs. Clairborne.
Thank you, as always, for inviting us
into your marvellous home.
Oh, it's my pleasure.
Please everyone, sit.
I like to make a point of
meeting all the new students.
Your home is just lovely,
Mrs. Clairborne.
Thank you.
Abigail, is it?
Let's get to know each other, shall we?
I should probably start
with the Dumas twins,
so I know one from the other.
I'm the crippled one, hmm.
Ah. I hope only physically.
You must be Ruby then, yes?
Yes ma'am.
I understand you're
the artist of the two.
I paint and draw.
Then you must be familiar
with Renoir and Van Gogh.
Of course.
Two of my absolute favourites.
I have one of each hanging in my foyer.
You don't mean originals?
My dear, I only have originals.
Please, go have a look if you like.
Thank you.
- ♪♪
Who's there?
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to disturb you.
I just heard you playing.
And who are you?
My name is Ruby Dumas.
I'm a student at Greenwood.
Do you play?
I paint.
Well, ladies don't paint.
You'll learn that from my Aunt Martha,
or as you know her, Mrs. Ironwood.
- We've met.
- Yeah.
If you even have an ounce
of independent spirit,
she'll take care to knock it
right out of you.
I guess we'll see about that.
You're from the Bayou.
How can you tell?
You have a little bit of an accent,
even though you try to cover it.
My ears miss nothing.
They make up for my eyes,
which obviously see nothing.
I'm very sorry.
You know, I get that a lot.
You should probably run back
to Grandmother's tea
before she thinks you're sneaking off
stealing ashtrays or something.
It was nice to meet you, Mr
Louis Clairborne.
You as well, Ruby Dumas.
- ♪♪
That was so boring I wanted
to wheel myself out a window.
I thought it was very interesting.
That's because you were
gone half the time.
You didn't have to listen
to that lady go on
about her days as a Greenwood girl.
I think it was nice how much
she misses her school days.
Actually, I ended up
meeting her grandson,
Louis Clairborne.
You what?!
He's blind, but you should
hear him play the piano.
Ruby, you had no right to wander off
in Mrs. Clairborne's house like that.
I wasn't.
I just peeked in to see who was playing.
Oh, dear! Oh, dear!
Mrs. Clairborne hasn't allowed people
in that side of the house
since the tragedy.
What tragedy?
Her daughter and son-in-law died.
That's all I'll say about it.
Were they murdered or something?
I am not discussing it.
Well, there you have it.
They were murdered.
- I'm psychic.
- Gisselle, that's enough.
Ruby, I'm very disappointed in you.
I'm sorry. I didn't know.
What happened is the
Clairborne's business,
and not for us to gossip about.
That poor boy Louis was left an
orphan and blind from his grief.
Isn't that gossip, Mrs. Penny?
How does someone go blind from grief?
Maybe it's psychological?
I guess.
So was he good looking?
Good looking and mysteriously blind.
I'm dying to know
what happened up there.
Well you won't get it out of Mrs. Penny.
The keeper of the Clairborne secrets.
I can do without knowing theirs
as long as they don't find out mine.
And what is your secret, Abby?
Don't you have something better to do
than eavesdrop, Gisselle?
I wasn't.
I was just coming in to tell you
I got the dirt on this
Clairborne tragedy.
You going to tell us, or what?
Well, I'll tell you my secret
when Abby tells hers.
Fine. Never mind.
You might as well tell me, Abby.
If you don't, I'll just
make something up.
Okay. I'll tell you.
You tell her, you're telling everybody.
Don't say a word.
The reason I transferred to this school
is because I got kicked
out of my last one.
I got caught with a boy.
Nude, right?
It didn't go that far.
But he was in my room and I got caught.
You happy?
All right. Gisselle. So now you know.
What did you learn about Louis?
Maybe I'll tell you
when Abby learns to be a better liar.
That's nice.
One thing I've learned to do is,
um, cheat a little bit.
See here on my tree how I've
added those subtle highlights
to sort of capture the sun
a little bit better?
I didn't get that on mine.
I will commence cheating.
We're studying landscapes today, Ruby.
Not the human form.
This is Saturday.
I'm allowed to daydream
when I'm not in class.
I thought you had a fella back home.
Who I'm totally faithful to.
Besides, Buck's way too old for me.
But not for you.
He is not my type.
That's not your type?
RUBY: My god, what is?
Not that.
Well, I know a beautiful blind
pianist I can introduce you to.
You met Louis Clairborne?
What a sordid bit of
business all that was.
Hold on now, you know what happened?
Of course. Everybody does.
Gossip is the faculty sport.
I'm waiting.
Louis Clairborne's mother
was having an affair
with a younger man.
A much younger man.
He was her dirty little secret.
She would sneak him into
the house while he was at work.
But it didn't remain a secret
from Louis' father for long.
Get out!
You cheating whore!
You no good tramp!
[CRYING] No! No!
After a while, he convinced
her all was forgiven.
But that was far from the case.
He wanted her out of his life, for good.
Neither one of them was going
to be leaving that bedroom alive
early that morning.
[OUT OF BREATH] I love you.
Of course he knew he was
also sealing his own fate.
What he never knew
was there was a witness.
Louis went into a coma from the shock,
and he didn't come out of it
until weeks later.
And when he did, he was
completely blind.
Oh, Miss Stevens. That's horrible.
You wanted to know.
Now I kind of wish I didn't.
Did you get a look at the
clocks up at the house?
Yes, I did.
They're all set to 5:02.
The time of the killings.
I've got exciting news.
You, my dear, have been invited
back to the Clairborne Mansion
for dinner tonight!
That's big news?
Why and how are they inviting her?
I'm the interesting one.
Ruby, my goodness,
hurry and get yourself ready!
You do like to snoop, don't you?
Oh. I'm I'm sorry.
I was just curious.
Well please, in the future
look with your eyes
- and not your hands.
Oh, the irony.
Good to see you again, Louis.
And thank you so much for
the invitation Mrs. Clairborne.
Actually, the invitation was mine, Ruby.
You see I'm afraid I was rather
rude to you the other day,
and I'm sorry.
I would like to demonstrate to you
that I'm not such a bad fellow
for a blind recluse.
I'm smiling, by the way.
So Ruby, tell me about the Bayou.
[WHISPERS] Thank you.
I don't know.
I've just always found it
so peaceful there.
I actually visited the Bayou
when I was much younger.
I can still see it in my mind,
it's very beautiful and
mysterious as I recall.
Do they think there's any hope
that you might see again?
You mean, is the problem
in my eyes or in my brain?
I don't think this is suitable
dinner table discussion.
They call my condition
an emotional trauma.
In other words, my eyes
are completely healthy.
I'm sorry.
I only ask because my grandmère
was a healer in the Bayou.
She fixed people who everyone
else thought were beyond hope.
With respect dear,
I don't think witch doctor
con artists are the answer.
Also with respect, ma'am,
my grandmère never conned
a penny out of anyone.
She never accepted
payment for her gifts.
And how much money have we spent
on so-called "respectable
doctors", grandmother?
Ones who haven't restored my
eyesight by a single rod or cone
in all these years?
Yes, but who are the
charlatans, I wonder?
- ♪♪
Transports the soul, doesn't it?
- ♪♪
That is so beautiful.
- ♪♪
What's the matter?
Sorry, sorry.
It's actually, uh, just you
leaning against me like that
for some reason, um
I didn't realize.
I was just so taken with your playing.
This may sound a little bit ridiculous,
but I've actually never been
alone with a young woman before.
Not all that scary, am I?
I wonder, Ruby.
Um, maybe you'd allow me
to touch your face.
You you could absolutely say no.
Uh, sure you can.
As long as you don't poke me in the eye.
You look so nervous. Don't be.
What do you think?
Marilyn Monroe?
I wouldn't know.
- Oh, of course not.
- Yeah.
What am I thinking?
I mean, of course I've never
even kissed a girl, so.
You ever heard anything so pathetic?
Sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up.
Louis, it's okay.
I mean, that's an easy thing to fix.
You would kiss me?
I mean, it's really not such a big deal.
And, and if I can help you
Three, two, one.
I'm sorry, what's funny?
It's just that you need
to relax a little more.
Don't be so stiff.
I shouldn't have invited you here.
Louis, I'm not laughing at you, really.
We can try it again, okay?
She returns.
How was the big dinner?
How familiar are you with
the works of Franz Kafka?
That bizarre, huh?
There's a lot more to tell.
But not here.
[READING] "Dear girls.
You can't know how much
your mother and I miss you,
and how much we're looking
forward to Christmas
when we'll all be together again.
I hope you haven't been too homesick,
and that you're making lots
of friends at Greenwood".
Good to see you.
No kiss hello?
Is that the best you can do?
So, did Ruby tell you about
her big date the other night?
It was scandalous.
I had dinner with some
big school donors.
A blind man and his grandmother.
GISSELLE: A good looking,
suave blind man.
And she looked awfully guilty
when she got back.
She's right, Beau.
I don't know how to tell you this,
but I let the blind man
touch my whole face.
We're through, Ruby!
Nice try, Gisselle.
There's a big school
dance coming up too.
There's a whole school
full of boys going to be there.
Well, they can touch your
face, but no dancing.
You guys are gross together.
Let's go Samantha, god.
Oh god, Beau. I've missed you so much.
Me too.
Oh, I've missed your touch.
What's the matter?
I'm just getting a little overheated,
and I kind of already know
where this is going.
Or rather, where this isn't going.
Maybe we should just head back.
I think we've waited
long enough, don't you?
We want you to know we all took a vote,
and we've decided that
you're the prettiest girl in the school.
So we think you have the best chance
of being voted queen of the fall mixer.
Um, thank you?
Queen of the mixer?
Is that something they do?
We're planning on making it a tradition.
This represents our school colours.
We'd hoped you'd wear it to do us proud.
Thanks guys.
Well, it's not ticking.
It'll look pretty. Come here.
You two look so gorgeous.
You clean up pretty well
yourself, Miss Stevens.
I hardly ever see you
without a smock on.
Well, I'm chaperoning,
so I'll be the one to tap
you on the shoulder
- if you're dancing too close.
- Oh.
You two be sure to give
all the other girls
a chance with the boys tonight, huh?
- ♪♪
All right, everyone.
We are happy to welcome
the boys of Willowdale Prep.
Now, I want to remind you all
to behave appropriately.
Perfect ladies and perfect gentlemen.
Yes, ma'am.
Have fun!
- ♪♪
Oh, would you look at that.
My grandmother's favourite song.
[WHISPERS] Is he coming over to me?
[WHISPERS] Don't be nervous,
he's not that good looking.
- ♪♪
Thank you.
I'm going to take a break
and go powder my nose.
Hi Buck.
Don't tell me there's some rule
you can't talk to students here too.
Why do you want to talk to me?
All I said was hi.
I was brought up to be polite.
I'm sorry.
I'm not trying to be rude,
but you understand that this
is an all-girls school
and the rules are pretty
strict around here?
Yeah, well between you and me,
I could do without one
or two of their rules.
I guess I could too.
Until next time, Buck.
What's going on?
I'm sure I don't know what you mean.
There's no way that none of the
boys want to dance with Abby.
They are avoiding her like
she's a nest of hornets.
Is that so?
What are you up to?
Why do you assume I have
anything to do with it?
Maybe the boys just get a sense
that Abby's a little off,
if you know what I mean.
Time to announce the queen.
Okay, everybody.
This is the big moment.
In this envelope I have the name
of the queen of the fall mixer.
Wow, everybody.
Looks like history's about
to be made tonight.
Our very first queen is part negro.
Let's give a big hand
to Miss Abby Tyler.
Well Abby, aren't you going
to give us a speech?
I'd like to tell you
what an honour it is to be
chosen your queen.
But clearly honour is not a word
any of you are remotely familiar with.
Spoken like a true half-breed.
GISSELLE: Here we go!
I knew you wouldn't be able to
hide your true colours for long.
Putting a hand on you
is beneath me, Gisselle.
Not me!
You dummies have already
chosen your queen.
She's right there,
crawling on the ground.
All hail
You are on thin ice
as it is, Miss Dumas.
Do not damage yourself further
for the sake of a mixed blood
that does not belong here.
[SCREAMS] Help me!
Gisselle went too far this time.
It isn't just Gisselle.
It's the entire institution, Ruby.
You're really going to leave
me here all by myself?
You know they're going
to kick me out anyway.
This way at least I get to
do it on my own terms.
I'll always be your friend, Abby.
I'll always be yours, Ruby.
I think maybe you've forgotten
what's important
about being a Greenwood girl, Ruby.
I'll tell you what isn't important.
Money. Lineage. Skin colour.
All the things you idiots
put so much value on.
Just tell me how you
found out about Abby.
She should thank me.
I did her a favour.
I'd give anything to get kicked
out of this crappy school.
Besides, what makes you think
I'm speaking to you
after what you did to me?
All those chivalrous boys
rushing to the aide of
poor helpless Gisselle.
You loved it.
They do all love me so, don't they?
And if little Abby didn't
want me to read her letters,
she shouldn't have left them
unattended in a box
behind her underwear
with a lock that was
ridiculously easy to open.
But I guess you know
all about lock and key,
since you're basically
a prisoner in this dorm
for what you did to me.
Just kills me when I think about it.
I'm sure it kills you to think, period.
You take that back!
Ruby, I've just got a message.
You've been invited back up
to the mansion.
Why the hell does she always
get to go up to that nice house?
Ruby's on lockdown anyway.
Tell them she can't go.
I'm afraid the Clairbornes
have the authority to override
Mrs. Ironwood's punishments.
Louis Clairborne sent for her.
What if I don't want to
see Louis, Mrs. Penny?
I'm overriding the override.
It's just that Louis Clairborne
says he's regaining his eyesight.
He says he thinks it's because of you.
Hello, Louis.
You came.
I was so afraid you wouldn't.
I wasn't going to.
You know, you really have
to work on your moods, Louis.
Don't snap at me anymore, okay?
I um, I promise.
Okay? I'm very, very sorry.
Is it true?
Can you see?
I can see shapes now.
It's not just blackness anymore.
That's fantastic.
You know, Ruby?
I really can't believe
that this is coincidence
that this is happening
so shortly after I met you.
Perhaps some of your
grandmother's abilities
rubbed off on you a little bit.
That magnolia tree over there.
I can almost see it.
You know, I used to climb that
thing every day as a little boy.
I'd spend more time up there
than I would in front of the piano.
My bedroom, just up there,
so the garden was always
just outside the window.
I could see the whole campus,
the lake and the stables
from up there too.
I'd like to see that.
Can we go up there?
I don't know if that
would be exactly proper
for me to bring a Greenwood
student up to my room alone.
Oh, come on.
I think you can learn
a lot about a person
from what their room looks like.
Although, you might not want
to learn too much about me.
The woman in the painting?
It's my mother.
I don't keep pictures of my father
since he was the one who
smothered her to death.
Can I ask you why he did it?
I'm sure you've heard the rumours.
Oh, I don't trust rumours.
I've been on the bad end
of too many of them.
And the truth always gets distorted.
I don't think you want
to know the truth.
Louis, are we friends?
I would hope so, yes.
Well then, you should trust me.
I only want to help you
if I can, in some way.
My mother and I were always very close.
Some nights I'd lie here, scared.
She would hear me whimpering.
I remember hearing her
come into the room,
and I would reach out my hands,
and she would take it.
I want you to know how it was with us.
She would lie beside me on her back.
She would take my hand,
and she would press it against her chest
so I could feel her heartbeat.
Then she would take her
other hand and place it here.
I'm not asking you to do that.
My hand would travel from
her heart to her breasts.
Till one night my father
found us like this.
My god, he was furious.
And every time after that,
he thought I was crying for my mother
when I would lie here, scared.
And then it was him
who would come see me.
He would lay his belt to me.
It's okay, Louis.
After that, my mother found another boy.
He replaced me.
My father snapped.
I stood across the hall
and I watched him murder her,
and I did nothing.
- [SOBS] Nothing.
- Shhh
I'm sorry, Ruby.
I'm sorry, I I don't mean to
make things awkward between us.
[WHISPERING] It's okay.
I understand now, Louis.
You can trust me.
It's okay.
Mrs. Ironwood sent me to get you.
She needs to see you right away.
Because what else is new?
Let's just get to it, okay?
What lies is she telling you now?
[SOBBING] Daddy had
a heart attack, Ruby.
He died.
I want you girls to know
that things are going to be
different around here.
I'm not going to end up
like your father, dying young,
worrying more about others than myself.
To begin with, I'm replacing
the house staff,
and Nina is gone.
Now, you'll get your inheritance,
but not until you're both 21.
Your father's business
partner, Mr. Bristol here,
will be working with me to make sure
all your financial matters
are handled properly.
Everything will remain in
a trust until you're of age.
Have you told Uncle Jean about Daddy?
Your father's deranged brother
is no longer my concern.
But Daphne, you have to tell
That is enough, young lady.
Furthermore, the days
of your indulgent father
spoiling you are over.
Is that understood?
Yes, ma'am.
You bear the Dumas family name
now more than ever.
And I expect your behaviour
moving forward
to be irreproachable.
Uncle Jean?
It's me. It's Ruby.
Do you remember me?
I have no idea why you've been moved
from your private room to here, but
I'm going to find out, okay?
Your brother Pierre has died.
Do you understand what I just said?
My father, your brother, is dead.
It was very sudden.
Almost immediate, I'm told.
He couldn't have felt any pain.
I'm so sorry.
How could you be so cheap?!
Excuse me?
You put Uncle Jean in a communal ward!
The man's a vegetable.
He doesn't even know where he is.
How would you even know?!
You never even go out to see him!
Are you quite done?
He knows what's happening to him!
You should see where they put him!
Don't you shout at me in this house.
I'm the one who makes
the financial decisions
from here on out. Do you understand me?
No, Daphne.
I do not understand you.
Uncle Jean is in very bad shape.
He's only going to get worse.
Well, I wasn't aware you earned
a degree in psychiatry.
I don't need a degree.
I have compassion and human kindness.
Not that those words
mean a thing to you.
You don't have your father
to run to anymore.
It's just me.
And talking to me that way
will only bring you regrets.
As a punishment,
you are not allowed to attend
your father's funeral.
You can't do that!
Oh, you'll be surprised at
the breadth of things I can do.
How'd you get past the dragon?
What did Daphne do?
Beau, could you lock the door please?
I have to go back to Greenwood
the day after tomorrow,
and I just need something nice
to happen while I'm here.
I'm beginning to think you
want us to get caught together.
Oh, hi Buck.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize
it was getting dark.
I'm just trying to be careful.
You understand that, right?
Those pesky Greenwood rules
we can't change.
I'll leave in a minute.
It's probably for the best.
But I guess I'll see you later?
Not if I see you first.
- ♪♪
Have I told you I started
seeing a psychiatrist?
You mean you haven't been all along?
Well, of course, because
why would someone like me
need a psychiatrist, right?
I didn't mean it to sound like that.
Yeah, well.
He seems to think that the
reason my vision is returning
is because I finally have
someone who I can trust
in my life.
That's you, Ruby.
Honestly, I can't tell you how glad I am
that you came into my life.
Louis, there's something
you should know.
I should've said something before.
Oh, Ruby.
I always assumed you had a boyfriend.
I mean, how could you not?
Marilyn Monroe.
- ♪♪
I've only been back for a couple
of days, Mrs. Penny.
What crime am I supposed
to have committed this time?
Don't pretend you don't know
what this is about, Ruby.
I can't tell you how
disappointed I am in you.
Okay. This should be good.
Don't you dare be
so flippant about this.
Don't you know this is certain
to get you expelled?
You sent for me?
[HARSHLY] Sit down.
As you may have guessed by now,
you have been found out, Ruby.
I figured something was up
when I was hauled out of class.
Don't make it worse for yourself
by talking smart to me.
Mrs. Ironwood, isn't
it customary to at least
tell the accused what
the fuss is all about?
You are not talking your way
out of this one.
That, in your hand, is a signed
confession from the handyman,
Buck Jenson, recounting
all the disgusting details
of your tryst last night.
Multiple trysts, I might add.
Your expulsion hearing will be
this afternoon at 1:00.
Mrs. Ironwood, I can
understand you being upset,
but every word of this is a lie.
I don't understand why he
would make such a thing up.
You were seen, Ruby.
We have an eyewitness who
saw the two of you together.
So do not play me the fool.
You can expect to be on
your way home by day's end.
Congratulations, I heard the news.
Why are you packing?
Well, if you're getting kicked out,
I'm sure Mother's not going to let me
rot up here all by myself.
You don't really think I slept
with Buck, Gisselle?
I don't see why not.
He's awful damn easy on the eyes,
and let's face it,
the pickings at an all-girls
school are pretty slim.
Unless you're Miss Stevens.
What are you talking about?
Come on, Ruby.
You're not that stupid.
Miss Stevens?
You think she's
[LAUGHS] You're such a bumpkin, Ruby.
You're crazy.
Anyway, you may as well unpack.
This story is total nonsense.
Why should that matter?
You're accused. You
may as well have done it.
I'm not taking this lying down.
[LAUGHS] What a choice of words.
Ruby, don't waste
your time fighting this.
Can't you see this is
our way out of here?
Just button your lip,
and before you know it
we'll be back at our own school
with our friends again.
And you won't be so far away
from your precious Beau.
Don't you want that?
It's nothing to you, Gisselle.
It's not your reputation at stake.
They can kick me out if they want,
but it's not going to be
because of a lie.
Can you get my other
suitcase down for me?
And then what happened, Mrs. Grey?
I looked through the boathouse window.
And tell us what you saw, Mrs. Grey.
I saw skin.
Ruby and that man were
in the heated throes of
I'll just say whoopie.
Compose yourself, Miss Dumas.
Was I giving him his
money's worth, Mrs. Grey?
I, I think we have heard enough.
My defence is pretty simple.
I couldn't have been
at the boathouse at 7:30
because I was at the
Clairborne house then.
You can confirm it with Mrs. Clairborne.
Mrs. Clairborne left town this morning.
Well, that's convenient for you.
The problem is, her grandson
Louis also knows I was there.
Louis is blind.
Yes, I noticed that too.
How could a blind man testify
as to what time it was?
Buck Jenson's detailed confession
about your multiple trysts.
Sworn to and signed.
I want him to repeat
that lie to my face.
Mr. Jenson was fired,
and escorted from campus this morning.
I guess you have nothing else to say.
Any last words?
I know Mrs. Grey believes
she's telling the truth.
But I was not there.
- I was
- I'll tell them where you were, Ruby.
This is a school matter, Louis.
Yes, and I have information
pertaining to that matter, Martha.
I take it that some people
here are saying
that Ruby wasn't at my house
last night at half past seven.
I'm saying she was.
Court adjourned?
Louis, your testimony about
the correct time is doubtful,
for reasons that are obvious.
Well see, there's blind and then
there's not so blind anymore.
Take the clock on the wall,
for instance.
I'm reading 1:37.
Yes, fine!
But but that does not matter!
The evidence against
Ruby is overwhelming.
The butler knows exactly
what time she came and left.
His eyes are top-notch, I might add.
I think we can assume a
case of mistaken identity
on the part of Mrs. Grey, and
throw away the paper confession
from a man who's either unwilling to,
or has been prevented from allowing Ruby
to face her accuser because
I believe that is not the kind
of railroading the Clairborne Foundation
would like to be associated with.
Nor is it in the tradition of
the Greenwood School for Girls.
Is it, Martha?
I thought I was finished for sure.
When she said "case dismissed",
it sounded like it was her last breath.
Yeah, I'm kind of having a hard time
breathing myself right now, thank you.
I had no idea your sight
had improved that much.
Well, I mean, the thing about that is
Now Ruby, I don't encourage cheating,
but I figured they'd test him,
so I told Louis what time it was
before we barged in.
Everything else I said was true.
You're a true friend.
You both are.
I'll never forget this.
And I can't wait to see
the look on Gisselle's face
when she learns she's
not going anywhere.
Mrs. Grey?
I just want you to know
that I don't blame you
for anything you said,
and I don't think you lied.
But I promise you, you were mistaken.
Ruby. You got away with it.
Please, don't insult me
on top of everything.
I saw you plain as day.
I saw your face, I saw your dress,
I saw your shoes, I saw everything.
I know it was you.
What did you say I was wearing?
MRS. GREY: Blue suede shoes.
- GISSELLE: Samantha?
Where are you, dummy?
Oh, my god! Are you trying
to give me a heart attack?
You can walk?!
Keep your voice down.
What are you doing anyway, spying on me?
Everybody thought your injury
was permanent.
Yeah, well, it wasn't.
This is a new low, Gisselle.
Even for you.
You let everyone keep thinking
you were disabled and helpless.
Stop making such a big thing over it.
I get treated better
when I'm in the chair.
I guess I should be surprised, but
So you were the one who was with Buck.
I had to find something fun
to do up here in snooze city.
He was the only game in town.
I only slept with him
three or four times.
And you should feel flattered,
he thought I was you.
Well, the fun's over, Gisselle.
I'm going to tell everyone
what a fraud you are.
Oh, I don't think that's such
a good idea, Ruby.
No kidding.
You rat on me and I'll have no choice
but to spill the beans
about your gay art teacher
to Mrs. Ironwood.
Oh, my god, could it be
any more obvious?
Ironwood's got to be more
blind than her nephew.
There really is no limit
to the depths you'll sink to.
You better believe it, sister.
Oh, ease up.
I'm not going to roll around
in this chair forever.
In a couple of weeks it'll be Christmas,
and my present to the world
will be me miraculously rising up
onto my two healthy legs again.
Leave it to you to outshine
Jesus on his birthday.
You're the one who always
wants to be on the cross, Ruby.
Just keep your kisser zipped until then,
and everything goes back to normal.
Can you handle that?
The day I wear puce.
Ruby, you can have this one.
[FLATLY] Men's shirts and ties.
Daphne, how did you know?
I bought them for your Uncle Jean.
I thought it would be nice
if you could bring them to him.
I think he'd much prefer being
taken out of that horrible ward
and put back in his private room.
I think you're right.
I'll call the hospital today.
Okay Daphne. What's going on?
Gisselle and I can do whatever we want,
out of nowhere you care
about Uncle Jean.
I have to believe something more
than the Christmas spirit's
gotten into you?
Ho, ho, ho.
Merry Christmas, ladies.
DAPHNE: Bruce come, sit next to me.
Ruby asked me a question,
and I thought we could answer together.
I have been very joyful
these last few days.
Bruce and I have decided to marry.
Since your father's passing,
Bruce has been a pillar of
strength and support to me,
and when I didn't think
I'd find any comfort,
he's been especially caring and
I've come to love him very much.
Mm, and me you, my sweet daffodil.
Gee, Daphne.
I don't know what to say.
What has it been, two months
since Daddy died?
This isn't a rash decision.
As much as I will always
mourn your father,
life is for the living.
And I'm hoping you can
both be happy for us.
I'm actually hoping that
we can all come together
as one big happy family
and I'm hoping that it can be
apparent to everyone.
Don't worry, Mother.
We'll all show up smiling big
in the society pages.
I'd appreciate that too.
Well, I have a little bit of
an announcement myself,
but I don't want to
reveal it sitting down.
Oh, my god, Gisselle!
Merry Christmas.
- ♪♪
Look out, boys. Gisselle's back in town.
- ♪♪
I have something for you.
Beau, you realize this is
a very big deal.
What are you talking about?
Me giving you my school ring
only means I'm yours forever.
Or, until you no longer want me.
I guess if that's a big deal.
I love you, Ruby.
If that's okay.
What do you think, lunkhead?
You better say it back.
I love you too, Beau.
I know, I know. They
tell me I'm a miracle.
GISSELLE: Can you believe it? I'm back.
Happy New Year, Miss Stevens.
I think you'll be impressed
with what I got
Ruby, I'm sorry.
Miss Stevens is no longer here.
No longer? What do you mean?
She resigned just before the break.
Ruby, how dare you barge
in here like that?
Why did you fire Miss Stevens?
Miss Stevens resigned.
I don't believe you.
As ever, that does not matter.
Miss Stevens loved it here.
She would never resign.
Loved it a little too much, I think.
I won't go into details with you,
but there was a credible
accusation levelled at her
by a student.
She resigned, rather than face
the blemish of a hearing.
Miss Stevens turned out to be a person
of questionable moral character.
This whole school is of
questionable moral character.
You have just earned
yourself 10 demerits
for insubordination.
And if these outbursts continue,
the end result will be exactly
what you narrowly avoided
at your hearing.
The fact of the matter is, Ruby Dumas,
you are simply not Greenwood material.
You have no idea what
a relief it is to hear that.
It was you! I know it was!
What are we talking about?
You told Ironwood about Miss Stevens.
Jeez, you think I'm the
only one in this school
who was onto her?
NURSE: Unfortunately,
the morning sickness
is likely to continue for a while.
That's just your body reacting
to the pregnancy.
Of course, we will need
to inform your parents.
If you'd like to call them first
to tell them the situation
yourself, you may.
But there will also have
to be an official notification
from the school.
I understand.
It was morning sickness.
Well, this is definitely one way
to get us sent back home.
I'm glad this works
out for you, Gisselle.
It's not for sure they'll
kick you out for this.
That's where I put my money.
Well, my money would've gone
on me getting pregnant
way before you ever would.
Jeez, Ruby.
Didn't you and Beau ever think
about using protection?
Not everyone is as
wise as you, Gisselle.
I could've guessed this was coming.
How you ever made it to 17 in the Bayou
without any children is miracle enough.
And how I ever thought
that decent society
would have any influence
on you is beyond my capacity.
Nevertheless, we must
have this taken care of
before word gets out.
Do I have any say in this matter?
You absolutely do not.
It's bad enough that I have to
deal with you and your sister.
If you think I'm going to let
some bastard child
in this house, you are
out of your mind.
Anyways, it's all arranged.
Tomorrow, you will be taken to
a special doctor outside of town.
I'll also have you know
that I'm going to do everything I can
to make sure you are removed
from your father's will.
And speaking of that,
if you have any plans of ever
seeing Beau again,
you might as well put those
thoughts out of your head.
His parents informed me
that they would disinherit him
if he ever so much as
mentions your name.
Ruby, I want us to run off together.
With what?
You're not being practical.
What's practical, Ruby?
My parents want me to go
to school in France,
and, and you
I'm not taking that back.
Not unless it means you really
don't want me anymore.
Of course I want you.
I love you.
I love you too.
But they will never let us be together.
I don't accept that.
Beau, you have to leave.
You can't be here.
DOCTOR: The procedure
shouldn't take long.
If there's any profuse bleeding,
we'll suture it and make sure
it's completely stopped
before we send you on your way.
This isn't right.
I'm sorry?
I'm not doing this.
Miss Dumas.
I promised your mother,
you would not leave here
until it was completely done.
Well, you're going to
break that promise.
Miss Dumas, you come right back here.
Stop, I'm not going back to New Orleans.
When you see Daphne, tell her
she's finally rid of me.
Thanks for coming to get me.
I didn't know who to turn to.
I'm always here for you, Ruby.
Especially now with the baby coming.
If you know anything, you know that.
Your grandpère Jack died
right out there.
He didn't ever stop looking
for some secret stash of money
he was sure your grandmère hid from him.
Everybody told him he was
chasing a fantasy,
but he didn't listen.
Mule-headed, right to the end.
Yeah, he was digging by
the water's edge, stumbled in,
I guess he was too drunk
to get himself out.
Yeah, I tried to get in contact with you
to let you know what had happened,
but no one let me through to you.
Thanks for bringing me home, Paul.
You should get going.
I've got a lot of cleaning up to do.
Ruby. Ruby.
Stop for a second.
There's no reason for you to stay here
in this dirty old shack.
Come home with me.
Let me take care of you.
That's all I ever wanted to do.
My place is here, Paul.
- ♪♪
I wish for my baby ♪
A pretty and simple life ♪
I wish for my baby ♪
A belly that's full ♪
When she sleeps ♪
I pray angels protect her ♪
May her heart never know ♪
A brittle winter ♪
It's open.
It's cats and dogs out there.
On the radio they're saying
it's going to be a hurricane coming on.
What's that you have there?
A letter from Gisselle.
I picked it up from
the post office for you.
It's getting real bad out there.
It's time for you to come.
I've ridden out worse
storms in this house.
Why would you put the baby at risk?
The baby's in the safest place
it's ever going to be.
The sirens are on!
"Dear Ruby, bet you never dreamed
you'd receive a letter from me.
Well, here it is".
Ruby, it's stuck!
Guess what?
Mother gave in and let me come home.
Someone spread the word
all over Greenwood
that you had a bun in your oven.
I wonder who?
Boy, you really stuck it to her good.
I guess I really should also
tell what's going on with Beau".
That's it, we're getting
out of here now.
I can't leave, Paul.
No, come on, we're both
getting out of here now.
Paul! The baby's coming!
I'm sorry, I didn't plan it this way!
Hold on.
Please, just hang tight.
I'm going to try and seal
this place up, okay?
Hang on!
Paul, it's coming!
How you holding up?
I'm doing great.
Oh, she's a beauty.
She's perfect.
Have you settled on a name yet?
Her name is Pearl.
Hi, Pearl.
I'll never stop loving you, Ruby.
I'll never stop asking you to marry me.
I know, Paul.
No one has to know the truth about us.
I don't expect anything
but a no right now.
But just do me a favour.
Tell me you'll think about it.
I'll think about it.
I'll go check on the roof.
"I guess I really should also
tell what's going on with Beau.
He's still in France,
and he'll probably even go
to some French college.
And get this,
he's super serious with
some rich French girl.
If he marries her, he'll become
a Duke or something.
I don't know why you didn't
just do what mother wanted
and get rid of the baby.
Think about all the things you gave up.
On the other hand, I do enjoy
having a notorious sister.
I even miss you sometimes,
if you can believe it.
And I just love reminding old Daphne
that she's going to be a grandmother.
She gets sick to her stomach
every time she hears it.
I wonder if we'll ever see
each other again.
Your darling twin sister, Gisselle".
Welcome to the Bayou, Pearl Landry.
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